Times of Oman - July 11, 2016

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Times of Oman - July 11, 2016

Transcript of Times of Oman - July 11, 2016

Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. | Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certifi ed Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group

085010 1200106July 11, 2016 6 Shawwal 1437 AH



Oman is playing and will increasingly play an important role in world aff airs; the growing impact of the 20th century on every aspect of the life of our country is evident to every one of us.

On the Occasion of 7th National Day, 1977


‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’

DEEBA HASAN deeba@timesofoman.com

Muscat: A campaign to free loan defaulters from prison has been mothballed, as banks report that more Oma-nis and expats are falling into the debt trap.

Fak Kurbah has not been active in 2016 because com-panies cannot aff ord dona-tions, according to Moham-

med Al Zadjali, head of the campaign and also head of the legal committee at the Majlis Al Shura.

Fak Kurbah was launched in 2012 by the lawyers com-mittee in Oman in coordi-nation with the Supreme Committee for Judiciary to help those imprisoned over money troubles.

“Although it was not able to operate this year because of

the economic situation, the campaign has so far managed to secure the release of 44 prisoners in its fi rst phase in 2012 and improved in its sec-ond phase in 2014 to end the struggles of 304 prisoners.

“Next year we are planning for a better and bigger cam-paign and another session of Fak Kurbah. This year we couldn’t make it because of the current situation, as we can foresee that the number of companies which support the campaign will be less,” he added.

“Fak Kurbah helped almost 500 prisoners in the past two sessions. We help those who were sentenced by the court to be imprisoned for failing in paying some fi nancial dues. We have nothing to do with criminal cases.

“Our only condition was to pay not more than OMR5,000 for one case, Al Zadjali added.

Recovery offi cials at Omani banks report that the Sultan-ate has witnessed a rise in default cases thanks to the economic downturn with many banks being forced to go to court to chase debtors.

One bank offi cial, who de-clined to be named, said there has been an increase in de-faults in the past 12 months, as the downward spiral of the economic slump continues.

“There has been a huge increase in the number of debtors and this has been happening from the second half of last year. Some people are just burdened with so much debt and we - as hu-mans - feel sorry for them,” the offi cial added . >A6

With rise in default cases in Oman due to the economic downturn, many debtors are languishing in jails as donations from companies to rescue them have dried up

ROP declares parking at bus stops illegal


Drive to ease delays at Oman’s airports

HASAN SHABAN AL LAWATIhassan@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Motorists who park their cars at public bus stops will be fi ned, the Royal Oman Police (ROP) has warned.

The warning follows a com-plaint made by the Oman National Transport Company (Mwasalat) saying car drivers were found blocking the company’s desig-

nated parking lots during the Eid holiday. “Mwasalat has appealed to the Royal Oman Police to take necessary action against vehicles that hinder (space for) bus stops,” the company said in tweet.

In less than two hours, the ROP’s Traffi c Department responded to the tweet, saying the act is illegal and will be considered a traffi c violation.

The fi ne for parking at a public

bus stop is OMR15, according to an ROP source.

The ROP later shared an image of a police patrol near a bus stop in Muscat with a caption that read, “Police offi cers are keeping a close eye on the bus stops for motorists who hinder the buses’ movement.”

Social media users in the Sultan-ate hailed the “quick and transpar-ent” communication between the two government bodies. >A6


MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has received a ca-ble of thanks from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia in reply to His Maj-esty’s condolences cable on the death of Princess Lulwa bint Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

In his cable, King Salman ex-pressed his thanks for His Maj-esty’s noble feelings and sincere prayers, praying to Allah the Al-mighty to rest the deceased’s soul in peace and protect His Majesty against all harms. -ONA


C1OOC chairman praises Barakat ahead of Rio

OMANChina accounts for 50% of Oman exports

2China purchases 50 per cent of Omani exports every year, according to the Foreign

Trade Statistics Report 2015. Exports to China in 2015 stood at OMR 5304,689,889. >A5

REGIONOsama’s son seeks revenge against US

3The son of slain Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has threatened revenge

against the United States. >A7

OMANHealthcare cost to rise by 12.9% annually

1Oman’s healthcare expenditure is expected to reach $4.3b by 2020, from

$2.3b in 2015, which translates into a fi ve-year Compound Annual Growth Rate of 12.9 per cent. >A3


MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has sent a cable of congratulations to President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj of the Re-public of Mongolia on the occasion of his country’s National Day. In his cable, His Majesty the Sultan has expressed his sincere congrat-ulations along with his best wishes to President Elbegdorj and the people of his country. -ONA

HM receives thanks

HM sends greetings

Economy fares well despite oil price fall: CBO

Staff Reporter

MUSCAT: Executive President of the Central Bank of Oman (CBO), Hamood bin Sangoor Al Zadjali, said the “sharp and sustained de-cline” in oil prices since mid-2014 has put signifi cant pressure on the economy of Oman.

In his address following the publication of the Central Bank’s annual report, Al Zadjali said that despite this, the economy of Oman had “fared fairly well and without much damage.”

He said this had been made pos-sible because Oman had proactive-ly kept high fi scal buff ers, higher capital requirements for banks, low government debt, and fl exible wage contracts.

Al Zadjali added: “A turnaround may be achieved by fi scal con-solidation combined with relax-ing counter-cyclical measures adopted earlier. Nevertheless, the prevalent imbalances in the global economy and diminished fi scal space in oil exporting countries, including Oman are a cause for some concern. The developments on both of these fronts are being vigilantly monitored by the CBO and fi scal authorities.”

“As a result of the twin defi cit during 2015 and subsequent rating downgrades, Oman has introduced fi scal reforms to consolidate its fi s-cal position in the medium term,” he said. >A6


Debtors in jail as campaigning group mothballed

TARIQ ZIAD AL HAREMI tariqh@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: A series of campaigns planned to be launched by the Oman Airports Management Company (OAMC) will help pre-vent a chain of recurring delays at Oman’s airports due to negligence of passengers and provide tips for a safe and hassle-free travel. On June 1, 2015, the Royal Oman Po-lice (ROP) implemented a new rule saying expatriates must pay their traffi c fi nes prior to depart-ing Oman.

The ROP has set up traffi c fi nes clearance operations at airports and borders for expats leaving the

country, both permanently and temporarily.

Yet some expats fail to pay their fi nes, which result in delaying the departure of their fl ights. Similar-ly, some passengers do not adhere to the norms of airline travel as some arrive at the check-in coun-ter with large boxes weighing more than the standard weight of 30kg.

Additionally, every ticket has a luggage limit, which you can check in at the counter, as well as individ-ual carry-on luggage that should not weigh more than 10 kg. >A6



A2 M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6


RAFO offi cer visits FairfordMUSCAT: Air Vice-Marshal Mattar bin Ali Al Obaidani, Com-mander of the Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO) visited the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT), which is being held at the Royal Air Force (RAF) Fairford in the United Kingdom (UK). He at-tended Tattoo of the British Royal Air Force accompanying the RIAT.

The RAFO took part in activi-ties of the RIAT with a transport aircraft (CASA C-295).

The exhibition included a pa-vilion showcasing Omani-British relations, Oman’s ancient his-tory and the achievements of the blessed renaissance, in addition to the tourist potentials and an-cient history of the Sultanate.

On the sidelines of the exhibi-

tion, the RAFO Commander vis-ited the RAFO pavilion.

Air Vice-Marsha hailed the ef-forts of the organisers that high-light the role of the Sultanate of Oman during various interna-tional forums.

The RAFO commander also met with air forces commanders of friendly countries taking part in the exhibition. -ONA



OMANM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

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Oman’s long term healthcare plan ready, says ministryMUSCAT: Oman’s long term healthcare plan “Health Vision 2050,” which is a transit stage for the health system to ensure that it is in line with the world medical and technological developments, has been developed, according to a Ministry of Health’s report.

The report pointed out that the healthcare system in the Sultanate

consists of three integrated levels namely the primary, the secondary and the tertiary level.

The primary health care level is the eff ective and high quality level provided by the health centres, polyclinics and hospitals that cov-er all areas in the Sultanate.

The secondary health care level is provided by the referral hospi-

tals in the governorates, as well as the hospitals in the wilayats. They provide healthcare services for specialised health problems. They provide more specialised health-care than the primary healthcare.

The tertiary healthcare level is the high-tech specialised services provided by major hospitals, like the Royal, Khoula, Al Nahda and

Al Masarah hospitals. At present, the number of hospitals in the Sul-tanate has reached 69 and 49 of them are affi liated to the Ministry of Health.

The number of beds in all these hospitals stands at 6,468 which works out to 15.5 beds per 10,000 people. Of these, 4,998 beds or 77 per cent are affi liated to the Min-

istry’s hospitals. 326,000 in pa-tients received treatments in 2015. About 102,000 surgical operations were conducted in 2015.

The report added that the Min-istry expanded the number of primary healthcare institutions at the diff erent governorates and enhanced their development to ensure providing high quality pri-

mary healthcare. By the end of 2015, the number of health cent-ers, complexes and local hospitals managed by the Ministry of Health stood at 235.

The report further said that as per world class standards, the Sul-tanate is one of the leading coun-tries in terms of improving lives of its population. -ONA

H E A L T H V I S I O N 2 0 5 0

Healthcare cost to rise by 12.9% annually: Report

TARIQ ZIAD AL HAREMItariqh@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Oman’s healthcare expenditure is expected to reach $4.3 billion by 2020, from $2.3 billion in 2015, which translates into a fi ve-year Compound An-nual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.9 per cent, according to Alpen Cap-ital’s GCC Healthcare Industry Report 2016.

As the Sultanate reviews its fi ve-year plan for the healthcare industry, the country’s health ex-penditure will rise until 2020 as additional beds and hospitals are expected to be added and con-struction of a medical city is cur-rently being considered.

Expenditure is set to rise as the population grows, with the Sultan-ate expected to experience a 3.1 per cent population growth rate between 2015 and 2020, which is considered as one of the key driv-ers for the surge in expenditure.

“Healthcare in GCC (Gulf Co-operation Council) is in the midst of a positive transformation. We are seeing signifi cant invest-

ments from both government and private entities towards an im-provement in infrastructure and the recruitment of talent,” said Dr. K. P. Raman, founder and sen-ior cardiologist, Al Hayat Interna-tional Hospital.

“These investments are bear-ing fruit as the number of citi-zens and expats availing of medi-cal services locally is increasing steadily,” he added.

“Two major healthcare projects worth one billion dollars each are under construction. While one is a healthcare cluster to promote inbound medical tourism, the other is a medical city comprising fi ve major hospitals that cater to the residents.

Additionally, there are other small projects underway, which once operational, will boost the healthcare sector’s revenue,” the report stated.

In January 2016, the Omani government allocated $3.4 billion (OMR1.3 billion) of its expendi-ture on the healthcare sector, which accounts for about 11 per cent of the total budget of $30.8

billion (OMR11.9 billion) in 2016.

Mandatory insurance“Like its GCC allies, Oman is planning to introduce mandatory health insurance for expatriates. This policy is expected to be im-plemented in phases over a period of 5 to 10 years. Consequently, the number of patients visiting pri-vate hospitals is set to increase.”

“The concept and usage of med-ical insurance is still in its infancy in several countries in the GCC. Once medical insurance becomes more widely available and man-datory, it will drive signifi cant growth to this sector,” said Raman.

“In addition, governments in the GCC are encouraging the privatisation of medical care and services. Both these factors when coupled together create an en-vironment of signifi cant growth and innovation,” he added.

Hiring TalentRaman went on to say that medi-cal talent usually does not see the Middle East as an ideal place to work, however some are chang-ing their view because of the ad-vancement in healthcare.

“While the challenge has al-ways been recruitment of talent in the form of highly specialised doctors and medical staff , they often do not consider the GCC be-cause of a dearth in research and learning opportunities, due to which the scenario is now chang-ing,” said Raman.

As Oman reviews its fi ve-year plan for the

healthcare industry, the country’s health

expenditure will rise until 2020

New service outlet opens in Dhofar

Times News Service

DHOFAR: A new service outlet has been opened by the Direc-torate General of Manpower in Dhofar Governorate in the Al Mazyouna free zone.

The Directorate General of Manpower in Dhofar Governo-rate, a branch of the Ministry of Manpower, opened the new outlet on Sunday to serve as a gateway to off er manpower services and receive enquiries from citizens.

Important border citiesKhalid Al Rawahi, Director General of Manpower in Dho-far, said, “The launch of this outlet comes in light of the ef-forts and new expansions that the ministry is undertaking, which highlights the impor-tance of off ering ministry ser-vices in important border cities like this one.”

He further added, “It is im-portant to off er various servic-es that Omani or foreign inves-tors need when they come to invest in this city, and we hope there will be an increase in commercial traffi c due to this new addition.”

He noted that the outlet’s main focus is in off ering servic-es to diff erent companies and establishments that operate in the area, and assist in providing services for businesses so they do not need to travel to the main offi ce in Salalah.


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A4 M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6



TRAVEL TIPS FOR HAPPY JOURNEYSPay your traffic fines For special needs groups there is

a dedicated deskReach the airport3 hours early

Do online check in

Know the right car park Long term / short term

Each individual bag should not weigh more than 10KGs

Porter serviceavailable

Mobile app for updatedflight information

ARRIVALS Carry and use your resident card through e-gates

Check e-visa procedures Check the customsregulations

Check your luggage it should not be more than specified in the ticket

If you are exiting the countrypermanently arrive 4 hours early to finish formalities

Source: Oman Airports Managment Company Graphics


Y O U T U B E . C O M / O M A N A I R P O RTS

T W I T T E R . C O M / O M A N A I R P O RTSFA C E B O O K . C O M / O M A N A I R P O RTS

O M A N A I R P O R TS . C O . O M O A M C I N F O @ O M A N A I R P O RTS . C O M+ 9 6 8 24 3 4 1 0 0 0 + 9 6 8 24 5 1 8 0 8 8

L I N K E D I N . C O M / C O M PA N Y/ O M A N - A I R P O RTS - M A N A G E M E N T- C O M PA N Y

Oman Airports Managment Company is a government-owned company, responsible for the management and operation of the civilian airports in the Sultanate of Oman. The infrastructure of the airports such as the terminal buildings, cargo buildings, runways, aprons, car parking and other facilities are directly under the OAMC’s management.

“Growing gatewaysto beauty andopportunity”

OUR PURPOSE“To be among the top 20

airports of the worldby 2020”


2015Airport ExcellenceNew Salalah Airport(OAMC)

2012The best airportaward for staff serviceMiddle East region

For parking information,please scan the QR code.

Million plus shorebirds visit Barr Al Hikman and Masirah Island

Times News Service

MUSCAT: More than 1 million shorebirds fl ock to the Barr Al Hikman and Masirah Island every year, according to experts.

Dr Andy Yaw Kwarteng, direc-tor, Remote Sensing and GIS Cen-tre, Sultan Qaboos University, said this comprises about 3 per cent of the world’s fl yway population. “It has now become a famous place for bird watchers in the Sultanate,” he stated.

Both these places have been designated an Important Bird Areas (IBA) and are home to nu-merous bird species, both resi-dent and migratory. “This factor is drawing tourists from all over the world,” said Vijay Kumar Handa, general manager of the Masirah Island Resort.

Located at the crossroads of some important bird migration routes, Masirah Island attracts birds from India and Pakistan in the east and from Africa in the west, and wintering birds from as far north as Siberia. “The island provides a perfect stopover point for travelling birds that cross more than one continent,” he said.

Perfect placeHanda added that the island pro-vide a perfect place for the migra-tory birds because of the inter-tidal and sub-littoral mudfl ats and the shallow coasts in the region. “Then, Masirah is also home to the

Egyptian vulture, which is fast de-clining all over the world,” he said.

VarietiesThe other birds, which are found in these places, include Crab Plover, Eurasian Oystercatcher, Black-Winged Stilt, Pied Avocet, Sociable Lapwing, Pacifi c Golden Plover, Grey Plover, Lesser Sandplover, Eurasian Curlew and many others.

Recently, a team of professional bird catchers caught 10 bar-tailed godwits, ringed and fi tted them with fi ve gram Solar Platform Transmitter Terminals (PTTs). “All these birds are currently in the air,” Kwarteng said, adding that their tags have been properly fi tted and are working properly.

Located at the crossroads of some important

bird migration routes, Masirah Island attracts

birds from India and Pakistan in the east and

from Africa in the west, and wintering birds

from as far north as Siberia

HOTSPOT: Both these places

have been designated an Im-

portant Bird Areas (IBA) and are

home to numerous bird species,

both resident and migratory.

– Photos: Derrel Pinto


OMANM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

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about it


China top importer of Omani goods

RAHUL DASrahuldas@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: China purchases 50 per cent of Omani exports every year, according to the Foreign Trade Statistics Report 2015.

Specifi cally, exports to China in 2015 stood at OMR5304,689,889, accounting for 49.12 per cent of to-tal Omani exports.

China is followed by South Korea, with exports valued at OMR1014,320,504, UAE –OMR626,230,399, Taiwan –OMR612001218, Japan–

OMR559,134,634 and India OMR399,638,116.

The country with the lowest level of exports from Oman was Slovakia, at OMR1 of export goods, while Finland imported OMR194 of goods and Rwanda received OMR300 in goods from Oman.

Very importantBusinessmen say exports to China are very important to Oman.

“They are ready to buy almost everything,” a businessman said, adding that oil, methanol, parax-ylene and polypropylene are the

major Omani exports to China. In return, the most important

commodities imported from Chi-na include steel piping, cell phones and spare parts for excavation equipment.

Heavy Chinese investmentsMeanwhile,China has also begun heavily investing in Oman in sev-eral sectors, including oil and pet-rochemicals, and has spent money to train Omani engineers and up-grade the effi ciency of petroleum extraction.

Recently, a land lease agree-ment was signed between Oman and China to establish a major industrial park in Duqm, which will attract a series of mega invest-ments that include an oil refi nery with a capacity of some 230,000 barrels per day.

The proposed industrial park in Duqm is expected to attract as much as $10 billion in investments by 2022.

The rise in business between the two countries is one of the reasons that the national carrier of Oman, Oman Air, is introducing its fi rst

route to China, to begin in Novem-ber 2016, serving the southern city of Guangzhou.

“The dates have not been fi xed, but we will be fl ying to China be-ginning in November 2016,” said an offi cial of Oman Air.

Further, other airlines are ex-periencing signifi cant traffi c from Muscat to several cities in China. “We are also having a good number of people travelling to China on our fl ights via Colombo,” said a senior offi cial of Mihin Lanka in Muscat.

Recently, Emirates also ex-panded its services to mainland China with four weekly fl ights to Yinchuan and Zhengzhou,off ering Boeing 777-200LR air service.

Khalid Al Jashmi, acting general manager of the Export Credit Guar-antee Agency of Oman (ECGAO), said the company is focusing on data and research to strengthen its marketing strategy, since there are many gaps in the market.

“ECGA is taking a new direction in defi ning the path of marketing, and by not being just a service pro-vider, but by creatinga partnership with its customers,” he said.

Oman’s exports to China in 2015 stood at

OMR5304,689,889, which was 49.12 per

cent of the Sultanate’s total exports. Oil,

methanol, paraxylene and polypropylene

were the major items of the shipments

GraphicsSource: Foreign Trade Statistics 2015



(In million Omani rials)











Saudi Arabia













Half of Omani exportsgo to China

PACP launched 56 campaigns to recall cars until June 2016MUSCAT: Public Authority for Consumer Protection (PACP) carried out 56 campaigns aimed at recalling about 121,408 cars during the fi rst half of this year, in collaboration with a number of automobile dealerships.

The recalls were made because of some malfunction or to make improvements in the products re-called, as indicated by the annual report for the fi rst half of 2016 re-calls, issued by the General Direc-torate of Consumer Services and Markets Authority Control.

Hamoud bin Said Al Jabri, in charge at General Directorate of Consumer Services and Market Surveillance explained that dur-ing the month of January, about 50,413 cars were summoned dur-ing the fi rst half.

Also, 2,404 cars were recalled during the month of February, and 47,932 vehicles were recalled in March, in addition to 10,621 ve-hicles during the month of April, another 4,251 cars were recalled in the month of May, and 5,787

cars during the month of June.He pointed out that the rea-

sons for recalling the cars varied from defects to technical fi xes that were later discovered by the manufacturer at the original pro-

duction country/source, which requires them to bring the vehi-cles to authorised dealers of those cars around the world.

These recalls were made under the provisions of Article 27 of the Consumer Protection Act, which obliges the provider/company to stop trading the item immediate-ly after discovering a defect in the item or service that could damage the consumer or waste his money, and to inform consumers of the defect and pull the defective item from the market immediately.

Al Jabri stressed that the body was keen to perform audits/revi-sions continuously for all prod-ucts off ered and services pro-vided in the Sultanate’s markets, starting from maintaining the rights of consumers in line with quality and safety standards.

It is focusing its attention on the issue of cars being recalled, which has been implemented in collaboration with various com-panies and agencies in the Sul-tanate, he added. -ONA


The recalls were

made because of

some malfunction

or to make

improvements in the

products recalled,

as indicated by the

annual report for the

first half of 2016

More Asian tourists visited Salalah than Omanis: NCSITimes News Service

MUSCAT: More Asian nationals visited Salalah than Omanis, said the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI).

Citing data provided by the NCSI, around 58,867 tourists had visited the southern city until Saturday, July 9.

Breaking down the fi gure, 23,636 visitors were of Asian na-tionality, compared with 20,909 Omanis.

Emirati citizens topped the number of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) tourists at 5,628, compared with 2,179 Saudis.

Around 482 Qataris, 512 Ku-

waitis, 566 Bahrainis and 4,041 other Arabs visited Salalah dur-ing the same period.

Around 349 people from a di-verse group of nations also trav-elled to Salalah since June 20.

Last year, Omanis made up for 73.4 per cent of total visitors to Salalah. However, they made up only 35.5 per cent of the total visi-tors during the fi rst three weeks of the Khareef (monsoon) season.

Road tripsThe total number of visitors last year stood at 514,777, compared with around 431,000 in 2014, re-fl ecting an increase of 19.4 per cent.

According to NCSI, most of them came on road trips.

Around 92 per cent of visitors last year said they have come for entertainment purposes.

According to the NCSI, 5,000 visitors per day were recorded in 2015. A total of 83.9 per cent of visitors arrived in Salalah through the land borders, com-pared with 71.1 per cent in 2014.

A total of 72,000 vehicles crossed the border into Dhofar. However, according to the NCSI, between May 1 and October 31, a total of 89 registered traffi c acci-dents took place along the Nizwa-Salalah main highway, 79 per cent of them during the festival.



OMANM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Banks maintain growth momentumAs Oman follows a fi xed ex-change rate regime, therefore, maintenance of the peg against US dollar is a primary policy ob-jective. As of December 2015, only one-third of CBO’s reserves were deemed suffi cient to sup-port the Omani rial,” the CBO ex-ecutive noted.

“The banking sector continued its domination in the fi nancial landscape of Oman. Despite chal-lenging economic conditions, the growth momentum in the bank-

ing sector continued. The sector remained well capitalised, profi t-able and fairly liquid. Credit risk is well contained, with a net NPL ratio of less than 0.5 per cent, while the quantum of market risk remained subdued.

“The stress testing exercise showed that the banking sector has remained resilient to a range of stressed scenarios. The bank-ing sector and the economy can, however, benefi t from extending more credit to SMEs,”he said.

“Oman continued on its voyage to upgrade its micro and macro-prudential regulations and su-pervision. The apex Joint Com-mittee for Financial Stability met twice during 2015 to assess the stability of the macro-fi nan-cial system. CBO has fi ne-tuned several regulations considering the changing circumstances. The Basel III implementation is pro-ceeding as planned.

“CBO upgraded the suite of its stress testing to incorporate real-

estate stress testing. The fi rst phase of Recovery and Resolu-tion Planning of the identifi ed Domestic Systemically Impor-tant Bank is complete and an Early Warning Mechanism for Oman is in the advanced stages of development,”he added.

“Other than some concerns mentioned above, on balance, it is satisfactory to note that we do not foresee any immediate threat to the fi nancial stability in Oman,” Al Zadjali stated.


Number of debtors to rise

“One 28-year-old Omani father lost his OMR400 a month job af-ter taking a OMR20,000 loan.

He is now being chased for payment and off ered the bank OMR50 a month.

“Many took loans without even thinking and were unable to pay back later. The minimum amount of salary required was later raised to OMR500 by the banks, considering the scores of people applying for loans,” a bank offi cial added.

Downturn“There is a likelihood of an in-crease in the number of debt-ors, especially when there is a fall in the economy. In terms of GDP and government revenues and tightening of expenditure in companies, it is likely that greater default will come in the coming period. Banks should be cautious and frequently review trends in defaults of these borrowers.” said a fi nancial expert based in Oman.

Besides the survival issues, psychologists say that non-pay-ment of debt and the constant

pressure which comes with it may result in chronic depression and stress.

“When people are unable to pay back debts, that causes them to worry and think about it, and this creates a pattern of negative thinking, where you start think-ing of the consequences. This negativity causes depression, sometimes chronic, anxiety dis-order and stress, and if you con-sider the ill eff ects of stress, it will not just aff ect you mentally but also physically.” said Roma Fernandes, psychologist at the Whispers of Serenity Clinic.






ROP praised for fast response

Praising the two parties, Twitter user @nassir458rr said, “How wonderful is this transparent communication between two public institu-tions. God bless you and we hope that other institutions do the same.”

“This is a nice utilisation of new technology between the two institutions. Earlier, such issues were solved through pa-per work, which took weeks to be done,” Oman TV news an-chor Ahmed Al Kindi said on his offi cial Twitter handle.

Mwasalat has recently in-creased the number of daily trips to Salalah, providing a total of 225 seats a day, about seven thousand seats a month.




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Extra weight



Departing passengers are also ad-vised to arrive at the airport three hours early and are expected to be at the gates on time.

“Some passengers arrive at the gate a few minutes before depar-ture. The airline then has to unload their luggage and take off without them or wait for the passengers, which could cause extra delays for the fl ight and other passengers,” said OAMC.

“Airlines have slots and a spe-cifi c time to be in and out of the airport to ensure a smooth fl ow of ground and air traffi c,” it added.

Smooth fl owOAMC also has other initiatives in place to ensure the smooth fl ow of passenger, air and ground traffi c.

Some initiatives will serve as an awareness campaign for passen-gers. A common problem faced at Oman’s airport is that some pas-sengers come in with very large boxes instead of suitcases. The luggage belt cannot handle those boxes, and they might get jammed and consequently damage the con-veyor belt.

OAMC is striving to become one of the top airports in the world by 2020 and launching such initia-tives and campaigns for the ben-efi t of the company and public will boost its chances of achieving such a target.





Khalid in the Governorate of

North A’Sharqiyah is visited

by tourists all year-round.

During the Eid Al Fitr holi-

days, 9,438 tourists visited

the water ponds in the area.

Talal bin Khalfan Al Shu’aibi,

Director of Tourism Depart-

ment in the Governorate of

North A’Sharqiyah said that

9,438 tourists of diff erent

nationalities visited the

ponds. The highest number

of visitors was recorded on

the second day of the

Eid Al Fitr. -ONA

Results of general diploma declared

MUSCAT: Results of the general education diploma were made available through SMS (Oman Mobile and Ooredoo) from 4pm yesterday.

The students have to send an SMS containing the roll number of the student to (90200). The results are also available at the Ministry of Education’s portal.

The Ministry of Education has

pointed out that the reevaluation of examination papers of inter-ested students could be done through the applications forms available at the Ministry’s portal. Applications should be submit-ted from July 10 to July 14.

The success rate in the general education diploma for the school year 2015/2016 amounted to 83. 95 per cent. The success rate in the general education diploma

(bilingual private schools) for the school year 2015/2016 amounted to 84.86 per cent.

In the technical general educa-tion diploma of the college of the Royal Guard of Oman (RGO- Bi-lingual) the success rate amount-ed to 100 per cent.

In the general education and Islamic sciences diploma the success percentage amounted to 98. 3 and in the general education

diploma (private education) the percentage was 100.

Dr. Madiha bint Ahmed Al Shibaniyah, Minister of Educa-tion has approved the general indices of the results of the gen-eral education diploma exami-nations and their equivalent for the fi rst term for the school year 2015/2016.

The Ministry of Education said that 373 cases of violation during the examinations were noted and the necessary actions were taken in this regard. —ONA

Ministry of

Education has said

that the reevaluation

of examination

papers of interested

students could be

done through the

applications forms

available at the

Ministry’s portal

ANNOUNCED: Dr. Madiha bint Ahmed Al Shibaniyah, Minister of

Education has approved the general indices of the results of the

general education diploma examinations.

The Ministry of

Education pointed

out that 373 cases of

violation during the

examinations were

noted and necessary

actions were taken

in this regard

Police station to be opened in Sohar today

SOHAR: Royal Oman Police (ROP) will celebrate on Monday the opening of Sohar Port Police Station in the Governorate of North Al- Batinah.

The opening ceremony will be held under the patronage of Said bin Hamdoon Al Harthy, Un-dersecretary of the Ministry of Transport and Communications for Ports and Maritimes Aff airs in the presence of Maj. Gen Hamad bin Sulaiman Al Hatmi, Assistant Inspector General of Police and Customs for Operations.

A number of ROP senior offi c-ers, military and security units will be present on the occasion. -ONA


MUSCAT: The Sultan Qaboos Academy for Police Science (SQAPS) initiated a course on Op-erational and Management Skills for offi cers representing various formations of the Royal Oman Police (ROP) under the patronage of Brigadier Salim bin Rashid Al Alawi, Commander of SQAPS.

The course aims to upgrade per-formance of the participating of-fi cers. -ONA


New course


REGIONM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Former UK deputy premier says Iraq war was illegal

LONDON: Britain broke interna-tional law when it invaded Iraq in 2003, its deputy prime minister at the time, John Prescott, said on Sunday in the wake of a critical report on the decision to go to war.

A seven-year inquiry concluded on Wednesday that former British prime minister Tony Blair’s justi-fi cation, planning and handling of the Iraq War involved a catalogue of failures, but did not rule wheth-er the war was legal.

Eight months before the 2003 invasion, Blair told former US President George W. Bush “I will be with you, whatever”, eventually

sending 45,000 British troops into battle when peace options had not been exhausted, the long-awaited British public inquiry said.

Prescott, writing in the Sunday Mirror newspaper, said he had now changed his view about the legality of the war and criticised Blair for stopping his ministers from fully discussing in advance

whether the war would be legal.“In 2004, the UN Secretary-

General Kofi Annan said that as regime change was the prime aim of the Iraq War, it was illegal. With great sadness and anger, I now believe him to be right,” Prescott wrote.

“I will live with the decision of going to war and its catastrophic

consequences for the rest of my life,” he added.

Many Britons want Blair to face criminal action over his decision to take military action that led to the deaths of 179 British soldiers and more than 150,000 Iraqi civil-ians over the following six years.

“The Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, came to the Cabinet,

verbally announced it was legal, but provided no documentation,” Prescott said. “The timing of the decision was clearly designed to endorse an almost immediate ac-tion for us to go to war.”

Prescott added that he backed the decision by Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn — a veteran anti-war campaigner and critic of Blair — to apologise for the war on behalf of the party.

Meanwhile, a cross-party group of lawmakers said they would seek next week a vote declaring Blair in contempt of parliament for misleading it in the run-up to the decision to go to war.

“Saying one thing to George W. Bush in private and a totally dif-ferent thing to parliament and people in public, that is the parlia-mentary crime, the off ence, and it is time for parliament to deliver a verdict,” Scottish National Party lawmaker and former party leader Alex Salmond told ITV television.

The possible implications of such a vote were not immediately clear, but the Sunday Times news-paper said it could see Blair barred from public offi ce or stripped of his membership of the Privy Council, a largely ceremonial body that advises Queen Eliza-beth. — Reuters

I will live with

the decision of

going to war and

its catastrophic

consequences for the

rest of my life, said

John Prescott

Renewed fi ghting breaks out in South Sudan’s capitalJUBA: Renewed fi ghting erupt-ed in South Sudan’s capital on Sunday and forces loyal to Vice President Riek Machar said his residence was attacked by the president’s troops, raising fears of a slide back into full-blown con-fl ict in the fi ve-year-old nation.

There was no immediate re-sponse from the government of President Salva Kiir to the state-ment by Machar’s spokesman. Earlier, Kiir’s information min-ister, Michael Makuei, said the situation was under control and urged people to stay at home.

The two leaders, who fought each other in a two-year civil war that started in late 2013, had made a joint call for calm after clashes between rival factions broke out late on Thursday. At least 272 people have been killed in the fi ghting, a Health Ministry source told Reuters early on Sun-day. Residents of Juba’s Gudele and Jebel districts reported heavy gunfi re near the barracks where Machar and his troops have their headquarters. A Reuters witness saw helicopters overhead but did not see them fi ring. Hundreds of city residents sought shelter in a UN base.

The Health Ministry source said 33 civilians were among those killed in the latest clashes, which have fueled fears about renewed confl ict and raised con-cerns about the extent the two

men can control their troops in the world’s newest nation.

“Dr Machar’s residence was attacked twice today including using tanks and helicopter gun-ships. Helicopters from Kiir’s side attacked the residence twice,” Machar’s spokesman James Gat-det Dak told Reuters, speaking by phone from abroad.

CalmHe added that the situation in Juba had subsequently calmed, echoing comments from resi-dents who said gunfi re had eased later on Sunday after several hours of shooting.

Residents saw hundreds of people seeking shelter in a base of the UN mission UNMISS. “I saw dead bodies of civilians, and

others ... moving with blood on their bodies,” one man, who gave his name only as Steven, said by telephone.

Another reported seeing troops looting a shop in Juba, but it was not clear if they were loyal to Machar or Kiir. The fi ghting fi rst erupted on Thursday, when troops loyal to Kiir had stopped and demanded to search vehicles of Machar’s loyalists. That stand-off led to clashes.

Gunfi re broke out again on Fri-day between the vice president’s bodyguards and the presidential guard, while the two men were holding talks at the presidential State House to defuse tensions. Both men said at the time they did not know what had prompted the exchange of fi re. — Reuters

F E A R S O F F U L L - B L O W N C O N F L I C T

‘Bin Laden’s son threatens revenge for father’s killing’DUBAI: The son of slain Al Qae-da leader Osama bin Laden has threatened revenge against the United States for assassinating his father, according to an audio mes-sage posted online.

Hamza bin Laden promised to continue the global militant group’s fi ght against the Unit-ed States and its allies in the 21-minute speech entitled “We Are All Osama,” according to the SITE Intelligence Group.

“We will continue striking you and targeting you in your country and abroad in response to your op-pression of the people of Palestine, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and the rest of the Muslim

lands that did not survive your op-pression,” Hamza said.

“As for the revenge by the Is-lamic nation for Sheikh Osama, may Allah have mercy on him, it is not revenge for Osama the person but it is revenge for those who de-fended Islam.”

Major blowOsama bin Laden was killed at his Pakistani hideout by US comman-dos in 2011 in a major blow to the militant group which carried out the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Documents recovered from bin Laden’s compound and published by the United States last year al-leged that his aides tried to reunite

the militant leader with Hamza, who had been held under house ar-rest in Iran.

Hamza, now in his mid-twen-ties, was at his father’s side in Af-ghanistan before the 9/11 attacks and spent time with him in Pa-kistan after the US-led invasion pushed much of Al Qaeda’s senior leadership there, according to the Brookings Institution.

Introduced by the organisa-tion’s new chief Ayman Al Zawa-hiri in an audio message last year, Hamza provides a younger voice for the group whose ageing leaders have struggled to inspire militants around the world gal-vanised by IS. — Reuters


Family of killed US journalist sues Syria

BEIRUT: The family of American journalist Marie Colvin, who died in Syria in 2012, has fi led a wrong-ful death lawsuit in a US court, ac-cusing the Syrian government of deliberately killing her.

Colvin and French photogra-pher Remi Ochlik were killed in the besieged Syrian city of Homs in 2012 while reporting on the Syr-ian confl ict, now in its sixth year.

The lawsuit fi led in Washing-ton on Saturday said Syrian offi -cials deliberately targeted rockets against a makeshift broadcast stu-dio where Colvin and other report-ers were living and working. The suit alleged the attack was part of a plan orchestrated at the highest levels of the Syrian government to silence local and international media “as part of its eff ort to crush political opposition”. The lawsuit included as evidence a copy of an August 2011 fax which it alleges was sent from Syria’s National Security Bureau instructing secu-rity bodies to launch military and intelligence campaigns against “those who tarnish the image of Syria in foreign media and inter-national organisations”. “This case is about carrying on Marie’s work,” plaintiff Cathleen Colvin, Marie Colvin’s sister, said. — Reuters


In 2004, the UN


Kofi Annan said that

as regime change

was the prime aim of

the Iraq War, it was

illegal. With great

sadness and anger,

I now believe

him to be right

CHANGE IN VIEW: Britain’s former deputy prime minister John

Prescott in this fi le photograph. – Reuters fi le

CLASHES: Journalists sit inside the conference room as fi re broke

out near the presidential palace in Juba on Friday. – AFP


INDIAM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

India, Tanzania to bolster energy, food security ties

DAR-ES-SALAAM: India and Tanzania on Sunday agreed to deepen their partnership in ag-riculture and food security and work together in the development and use of natural gas as New Delhi committed more aid for this east African country’s water sup-ply projects.

India on Sunday also extended its full support to the country to meet its development needs and signed fi ve agreements, including one for providing a Line of Credit of $92 million in the water re-sources sector.

Describing India as a trusted partner in meeting Tanzania’s de-velopment priorities, the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi said he along with President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli “agreed to deepen our overall defence and security partnership, especially in the maritime domain”.

“We agreed that our common desire of economic prosperity for our societies is creating new opportunities for expanding our cooperation,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a joint press statement with Tanzanian President John Magufuli follow-ing delegation-level talks here.

“For this, both of us felt that we need to: One, deepen our partner-ship in agriculture and food secu-rity, including through enhanced export of pulses from Tanzania to India; two, work together in development and use of natural gas; three, partner in building of industrial economy, capacities and institutions in Tanzania; and four, deepen our trade and invest-ment partnership by encouraging greater industry-to-industry ties,” Modi said.

The partnership in the area of

natural gas development and use is signifi cant as Tanzania has been emerging as a gas giant with a se-ries of fi nds since 2011. In March this year, a Dubai-based company said it has discovered 2.7 trillion cubic feet of gas in Ruvu Basin in the country’s coastal region.

Modi said that India was al-ready a substantial economic partner of Tanzania and the whole range of economic ties were healthy and on the upswing. “Our two-way annual trade stands at around $3 billion, Indian invest-ments in Tanzania already total around $3 billion and Indian busi-nesses in Tanzania continue to grow and expand,” he said.

Water supply projectModi described as a ‘good achieve-ment’ completion of a water sup-ply augmentation project in Dar-es-Salaam with the Indian aid of $I00 million.

“We have just now also signed an agreement on water supply project in Zanzibar for a line of

credit of $92 million,” the prime minister said.

“We are also working on a number of other water projects for 17 cities. And for this, India is

willing to consider an additional $500 million line of concessional credit.” India and Tanzania signed fi ve agreements after the delega-tion-level talks, including two on

water supply and water resource management. Modi fl agged public health as another important pri-ority in India’s engagement with the east African country.

“We are ready to meet the healthcare priorities of the Tan-zanian government, including supply of medicines and equip-ment,” he said, adding an Indian radio-therapy machine was be-ing installed at Bugando Medical Centre in the country’s Mwanza city to treat cancer patients.

The prime minister said educa-tion, vocational training and skill development were other areas of priority in which India was will-ing to off er all assistance.

“Being neighbours across Indi-an Ocean, President and I agreed to deepen our overall defence and security partnership, especially in the maritime domain,” Modi said.

“Our in-depth discussions on regional and global issues refl ect-ed our considerable convergence on issues of common interest and concern,” he said. - IANS

India also extended

its full support to

the country to meet

its development

needs and signed

fi ve agreements,

including one for

providing a Line

of Credit of $92m

million in the water

resources sector

Amarnath yatra suspended for second day JAMMU: Amarnath yatra remained suspended for sec-ond consecutive day on Sun-day from Jammu in the wake of the killing of a top Hizbul Mujahideen commander in an encounter with security forces in Kashmir Valley. “The yatra is suspended for the second consecutive day today from Jammu. No fresh batch of pilgrims has been sent from Jammu,” Deputy Commissioner Jammu, Simrandeep Singh, said.

Delhi police to crackdown on ‘begging mafi a’ NEW DELHI: Delhi police is all set to crack down on the ‘begging mafi a’ operating in the national capital, despite the state government claim-ing there is no such organised racket in the city. The opera-tion will be led by the Crime Branch, which had earlier worked on initiatives like reuniting missing children with their parents, a senior police offi cial said. The of-fi cial said not much can be disclosed about the operation “at this point” but we have some crucial leads and teams are working on that.

AirAsia off ers 20% discount on faresCHENNAI: Budget air car-rier AirAsia today announced a 20 per cent discount on fares across its fl ights for passengers taking up journey during the Diwali festival. The promotion campaign which begins today would run till July 17 for passen-gers travelling between July 18 and November 24, 2016, AirAsia said in a statement. The campaign is applicable across its operations in the region including India, Ma-laysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Woman fi ghts off leopard with stickDEHRADUN: Putting up an exemplary show of courage, a woman survived a leopard attack after she fought off the animal with a stick, offi cials said on Sunday. The incident happened at Sunyara village in Pithoragarh district on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday, the Forest de-partment offi cials said. The leopard entered to the house and went to upstairs where Prema Devi was sleeping in her room and attacked her. Devi bravely fought the big cat with a stick but sustained injuries in her face and neck in the process. She has been admitted to district hospital. - Agencies


Madhya Pradesh, Assam reel under fl oods; toll mounts to 17 NEW DELHI: There was no let up in fl ood misery in the central Indian Madhya Pradesh state and the north-eastern Indian state of Assam with the death toll climbing to 17 on Sunday while heavy rains lashed parts of the north Indian Rajasthan state as the Northern Limit of Monsoon crossed Jodhpur.

While monsoon continued to be active over Maharashtra, Goa, Tel-angana, north interior Karnataka and Kerala, rains eluded the na-tional capital where it was a sultry day with maximum temperature settling at 36.7 degrees Celsius.

Seven persons died due to fl oods in diff erent parts of Mad-hya Pradesh in the last 24 hours. On Saturday, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had con-fi rmed eight deaths in incidents related to heavy downpour in past couple of days.

IMD Bhopal Director Anupam Kashyapi told PTI heavy to very heavy rains are likely to lash In-dore, Ujjain and Hoshangabad di-visions, besides some parts of the state capital on Monday.

Federal Home Minister of India Rajnath Singh spoke to Chouhan and assured him of all help in res-cue and relief operations. In As-sam, Brahmaputra waters have submerged 60 per cent of Pobi-tora Wildlife Sanctuary located in Morigaon district and damaged around 50 per cent infrastructure of the world’s densest habitat of the

Great Indian one-horn rhinoceros.Two persons were washed

away in Assam on Saturday. Over 135,000 people have been aff ected in Lakhimpur, Golaghat, Morigaon, Barpeta and Jorhat districts. Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal re-viewed the fl ood situation.

Low pressureIn the east Indian Odisha state, heavy rainfall is likely at some places due to a low pressure area formed over Jharkhand and adjoining areas North Odisha. Strong gusty surface wind from southwesterly direction with speed 45-55 KMPH and reach-ing up to 60 KMPH would prevail along and off Odisha Coast, the MeT offi ce in the state said.

It asked fi shermen not to ven-ture into sea in view of rough weather condition. In Rajasthan,

at least three places received rains in excess of 10cm in the last 24 hours ending 8.30 am on Sunday.

Maximum rainfall was record-ed at Jhalawar (23cm) followed by Bakani (15cm) and Jhalarapa-tan (10cm). Heavy rains drenched parts of the north Indian Himachal Pradesh state and more rainfall is predicted in the com-ing week. Jubbar Hatti received 21mm of rains and Dharamsala 18mm since Saturday.

However, in the north Indian states of Haryana and Punjab, and the Union Territory of Chandi-garh, there has been no signifi cant rainfall, leading to a rise in mercu-ry level during the past few days.

Hisar in Haryana was the hot-test place in the two states re-cording a maximum temperature of 38.6 degrees Celsius, up two notches against normal. - PTI


DAR-ES-SALAAM: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday interacted with ‘Solar Mamas’, a group of nearly 30 rural women solar engineers from six African countries who have been trained under India’s develop-mental support for harnessing solar energy.

“Celebrating the Solar Ma-mas! PM interacts with women trained in vocational skills under India’s developmental support,” Ministry of External Aff airs Spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted.

The ‘Solar Mamas’, who come from across Africa, are trained at Barefoot college in the north Indian Rajasthan state’s Tilonia village or the centre in Tanzania. Modi interacted with each woman who have been trained to fabricate, install, use, repair and maintain solar lanterns and household solar lighting systems in their villages.

The group of about 30 ‘Solar Mamas’ from Tanzania and a few other African countries demonstrated their skills in fabrication, repair and main-tenance of solar lanterns and household lighting system in presence of the prime minister.

They also presented their honey-extraction and stitching practices and sung a song “we shall overcome”.

The presentation was also attended by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Tanzania Dr Susan A Kolimba and Zanzibar Min-ister of Land, Housing, Water and Energy, Salama Aboud Talib. Modi, who arrived here in Tanzania on Saturday as part of his four-nation Africa tour aimed at enhancing ties with the continent, particu-larly in the economic sphere,

posed for photographs with ‘Solar Mamas’ following the interaction.

The women are also trained in solar electrifi cation and other entrepreneurial skills such as bee-keeping and tailor-ing. Under Government of India-supported programmes, the college in Rajasthan has been promoting and training rural women solar engineers from Africa in household solar lighting systems.

A barefoot women vocation-al training college in Zanzibar

Islands of Tanzania and other countries in Africa has also been setup for imparting solar electrifi cation skills and distributing solar kits. These colleges also support various entrepreneurial skills such a bee-keeping and tailoring among others.

The barefoot trained solar mamas have fabricated and installed solar kits, and now maintain on self-suffi cient basis these solar electrifi cation systems in their communities. - PTI

Prime minister interacts with ‘Solar Mamas’ of Africa

DRUMMING SKILLS: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, left, and his

host Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli, right, beat drums

at the entrance of State House during an offi cial welcome ceremo-

ny in Tanzania on Sunday. – PTI

SOLAR ENGINEERS: Prime Minister Narendra modi during a visit to Barefoot College and Solar

Mamas of Africa, in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania on Sunday. – PTI

MONSOON FURY: Flooded locality after heavy rains in Nashik, in

Maharashtra, on Sunday. - PTI


INDIAM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Love us on



1969 law can help women in NRI marriagesNEW DELHI: A law enacted in 1969 off ers a ray of hope for dis-tressed women facing harass-ment in Non Resident Indian (NRI) marriages, a parliamen-tary panel has been told.

The Rajya Sabha Committee of Petitions was on Friday told by the Law Ministry that the Foreign Marriage Act, 1969 has provisions to help women mar-ried to NRIs facing problems abroad, a panel member said.

In most of the cases reported in media, the husband is already married and marries again in In-dia. In certain cases, the husband marries another woman abroad and abandons his fi rst wife.

Abuse for dowry is another problem Indian women face af-ter marrying NRIs.

The committee had met to hear top offi cials of the Home Ministry and the Law Ministry on a petition “praying for solu-tion of the problems arising out of marriage of Indian women with Non-Resident Indians”.

Key clauseMembers who attended the meeting said most people are not aware of existence of such a law. The law was enacted “to make provision relating to mar-riages of citizens of India out-side India.”

One of the key clauses is Sec-tion 14 which states that when-ever a marriage is solemnized under the law, the marriage offi cer will have to certify it in the Marriage Certifi cate Book which will be signed by the par-ties to the marriage and three witnesses.

The certifi cate will be “deemed to be the conclusive evidence of the fact that a mar-riage under this Act has been solemnised, and that all formal-ities respecting the residence of the party concurred previous to the marriage and the signature of witnesses have been com-plied with.”

‘Matrimonial relief’The law also provides for ‘matri-monial relief’ for spouse. Sourc-es said while various personal laws in the country can also apply, marriages solemnised under the Foreign Marriage Act will be governed by that law.

The government, meanwhile, has decided to set up a com-mittee to formulate a standard operating procedure (SOP) to be followed while dealing with cases of NRI men abandoning their wives, after the Women and Child Development Min-istry received several such complaints.

Women and Child Develop-ment Minister Maneka Gandhi had recently met External Af-fairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and requested her to constitute a joint committee to develop an SOP.

Once the SOP has been pre-pared, it will be shared with various Indian diplomatic mis-sions abroad. - PTI


India-origin girl among child geniuses on British TV show LONDON: A nine-year-old In-dian-origin girl is among a select group of child geniuses chosen for a television show wherein chil-dren compete with each other to be crowned Britain’s brainiest youngster.

Rhea, whose surname was not made public to protect her iden-tity, is one of the stars of the ‘Child Genius’ series on Channel 4 that starts next week in which chil-dren compete to be crowned Brit-ain’s brainiest youngster.

She recently warmed up for the contest by beating 8,000 chil-

dren to a national art prize. She has been studying for up to 10 hours a day to prepare herself for the programme in which she will compete with 15 young rivals, The Sunday Times reported.

Among the challenges they will face is memorising 155 UK train stations.

“Doing Child Genius was proba-bly the most incredible experience of my life. It was tense at times but it was incredible. I have made friends with some of the children,” Rhea told the newspaper.

Her mother Sonal, who went to

university at 16 and gave up her job as a doctor to support Rhea’s education said, “The school did not have a programme for gifted kids so they designed one. Now she reads GCSE-level books for stimu-lation. We are starting to get advice on her taking GCSEs early”.

Sonal rejects concerns that programmes such as ‘Child Ge-nius’ can put too much pressure on youngsters. “Rhea loved doing it. The show gives them a chance to be with kids like them, to be in that room and feel normal,” she added. - PTI


‘Sizeable declinein black money stashed abroad’

AHMEDABAD: Finance Minis-ter Arun Jaitley on Sunday said the Narendra Modi government’s ‘activism’ against black money in the last two years has resulted into a ‘sizeable dip’ in illegal assets stashed abroad by Indians.

He also said the action being ini-tiated by G-20 countries coupled with ‘technological intervention’ will make it diffi cult to keep black money both at home and outside the country.

“Today there is a panic among people who hold illegal assets out-side the country. If you take from 1947 to 2014, the cumulative eff ect of all steps taken would not be even minuscule percentage of what the government has done in the last two years,” Jaitley said.

He was speaking at a programme here to sensitise people on gov-ernment’s Income Declaration Scheme (IDS) whereby tax evad-ers are given opportunity to dis-

close their unaccounted income and pay 45 per cent of it, which is applicable till September 30.

“Recent reports have indicated that there is a sizeable dip in In-dian holdings outside the country,” the minister said.

“If you consider the kind of ac-tivism in the last two years, the fi rst decision that PM Narendra Modi took was to accept the di-rection of the Supreme Court and constitute SIT with two retired Supreme Court judges,” he said.

Compliance windowJaitley added that government’s collective eff orts, including mak-ing available a compliance window for black money and taking action based on the HSBC, International Consortium of Investigative Jour-nalists (ICIJ) and Panama Papers disclosures, have helped in bring-ing back the illegal wealth stashed abroad, “with many (people) even

facing trial”. “We fi rst took steps to provide chance to those who keep country’s assets abroad to bring it back home and pay for the same. Information about HSBC ac-counts has been assessed and peo-ple are prosecuted....Around Rs80 billion has been detected.

“Next, ICIJ made big disclosure in which Indians were found put-ting abroad Rs5,000 crore. Many will be prosecuted. Now, Panama papers are being revealed, on the basis of which those who have kept illegal assets can be prosecuted as per new law,” he said.

Jaitley said G-20 countries have decided to cooperate with each other.and by 2017 real-time infor-mation will be available of people with assets abroad “which will make people avoid being secre-tive for the fear of being declared non-compliant”. He said IDS is an opportunity for people to become compliant tax-payers. - PTI

Finance minister

said the action being

initiated by G-20

countries coupled

with ‘technological

intervention’ will

make it diffi cult to

keep black money

both at home and

outside the country

HAVE YOUR SAY Send us your comments at facebook.com/timesofoman blog.timesofoman.com haveyoursay@timesofoman.com

If you take from 1947 to 2014,

the cumulative effect of all

steps taken would not be

even minuscule percentage

of what the government has

done in the last two years

Arun Jaitley Finance minister, India

Court sends


ex-offi cial to one

day’s custody

NEW DELHI: A Delhi court on Sunday sent Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s former Princi-pal Secretary Rajendra Kumar and six others, arrested in an alleged corruption case, to one day’s judi-cial custody (JC).

The order was passed by Ad-ditional Chief Metropolitan Mag-istrate Shunali Gupta. Kumar, a 1989 batch IAS offi cer from the UT cadre, Deputy Secretary in Ke-jriwal’s offi ce Tarun Sharma, Ku-mar’s close aide Ashok Kumar and owners of a private fi rm, Sandeep Kumar and Dinesh Kumar Gupta, arrested in the case, were remand-ed in JC till Monday.

It also sent R. S. Kaushik and his predecessor G K Nanda, present and former Managing Directors of a PSU respectively, to JC till Mon-day, asking all the seven accused to be produced before the special CBI court tomorrow which will consider the agency’s plea for their police remand.

“Earlier, the police custody or-der for fi ve accused was passed by the designated CBI court.

“The application for the exten-sion of their police custody and another application for the po-lice custody of two accused who were arrested on Saturday will be considered the designated court itself.

“Meanwhile, all the seven ac-cused be sent to one day’s judicial custody,” the court said. CBI has alleged in court that Kumar, an “in-fl uential” offi cer, was intimidating witnesses.

Invetigating agency had regis-tered a case against Kumar and others in December last year alleg-ing that the offi cer had abused his offi cial position. - PTI



PAKISTAN M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Edhi centre children orphaned once again

KARACHI: A blank expression strikes the faces of volunteers as Abdul Sattar Edhi is lowered into a grave he chose for himself 25 years ago. They have just said their fi nal goodbye to the man who was to them much more than their father.

Broken but still managing to console each other, Edhi Founda-tion volunteers sat in groups after the burial.

“How can we avoid crying when someone who was more than a fa-ther to us has left this world,” says ambulance driver Muhammad Kashif, as he steps back after hug-ging one of his colleagues.

“He taught us how to serve humanity, his advices and direc-tions will remain in my heart forever. Edhi sahib will be proud of us when we meet him on Judg-ment Day.”

Recalling Edhi’s leadership qualities, rescue worker Asad Ja-hangir remembers how the phi-lanthropist ordered all of them to stay back and went ahead himself when the rumour of a bomb was spread at the Jinnah hospital after a blast in December 2009.

“He was always there to protect us and guide us,” Jahangir said. “Our job is tough but Edhi sahib has set the principles on how to serve humanity keeping aside cast and creed.”

Another rescue worker Faizan Adil, who has been working at the Edhi Foundation for 20 years, re-calls how Edhi always took charge when the volunteers were unable to deal with mutilated or decom-posed corpses.

“We have seen Edhi sahib cleaning open wounds of leprosy patients. Who could have done that except Edhi himself ?”

Pall of gloomAt the Edhi Village – a 200-acre

piece of land housing an orphan-age, old-age home, women shelter and a drug rehab, a pall of gloom has descended since its residents came to know about the death of their messiah, who used to light up their lives with his pleasant smile and mystical personality.

Kamran, the eldest at the or-phanage, sits on the side of a long corridor staring outside through the iron grille.

‘Amir ki Ammi’ sits on a chair in the centre of the corridor, wiping off tears rolling down her cheeks. A few kids sitting a bit further pray for Edhi.

No one knows the real name of ‘Amir ki Ammi’ as she is speech-impaired.

She came to the Edhi centre about 10 years ago with her child named Amir, who now is a volun-teer at the Edhi Foundation.

She gestured to one of the teachers at the orphanage, Nas-reen, she will leave as Edhi sahib is no more.

Kamran was brought to the

Edhi Village 16 years ago. Grieved by the death of Edhi, Nasreen said the boy had not spoken to anyone since the moment he heard the tragic news.

Nasreen then recalls the last visit of Edhi to the shelter in an ambulance six months ago. “He was unable to walk but his love for the children brought him all the way to the village,” she said with a smile on her face.

The kitchen in-charge, Mobeena Anjum who has been working for 17 years, said when the staff asked Edhi to rest at home, he responded that he had

come to see his children. Initially, she recalled, Edhi used

to come to the orphanage daily and when his health deteriorated he started coming on Sundays.

Nasreen said the children have been glued to the TV, curious to know about Edhi’s burial. “The children used to call him ‘Baba’,” she added.

Anjum said the entire staff used to call Edhi ‘Abu’.

“The children at the orphan-age have become orphans for the second time,” she said. “Today, the tree under which we felt safe has been removed.” — Express Tribune

Our job is tough but

Edhi sahib has set

the principles on how

to serve humanity

keeping aside cast

and creed, said

rescue worker Asad


HERO: In this photograph taken on February 15, 2016, Abdul Sattar Edhi, speaks with his wife Bilquis

Edhi in his offi ce in the port city of Karachi. — AFP fi le photo

ISLAMABAD: Two iconic fi gures representing Pakistan abroad, Malala Yousafzai and General Pervez Musharraf, have joined a growing chorus for posthumously awarding Abdul Sattar Edhi with the Nobel Prize for his humanitar-ian work.

Abdul Sattar Edhi was the ‘most deserving person’ for the award of Nobel Peace Prize, Pakistani Nobel Peace Laure-ate Malala Yousafzai said in January this year. Malala said that she had nominated Edhi for the Nobel Prize for 2016 because she believed he was the “most deserving person for this award.”

Malala Yousafzai told a media outlet on Saturday that the state should take over the Edhi Foundation.

She said that no award for late Abdul Sattar Edhi would justify his humanitarian con-tributions.

“Abdul Sattar Edhi’s

services and sacrifi ces are unparalleled.

“He has been serving hu-manity irrespective of class, creed or gender,” she had told reporters in Birmingham.

Amplifying people’s demand for bestowing post-humous Nobel prize to the legendary humanitarian and social worker, former presi-dent Musharraf insisted that Abdul Sattar Edhi deserved Nobel Peace Prize during his life. According to him, Edhi deserved Nobel Prize more than Mother Teresa.

The former president said

that the philanthropist’s death was a great loss to Pakistan.

According to Nobelprize.org, offi cial website for Nobel Prize, since 1974, statutes of the Nobel Foundation stipu-late that a Prize cannot be awarded posthumously, unless death has occurred after the announcement of the Nobel Prize.

Before 1974, the Nobel Prize was only awarded posthu-mously twice: to Dag Ham-merskjold (Nobel Peace Prize 1961) and Erik Axel Karlfeldt (Nobel Prize for Literature in 1931). — Express Tribune

Malala, Musharraf appeal for posthumous Nobel

Pervez Musharraf Malala Yousafzai

Shoaib Akhtar deplores celebrities becoming victims of hateNEW DELHI: He feels “sport-spersons or artistes” are a refl ec-tion of the society they represent and enter foreign shores as “am-bassadors of their country”. For-mer Pakistan speedster Shoaib Akhtar, popularly known as ‘Raw-alpindi Express’, says it is “unfor-tunate and deplorable” when they become victims of hate or crime.

Renowned Pakistani Sufi singer Amjad Sabri was shot dead by uni-dentifi ed assailants in Karachi, Pa-kistan, last month. And soon after that another Pakistani actor and television presenter Nadeem Jafri was shot and wounded outside his house during a robbery.

“Sportspersons or artistes are a refl ection of the society they represent.

“They are the ambassadors of their country but it is unfortunate and deplorable when they become victims of hate or crime. Amjad Sabri was a great loss to Pakistan,” Akhtar told IANS in an email in-terview from Rawalpindi.

Renowned Pakistani qawwali singer Amjad Sabri was shot dead by unidentifi ed assailants in the southern port city of Karachi last month.

Soon after, Pakistani actor and television presenter Nadeem

Jafri was shot and wounded out-side his house during a robbery attempt.Akhtar, who will be seen judging upcoming comedy show “Mazak Mazak Mein” on Indian television, termed such incidents unfortunate.

Be it India, Pakistan or any other country, Akhtar feels that the world has to unite its forces to

fi ght the growing violence around the globe.

“I think we’re all extremely sen-sitive to any kind of violence, act of terror or a loss of a life. No one likes that. We will all have to shed our diff erences and fi ght as one; otherwise things will slip out of our hands. I was distraught when Medina blasts happened,” said the

40-year-old, who hopes “better sense prevails and this world be-comes a peaceful place”.

For now, Akhtar will be seen on the Indian small screen judg-ing the comedy show with Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh. The show will soon go on air on Life OK channel soon.

On the relevance of having him

on a show on humour, Akhtar said: “Humour is an inherent part of a human being’s life...It is not about a cricketer or cricket, I think it is about an individual.”

This is not his fi rst outing on In-dian TV. The cricketer, who got the Rawalpindi Express moniker for his skills as a fast bowler, was ear-lier seen on “Comedy Nights with

Kapil” TV show as a guest.So, will we see him as a strict

judge?“My natural side is friendly, fun-

ny and easy going. So, in short, you will see a friendly and a compas-sionate judge in me.”

Many comedians are criticised for crossing the line of decency by way of either taking digs at women or making fun of a profession. But Akhtar emphasises that “Mazak Mazak Mein” will be a “clean comedy”.

“No humour should be hurtful or derogatory. I think people have to be mindful of each other’s senti-ments.

“I am sure the makers of the show, the participants and the net-work are mindful of that.

“A successful show is the one where a father and a daughter can watch it together. To me that is a yardstick of a clean comedy show,” he said.

After the small screen, can we expect Akhtar on the silver screen? He says for now, he is only focusing on the show. “It is not something that I am not thinking about. At the moment my whole energy is chan-nelised in making ‘Mazak Mazak Mein’ the best comedy show on TV.” — Express Tribune


I think we’re all extremely

sensitive to any kind of violence,

act of terror or a loss of a life. No

one likes that. We will all have to

shed our differences and fight

as one; otherwise things will slip

out of our hands. I was distraught

when Medina blasts happened,

said former Pakistani cricketer

Shoaib Akhtar

Education budget of Balochistan is one step backwardsFARRUKH KHAN PITAFI

The purpose of this writing is to look at the Balochistan educa-tion budget 2016-17 is to highlight what has improved (or otherwise) in this year’s budget. Budgets highlight the government’s priori-ties. A look at the estimates of ex-penditure can easily point out the sectors which will receive higher focus during the year.

The budget estimates for 2016-17 show that education is not one of those priority sectors. The total outlay of Balochistan’s budget for 2016-17 is Rs289 billion, an in-crease of 19 per cent in compari-son with the estimated budget of Rs244 billion for the previous year.

The Balochistan government has earmarked a budget of Rs49.1 billion for education in 2016-17 which is a mere increase of two per cent compared with the al-located budget of Rs48.3 billion in 2015-16.

This increase of two per cent is the lowest among the four prov-inces. Sindh and K-P have each increased their education budgets by 19 per cent followed by Punjab with a nine per cent increase.

Over the last six years, the Balo-chistan government consistently increased the percentage share of education in its provincial budget. From 13 per cent share of educa-tion in 2010-11 to 20 per cent in 2015-16, it showed the commit-ment of successive governments to improve the state of education in the province.

However, in 2016-17, the per-centage share of education has been reduced substantially to 17 per cent of the provincial budget. A 20 per cent share (same as was allocated in 2015-16) would have meant an extra Rs9 billion for education this fi scal year. In com-parison with other provinces, Ba-lochistan has allocated the lowest percentage share of its provincial budget for education.

Looking at the other provinces, education has received a 20 per cent share of provincial budget in Sindh (Rs176 billion allocated for education out of the provincial budget of Rs869 billion).

Punjab has allocated 19 per cent of its budget for education (Rs313 billion for education out of Rs1,681 billion). The K-P government has earmarked 28 per cent of the total provincial budget for education (Rs143 billion for education out of Rs505 billion).

Considering the infrastructural needs of the education system in Balochistan and the importance of non-salary budgets for quality education and services, it is impor-tant that the government allocates suffi cient funds for development purposes and non-salary budget. While an increase of 11 per cent has been recorded on the recurrent side, a major cut in Balochistan’s education budget has been made on the development side.

The total development budget of Balochistan for 2016-17 is Rs71

billion out of which education af-fairs and services will receive only nine per cent i.e., Rs6.4 billion. This year’s development budget is 36 per cent lower than the al-located budget of Rs10 billion in 2015-16.

Looking at the allocated devel-opment budget for school educa-tion only, in 2015-16, Rs7.5 billion were apportioned for development purposes. In 2016-17, the develop-ment budget has been slashed by 42 per cent to Rs4.4 billion. Out of the recurrent education budget, Rs37.4 billion have been appor-tioned for salaries and related ex-penditure in 2016-17.

This constitutes 88 per cent of the recurrent education budget. Owing to salary increase and new appointments, the salary budget has increased by 15 per cent. On the other hand, the non-salary budget (used for daily expendi-tures of schools and operation and maintenance of the department’s offi ces) has been reduced by nine per cent i.e., from Rs5.8 billion in 2015-16 to Rs5.3 billion in 2016-17.

Despite a signifi cant increase of 19 per cent in the total outlay of the Balochistan budget, the education budget shows reduced allocations for non-salary and development budgets. While the global focus is on increasing education budgets so that children have better access to quality education, Balochistan has substantially decreased its provincial share of education this year.

The cuts on development and non-salary budgets for education, raise a question mark on the com-mitment of the Balochistan gov-ernment towards education. One cannot hope to achieve targets like quality education for all in the near future with such poor commit-ment. — Express Tribune


Considering the

infrastructural needs of

the education system

in Balochistan and the

importance of non-salary

budgets for quality

education and services,

it is important that the

government allocates

sufficient funds for

development purposes

and non-salary budget

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US offers expertise to fight terrorism in Bangladesh

DHAKA: The United States on Sunday off ered its expertise to Bangladesh in bolstering its coun-terterrorism capabilities follow-ing a string of terror attacks, in-cluding the country’s worst terror attack on a cafe here that killed 22 people, mostly foreigners.

The US off er to was conveyed by Nisha Desai Biswal, theAs-sistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, dur-ing her meeting with Foreign

Minister AH Mahmood Ali and Foreign Secretary Mohammad Shahidul Haque here soon after her arrival.

Biswal, Washington’s point person for South Asia, off ered US expertise in building Bangladesh’s

counterterrorism capabilities in the wake of the July 1 terror attack in Dhaka, BD News reported.

“Our commitment to Bangla-desh remains as robust as ever,” Biswal said. Her two-day visit comes a week after two recent

terror attacks in the country, in-cluding one on a cafe here and an-other at the country’s biggest Eid gathering at Sholakia in northern Kishoreganj district.

Biswal would meet Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood

Ali and Home Minister Asaduz-zaman Khan Kamal.

Spate of attacksEarlier, the State Department said Biswal will meet with govern-ment offi cials to discuss “issues of shared concern” and off er US assistance to the Bangladeshi gov-ernment’s eff orts to counter ter-rorism and violent extremism.

She will also meet with the em-bassy community, local business and other diplomatic representa-tives. Bangladesh has witnessed a spate of attacks in recent days. As many as 22 people, including 17 foreigners, were killed in the bru-tal late-night attack at the Holey Artisan Bakery in Gulshan area of the capital on July 1.

During a joint commando op-eration, six of the attackers were killed. The IS has claimed respon-sibility for the attack. However, Bangladesh government says the attacks were carried out by home-grown terror outfi ts.

Seventeen foreigners were among the victims. - PTI

Nisha Desai Biswal,

who is on a visit

to Bangladesh,

off ered US expertise

in bolstering its


capabilities following

a string of terror

attacks recently

Afghan forces’ casualties rising in 2016

KABUL: Afghan forces are suff er-ing rising levels of battlefi eld casu-alties this year after unprecedent-ed numbers of police and soldiers were killed and wounded in 2015, the top United States commander in Afghanistan said.

US Army General John Nichol-son, in some of his fi rst remarks since the United States last week scaled back its withdrawal plans, told a small group of reporters that the rising casualties were largely the result of Taliban attacks on fi xed Afghan positions.

“This year, we’re seeing more tactical success (by the Afghans) on the battlefi eld but more casual-ties as well,” Nicholson said late on Saturday when asked about how Afghan forces were faring this year compared with 2015. He did not disclose fi gures.

A spokesman said on Sunday that Nicholson was referring to an increase so far in 2016 com-pared to the same period in 2015, and noted how fi ghting was more intense due to the milder winter this year. “It’s when they’re in a de-fensive posture, such as in check-points being overrun, is where the majority of the casualties are oc-curring,” Nicholson said.

5,000 forces killedMore than 5,000 forces in Afghani-stan were killed in action and over 14,000 were wounded in 2015, when the Taliban staged a series of at-tacks that upended US assumptions about the ability of Afghan forces to secure the country after more than 14-and-a-half years of war.

On July 6, US President Barack Obama scrapped plans to slash the number of US forces to 5,500 troops from 9,800 before he leaves offi ce, citing precarious security in Afghanistan. Obama now plans to leave around 8,400 US troops.

United States allies are also re-newing their commitments, and Nato agreed on Saturday to help fund Afghan forces to the tune of around $1 billion annually over the next three years. Nicholson praised Afghan forces. - Reuters


Government critickilled in Cambodia PHNOM PENH: A critic of the Cambodian government was shot dead in the capital on Sunday at a time of rising political tension between Prime Minister Hun Sen and an opposition hoping to chal-lenge his grip on power in elec-tions as soon as next year.

Kem Ley, 46, the head of a grass-roots advocacy group, ‘Khmer for Khmer’, was shot two times in a store at a gas station in Phnom Penh, police said.

“Kem Ley was shot dead,” Eng Hy, a spokesman for the National Military Police, said, but declined to provide further details. A 38-year old suspect has been arrested, and has admitted to killing Kem Ley in a dispute over money, Cam-bodia’s Interior Ministry said.

On social media, Hun Sen con-demned the attack, ordered an investigation into the killing and urged authorities to clamp down on fi rearms and explosives. “I pay my condolences over the death of Kem Ley, who was shot by a gunman,” Hun Sen said on his Facebook page. “I condemn this brutal act.”

Videos of the attacker’s confes-sion spread widely on social media soon after the killing. Reuters was unable to independently verify the video. In a news conference, po-lice brought in the suspect before journalists. The suspect, who had blood on his head and shoulders, was identifi ed as Chuop Somlap, which means ‘meet to kill’.

“It’s hard to believe that this is his

name, it may be fake,” Phnom Penh’s Police Chief Chuon Sovann said. “We continue our investigation into people who are behind this.”

A witness saw Kem Ley’s body lying in a pool of blood on the fl oor of the store, with hundreds of onlookers gathered around it. A water bottle and a cellphone were strewn nearby. Kem Ley’s preg-nant wife, Pou Rachana, wept.

“I don’t know what happened, somebody just called me and said that he’s shot,” Pou Rachana told Reuters. “He’s already dead,” she added, as investigators kept her away from the body of her husband.

Thousands of supporters formed a procession as Kem Ley’s body was taken to a local pagoda inside his own car, covered with fl owers, fruits and incenses. The United States embassy in Phnom Penh said Kem Ley was one of Cambodia’s most prominent po-litical analysts while Britain’s en-voy called his death a serious loss to the country.

Political tension is growing be-tween Hun Sen and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), which wants to take on the prime minister in local elec-tions in 2017 and a general elec-tion in 2018.

A popular political commenta-tor and researcher, Kem Ley was frequently critical of Hun Sen’s administration, having most re-cently commented on a report by anti-corruption group. - Reuters


Japan’s ruling bloc wins landslide in upper house election: Exit pollsTOKYO: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ruling coalition won a land-slide victory on Sunday in an elec-tion for parliament’s upper house, media exit polls showed, despite concerns about his economic pol-icies and a goal to revise the paci-fi st constitution.

Some of the exit polls also showed Abe’s coalition and like-minded parties had won the two-thirds ‘super majority’ needed to try to revise the post-war consti-tution for the fi rst time, though others only said the threshold was within reach.

Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) won a simple majority for the fi rst time since 1989, accord-ing to the voter surveys, a victory that will bolster the premier’s grip over the conservative party that he led back to power in 2012 after three years in opposition.

A push to ease the charter’s constraints on the military oper-ating overseas could lead to ten-sion with China, where memories of Japan’s past militarism still arouse anger.

Tomomi Inada, the LDP’s poli-cy chief, noted that the party had already crafted a draft revised constitution. “Our party is one that calls for reforming the con-stitution,” she told local television shortly after the polls closed.

In Japan, fi nancial market play-ers fear amending the charter will divert Abe’s energy away from reviving the stuttering economy. Some voters who backed Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) said the economy’s health was also their biggest concern.

‘Abenomics’“Especially since I see economic growth as the priority, I have little hope for the opposition parties,” said Yoshihiko Takeda, a 36-year-old IT company employee.

Abe had cast the election as a referendum on his ‘Abenomics’ recipe of hyper-easy monetary policy, spending and reform. With signs the strategy is failing, the government plans to compile a post-election stimulus package that could exceed ¥10 trillion ($99

billion). But economists worry the government will choose big-ticket infrastructure projects rather than implement tough structural reforms.

Cabinet changes?Abe is expected to reshuffl e his cabinet after the election and speculation has emerged that Abe might replace Finance Minister Taro Aso, 75, among others. His minister for Okinawa, Aiko Shi-majiri, was set to lose her seat, Kyodo news agency reported, cit-ing early results.

The loss is a slap at a United States-Japan plan to relocate a controversial US-Marines air-base on the island, reluctant host to the bulk of America’s military forces in Japan.

A big win nationwide, however, will allow Abe to assert he has a mandate, but any such claim would be undermined if turnout in the election — which received minimal media attention — is low, as early estimates suggested. The voting age was lowered to 18 from

20 for the fi rst time, another fac-tor that could yield low turnout.

The opposition Democratic Party linked up with three smaller parties including the Japanese Communist Party to try to stop the pro-constitutional reform camp getting a super majority.

Conservatives see the consti-tution as a humiliating symbol of Japan’s defeat in World War II. Its admirers consider it the source of post-war peace and democracy. Revising the charter needs the ap-proval of two-thirds in both hous-es of parliament and a majority in a public referendum.

But most voters see no need to revise the constitution and the LDP’s dovish partner is reluctant to change its pacifi st Article 9. Noriko Okada, a 66-year-old inte-rior decorator, said she voted for a Japan Communist Party can-didate to show her opposition to constitutional revision. “

My ballot came from despair, rather than hope. I’m concerned about the Abe government,” she said. - Reuters


DHAKA: Bangladesh govern-ment on Sunday ordered all educational institutions in the country to give lists of students who have been ab-sent for over 10 straight days following reports that some of the militants who carried out recent terror attacks joined militant groups after running away from home.

The decision to demand the lists of students was taken at a meeting of Education Ministry offi cials, chaired by Minister Nurul Islam Nahid, at the Secretariat.

The ministry later issued an order in this regard, which

said the institutions will have to make the lists of the absentee students and submit them to the Upazila education offi cers, the bdnews reported.

The fi ve militants who killed 22 people, including an Indian, after attacking an upscale Gulshan cafe on July 1 night and whose photos the IS reportedly released, had been missing or not contacting their families for several months, their relatives have said.

The suspected attacker of Sholakia Eid gathering last Thursday, who was killed in a fi refi ght, had also been missing since March, police

said. Four of these six youths were students of top English medium schools in Dhaka.

Two of them were students of private North South Uni-versity and another of BRAC University.

Security forces have also alerted parents to report their missing children. Prime Min-ister Sheikh Hasina has also asked people to inform police if any of the children in their families are missing.

After the cafe terror attack, parents of 10 more youths, who have been missing for several months, have sought police help to fi nd them. - PTI

School, colleges told to report absent students

Government bans televangelist Zakir Naik’s Peace TVDHAKA: Bangladesh govern-ment on Sunday banned the broadcasting of India-based con-troversial preacher Zakir Naik’s Peace TV channel after reports that his ‘provocative’ speeches in-spired some of the militants who carried out the country’s worst terror attack at a cafe here.

The decision to ban the In-dia-based preacher’s ‘Peace TV Bangla’ was taken during a special meeting of Cabinet Committee on

Law and Order, Industry Minister Amir Hossain Amu, who chaired the meeting said.

In the meeting, attended by sen-ior ministers and top security offi -cials, it was also decided to moni-tor the sermons given during the Friday prayers to check whether any provocative lectures are de-livered, Amu told reporters.

Naik’s speeches are believed to have inspired some of the Bang-ladeshi militants, who killed

22 people, mostly foreigners, at an upscale restaurant in Dhaka on July 1.

Security forcesBesides senior ministers, the meeting was attended by chief of police and head of the elite Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), para-military border guards and top offi cials of diff erent security agen-cies. Deployment of additional se-curity forces at export processing

zone was also ordered.Home Minister Asaduzza-

man Khan had on Saturday said that Bangladesh’s intelligence agencies were investigating the preacher Naik. “He is on our se-curity scanner... Our intelligence agencies are investigating his ac-tivities as his lectures appeared provocative,” Khan had said.

Khan said the investigators were also probing Naik’s fi nancial transactions in Bangladesh.

The activities of Naik’s Mum-bai-based Islamic Research Foun-dation are also under the scanner of Indian Home Ministry amid al-legations that funds from abroad received by it have been spent on political activities and inspiring people towards radical views.

The Maharashtra state govern-ment has also ordered a probe into the sermons by the 50-year-old televangelist that has kicked up a storm. -PTI

‘ P R O V O C A T I V E ’

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COUNTING: Election offi cers count votes at a ballot counting centre for Japan’s upper house election in Tokyo, on Sunday. – Reuters

GRIEVING: Relatives of Kem Ley, anti-government fi gure and the

head of a grassroots advocacy group, ‘Khmer for Khmer’ sit inside a

gas station after he was shot dead in Phnom Penh, on Sunday. – Reuters

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How to end hunger in a sustainable mannerHilal Elver & Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Last September, world leaders made a com-mitment to end hunger by 2030, as part of the United Nations Sustainable Devel-

opment Goals (SDGs). It sounds like a massive undertaking. In fact, the world already produces enough food to feed everyone. So why does the problem persist?

Poverty and hunger are intimately connected, which is why the SDGs target elimination of both. For someone living at the World Bank’s poverty line of $1.90 per day, food would account for some 50-70 per cent of income. The Bank estimates that almost four-fi fths of the world’s poor live in rural areas, though those areas account for less than half of the world’s population. The obvious conclusion is that raising rural incomes sustain-ably is required to eradicate hunger.

That will not be easy. Most developing coun-tries nowadays are burdened by high rates of un-employment and underemployment. And with current economic prospects bleak, especially giv-en low commodity prices, and insistence on fi scal austerity continuing in most places, downward pressure on rural incomes is likely to worsen.

But even if countries do manage to achieve in-clusive growth, it will not be enough to eliminate hunger by 2030.

The only way to do that will be to implement well-designed social protection and scale up pro-poor investments.

According to the World Bank, one billion peo-ple in 146 low- and middle-income countries cur-rently receive some form of social protection. Yet 870 million of those living in extreme poverty, mainly in rural areas, lack coverage.

Unsurprisingly, the greatest shortfalls are in low-income countries, where social protection covers less than one-tenth of the population, 47 per cent of which lives in extreme poverty. In the lower-middle-income countries, social protec-tion reaches about a quarter of those living in ex-treme poverty, leaving about a half-billion people without coverage.

In the upper middle-income countries, about 45 per cent of those living in extreme poverty re-ceive social-welfare benefi ts.

This is clearly not good enough. Improved so-cial protection can help to ensure adequate food consumption and enable recipients to invest in

their own nutrition, health, and other productive capacities. As such investments sustainably raise incomes, they enable further increases in produc-tive personal investments, thereby breaking the vicious cycle of poverty and hunger.

Governments, too, have investments to make, in order to ensure that those who are currently mired in poverty reach the point where they can invest in themselves. An early big investment push would generate additional incomes sooner, reducing longer-term fi nancing costs. Moreover, it would boost aggregate demand in a world econ-omy that badly needs it.

The world can aff ord the needed investment. According to estimates by the Food and Agri-cultural Organisation (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the World Food Programme (WFP), it would cost the equivalent of 0.3 per cent of the world’s 2014 income.

All that is needed is for wealthier countries to provide budgetary support and technical assis-tance to the low-income countries that need it. (Most middle-income countries can aff ord the needed fi nancing themselves.)

It should not be diffi cult to generate the po-litical will to provide the needed support, at least in theory. After all, it has been more than a half-century since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, which treats the material needs of all persons as a fun-damental human right. A few years earlier, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt called “freedom from want” – which, presumably, includes free-dom from hunger – one of four essential freedoms of which people “everywhere in the world” should be assured.

Now, with the adoption of the SDGs, govern-ments everywhere are obliged to take respon-sibility for ending poverty and hunger, as well as for creating the conditions for ensuring that both are permanently overcome. The upcoming High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable De-velopment presents an important opportunity to forge the path ahead, setting near- and medium-term priorities.

Ending hunger and poverty in a sustainable way is morally right, politically benefi cial, and economically feasible. For world leaders, inac-tion is no longer an option. - Project SyndicateNo words can explain Edhi’s personality

This refers to the report ‘Pakistani philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi mourned by residents in Oman’ (July 9). May Allah Bless his soul as he was a great man who lived just for humanity. He was poor but had

the biggest foundation in the world for poor people with more than 15,000 ambulances, helicopters and homes . We don‘t have words to explain this personality. — Adil Hussain Ghumman, Muscat via Facebook

Maids like all workers should be paid and treated with dignity This refers to the online report ‘Omani families turn to Uganda for hiring cheaper housemaids’ (July 9)This is depressing. Most housemaids already receive very low salaries and are extremely overworked. Maids like all workers should be paid and treated with dignity. In fact having some-one to give a hand cleaning or ironing once a week is considered a huge privilege in Europe. Only the absence of proper daycare systems here forced me to have a maid or I

would not be able to work but i make sure she works fi ve days a week, eighthours a day, has paid hollidays and all extra hours (babysitting) being paid extra. — Ana Jesus, Muscat via Facebook

T I M E S O F O M A NM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6A12




Corrupt recruiting agents are behind most problems related to labourMUSCAT: They had spent huge amounts back home to obtain their tickets and to pay the agents concerned to come to Oman. Some of them have to sold off their properties, pawned their spouse’s gold, borrowed from many sources…in short, even when they go back they would have to deal with innumerable problems while these poor labourers are facing an increasingly uphill task in trying to solve their problems here, the sad part is that even when they go back, their existence was bound to be mired in further diffi culties.

1708: The French are defeated at Oudenarde, Malplaquet, in the Netherlands by the Duke of Marlborough and Eugene of Savoy.

1942: Fourty-four British Lancaster bombers attack the Polish port of Danzig..

1995: Full diplomatic relations are established between the United States and Vietnam.




If the advance of illiberalism continues, the fl ashpoints could

easily multiply as democracy and capitalism lose their power as

engines of peace. So the real danger to the world isn’t Brexit -- it’s the

rise of illiberalism. This is defi nitely something we should be very

worried about, and do everything in our power to resist


Crucially, no one is arguing in favour of uncontrolled migration. Instead,

advocates of migration, promote protection for refugees and managed

fl ows of people by making legal pathways more accessible. This will require international-level

cooperation, backed by the right national and local measures


Putin may be impressed by Donald Trump, but, judging by this tirade, he wouldn’t have been allowed to

run for the State Duma. No one particularly colourful is. As Fyodor Krasheninnikov noted in a column for the daily ‘Vedomosti’, business fi gures are remarkably scarce on

major party lists -- a major change from previous elections




Business Brief - Rise in demand for Middle East carriers

JULY 2001Scan this QR code to send letters to the Readers’ Forum, containing not more than 200 words with full name, address and telephone number, may be sent by e-mail (akhtar@timesofoman.com).



1 Two lawyers make Royal Decrees easily accessible to all in Oman


2 US introduces Bill to bar Indian fi rms from hiring on H-1B visas


3 Morning Minute: Taxi bus accident in Oman


4 Movie review: Sultan is a Salman Khan show all the way


5 $45 billion of new projects signal spending revival in oil industry


1 Pakistani philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi mourned by residents in Oman


2 Oman weather: Heavy rain falls in many parts of Sultanate


3 Omani Khanjar design being updated: Ministry


4 Oil price slump has put pressure on Oman’s economy, says CBO chief


5 Omani families turn to Uganda for hiring cheaper housemaids


T I M E S O F O M A N . C O M / O P I N I O N


68,320,846 407,981


@wests_glory@footballnsw @ManlyUnited @SydUtd58FC watching #WaratahCup from Sultanate of Oman. #AussieExpat



“Insure with

New India and

be secure”

The scientifi c name for an animal that doesn‘t either run from or fi ght its enemies is lunch.MICHAEL FRIEDMAN


We invite our readers to write articles on topics

related to Oman. The articles should not exceed 800 words.

Send us your article along with your picture to


Tel: 24838800 | Fax: 24838899 | Email: niamct@omantel.net.om | Website: www.newindiaoman.com

Photo: Nishad Padiyarath/ Location: Jebel Akdhar

SourceNational Centre for Statistics & Information







GLOBAL EYEM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

UNITED KINGDOM: Members of the British Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team, the Red Arrows, perform ahead of the British Formula One Grand Prix at Silverstone motor racing circuit in Silverstone, central Eng-

land, United Kingdom, on Sunday.— AFP

NORTH KOREA: North Koreans sit on rides at a fairground in Pyongyang, on Saturday. — AFP

THE NETHERLANDS: Dutch girl Sofi ye Boyuksimsek, 10, concentrates as she plays with Charlie Robot, who is helping her learn how

to manage her diabetes at the Gelderse Vallei hospital in Ede, The Netherlands, on June 28, 2016, in this picture released on Sunday.

Cheeky Ruben is just seven and learning to read. But thanks to his new knee-high buddy Charlie robot he can expertly measure his

blood sugar and count carbohydrates in a glass of milk. — AFP

SOUTH KOREA: Panda Le Bao plays with his ice cake during a

birthday event for a pair of giant pandas at South Korea’s Everland

Amusement and Animal Park in Yongin, near Seoul, on Sunday. — AFP

KENTUCKY: Firefi ghters work to extinguish a car fi re in the parking

lot during the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Quaker State 400 at Ken-

tucky Speedway on Saturday in Sparta, Kentucky, United States.

— Dylan Buell/Getty Images/AFP

PORTUGAL: Canadian band Arcade Fire’s Regine Chassagne per-

forms during a concert at the Alive Festival in Oeiras, near Lisbon,

Portugal on Saturday. — AFP


GLOBAL EYEM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

INDIA: A participant rides through a pool of water while taking part in the Monsoon Scooter Rally in Mumbai, India on Sunday. — Reuters

CHINA: An aerial view shows a lotus fi eld in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, on Saturday. — Reuters/Stringer

CANADA: Western cowboy artist Rosanna Marmont paints and sells her art works at the western art exhibit during the Calgary Stampede

in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on Saturday. — Reuters

TEXAS: James Butler drives a vintage Vespa scooter with his Gol-

dendoodle Nelson in the sidecar in Dallas, Texas, United States, on

Saturday. — Reuters

CHINA: Goats fi ght with each other during a local event in Linquan

county, Anhui Province, China, on Saturday. — Reuters/Stringer

FRANCE: France supporters pose prior to the Euro 2016 fi nal

football match between Portugal and France at the Champ-de-

Mars fan zone in Paris, France on Sunday. — AFP

FRANCE: This picture taken on Sunday shows the international

tapestry centre in Aubusson, France. — AFP


WORLDM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Labour Party heads for bitter leadership contest

LONDON: Britain’s opposition Labour Party is set for a bitter bat-tle over its future after leader Jer-emy Corbyn said he expected to be on the ballot automatically for a leadership contest and would fi ght any attempt to prevent him enter-ing the race.

Labour has been thrown into cri-sis since Britain’s vote last month to leave the European Union, with Corbyn refusing to step down de-spite mass resignations from his policy team and a no-confi dence motion passed by an overwhelm-ing majority of his party’s lawmak-ers. One of them, Angela Eagle, has said she will formally launch a bid on Monday to replace Corbyn as party leader, saying he has failed to lead Labour parliamentarians as an organised and eff ective force to hold the government to account.

Eagle said an election, due in 2020, could come early and her party needed to be ready.

“(Corbyn) doesn’t connect with Labour voters, he doesn’t connect enough to win an election ... and I really think now the time is for him to consider his position,” she said.

Corbyn told the BBC: “I’m ex-pecting to be on the ballot paper because the rules of the party in-dicate that the existing leader, if challenged, should be on the ballot paper anyway.” He said legal advice he had received backed this view. Eagle said she had the 51 nomina-tions by lawmakers required to mount a challenge and that while she believed it was party precedent that Corbyn would need the same level of support from colleagues to take part in the leadership ballot, it would be up to the party’s national executive committee to decide.

Some Labour lawmakers fear Corbyn, who spent three decades on the hard-left fringe of the party before a surprise wave of grass-roots enthusiasm swept him to victory in a leadership contest last September, will be voted back in by the party membership if he makes it on to the ballot. — Reuters

U N I T E D K I N G D O MEgypt offers help to revive Middle East peace process

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM: Egypt’s foreign minister paid a rare visit to Israel on Sunday, of-fering Cairo’s help to revive peace talks with the Palestinians, in a sign of strengthened ties between two countries sharing deep con-cern over regional unrest.

Sameh Shoukry’s visit was the fi rst made by an Egyptian foreign minister in nine years and he trav-elled to occupied Jerusalem for two meetings with Prime Minis-ter Benjamin Netanyahu.

As Netanyahu looked on, Shoukry said the vision of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Pales-tinian confl ict “is not far-fetched” and he called for confi dence-building measures that could lead to renewed peace negotiations that collapsed in 2014.

“It is no longer acceptable to claim that the status quo is the most that we can achieve of the hopes and aspirations of the Pales-tinian and Israeli peoples,” Shouk-ry said. The current state of aff airs, said the Egyptian diplomat, who held talks in the occupied West Bank on June 29 with Palestin-ian President Mahmoud Abbas, “is neither stable nor sustainable”.

In May Egyptian President Ab-del Fattah Al Sisi urged both sides

to seize the opportunity to make a historic peace, off ering Israel the prospect of warmer ties if this were achieved.

Sisi off ered the 2002 Arab peace initiative as a potential way ahead. The initiative off ered full recogni-tion of Israel but only if it gave up all land seized in the 1967 Middle East war and agreed to a “just so-lution” for Palestinian refugees. Shoukry said Egypt was off ering “all possible forms of support” to achieve peace and security in the Middle East.

“A multitude of ideas and initia-tives have been proposed to make it a practical reality - particularly the Arab peace initiative,” he said.

“However, achieving this vision requires serious steps to build confi dence, as well as a genuine will that does not waver or wane under any circumstance.”

Netanyahu has said he would be willing to discuss the Arab peace plan but that changes would have to be made. Greeting Shoukry on Sunday, Netanyahu repeated his call for Palestinians to resume di-

rect negotiations with Israel, and welcomed Egypt’s eff orts to re-solve that confl ict and achieve “a broader peace in our region”.

Egypt was the fi rst of a hand-ful of Arab countries to recognise Israel with a US-sponsored peace accord in 1979, but Egyptians’ attitudes to their neighbour re-main icy. However, cooperation between the two governments has strengthened under Sisi, with Egypt facing insurgents in Sinai near its eastern neighbour’s bor-der and both countries wary of

Gaza’s Hamas rulers.“The situation of the Middle

East is becoming ever more vola-tile and dangerous, particularly as the phenomenon of terrorism continues to grow and proliferate, representing an existential threat to the peoples of the region and the world at large,” Shoukry said.

In a report published on July 1, the Quartet of Middle East peace sponsors hailed the Arab peace initiative’s “vision for compre-hensive settlement” of the Arab-Israeli confl ict. — Reuters

Foreign Minister

Sameh Shoukry

called for confi dence-

building measures

that could lead to

renewed peace

negotiations during

a rare visit to Israel

Dallas killer deftly improvised during attack, says police chiefDALLAS: The suspect who killed fi ve police offi cers in Dallas last week had prepared a larger as-sault on law enforcement, the city’s police chief said on Sunday, citing evidence gathered from the killer’s home that showed he had practiced with explosives.

“We’re convinced that this sus-pect had other plans,” Police Chief David Brown told CNN, adding that the recent deaths of African-Americans at the hands of police in Minnesota and Louisiana led the Texas shooter to “fast track” his plans. Brown also vigorously defended his decision to use a bomb mounted on a robot to kill the gunman while he was holed up after killing the fi ve offi cers.

He said he approved the plan to detonate a bomb with “about of pound” of C-4 explosives after two hours of fruitless talks with the suspect, who sang, laughed and taunted with police negotia-tors. The sniper, Micah X. John-son, a black US military veteran of the Afghan war, said he wanted to “kill white people” following the fatal shootings of two black men by police in Louisiana and Min-nesota, offi cials said.

His attack came on Thurs-day evening during a protest in downtown Dallas against the fatal shootings of African American men in Baton Rouge and a Min-neapolis suburb. The shooting spree amplifi ed a turbulent week in the United States, as the issues of race, gun violence and use of lethal force by law enforcement again convulsed the nation. The fatal shooting of the fi ve offi cers has not slowed the protests, and more demonstrations against po-lice violence broke out in several US cities on Saturday.

Nearly two dozen law enforce-ment offi cers were injured and more than 100 protesters arrested in St. Paul, Minnesota, overnight as demonstrators blocked a ma-jor highway. Dozens of protesters were arrested overnight in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and angry dem-onstrators marched from New York’s City Hall to Times Square.

During Thursday’s demon-stration, Johnson demonstrated

an ability to improvise by “leap-frogging” ahead of marchers and choosing a number of optimal po-sitions from which to open fi re on police, Brown told CNN.

Police had expected the Dallas protesters to remain in one area of the city centre, but demon-strators spontaneously decided to march in a diff erent direction, Brown said.

Authorities believe the shooter drove until he was well ahead of the protesters, stopping where he saw an opportunity to take “high ground” in buildings, Brown said. Because police had not planned to close streets, offi cers became exposed when engaged in crowd control, Brown said. Johnson’s military training aided his abil-ity to shoot and rapidly move to other positions to fi re again, sin-gle-handedly “triangulating” his fi re so that police at fi rst believed their were multiple shooters. “We don’t normally see this kind of running and shooting from crimi-

nal suspects,” Brown said.Although police believe John-

son acted alone, “we still have not ruled out whether or not others were complicit,” Brown said.

Brown also revealed in the CNN interview that Johnson wrote the letters “RB” in his own blood when engaged in a stand-off with police, a mysterious clue that remains under investigation, the Dallas police chief said.

“He wrote some lettering in blood on the walls, which leads us to believe he was wounded on the way up the stairwell,” Brown said, adding that police were trying to decipher what RB meant. In tak-ing personal responsibility for ap-proving the plan in the aftermath of Thursday’s attack, Brown said he was convinced the gunman would have sought to harm other police offi cers if he had hesitated to give the go-ahead. “I approved it and would do it again if present-ed with same circumstances,” Brown told CNN. — Reuters


WARM WELCOME: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomes Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, left, in occupied

Jerusalem on Sunday. – Reuters

MADRID: US President Barack Obama met the king of Spain and acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Sunday, but the trip that was meant to show solidarity with Europe has been over-shadowed by violent events in the United States.

The visit is Obama’s fi rst to Spain as president. White House offi cials said it was important for Obama to make the trip, because Spain, which has been with-out a functioning govern-ment since December, was the only major European country he had not travelled to during his presidency.

Obama was supposed to

spend two days in Spain after attending a NATO summit in Warsaw where the United States, Spain and other allies pledged to stand united in the face of threats from Russia and fallout from Britain’s vote to leave the European Union.

But, after a sniper killed fi ve police offi cers in Dallas on Thursday following the fatal shootings of two black men by police in Louisiana and Minnesota, the White House cut short the trip so Obama could go to Dallas.

Plans for sightseeing in Seville and a town hall meeting with Spanish citi-zens were cancelled. — Reuters

Shootings cast shadow over Obama’s visit to Spain


WORLDM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Tablet lovers add

us on Google +




China medical costs forcingpatients into crippling debt

SHANGHAI/LONDON: As China’s medical bills rise steeply, outpacing government insurance provision, patients and their fami-lies are increasingly turning to loans to pay for healthcare, adding to the country’s growing burden of consumer debt.

While public health insur-ance reaches nearly all of China’s 1.4 billion people, its coverage is basic, leaving patients liable for about half of total healthcare spending, with the proportion rising further for serious or chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

That is likely to get signifi cantly worse as the personal healthcare bill soars almost fourfold to 12.7 trillion yuan ($1.9 trillion) by 2025, according to Boston Con-sulting Group estimates.

For many, like Li Xinjin, a con-struction materials trader whose son was diagnosed with leukaemia in 2009, that means taking on crip-pling debt. Li, from Cangzhou in Hebei province, scoured local pa-pers and websites for small lenders to fi nance his son’s costly treat-ment at a specialist hospital in Bei-jing, running up debts of more than 1.7 million yuan, about 10 times his typical annual income.

“At that time, borrowing money and having to make repayments, I was very stressed. Every day I worried about this,” said Li, 47,

adding that he and his wife had at times slept rough on the streets near the hospital. “But I couldn’t let my son down. I had to try to save him,” he said. Li’s boy died last year.

The debts will weigh him down for a few more years yet.

Medical loans are just part of China’s debt mountain - consum-er borrowing has tripled since 2010 to nearly 21 trillion yuan, and in eight years household debt relative to the economy has dou-

bled to nearly 40 per cent - but they are growing.

That is luring big companies like Ping An Insurance Group, as well as small loan fi rms and P2P platforms, as China’s traditional savings culture proves inadequate to the challenge of such heavy costs. The stress is particularly apparent in lower-tier cities and rural areas where insurance has failed to keep pace with rising costs, said Andrew Chen, Shang-hai-based healthcare head for

consultancy Parthenon-EY. “It’s a storm waiting to happen where patients from rural areas will have huge fi nancial burdens they didn’t have to face before,” he said, add-ing people would often take sec-ond mortgages on their homes or turn to community fi nance schemes.

China’s government has moved to ramp up rural health insurance, boost coverage for major illnesses and put pressure on drug com-panies to slash prices, but it is an uphill battle. Offi cial data show up to 44 per cent of families pushed into poverty were impoverished by illness. The Ministry of Health, which did not immediately re-spond to requests for comment, is currently investigating the impact of these costs on the country’s la-bour force.

“Typically, what happens in

China is the whole family con-tributes when someone gets a se-vere disease like cancer,” Severin Schwan, chief executive of Roche Holding AG, the world’s big-gest maker of cancer drugs, told Reuters. “When it comes to in-novative medicines, the fi nancial burden is just too much. Families can go broke.”

Roche itself has schemes in China to make cancer drugs more aff ordable, including an insurance scheme developed with Swiss Re.

There are no reliable fi gures for total healthcare lending, as lenders do not usually advance the money for healthcare-specifi c purposes. “If you want to use it for medical bills, cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery that’s all fi ne,” says Ping An Puhui, which advertises that its loans can “alleviate the pain of illness” and “bring new hope to sick families”.

But there is plenty of anecdotal evidence from online lenders that it is a growing segment.

“Our loan numbers have risen steadily, and no small number of people have used these for medi-cal purposes,” said Li Jin, a cus-tomer service worker at peer-to-peer (P2P) lender ppdai.com.

“Healthcare costs are high, and lots of people don’t have good state cover, so they need a loan.”

China Minsheng Banking Corp has launched a healthcare loan scheme in the western city of Chengdu, while Shanghai Phar-maceuticals Holding Co Ltd rolled out a loan scheme in April to help patients access expensive drugs.

Some desperate patients are pawning their personal belong-ings. “They use things of various value from jewellery to purses and even cars,” said Chen Yi, an offi ce worker at online lender minbaodai.cn.

“Previously the majority of peo-ple were looking for extra cash fl ow for their business, but last year and this we’ve seen a rise in healthcare loans.” — Reuters

Personal medical

expenditure expected

to hit $1.9 trillion

by 2025 as public

health insurance

broad but shallow

Zambia halts campaigning in capital over violenceLUSAKA: Zambia’s electoral commission has suspended cam-paigning in two areas, including the capital Lusaka, due to escalat-ing political violence before the August 11 elections, it said late on Saturday.

Police in Lusaka on Friday shot dead one opposition supporter in a group that took to the streets, harassing motorists and attack-ing police after their political party was denied permission to hold a rally, police chief Kakoma Kanganja said in a statement.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) said it was sus-pending campaigns in Lusaka and Namwala south of the capital for 10 days until July 18 when the situation would be reviewed.

“During the suspension there shall be no public rallies, meet-ings, processions or door to door

campaigns,” it said in a statement.The ECZ said all vehicles car-

rying political party campaign messages in the two areas should be parked. “Campaigns shall be restricted to electronic and print

media publicity and hate speech will not be entertained,” it said.

The ECZ had received reports of political violence in three other towns in southern Zambia and warned it would halt campaigning there if violence persisted, it said. “The commission appeals to all po-litical party leaders to counsel and control their cadres in the interest of making peace in our country,” the ECZ said in a statement. The ECZ on June 19 threatened to bar campaigning due to growing cases of violence, after clashes between supporters of the ruling Patriotic Front party and the main opposi-tion United Party for National De-velopment (UPND).

President Edgar Lungu has been in power for just over a year after winning a ballot triggered by the death of his predecessor, Mi-chael Sata. — Reuters


Two gored on fourth day of San Fermin bull-run festivalPAMPLONA (SPAIN): Two people were gored on Sunday on the fourth day of the San Fermin festival in northern Spain, where bulls chase red-scarved runners through the streets of Pamplona.

A man also died after being injured in a local bull-run the night before, the same day as a bullfi ghter and another man par-ticipating in a village event were killed in two of the many summer festivals in Spain.

San Fermin is the most famous of the festivals, attracting thou-sands of revellers who visit from around the world to witness the bull runs spread over eight days along an 825-metre route through Pamplona’s old town.

The two men were gored in the neck and chest respectively, the festival’s organisers said on their Twitter account. Three others suff ered trauma-related injuries.

Authorities said on Sunday that a 65-year-old man had died in a bull-run the previous night in the small town of Fuentesau-co close to the university city of Salamanca.

The man was pronounced dead in hospital after the bull’s horn pierced his chest three times when it caught him in a blind al-ley, a local newspaper, La Opinion de Zamora, said. — Reuters


COSTLY TREATMENT: A cancer patient pushes his drip stand as he walks down the hallway of a hos-

pital in Beijing, China on July 12, 2011. – Reuters fi le

Kurdish militant attacks kill six in southeast

DIYARBAKIR (TURKEY): Two bomb attacks by Kurdish militants ripped through a military outpost and an army vehicle in south-east Turkey on Sunday, killing six members of the armed forces, the military said, showing no let-up in a confl ict which fl ared a year ago.

It was the third such attack in the last 24 hours in the mainly Kurdish region, where a two-year-old ceasefi re between the Kurdis-tan Workers Party (PKK) militant group and the state collapsed last July. Since then, thousands of PKK fi ghters, security force members and civilians have died in fi ghting across the region.

In the latest violence, a roadside bomb planted by PKK guerrillas ripped through a military vehicle and killed four soldiers on the road between Semdinli and Aktutun in Hakkari province, along the border with Iraq, an army statement said.

It said one soldier was also wounded in the attack, which oc-curred at 12:05pm (0905 GMT). Security sources said army border units were put on alert and an air-backed operation was launched to fi nd those responsible.

The attacks come after reports that senior PKK commander Feh-man Huseyin was killed on Friday in a bomb attack on a car in which he was travelling in northeast Syr-ia. The report by Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency has not been confi rmed.

Elsewhere in southeast Turkey, PKK militants carried out a car bomb attack on a military outpost in the Ercis district of Van prov-ince overnight, killing one soldier and a member of the state-spon-sored village guard militia, the army said. It said ten soldiers and fi ve village guards were wounded.

Further west, along the border with Syria, PKK guerrillas staged a car bomb attack around midday on Saturday targeting a military installation in Mardin province, killing two soldiers and a civilian and wounding dozens, security sources said. — Reuters


DEADLY REVELERY: A ‘recortador’ puts a ring on a wild cow’s horn

during the San Fermin festival in Pamplona, northern Spain, on

Sunday. – Reuters

UNREST: Zambian Police

patrolling near the Chawama

Compound where residents

have attacked and looted

foreign-run shops in Lusaka in

this fi le photo taken on April 19,

2016. – Reuters


SAUDI ARABIAN STOCKS RISE Saudi Arabian stocks had their biggest gain in two weeks as trading resumed in most Gulf Arab equity markets and investors prepared for release of fi nancial results in the kingdom. The Tadawul All Share Index led the advance, adding 0.7 per cent at 11:28am in Riyadh. — Bloomberg News



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‘Energy eff iciency key for Sultanate’s power sector’

MOBIN MATHEW BLESSONmobinmathew@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Oman is a market that is brimming with opportu-nities across diff erent sectors, particularly in energy, said the newly appointed Chief Finan-cial Offi cer (CFO) for Siemens Middle East and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Due to the population growth people need new homes, which we can help by supplying electricity with more energy effi ciency, she

said, adding that the power sec-tor is rapidly growing in Oman, Al Rifai added.

Siemens TechnologySiemens Technology has helped Oman save 31 per cent of its gas in power generation and our tech-nology saves a big percentage of Oman’s gas reserves for export rather than for power generation,” newly appointed CFO Alia Al Ri-fai told the Times of Oman in an exclusive interview.

“Energy effi ciency will remain a key topic in Oman and other GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) coun-tries. Our technology can provide innovative solutions to customers

to protect their investments. This is where our innovation comes in and we can add value to our cus-tomers,” she added.

Speaking about the current business of Siemens during the economic downturn, Al Rifai said, “We will continue doing what we do best—supply great technology and create value for the region’s countries.”

“Our company’s Vision 2020 is also very much in line with the ambitions of local countries to look at energy effi ciency and their economies after oil. We want to help them implement those vi-sions with the right technologies,” CFO Al Rifai added.

Speaking about her new role in Siemens as its CFO, Al Rifai said, “I’m very excited about taking on my new responsibilities.

We have a lot of potential to strengthen our presence in the re-gion, which continues to present great opportunities for Siemens across diff erent sectors.”

“My job is to continue building on our past successes, focusing on diff erent topics, including people development, energy effi ciency and digitalisation,” she added.

The key areas that Al Rifai is looking to strengthen at Siemens in this region is to build and devel-op local talent, creating a strong sustainable presence in the region

and building long lasting partner-ships.

Healthy competitionAccording to the new CFO, com-petition is very healthy in the region. “Siemens has been in the region for a long time and we’re here to stay. We have a long-term strategy and are fully committed to the region. The region is full of opportunities and we have the right technologies to help our cus-tomers meet current market chal-lenges across diff erent sectors,” Al Rifai said.

With Al Rifai’s career at Sie-mens spanning close to two decades, she had witnessed the growth of Siemens in the region.

“We have strengthened our lo-cal presence in the region and spe-cifi cally GCC countries tremen-dously. We have local presence in every country and we play a major role in the diff erent sectors we op-erate in,” she stated.

“Our workforce has expanded to more than 6,000 people, who are based in the region.

This has made us closer to our customers and helped us under-stand their requirements and serve them faster and better,” she added. “Siemens in the region has grown along with the coun-tries it operates in, assisting them with their infrastructure development and contributing to local value creation.

We look forward to doing more and to assisting countries in their drive towards econom-ic diversifi cation and building knowledge-based economies,” she further said.

Due to population

growth people need

new homes, which

Siemens can help by

supplying electricity

with more energy

effi ciency, the newly

appointed Chief

Financial Offi cer

(CFO) for Siemens

Middle East and

the United Arab

Emirates, said

Energy efficiency will remain a key topic

in Oman and other GCC (Gulf Cooperation

Council) countries. Our technology

can provide innovative solutions to

customers to protect their investments.

This is where our innovation comes in

and we can add value to our customers

Alia Al RifaiChief Financial Officer for Siemens Middle East and UAE

Deal signed to achieve synergy in oil and gas upstream sectorTimes News Service

MUSCAT: Oman Oil Company Exploration and Production (OOCEP), a subsidiary of Oman Oil Company (OOC), and PTT Exploration and Production Pub-lic Company (PTTEP), signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on July 10, 2016.

Under the terms of the Memo-randum of Understanding, both parties will share information and experience in the relevant areas and also exchange techni-cal information and data to iden-tify and progress areas of mutual

interests. The agreement was signed by Eng. Isam Bin Saud Al Zadjali, Chief Executive Offi cer of Oman Oil Company and Somporn Vongvuthipornchai , chief execu-tive offi cer of PTTEP.

Potential opportunitiesCommenting on this agreement Eng. Isam Al Zadjali said, “By way of this MoU, OOCEP and PTTEP will explore potential coopera-tion opportunities between the two parties to achieve synergy in oil and gas upstream sector. Both parties will discuss areas of mu-tual interest to identify business

initiatives and investment areas.”Somporn said: “We are delight-

ed that OOCEP and PTTEP, the two national oil companies, have come up to this Memorandum of Understanding. PTTEP has been operating in Oman for over 10 years. And it is PTTEP’s inten-tion to explore for more business cooperation and opportunities for mutual benefi t of the two parties, both in Oman and Thailand.”

OOCEP is one of the core verti-cals of OOC driving investments in exploration and production in operated and non-operated assets both inside and outside Oman.


– Supplied picture

Global investment

poised to fall by

15% in 2016: G20

SHANGHAI: Global cross-border investment will probably decline by as much as 15 per cent this year as trade remains sluggish, China’s commerce minister said after a Group of 20 trade ministers meeting Sunday.

The G-20 representatives pledged to increase their eff orts to facilitate trade and urged other World Trade Organisation mem-ber nations to do likewise to enable global commerce, Gao Hucheng said at Sunday’s briefi ng.

The ministers had met in Chi-na’s fi nancial capital for two days of talks on how to boost invest-ment cooperation before heads of state convene for a September 4-5 leaders summit in the eastern city of Hangzhou.

The ministers projected a 10 per cent to 15 per cent drop in cross-border investment this year, Gao said. Britain’s referendum in favor of leaving the European Union will crimp global trade in the short term, and a G-20 workshop will study the potential impact, China’s Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen said at the briefi ng.

In February, fi nance chiefs and central bankers from the group agreed to consult closely on for-eign-exchange markets and reiter-ated pledges to refrain from com-petitive devaluations. Since then, currency markets have been roiled by Brexit, which caused the pound to plunge and helped drag down China’s yuan.

The G-20 opposes protection-ism and supports establishing new investment principles that are open, non-discriminatory, trans-parent and predictable, the group said in a statement.— Bloomberg News



MARKETM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6



REGULAR MARKET .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OM0000002176 ............AL JAZEERA STEEL PRODUCTS ..........................61,000 ............. 14,011........................7 ........... 0.236 ........... 0.236 ...........0.225........... 0.230 .............0.225 ........... 0.005 .............2.222 ................0.225..............0.223...................0.228 .................. 28,726,531 .........0.100

OM0000002820 ...........GULF INVESTMENT SERVICES ......................... 420,000........... 49,560........................5 ............0.118 ........... 0.118............ 0.118 ............0.118 ............. 0.116 ............ 0.002 ............. 1.724 ................ 0.118 .............. 0.112................... 0.118 ....................6,943,500 ..........0.100

OM0000004768 ...........AL MADINA TAKAFUL ...............................................27,000 ...............2,025........................2 ............0.075 ........... 0.075 ...........0.075 ........... 0.075 .............0.074 ............0.001 ..............1.351 .................0.075 ..............0.073...................0.075 ................... 13,125,000 .........0.100

OM0000002440 ...........AL SHARQIA INVESTMENT HOLDING ........... 443,691 ............62,713..................... 43 ............0.141 ........... 0.145 ...........0.140 ............0.141 .............0.140 ............0.001 ............. 0.714 ................ 0.141 ..............0.140................... 0.141 ...................12,690,000 .........0.100

OM0000001160 ............NATIONAL GAS .............................................................96,037 ............ 55,808..................... 22 ........... 0.580 ........... 0.584 ...........0.580........... 0.582 .............0.578 ........... 0.004 ............. 0.692 ................0.582 ..............0.582...................0.584...................32,010,000 .........0.100

OM0000003026 ...........OMAN TELECOMMUNICATION ........................ 168,396 ......... 278,170..................... 22 ............1.650 ........... 1.670 ...........1.650 ............1.650 ............. 1.640 ............0.010 ............. 0.610 ................1.670 .............. 1.660................... 1.665 ................1,237,500,000 ......0.100

OM0000003968 ...........OOREDOO....................................................................... 433,353 .........323,092..................... 26 ............0.744 ........... 0.748 ...........0.744 ........... 0.744 ............. 0.740 ........... 0.004 ............. 0.541 ................0.748 ..............0.744...................0.748 ................. 484,302,507 .......0.100

OM0000001087 ............OMAN UNITED INSURANCE ............................... 112,600............ 28,600........................3 ........... 0.254 ...........0.254 ...........0.254........... 0.254 .............0.254 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.254..............0.254...................0.279...................25,400,000.........0.100

OM0000001418 ............RAYSUT CEMENT ........................................................ 11,000 .............14,630........................2 ............1.330 ........... 1.330 ...........1.330 ........... 1.330 ............. 1.330............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................1.330 .............. 1.330...................1.460 ................. 266,000,000 .......0.100

OM0000001525 ............OMAN INVESTMENT AND FINANCE .............. 214,199 .............42,179..................... 10 ............0.197 ........... 0.197 ...........0.195 ............0.197 ............. 0.197............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.196 .............. 0.195...................0.197 ...................39,400,000.........0.100

OM0000001772 ............AL ANWAR HOLDING............................................... 1,764,332 ...... 310,065................... 105 ............0.175 ........... 0.178 ...........0.175 ............0.176 ............. 0.176 ............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.176 .............. 0.175................... 0.176 ...................30,800,432 .........0.100

OM0000002028 ...........GULF INTERNATIONAL CHEMICALS ..............32,250 ............... 8,127........................3 ........... 0.252 ........... 0.252 ...........0.252........... 0.252 .............0.252 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.252..............0.252...................0.260 ...................5,292,000 ..........0.100

OM0000002168 ............AL ANWAR CERAMIC TILES .................................63,479 .............15,996........................3 ........... 0.252 ........... 0.252 ...........0.250........... 0.252 .............0.252 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.252..............0.250...................0.252 ..................74,645,848 .........0.100

OM0000002200 ...........AHLI BANK ......................................................................83,001 .............14,857........................2 ............0.179 ........... 0.179 ...........0.179 ............0.179 ............. 0.179 ............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.179 .............. 0.175...................0.179 ..................255,081,470 ........0.100

OM0000002549 ...........BANK DHOFAR ............................................................ 100,330 ........... 23,277........................4 ........... 0.232 ........... 0.232 ...........0.232........... 0.232 .............0.232 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.232..............0.232...................0.250 .................394,214,725 ........0.100

OM0000002796 ...........BANK MUSCAT ............................................................ 494,097 ..........187,750................... 101 ........... 0.380 ...........0.380 ...........0.378 ........... 0.380 .............0.380 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.378 ..............0.378...................0.380 .................948,575,098........0.100

OM0000003224 ...........RENAISSANCE SERVICES ......................................... 2,970 ...................891........................2 ........... 0.300 ...........0.300 ...........0.300 .......... 0.302 .............0.302 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.300 ............ 0.290...................0.300 .................. 87,776,608 .........0.100

OM0000003398 ...........BANK SOHAR................................................................ 322,969 ............56,517........................7 ............0.175 ........... 0.175............0.174 ............0.175 ............. 0.175 ............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.175 .............. 0.175...................0.180 ..................280,787,385 ........0.100

OM0000003661 ............VOLTAMP ENERGY ........................................................... 165 ..................... 71........................ 1 ........... 0.432 ........... 0.432 ...........0.432........... 0.432 .............0.432 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.432 ..............0.432...................0.000 ..................26,136,000 .........0.100

OM0000004669 ...........SHARQIYAH DESALINATION .................................. 1,500 ............... 7,050........................ 1 ........... 4.700 ........... 4.700 ...........4.700........... 4.700 .............4.700 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................4.700 ............. 0.000...................4.850 .................. 45,967,015 .........1.000

OM0000004735 ...........SEMBCORP SALALAH .............................................. 186,130 ............ 44,676......................12 ........... 0.240 ........... 0.245 ...........0.240 .......... 0.240 .............0.240 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.240 ............ 0.240...................0.260 .................229,097,268........0.100

OM0000004933 ...........AL SUWADI POWER ....................................................... 5,131 ...............1,044........................4 ........... 0.204 ...........0.204 ...........0.203........... 0.203 .............0.203 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.203............. 0.202...................0.203 .................145,024,487 ........0.100

OM0000005005 ...........ALMAHA CERAMICS .................................................. 31,050 .............14,594........................4 ........... 0.470 ........... 0.470 ...........0.470 ........... 0.470 .............0.470 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.470 ..............0.462...................0.470...................24,675,000 .........0.100

OM0000001749 ............OMAN CEMENT ........................................................... 22,200 .............10,483........................3 ............0.474 ........... 0.474 ...........0.470 ........... 0.472 .............0.474 ...........-0.002 ........... -0.422 ...............0.470 ..............0.428...................0.470.................. 156,171,919 ........0.100

OM0000003125 ............GLOBAL FINANCIAL INVESTMENT ................. 50,000 ............... 6,750........................4 ............0.135 ........... 0.135 ...........0.135 ............0.135 ............. 0.136............-0.001 ........... -0.735................0.135 .............. 0.132...................0.135 ...................27,000,000 .........0.100

OM0000003521 ............GALFAR ENGINEERING AND CON. .................. 2,232,781 ...... 243,733..................... 66 ............0.109 ........... 0.110............0.109 ........... 0.109 ............. 0.110 ............-0.001 ........... -0.909 ...............0.109 ..............0.109................... 0.110 ................... 31,607,889 .........0.100

OM0000001517 ............HSBC BANK OMAN .................................................... 653,834 ........... 64,126......................21 ........... 0.099 ........... 0.099 ...........0.098........... 0.098 .............0.099 ...........-0.001 ............-1.010 ................0.098 ..............0.097...................0.098..................196,030,653 ........0.100

OM0000002366 ...........AL BATINAH DEV. INV. HOLDING ...................... 179,970 .............14,425........................5 ............0.081 ........... 0.081 ...........0.080........... 0.080 ............. 0.081............-0.001 ............-1.235................0.081 .............. 0.081...................0.089....................2,400,000 ..........0.100

OM0000001681 ............OMAN AND EMIRATES INV. HOLDING ........... 198,400 ...........26,940......................19 ............0.135 ........... 0.137 ...........0.135 ............0.136 ............. 0.138............-0.002 ........... -1.449 ...............0.136 .............. 0.135...................0.137 ...................16,575,000 .........0.100

OM0000001962 ............AL MADINA INVESTMENT .....................................35,000 ............... 2,135........................2 ............0.061 ........... 0.061 ...........0.061 ........... 0.061 .............0.062 ...........-0.001 ............-1.613 ................0.061 .............. 0.061...................0.062 ..................12,636,234 .........0.100

OM0000001145 ............PORT SERVICES CORPORATION ........................ 50,000 ............ 12,000........................ 1 ........... 0.240 ...........0.240 ...........0.240 .......... 0.240 .............0.244 ...........-0.004 ............-1.639................0.240 ............ 0.240...................0.244 ..................22,809,600.........0.100

OM0000002226 ...........AL JAZEERA SERVICES ............................................19,400 ...............4,086........................4 ............0.214 ........... 0.214 ...........0.210 ............0.211 ............. 0.215............-0.004 ........... -1.860 ...............0.210 ..............0.205...................0.210 ................... 12,914,102 .........0.100

.............................................SUM: .................................................................................. 8,516,265 .......1,940,380 ............... 516 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ......32........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

PARALLEL MARKET ................................................................................................................................................................................. OM0000001368 ............CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS IND. .................... 29,748 ..................940........................4 ........... 0.032 ........... 0.032 ...........0.031 ........... 0.032 ............. 0.031.............0.001 ............. 3.226 ................0.032.............. 0.031...................0.032 ...................2,720,000 ..........0.100

OM0000001152 ............OMAN NATIONAL ENGINE. INVT. ...................... 10,663 ...............2,079........................3 ............0.195 ........... 0.195 ...........0.194 ............0.195 ............. 0.195............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.194 .............. 0.187...................0.195 ...................19,500,000 .........0.100

OM0000001806 ............MUSCAT NATIONAL HOLDING ............................18,642 ............ 33,526........................2 ............1.770 ........... 1.800 ........... 1.770 ........... 1.800 .............1.800 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................1.800 ............. 0.000................... 1.795 ....................9,000,000 ..........1.000

OM0000004420 ...........BANK NIZWA ................................................................ 157,557 .............12,414........................9 ........... 0.080 ...........0.080 ...........0.078 ........... 0.079 .............0.079 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.078 ..............0.078...................0.079..................118,500,000 ........0.100

OM0000004511 ............ALIZZ ISLAMIC BANK................................................72,893 ...............4,385..................... 10 ........... 0.060 ........... 0.061 ...........0.060........... 0.060 .............0.060 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.060..............0.059...................0.060 ..................60,000,000 ........0.100

OM0000004776 ...........TAKAFUL OMAN INSURANCE ..............................10,000 ...............1,220........................ 1 ............0.122 ........... 0.122 ...........0.122 ........... 0.122 ............. 0.122 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.122 .............. 0.118...................0.122 ...................12,200,000.........0.100

OM0000005963 ...........PHOENIX POWER ...................................................... 450,141 ............ 72,998..................... 26 ............0.162 ........... 0.163 ...........0.162 ........... 0.162 ............. 0.162............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.162 .............. 0.161...................0.162 ..................236,941,437 ........0.100

OM0000001566 ............OMAN FISHERIES ..................................................... 167,600 .............10,459......................11 ........... 0.064 ...........0.064 ...........0.062........... 0.062 .............0.063 ...........-0.001 ............-1.587................0.062..............0.062...................0.063.................... 7,750,000 ..........0.100

OM0000002564 ...........AL HASSAN ENGINEERING.................................. 112,130 ...............8,967..................... 10 ........... 0.080 ........... 0.082 ...........0.079 ........... 0.080 .............0.082 ...........-0.002 ........... -2.439 ...............0.079 .............. 0.071...................0.080 ................... 6,016,640 ..........0.100

.............................................SUM: .................................................................................. 1,029,374 ...... 146,987..................... 76 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ........ 9........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

BONDS AND SUKUK MARKET ......................................................................................................................................................................OM0000004867 ...........BANK MUSCAT C C B 4.5 ............................................. 9,502 ...............1,007........................2 ............0.106 ........... 0.106 ...........0.105 ........... 0.106 ............. 0.106 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.105 .............. 0.105...................0.000 ..................33,882,124 .........0.100

OM0000005971 ............B.MUSCAT COMPL. CONVR. B.B.3.5 ..................... 18,689 ............... 1,879........................2 ............0.101 ........... 0.101............0.100 ............0.101 ............. 0.101 ............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.100 ..............0.100...................0.105 ...................32,740,323 .........0.100

.............................................SUM: .................................................................................... 28,191 ...............2,886........................4 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ........ 2........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

ISIN ......................................SECURITY NAME .................................................................. VOLUME ..... TURNOVER ............TRADES ......OPEN PRICE ......HIGH ............. LOW ........ CLOSE PR. ...PREV. CLOSE...DIFF (RO).........DIFF % ............. LAST PR .....LAST BID .............LAST OFFER ........MARKET CAP .PAR VALUE


INDICESIndex .................................................High .................Low ..................... Value ............... Prev . Value.......... Diff ...............Diff %MSM30 Index ........................................5,818.45 ...............5,813.84 ................... 5,816.26 ....................5,811.82 ....................4.44 ................... 0.08Financial Index ..................................... 7,327.10 ...............7,306.62 ................... 7,306.62 ...................7,320.60 ................ -13.98 .................. -0.19Industrial Index ....................................7,478.95 ...............7,467.24 .................... 7,471.21 ................... 7,468.07 .................... 3.14 ...................0.04Services Index ...................................... 3,254.48 ...............3,247.93 ....................3,253.74 ................... 3,247.93 .................... 5.81 ................... 0.18MSM SHARIAH INDEX....................... 896.12 .................. 895.13 .......................895.13 ...................... 894.69 ....................0.44 ................... 0.05

Trading SummaryVolume ................ Turnover ..........Trades .............. Market Cap............. Up ............Down ............. Equal .........Sec. Traded9,573,830 ....................2,090,253 .....................596 ............... 17,066,082,817 .................. 8 ......................11 ....................24 .........................43

MSM index ends higher

MUSCAT: The MSM30 In-dex remained stable amid sub-dued trading volume to close at 5,816.26 points, up 0.08 per cent. The MSM Sharia Index gained 0.05 per cent to finish at 895.13 points. Galfar Engineering was the most active in terms of vol-ume while Ooredoo was the most active in terms of turnover. Con-struction Materials was Sunday’s top gainer, up 3.23 per cent, while the top loser was Al Hassan Engi-neering down 2.44 per cent.

A total number of 596 trades were executed on Sunday, gen-erating turnover of OMR2.1 million with 9.5 million shares changing hands. Out of 43 traded securities, eight advanced, 11 declined and 24 remained un-changed. At the session close, Omani investors were net buy-ers for OMR21,000 followed by foreign investors for OMR10,000 while GCC & Arab Investors were net sellers for OMR31,000 worth of shares.

Financial Index declined 0.19 per cent to close at 7,306.62 points. Gulf Investment Ser-

vices, Al Madina Takaful and Al Sharqia Investments gained 1.72 per cent, 1.35 per cent and 0.71 per cent respectively. Al Madina Investment, Oman & Emirates Holding, Al Batinah Develop-ment, HSBC Bank and Global Fi-nancial Investment declined 1.61 per cent, 1.45 per cent, 1.23 per cent, 1.01 per cent and 0.74 per cent respectively.

Industrial Index was stable at 7,471.21 points, up 0.04 per cent. Construction Materi-als and Al Jazeera Steel gained 3.23 per cent and 2.22 per cent respectively. Al Hassan Engi-neering, Oman Fisheries, Galfar Engineering and Oman Cement decreased 2.44 per cent, 1.59 per cent, 0.91 per cent and 0.42 per cent respectively.

Services Index gained 0.18 per cent to close at 3,253.74 points. National Gas, Omantel and Oore-doo increased 0.69 per cent, 0.61 per cent and 0.54 per cent respec-tively. Al Jazeera Services and Port Services declined 1.86 per cent and 1.64 per cent respective-ly. — United Securities

Construction Materials was top gainer, up

3.23 per cent, while the top loser was Al

Hassan Engineering down 2.44 per cent

China inflation eases, more policy stimulus anticipatedBEIJING: China’s June con-sumer inflation grew at its slowest pace since January as increases in food prices eased, while producer prices extended their decline, re-inforcing economists’ views that more government stimulus steps will be needed to support the economy. The consumer price in-dex (CPI) rose 1.9 per cent in June from a year earlier, compared with a 2.0 per cent increase in May, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Sunday. Analysts had ex-pected a 1.8 per cent gain, a Reu-ters poll showed.

Consumer inflation has re-mained low compared with the official target of around 3 per cent for this year, indicating persis-tently weak demand in the world’s second-largest economy.

Food prices were up 4.6 per cent in June, compared with a 5.9 per cent gain in the previous month. Prices of China’s staple meat rose 30.1 per cent, compared with a 33.6 per cent increase in May.

But recent flooding in China “is likely to push vegetable and fruit prices higher in the coming

months,” ANZ economists Ray-mond Yeung and Louis Lam wrote in a research note.

Non-food prices inched up 1.2 per cent in June versus May’s 1.1 per cent gain.

“In our view, while China reiter-ates the importance of supply-side reform due to debt and overcapac-ity concerns, the authorities still need to stimulate demand in order to achieve its growth target,” Zhou Hao, senior Asia emerging market economist at Commerzbank in Singapore, said in a note.

Slowing economic growthThe People’s Bank of China (PBOC) last cut interest rates on October 23, the seventh time since late 2014, as the government took steps to counter slowing economic growth. China’s leaders have set an economic growth target of 6.5 per cent to 7 per cent for 2016. The economy expanded 6.9 per cent last year, its slowest pace in a quar-ter of a century.

A top government-backed think tank forecast in late June that con-sumer prices will likely rise 2 per

cent for the year, while the long de-cline in producer prices will ease.

“Of course, further policy easing is still on the cards, and we hold our view that the PBOC will cut both interest rates and reserve rate re-

quirement this month,” Zhou said.Other economists say authori-

ties should use fiscal policy to boost growth, adding that question marks remain over the effective-ness of further monetary easing.

Producer pricesIn June, the producer price index (PPI) dropped 2.6 per cent from a year earlier. Analysts had expected PPI to fall 2.5 per cent.

The decline extended a falling

streak to 51 consecutive months, though it continued to moderate, suggesting strains on companies’ profits may be easing. The PPI eased 2.8 per cent in May.

Producer prices for mining fell 8.2 per cent in June from a year earlier, while raw materials dropped 6.1 per cent.

China is due to release its second-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) data on July 15, along with figures for June’s in-dustrial output, investment and retail sales. Most analysts say GDP growth likely edged lower in the second quarter from 6.7 per cent in the first on a year-on-year basis, with June data showing a slight loss of momentum from May.

The China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) predicted that the economy will grow about 6.6 per cent in 2016, decelerating from last year.

Worries about a potential eco-nomic fallout from Britain’s deci-sion to leave the European Union last month have reinforced expec-tations Beijing will roll out more policy support soon. — Reuters


ECONOMY SLOWS: China has set an economic growth target of 6.5 per cent to 7 per cent for 2016. The

economy expanded 6.9 per cent last year, its slowest pace in a quarter of a century. — Bloomberg file picture

Muscat Securities Market. – Times file picture

B3M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6


NBC signs pact to incubate Let’s Go CompanyTimes News Service

MUSCAT: The National Busi-ness Centre (NBC), which falls under the umbrella of the Pub-lic Establishment for Industrial Estates (PEIE), recently signed an agreement to guidethe Let’s Go Company.

The company began as a group project developed by students from the Higher College of Tech-nology, and it participated in the Injaz Oman competition (Shari-kati). Let’s Go Company aims at supporting camping and develop-ing tourism in the Sultanate and the region by creating innovative and modern solutions for the problems tourists face and offer

modern products to assure sim-ple solutions.

The company’s first product ‘Go Adventure’, is an innovative camping chair that uses solar en-ergy and enjoys distinctive fea-tures, including electrical acces-sories.

Omani entrepreneursThe NBC is an initiative launched by the PEIE during Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM) to offer promising Omani entrepreneurs a platform to develop their busi-ness ideas and move them into growing ventures.

The centre offers a premier platform for Omani entrepre-neurs by providing business de-

velopment supportand guidance, training and mentoring, access to markets and industry experts, and state-of-the-art and fully equipped office space, meeting rooms and presentation facilities.

The objectives of the centre include facilitating and support-ing the growth of ideas for in-vestment and growing them into successful businesses; building entrepreneurial skills through dedicated and focused training, coaching and mentoring; and pro-viding business support facilities, from office space, administrative support, financial support and consultancy services that are cru-cial in ensuring the success and survival of new ventures.


MAJOR SUPPORT: Let’s Go Company aims at supporting camping

and developing tourism in the Sultanate and the region by creating

innovative and modern solutions for the problems tourists face and

offer modern products to assure simple solutions. - Supplied picture

IT solutions provider gets major award from VeritasTimes News Service

MUSCAT: STME, the Middle East’s leading IT solutions pro-vider and systems integrator (SI), headquartered in Dubai, received the Veritas ‘Enterprise Partner of the Year Award’ at the recently concluded gala ‘Veritas Channel Award Night 2016’.

The Veritas award recognises STME’s perseverance and deliv-erance of services, products, and solutions to clients, especially fo-cusing on enterprise clients.

“It is an honour to receive this award and recognition from Veri-tas. We look forward to deepening our partnership and developing our service and solutions offerings with Veritas for our existing and new clients,” said Ayman Al Bayaa, CEO of STME.

“Veritas has a strong set of glob-al partners and we are thrilled that STME won the Veritas Enterprise Partner of the Year for Saudi Ara-bia award at our Gala Dinner,” said Amer Chebaro, Senior Country Di-rector at Veritas.

“STME is a key partner for Veri-tas, and a leading solutions pro-vider and systems integrator in the Middle East. STME resells a great variety of products from multiple vendors, and has created an end to end data centre offering with Veri-tas’ technology at the heart of its solution,” he said.

“Customers benefit from the stability, reduced risk, and exper-tise Veritas has to offer, as well as STME’s support for additional products and services. This award highlights the value STME adds to our enterprise business as well as how proud we are to work with them. STME’s proactive focus on Veritas helped us increase busi-ness across Saudi Arabia and this recognition is thoroughly well de-served,” added Chebaro.

STME has a working partner-ship with Veritas for decades and has provided clients with indus-try leading storage management, backup and recovery, and business continuity solutions.


Augmented, virtual reality to be ‘widespread’ in Gulf

Times News Service

MUSCAT: The next 10 years of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology development are set to re-define the future of both business and consumer processes and interac-tions in the region. Gulf Coopera-tion Council (GCC) organisations are leveraging the new technology to enhance end-user experiences, according to new research con-ducted by Frost & Sullivan in col-laboration with Gitex Technology Week 2016, states.

From AR-enabled surgery to VR-powered education, ex-

perts from across industries will take the stage at Gitex Technol-ogy Week this year to share their innovative use cases of AR/VR technologies and provide a glimpse into the future of this game-changing technology, the report said. Augmented reality — contextual information on mobile devices, projections, or wearables — and virtual reality which pro-vides a fully-immersive digital en-vironment, will be adopted across

industries by 2025, the new report from Frost & Sullivan predicts.

In response to the interest in AR and VR technology in the re-gion, Gitex Technology Week 2016 will showcase the largest area in show history for AR and VR technologies with 560 square metres of the show committed to AR and VR exhibitors.

Research reports corroborate predictions that the AR and VR market is booming, with IDC re-

porting that AR and VR hardware revenue is topping $2 billion glob-ally for the first time this year.

The firm further predicts that device shipments are set to grow 11-fold to 110 million by 2020.

“AR and VR will be a giant step in transforming and democratis-ing education and businesses, especially in medicine, where immersive technology can facili-tate education and access-at-a-distance for medical care,” said Dr Rafael Grossmann, who will be headlining Gitex’s Healthcare Monday – an industry vertical conference dedicated to health-care technology.

Dr Grossmann was the first per-son to stream a live surgical pro-cedure with Google Glass. At Gi-tex, he will explain how UK-based healthcare company Medical Re-alities, led by colleague Dr Shafi Ahmed, live-streamed the first VR surgery from The Royal London Hospital, with 54,000 viewers vir-tually in the operating theatre.

Surgical event“From all around the world, they gained an exclusive point-of-view demonstration and interacted in real-time with the surgical event. Imagine how this level of interac-tion can deliver next-generation education for students world-

wide, especially in developing countries,” added Dr Grossmann.

In the GCC, organisations no longer need to imagine the impact of AR and VR – they are already deploying the technology in fas-cinating new ways. Programmes across industries in the GCC are eager to adopt AR and VR technol-ogies to streamline processes and support the lives of employees, students and the general popula-tion. The new report from Frost & Sullivan highlights a number of unique AR and VR initiatives and projects in the region.

Public agencies have been quick on the uptake of AR and VR tech-nology in the GCC, Frost & Sulli-van says, highlighting a number of cutting-edge initiatives in the re-gion. Sheikh Zayed Housing Pro-gramme, the agency that provides Emirati housing, has launched the My Virtual Home App, which uses AR to allow users to virtually tour readymade 3D housing models.

The Dubai Road and Transport Authority (RTA) has launched Wojhati, a trip planning mobile app with GPS to help users plan, track, and share their mass transit routes. The RTA is also partner-ing with the Dubai Future Foun-dation for 25 per cent of Dubai’s road trips by driverless vehicles by 2030.

Augmented reality

and virtual reality

will be adopted

across industries

by 2025, the new

report from Frost &

Sullivan predicts

FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: Research reports corroborate predictions

that the AR and VR market is booming, with IDC reporting that AR

and VR hardware revenue is topping $2 billion globally for the

first time this year. - Supplied picture

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FEATUREM O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Dublin’s commissioner for start-ups, Niamh Bush-nell, reacted to the UK’s shock decision to exit the European Union by issuing a press release with “Thanks to Brexit” as a headline. Her point was that after last week’s vote, question marks hang over al-

most all the key ingredients that make London so attractive for technology companies. As the sole remaining English-speaking capital in the EU, already Alphabet’s Google and Facebook’s home-away-from-home in Europe, Dublin will have a chance to be a winner in London’s messy divorce from Brussels.

So should the Irish capital get ready for a fresh influx of entre-preneurs and founders?

Who chose Dublin as a base already?Twitter, Airbnb, Slack and other notable tech companies have their European headquarters in Dublin, close to the city’s so-called Silicon Docks, which lies near a neighbourhood dubbed “Googletown” because of Google’s vast campus there. Apple em-ploys about 5,500 people in Ireland, Google about 6,000, Micro-soft about 2,000, and Dell about 2,500. Technology companies collectively employ more than 80,000 people in Ireland, accord-ing to IDA Ireland, which has responsibility for attracting over-seas investment.

What’s the attraction to Dublin for tech companies?Dublin has a number of soon-to-be-unique attractions within the EU. A young, native English-speaking, tech-savvy popula-tion of 4.6 million people, an openness to overseas talent and a government largely in thrall to tech companies. But perhaps most notably, Ireland offers the lowest corporate tax in West-ern Europe: 12.5 per cent. It also offers an attractive place for licensing intellectual property rights, with patent and copyright income subject to just 6.25 per cent tax in many circumstances, and 25 per cent tax credits available for research and develop-ment spending.





That’s why many US tech compa nies use Ireland as the base for licensing their technology to all their European subsidiaries.

Is Dublin not affected by Brexit?It’s not clear yet what deal the UK will reach with the EU throughout its exit negotiations. But as limits to immigration was a core component to the Leave campaign, there’s every chance talks will seek to enforce stronger rules than exist today in the UK. But that doesn’t apply to Ireland.

While tech companies based in the UK may be forced to navigate a labyrinthine work permit system, Ireland will continue to allow European talent to base itself there, and bring colleagues.

Coincidentally or not, the Irish government this week laid out a plan to spend about two million euros ($2.2 million) in a bid to attract about 3,000 additional technology workers to Ireland, with the target markets including central and southern Europe.

Is Dublin the obvious choice then?It’s not quite that simple. Sterling’s plunge makes London that bit cheaper for big tech companies. Plus, with the UK departing the EU, Ireland will lose a valuable ally in the fight to keep its 12.5 per cent tax rate, long targeted by the likes of France.

Other tech hubs in EU countries are also fighting to attract tech talent. Berlin in particular has a thriving startup scene and has also attracted large numbers of founders and engineers from throughout the EU and beyond.

Isn’t the EU fighting its own battle over tax in Ireland?Yes. The European Commission is probing Apple’s tax dealings in Ireland. With a decision expected as soon as next month, both Ireland and Apple are bracing for a loss. But the EU is probing a very specific so-called “sweetheart deal” Apple allegedly re-ceived from Ireland — there’s no broader threat to the nation’s tax system. — Bloomberg News


with hat al-for ing

ok’s e to


ave so-

bed em-cro-nies ord-ver-


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As the sole remaining English

speaking capital in the EU,

already Alphabet's Google and

Facebook’s home-away-from-

home in Europe, Dublin will

have a chance to be a winner

in London’s messy divorce

from Brussels.



BSAMSUNG PROFIT EXCEEDS ESTIMATESSamsung Electronics reported its biggest operating profit in more than two years, bolstered by brisk demand for its Galaxy S7 smartphones, cost controls and sluggish iPhone sales. Shares in the world’s largest maker of phones and memory chips rose after it reported operating income of 8.1 trillion won ($6.9 billion) in the latest quarter, exceeding the 7.38 trillion-won average of analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg and 6.9 trillion won a year earlier. — Bloomberg News

M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6


Microsoft reshapes its senior management

Analysts at odds on Wall Street

predicting Apple’s iPhone sales

Telefonica sells China Unicom

stake valued at up to $367m

Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella announced a broad reorganisa-tion of the company’s senior executive ranks as long-time Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner prepares to leave for another job. Instead of naming a new COO, Nadella appointed two executives to divvy up the sales responsibilities and report to him. Jean-Philippe Courtois will be in charge of global sales, marketing and operations spanning Microsoft’s 13 business areas, Nadella said in a note to employees on Thursday. Judson Althoff will lead the worldwide commercial business, in-cluding government and small and medium-sized businesses. Cour-tois, a 32-year Microsoft veteran, is a long-time international sales executive at Microsoft, having run both Microsoft International and Microsoft EMEA previously. Althoff previously ran Microsoft North America and is a former Oracle executive. Other executives already reporting to Nadella will take on parts of Turner’s job, with Chris Capossela leading worldwide marketing, Kurt DelBene lead-ing IT and Chief Financial Officer Amy Hood taking over the sales and marketing team’s finance group, which had been separate. At Microsoft, Turner, 51, was known for instilling rigor and discipline in sales and operations organizations that had lacked it, and helping boost sales of enterprise software. But he also presided over declin-ing sales growth in the final years of CEO Steve Ballmer’s reign as the company’s flagship businesses aged and it lost out on mobile and operating system sales to Google and Apple. — Bloomberg News

Apparently forecasting iPhone sales is harder than it looks. Ana-lysts on Wall Street can’t seem to agree on whether demand will be strong, weak, or flat. A lot goes into predicting sales for Apple’s most popular product. From the health of the consumer to the average time it takes a current user to upgrade, analysts covering the stock have much to consider when making their estimates. And yes, that includes Brexit. “We are lowering our estimates for June and Sep-tember quarters given potential for lower demand from macro un-certainty (Brexit related), currency volatility and lengthening re-placement cycles,” Citigroup Inc. analyst Jim Suva said in a note. He also points out that the average iPhone replacement rate has risen from roughly 24 months in 2013 to 28 months now. Furthermore, his models suggest that range could increase to as much as three years—not good news for Apple. Here’s a look at his replacement forecasts: Brian White at Drexel Hamilton was a bit more optimistic, calling the recent dip in Apple’s stock a good time to buy, though recognis-ing that the older the current iPhone model gets, the worse it can be for the stock. “Although we recognise the weakness that typically oc-curs in the late stages of an iPhone cycle can be discouraging, and the macro environment remains more of a headwind than a tailwind, we believe Apple’s valuation remains very attractive and the upcoming iPhone 7 ramp will ultimately return the company back to positive year-over-year iPhone unit growth by the second quarter of fiscal year 2017 based on our current model.” (The new version of the iP-hone is expected to be released later this year.) — Bloomberg News

Telefonica, facing roadblocks in the planned sales of its assets following Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, is par-ing a stake in China Unicom (Hong Kong) to raise as much as $367 million. The sale of 361.8 million shares began today and the stock is being offered at HK$7.75 to HK$7.85 apiece, according to terms of the deal seen by Bloomberg News. The deal has demand for all the stock on offer, said people familiar with the matter, who asked not to be named while the transaction is underway. Telefonica risks having its credit rating cut if the carrier doesn’t come up with a clear way to reduce debt by year end, Moody’s analyst Carlos Winzer said last month. Telefonica shelved plans to sell a stake in its UK wireless carrier O2 amid market volatility following the country’s referendum. The firm also delayed a listing of its Spanish infrastructure unit Telxius, people familiar with the matter had said. Bank of America Corp. is managing the sale of shares in a rare weekend deal. A spokesman for Telefonica declined to comment. Since the referendum, Telefonica has declined 7.9 per cent, underperforming the Stoxx 600 Telecom-munications Index of European companies. — Bloomberg News



Robots to begin delivering food and parcels in Europe


THE next time you or-der food using the de-livery app Just Eat in London, don’t be sur-prised if it’s brought to

your door by a small, six-wheeled robot. London-listed Just Eat will join German retail chain Metro, logistics company Hermes Group, and UK food delivery start-up Pronto Technology, in trialing de-livery using self-driving robots. Starship Technologies, the com-pany that makes the droids, said on Wednesday that Just Eat and Pronto will be using the robots in London, while Metro and Hermes will deploy them in Dusseldorf, Germany, and Bern, Switzerland, as well as another undisclosed German city.

Created by two Skype co-found-ers, Starship, which is headquar-

tered in London and has its engi-neering research and development office in Tallinn, Estonia, has been testing its robots in 12 countries over the past nine months. This will be the first time businesses will be using the technology to deliver real orders to paying customers.

Allan Martinson, Starship’s chief operating officer, said in a telephone interview that each busi-ness’s trial will involve a fleet of be-tween five to 10 robots in one or two areas of each city. He said Starship would likely announce further cus-tomers, including some in the US, within months.

The little robots, which are de-signed to operate on sidewalks

rather than roads, make deliveries within a two- to three-mile radius. They can carry loads weighing as much as 20 pounds, at speeds of up to four miles per hour.

Monitoring their progressStarship will operate the robots on behalf of the first customers, moni-toring their progress remotely and standing by to drive the vehicles re-motely if they encounter situations they can’t handle in autonomous driving mode.

During test driving, the ro-bots have encountered more than 400,000 people without having a single accident, the company said.

Ahti Heinla, one of Starship’s co-

founders as well as its chief execu-tive officer and chief technology of-ficer, said in a statement that these pilot programs with customers were “the next phase” of the robot delivery company’s development. “We will now develop know-how on running real robotic delivery services,” he said.

“We are continuously looking for ways to use technology to make our customers’ lives easier,” David But-tress, the chief executive officer of Just Eat, said in a statement. “Star-ship is at the forefront of innova-tion in the delivery sector so it’s a natural fit for us to be partnering with them to bring delivery robots to our high streets.” — Bloomberg News

Created by two Skype

co-founders, Starship

has been testing its

robots in 12 countries

over the past nine

months. This will

be the first time

businesses will be

using the technology

to deliver real orders

to paying customers

ON THE MOVE: Children on scooters follow a prototype self driving parcel delivery robot, developed by Starship Technologies, as it drives

along a sidewalk during testing in a residential district of Tallinn, Estonia, on April 12, 2016. The electric-powered robots intend to help

short-range low cost deliveries and ultimately aim to make the local delivery of goods free. — Bloomberg News

HERE YOU GO: An engineer loads parcels into the trunk of a prototype self driving delivery robot, de-

veloped by Starship Technologies, before a test run in Tallinn, Estonia, on April 12, 2016. — Bloomberg News

B6 M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

ROUND-UPBenefits on 2017 Nissan Altima to end on July 14

MUSCAT: Confirming its com-mitment of offering customers an unmatched buying experience, Ni-ssan Oman from the house of Su-hail Bahwan Automobiles (SBA), is offering a wide range of deals for the patrons of 2017 Nissan Altima.

Customers who choose to buy the 2017 Nissan Altima this sea-son are guaranteed of a cash gift of OMR1,500 and besides they can own a car with a fuel economy of 17.7km/litre.

As testament of the brand’s pledge to its customer and as part of the ongoing ‘Season of Rewards’ offer, Nissan Oman has worked out deals that customers of Nissan Al-tima are sure to find attractive.

Benefits on offer including at-tractive cash gift, free periodic maintenance service package, fuel card, free registration and extend-ed mileage warranty makes want-ing to own a Nissan Altima known for enhanced performance, fuel economy and new safety features.

The offer will continue till July 14, says a press release.

‘Season of Rewards’ offerUnder the ‘Season of Rewards’ of-fer, customers can avail an assured cash gift of OMR1,500 on buying Nissan Altima.

Customers buying a Nissan Altima will get a scratch and win card which will entitle them to two assured gifts comprising free pe-riodic maintenance service upto lifetime of the car (minimum as-sured 1 year/ 10,000km PMS; of-fer includes new service intervals of 10,000km) and free fuel up to

OMR1,000 (minimum assured of OMR50).

Customers can avail a special EMI rate of OMR122 (terms and conditions apply) on Nissan Al-tima with seven years finance.

Nissan Altima can enjoy extra benefits such as free registration (on select models), 6 years unlim-ited mileage extended warranty (on select models), and loyalty card benefits among others.

Loyal customers stand to enjoy additional benefits on purchase of a second Nissan vehicle in the fam-ily. To avail additional benefits un-der the scheme, the second car can be purchased either in the name of existing Nissan owner or his/her immediate family members.

Nissan patrons have a chance to win two X-Trails 2.5S 7STR CVT 16 MY in the “grand SMS and win raffle draw” at Qurum showroom. Anybody can SMS to 90466 to en-ter the contest.

In Oman, Nissan Altima 2017 is offered in 2.5 litre Variants (S, SV & SL). It stands out as being the best-in-class with standard fuel economy of 17.70km/litre.

SBA has designed some easy and convenient financing options to ease the convenience of owning a Nissan Altima. Flexible EMIs can also be tailor-made for any indi-vidual requirement from in-house auto finance team.

New appearanceIt may be recalled that the new 2017 Nissan Altima redesigned with innovative technologies was unveiled in Oman recently. Nis-san Altima 2017 comes with a fresh new appearance including the ‘Energetic Flow’ exterior styl-

ing theme and ‘Gliding Wing’ in-terior layout, ‘Class Leading Fuel Economy’ and ‘Improved Driving Dynamics and Safety Technology’.

The front end of the 2017 Altima offers the most dramatic change with its energetic flow design, since all panels and pieces forward of the A-pillars are new – fascia, bumper, fenders, hood and lights. Two key elements are the rede-signed V-Motion grille and boo-merang-shaped headlights, simi-lar to those found on the Maxima. The look is dramatically different from the previous Altima design, with a wide, deeply sculpted low-er bumper, integrated fog lights (2.5SV, 2.5SL models) and promi-nent chrome-trimmed grille.

Nissan committed to adding value, incorporated customer’s feedback and added comfort fea-tures such as the standard Zero Gravity front seats which have been reshaped, the woven cloth seating and door panel materials feature a more open weave pat-tern, providing a premium look and feel throughout the Altima interior. Twin cup holders on the centre console now accommodate mug handles in response to cus-tomer input.

Along with the revised appear-ance, The X-Tronic D-Step CVT equipped in the new Nissan Alti-ma is among the quietest in its seg-ment. Altima has also improved in its coefficient of drag – to 0.26 Cd from the previous 0.29 Cd (cur-rently similar to the GT-R). The changes come from the addition of an active grille shutter (three per-cent gain), underfloor aero cover additions (three percent) and the new front and rear fascia and

windshield designs (four percent). All of this defines into being best in class with standard fuel economy of 13.2 km/L.

The Altima have stepped up the safety technology by adding its first in class predictive forward collision warning, the blind spot warning, forward emergency brak-ing, and rear cross traffic alert. The new steering has been reshaped and tuned to provide real time road input and precision (available only on SL grades).

Refined interiorThe 2017 Altima’s refined interior design follows the new ‘Gliding Wing’ design language. Central to the new look is the revised C-stack with available 5.0-inch and 7.0-inch displays for the navigation with mobile apps. Finishing off with the Acoustic windshield that provides a new level of cabin isola-tion and quietness.

Nissan vehicles are known to offer smoother ride comfort, more refinement and benchmark fit and finish, while delivering breathtak-ing performance and road-holding. A refined vehicle in its own right, the Nissan Altima aims to attract a wider audience with its contem-porary good looks, eye-catching exterior colour range, spacious and fashionable interior, in addition to a powerful high performance en-gine and a range of other options to make city driving easier.

Suhail Bahwan Automobiles is largely committed to supporting Nissan’s growth in the Sultanate through major emphasis on cus-tomer satisfaction and by provid-ing world-class after-sales servic-es in Oman.

Customers who

choose to buy the

2017 Nissan Altima

this season are

guaranteed of a cash

gift of OMR1,500 and

besides they can

own a car with a fuel

economy of 17.7km/l

OAB’s new website to enhance online customer experienceMUSCAT: Oman Arab Bank (OAB) has announced the launch of its newly redesigned website, offering an improved customer experience and providing an en-hanced online resource.

The attractive site, which can be navigated with ease via desk-top, tablet or mobile device, offers customers and visitors clearer and more informative content in both Arabic and English includ-ing details on products and ser-vices and online application for accounts, loans, and credit cards. Login for account holders is now more straightforward and both branches and ATMs are quickly located on the dynamic location map, says a press release.

On the occasion of the website launch, Fahd Amjad, GM Retail Banking - Oman Arab Bank, com-mented, “We are improving our presence in the digital world see-ing demand from our customers. Recognising and responding to the increasing importance of on-line channels in daily life, we have endeavoured to enhance custom-er experience and increase cus-tomer convenience through the introduction of a variety of new digital services such as e-loans and paperless electronic state-ments to name but a few.”

He added, “Recently, we have reached out to customers through a variety of social media platforms, and now, in the latest stage of our technological jour-ney, with this new redesigned and improved website we offer our current and prospective custom-ers an exciting new level of bank-ing ease, keeping them informed, and facilitating the management and arrangement of their person-al finances.”

Fahd went on to say that the new OAB website reflects the

exceptional experience and high standards the bank strives to deliver every day in its wide net-work of branches and other touch points, reinforcing its strong rela-tionship with customers and tak-ing OAB excellence in customer service to a new level.


With this new

redesigned and

improved website

we offer our current

and prospective

customers an exciting

new level of banking

ease, keeping them


Fahd AmjadGM Retail Banking - Oman Arab Bank

Skysouq.com partners with Tune ProtectMUSCAT: Skysouq.com, Oman’s new online travel portal offering flights, hotels, car hire and travel packages, has partnered with Tune Protect, a regional online fa-cilitator of travel insurance, to of-fer smart travel insurance plans to travellers either visiting Oman or travelling from Oman to anywhere in the world either for leisure, business or adventure travel.

Skysouq.com, a Suhail Bahwan Group enterprise, was launched recently and has been witnessing encouraging number of custom-ers buying flights, hotels and travel packages online, says a press release.

“With the launch of Skysouq.com, Oman has reached out to a vast majority of online shoppers who are looking for a variety of travel options and value-for-mon-ey products. Skysouq.com believes that booking a trip should be as easy as the trip itself and offer a worry-free travel experience. With Tune Protect travel insurance, we have come another step closer by providing an excellent value added service,” said Gururaj S. A., general manager of SkySouq.com.

Tune Protect offers compre-hensive travel-related insurance benefits such as personal accident, 24-hour emergency assistance, medical support, travel inconven-ience, baggage delay or loss through a network of Insurance partners.

“We are extremely excited about the partnership with SkySouq.com by offering our travel insur-ance products so that customers can travel with peace of mind. Tune Protect has similar online projects with other travel manage-ment companies based in Qatar, UAE, Jordan and Kuwait. Tune Protect has a geographically di-verse presence within the region and maintains business relations with insurance companies in over 50 countries. It facilitates airline travel insurance for the travellers of Air Arabia, AirAsia and Cebu Pacific Air,” said Arijit Munshi, general manager of Tune Protect.

Tune Protect and its affiliate in-surance partners are 100% focused on developing and providing travel insurance through various B2B part-nerships particularly through online or hybrid travel agency community.


Skysouq.com believes that

booking a trip should be as

easy as the trip itself and

offer a worry-free travel

experience. With Tune

Protect travel insurance,

we have come another

step closer by providing

an excellent value added


Gururaj S. A.General manager, SkySouq.com

Bank Sohar launches new staff development programme ‘Kafa’a’MUSCAT: Bank Sohar, in its en-deavour to further develop the skills and competencies of its valued staff, has launched a new specialised development pro-gramme titled ‘Kafa’a’ (Arabic for ‘Competencies’). This new train-ing programme will see the par-ticipation of 60 Bank Sohar staff and will be directly overseen by bank’s management.

Commenting on the direction of the programme, Munira Ab-dulnabi Macki, GM of Human Resource and Corporate Support at Bank Sohar, said, “In light of the competitive environment in the banking sector, competencies of a bank’s staff and their subsequent relationships with customers are the determining factors of its suc-cess and profitability. As such it is vital to determine which com-petencies are important, both within the organisation and the specific position. Furthermore, we believe competencies should be objective rather than subjec-

tive, so that they are measured quantitatively. This is exactly what our ‘Kafa’a’ programme was designed to do – identify devel-opment opportunities and gaps to be filled in the competencies of our staff and provide them with a personalised development plan and necessary support to grow personally and professionally.”

Scientific evaluationThe ‘Kafa’a’ programme is being supported by various coaches, bank’s human resource depart-ment, various divisional heads, and the bank’s learning centre. The on-going programme will in-volve 60 of the bank’s staff under-going a comprehensive scientific evaluation to identify the staff member’s current competencies, capabilities, developmental op-portunities, and gaps.

A specially customised devel-opment plan will then be drafted for each individual staff member based on results. They will then

undergo a personalised training programme, 70% of which will be conducted on the job with the re-maining 30 per cent being taken up as other development activities.

“We have always considered our staff as the main contributors to our success and, as a result, have always given top priority to staff care, developing and train-ing. However, not every compe-tency can be improved through standard training and develop-ment programmes. This new training programme, because of its personalised nature, helps us effectively overcome this hur-dle. Furthermore, since the pro-gramme isn’t time bound, each person is provided with personal attention and given the required time frame needed to develop more efficiently. As a result I am confident in the program’s effec-tiveness and success; transform-ing each of the 60 participants into the financial leaders of to-morrow,” added Munira.


B7M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

ROUND-UPLove us on Facebook





If you’re offered a seat

on a rocket ship, don’t

ask what seat! Just get


— Sheryl Sandberg

Every great dream

begins with a dreamer.

Always remember, you

have within you the

strength, the patience,

and the passion to

reach for the stars to

change the world.

— Harriet Tubman

I have been impressed

with the urgency of

doing. Knowing is not

enough; we must apply.

Being willing is not

enough; we must do.

— Leonardo da Vinci

We must believe

that we are gifted for

something, and that

this thing, at whatever

cost, must be attained.

— Marie Curie


0% interest on EMI on Yaris, Corolla & Camry

MUSCAT: During the ‘Biggest Ex-citement Ever’ promotion, the 2016 YM models of Yaris hatchback, Yaris sedan, Corolla and Camry are available with 0% interest on EMI for two years through select finance companies for short-term tenure and an attractive assured cash gift, says a press release.

In addition to this the 2016YM Corolla is available with a service

package for 2 years / 20,000km (whichever is earlier), while the 2016YM Camry comes with one year insurance (Oman only). Al-ternatively, a customer can also choose to avail ‘Cash Gift in Lieu’ of the service and insurance as applicable for respective models. In case customer chooses service, insurance (as applicable), he/ she will not be eligible for ‘cash gift in lieu’. Cash gift can also be used as

part of down payment. Customers also get a gift voucher

for spending at a prominent shop-ping mall and a chance to win an all-new Toyota Prius E as a part of a grand raffle. (Conditions apply)

This promotion ends on July 21. Benefits are applicable for all pur-chases except those made by gov-ernment organisations and minis-tries. Customers will be eligible for raffle only upon taking delivery of

the vehicle during this campaign period after completing necessary formalities and not against booking. Vehicle specifications may change without prior notice.

In Oman, Toyota’s outstanding product quality is supported by the nationwide parts and service net-work of Saud Bahwan Automotive. No wonder then that today, Toyota is one of the most trusted and well-known brands.

‘Biggest Excitement

Ever’ promotion to

end on July 21

Bank Muscat Tadhamun support reaches beneficiary homes in Dahirah and BuraimiMUSCAT: Bank Muscat’s Tad-hamun corporate social responsi-bility (CSR) initiative coinciding with the holy month of Ramadan reached beneficiary homes in the governorate of Dahirah.

Reiterating the bank’s dynamic ‘Let’s Do More’ vision and values of accountability and partnership, the Tadhamun convoy of vehicles carrying the bank’s employees and volunteers distributed basic elec-tronic home appliances to ben-eficiary families identified by the Ministry of Social Development. The distributions will be carried out across Oman through the holy month along with Eidiyah provid-ed to beneficiary families as a gift

from the bank’s employees, says a press release.

Bank Muscat has lined up a se-ries of programmes under the ban-ner of ‘Ramadan Al Kheir’ to ben-efit different segments of society

during the holy month of Rama-dan. In the third leg of Tadhamun programme, basic electronic home appliances and Eid gifts were dis-tributed to beneficiary homes in the wilayats of Yanqul, Buraimi,

Ibri and Dhank in the governorate of Dahirah, providing them with an opportunity for a better qual-ity of life. The objective of the CSR initiative is to address the require-ments of beneficiary homes which do not have basic home appliances.

The Tadhamun initiative is a fine example of the public-pri-vate partnership launched by the bank in association with the Ministry of Social Development to strengthen the hands of ben-eficiaries. Through the Tadha-mun programme, the bank seeks to reiterate its dynamic vision, striving to reach out to different segments and ‘doing more’ for so-ciety as a whole.


Hyundai’s Ramadan promotion continues to enthral customers across SultanateMUSCAT: Owning a brand new Hyundai under its Ramadan promotion becomes even more convenient, affordable and hassle free. Hyundai’s Ramadan promo-tion scheme continues to enthral customers across the Sultanate, says a press release.

“Hyundai cars have a reputa-tion for quality, durability and cutting edge technology. Our cus-tomers appreciate these values and the result of it is in the over-whelming popularity of Hyundai in Oman- just like in other parts of the globe. Our Ramadan pro-motion scheme has been well received as reflected in the very positive response from custom-ers and fans. We look forward to welcoming many more enthusi-asts into the Hyundai family, this Ramadan,” said Anil Dua, manag-ing director of OTE.

OffersThe promotional scheme offers an attractive interest rate of 3.29 per cent coupled with an extend-ed seven year payment period- while a zero per cent interest rate has been announced for loans up to two years.

The promotion also offers cash as gift of up to OMR2,000 which can be used as part of the down payment, along with benefits in-cluding warranty of up to 2 years /

30,000 kilometres, complimenta-ry insurance coverage for the first year, AAA roadside assistance package, as well as a gift of an LG Sound Bar. Promotion elements may vary for different models and exact details are available at all Hyundai showrooms.

Online access Visit Hyundai Oman on Face-book or call 80050003 to get your hands on one of the coolest looking cars from Hyundai. Cus-tomers can register themselves to receive updates from Hyundai Oman. What’s more, customers can also ‘Like’ HyundaiOman on Facebook to get real-time access to news, updates and latest infor-mation from Hyundai.

Hyundai line-up Hyundai offers a full array of se-dans in Oman including the Ac-cent, Elantra, Sonata and Azera. Cars like the Hyundai Veloster & Veloster Turbo cater to special audiences while its ‘i’ series of-fers the compact cars from the Hyundai stable. The Hyundai SUV range features the Tucson, Santa Fe and Grand Santa Fe. The premium cars, Centennial and Genesis in the luxury car seg-ment have also carved a niche for themselves and won the hearts of analysts and customers alike.




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OOC chairman lauds Barakat ahead of Rio GamesMUSCAT: Sheikh Khalid bin Mohammed Al Zubair, chairman of the Oman Olympic Committee (OOC), met Sultanate’s leading sprinter and lone qualifi er for Rio Olympics Barakat Al Harthy at his offi ce recently.

Also present during the meet-ing were Sheikh Saif bin Hilal Al Hosni, vice-chairman of the Oman Olympic Committee and chair-man of Oman Athletic Associa-tion, Taha bin Sulaiman Kosheri, Secretary General of the Oman Olympic Committee and Oman national athletics coach Moham-med Hooti.

The OOC chairman expressed his confi dence in Barakat Al Har-thy and his capabilities and said that the Omani athlete can cause ripples in the star-studded track event of the Olympic Games, which begins in Rio de Janerio on August 5.

Sheikh Khalid Al Zubair also praised Barakat for setting his personal best record of 10.05 sec-onds during training sessions and hoped that he will improve further

and bring laurels for the Sultanate.“Barakat has lots to off er,” said

the OOC chief during the meeting and at the same time lauded the ef-forts of Oman Athletic Association and the training programme pro-

vided to Barakat under the Bulgar-ian coach Yanko Bratanov.

Barakat will continue to com-pete further in his build-up to Rio Games and is hoping to improve on his personal best timing.

The OOC chief also said what-ever Barakat has achieved is due to extra eff orts he has put in and “I believe he will give tough competi-tion to his star rivals.”

Meanwhile, Barakat Al Harthy

thanked the OOC chairman for his word of encouragement and also lauded Oman Athletic Association for “its full support in providing me the right platform to train and prepare for the Olympic Games.”

“I also would like to thank Min-istry of Sports Aff airs for their continuous support,” said Barakat.

“My training schedule in Bah-rain under Yanko was good and fruitful, during which I won a silver medal in the Riyadh GCC Games. My preparation is going on well and I hope to do better in Rio,” he said.

“I will strive hard to keep the Sultanate’sfl ag high. My aim is to qualify for the sprint fi nal and then target the medals,” said Barakat promising to continue his hard work.

Praising the athlete, OOC vice-chairman and OAA chairman Sheikh Saif bin Hilal Al Hosni said: “Barakat is full of enthusiasm and I am sure he will do wonders for the Sultanate. I also thank Shiekh Khalid for meeting the athlete and encouraging him.”

Coach Mohammed Hooti too hailed Barakat and thanked the OOC for supporting him all through since he qualifi ed for Olympics during the World Mili-tary Games in October 2015.


MORAL SUPPORT: Oman’s ace sprinter Barakat Al Harthy with Oman Olympic Commitee chairman Sheikh Khalid Al Zubair and other of-

fi cials. – Supplied photo

Masterful Murray

LONDON: Britain’s Andy Mur-ray put the fi nishing touch to an almost faultless fortnight to claim a second Wimbledon title with a 6-4, 7-6(3), 7-6(2) defeat of big-serving Canadian Milos Raonic in the Centre Court sunshine on Sunday.

The world number two, champi-on in 2013, was in control through-out the two hour 48 minute con-test as the power game that sixth seed Raonic employed to crush Roger Federer in the semifi nals made little impact on the 29-year-old Scot.

Unlike three years ago when near hysteria broke out as Murray ended Britain’s 77-year wait for a Wimbledon men’s singles cham-pion, there has been an air of in-evitability about title march since top seed Novak Djokovic crashed out early.

Murray did not disappoint as he claimed a third grand slam ti-tle in almost routine fashion as he blunted Raonic’s 140mpnh serve and made only 12 unforced errors in the fi nal.

“This is the most important tournament for me every year. I had some great moments here and tough losses too so that makes it extra special,” Murray, who sobbed into his towel on his court-side chair as the triumph sank in, said on court.

“I’m proud to get my hands on the trophy again.”

The fi nal was billed as a show-down between one of the world’s biggest servers and arguably the best returner.

Murray broke the Raonic serve only once, midway through the opening set, but always seemed in control as the Canadian struggled to lay a glove on the elusive Scot.

Second bestRaonic had been hoping to be-

come Canada’s fi rst grand slam singles champion and while he battled gamely to the end he con-ceded he had been second best.

“Andy has been playing great

and he deserves to be winning here for the second time,” he said.

“This one is going to sting so I’m going to make sure that as long as these courts are green I’ll do every-thing I can to be back here for an-other chance.”

The fi rst chink Raonic’s armour came in the seventh game when he

netted a forehand volley to hand Murray a break.

The Scot pressed repeatedly for another break in the second set but Raonic showed great resilience to take it to a tiebreak, only for Mur-ray to raise his game to a new level. The match was more than two hours old when Raonic fi nally had

two break points at 2-2 in the third set, but Murray saved both and held — roaring angrily towards his coach Ivan Lendl.

Twice Raonic held serve to stay in the match, at 4-5 and 5-6, but Murray again upped the ante in the tiebreak, winning the fi rst fi ve points as he surged towards victory.

Raonic saved one match point but Murray wrapped it up when he forced the Canadian to net a backhand.

Murray’s win meant he avoided becoming the fi rst man to lose in the fi nal of the fi rst three majors of the year in the professional era -- having succumbed to Djokovic in Australia and France. - Reuters

The world number

two, champion in

2013, was in control

throughout the two

hour 48 minute

contest as the power

game that sixth seed

Raonic employed to

crush Roger Federer

in the semifi nals

made little impact on

the 29-year-old Scot

FAULTLESS FORTNIGHT: Britain’s Andy Murray poses with the winner’s trophy after his men’s singles

fi nal victory over Canada’s Milos Raoni. –AFP

Sayyid Khalid silent on running for chairman’s post MUSCAT: Oman Football As-sociation (OFA) chairman Sayyid Khalid bin Hamad Al Busaidi did not disclose his candidacy for a fourth term as the OFA board elections are due to he held on September 29.

Sayyid Khalid in his remarks to a local newspaper after a session in Saham, said this was not the time to speak on the forthcoming elections and his candidature.

“There will be another oppor-tunity to talk about the elections,” he said.

Sayyid Khalid was fi rst elected chairman of the Omani Football Association on August 30, 2007 and his second term began on Au-gust 25, 2011.

However, he faced some trou-ble and the administrative court overturned the issue and in the following election he was once again elected on August 16, 2012.

He contests again in Septem-ber it will be the fourth time.

Dates announcedMeanwhile, OFA announced that candidates’ applications for the next elections will be opened on August 1 to 14. The elections will be conducted on September 29 at the Hormuz Hotel.

The elections shall be held on the basis of commitment to the principles of the independence of the electoral process in ac-cordance with the principle of separation of powers in OFA, and transparency in the exercise of the electoral process.

Meanwhile, the OFA Board has issued Administrative Decision No. 48/2016 on formation of the elections committee and the ap-peals committee.

Hamad bin Mohammed Al Hadhrami Chairman of the OFA Discipline Committee is the chairman of the elections com-

mittee and Salim Mohammed Al Sinani representative of the OFA appeals committee as vice-chair-man of the elections committee and membership of Mohammed bin Saif Al Rashidi (representa-tive of the OFA disputes settle-ment committee) and Ibrahim bin Ali Al Akhzami representa-tive of the OFA football court and the three with good experi-ence who are Talal Al Mamari (Al Rustaq Club), Tareq Al Hashmi (Chairman of Al Kamil Wal Wafi Club) and Mohammed Al Shukairi (Itifaq Club) and their substitutes are Hilal Al Busaidi (Chairman of Al Rustaq Club), Dr. Mohammed Amer Al Ameri (Mirbat Club) and Ahmed Salim Al Busaidi (vice-chairman of Fanja Club).

Ismail bin Ahmed Al Balushi is the chairman of the appeals com-mittee, Talal bin Ahmed Al Bu-saidi (chairman of OFA appeals’ committee) as vice-chairman and membership of Saleh Sulaiman Al Salmani from Al Rustaq Club, Talib Al Wahaibi ( Chairman of Ahli-Sidab ) and Sheikh Amer Said Al Alawi (chairman of Yan-qul Club) as substitutes. — ONA


WILL HE CONTEST AGAIN? OFA chairman Sayyid Khalid Al Busaidi.

Applications for OFA

elections will be

accepted between

August 1 and 14, while

the elections will be

held on September 29

at Hormuz Hotel



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Stay ahead of

the curve with



Dumoulin wins ninth stage as Froome leads

ARCALIS: Tom Dumoulin of the Netherlands attacked near the foot of the fi nal climb to claim vic-tory in the ninth stage of the Tour de France in extreme weather conditions as Alberto Contador pulled out of the race on Sunday.

Giant Alpecin rider Dumoulin, sixth in last year’s Vuelta, was the strongest of the day’s breakaway riders, taking a solo victory in a deafening hailstorm after riding most of the day in temperatures nearing 40 degrees Celsius.

Briton Chris Froome retained the overall leader’s yellow jersey after controlling his closest rivals in the ascent to Arcalis, a 10.1km eff ort at an average gradient of 7.2 percent.

Contador, who had crashed twice in the two opening stages and had a fever in the morn-ing, called it quits 104km from the fi nish line after trying his luck one last time with a vintage early move. “I have not recovered from the crashes, I’ve been sick overnight, that’s why I made this decision. I could not continue,” said the Spaniard.

Other top favourites had a tough time with Alejandro Valverde (Movistar), Italian Fabio Aru (Astana) and American Tejay van

Garderen (BMC) losing ground in the ultimate climb of the fi rst summit fi nish of the Tour.

Overall, Froome, who made a few brief attacks in the fi nale, could not distance himself from last year’s runner-up Nairo Quin-tana (Movistar) of Colombia, former team mate Richie Porte (BMC) of Australia, fellow Brit-on Adam Yates (Orica-Bike Ex-change) or Ireland’s Dan Martin (Eticc-Quick Step).

Frenchman Thibaut Pinot, who lost all hope of a decent overall fi nish in Paris in the fi rst Pyrene-an stage, snatched the polka dot jersey for the best climber with a strong ride in the breakaway.

Contador exitAlberto Contador’s hopes of claiming a third Tour de France title vanished into thin air on Sunday when the Spaniard aban-doned during the ninth stage.

Contador, who had a fever in the morning and had crashed twice in the two opening stages, got off his bike and stepped into his Tinkoff team car with about 104km left in the 184.5km ride from Vielha Val d’Aran.

The Spaniard, who was 20th overall, 3:12 off the pace, had launched an early attack along with compatriot Alejandro Val-verde as they looked to unsettle overall leader Chris Froome.

Contador, one of only six men with titles in all three grand tours (France, Italy, Spain), quickly fad-ed away though and rolled down to his team car several times.

He called it quits on the sec-ond of the day’s four climbs in the Pyrenees.

“It’s bad news for me, it was my last chance to win the Tour de France,” said team owner Oleg Tinkov, who is pulling out of cy-cling at the end of the year.

“But who knows maybe I’ll come back in a few years.”

Contador, 33, crashed out of the Tour in 2014 and fi nished fi fth last year after winning the Giro d’Italia. - Reuters

Giant Alpecin rider

Dumoulin, sixth in

last year’s Vuelta,

was the strongest

of the day’s

breakaway riders,

taking a solo victory

in a deafening

hailstorm after

riding most of the

day in temperatures

nearing 40

degrees Celsius

GREAT WIN: Netherlands’ Tom Dumoulin celebrates as he crosses the fi nish line of the 184.5 km

ninth stage of the 103rd edition of the Tour de France cycling race. – AFP

Serbia’s nugget Jokic ready to shine at RioBELGRADE: Nikola Jokic capped a dream year in his fl edg-ling career when he helped Serbia qualify for the Olympic Games after a fi ne rookie season in the NBA with the Denver Nuggets.

Jokic, who averaged 10 points and seven rebounds in 21.7 min-utes on the court for the Nuggets, was named the most valuable play-er of an Olympic qualifying tour-nament in Belgrade which hosts Serbia clinched emphatically.

The 21-year-old poured 23 points in Saturday’s 108-77 rout of Puerto Rico which sealed Ser-bia’s Rio berth, the week-long event being his fi rst involvement with the national team.

“I am at a loss of words to de-scribe how I feel,” the delighted power forward told Reuters after the match.

“I am lucky to be on this team with these guys, who I met just three weeks ago.

“I have to thank them and the

coaching staff for helping me blend in so seamlessly.”

“This is a great bunch with a fantastic atmosphere in the dressing room. A few days’ rest and then we are off to Mount Kopaonilk (in southern Serbia) for the Olympic build-up.”

The versatile Jokic, who can also play as a centre, took a road less travelled to the NBA.

Instead of honing his skills in a stronger European league, he went across the Atlantic last year straight from Serbia’s nonde-script side of Mega Leks, who are fast becoming a production belt of top talents.

Based in Belgrade but playing their home games 75 kilometres north of the capital in Sremska Mitrovica, a town with a popu-lation of just 41,624, Mega Leks fi nished as last season’s runners-up in a regional league incorpo-rating teams from the former Yugoslavia.

Apart from Jokic, they have nurtured players such as De-troit Pistons centre Boban Mar-janovic, who moved up north after a debut season with the San Antonio Spurs.

Jokic pointed out how impor-tant the time at Mega Leks was for his career.

“It was my springboard,” he said. “I had all the freedom in the world there to develop the right way as a player.

“I didn’t know what to expect having gone straight to the NBA but things panned out perfectly.”

Although fans and pundits heaped praise on Jokic for his outstanding performances, he said very little had changed in his daily routine and game skills.

“I play the same way, I just gained a bit of muscles and speed to match NBA standards. I do eve-rything I can to help my team on the court, whether it’s the Nug-gets or Serbia.” - Reuters


Praising Gavaskar, Viru

switches to top gear

NEW DELHI: As Sunil Gavaskar turned 66, former India cricket star Virender Sehwag paid a glow-ing tribute, saying what the batting legend did without wearing a hel-met the best of batsmen on Sunday would not be able to do with all their equipments on.

“What Gavaskar did without helmet,its diffi cult for ppl these days to do with all equipments.If cricket were a fi lm,Sunil Gavaskar is Sholay,” Sehwag wrote on his twitter handle. To start with, the Nawab of Najafgarh said, “Happy Birthday to one of the greatest batsmen of all time,Sunny Paaji! Wish you a long and healthy life.”

The fi rst man to score 10,000 runs in Test cricket and the fi rst player to score more than 30 cen-turies, Gavaskar was among the best batsmen in the world during his playing days.

He still holds the record for the most runs made in a debut Test series and the most Test centuries against the West Indies and is the only player to have scored a cen-tury and a double century in the same Test match twice.

The BCCI called him the ‘Rock of Gibraltar’. “Here’s wishing the legend, India’s Rock of Gibral-tar, Sunil Gavaskar a very happy birthday!” — PTI



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ENJOYING HOME TURF: Lewis Hamilton is in full control of his Mercedes. – Reuters

Hamilton rules home Grand Prix from pole

SILVERSTONE: Lewis Hamil-ton won his home British Grand Prix for the third year in a row on Sunday with Mercedes team mate and title rival Nico Rosberg fi nishing second but under a stew-ards’ investigation.

The triple Formula One world champion’s fourth home win, from pole position in tricky conditions, was the 47th victory of his career and cut Rosberg’s overall lead to four points after 10 of 21 races.

Rosberg was slowed by a gear-box problem fi ve laps from the end and crossed the line 6.9 seconds behind, with a question mark over his result after Mercedes seem-ingly broke the rules on radio ad-vice by telling him to avoid sev-enth gear.

Red Bull’s Dutch teenager Max Verstappen was third, 1.3 seconds behind Rosberg, in a race that began behind the safety car after heavy rain before starting prop-erly at the end of the fi fth lap.

“I don’t know if you can be as happy as me but I’m really happy,” Hamilton told the 130,000-strong crowd that stood and cheered him all the way round the fi nal lap with the sun shining brightly at last.

The Briton got even closer to

the fans, who fl ooded onto the track, after parking up at the fi n-ish, and then enjoyed some cel-ebratory crowd-surfi ng after the podium presentation.

“I’m glad that the good Eng-lish weather came out. It was so tricky in those conditions. When we started the race, I was the fi rst one who had to attack it,” said the champion. “It’s never plain, smooth sailing - that’s why the British GP is the best.”

Radio rulesHamilton is now the closest he has been to Rosberg this season and that gap could narrow even further if stewards rule Mer-cedes erred in telling the German what to do.

Red Bull principal Christian Horner said the radio rules were “pretty clear” and questioned where Rosberg, who was booed by some in the crowd as he stepped onto the podium, would have fi n-ished had Mercedes not given him their advice.

But Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff said the governing FIA would have to decide.

“We know what is allowed on the rules. The gearbox was about to fail. We think we should be OK, but we’ll wait,” the Austrian told the BBC.

Rosberg, who had a stirring bat-tle with Verstappen that involved each overtaking the other, said he was confi dent the team had acted within the rules.

Australian Daniel Ricciardo was fourth for Red Bull, 17.9 sec-onds behind his team mate, with Ferrari’s Kimi Raikkonen fi fth.

Mexican Sergio Perez was sixth for Force India, with team principal Vijay Mallya able to at-tend a race for the fi rst time this season, having previously had his passport withdrawn, with Ger-man team mate Nico Hulkenberg seventh.

Spaniard Carlos Sainz was eighth for Toro Rosso, with Fer-rari’s Sebastian Vettel ninth after being handed a fi ve second penal-ty for forcing the Williams of Bra-zilian Felipe Massa off the track. Sainz’s Russian team mate Daniil Kvyat took the fi nal point. - Reuters

The triple Formula

One world

champion’s fourth

home win, from pole

position in tricky

conditions, was

the 47th victory of

his career and cut

Rosberg’s overall

lead to four points

after 10 of 21 races

MY TREASURE: Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton celebrates on the po-

dium with the trophy after winning the race. – Reuters

Serena is back — at long lastLONDON: If Serena Williams’ ri-vals were hoping that the Ameri-can would take some time out to savour drawing level with Steffi Graf’s professional-era record of 22 Grand Slam titles, her coach Patrick Mouratoglou fi red off an immediate warning.

“Now that she has 22, Serena is not someone who equals records. She is someone who beats re-cords,” the Frenchman said after watching Williams at Wimbledon fi nally crack that magic number following three failed attempts over the past 10 months.

“What makes her the champion she is, is this ability to immedi-ately forget what she has achieved and focus on something else. That’s what makes Serena.”

Since winning her 21st singles major at Wimbledon last July, Williams admitted she experi-enced many “sleepless nights” as she had been haunted by the spec-tre of “number 22”.

She stumbled at last year’s U.S. Open semifi nal, faltered in January’s Australian Open fi nal and yelled out in frustration af-ter falling in last month’s French Open fi nal.

But that Roland Garros loss to Spain’s Garbine Muguruza fi nally snapped her out of the brain fog that had plagued her since last September when her pursuit of the calendar Grand Slam ended with a shock Flushing Meadows defeat by Roberta Vinci.

It was no surprise, therefore, that Mouratoglou was mightily relieved with Saturday’s triumph because had she lost, it would have been the fi rst time since 2011 that Williams would not have held at least one grand slam title.

“We were in a situation in the last eight months that was not comfortable. I was not feeling Ser-ena being herself and this is what I was looking for to fi nd back the

real Serena,” Mouratoglou said after Williams hoisted the Venus Rosewater Dish for a seventh time. “The most important thing is that we got Serena back.”

“Finding Serena” is nothing new for Mouratoglou, though.

Before Williams hired him, fol-lowing a fi rst round loss at the 2012 French Open, she had been going through a lean spell having drawn a blank at the majors for almost two years. Mouratoglou wasted little time in giving her the confi dence boost she needed to return to the winners’ circle.

Once again armed with the be-lief that made her such a destruct-ible force on court, she has gone on to win nine grand slam titles under Mouratoglou’s guidance -- which is no mean feat considering she is now aged 34.

“Serena is like no other player, she is an unbelievable champion for many reasons,” said the coach.

“But one of her characteristics is her ability to raise her level on the key moments. When she is threat-ened on her serve she hits aces, and when she gets the break points she plays the best tennis of her life and that’s what she did today.

“This ability to win the big matches, that’s what champions are made for and she showed that she was back.”

Icing on the cakeSerena Williams put the icing on the cake of another magnifi cent Wimbledon campaign by teaming up with sister Venus for a sixth doubles crown at the All England Club on Saturday.

The reigning Olympic champi-ons beat Timea Babos of Hungary and Kazakhstan’s Yaroslava Sh-vedova 6-3, 6-4 on Centre Court — hours after Serena claimed a record-equalling 22nd grand slam singles title by defeating Germa-

ny’s Angelique Kerber 7-5, 6-3.Serena has now won both the

Wimbledon singles and doubles (with Venus) in the same year on four occasions. Together, the American duo have a perfect 14-0 record in grand slam doubles fi nals.

“It’s unbelievable,” said Serena. “It’s a feat even I couldn’t have thought would have happened. It’s amazing.”

For Venus it was a consolation after she lost to Kerber in Thurs-day’s singles semi-fi nals -- deny-ing her a fi rst grand slam singles fi nal since losing to Serena at Wimbledon in 2009.

“It’s a privilege, it’s an honour,” said Venus. “When you enter the doubles draw, you dream of win-ning. Then we enter the singles, we dream of winning.

“To have Williams on both of those, somehow in 2016, it’s an-other dream come true.”

The sisters, who paired up again this year after a two-year absence, have won 14 grand slam doubles titles together — moving them level with American Gigi Fernandez and Belarussian Nata-sha Zvereva in second place on the all-time list.

They still have some way to go, however, to match the 20 of Mar-tina Navratilova and fellow Amer-ican Pam Shriver.

“I didn’t know about that stat until yesterday, that we were 13-0,” said Venus. “It’s not something you really think about. You just get to the fi nal and try to win.

“I don’t think it made us nerv-ous. You got time. If you get down a break, you always have time to get the break back. You can always go to a third (set).

“When you’re out there, you probably realise you have a chance to go for it again.”

The Williams sisters are now 22-1 in all doubles fi nals they have played together. - Reuters


CHEERFUL SISTERS: US player Serena Williams, left, and her

partner US player Venus Williams, right, pose with the winner’s

trophies after beating Hungary’s Timea Babos and Kazakhstan’s

Yaroslava Shvedova to win the women’s doubles fi nal. – AFP

Buttler suff ers broken thumbLONDON: England’s wicket-keeper-batsman Jos Buttler has suff ered a broken thumb on his left hand while playing for Lanca-shire in their NatWest T20 Blast cricket tournament win over Worcestershire.

Standing up to the stumps in the 17th over at New Road on Friday, Buttler was inadvertently struck by a bottom edge from Ben Cox’s bat, leaving the 25-year-old in vis-ible discomfort for the remainder of Worcestershire’s innings.

However, the injury did not pre-vent Buttler from making his mark with the bat as he blasted a 20-ball half-century, Lancashire’s fastest fi fty in Twenty20 cricket.

Opening the innings, as he had done for England in their T20 International at Southamp-ton on Tuesday, Buttler bludg-eoned seven fours and four sixes in his 57 off 23 deliveries to inspire the defending champions

to a seven-wicket win.“Lancashire and England’s Jos

Buttler received a blow to his left thumb during Friday night’s Nat-West T20 Blast match against Worcestershire Rapids at New Road,” England and Wales Crick-et Board said in their website on Friday.

“X-rays later revealed he sustained a small stable frac-ture which will be managed considerably.”

Buttler was in fi ne form during the recent T20 match between England and Sri Lanka.

Buttler’s heroics were a contin-uation of the fi ne displays he made for England in the limited-overs matches against Sri Lanka.

His 73 not out after being pro-moted to open against Sri Lanka earlier this week was his highest score in T20s, while knocks of 93 and 70 proved crucial in the ODI series. - IANS


Wales can win 2018 World Cup: WilliamsCARDIFF: Wales football team captain Ashley Williams is dream-ing of more international success and believes they can win the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.

The Swansea City defender played a crucial part in his side’s stunning adventures in the Eu-ropean Championship in France, which saw Wales end a 58-year wait to qualify for a major tournament.

Chris Coleman’s charges sur-prised as they went all the way to the semi-fi nals after topping a group including England and Russia. Portugal eventually end-ed their run with a 2-0 win but Williams feels that won’t hinder their progress.

“We’ve said to ourselves on the

bus: imagine if we had won the tournament’.Because looking at the streets, it feels like we have,” Williams was quoted as saying by goal.com as the team was paraded around Cardiff on its return home.

“After the Russia World Cup hopefully it will be the same again, but with a trophy.”

Liverpool midfi elder Joe Al-len echoed the sentiments of his team-mate, insisting Euro 2016 campaign has to become the benchmark.

“We can keep this momentum going,” he said.

“We are all very proud of what we have done and hope this is the benchmark and that we can look forward to more future success,” he added. - IANS



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Sialkot and Klair are champions of Omantel Cricket

MUSCAT: Sialkot Stallion clinched the tape ball title, while Klair XI won the MRI trophy of the Omantel Ramadan Cricket Tour-nament organised by the Pakistan Social Club at the Pakistan School Muscat ground.

In the Tape Ball category fi nal, Sialkot Stallion (58 for 1) defeated Bisya lions(58 for 7) by 9 wickets, while Klair XI (85 for 3) beat Al Nahdha (65 for 5) by 20 runs.

Pakistan Ambassador to Oman Ali Javed was the chief guest for

the fi nal evening.He along with, Hassan Ali Al La-

wati of Omantel, Madhu Jesrani, Oman Cricket general secretary, Dad Mohammed Al Balushi of Oman Cricket and Pakistan Social Club chairman Main Munir Mo-hammed, vice-Chairman Akhmat Hayat Raja and secretary Moham-med Zaeem with other PSC of-fi cials distributed the prizes and trophies.

Imran Butt (best batsman), Bilal Khan (best bowler) and Shoaib Al Balushi (best all-rounder) won the individual prizes in the tape ball cat-geory, while Faisal (best batsman), Shamas (best bowler) and Imran Nasser (best all-rounder) were the stars of the MRI ball category.

In the Tape Ball category fi nal, Sialkot

Stallion (58 for 1) defeated Bisya lions(58 for

7) by 9 wickets, while Klair XI (85 for 3) beat

Al Nahdha (65 for 5) by 20 runs for MRI title

Al Khoud CC championsMUSCAT: Al Khoud CC lifted the Trust Oilfi eld Champions Cup beating Ruwi Kings by six wickets at the Al Hail CT ground.

The exciting tournament was sponsered by Trust Oilfi eld and the winners trophy was pre-sented by Neil Paily, manager of Trust Cricket Team, while the runners-up trophy was presented by tournament coordinator Jacon Denson.

Comfortable winBatting fi rst in the fi nal, Ruwi Kings scored 46 runs in 8 overs and Al Khoud CC chased it com-fortably in six overs. It was totally a one-sided match.

Best batsmen, best bowler and man of the match trophies pre-sented by members of tourna-ment committee (Sadhik PM, Aaju Vipin, Jebin James, Sanoop K. and Sadath PM)

Earlier in the semifi nals, Ruwi

Kings (95 for 4 in 8 overs) beat Rising stars (76 for 6 in 8 overs).

Al Khoud CC (91 for 5 in 8 overs) trounced Masters XI (40 all out).

Man of the fi nal was Nasser of Al Khoud CC, while Musafi r of Ruwi Kings was adjudged best batsman and Sameer of Al Khoud CC was named best bowler.


ALL SMILES: Al Khoud captain receiving the trophy. – Supplied photo

OFA offi cials for International Coaching Course in JapanMUSCAT: The Japan Football Association (JFA) has invited offi cials from the OFA for an In-ternational Coaching Course be-tween July 12 and 17.

Two OFA representatives have been selected for the same out of the three that were nominated for the course from Oman.

Haroun Al Bartmani, AFC and FIFA Accredited coach, as well as Shakir Mohammed Al Balushi

have been selected to represent the OFA at the course.

ExperienceAl Bartmani, who will conduct-ing two sessions at the course — both theoretical and practical in nature, will also present a paper on the diff erent roles of the Goal-keeper in the game.

The two Omani representatives have been selected by the JFA

on account of their experience, qualifi cation and good reputation when it comes to the supervision of coaching and lectures.

The international coaching course will have two representa-tives from each Asian country.

The coaching sessions will also include visits organised by JFA to football teaching academies as well as Sports and Medical Col-leges in Japan.


Gatlin wins 200 metres showdown with MerrittEUGENE: Justin Gatlin won a 200 metres showdown with LaShawn Merritt and 41-year-old Bernard Lagat made his fi fth Olympic team by winning the 5,000m at the U.S. athletics trials on Saturday.

World record holder Aries Mer-ritt narrowly missed the men’s 110m hurdles team, while Ally-son Felix kept her hopes of a rare 200-400 Olympic double alive by advancing through the women’s 200m semifi nals.

World silver medallist Gatlin, remembering a narrow loss to Us-ain Bolt in last year’s Beijing world championships 100m fi nal, held off the charging LaShawn Merritt to win the 200 fi nal in 19.75 seconds.

“About 40-50 metres (to go) I started seeing LaShawn’s legs coming,” Gatlin said. “I just had a fl ashback of Beijing all over again. I was like ‘Oh no we not!’

“I just kept me poise and dove for the line.”

Merritt clocked 19.79 seconds as both the sprinters qualifi ed for Rio in a second event. Merritt earlier won the 400 and Gatlin the 100.

Merritt would not say whether

he, like Felix, would try for a 200-400 double in Rio. “I had three days between the 400 and the 200 (here), and at the Olympics it’ll be one day,” he said. “I’ll talk to my coach and see how he’ll adjust training headed towards Rio, and just handle it a round at a time.”

Ameer Webb rounded out the 200m team with an even 20 sec-ond run. Kenya-born Lagat pulled to the front on the fi nal straight to

claim the 5,000 in 13 minutes and 35.50 seconds.

“I train with young guys and I don’t believe I am old,” said Lagat. “If you believe you are old, I am go-ing to run like an old man.”

Lagat had represented Kenya for his fi rst two Olympic teams and now will be going for a third Games with the U.S.

Hassan Mead and Paul Chelimo joined him on the Rio team.

Olympic 10,000 metres silver medallist Galen Rupp faded to ninth after leading early. He was already qualifi ed for Rio in the marathon and 10,000.

Hurdler Meritt outReigning Olympic hurdles cham-pion Aries Merritt, who under-went a kidney transplant in Sep-tember, missed the Rio team by a hundredth of a second as he

came fourth in the fi nal. Only the top three fi nishers qualify for the Olympics in the cut-throat U.S. trials.

“I thought I had fi nished second or third,” said the 30-year-old, who was leading with two hurdles to go.

Offi cials re-read the fi nish photo but did not change the results.

Home-town collegian Devon Allen surprisingly won the race in 13.03 with Ronnie Ash and Jeff Porter fi nishing second and third, both in 13.21.

Favourite David Oliver did not start the fi nal after injuring his hamstring in the semifi nals.

Felix, not happy with her curve running, clocked the third best 200m semifi nal time of 22.57 sec-onds to advance to Sunday’s fi nal.

“I was not as sharp as I would like to be but I am moving on,” said Felix, who has been slowed by a sprained ankle in April.

Tori Bowie was fastest at 22.27 seconds. Olympic silver medallist Will Claye overtook London tri-ple jump gold medallist Christian Taylor with a big fi fth-place jump of 17.65 metres as both advanced to Rio. Taylor leaped 17.39. - Reuters


TOP THREE: From left, fi rst placed Justin Gatlin, third placed Ameer Webb and second placed

LaShawn Merritt celebrate after the Men’s 200 metre fi nal during the 2016 U.S. Olympic Track & Field

Team Trials at Hayward Field. – AFP

EDMONTON: Andre De Grasse ran his fastest 100 metres of the year to book his place at the Rio Games while world champions Shawn Barber and Derek Drouin also won their events at the Canadian Olympic trials on Satur-day. De Grasse, co-bronze medallist at the 2015 world championships, clocked 9.99 seconds to defeat Aaron Brown in the meeting at Edmonton, Alberta. Brown, who ran 9.96 seconds in Florida, fi nished second in 10.07 seconds. — Reuters

De Grasse dips under 10 seconds at Canadian trials

It is better late than never. While Nokia met a sad demise recently, another former Smartphone mogul Blackberry has returned a prodigal son to Android. Once used to sitting on the most sophisticated palms, with none other than US President Barrack Obama being its poster boy, the brand in the last few years had al-

most reached its end. But just before its obituary could be

written, the brand came to its sense, and bowed to Android’s supremacy, and came up with the Priv (a short for its slogan – Privilege Privacy) that ditches BlackBerry 10 OS to run Android Lollipop, and yet delivers top-notch security only to be ex-pected from a BlackBerry.

Launched recently in this part of the world (fi rst quarter of 2016 in the west), the phone packs a punch, with the trade-mark Blackberry hardened enterprise-grade software (the encryption created enough panic to lead many countries mulling to ban the brand) mated to the world’s most happening and interactive interface: Android. The end result is a Smartphone that makes a better state-ment than the most.

The inaugural Blackberry Android phone sporting Google’s stock Android platform, and with it access to the app-packed Play Store, is coupled with a crispy 5.4-inch QHD display, handy BB apps and the BB’s legendary keyboard.

Loaded with a Snapdragon 808 proces-sor, 3GB RAM, 32GB of internal storage and 18MP rear camera, the Priv can defi -

nitely dare to stare right into the eyes of the other mighty fl agships out there. And while some may yammer about it being a bit too late (most of the competition had the specs launched in 2015), we say it is still a gem of a Smartphone.

The Priv makes of itself an exciting prospect as it brings something freshly diff erent to the Android market. All the others literally keep beating around the bush with nothing substantial to put them apart from each other. At best one could boast of a bit higher display resolution, or a bit better camera, or a few extra widgets (useless most of them). In general they are all the same.

But the Priv off ers many things diff erent, completely absent in other devices. Being a Blackberry, the best part about is the secu-rity. With a system called DTEK, it’s meant to secure your personal data and monitor for any foul play from apps. DTEK auto-matically watches over your phone (in real time), but takes it a step further by notify-ing the user when an app requests sensi-tive information and providing a log of the app’s behaviour.

The security system allows customised personal data permissions, giving the us-ers more control over what applications they can access in the phone. The system also provides a clear, concise break-down of what phone features downloaded appli-cations want access to and why. Further-more, the S/MIME Support allows on to digitally sign and encrypt e-mails, adding another level of security to communica-tions. The Priv even off ers media card en-

cryption support – the feature means the phone content remains protected, in case the device gets stolen.

That said, the Priv performs outstand-ingly given all that power. It may not be on top of the charts in the performance categories, but it is a strong contender that won’t disappoint. The handy BlackBerry apps such as BBM, Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Tasks, make organising and per-forming tasks even easier.

Camera is another attraction on the Priv, especially it being a Blackberry, whose devices quite curiously posed themselves as too serious and seriously low on the entertainment part, especially the camera. That’s not the case with the Priv however.

The 18MP rear camera with Schneider-Kreuznach-certifi ed imaging sensor on the PRIV is so far the best to be sported by a Blackberry. Images are sharp and de-tailed with plenty of settings and eff ects for augmenting shots both before and af-ter taking the shots. The UX (User Expe-rience design) is pretty easy to use with a slew of nice fi lters to lend the shots a more professional touch. Matching the best of rivals, the Priv camera also features opti-cal image stabilisation (OIS), phase-de-tect auto focus and the ability to record 4K video at 30fps.

On the design front, the Priv takes you back to the early days of the Smartphones, when sliders used to mean business. Pushing the slight metal ridge at the bot-tom reveals the physical QWERTY key-board, which we are sure the Priv has for

no other than being a Blackberry (we are after all living in the age of touch screens virtual keyboard).

The metal rimmed glass front – raised at the top and bottom to protect the screen when it’s face-down; gives the Priv a pre-mium touch. The back and sides of the Priv are clad in what Blackberry terms as tensile weave. Having a Kevlar like ap-pearance, the stuff is neither metal nor glass; it rather has more of a plasticy, rub-bery feel to it (nothing like the cheap plas-tics on the earlier Samsungs). The tensile weave material makes the phone extreme-ly grippy. The rounded edges further make the phone to be held securely in hand.

Seemingly inspired by Samsung, the Priv also sports dual-curved sides on the screen; although not as pronounced as Samsung’s. Swiping the edge gives a sneak peek at info from BlackBerry’s Calendar, Messages, and Tasks apps. You can also set favourite contacts on to it.

All in all, the Priv, though it may not be the bestest and the mightiest Android smartie out there; it still turns out to be a great option in the slew of top-running Androids today. It is in fact the best option for those who are even one bit concerned about the safety of their content amidst all that Android fun.

More exciting prospects are going to be there soon from Blackberry, with BB CEO confi rming the brand would be launch-ing two more new Android-based Smart-phones in 2016. Feels like Blackberry is soon going to be back in business, if not already. —faisal@timesofoman.com

TECH SPECS:Blackberry Priv

Operating SystemAndroid 5.1.1 Lollipop

(Android Marshmallow update)Processor

Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 (8992) Hexa-Core, 64 bit

GPUAdreno 418, 600 MHz

Display5.43-inch curved AMOLED,

2560x1440 resolution (540 ppi)Memory

3GB low-power RAMStorage

32GB Flash storage, MicroSD up to 2TBRear Camera

18MP, f/2.2, OIS, phase-detect autofocusFront Camera

2MP, f/2.8, 1.75um pixel sizeBattery

3,410 mAh, Non-removableCharging

Quick Charge 2.0, Qi wirelessConnectivity

Wifi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.1, NFC, USB 2.0


GearSECTIONC L I F E S T Y L E M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6


Finally giving in to Android, yesteryear hero

Blackberry’s new fl agship – Priv promises the best

of both worlds – best OS amalgamated to trusted

Blackberry encryption. The game is not over yet

for the Canadian cellular giant.

Story Faisal Mohammed Naim

FIND-IT-ALLC6 M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Dhuhr 12.17pm

Asr 3.37pm

Maghrib 7.02pm

Isha 8.23pm Fajr (Tomorrow) 4.01am


Send us a colour photograph of the child (below 17 years) whose birthday you are celebrating, along with his/her full name, date of birth, address, telephone number and parents’/your name to Times of Oman, With Love, PO Box 770, PC 112, Ruwi or through e-mail to extra@timesofoman.com



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Muscat Region

Apollo, Al Hamriya 24787766

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Dhofar Region

Muscat, Al Nahdha Road,

Salalah 23291635


Al Amal Medical & Health Care

Centre 24485052

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Ruwi 24811743/

Ghubra 24504000

Al Musafir Specialised

Medical Clinic 24706453

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Ruwi 24563641

Azaiba 24499269

Sohar 2683006

Al Raffah Hospital 24618900/1/2

Al Massaraat Clinic &

Laboratory 24566435

Al Makook Medical

Coordinance Centre 24499434

Apollo Medical Centre,

Hamriya 24787766, 24787780

Capital Polyclinic 24707549

Badr Al Samaa Polyclinic,

Ruwi 24799760/1/2

Capital Clinic, Seeb 24420740

Ceregem National Raak 24485633

Dr Harub’s Clinic 24563217

Elixir Health Centre 24565802

Emirates Medical Centre 24604540

1st Chiropractic Centre 24472274

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Magrabi Eye and

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Muscat Private Hospital 24583600

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22004000, 94267068/97049520

Al Hayat Clinic, Al Hail 22009455


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Dept Destination Arrival Operatingtime time days


15:00 Quriyat 16:30 Daily

15:00 Sur 18:00 Daily

15:00 Jaalan 19:30 Daily


06:30 Sohar 08:50 Daily

06:30 Buraimi 11:00 Daily

08:00 Buraimi 14:30 Daily via Ibri

13:00 Sohar 15:45 Daily

13:00 Buraimi 17:40 Daily

16.00 Sohar 18.35 Daily

16.00 Buraimi 20:20 Daily


17:30 Sinaw 20:50 Daily


14:30 Nizwa 16:50 Daily

14:30 Yanqul 19:30 Daily


08:00 Nizwa 10:20 Daily

08:00 Al Araqi 12:30 Daily


07:30 Sur 12:00 Daily

14:30 Sur 18:45 Daily


06:30 Fahud 10:30 Daily

06:30 Yibal 11:15 Daily


07:00 Salalah 20:00 Daily

10:00 Marmul 20:30 Daily

10:00 Salalah 23:30 Daily

19:00 Salalah 07:40 Daily


06:00 Marmul 16:50 Daily


15:00 Dubai 07:00 Daily


06:00 Sohar 08:30 Daily

06:00 Dubai 11:30 Daily

13:00 Sohar 15:30 Wed,Thur

13:00 Dubai 18:30 Wed,Thur

15:00 Sohar 17:35 Daily

15:00 Dubai 20:55 Daily


07:00 Fujairah 11.45 Daily

07:00 Sharjah 13.30 Daily

07:00 Dubai 14.00 Daily


Dept Destination Arrival Operatingtime time days


05:30 Sur 06:45 Daily

05:30 Quriyat 08:30 Daily

05:30 Ruwi 10:00 Daily


07:00 Sohar 08:55 Daily

07:00 Ruwi 11:40 Daily

13:30 Ruwi 20:20 Daily via Ibri

13:00 Sohar 14:55 Daily

13:00 Ruwi 17:40 Daily

13:00 Sohar 19:20 Daily

17:00 Ruwi 22:15 Daily


07:00 Ruwi 10:25 Daily


06:00 Nizwa 08:40 Daily

06:00 Ruwi 11:00 Daily


15:40 Nizwa 17:55 Daily

15:40 Ruwi 20:20 Daily


06:00 Ruwi 10:45 Daily

14:30 Ruwi 19:00 Daily


12:30 Fahud 13:15 Daily

12:30 Ruwi 17:30 Daily


07:00 Ruwi 19:50 Daily

10:00 Marmul 13:15 Daily

10:00 Ruwi 22:30 Daily

19:00 Ruwi 07:30 Daily


06:00 Marmul 16:30 Daily


15:00 Salalah 07:00 Daily


07:30 Sohar 10:50 Daily

07:30 Ruwi 13:40 Daily

13:00 Sohar 16:15 Thur-Fri

13:00 Ruwi 19:10 Thur-Fri

15:30 Sohar 18:45 Daily

15:30 Ruwi 21:35 Daily


16:00 Sharjah 16:30 Daily

16.00 Fujairah 18.15 Daily

16.00 Ruwi 23.00 Daily

CITY CINEMAContact (10 am to 6PM) 24567664 | 68 www.citycinemaoman.netfacebook.com/citycinemaoman

SHATTINow You See Me 2 (2D) (Action | Comedy | Thriller) (PG12) Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo1:30 PMSultan (Hindi) (2D) (Action) (PG12) Cast: Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma3:45, 8:30, 11:45 PMIndependence Day: Resurgence (3D) (Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi) (PG12) Cast: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman2:15, 7:00, 9:15 11:45 PMTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Out of the Shadows (3D) (Action | Adventure | Comedy) (PG12)Cast: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry4:45, 7:00, 9:15 PMFinding Dory (3D) (Comedy) (PG) Cast: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks2:30, 4:30, 6:30 PM

MUSCAT GRAND MALLIndependence Day: Resurgence - (4D) (Action| Adventure | Sci-Fi) (PG12) GOLD CLASSCast: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum11:15AM, 1:30, 7:00 & 11:30PMIndependence Day: Resurgence - (3D) (Action| Adventure | Sci-Fi) (PG12)Cast: Liam Hemsworth, Bill Pullman10:00AM, 9:30 & 11:45PMSultan - (2D) (PG12) (Hindi) GOLD CLASSCast: Salman Khan, Marko Zaror3:45PMSultan - (2D) (PG12) (Hindi | Action)Cast: Salman Khan, Marko Zaror6:15 & 8:45PMTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - (3D) (Action ) (PG12) GOLD CLASSCast: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry9:15PM

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - (3D) (Action | Adventure | Comedy) (PG12)Cast: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry2:15 & 4:00PMFinding Dory - (3D) (Animation) (PG)Voice Overs: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks10:00AM, 12:00, 2:00 & 6:45PMThe Purge: Election Year - (2D) (Action) Cast: Frank Grillo, Elizabeth Mitchell12:15, 4:30 & 11:55PM (12+)

PANORAMA MALLIndependence Day: Resurgence - (3D) (Ac-tion| Adventure | Sci-Fi) (PG12) VIPLOUNGECast: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum9:15 & 11:30PMIndependence Day: Resurgence - (4D) 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9:00 & 11:15PM (PG12) MX4DIndependence Day: Resurgence - (3D) (Action| Adventure | Sci-Fi) (PG12)7:15, 9:30 & 11:45pmSultan - (2D) (PG12) (Hindi) VIP LOUNGECast: Salman Khan, Marko Zaror2:45 & 6:00PMSultan - (2D) (PG12) (Hindi | Action)Cast: Salman Khan, Marko Zaror2:45, 8:15 & 11:30PM

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - (3D) (Action | Adventure | Comedy) (PG12)Cast: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry2:45, 6:00, 9:45 & 11:50PMFinding Dory - (3D) (Animation) (PG)Cast: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks1:45, 3:45, 5:45 & 7:45PMMe Before You - (2D) (Drama) (15+)Cast: Emilia Clarke, Sam Claflin, Janet McTeer5:00PM

AZAIBA Happy Wedding (Mal) (2D) (Romance) (PG) Cast: Wilson Joseph, Soubin Shahir, 6:45, 9:15, 11:00 PMSultan (Hindi) (2D) (Action) (PG12) Cast: Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma2:00, 4:30, 5:05, 7:45, 8:15, 11:00, 11:30 PMIndependence Day: Resurgence (3D) (Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi) (PG12) Cast: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum2:00, 4:30, 11:45 PMTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Out of the Shadows (3D) (Action | Adventure ) (PG12) Cast: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry2:15, 7:00, 9:00 PMFinding Dory (3D) (Animation) (PG) 3:00, 5:00 PM


Screen 1 Sultan (2D) (Action, Drama, Sport) –PG12Cast : Marko Zaror, Salman Khan3.30, 6.45, 10.00 PMScreen 2Independence Day: Resurgence (2D) (Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi) –PG12Cast : Maika Monroe, Liam Hemsworth3.45, 6.45, 9.45 PMScreen 3Housefull 3 (2D) (Comedy / Drama) –PG12Cast : Akshay Kumar, Ritesh Deshmukh 3.45, 6.45, 9.45 PM


Independence Day 3D ( Action) ( PG12 ) Cast : Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum3:15, 7:30, 11:45 PMSultan (Hindi) ( Action ) ( PG12 ) Cast : Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma3:30, 8:30, 11:30 PMFinding Dory 3D ( Animation ) (PG) 6:30 PMTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Out of the Shadows 3D ( Action ) ( PG12 ) Cast : Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry5:30, 9:45 PM


Independence Day: Resurgence – 3D (Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi) (PG12)Cast: Liam Hemsworth, Bill Pullman3:45, 7:15, 9:30, 11:45PMFinding Dory – 3D (Animation) (PG)Voice Overs: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks3:00PMFinding Dory – 2D (Animation) (PG)5:00PMTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows – 3D (Action/) (PG12)Cast: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry5:00, 9:30, 11:45PMThe Purge: Election Year -2D (Action) (12+)Cast: Frank Grillo, Elizabeth Mitchell, Mykelti3:00, 11:45PMNow You See Me: the Second Act – 2DCast: Jesse Esinberg, Lissy Caplan, Daniel5:30PM (Action) (PG12)Sultan -2D (Hindi/ Action) (PG12)Cast: Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma2:15, 6:15, 8:00, 11:15PMHappy Wedding -2D (Romantic/Drama) (PG)Cast: Wilson Joseph, Soubin Shahir, Sharafudheen9:15PMSwaief Tafash -2D (Arabic) (PG)

Cast: Ali Alghurair, Khalil Alromaithi, Abdulla Waleed 7:00PM


Independence Day: Resurgence (3D) PG12 (Action| Adventure | Sci-Fi)Cast: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum2.45, 9.00 & 11:30 PMThe Purge: Election Year 12+ (Action)Cast: Frank Grillo, Elizabeth Mitchell2.00, 5.00 & 11.55 PMTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (3D) PG 12 (Action | Adventure)Cast: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry3.00, 7.00 & 9.30 PMSultan PG12 (Hindi) (Action)Cast: Salman Khan, Marko Zaror4.00, 8.55 & 11.15 PMFinding Dory (3D) PG (Animation | Comedy)Cast: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks5.00 & 7.00 PMHappy Wedding PG (Malayalam)Cast: Wilson Joseph, Soubin Shahir7.00 PM


Independence Day: Resurgence (3D) (PG12) (Action| Adventure | Sci-Fi) Cast: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum10:15, 2:30, 6:00, 8:35PMFinding Dory (3D) (PG) (Animation) Voice Overs: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks10:30, 12:30, 4:45PMSultan (2D) (PG12) (Action) Cast: Salman Khan, Marko Zaror2:45, 8:45, 11:15PMTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (3D) (PG12) (Action | Adventure) Cast: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry12:30, 9:00, 11:30PMTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2D) (PG12) (Action | Adventure) 4:10PMThe Purge: Election Year (2D) (12+) (Action ) Cast: Frank Grillo, Elizabeth Mitchell, Mykelti12:05, 2:05, 11:55PMAbu Shanab (2D) (PG12)( Arabic ) (Action ) Cast: Yazmin Abdel Aziz, Dhaffer L Abidine 6:45PMHappy Wedding (2D) (PG) (Malayalam) (Romantic |Comedy |Drama) Cast: Wilson Joseph, Soubin Shahir 6:15PM


BAHJA CINEMAFilm information 24540856 / Advance Booking


Website: www.albahjacinemaoman.com

The Asian Connection (Action)Cast: Steven Seagal, Michael Jai White1.00 p.m.CP No : 1764 (15+)The Purge: Election Year (Action/Horror/Sc:Fi:)Cast: Frank Grillo, Elizebeth Mitchel4.00, 8.00 & 11.55 pmCP No : 1810 (12+)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (Action/Adventure) Cast: Megan Fox, Will Amet, Tyler Perry12.00, 2.00, 6.00 & 10.00 pmCP No : 1811 (PG12 )Sultan (Hindi Film) (Action/Drama/Sport) Cast: Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma3.00, 6.00 & 9.00pmCP No : 1812 (PG12)30 Years Ago (Arabic Film) (Action/Thriller) Cast: Ahmed El Sakki, Mona Zaki, Sherif Mounir11.55 pmCP No : 1813 (PG12)

STAR CINEMAFilm information 24791641 / 24786776

Website: www.isurf.co.om

Sultan( Hindi) ( Act\Sports) Cast: Salman Khan & Anushka Shama 3-30 PM Cinema -2; 6-30 & 9-30 Pm Cinema Main Happy Wedding ( Mal) (Comedy) Cast : Willson Joseph, Soubin Shahir & Sharafudheen 3-00 Pm Cinema Main ; 6-30 & 9-30 pm Cinema -2School Bus ( Mal)( Thriller) Cast : Kunchacko Boban, Jayasurya3-45, 6-45 & 9-45 PM Cinema -3Kammati Paddam ( Mal) ( Act) Cast: Dulquer Salman & Anjali Aneesh 3-45, 6-45 & 9-45 pm Cinema -3Next Change : Kabali (Tamil) Programmes are subject to change


Sultan (Hindi) (2D) (Action) (PG12) Cast: Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma, Marko Zaror, 2:00, 4:30, 5:05, 7:45, 8:15, 11:00, 11:30 PM


Finding Dory - (3D) (Animation) (PG)Voice Overs: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks10:00AM, 12:00, 2:00 & 6:45PM


Independence Day: Resurgence - (4D) (Action| Adventure | Sci-Fi) (PG12) MX4DCast: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, , Bill Pullman2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9:00 & 11:15PM


The Purge: Election Year 12+ (Action /Horror/Sci:Fi)Cast: Frank Grillo, Elizabeth Mitchell, Mykelti Williamson2.00, 5.00 & 11.55 PM


SIVANI LEKSHMY July 10, 2009








LIFESTYLEC7M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Nativ launches Bit-Perfect CD ripper BR I E F


Off ering another amazing gadget for music lovers, audio brand Nativ has come up with the ‘Nativ Disc’, a one of its kind, ‘quite beautiful’ bit-per-fect CD Ripper, which allows music lovers convenient ac-cess to large CD collections in lossless quality and with rich metadata experience.

Simply insert the CD into ‘Nativ Disc’ and the device au-tomatically imports it into the user’s Nativ Vita music server in the format of choice, tagged with detailed information about the album, artist and beautiful album artwork. Launched last week, the device allows users to import up to 12,000 CDs in to the high-resolution music play-er/server ‘Nativ Vita’, connected via bus-powered USB.

Speaking of the device, Mi-chael Li, CEO and Co-Founder of Nativ, said “Although most people stream or download mu-sic today many of us still have large CD collections at home. Nativ Disc provides a simple

way to add those CDs to one’s digital music libraries. As a re-sult of our relationship with Gracenote, users can also ac-cess the world’s most extensive music database and innovative playlisting capabilities that de-liver a more immersive experi-ence and help them re-discover music like never before.”

The imported CDs are auto-matically copied as bit perfect copies to the built-in hard disk drives in lossless FLAC, un-

compressed WAV or lossy MP3 format. Gracenote automati-cally recognises the imported content and delivers detailed album information and beauti-ful cover art for more than 200 million tracks to Vita’s stunning 11.6” touchscreen UI. Through descriptive information includ-ing genre, origin, era, tempo, and mood, Gracenote also curates mood and activity-based play-lists for Vita users.—lifestyle@timesofoman.com

Putting the digital world from up front to right

around us, the VR devices with their immersive

experience are taking entertainment to the next

level – redefi ning how we see the virtual world.

Story Syed Haitham Hasan

Dating its concep-tual origins back to the pre 1950 era, the dawn of Virtual Real-ity (VR) is now upon

us. The iconic tech giants are al-ready battling for market share in the industry expected to rise well above the billion dollar mark by the turn of the decade. Recent-ly heavyweights Google, Sony, and Samsung have released VR headsets that off er incredible 3D experience of a simulated environment. If one has been in a small module in kids’ entertainment parks with weird names such as 7D, they are slightly acquainted with the concept of Virtual Reality. The idea is to create an environment which isn’t reality but a simulated world with the objective of immersing the individual into it to the extent that the brain perceives it to be real, unlike when on TV or com-puter. It is basically a computer generated interactive simulation of a certain environment using electronic devices such as gloves, helmets, goggles, and provides some of the most memorable experiences to users who can fi nd themselves as astronauts on Moon or combatants in a bat-tlefi eld, all in their living rooms. But how do they achieve this? In theory it is very simple. There are essentially three things required, a console, PC or a Smartphone to run the application or game, a headset that allows the display to be secured in front of the eyes and an input including sensors, head tracking, and hand tracking. The visual input is provided by the PC or console through an HDMI cable or by the Smartphone itself depending on the type of Head Mounted Display (HMD). These displays, often referred to as gog-gles due to lens fi tted into them, contain LCD displays for each eye or receive two feeds to one display. The lens placed between the eyes and the visual input help in focus-ing on the image to create a stereo-scopic 3D vision by capturing the same image with diff erent angles,

identical to how the eyes perceive the real world. Even the fi eld of view is important in VR to mimic the real world much as possible, which is a 180 degree view when both eyes are open. The closer it is to the human eye perception, the more immersion for the user. Most headsets currently provide a 110 degree fi eld of view which is nearly enough for the total captivation of the user into the simulated world.

So far, following are our gate-ways to the virtual world:

HTC Vive: By far the most com-prehensive VR package in the mar-ket, in terms of the immersive ex-perience including motion sensors that track the motion of head with a crisp 1080p display, is the cord-less HTC Vive, able to play mov-ies and games. The outstanding feature in the Vive is that it allows movement in a room 4.5x4.5m so instead of moving a joystick, you can move around with your legs. Be careful not to run into walls, that is if you have an empty room of that size. On the downside, the HTC Vive is rather expensive and requires a high end GPU discour-aging customers to procure it. Pros: Best VR experience,Motion sensor enabledCons: Requires a high-end GPU, Expensive

Playstation VR: The cabled VR is compatible only with the PS4. The unbeatable aesthetics and indulging display of the PSVR are a boon only for a PS user. For the others, doesn’t sound as good of a prospect con-sidering one would have to buy the gaming console as their dedicated GPU. The enthusiasts may have to wait for it as it is available for pre-order and arrives in October 2016.Pros: Excellent level of interaction,120Hz refresh rateCons: Only works with PS4,can cause motion sickness

Oculus Rift: The revolutionary VR manufacturer produces one of the lightest and most comfortable VR

headsets available. Even though its wired and lacks motion sen-sors creating a rather static virtual experience, the Oculus Rift makes up for it with a high quality expe-rience with a smooth image input preventing eye strain. It plays both movies and games and is compara-tively cheaper. Pros: VR pioneersExcellent quality and experience Cons: No motion controls

Google Cardboard: The most ba-sic of the VR headsets is the Google cardboard. The best part is, you can nearly make it yourself. Yes, as the name suggests, it’s just cardboard attached to a Smartphone. All you have to do is construct the headset as per the instructions and slot your phone into it. The experience may be far from an immersive one but if you have a high resolution phone, you could have a decent one.Pros: Cheap, as in very cheap,Hobbyist funCons: Quality far from premium, Limited Functionality

Samsung Gear VR: Powered by the Oculus technology, the Samsung Gear VR promises to provide a decent VR experience, though considering its wide range of compatibility with different Samsung devices, the image quality is always subjected to the phone. Playing both games and movie, like Vive, it is completely wireless.Pros: Value for moneyCons: A bit bulky, low interaction, content pixelated

Constant developments in tech-nology including motion sensors, head tracking, sound and eye sen-sors can make Virtual Reality as immersive as reality. It certainly has an appeal to a huge audience and with more advancement; days of TV and computer for visual enter-tainment may be numbered. After all, who doesn’t want to escape the real world?


LIFESTYLEC8 M O N DAY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Trusted antivirus brand AVG lists the top 10 battery killing apps, analysing anonymous

data from over one million AVG Android app users. And not just battery, the apps

signifi cantly eat up your space and data too.

Instant snaps kill performanceThough its pictures are gone in an in-stant, its eff ect on your smartphone lin-gers. Snapchat is revealed as the num-ber one performance killer.

Facebook ‘Mis-Manages’A consistent top performer on the charts, Facebook has a new contend-er: its monitoring app, Facebook Pages Manager. The app stores a lot of local content as it tracks page statistics, followers, and comments, while on the move.

A bad forecastBoth the Weather Channel and Words with Friends were surprise entrants in the list, with the apps having no clear need to run invisibly in the background.

A drain on your wallet and SmartphoneWith two of its shopping apps on the ‘run by user’ list, if you want to save data and battery life on the go, you might want to steer clear of Amazon. Source: now.avg.com


1. Snapchat

2. Amazon Shopping UK

3. Sotify Music

4. LINE: Free Calls & Messages

5. Samsung WatchON (Video)

6. Netfl ix

7. Clean master

8. Amazon Kindle

9. Amazon Shopping (Global)

10. BBC News


1. Facebook

2. Google Play Services

3. Facebook Pages Manager

4. BBM

5. Words with Friends

6. Instagram

7. Messenger

8. ooVoo Video call Text & Voice

9. ChatON Voice & Video Chat

10. The Weather Channel







M O N D AY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6


*Classified Advertisement space booking with text, should be done till 12.00 noon for next day’s publication.

* Subject to space availability

Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461


D2 M O N D AY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6


*Tourist visa arranged

3 Rooms, 2 Toilets Flat for Rent.

18 November Street. Near Mars

Hypermarket and The Chedi.

Ghobrah -Good for Commercial or

Residential use. OMR 295/- month.

Call 94477222

Flats for rent, location: Dar-

sait AENT. Contact: 99885957 /


Luxury fully furnished 2 bedroom

flat at Al Khuwair, for short or

long term lease contract. Contact

Atlas Real Estate & Rent A Car LLC.

Contact 99436312 /92888376 /

94617563, tel: 24833848

Villa available –Built up 300m2,

3 bedrooms, sitting, family lounge,

kitchen, 3 toilets, near 100 meters

from Indian School Sohar-

Contact: 26843530, 95856630

3 bedroom well maintained flat (vil-

la type only 2 flats in one bldg) in

Al Khuwair, behind Al Aktham res-

taurant villa no 1839, Way no 3922

block 239. Contact: 99462980

2 Bedroom, 1 sitting room, 1 toilet,

1 kitchen at Darsait.

Contact: 99022487

10 studio apartments & 12 fully

furnished executive apartments

ready for occupation - location at

Falaj Al Qabail -

Contact 22092638 /94532131;

Email: nitsohar@gmail.com

1,2,3 BHK flats & villas. Contact: 91760884

3BHK Al Khuwair R.O. 350/-.

Contact: 91760884 / 92144045

2BHK Darsait R.O 315/-.

Contact: 91760884 / 92144045

1BHK Mumtaz R.O 225/-.

Contact: 92144045 / 91760884

1 &2 BHK Ghubra 250/- , 275/-

& 300/-.Contact: 92144045 /


110 SQM shop for rent next to

Honda Signal light.

Contact: 99061408 / 99024039

Flats for rent near Indian School

in Wadi Kabir. Contact 99777122

I BHK Flat -3 Nos at Hamriya – R.O.

175/-3 Bed Room/ 3 Bath room/

Very big sitting area/ kitchen

- Villa 1st floor with A/C at Al

Khuwair Near Rayyan Residence.

R.O 360/-For families. Contact:

94934353 - 9 am to 7 Pm.

Email – forrentksd@gmail.com

Offices and flats in Ghala.

Contact 94051789 / 97201688

1 BHK fully furnish flat in Hamriya

for short terms.

Contact – 99792181

5 BHK Villa in Al Khuwair,

for Staff Accommodation.

Contact 99792181

1 Room for sharing accommoda-

tion in Al Khuwair.

Contact - 99792181

3 & 5 BHK villa staff accommoda-

tion in Al Khuwair.

Contact - 99792181

1 BHK flat in Al Khuwair for

2 months. Contact – 99792181

Flats, shops & store for rent in

MBD area Ruwi, Mumtaz area.

Contact: 97293708 / 92433127

Flats in Darsait. Contact 94051789 / 97201688

Ghubra & Al Khuwair, 1 bed room,

hall. Contact: 90991079

Flats in Muttrah. Contact

94051789 / 97201688

Flats for rent in Mumtaz,

2 bedrooms , hall Way no 3352

building no. 3447 & 3668.

Contact: 90991079

Two bedrooms flat behind Ger-

man Embassy near to Al Nahda

Hospital. Contact: 99209354

Wadi Kabeer Industrial 80 sm

show rooms for rent 400/- R.O.

Contact: 99879939

Fully Furnished apartments in

Boucher (35). Contact 94051789 /


Offices & Showrooms in Al Khood.

Contact 94051789 / 97201688

Flats in Qurum. Contact 94051789

/ 97201688

Flats in Ghobrah. Contact

94051789 / 97201688

Brand new villas in Al Ansab.

Contact 94051789-97201688

Flat for rent in South AlGhubrah

3 rooms, hall and 3 toilets, kitchen

rent 450/-. Contact: 99335580

Flats in Al khuwair. Contact 94051789-97201688

Flat for rent in Al Khoud, 2 rooms

& hall. Contact: 91763665

2BHK split A/C 200/- Monthly

& 1BHK spilt A/C 150/- monthly

new building good location Barka

Market. contact 99342661

Flat in Al Khuwair opp grand mall

4 room 3 toilet + hall kitchen in 3

floor 400. Contact 99420346

2 BHK flat at Wadi Kabir behind

Pioneer Hotel apartment.

Contact: 99857332 /99261522

3000 Sqr mtrs compound land in

Misfah. Contact 99792181

1700 sqr mtrs open Land + small

store + garage for Rent in Ruwi.

Contact 99792181

Labor Camp available with all

facilities near Sohar Port.

Contact: 98050654 / 99015826

Flats in Wadi Kabir. Contact

94051789 / 97201688

Flat for Rent 2 bed room Near ISM

muscat Indian Scoole

Darsate Tel : 00 968 95158570

Flat for rent 2 BHK 2 split A/C,

2 toilets, Wadi Kabir near Kuwaiti

Masjid. Contact 97007934 /


2BHK Big Size Flat Behind Bank

Muscat, Wadi Kabir. Near ISWK.

97826454, 24815012.

1BHK at Hamriya near Muscat

Pharmacy & 2 BHK at Mawaleh

near Mosque Sadiq Al Amin.

Contact: 99224748 / 99332297

2BHK split A/C for rent Muttrah

near Oman House.

Contact: 97007934 / 92629232

1 Bed room, sharing K& T, R.O 100, 2

bedrooms , sharing K& T R.O 200/-

in AL Khuwair. Contact 95154331

Spacious 3 BHK apartment + store

room with split A/C Al Seeb, Mab-

elah South near Goat market, near

Expressway R.O 320 negotiable.

Contact: 96920789 / 98309890

Warehouse at Wadikabir -

total area 3500 sqm - covered

warehouse (500sqm), office,

accommodation (1000sqm), open

area (2000sqm) please contact:

99273774 - 99202278

Furnished office (61M2) for sale

/ rent Al Khuwair near Zawawi

Mosque. Contact: 95611569

2 bed rooms flat with hall,

2 bathrooms in Darsait near

Muscat Municipality.

Contact: 92584715/ 24700120

2 & 3 BHK Flat in Al Khuwair &

Ghubra. Contact 99792181

4 BHK Villa in Bowsher Heights.

Contact 99792181

New 2B/R behind bank Muscat,

Bausher directly from owner.

Contact: 92158031


Dental chairs for sale sparingly

used dental units for sale.

Contact Mr. Ansari 92616343.

Kumar 99570284

A clinic and pharmacy located in Al

Amerat is for sale. Interested parties

can contact 92704439.

HD Scaffoldings, Shuttering

Jacks, Wooden Planks, Shuttering

wood assorted, Tower hoist (lift),

Concrete Mixer, Bending Machine,

Steel Fabrication Machinery

(Searing/Cutting, lathe & Welding)

including tools for immediate sale:

Contact 99273774/


Luxury Apartments in Boucher

(35) / Ghala / Qurum. Contact

95056808 / 97201688

1No brand new containerized

package type STP 100 m3/ day

with blower equipments (suitable

for camps). Serious Buyers may.

Contact: 99445367

Single colorful Bed and Sofa for

Sale at Al Khuwair.

Contact 92881849 /

What`s up No 97290565

Steel Scrap materials for im-

mediate sale. Contact: 99273774/


Space for printing press avail-

able at wadikabir with or without

machinery. Contact 99328430

Urgent sale of steel scrap only

serious buyers kindly contact

+968 96725423

for viewing the items.

Restaurant for sale heart of Ruwi.

Contact 93687466

Almost new beach/ garden

lounge chairs /bar stools/ counter.

Photos can be sent 95865457

Shop for sale near Oman House,

Muttrah. Contact 99024362.


Toyota Corolla 2006, 1.3,

full automatic Expat driven.

Contact: 99045803

Mazda 2; 2013 ; 4 Door Hatch-

back ; Grey color ; Low Mileage :

4350 Kms; Single Expat Driven;

Excellent Condition; Price: 3000


Contact 99857123

TOYOTA Camry for sale, 2010,

1,00,000 kms, full option, silver

colour, warranty up to Sept 2016,

full showroom service, Indian

expat leaving the country.

Mob 97462122


condition,Colour White, Make 2004,

Automatic Transmission, Done

236000 Kms. Contact: 93667236

Nissan Qashqai 2013 Kms 30,000

VGC comprehensive Insurance UAE

/ Oman. Contact: 96995430

1 BHK Flats are available near Lulu

Darsait (Opp. to Min. of Defense)

Contact: 93202733 / 94771769


Bobcat available for rent.

Contact 97623299

Buying cars for cash.

Contact 90202090

Flat for rent in Al Mawaleh South

3, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, hall,

kitchen & store with air condition.

Contact 98575157


1000,00 M2 Industrial plot com-

pound wall & two room at Misfah

I/A. Contact: 99342733

Commercial/Residential land

(24000 sqm) at Izz for lease.

Contact 92334696


Operator available.

Contact 92334696

Ruwi office space for rent,

Saravana Bhava Building.

Contact: 95729549

DAILY GUIDEM O N D AY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 D3



SIZE : 4’ X 8’ X 18MM




Urgently required looking to

immediately buy used Grit blasting

& airless spray equipment 1 No each.

Contact: 968 24810930 / 93203772

/ 93203773 / 93203778

IELTS Coaching (academic)

required nearby wadi Kabir area.

Please call on mobile or

msg on Whats up.

Mobile # 92927880/99012165


Party & Wedding equipment rent-

als. Full line, from Tables, Linen

& Skirting, Chairs & Chair covers,

Cutlery, Crockery, Glassware,

Chafing Dishes, Ice Sculptures, to

Large Sound Systems and spec-

tacular lighting. Call Andrea 9606

2222 for Catering and Croyden

9623 5555 for Sound & Light.


E-mail: info@tunesoman.com

Furnished apartment for rent,

two rooms, majlis, hall, kitchen.

Near Carrefour al-mawalah.

Contact 99336776

Fully furnished two bed flat for 4

- 6 months rent available, location

KFC building, Wadi Kabir, Ruwi.

Contact: 98763645 / 93894257

Furnished rooms with kitchen

at Ruwi. Contact : 91214897 /


One single room available for

executive bachelor at CBO area

fully furnished and WIFI available.

Contact 92779732

Fully furnished room available

for executive bachelors opp. Star

Cinema. Contact 92886715

Room, bath room for executives in

Wadi kabir. Contact 99336206

Room with attached bathroom for

a family in Wadi Kabir.

Contact: 97167857

Room with attached bathroom

and sharing kitchen available for

Executive bachelor or small family

at wadikabir. Contact 93049849

Furnished room attached bath

for Indian bachelor, Al-Falaj

Ruwi & lady Wadi Kabir near

Mars hypermarket. Contact:


1 BHK appartment for rent in

Al Khoud Shabiya near mazoon

mosque for rent (next to alkhoud

medical center and squ)

MOB: 93913224

Sharing Accommodation avail-

able for working ladies opposite

Al Nadhah Hospital. Preferably

Indians. Room with seperate toilet

and sharing kitchen.RO.90.

Contact 96524717

Furnish bedroom with attach

bathroom for executive bachelor.

Contact: 97704794

Room available for Executive

bachelor at Al Hail.

Contact: 96234708

Room available in Mumtaz area

1 room, 1 Bathroom, Kitchen &

1 room, common bathroom.

Interested please contact

92680041 Mr. Altaf

Sharing accommodation

near ISD. Contact: 99657340


Accommodation Wanted for an

Executive Bachelor, Single Flat /

Sharing Room @ Wadi Kabir.

Pls call: 93883674 / 98103169



Please contact – 95213273Email:

muscatcoff eeshop@gmail.com

For a successfully Catering Restaurant

Investor cum Partner is required.

Investor with fi xed returns also welcome.



Public Relation Service (PRO)

Document Clearance,

Business setup,

Formation new Companies,

LLC Companies,

Investor Visa, Legal Services.

Contact Saleh:


WEB, ERP and Business Intel-

ligence (BI) creation and manage-

ment at rock bottom price.

Contact: http//webviewoman


Ayurvedic treatments & massage

– Ayurvedic Clinic Al Khuwair.

Contact 97263637 / 93309131

FREE INFORMATION ABOUT ISLAM. If you would like to know

more about Islam, please call:

99425598, 99250777, 99353988,

99253818, 99341395, and

99379133. For ladies: 99415818,

99321360, 99730723


Ayurvedic treatment for joint

pain, backache, paralysis, mas-

sage, steambath, obesity, Spondy-

litis, Ideal Care Ayurvedic Clinic,

18 November Street, Azaiba.

Contact: 99639695 / 97397320

Ayurvedic treatment for back-

ache, paralysis, arthritis etc

& massage, All Season (Vaid-

yaratnam). Contact:24475280 /

95371664 / 92504980



Parent of Thrissur based Hindu

Ezhava girl aged 20, Slim,Atham

star, Studying for B. Pharm seek-

ing alliance from well employed

Graduates, preferably in Engineer-

ing Contact :96425102

Indian male Roman Catholic 40yrs divorcee working in Muscat.

Seeks suitable alliance from

widow/ divorcee/ single.

Contact 96059801.

Malankara Catholic Male Nurse (28) from Thiruvalla working in

Nizwa Private Co. Alliance invites

parents/nurses working in Oman.

Contact 968 98267338,

0091 9287215726


Transport. Contact: 94510847

Transportation available Ruwi to

Al Khuwair, Ghubra & Azaiba.

Contact: 91103909

Transportation available Al Khuwair, Ghobrah, Azaiba,

Al Hail & Al Khoud. Drop & pick.

Contact 95250161

Transportation. Contact:


Transportation. Contact


Transportation. Contact


Transportation. Contact


Transportation required from Qurum to WadiKabir at

afternoon only 1 PM.

Contact - 99012165


Transportation. available. (Ruwi)

Contact 92430239


Manpower available: cleaning male/female staff, loading unloading and

helpers staff available on contract basis. Contact- 94636086

DAILY GUIDED4 M O N D AY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6




Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624













Required Shop Sales man + Hard-ware Technician for IT Company

with minimum 2 years experience.

Contact: 98825806 / 98825806,

Email: info@rns-group.com

House maid for Omani family.

Contact: 99773100

Indian male Civil Engineer 1.6 yrs

exp, having Omani D/L, looking for

suitable position. NOC available.

Contact – 92157694 /


Iraqi Civil Engineer with 30 years

experience looking for a job, N.O.C

available. Contact: 96561306

Email: iq.bgd.mnsr@gmail.com

Indian male 24 Engineering

Graduate in Mechanical, being a

fresher searching for a suitable

placement to grow up my career.

Contact: 97277067

Email: roshan_job_09@yahoo.com

Power Systems Engineer experi-

ence in digsilent, Cymcap & Etap,

Graduation with distinction.

Contact: 98133281

Indian, 30 yrs, male B.E (Electri-

cal Eng) Project Engr & Design

Engr total experience 6 years Gulf

experience 1 year, 2 months, NOC

Available. Contact: 97225924

Email: nsasi55@gmail.com

Electrical Engineer with 8 years

Experience Looking for a suitable

job. (Driving License and NOC

available). Ph#91293519,

Email: nomee987@gmail.com

BE mechanical Engineer having

6+ years experience in structural

and piping job looking suitable

position. Contact: 96115463

Email: jijoraju085@yahoo.com

Mechanical Engineer (Sudanese)

3 years experience : Fire fighting,

HSE, Design, Production.

Contact: 93642704

Email: mohamedfdl87@gmail.com

Fresh Engineering graduate M-

Tech in mechanical Automation

and automobile Engineering now

in Oman on visit seeks suitable

placement. Contact: 95853514 /


Fresh Engineering graduate

B.Tech mechanical engineering

now in Oman on visit seeks

suitable placement.

Contact: 95853514/98280172

Wanted Sales Man for an eleva-

tor company 3 yrs exp English

language must has NOC required

send resume to pioneersoverall.


Contact: 968 94496661

Required smart, young, dynamic Sales & Marketing Executive hav-

ing 2-3 years sales experience for

a reputed manufacturing company

in Oman, having its Head Office

in Ruwi. Experience in building

materials is an added advantage.

Omani Driving License and

NOC is a must. Attractive

remuneration package.

Apply with photograph to

E-mail: salesjobds@gmail.com

Required marketing / PR manager

for a modern restaurant group in

Oman , proficient in illustrator &

Photoshop charismatic , proac-

tive , creative & flexible excellent

writing / Editing skills degree in

relevant area fluent in English.

Send CV to


Shawarma / grill / Salad / Asian Cook. Contact: 95529970

WANTED Female Gynaecologist,

Female GP- Two Female Staff Nurse (From India or Pilipino)and One

Female Dental Assist and

Female Lab Technician. With MOH Licence and Data Flow for

Al Saadi Specilised Medical Centre, Musanna.Contact # 92025033,

Email : dr.srininvas76@gmail.com

An Omani Audit firm is seeking audit partner to join the firm, the

candidate should be completed any

certificate course CIA,CPA, CA, ACC,

and 4 years’ experience, interested

candidates to submit their CVs to :


Srilankan female, 26 yrs, B.Sc,

Mgt Degree, 4 yrs experience as

Accounts & Admin Executive,

looking for a suitable placement in

Accounts, Finance or Administra-

tion fields. Contact 92544237 /


Accountant B.Com Indian male 10

yrs experience in Oman with D/L &

NOC, local change is available spe-

cialized in Tally ERP9 & focus up

to finalization. Contact: 99622639

Chief Accountant well experi-

enced with reputed group avail-

able. Contact : 98803439.

Indian female 28 yrs B.Com 4 yrs

experience in MNC’s currently in

Muscat seeking suitable place-

ment in Finance / Admin.

Contact :94743790

Agriculture Engineer 2 8rs, with

5 yrsexp in the field of agriculture,

landscaping & irrigation. Since 2

yrs working in different projects.

Having valid UAE driving license.

Currently in Oman (Salalah) on

visit visa. Contact – 94120190 /


Beauty salon needs lady for

henna. Contact: 93336061

Chief / Senior Accountant, hav-

ing 12 years Oman experience

looking for a job NOC / Release

with D/L available.

Contact: 97385562

Indian female 24 yrs, MBA fi-

nance B.Com Computer currently

on family visa looking for suitable

placements. Contact: 93839846

Email: abmiesummy92@gmail.


Part Time Accounting, Audit Prep-

aration, Internal Audit, Monthly

Reports, Accounting set up for

new companies, GSM : 96975454,

email: ibfc.gcc@gmail.com

Indian/MBA/male Chief Accountant 18Yrs Experience,

MIS, C.Flow, Budgeting,

ERP, Cost accounting &Liasing

with auditors. NOC available.

Contact: 92254691/97826674

email: khader2305@gmail.com


Architectural Draftsmen diploma

in construction technology with 6

years experience in drafting and

detailing as per British standard

in Oman with valid Omani license

looking for suitable opportunity

Noc available. Call 94375897.

Revit, Autocad D/man, expected

salary 200 OMR

PH :92279784

Indian male B.Com, MBA 4 years in

Larsen & Toubro total 26 years Gulf

experience English, Arabic speaking

with driving license, NOC available.

Contact: 95588565

Indian (Male) having 17+years

Experience in Trading & Health-

care seeking senior Position in

Accounts (11 years GCC Experi-

ence)currently on Resident Visa

(NOC Available) and has a valid

Omani Driving Licence. Contact:

91335026; skumartp@gmail.com

Indian male age 26, Accountant

one year experience in accounts

looking for suitable job. Contact -

Email: Anishkhan991867@gmail.

Com Mobile: +968 9565 9415

Wanted a experience Driver for Capital and Interior work.

Gsm : 942-888-63

Required Omani Driver

for a restaurant. Contact 95929911

Junior Architect (female), from

NIT looking for a suitable place-

ment. Contact: 99329289

Architect and 3D visualize three

years experience 1.5 in Oman flu-

ent in Arabic and English have

Omani driving license looking

for job with consultancy office or

interior design firm.

Contact: 94673937

Architect Engineer seeking for

suitable job, 8 years experience.

GSM : 96075000, Email :



Indian female dietician with 3

years experience in India seeking

a suitable placement preferable in

Muscat. Contact: 99104209



Mathematics Lecturer , Indian

Female, M Sc Mathematics from a

Prestigious University, B.Ed quali-

fied, distinction holder with 7 yrs

teaching experience in colleges.

Contact: 91360147.

Female B. Ed English teacher, 7 yrs exp seeking suitable

placement. Contact: 99739415 /


Urgently required experienced and trained kindergarten Teacher for a well reputed bilingual school

in Mabela area Muscat interested

and suitable candidates must

reply to

Email: anitasuresh11@yahoo.com

Required English, computer and science female Teachers up to

grad 4. Contact - 95054916,


contact time after 5PM


Indian female 33 years with 9.5

years experience (1yr in Oman) as

Executive Secretary, Administra-

tion, Sales Coordinator, and HR

coordinator seeks suitable place-

ment. Contact 97985059


Indian Female, MBA-HR having

8+ experience in Administration/

HR, Customer Support, Office Coor-

dinator with good Computer skill,

Now on Visit Visa,looking for suit-

able position. Contact: 90196235

With 15 years of gulf experience in

HR- Admin logistics looking for suit-

able position fluent in Arabic & Eng

NOC available. Contact: 95824598

Indian male, 20 years experience

in Oman as personal assistant / Ex-

ecutive Office Manager / Executive

Secretary / Administration/ busi-

ness development asst with Omani

driving license & valid visa. local

release available – 99168054

Education M.B.A (HR) experience

1 year & 11 months exp. in HR,

24 yrs. Contact: 98746259

Indian male with 11 years experi-

ence in Data Entry, Admin / HR

currently on Visit visa from 9 to 23

July seeking suitable job.

Contact 95669937

7 yrs Exp Office Admin / HR/


Available, With Driving License

PH: 97086686

Filipino HRD especialist /

material controller supervisor with

18 yrs experience looking for suit-

able job in Oman. Contact: (+968)

98037142 / (+968) 92659817

Mechanical Engineer (B.Tech)

Indian male with 2 year experience,


Rigs, Work as an QA/QC inspector,

Ultrasonic testing, Radiographic

testing. Contact: +91 9567526566

Email: adujohnson10@gmail.com

Supervisor required for Con-

struction Company having Omani

driving license, fresher’s can apply.

Contact: 92888337

IT Engineer, min 4 years experi-

ence in Biometric Attendance Sys-

tem and CCTV camera, preferably

with D/L. Apply to hr@unitedsys-

temsit.com or call 99423442.

Care Medical Centre Al Seeb

requires Gynecologist and General Practitioner. Mail CV to:


Wanted service Technicians for

diesel generators and diesel air

compressors for a fast growing

rental company persons hav-

ing thorough knowledge with

Perkins / Cummins engines,

ELGI compressors with Oman

driving preferred. Contact:


Testing / Protection Engineer with minimum 05 years of experi-

ence and should have Oman DCRP

license, Interested candidates

send resume to


Looking for driving job. Contact: 94706179

Search job as light driver, experi-

ence 3 years language Hindi, Eng-

lish, Arabic. Contact: 97941771

Looking for driving job light

2 years exp. Contact: 91625977 Looking for job light vehicle

driver. Contact : 94554216

Light Duty Driver looking for driv-

ing job. Contact: 00968 97671459

L/D having 5 years exp in Oman

seeks job. Contact: 94608755

Looking for driving job. Contact: 91122145 / 95992137

Light Driver/Supervisor Fluent in

English/Arabic- well knowledge of

Oman Roads. Tariq: 97950869

Light duty driver, 1 yr experience

seeks placement.

Contact: 94284645

Pakistani male, 30 age, driver

(light vehicle) company or residen-

tial experience 4 years experience

in Oman. Contact: 96147520 /


Bangladeshi looking for job, Muscat experience 4 years.

Contact 96356280

Driver light veh, store keeper,

sales man, shop keeper, supervisor

8 years exp knows English, Arabic,

Hindi. Contact: 91615715

Light driver job exp 4 years, know

Hindi, English, Arabic, Education

B.A. Contact: 98522914

Light Driver / Supervisor Fluent

in English & Arabic, Well knowl-

edge of Muscat Areas Looking for

suitable placement.

Contact Tariq: 97950869

Looking for driver job.

Contact: 99035942 /97383016

Tailor shop requires Master Cutter & hand embroidery.

Contact – 99359700



Advertising company required Graphic designer knowledge of

designing, Photoshop, illustrator,

coral draw & Salesman with D/L. Send CV to


Contact No: 94771366/95338210

Required candidates for following

posts: Accountant, Storekeeper, Foreman Building Maintenance, Van-salesman (water), Helpers. Candidates with Omani driving

license preferred.

Contact 99273774/99202278

Looking for Female Journalistic or advertising & media

background. Contact 99342237/

9394 6622/

Email: ali.matani2@gmail.com


General Practitioner with MBBS

degree, Prometric passes &

dataflow completed, wants to join

any hospital or polyclinic in and

around Muscat, Sohar or Salalah.

Contact dr.saiful.bd@gmail.com,

960775 9159

Wanted Staff Nurses (Female)

with or without MOH license for

a polyclinic near Sohar. Excellent

salary & accommodation.

Contact – 99006915/

Email - alhinaee.clinic@yahoo.


A medical centre is looking to hire immediately a talented Nurse to join our successful team,

required 3 years of experience,

Oman prometric, data flow. Send

your CV to- issalibi@gmail.com or

Whatsapp - 91254820

Required GP Doctors, Gynecol-ogy, X ray Tech staff nurses. Contact: 99681325 Email:



GP doctor needed for reputed clin-

ic. Preferably with MOH license or

with Dataflow & Paramatics pass

Contact: 95388934

Required gynecologist GEN: practitioner lady lab Technician and pharmacologist immediately

for a clinic in Suwaiq.

Contact 95081010

Email: umchealthcare@gmail.com

Wanted Staff Nurse for

a dermatology clinic in Muscat .

Must have MOH license and NOC.

Attractive salary offered. Email:


7 Years experience as Financial

Analyst, MBA in finance. Respon-

sibilities- research contributor,

financial statement analysis,

generating MIS & efficiency report,

managing TAT, business & clients.

On visit visa in Muscat.

Contact- 90191628 / 96175780

Part time accounting workers up

to finalization, on monthly basis &

yearly finalization works.

Contact : 96247295

28/male/MBA - finance/B.Com -

Accountant with 4 years of Dubai/

India experience looking for a

suitable placement.

Contact : 90187483


Accountant 8Years Experience

with D/L and NOC.

Contact: 97712084

Accountant available with NOC,

7 years experience in Oman.

Ready to join immediately.

Contact 98263394

Indian male age 24, B.Com.

Accountant having 2 year

experience and currently in

Muscat. Looking for suitable

placement in finance or Audit.

Contact: 90766307

Email: shhaazz.007@gmail.com

Indian Male 22 , Graduate , Spe-

cialized in Tally ERP 9.0, SAP B 1&

Professional in Indian & Foreign

Accounting (CPIFA) with 1 year

work experience , on visit visa in

Muscat , Contact no:91782545

B.Tech Instrumentation & control

(Engineer) (course completed) on

family visit experience as control

room operator / plant operator

looking for suitable position.

Contact: 98686090 / 98423284

Email: shehinsha.k.b@gmail.com

B.E Mechanical Engineer, 6 years

experience in piping and structure

job, looking for suitable position.

Contact: 96115463

Email: jijoraju085@yahoo.com

Diploma in Civil Engineer looking

for job. Contact : 93148323

Required Indian Mason – 5 nos., eligibility (minimum 5 yrs experi-

ence in road construction field).

Contact: 99882127

Email: georgymv@yahoo.com



Qualified and experienced MBA

post graduate with proven work

exposure in Middle East & India,

having more than 5.5 years of rich

experience in accounts , project

coordination and administration in

(3.5 years UAE experience) oil and

gas projects is currently looking for

suitable job. Contact 93953613,


Indian male 25 yrs, Graduate in

commerce, overall 5 yrs exp in

accounts/ finance field. On visit

visa. Immediately available.

Contact 92836216 /


Indian male 31 chartered Accountant having 2 years Oman

experience looking for suitable

placement in finance and audit

field NOC available.

Contact: 96357827 Email:


Indian male 34 Yrs, Dual MBA

Finance and marketing with IT

skills, 7+ yrs of experience,

Looking for suitable placement.

contact 94879615,Email-


Sudanese Accountant, Alexandria

University Graduate bachelor of

commerce Diploma of Marketing

professional photographer worked

in PR and social media for 2 years

looking for a job in public relations

media, social media or marketing.

Contact: 96976240

ACCA member with 6 yrs of

experience in Oman looking for a

suitable job in finance.

Contact: 99284193

Indian, Kerala Male B.COM & B.PE,

Currently on Visit Visa. Looking for a

suitable job in Accounts, Store Keep-

er, Sales etc. Ready to join as early

as possible. Contact: 96988923

email:- sajith3969@gmail.com

Filipino Senior Revit/AutoCAD

Draftsman with 20 years profes-

sional experience is looking for

suitable job in Oman. Please Con-

tact: 96489798, (+974) 66653780.




Indian Male MBA (UK), 9 years experience in Dubai/London/Mumbai in Management Consulting,

Sales & Marketing, Business Development for Real Estate/Banking

seeks similar placement with D/L.

Contact: 95168205

DAILY GUIDEM O N D AY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 D5





years experience in construction at

Oman seeking suitable position -

NOC available - Contact 94427535


Diploma in Mechanical Engg, 10 years exp in steel fabrication

site work with valid Oman driving

license. Contact: 94696192

Civil Engineer diploma, 4 yrsexp

seeks suitable position ina reputed

company. NOC available.

Contact 96789711

B.E Mechanical Engineer, age 24

with almost 1 year experience as

Production Shift Engineer, has

achieved training on HVAC

Engineering design and has good

hands on software like AutoCAD

and HAP.Currently in Oman on a

visit visa, looking for a suitable

placement.Contact: 95065955

email: mjs.jazeb@gmail.com

Civil Engineer 8 years experience

Structural buildings marine. Avail-

able NOC release. Contact: 92451323.

Email: zubairali134@yahoo.com

Indian male Electrical Engineer, having 6 years gulf experience in

designing, assembling, commission-

ing execution etc having valid GCC

license too looking for a suitable.

Contact: 00968-98052942 Email:


Civil Engineer (B.Tech), Indian

male 24 years with 1+years Indian

experience,(Certified in Staad

Pro/ Quantity Survey/ Auto Cad).

Looking for a Suitable position.

Available In Sultanate of Oman

(Muscat) on Visit Visa.

Contact 92157694. E-mail:


An Iraqi civil with more than

30 years experience in (Iraq and

G.C.C) looking for a job, (N.O.C)

available. Contact: 96561306

Email: iq.bgd.mnsr@gmail.com

Indian male, Mechanical

Engineer having 1year experi-

ence, on visit visa looking for

suitable job. Contact:97416564,


Civil Engineer 8 years experience

in Oman as a project engineer for

governmental & private projects.

Contact – 90164912

Young Indian, Engineering in

Bio-technology, Bio-chemical and

Chemical, looking for a challenging

placement in Oman.

Contact 97607000. Email:


Construction Machinery repairs

Engineer, 5 years, driving license,

Contact - 94001961

An MBA (M Finance)With SAP erp and accounts

Gsm: +968 98103247



Gsm:+958 98103250

An MBA (M Finance)

Electrical Engineer: Indian male

30 years, having 5 years of experi-

ence in industrial automation &

utility maintenance in Indian,

holding valid Oman D/L.

Contact: 92789995 Email:


Indian male BE Mechanical with

11 years experience in Automo-

tive Engineering and Industrial

Maintenance in Oman with valid

driving license seeks suitable job.

On release in Oman-92880593

Civil Engineer B.Tech with 6+

years in supervision designing

planning and QC expert in Mech,

civil software. Contact: 90719263

Project co-odinater & AutoCAD

draftsman Indian male, 8 yrs exp

in Oman in civil, interior, precast-

ing with D/L & NOC.

Contact: 92188496, Email:


Quantity surveyor (B.E Civil) 5+

years experience in buildings

and mosque N.O.C available ready

to join immediately. Contact:

+97826597 / +919171430681

Email: sai.praba.777@gmail.com

For preparing Civil / MEP Auto CAD drawings.

Contact -93480346.

Email: cadjobsoman@gmail.com

Electrical Engineer B.Tech, Indian

available in Oman, 2+ years Oman

exp (MEP) Light D/L.

Contact - 93832935

Electrical & Electronics Engr,

knows autocad & revit.

PH: 93837973

Indian male, Structural Engineer

looking for job in structural design

field. Having 6 years of experience

in design field. Residing in Muscat.

Contact: 91176187

Email: syam036@gmail.com

Civil Engineer, young Indian

having almost 2 years experience

looking for a challenging position

seeks suitable position in Oman/

GCC. Please contact 92718490,

Email ID: uvais.pk82@gmail.com

Indian male 24 ,B.E ( E.C.E ) grad-

uate with 3 years of experience in

the fields of BMS and Low current

systems and has good knowledge

about Electronic Security Systems,

currently working in Oman, NOC

Available. Contact:-94737033/


Indian male B-tech 8 years experi-

ence as senior electrical project

engineer / QC engineer on visit

visa seeks suitable placement.

Contact 94094543

Email: anwar425@gmail.com

Pakistani male Diploma Civil

Engineer 4yrs exp in Oman bull-

ing & mega projects, valid license

Oman. Contact: 98921022



Nebosh, IOSH Occupational

Management safety on family

visit looking for suitable position

Contact: 98686090 /


Email: shehinsha.k.b@gmail.com

Indian Keralite, B.Com, male 25

yrs looking for suitable job in

Muscat currently on visiting visa.

Contact: 90931930

27, Indian female B.com graduate

with 4 years experience in procure-

ment and purchases on family visa

looking for immediate and suitable

placement. Contact: 95828986

Indian male, 28, post graduate,

6+ yrs exp in Oman in sales (back

office) & credit control with valid

Oman D/L looking for suitable lace-

ments. NOC available.

Contact: 92066 523

Sudanese male bachelor geology

and mining with 3 years experi-

ence in MUD logging and training

in soil investigation.

Contact: 92956848

BS in Electrical Engineering, Experience: 5 years(Power Plants).

Contact: 92475206 Email:


Indian male 28yrs Bcom 3yrs

exp. in warehouse operations

(including pharmaceutical). Well

knowledge in WMS & ERP, looking

for suitable job. Ph. 95576686,

E: sijofranz@gmail.com (UAE visa

holder, currently in Oman)

Indian Female, 25 Years - MSc

Biotechnology, 1yr exp. in Clinical Mi-

crobiology & 6 months working exp.

in international crop reserch

institute of semi arid crops (ICRISAT)

Looking for suitable job.

Contact 92619048,

Email: anusreeg1991@gmail.com


Chief Accountant/Finance Manager

– Indian male, CA Finalist, having

20 years’ experience in Finance,

Accounts, Audit, Finalization of Ac-

counts, preparation of Project Reports

etc., looking for immediate placement.

12 yrs. in Oman in Construction and

Consultancy co., have Omani D/L,

knows Tally. Contact 94041048,

email: jobmuscat49@gmail.com

Male - 44, MBA /CIM (UK) qualified

business Manager in FMCG with 3

years’ experience across Oman and

10 years in GCC looking for a suitable

position. Contact -99160550

Indian male - 8 yrs exp as HSE of-

fice/supervisor -on visit visa- seeks

suitable opening in Sohar - Contact

94532131 / 98317698;

Email: jaseerhse@gmail.com

Site Supervisor, Diploma in

Civil Engg (cert attested) knows

autocad revit, salary exp: 250

Ph : 92279784

Senior Land Surveyor 23 yrs

Oman, UAE & Egypt GPS, T.S

Construction roads infrastructure

oil feed electric works OHL, UGC

grid , primary substation process-

ing data. #95326927 / 92928981

Email: sdsda802@gmail.com

Civil Engineer (Indian male)

5 years experience in Oman with

valid Omani driving license & NOC

looking for suitable opportunity.

Contact: 93101283

Sr. Electrical Engineer with17+ yrs

of exceptional exp in spear head-

ing strategic planning and project

management initiatives & execut-

ing various high rise residential

& commercial building as well as

roads and highway project with

proficiency in installation, seeking

a challenging position in a dynamic

organization. Contact 96570891

Indian Male, B.Tech IT, 4 years

Oman Experience in IT & NET-

WORKING, holding Oman D/L, seeks

suitable placement. NOC available.

Contact: 92462578

Indian male 3 years experience in

IT as Linux Administrator & 1 year

experience in Amazon EC2 Cloud at

WIPRO technologies Bangalore seek-

ing suitable placement.

Contact: 92889678

Email: amalpathikal@gmail.com

Indian female, bachelors in IT

with CGPA of 8.3%, pursuing

CCNA & doing Masters in IT, good

knowledge in networking & Web

designing. Contact: 94909075

BSC Software Engineer 2 years

experience in ASPN. NET, C#, SQI

server, mysql , crystal report, visual

studio , capable of Jave, Php, HTML

and roid looking for suitable vacan-

cy. Contact 90696220/ 92729744

Indian male ERP Consultant 15

yrs exp, 11 yrs in gulf looking for

IT management jobs, local release,

Oman D/L. Contact: 94618761

Indian female, MCA currently on

family visit visa skills in ASP ,

NET , DBMS, AutoCAD civil seeks

suitable placement NT, Interested

in teaching. Contact: 90417133

Email: renjitharose04@gmail.com

Indian male 22 years B.A. Anima-

tion & Graphic Adobe suites and

Maya, seeking suitable placement.

Contact: 90930015 Email:


Indian Male, MCA Graduate, 15

yrs exp in ERP, CSM Certified,

seeking suitable role.NOC Avail-

able. Contact : GSM : 90189284

Email: meetlibran@gmail.com

Indian female M.Sc Computer

Science seeking suitable place-

ment in Muscat area.

Contact 98660672




Lady Secretary / Sales Co-coordi-

nator 12 years experience in Oman

in reputed companies, seek imme-

diate Employment. Call: 95244761

Looking for part time job Secre-tarial / Data Entry / Documenta-

tion available every day after 5:00

pm Friday / Saturday full day area

preferred Ruwi/ CBD/ MBD /

Al Khuwair. Contact: 90414827

Indian Female, 25 Years - MSc

Looking for suitable job.

Mobile: 92619048,

Email: anusreeg1991@gmail.com


Indian female, MBA Marketing

with 4 years experience with

4 years experience with Oman

experience, NOC and D/L looking

for suitable opening with visa.

Contact: 92460623

Indian Male, 26 M.Com with

4 yrs of Experience in Accounting

& Administration in a Financial

Company in India, seeks suitable

job, Currently in India.

Contact India:-+918907212253

Akhil:-93626288, Email:


Indian male 26 years of experi-

ence of sales & marketing in surgi-

cal and laboratory equipments.

Looking for good replacement.

Contact – 92015894 / 95774854

35 years male, Lebanese hold-

ing British passport, 10 years of

experience in procurement, Omani

Government tenders, setup market-

ing plans & strategies, importing,

Organizing events, management,

have car, NOC available. #94123939

Email: 002015r@gmail.com

Indian male 1 yr exp in sales

automotive (TBL) looking for best

opportunity , NOC available.

Contact: 97793879

Email: shyampkn@gmail.com

Indian male Graduate with 18

years of Marketing experience

presently in Oman on family visit

visa, looking for best opportunity.

Contact: 96168687

Email: dhibupaul@gmail.com

Indian male graduate, 10 years

experience Oman seeks job in

Sales & Marketing.

Contact: 92133277

Indian Male, MBA marketing 5

yrs exp. in sales & 4 yrs in FMCG

sector, looking for best opportu-

nity. NOC available.

Contact: 96001877

Indian female 29 years Post Grad-

uate with computer Knowledge 2

years of Oman experience in coor-

dinator & 5 years of experience in

customer service, client relation

officer with excellent communica-

tion skill seeks suitable place-

ment. Contact: 95337665

Indian male 37 years MBA

graduate in marketing with 9yrs of

experience in UAE in field of brand

promotions & marketing with UAE

D/L on a visit seeking suitable

position. Conatct 95792820




Indian male, M.Com , 7 years

oman experience in the field of

accounts and valid oman driving

license & NOC . Good knowledge

in SAP,Tally, oracle , MS office and

Excel seeks suitable placement.

Contact 92859733

Fire & Safety Technician, 22 Years

old, Indian expatriate seeking for

a suitable placement. 2 years of

experience. Ready for immediate

joining. Please Contact :

+968-97682273, Email:



ENGINEER, 3 years’ experience

in production industry, B tech in

Mech engg, Proficiency in Auto-

CAD, Primavera certified, Contact


Mob 00919895233155

Indian female 23 ORACLE ERP

Technical consultant 2+exp skills:

oaf, forms reports and bipublisher.

Contact - 91156571 email:


Administrator, 30 yrs experience

as Offi ce Manager Project

Executive Secretary, document

Controller, Commercial Offi cer

with driving license on release. Contact -

97281023 / 90631567

Indian male 31yrs old with hotel

management degree, 03 yrs ex-

perience in F&B services at 5 star

hotel Dubai, 05 yrs in American

06 star cruiseliner has butler.

Has Oman driving license.

Contact No 99859150.

Female, 31, B.Tech- ECE/CCNA/

GSM, 5 yrs Oman experience in IT

support (AD, exchange, TMG, UNIS

Server admin, In-house apps sup-

port, project placement, Transfer

NOC available. Contact: 95742398

Indian male 4 years experience in

IT as Programmer / Web Support/

CCNA/ Network on visit visa seek-

ing placement. Contact: 93069694

Email: mrabrar14@gmail.com

IT Support Engineer, Exp 3 years

in Oman 2 years in India.

Contact: 94672759

3 years experience in IT Software

field, seeking suitable jobs.

Contact: 96350234, Email :



Male, 26 years, 3 Years’ experi-

ence in Projects of Tanks, Boilers

and Steel structures Aware of int.

Standards, B.Tech in Mech engg.


com, Mob-00917350860889

Indian female MCA, seeking

placement in IT, Admin.

Contact: 94133849

Fresh Mechanical Engineer B.Tech with Omani driving license

on visit, seeking suitable place-

ment. Contact:: 99417584 /


Indian male, 24 yrs Civil Engi-

neering Graduate, on visit visa

looking for a suitable placement.

Contact: 92724814

Indian male, 25 years old, (exp.)

Civil Engineer diploma, look-

ing suitable position. Contact:

00919746443745 / 92861980

Indian, Keralite, female, M.Com,

Montessori trained now on family

visa seeking suitable placement.

Contact: 93101269

Email: sreeja.l.u@gmail.com

Electrical Foreman, 25 years ex-

perience, Indian male currently in

Oman looking for suitable position.

Gsm – 96718013 Email:


Indian Male B-Com graduate

2 year experience in various

Fields Valid Oman Driving License.

Looking for any suitable post.

Please contact: 94409500

Indian Male, B.Com + Dip. Logis-

tics 2year experience looking for

a job in Accounts/Logistics Field.

Presently on Visit Visa

Contact 93884951


Indian male 25 years- BE- Com-

puter Engineer with CISA and

CCNA, having 3 years work experi-

ence in Oman, valid Omani driving

license, seeking for suitable place-

ment in IT companies or Audit

companies for IT Audit job,

NOC can be obtained.


4years and 7months experienced

Female seeking job related to Of-

fice Job, Data Entry and Desktop

Administration. Completed di-

ploma in Computer Science.

Contact: 94653264

Master in Aeronautical engineer-

ing (PhD) having 4 years experi-

ence. Seeking job in universities,

colleges, schools and industries.

Contact 98259462


Indian Male 30 year GCC driving

license and past experience as

project coordinator looking for a

suitable position. Project coordina-

tion, Sales executive, marketing

executive or any other suitable

post. Contact -97070427

Master in Aeronautical Engineer-

ing (PhD) having 4 years experi-

ence. Seeking job in universities,

colleges, schools and industries.

Contact 98259462


Qualified banking & Accounts

management profesional seeking

suitable job opportunities. Current-

ly working in India with ICIC Bank.

Email: sheemoljohn@rediffmail.com

Contact# 919755550181

Mechanical Engineer 3 years of

experience in HVAC mechanical

engineer one year experience in

Auto Cad B.E (mechanical engi-

neering) revit mep, auto cad, stcw,

huet.mobile: +97430384909

email: kijomonc@gmail.com

Indian Male 24 years, HSE , 3

years Experienced as WELDING



level II, per SNT-TC-LA (Radio-

graphic Testing (RT)Penetrate

testing (PT) Magnetic Particle

Testing(MT)Ultrasonic Testing

(UT)RTFI, looking for a suitable job.

Contact 99334770

Indian Male, 22, Experienced,

Looking for job in sales (no DL).

Contact: 90801420; Email:


Part- Time Accountant, well expe-

rience senior accountant, doing all

type of accounting works, Finaliza-

tion, Budgeting available.

Contact: 98803439

Indian male 21, Graduate in com-

merce (B.com ) having 2 years of

experience in cash counter (Na-

tional trading & spare parts)looking

for a suitable placement on a visit

visa. Contact 95919647, 94245753/


Indian Male, 23, BBA Graduate,

fresher, no D/L, looking for a suit-

able job. Contact: 94032041; Email:


Project Engineer, Mechanical In-

dian Male, 26 years 3 Years experi-

ence in Projects of Tanks, Boilers

and Steel structures Aware of int.

Standards B.Tech in Mech engg


com Mob-00917350860889

25, Indian female (BCA- Com-

puter Application). 1yr experience

as teacher and graphic designer.

Knowledge in Photoshop, illustra-

tor, in design. Looking for suitable

job in office administration, teach-

ing and graphic designing.

Contact - 98426509

Filipino Cabin steward / Linen

vallet is looking for suitable job in

Oman. Contact: +968 91065438 or

email: blonglive@gmail.com

Indian male Administrative

officer Four years experience in

same field. Well known MS office

tools, Specialization in handling

back office operations, inter of-

fice correspondence, confidential

mails, Quotations, Monthly billing.

Searching for suitable job in Oman.

Contact: +91 9750572088/ E-mail

id: vijaypmk99@gmail.com

Indian Driver, with Oman driving

license having 10 years experience

in Oman, looking for suitable posi-

tions. Contact-91519047

Indian male network cabling tech-

nician (19-years gulf experience)

seeking for suitable placement.

Contact: 0091-8089909265


email: mohithavp@gmail.com

HSE Engineer, Indian male 5 years

experience in Oil & Gas. Working

in Shclumberger, NEBOSH, IOSH,

& NDT Certified, M Tech in HSE.


+91 9867016808

Indian male MBA, 24 yrs having

experience in Sales & marketing

seeks suitable placement.

Contact GSM: 93833563

email: arundulala@gmail.com.

Indian male, 24 yrs, B. Com Grad-

uate more than 1 year experienced

in accounts planning to come for

a family visit in oman seeking

for a suitable placement.

Contact 99334770/ 99743709

Mechanical Engineer, Indian,

(B.E.) on visit visa, seeking suit-

able post. Contact no: 99534733

email: rajesh92prince@gmail.com

Indian male 33 years, B.Com, hav-

ing 6 years experience in Oman.

Tally & ERP looking for suitable


Mobile no :98492921

Economics Specialist: Female ,

MA & M.Phil/PhD_ in ECONOMICS .

10 years experience Banking/Lec-

turer/Customer Service/Trainer

currently Looking for job

Call: 97457248

Female Architect on visiting visa,

two years’ experience, graduated

from School of Planning and Archi-

tecture (under MHRD). Proficient

in AutoCAD, Google Sketchup and

creative visualization. Email


Contact 00968-94057427.

Economist: Female, MA & M. Phil/

PhD_ in ECONOMICS. 10 years

experience Banking/Lecturer/

Customer Service/Trainer,

currently looking for job

contact: 97457248

Indian Architectural Engineer with

2.5 yrs experience in architectural

consultancy firms, currently on visit

visa, looking for suitable placement

Contact no: +96894955793


Indian male 25, Graduate in com-

merce (B.com) having 2 years of

experience in purchase (supply

chain management) looking for a

suitable placement presently on

a visit visa. Contact: 93979084 /

97351786 / E-mail:


DAILY GUIDED6 M O N D AY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624



Filipino Male, 28 years Old. Looking

for job, Have experience in Rent

a Car/ Cargo & Logistics / Real

Estate/ Customer Care Executive /

Sale Executive & Marketing/ Shop

In- Charge. Hard working w/ good

computer and communication skill.

GSM: 97761075

Chief Accountant, well experi-

enced available.#95598477

Indian male 27 yrs, MBA finance

with 4 years experience currently

in Muscat on visit visa seeking suit-

able placement in finance / admin.

Contact: 90921724

Indian male 43 yrs accountant pres-

ently on tourist visa looking for suit-

able placement in a company 18yrs

experience in managing finance in

Indian and abroad. Contact 90190648

Indian female having D/L with 12

years experience in corporate / retail

sales & B/D. Looking for a suitable

job in training / IT / Education com-

panies. Contact: 91751077

Email: alamelusara@hotmail.com

Indian male Accountant 2.5 years

exp in Oman with valid D/L NOC

available. Contact: 98870112

Sales & Marketing executive MBA

with 3 years exp , 6 months exp in

Oman with NOC , looking for suitable

placement. Contact: 91345727

Sales & Marketing Executive In-

dian national with valid Omani D/L

with good command of languages,

18 yrs exp in Middle East. Looking

for suitable placement.

Contact - 98103829

Indian male 1.5 yrs exp a sales &

merchandising in Oman looking

for best opportunity NOC available.

Contact: 93039342

Indian male 5+ years of experience

as a sales & marketing executive

with valid Oman D/L. #95434902

Indian male 4 years experience in

IT as programmer / Web support /

CCNA / Network on visit visa seek-

ing placement. Contact: 93069694

Email: mrabrar14@gmail.com

Indian female MCA having 3 yrs

experience in teaching looking

for any suitable job in reputed

organic station on visit skilled in

programming language VB, JAVA

,C,C,TT & also WEB development.

Contact 90595322

Mechanical Engineer 2 years

experience as HVAC design &

drafting, CAD, MEP Engg.

Contact: 90150913

Civil Engineer with 6+ years in

Supervision designing & Q.C expert

in much civil softwares,

NOC available. Contact: 90719263

Automobile Mechanic ITI 3 years

experience marine mechanical

fitter 2 yrs experience.#93674847

Indian male 24 years dynamic &

professional B.Tech (Mech. Engg)

with 1 year experience working on

BPCL project in India seeks open-

ing for suitable post, currently in

Oman. #: 93672286 / 97772272



Mechanical Engineer experience

maintenance of pumping stations

production line machinery turbine

for power plant good communica-

tions skills, planning follow up

Engineer projects HSE awareness

trained multiple design software

looking for job. Contact 949064473

/ 96654019

Indian Female 23 Years, Post

Graduated in Sanskrit (language),

Seeking for Suitable Jobs, (Teach-

ing or Clerical), Knowledge in MS

Office, Good Communication Skill

Contact 96141317, 94614317, E-

mail: sou93madam@gmail.com

Indian male electrician (EEE), 2

years good working experience

searching for suitable job. Gmail id

; antonyajin15@gmail.com, Contact;

918148336160 / 918300136160

Indian male Electrician(EEE)

2 years good working experience

searching for suitable job. mail ;


Contact; 918148336160 /


Indian male 33 yrs, MBA - HR, worked on


Omanisation and development

plans of nationals ,10 yrs exp.

Seeking a job.NOC avl.

Contact 94179499


Indian Male, 23, BBA Graduate,

Fresher, on visit visa looking for job

in sales/marketing.

Contact - 94032041; Email -


Indian male 25, Graduate in com-

merce (B.com) having 4 years of

experience in Office Administra-

tion (admin) looking for a suitable

placement presently on a visit visa.

Contact: 93979084 / 97351786



Indian male, 30.System admin-

istrator/desktop support profes-

sional.5 years of GCC exp.

Visa status: visit (Dubai)

mob: 00971565598176/


Indian male, 26 years 3 Years’

experience in Projects of Tanks,

Boilers and Steel structures

Aware of int. Standards, B tech in

Mech Engg. Contact-



Indian male 25, Graduate in com-

merce (B.com) having 4 years of

experience in same field looking

for a suitable placement presently

on a visit visa. Contact : 93979084

/ 97351786, E-mail :


Indian male 25, Graduate in com-

merce (B.com) having 2 years of

experience in same field looking

for a suitable placement presently

on a visit visa.Contact 93979084 /

97351786, mail:


Indian male Electrician(EEE ).

Two years good working experi-

ence searching for suitable job.

Gmail id ; antonyajin15@gmail.

com, Name; Antony Ajin.

G : 918148336160 /918300136160

Female Architect on visiting visa,

two years’ experience, graduated

from School of Planning and Archi-

tecture (under MHRD). Proficient

in AutoCAD, Google Sketchup and

creative visualization. Email


Contact 00968-94057427.

Sudanese male, 5 years experi-

ence in supply chain (warehouse

management, logistics and pro-

curement) Contact : 90644186

Indian female , M.B.A, 8 Yrs of

Experience in Oil and Gas industry,

Trading & contracting companies.

working as an Unit Manager for

MNC, HR Coordinator and Office

admin for local companies. seeking

suitable placement immediately.

Contact 99179709.

Indian male, 44 Years, Plumbing

Supervisor, holding Omani Driving

license, having 14 Years of experi-

ence in Oman and 8 years in India.

Looking for suitable placement.

Contact - 95154414

Email- pthariff@yahoo.com

B.E (Mechanical) 12 years

industrial sales, 1 year Muscat

experience, presently in India ,

immediately ready to join. Contact

:917338899372 , email id :


Accountant male Indian, 2 years

experience, doing accounts in tally

& excel seeks suitable job.

EMAIL – regin1690@gmail.com,

Contact +91 7373387282

Indian male (B.E) Quality Control-

ler and Supervising. 3 year good

working experience. Better knowl-

edge in quality control technique.

Searching for suitable job. Mail:


Contact: GSM : +91 9786418033 /

968 91894487

Regin Accountant male Indian,

2 years experience doing accounts

in tally and excel searching for

suitable job. No : +91 7373387282

EMAIL – regin1690@gmail.com,

Indian male, 25 yrs, more than

5 years experience in Dubai, Look-

ing for a suitable placement for

jobs related to sales, marketing,

coordination and support.

Contact: 95140445,


Indian Male, Post graduate with

10yrs experience in Gulf & 4.6yrs

in Oil & Gas experience with SAP

and ERP exposure. Finalization,

MIS, Auditing, Budgeting, AP &AR,

Tax, etc., with Oman D/L seeking

suitable placement. NOC available.

Contact: 91743376

Pakistani Male, Land Surveyor

with work experience in Dubai

Seeks suitable job in Oman.

Contact 94347288

Indian Male, 23, BBA graduate,

fresher, looking for a job in sales

(indoor). No driving license.

Contact: 94032041 Mail:


Skilled multilingual individual

with 33years of excellent experi-

ence in management and banking

at a nationalized bank; seeking

better job opportunities with

challenging responsibilities.

E-mail: leena3857@yahoo.com,

call : 97848075

Indian Male, 24, B.Com Graduate

with 1 year experience in Oman

looking for a job in accounting.

Contact – 96619348

Indian male electrician(EEE ).

Two years good working experi-

ence searching for suitable job.

Gmail ; antonyajin15@gmail.com.

Antony Ajin.G, Contact:

91 8148336160 / 91 8300136160

Sri Lankan female, 27 years,

qualified English Language profes-

sional with 6 years of lecturing,

managerial, marketing experi-

ence, seeking suitable position in

education industry. Contact (+968)

93017330, (+968) 98445287

Email: wijayawardane.bhagya@


Indian male 24 ,B.E ( E.C.E ) gradu-

ate with 3 years of experience in the

fields of BMS ,Low current systems

and has good knowledge of HV and

LV, currently working in Oman,

NOC Available. Contact : 94737033,

mail : mohdmuhafez45@gmail.com

Indian male, M.Com, 7 years

Oman experience in the field of

accounts and valid oman driving

license & NOC. Good knowledge in

SAP, Tally, Oracle, MS office and

Excel seeks suitable placement.

Contact 92859733

Indian Male, Post graduate with

10yrs experience in gulf & 4.6yrs

in Oil & Gas experience with SAP

and ERP exposure. Finalisation,

MIS, Auditing, Budgeting, AP &AR,

Tax, etc., with Oman D/L seeking

suitable placement. NOC available.

Contact: 91743376

Indian female B.Com, 1 year

experience in Oman, experience in

wings account package and knowl-

edge of tally. Looking for Account-

ing job. Presently in Family visa.

Contact: 93491124 & 92054531

Indian female, B.Tech Computer

Science, 5 years experience in

teaching in India currently on visit

visa seeking for a suitable position

in teaching, IT or administration.

E mail: rincy87@gmail.com

Indian Male, 23, BBA graduate

with approx. 2 years experience

in India and UAE is looking for job

in sales / marketing. #94032041;

Mail: azzamsiddique1@gmail.com

Senior accountant ,NOC avail-

able, more than 5 years exp., born

& bought up in Oman, Account-

ing upto finalization, computer

skills tally9, Sage ERP accpac

500(6.0A), Vcams , Audit ,valid

Oman D/L, languages known

English ,Arabic, Hindi. can join im-

mediately. Tel: 96339599, mail-


Male Indian, 8 years of experience

doing desktop engineer, software

implementation, system admin,

searching for suitable job. Email:


com, mobile: +919171447997 /


Sr. Accountant, WITH Oman D/L

& 8.5 yrs exp, 7.5 yrs Oman & 1 yr

India in manufacturing, trading

& contracting Cos, independently

handling all accounting, finance,

banking, L/C, import, export & fina-

lization seeks placement,


B.E. (Mechanical) 12years in-

dustrial sales one year Muscat

experience, Presently in India,

Immediately ready to join. Contact

:917338899372 , email id :


IT professional, B.E. in IT, CCNA,

MCSA, MCSE, 3yrs exp. in IT, valid

Omani D/L seeking suitable place-

ment in IT/Network/Server sup-

port/Retail sales. Contact 91496939

Looking for a part time accounting

job, additional experience in admin

& store - purchase. #99196621

ACCA affiliate, B.Sc Degree holder,

3 years experience in audit and

finance at Big 6, Male, Looking for

suitable placement. NOC release

available. Contact:95140445,


Indian Male 47 years MBA-Oper-

ations Management with total 25

Yrs exp inclusive of 9 yrs in Oil &

Gas sector in Oman, having valid

Omani D/L & NOC available , seeks

challenging position in SCM/

Logistics/ Procurement in any

Sector. GSM-94236414.

Mail id – jayamurli@gmail.com

Indian male with 5 year Oman

Sales Experience with valid Oman

D/L, looking for suitable position.



Male, Indian, 25, 5 years experi-

ence in Dubai; looking for perma-

nent placement in Oman for jobs

related to sales, coordination and

marketing. Contact: +971563664701


Male, 23, with experience in UAE

& India, looking for job in sales /

marketing. Contact: 94032041

Indian Male, 23, BBA graduate,

fresher on visit visa, looking for

a job in sales. Contact: 94032041

Mail: azzamsiddique1@gmail.com

Procurement/Tender & Contract

Procurement /logistics & freight

Specialist /Oil Field / petrochemical/

Engineer /MBA /SAP certify / 15yrs

Rich Experience/ Import &export

Specialist / Oil Field experience/

coordinator / World Wide supplier

network /Noc available Looking for

challenging Position #97813849,

Email Id:vved76@gmail.com

Male, 23, with experience in UAE

& India, looking for job in sales /

marketing. Contact: 94032041

Indian Male Accountant. Com-

pleted MBA with 1 year experience,

good working knowledge in Tally

& Excel. Searching for suitable

job. Email : jovin8910@gmail.

com, Contact : 919715874548 ,


Electrical & Electronics diploma

Engineer Indian male 23 years,

2 years experience in Electrical

field/good experience in Electron-

ics MCU projects currently in

visit visa please do not hesitate to

Contact; 93047707

Email: adilm89@gmail.com

Indian male 30 yrs, holding valid

driving license, having 5 years of

experience in sales, looking for

suitable position.

Contact # 90552942/94355626

Indian male Diploma in Electron-

ics, having 3 years of experience

in the hardware and networking

field, also worked in construction

company Mabela for 6 months

as supervisor, trying to get

driving license. Contact: -


Business Management Gradu-

ate with 12 years of experience

in Oman, Worked with catering,

medical, IT groups seeks suitable

placement in Finance/purchase/

insurance sector, NOC Available.

Email, saima.gangawali@gmail.

com, Mob 94258301

Indian male Network Cabling Tech-

nician (19-years gulf experience)

seeking for suitable placement. mo-

bile no: 0091-8089909265 (India),

email: mohithavp@gmail.com

Indian female (27 yrs) MBA(IT),

BCA,CCNA.2year experience in IT

operations in Oman. Graduated from

Oman with good analytical, com-

municating & programming skills,

presented in international confer-

ence, seeking suitable positions.

contact:93672143.e-mail id:


Mechanical Engineer, Indian,

Male,5 years experience in GCC &

India, looking for permanent place-

ment in Oman. NOC Release Avail-

able. Contact: 00968-95140445;


DAILY GUIDEM O N D AY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 D7



Dolphin Watch, Dhow Cruise with

Buffet, & Land Tours Al- Ainain

Marine Tours contact 98029602,


We arrange tours & accommoda-

tion at all the beautiful places in

Oman. Contact 99839898

*Classified Advertisement space booking with

text, should be done till 12.00 noon for next day’s

publication. * Subject to space





25 - 50 seater bus with PDO & BP

specification for monthly rent &

small car with driver. # 99839898

Gulf link rent car get the best rate

daily weekly monthly & long term.

Contact: Tel: 24348106 G.S.M:

98265073 /96023931

Email: gulflink403@gmail.com

Part- Time Accountant, well experi-

enced senior accountant ,capable of

doing all type of accounting works

up to finalization, Budgeting, Bank fi-

nancing requirements, taxation work

etc available. Contact : : 98803439

Indian Female seeking a job in

Back Office and Accountancy,

8+ years proven experience as a

dynamic candidate with excellent

Excel & Communication skills.

Quick learner and Team player.

Currently on Family Visa.

Contact 94093154, 91746890,

Email: joyjohn_hhh@yahoo.com

Sri Lankan Male, 31 years. 6 years

experience as an Accounts Execu-

tive, (Languages can speak Urdu/

Arabic, English written & spoken) .

Contacts: 99782930/


HSE Engineer, Indian male, 5.5

Plus years experience in Oil & Gas.

Working in Shclumberger.NEBOSH,

IOSH, & NDT Certified, M Tech in

HSE. CONTACT-krish.569@gmail.

com Mobile- +91 9867016808

Sri Lankan Male, 31 years. 6 years

experience as an Accounts Execu-

tive, (Languages can speak Urdu/

Arabic, English written & spoken).

#99782930/ lalindra1st@yahoo.com

Indian male, M. Com with 3 yr

Oman Exp in Accounts with valid

NOC & D/L on Visit Visa, available to

join immediately . GSM :94744575

B.S.C in Electrical Engineering,

Experience: 5 Years (Power Plant).

Contact: 92475206

Email: zahaibzafar007@gmail.com

BS in Electrical engineering, expe-

rience : 6 years in electrical installa-

tion and maintenance #99817032,

Email : engmmg24@yahoo.com

Indian male electrician(EEE ).

Two years good working experi-

ence searching for suitable job.

Gmail antonyajin15@gmail.

com, : Contact; 918148336160 /


Indian male with 10+ years of

working experience (security solu-

tions, event management) on visit

visa seeks suitable placement.




MENT - 25 Yrs exp - Indian Male

- Oil & Gas, Manufacturing Sector

- Having valid Oman D/L & NOC

available. Seeks Challenging sen-

ior position. GSM-94236414,

Email ID - jayamurli@gmail.com

33 year old Filipina with experi-

ence in Tele performance, Manila

call centre, now working as Wait-

ress in Qatar seeking suitable post.

Local contact 99022484

Indian Male 28 years, Mechani-

cal Engineer (Diploma) with 2

years’ exp., Automobile ITI NCVT,

CSWIP-BGAS Painting QC Grade-2,

NDT Level-2, ISO Lead Auditor

QA (IRCA), Piping QC & Isometric

Drawings, WPS & WPQR, available

on Visit Visa, seeks suitable job.



Light Duty Driver, Fluent in

English, Arabic. Well knowledge of

Oman Areas looking for suitable

placement. Contact 97950869

IT Administrator with 6 yrs of GCC

experience, now in Dubai (visit

visa).seeking suitable placement in

UAE. Contact :00971-565598176,


Petrochemicals Specialist, Chemi-



polymer, SPACIALISED IN Procure-


/ LOGISTICS / SCM/Planning &

sound knowledge of technical

requirement for any manufacture

plant Forecasting, Distribution,

Vendors Development, LC opening/

establishment coordination with

NOC available. Contact:97813849

Indian Male, 24 yrs, looking for

any type of job, qualification is

Diploma in Electronics with 3 years

of experience in the hardware an

networking field an also worked in

construction company Mabelah for

6 months as supervisor, having val-

id D/L. Contact : - +96897017866.

Indian Male: 23yrs, MBA in Market-

ing from UK (United Kingdom), look-

ing for a job, currently in Muscat in

visit. No: 97210361 / 95357513,

Email: sharanshetty3@gmail.com

Highly experienced mechanical/

steel structural fabrication engineer

looking for suitable placement. NOC

available.Contact 99860714,


B.E(Mechanical) 12years in-

dustrial sales one year Muscat

experience ,Presently in India

,Immediately ready to join ,Mobile

no :917338899372 , email id :


Planning Engineer, BE Mech

Engg. Indian Female having total

11 yrs exp in oil & gas projects (8+

yrs in Gulf) with valid Oman D/L,

Seeks a Suitable job.

Contact: 92456003

Electrical & Electronics diploma

engineer Indian male 22 years,

2 years experience currently in

visit visa. Contact 93047707


Indian Male 48 Yrs with over 25

Years Oman experience in Sales &

Marketing with NOC & valid Oman

D/L Also Fluency in Arabic, seeks

suitable placement. Contact no.:


Indian male,B.Com + Dip. Logistic

2year experience looking for a job

in Accounts/Logistics Field.

Presently on Visit Visa #93884951,


Admin Assistant. Having 5 years

experience in admin department in

reputed companies, presently work-

ing in Muscat (NOC Available).

GSM. 00968-98404122, mail -


Looking for a part time accounting

& admin job. Contact 99196621.

Indian male, 40 Years, B. Com,

having 10 years experience in

Oman, Tally & ERP- looking for

suitable placement ( NOC and

Oman driving license available)

Tel- +91 89 43 109897

Rajeev. 252002@gmail.com

Import & Export professional,

Experienced as Asst. Commercial

Manager for 15 years, Proficient in

MS office, Male Indian,

Seeks suitable placement, on Visit,

Contact 95484684

D8 M O N D AY, J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

DAILY GUIDEEmail: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624







A/C Maintenance & Servicing,

Fridge, Washing machine & Dish

washer repairing, Painting & Clean-

ing services, Electrical & plumbing.

Contact 99447257 / 97014234 /


Marble crystallization & grinding, Ocean center LLC

Contact: 99344723

Al farzdaq Al Fedi Trad and Cont

Maintenance services electric,

plumbing and A/C. Contact:

96524904 /94285064

GUARANTEED CLEANING: Carpet & sofa shampooing,

Contact 99314807/24792998

MARBLE CRYSTALLIZATION restore the original shine of your

marble. #24793614/ 99314807


All Maintenance and services

electric, CCTV Camera, Plumbing

A/C service and gas installation,

painting tiles. Contact: 96524904 /


Cleaning services sofa shampoo,

carpet shampoo, new house, old

house. Contact: 92179395

CAD drawings Archi/ MEP

CAD – comply BIM.

Contact: 91233975

Pest control treatments, Ocean center LLC

Contact 99344723

House shifting. Contact 99708138

Marble crystallization & grinding, cleaning & carpet shampooing.

Ocean center LLC.

Contact 99344723

Water proofing ABUQABAS-

Contact 99320217/24788722

Marble Restoration, Mosaic tiles

polishing, carpet shampooing,

maintenance. Contact ABU QABAS-

99320217 /24788722

Pest control Gulfa international.

Contact: 92326955

House shifting packing. Contact: 99657644/98518013

Carpet Shampoo, marble & tile

polishing, pest control &

anti-termite treatment, general

cleaning painting,Plumbing,

Electrical, shifting. Contact Mun-

dhir Al-Rizaiqi trading. L.L.C.

Contact: 24810137, 99450130

*Classified Advertisement space booking with text,

should be done till 12.00 noon for next day’s publication.

* Subject to space availability


Karate and self defense classes

at Azaiba 18 Nov Street. RO 10 per

month twice a week Monday and

Tuesday 6. 30 TO 7. 30. PM.

Contact: 98294551

Spoken Arabic class for Non Arabic Speakers & English

class for Malayalam Speakers in Azaiba and Ruwi

earn in two monthstion guaranteed

Tel: 95244310