Time Out for the Public Answering a 5-Point Question on the Exam Example 1: Analyze German and...

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Transcript of Time Out for the Public Answering a 5-Point Question on the Exam Example 1: Analyze German and...

Time Out for the Public

Answering a 5-Point Question on the Exam Example 1: Analyze German and

British attitudes on the eve of WWI

The Public

• 50% Selected Response (Multiple Choice)• 50% Constructed Response (Short and Long


• The outcomes are divided into:– K (knowledge): usually definitions. No source. Only

MC– A (application): you must apply your knowledge to

show you understand the topic. Usually provide a source. Can be MC or CR

– I (integration): requires knowledge and application. Usually requires a value judgement or extension of knowledge. Can be MC or CR. Always provides a source

Example: (k) outcome

Example: (a) outcome

Example: (i) outcome

5 Point CR Questions

• You are given a direction to explain, analyze, evaluate or describe a historical event

• You are given a source to use in your answer• You MUST use both the SOURCE and YOUR


Let’s give it a try!

• We will examine outcome 1.1.8Assess how German and British attitudes

contributed to rivalry and conflict on the eve of WWI. (i)

Start with what you know

German attitudes British attitudes

• Before proceeding, use the above information to answer the question in 1 or 2 sentences. That is your THESIS and your opening sentence.

• In other words, DID their attitudes contribute to rivalry and conflict?

Then examine the source

Start tying it all together

• What does the source tell you?– Pick apart the source so you know what it’s getting

at– Highlight keywords, phrases and people to use in

your answer• What do you already know about the event?– Trust your knowledge! Stick to the question at

hand and prove your answer.

• Use the information above and your notes to complete the take home assignment. It is a sample question from an old public for the same outcome.

• Good luck