Time management

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Time management

  1. 1. 1 TIME MANAGEMENT "I am definitely going to take a course on time management, just as soon as I can work it into my schedule." - Louis E. Boone A PLUSMITRA Series Lecture Copyright 2011-12 Sunmitra Education Technologies Limited, India
  2. 2. 2 Best Time Ever Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.
  3. 3. 3 Ravan Captured The KAAL Indian mythology quotes about the Lankan King Ravan, who captured Kaal (The God of Time or God of Death), so that no one will ever kill him. This itself highlights the extremely high importance of time.
  4. 4. 4 No time to breathe even Some times we declare ourselves as too preoccupied. As if there is no time to breathe. Even death will walk out empty handed out of our door. Kindly check again.
  5. 5. 5 Time Has Gone Time flies by fast. It moves faster than mind. No body could even beat him. Don't try this even. Better now or never. Time is non-renewable.
  6. 6. 6 Time Killing Kill time to kill your dreams. Time killing is not leisure. You only kill the useful time. Punishment for killing time is always LIFE TIME IMPRISONMENT
  7. 7. 7 Time Tested Time is the ultimate testing bench. Any thing tested on time is considered better than tested on any other parameter. We as individuals and our actions also need to pass this test to the best of our abilities.
  8. 8. 8 Time is Money All good ventures run on 5 Ts. TRUST, TIME, TECHNIQUE, TOOL and TOLERANCE. Using tolerance at heart, technique in mind, tool at hand you spend time to buy trust.
  9. 9. 9 Time to Steal Time Inspite of busy-ness for everyone every time one has to steal time. This is probably the only thing in world which when you steal provides you kudos, rather than a jail term.
  10. 10. 10 You wait Time Runs Time doesn't wait even for kings. Its nature is continuous running. You can't really wait for anything to happen by itself. It happens by your efforts only. Even the leisure time is planned.
  11. 11. 11 Time Has Come Time finally comes for everything. Something that begins always ends. The 'Kaal' comes. The message is, it always comes to start something new. The sunset is always similar to sunrise.
  12. 12. 12 Let's Read it from Bhagvad Gita Time (kala, ) is one of the five tattvas (elements, ) of existence which are the five subjects of the Bhagavad-gita. The other ones are: ishwar () - God, Jeev () - living being, prakrti () - material nature, and karma ())- material activity
  13. 13. 13 OUTLINE Understanding Time Management. What to Manage. Time Management Stories. Skills Required. Priortisation Techniques. Science of Time Management. Final Tips. References .
  14. 14. 14 UNDERSTANDING TIME MANAGEMENT "There is more to life than increasing its speed." - Mohandas K. Gandhi
  15. 15. 15 Definition Organising activities to accomplish a GOAL on TIME scale. Other similar scales are all famous 'M's Money Scale. Manpower Scale. Machine Scale. Material Scale. For memory purposes, even Time can be called as 'Minute' Scale, a word that begins with letter 'M'. Remember all 'M' scales are inter related to each other.
  16. 16. 16 Related Terms Urgent Activities Important Activities Me Time/ Personal Time/Group Time Spare Time / Free Time Work Time / Leisure Time Prime Time Hard Time etc. etc. Parallel Activities.
  17. 17. 17 WHAT TO MANAGE The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. - Bertrand Russell."
  18. 18. 18 TWO FACETS OF LIFE Resource Generation Facet. Working in office, factory or shop. Cooking, Washing. Creating space in a rack. Resource Utilisation Facet. Buying things from market. Eating Food. Using a rack to keep items.
  19. 19. 19 BALANCING Managing Time is Balancing. Of schedule allotted to activities performed for resource generation vs. resource usage. Of schedule allotted within each type of activities.
  20. 20. 20 TIME MANAGEMENT STORIES "Crash programs fail because they are based on the theory that, with nine women pregnant, you can get a baby a month." - Wernher von Braun
  21. 21. 21 STORY1: Still more to fill - 1 A teacher shows a jar to his pupil and fills it fully with large pebbles. Any thing more I can fill now. No Sir! Everyone shouts loudly. He takes out some small stones and fits them in between the rocky pebbles. Its full now, everyone accepts.
  22. 22. 22 STORY1: Still more to fill - 2 Pupil were now waiting for the comments from the teacher. He further takes out some sand and still finds place in the jar to fill it between the finer spaces. Ok! No more filling job. Everyone noded. Alas! Teacher was still seen again to fill the jar further with water.
  23. 23. 23 STORY1: Moral of the Pebble Jar Story IS IT .... There is still time left even if you are too busy. NO! It is the lesson of priortising things. Unless we fill big rocks first we will never be able to fill small stones and sand later. Unless we priortise properly many things may be left unattended.
  24. 24. 24 STORY2: Wasted time for Wright Brothers The first power flight of Wright brothers was delayed due to bad weather. They used this time to test the wings and engine.During this time they found the cracked shaft, the design of which needed improvement. Remember, You can always use the wasted time to your benefit as a blessing in disguise situation.
  25. 25. 25 SKILLS REQUIRED TO MANAGE TIME "remember that a day in your life is 24 hours or 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds."
  26. 26. 26 Core Skills Self Belief Organising Skill Adjustment Skill
  27. 27. 27 SELF BELIEF Time management is essentially SELF MANAGEMENT. "I CAN DO" approach is a skill that can be learnt with the help of training and appropriate environment.
  28. 28. 28 Organising Skill Identification: appropriate identification of activities. Placement: Skill to place them on various time scales. (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Etc.) Sequencing: Placement in right order of priorty.
  29. 29. 29 Adjustment Skill Remember that great time managers are always flexible and good adjustment makers. Everyone needs to adjust to Changing own thought processes. Other people interrupts. Unknown interrupts. Adjustment makers never run away. They keep the show going.
  30. 30. 30 Priortisation Techniques "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion." - C. Northcote Parkinson
  31. 31. 31 List of Techniques ABC Method Pareto Analysis (80-20 Method) Eisenhower Method POSEC Method Flow Method Pyramid Method Routine Division Method
  32. 32. 32 ABC Technique A Urgent and Important Activities Callback a client with price details. Take wife to doctor who is having a severe stomach ache. Send Son's Admission Form to University as the due date is very near. B Important but not so urgent activities Excercise. Increasing Qualification. Applying for Insurance Survival Benefit. C Neither Urgent Nor Important Activities Watching a Cricket match on TV. Dining Outside..
  33. 33. 33 Pareto Analysis Out of a typical TO-DO-LIST 80 % of the tasks can be completed in 20% of available time. Rest 20% one can easily take 80% of time to complete. The other approach is to assume is that 80% productivity is achieved by doing 20% of the important tasks.
  34. 34. 34 Eisenhover Method Callback a client with price details. Take wife to doctor who is having a severe stomach ache. Send Son's Admission Form to University as the due date is very near. Excercise. Increasing Qualification. Applying for Insurance Survival Benefit. Attending to Marketing Calls. Replying to petty questions from your colleagues. Gossiping. Watching events outside the window. IMPORTANT URGENT NOT URGENT NOT IMPORTANT
  35. 35. 35 POSEC Method Priortise : Make Time Scale, Set Goals. Organise : Things to be attended regularly like family and finance. Streamline : Work Life. Economise : Your leisure time. Contribute : By attending all other things.
  36. 36. 36 Flow Method Take things as they come and attend to them in a flow. Be prepared for set backs Be prepared for small successes that vanish next moment. Maintain the flow of work in spite of all odds.
  37. 37. 37 Pyramid Technique Set Long Term Goals. Set Middle Term Targets for Long Term Goals. Workout Short term details. Long Term Goals MiddleTerm Goals Short Term Details
  38. 38. 38 Routine Division Method This is also called time table method or diary method. This is most commonly used or we can call it mis-used. Better results come when you note down your actions on a daily basis and then prepare something based on your experience. This allows more flexibility. Often convenient to take activities on Y-Axis and Time on X-Axis Mark both start and end of activity plan.
  39. 39. 39 LET'S PRACTICE OURSELVES "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." - Carl Sandburg
  40. 40. 40 Eisenhover Method (Let Class Fill It) IMPORTANT URGENT NOT URGENT NOT IMPORTANT
  41. 41. 41 Pyramid Technique Let us set a long term goal as to have an extra bank balance of Rs. 10 Lakh in next 5 years. Middle term targets after 2 years 1 Lakhs, after 3 Years 4 Lakhs, after 4 Years 7 lakhs, after 5 Years 10 Lakhs . Short Term Details: Investments to be made, Schemes to be taken, trade activities to be performed, failure alternatives to be planned. May try this exercise for anything that the class suggests. Long Term Goals MiddleTerm Goals Short Term Details
  42. 42. 42 SCIENCE OF TIME MANAGEMENT The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once. - Albert Einstein
  43. 43. 43 Human Brain has Divisions brain is divided into a Left Brain and a Right Brain. Right Brain is responsible for storing images and emotions. GOALS USUALLY HAVE IMAGE CHARATERSTICS. The Left Brain is responsible for verbal (Textual) and logical processing. TIME SCHEDULING CHART IS RELATED TO LOGIC AND VERBAL ABILITIES Best performance is achieved when both portions of your brain act in synergy.
  45. 45. 45 LET'S TAKE CONTROL OVER KAAL. KAAL sounds like GAAL and just a simple vowel replacement will make it GOAL. SO KEEP YOURSELF GOAL ORIENTED. When things are interesting you devote them more time. SO TAKE INTEREST IN EVERYTHING YOU DO. Habits go with lot of difficulty. In the order of ABIT, BIT and IT. WORK HARD TO OVERCOME THE HABIT OF WASTING TIME. UTILISE IT LIKE WRIGHT BROTHERS DID. Making adjustment doesn't mean compromising. It is the art of optimising things for best results. LEARN TO ADJUST IN ORDER TO PRODUCE BEST RESULTS. Don't analyse too much as it may lead to inaction. DECIDE ONCE AND ACT ONCE.
  47. 47. 47 PLEDGE. I _________ take a pledge that I will make best possible efforts to set precise goals for myself and for the team of people I lead. In order to do so I shall at least plan the what and when of the goals I set. I shall also be committed to the cause of explaining the process of setting GOALS to all my nears and dears..
  48. 48. 48 , | , || , , | , ||
  49. 49. 49 References www.wikipedia.org www.timemanagementtools.net www.time-management-central.net www.timemanagement.com
  50. 50. 50 Ask and guide me at sunmitraeducation@gmail.com Share this information with as many people as possible. Keep visiting www.sunmitra.com for programme updates.