Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt ...

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Transcript of Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt ...

MEC-109 No. of Printed Pages : 6


Term-End Examination 00442 June, 2017


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt questions from each section as per instructions given.

SECTION - A Attempt any two of the following questions in about 700 words each. 2x20=40

1. Distinguish between Research Methodology and Research Methods. Explain the broad, two approaches that are used to carry out research in social sciences.

2. What do you mean by the term 'scientific explanation' ? State the characteristics of Hypothetico-deductive model as model of scientific explanation.

3. What is the distinction between parameter and statistic. Discuss the operational procedure involved in drawing a Simple Random Sample with Replacement. How will you determine the sample size ?

MEC-109 1 P.T.O.

4. What do you understand by the term 'composite index' ? Discuss the steps involved in construction of composite index.


Attempt any five questions from this section in about 500 words each. 5x12=60

5. State the various functional forms of regression models. Which functional form of regression model would you like to use to estimate India's rate of growth of per capatia income during the period 2001-2015 ?

6. What is cluster analysis ? Explain the important methods used in cluster analysis.

7. Distinguish between any three of the following :

(a) Deductive and inductive logic

(b) Sampling and non-sampling error

(c) Nominal scale and ordinal scale of measurement

(d) Time series data and cross section data

(e) Estimate and estimator

8. What is the distinction between mono method and mixed method research ? Give rationale for mixed method research.

9. Why is it important to measure different types of inequality ? State the computational method of gini index as measure of income inequality.

MEC-109 2

10. What is case study method ? State the various steps involved in case study method.

11. What kind of data on employment is compiled by NSSO ? How is such data useful to evaluate the quality of employment ?

12. What type of data will you need to assess the performance of Indian Economy ? Explain the various sources of such data.

MEC-109 3




79; 2017

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1. tzT -51r4fN (Research Methodology) 74 -. 1 t1 rciNt

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aTTF c1 , 114* rov mc114 , 14+-171-d-w-i -k -47 Tcr mqlir ?

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(e) Si di td 3-11,ffff (Estimator and estimate)

8. -cr-*- rci rq -kthq "cr4 Fa Fq 7fitT ci-qi 3 t ?

fl=ftra. FC1 rtz 71'IN --d-r4-4

9. fafw Mch*t 31-1314T-i-draff fir H141 1.41 Tff---- ft? aiTzr 3RR-179--d-r 1-114.41 -Fcr Pfrir


MEC-109 5 P.T.O.

10. ,4).-i faf.4 . zrr t? -R---1. FaFtT 14 4i-iirricr fq-fiT5T -q-Tuff chl --d-rT4 1

11. -cri.(-1.k1-1.3-tf. gRI :31 4 IR ITT -ft- :1 -51t1-{t t-1 4-la, .Hcbrcid ft-4T •311 t? ti 51111( t -1 4-1. cf-) ):3-1 4 11( chi quial-ii cif 4-tc-q1c11-1 'TR-4 *t fri -f- 73. 1l-)1 -3-crzi-lifr f?

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MEC-109 6