Timberwolf Times -...

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Claire Bridenstine September 2017

Dystopia! The Hungry Maze Game of Divergent DEATH With a new school year here at Mission Trail, a new play comes with! This fall, the play is “Dystopia! The

Hungry Maze Game of Divergent DEATH” and how exciting it already sounds! The play will be memorized and

preformed October 6 and 7th with two performances on Friday at 3:30 and 7:00 PM and one on Saturday at

2:00 PM. What a fun weekend to be expecting! Now, the title already says a lot of the kind of play this will be.

A rip-off combination of the “Hunger Games,” “The Maze Runner” and of course, this play that literally has

death in the title, a comedy.

I am certainly looking forward to this play, but do others share the same excitement for the

show? I took a survey and out of the 19 people I asked, 19 are looking forward to see the play.

Everyone I asked is excited to see the play! I guess nobody wants to miss out on watching the

play. And with a total of three performances, and an exclusive one for the 5th graders in

elementary, I’m sure more than just 19 people are looking forward to seeing Mission Trail’s

latest masterpiece-in-the-making.

This play will, once again, be directed by none other than, Mrs. Azeltine! This play will make a first in

Mission Trail theater history because this time, Mrs. Azeltine will have the supervising help of Mrs. Borel! She

will be offering help to Mrs. Azeltine keeping track and helping out the cast and crew. Hopefully with twice the

help maybe the time would go by twice as fast, I wish the days could zoom by so I could watch the play, or

maybe I just need a time machine.

It’s not just the cast that makes a play, the play would be nothing without the help of the crew. The crew

does so much and I personally feel that the crew deserves more credit. They paint the backdrops, control the

lighting, perfect the sound, and it still feels to me that the cast gets more of the credit. The cast (of course)

deserves credit, they are the ones that make a play worth seeing. The have to memorize tough lines, and are

expected to perform it, in front of so many others, and are expected to not mess up. Theater sure is a tough

after-school activity, but it really pays off in the end. I wish the best of luck to the chosen cast and crew


Mission Trail’s students are quite talented in the theater department. I just can’t wait to see how they do in

the fall play! I myself, has had theater experience from theater 6 last year and it was the best class ever! I

highly encourage anyone unsure about whether or not to join a theater class to just do it! In the meantime I’m

going to see the show but don’t worry, I’ll keep your seat warm.

Battle of the Youtubers By Evann Alstrom

Almost everyone you know has a favorite YouTuber. It’s part of what makes you, well you! Some like gaming, while

others prefer vlogging. Everyone is different, but who is the most popular YouTuber voted by the students of Mission


Here are our contestants: Liza Koshy, PewDiePie, KSI, Markiplier, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Ricegum, and David


Liza Koshy: she does vlogging and vines! She is pretty funny and cool! She has 11,481,498 subscribers

Timberwolf Times

Pewdiepie: a Swedish web-based comedian and video producer. He is known for his Let's Play commentaries and vlogs

on YouTube. He currently has 57,252,044 subscribers

KSI: a rapper, comedian, and actor. His full name is Olajide William Olatunji and has 4,883,146 subscribers

Jake Paul: an actor and vlogger, Jake Paul is a “online megastar” with 10,620,457 subscribers

Logan Paul: like his brother, Logan too is a vlogger and actor with 11,557,757 subscribers

Markiplier: a gamer for sure, Mark has 18,406,409 subscribers

RiceGum: a vlogger and makes diss tracks. RiceGum isn't someone you want mess with. Especially with 8,288,852

subscribers to back him up.

David Dobrik: David is also a vlogger. He currently has 5,038,429 subscribers

The most popular YouTuber by vote is *drumroll please! * Liza Koshy! Coming in close second is a tie in between Logan

Paul and Ricegum! These are Mission Trail’s favorite YouTubers. Thanks you to all of those who helped with this survey!

The Future is a Hoax By: Bella Smith

In movies there's always those crazy predictions of what life is going to be like in the future. Usually they are WAAAY off. Well, you may think well that's only most movies. You'd be

surprised that you're right, but you're also wrong. Scientist have also made predictions about the

future that have been wrong but it is mostly movies. Keep reading to know more about how future

predictions have been off! For instance in the

movie Back to the Future ll Doc Brown and Marty Mcfly go into the future to the date October 21st,

2015. When they get to that day the first thing you see is flying cars. Now it's two years later and do

we have flying cars...NO! They also had hoverboards. No, not the ones we have.The ones that

actually hover above the ground.

Another aspect which is different is all the clothes are super unlike

then the ones we had then and they have theses huge metal things

they wear on their heads and nobody really knows what they are for.

Another prediction is from a scientist. His prediction was made in April 1970. He said that the world

will be so overpopulated and we won't have enough food in the next ten years that lots of people will

die. Also that we will run out of all supplies needed to survive like food, water, and etc. Well that

prediction was wrong because we are in the year 2017 and it is 47 years later.

Next, I will tell you about another movie. The movie is called Timehop and it was made in 1994.

It's about a cop who travels in time. I know to us that sounds super out of the ordinary. But back in

the day all their predictions were pretty wonky. In conclusion that was wrong because time travel

does not exist.

All in all, people have made some pretty crazy predictions that have been way off. Like fling

cars existing in the year 2015. Also having most of the human existence wiped out completely.

Another is having a policeman travel in time, which is highly unlikely and never going to happen. These

are the reasons the future is a hoax, I wonder what will come next?

School Homework Is The Worst!! By Will Golomski

Homework, homework, good old homework don’t you just love it? No, you don’t! After school kids do not want to go and do their homework! In just one of my classes alone, there are 22 kids that have something that eat up any of the time they have to do homework, some of these activities are cross country, soccer, football, cheer, volleyball, baseball, gymnastics, and basketball. When you do your homework do you just get stressed out? When you have homework, and you have a lot of it you just want to run outside and hang out with your friends? Most families have things to do after school which consist of picking up their kids and family members from things like practices and rehearsals. Families also need time to do things together like watch movies, play board games, and eat dinner. There is a great game this weekend, # 5 Oklahoma vs # 2 Ohio State; but I can’t watch it because I have tons of homework and not very much free time. There are many things kids want to do. For example, being at Old Settlers this weekend, at Old Settlers there are rides games and a parade with floats that throw out candy. If you could find a kid that doesn’t agree with me you would be dreaming. Homework is not right to give to kids. The school keeps us for 8 and ½ hours a day and then they send us home with 1 hour more of homework. Jane Austen College has banned this dumb work so kids can have more family time. Isn’t family more important than school anyways? All in all homework should be gone forever! No more time eating paper! Kids are in need of activity outside, and 11 hours of work during the day doesn’t help at all. As you can see by reading this we do not need homework.

What’s the Scoop?

What do students think of Olathe West?

By :Kira Stambaugh

Are you really curious about the new high school and how students are liking it?! Lucky for you, you’re

going to get some details and real life experiences thanks to Quinn Stambaugh, a sophomore at West!

Last year he went to Olathe Northwest so he will be able to compare and contrast the two schools. Keep

reading to figure out what he says!

No Lockers? So one thing we have all been wondering is, What is it like without lockers, do you wish

you still had one? His response is “ I do not really miss having a locker because all of our books and

schedules are on our MacBook. The furniture in our class also has a spot under it to put our backpacks.

You will also have a locker if you do a sport, band, or art. So our backpacks are not that heavy. There are

many compartments where we can put our stuff so our backpacks never get to full.”

Open concept?

How do you feel about open-concept and glass classrooms? He says “It doesn't really bother me but is

sometimes distracting. All of the glass classrooms are sound proof as well. It is kind of cool to see what

happens outside of class! Our Class locations change every week also. But the open concept makes it easy

to find them!” That sounds helpful!

Classroom Seating & Furniture?

Next I asked Quinn what he thinks about the

seating\ furniture. “The

seating at West is very

comfortable. The open concept

rooms have squishy seating” (couches

and lounge chairs). “All of the furniture

for the most part is on wheels. The desks and chairs are connected to each other.”

Some of the classes at MT had these chairs\desks. We were actually testing them out for the

high school! “a unique addition to the school are the learning stairs. They are basically stairs

you sit on that people can hold small meetings, get-to-gethers, or lectures.” That is so cool right!?


The last question I asked Quinn was, Athletics. What sports are going on right now, how are the practice

facilities, etc. “Inside Olathe West, there are three gyms. There is even an indoor track above one of the

gyms. All of the gyms, weight room, and sports facilities are very nice and modern. The sports that are

going on right now are, Football, volleyball, women’s golf and women’s tennis. Cross country and cheer

are going on as well. Practices are mostly every day after school.” Well if you have an indoor sport that

would be fun!

Olathe West is an amazing school! It has lots of updated spaces and very useful additions to the school

that no other school in the district has. You even get 50 minutes to eat lunch! Talk about time! Hopefully

you learned a lot about West and get a feel for what school is like there!

By: Asey Dockstater

Are you keeping up with the best brands…..what’s in your closet?

Have you been able to keep up with the latest brands that are sweeping the Timberwolf

nation? Here you will read about all the best new brands of clothing and accessories. Have you ever wondered which brands to buy? Well, this article might help you decide by telling you which brands people of Mission Trail like most.

1. Nike

2. Pink

3. Forever 21 4. Adidas 5. Lululemon

So, how many of those brands have you been able to hang in your closet? Don’t feel bad if you're still hung up on converse and vineyard vines, I'm sure these trends will stick around for a while. Wanting to join in on these trending brands but don't want to blow all of your money? I can help by showing you one of the best ways to find trending brands cheap! The app Poshmark is like a glorified Craigs List for unwanted clothes. Let me tell you, you may

have to hunt but in the end you can get the best deals! The creators sell top notch brands up to 70% off! Find Nike, Adidas, Forever 21, and more for the best deals. And that's not even the best part! It's all the touch of your finger! I mean, we all have to wear clothes, you might as well wear brands that make you look and feel good!

Simon Grube

Touchdown! Mission Trail Timberwolves!

Will They Dominate or Fail?

The Mission Trail Timberwolves are doing amazing so far! They dominated Thursday August 31st. The final score was 33 to 0. The Timberwolves beat Chisholm Trail 29 to 0. The Timberwolves are 2 and 0 right now, but how long can they keep their win streak going? This week they're not facing anyone, so they will get a chance to rest. The Timberwolves will face Indian Trail next week. They will hopefully beat Indian Trail. I interviewed Mr. Hinderliter an eighth grade football coach and he said that the team is off to a great start this season. He also said that the team they’ll have the most trouble with is Frontier and Sante Fe trail. The Mission Trail Timberwolves are one of the best teams in the city of Olathe. They have a good chance of winning city. So will the Mission Trail Timberwolves continue their dominance against Indian Trail or will they crumble and get there first loss of the season? I guess we'll just have wait and see!

7th Grade Football Team By: Mac Rawie

Let's start this year off great with some 7th grade football. The 7th grade football team

has started great with a win against California Trail with a score of 28-0.MT took another

victory against Chisholm Trail, 41-14. That game boosts them up to 2-0 year so far with

Indian trail to come next.

The team is going to be hard to beat with a win to start of the year.

MT is ready to go undefeated this year. The teams that MT plays are

going to be a challenge, but they have a good chance to win the whole

sha bang.

The year started off as a run game, but through the year we will

move into both the run game and the pass game. The first snap of every

game will be how MT starts off the game strong. With a strong offense and

defense there will be few teams that will slow them down, but they won't stop. They will

keep moving forward to complete the season. This year is going to be great for some 7th

grade MT football.

Mission Trails’ Favorite Social Medias By: Stefan Smotherman

Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat are just a few of the Mission Trails’ favorite social medias, but what's yours? After

conducting a survey on MT’s favorite social medias, some of the most popular ones are shown below.


This past summer Youtubers like Logan and Jake Paul took over Youtube and gained a lot more users to the site. This

over the majority of reasons that Youtube is their favorite social media is because of the Paul brothers.


Snapchat is a popular one because it is an easy way to send a photo, video or message way easier and faster than

regular messages. Snapchat is also a way to catch up with people's lives on their stories that they post.


Instagram is a photo/video sharing site where you can follow friends and stay up to date on their lives. On Snapchat,

videos on last about 10 seconds each, then it goes away. But on Instagram, photos and videos can stay on your account for

as long as you want. You can follow anyone you would like, including celebrities. Instagram is an all-around great website

to keep in touch with what’s going on in the world and in your friends’ lives.


Pinterest is a website where you can, “pin” ideas for food, crafts, DIY’s and more. Pinterest is a very popular website

that can be very useful to people’s everyday lives. It is used for getting ideas for everyday styles and trends, too.

Down below is the poll for the survey on Mission Trails’ favorite social medias.

Youtube: 52% Snapchat: 28% Instagram: 16% Pinterest: 4% Facebook: 0% Twitter: 0%

Soccer In Olathe Middle Schools By Kelsey Conder

Have you ever wondered why there aren't soccer teams in Olathe middle schools?

There are lots of reasons why there shouldn’t be a soccer team, but there are way more

reasons why there should be.

One reason why we don’t have a soccer team is because of

a budget cut. In the 2015-2016 school year, John Hutchison,

the district chief financial officer, announced a 2 million dollar

budget cut. Before the budget cuts, there still wasn’t a soccer

team. Even if we didn’t have the budget cut, it still would’ve

been too expensive. Another reason we don’t have a soccer team is because of injuries.

People worry that their child will get a concussion or a knee, ankle, shin, or calf injury.

If the kids get hurt they might not be able to attend school for a couple days. One last

reason why there aren’t soccer teams in Olathe middle schools, is because players might

get distracted. When the kids are at school, they should be focused on their school work

and not how well they played in their last game.

There are also many reasons why there should be a soccer team, one of many, is that

all of the other sports in middle school have just as many injuries as soccer. According

to a source, “soccer is the sixth most dangerous sport” and according to the same

source “football is the third most dangerous sport”. Another reason why Olathe should

have soccer teams is because it could help fight childhood obesity. People are always

complaining that their kids aren’t going outside and having fun. The answer to this

might be PE, but for some kids PE isn’t fun at all. A soccer team would be fun for the

kids, but they would also be working hard.

So what’s your opinion? Should there be a soccer team? There is so much more

reasoning out there. Even though we don't have a soccer team here at MT, soccer is still

a fun sport to play, and watch.




School Lunch Guidelines

By Hope Stephens

Why are you stuck with the same lunch meals over and

over again? It's because schools have to do certain things such as follow

nutrition guidelines in order to get funding from the government. Schools that are both public

and nonprofit private schools can be a part of the NSLP. The NSLP, otherwise known as the

National School Lunch Program, is how schools get funding for school lunches. The NSLP is a

program that operates in schools worldwide. It provides meals for over thirty million children

in the world.

When schools join the NSLP, they receive cash reimbursements. They also receive foods

from approved companies, such as the USDA. Although schools have to receive foods from

approved companies, each state gets to choose their food items from a list of USDA foods.

Also local school authorities decide how the food is prepared and served, as well as specific


The NSLP is used in public or nonprofit private schools, usually grades twelve or lower.

School districts and independent schools receive cash subsidies for every reimbursable meal

served. For this to work, the NSLP has to serve lunches that meet the Federal meal pattern. To

meet the federal meal pattern schools must serve, fruits, vegetables, grains, meats/meat

alternates, and milk.

So why do you get stuck with the same gross meals over and over again? It’s because

your school has to follow NSLP guidelines in order to get funding. So if you don't like school

lunches you might want to start bringing your own lunch because they aren’t going away

anytime soon with so many school districts being part of the NSLP.

Sources: https://fns-prod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/cn/NSLPFactSheet.pdf


We Need Better Meals!

By Wyatt Wynn

Do you like school meals? There are a lot of people who don’t at all! Many people at

school will say that the school meals are good, Others will say that the school meals are bad.

Find out why better meals help our students get through their day!

There are a lot of things that people will notice about the school meals that they don't

like. Sometimes I will see bad apples that have little spots of brown on them. There are

burnt pizzas and other fruits that are too ripe or have brown spots. I have asked about a

dozen different people what food they would add to the school lunches and what food they

would get rid of from the school lunches and they said add Spin Pizza, McDonald's, Jimmy

John’s, Subway, Wendy’s, and Chick-Fil-A. They probably wanted these because they

have good menus that have good healthy food and some unhealthy food for when they want

something different. The main point behind all of this is to give students more options for

lunch and breakfast. Every week it is the same thing! Students are probably sick and tired

of it.

We need better lunches because the school lunch food is processed, poorly made, and

ripe. Better lunch and breakfast will help our school and students because low income

students come to school and are hungry and they would like the best nutrition facts in there

food. Some of them don’t have enough money at home to buy food so they rely on the

school for their food.

Another reason why students need better meals is because “when children are hungry,

they are more likely to get sick, to recover more slowly from illnesses and injury, and tend to

be hospitalized more frequently. ” From Project Bread.

“Children are better to learn and function if good nutrition is part of their day.” “A

significant number of studies, including a 2002 research study conducted by Project Bread,

Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, said that children who eat a

good breakfast every morning and day learn better, behave better, and perform better in

class than children who struggle with hunger.”

Let’s face the facts, we need better and healthier meals. Our school lunch doesn’t want

processed unhealthy meals! If students could choose between going to college and not going

to college they would easily say go to college because students would rather go to college

with good grades and eat healthy food then eating unhealthy food and not going to college

because that is how much they would like to succeed in life. The bottom line is that we need

better meals.


Hot New Music You Need in Your Playlist

By Meredith McCalmon

Are you looking for some hot new music to add to your playlist? Do you want some new songs to listen to during class to make school go by just a bit faster? Well look no further! This article will tell you all the greatest new songs that you need in your playlist!

First off, let’s talk about the artist everyone is raving about: Taylor Swift. She recently announced her new album which will be dropped on November 10, called Reputation. The superstar has already released 2 singles from the album, songs called “Look What You Made Me Do” and “Ready For It?” The songs are extremely different from both the Country Swift and the Popstar Swift. They are very modern and almost dark sounding, with lots of electronic background music.

We asked a few students for their opinion on Taylor’s new songs. Of the students surveyed, 7 students said they liked Taylor Swift’s new songs, 1 student said they didn’t like them, and 2 students said they hadn’t heard the songs yet. Taylor Swift isn’t the only artist with great new songs released recently.

Let’s talk about some of the top selling new songs.

1: “Too Good at Goodbyes” by Sam Smith..

2: “Dusk Till Dawn” by Zayn (feat. Sia)..

3: “Out Loud” by Gabbie Hanna.

4: “Let Me Go” by Hailee Steinfeld and Alessa

5: “If I’m Lucky” by Jason Derulo.

As you can see, lots of great new music has been released recently! These are just a few of the top new songs. What are your favorites? Hopefully with these suggestions you can find a few new songs to jam out to during class!

Sources: http://www.popvortex.com and www.nme.com

Bracing for Hurricane Irma

By. Ayden Bishop

After Hurricane Harvey, another major hurricane has been tracked on Nasa’s Satellite. This Hurricane is two categories larger than Harvey and is hitting many more places like Puerto Rico, the Turks and Caicos Islands, and nearly all of Southern Florida. This storm’s name is “Hurricane Irma,” which is “sister” in English but is a German name meaning “War Goddess”. This hurricane is the largest/strongest to hit Florida since Hurricane Andrew in 1992. After the first 24 hours of Irma, the hurricane is still at 185mph and is still causing mass destruction in the Caribbean.

At about 8 A.M. Sunday, September 12, Florida will see the first of Irma. The hurricane will go all the way to the South of Georgia, but it won’t be NEARLY as bad. 31,000 people have evacuated Key West, Florida, and around 100,000 people have boarded their houses, which has been a challenge to most people. Most residents in Florida have been struggling to find supplies because of people donating to Hurricane Harvey. About 10 Million people will witness Hurricane Irma may even lose their homes. 2.8 Billion Dollars in Damage has just been totaled in the Caribbean, and that could multiply from how much larger Florida is and from how many more people are in Florida, too. After three days of Hurricane Irma, 37 deaths have been reported in the Caribbean and six dead in Florida.

Irma has sucked about ten feet of water back into the ocean causing troubles for marine life and many peoples boats. About one thousand boats have been beached and about twenty manatees have been found and rescued on Sunday morning. Many residents of Florida are now worried about how fast the water might come back into shore, and scientists have predicted about a 10-23-foot storm surge (waves) and those waves being really strong. In the Caribbean, 80,000 people’s houses have been completely destroyed from Hurricane Irma’s wind strength and from the 3-foot tall flooding in the streets and houses. In the Caribbean, there is about a 16-23-foot storm surge. There is already $300 billion dollars in damage from the Caribbean and from Florida combined.

Hurricane Harvey vs. MT

By. Sam Decker

Just a few weeks ago hurricane Harvey

came blasting through Houston, Texas

and left over 100,000 homeless, 70 dead

and over 180 BILLION dollars in

damage. But Mission Trail Middle

School is helping and donating items to

victims of Hurricane Harvey.

We are donating everyday items such

as pillows, backpacks, water, food,

blankets, Gatorade, shampoo, rugs, paper towels, deodorant, and toilet paper.

Ranch Ade is a charity ran by Mike Brown. Mike teamed up with Fairview

elementary, and also your own Mission Trail. Mike and his team are taking all the

supplies we’ve collected down to Houston and is giving the items to farmers that

have lost all of their supplies during the hurricane. Also, they will go out to help

search for the lost animals and reunite them with their owners. Mission Trail and

Ranch Ade would like to thank everyone who has donated to help the victims of


Did you know we are killing polar bears every year?!

By:Andrew Bolyard

Climate change and global warming has been a big problem that has only been taken seriously by very little people, but global warming is affecting us and the environment. Global

warming is caused by CO2 (carbon dioxide) and air pollution. Solar radiation caused by CO2 will get trapped in our atmosphere which makes the Earth hotter because of this Antarctica is melting faster and faster by the year. That

means the wildlife there are losing their homes and polar bears are beginning to become stranded on icebergs because of us putting that CO2 in the atmosphere, melting their homes by the year.

The cause of global warming is affecting us too, not just the environment, you may not notice but it is. Our health is affected by global warming. This really only is a big problem in bigger cities. With all of that pollution it just kills your lungs which can cause lung damage and many other lung problems. Global warming also affects the food we eat, with the CO2 in the air the carbon dioxide goes into our food making it not as healthy to eat, this affects our foods very lightly so there is a very little difference.

To help prevent CO2 going into our atmosphere, trees are a big help in removing CO2. You can help prevent global warming by simply planting a tree in your yard or somewhere in a local park to make Earth a healthier place today!

SOURCES https://www.nrdc.org/stories/global-warming-101
