Tiffanie Donovan CSC101-03 11/27/12. Societal Topics-Weeks 7 & 8 Internet Regulation Internet...

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Transcript of Tiffanie Donovan CSC101-03 11/27/12. Societal Topics-Weeks 7 & 8 Internet Regulation Internet...

Tiffanie DonovanCSC101-0311/27/12

Societal Topics-Weeks 7 & 8Internet Regulation

Internet regulation has the operation of keeping people from viewing certain aspects of the internet. Certain websites and information is kept private by IR so that everyone cannot access it. I think this is an important structure of the internet because there are some things online not everyone should have access to.Internet Governance

Internet governance sets rules and regulations for all aspects of the internet. This function makes sure that all websites have certain information that can be shared, and some that cannot. It is also in charge of programs on the internet and how they are run. I believe it is important that the government has a role in what is going on throughout the internet.EdX

EdX is a non-profit organization meant to teach online courses. There are many school that are starting to adopt this program and many more will be using this as well. EdX has the goal of teaching students online and helping them with their online courses. EdX is looking to expand worldwide, and anyone is free to join/use this program. IP Addressing

Internet Protocol addressing is a universal code programming used for all mobile devises worldwide. This program uses codes for different aspects throughout the internet. They are managed by IANA which has the responsibility for all IP addresses. The IP addressing is important because many websites would not be transcribed correctly without these codes.

Societal Topics- Weeks 9&10IPV6 

IPv6 is the latest version of internet protocol. It is the revised and better version of that program. It replaced IPv4, which ran out of room to hold addresses. Each mobile or electronic device that is able to access the internet needs an ip address, and the last ip program did not have enough space for all addresses, which is why the new ip was formed.

Net Neutrality Net Neutrality keeps track of users on the internet. This program makes sure

that unverified users can not have access to the internet. They regulate what is available online to the public. This makes sure that users can’t interfere with equipment being used and how it is used.

Windows 8 Windows 8 is a new and improved version of windows. It makes the home

screen the main visual you see, with vibrant colors and apps available. You can automatically check Facebook or other e-mail/ messages with the tap of your finger. It also allows you to choose pictures as your password.


RAS’s are managed by one or many different organizations. They are certain programs that control other network operators. There are three different types of Autonomous systems. The first type is called multihomed and it helps the internet stay connected in the event of failure of one of their connections.

Societal Topics- Weeks 11,12 &13Privacy

Privacy allows users to select which information they want shared to the public, and what they want kept to themselves. Privacy ensures that personal information is not spread across the internet if the user wishes for it not to be. It helps keep a person’s identity safe from the public.

BGPThe border gateway protocol was created to replace the exterior gateway protocol. It makes core

routing decisions on the internet. This program allowed the internet to become a decentralized system. Internet service providers need to use BGP to connect with one another. The BGP is a very important program for the internet.

SpamSpam is a way to send messages to a bulk of people. Many people get spam mail daily. Spam is

important to business owners because they can send multiple people e-mails at once. I get spam e-mails from many different businesses every day. Sometimes spam e-mails can be viruses.

SecuritySecurity refers to the amount of protection the internet has over attacks online. This helps

protect websites against attacks from viruses. Security also helps keep information and communications protected online. Security is a very aspect to have on the internet, or else a lot of private information would be leaked.

StandardizationStandardization is the process which implements and develops technical standards. Their

goal is to help with single suppliers. Standardization is important to the internet because it helps maintain technology and the way it works across the board. It helps make sure that things stay the same from one place to another.


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