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November 5, 2010 Issue #00001

3rd Quarter 2010Week 39

Sept 19- 25Page 1


PIRATES!pages 1-4

Music Legend:Johnny Cash

pages 5-6

Castlespages 7-8

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PIRATES!by Rick Dandes

They ruled the seven seas back in the 1600s and 1700s and even today are plundering sea vessels in international waters. They are pirates. From movies and books to real life, pirates fascinate people endlessly and probably always will. Tid-bits walks the plank this week, in honor of Na-tional Talk Like a Pirate Day observed on Sep-tember 19. • Although Hollywood pirates, such as Jack

Sparrow’s friends, like to grumble “arrr” or “arrrrgh” frequently, real pirates were not known to do so. Hollywood actor Robert Newton, who played Long John Silver in the 1950s, had a regional accent from the Cotswolds district of England where they like to roll the “r” a bit. However, your average real pirate did not.

• Pirates may have thrown men overboard, but no one was ever known to have “walked the plank.” Again, this one is a Hollywood myth.

• Lady Ching Shih of China became one of the most powerful pirates to have ever sailed the ocean blue. She commanded one of the most formidable pirate fleets in all of Asia during the early 1800s, with hundreds of ships under her command.

turn the page for more!

Q. Why do pirates always carry a bar of soap?

A. So if they’re shipwrecked, they can wash themselves to shore.



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by Rick Dandes

Ever since the dawn of man, there has been a fascination with the stars. But it wasn’t until the invention of the telescope that a true mapping of the sky began. Of course now, with space-age telescopes mounted on deep-space probes, we know a lot more about the universe. Take a journey into space with Tidbits, as we explore the wonders of our own solar system.

turn the page for more!

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VERNON, B.C. — Admittedly at fi rst glance it sounds like ‘pie-in-the-sky’ exaggerations churned up fresh from a late night / early morning infomercial for the latest and greatest exercise / weight loss gadget.

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at worse lies told by marketers … is now a reality!What may have made the 70’s TV show “That’s Incredible” almost 40 years ago is now considered cutting edge science.

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Brad McKee Tidbits of Vernon owner/publisher

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• How old is our solar system? About 4.6 billion years old, give or take a few million years. Since the Earth is constantly resurfacing itself, we can’t determine exactly how old it is by examining the surface, but there’s another way to find out. Meteorites, which date back to the formation of the solar system, have been raining down on Earth for millions of years. Scientists have sampled meteorites and learned that they’re all about 4.6 billion years old. That means that everything in the solar system formed around the same time.

• Until the telescope was invented around 1608, sky watchers used their naked eyes, careful record keeping and basic mathematics to help them understand the heavens.

• Examples of ancient Rome’s contribution to space science are the names of the planets. The association of certain planets with certain attributes of gods or goddesses harkens back to the Sumerians, but Roman names were directly appropriated. Examples are Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn.•

• Our solar system only has eight planets. Not the nine planets you grew up with. That’s because the International Astronomical Union reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet in 2006.

• To qualify as a planet, an object needs to orbit the sun, have enough mass to pull itself into a spherical shape, and have cleared out its orbit of other material. It’s this third requirement that Pluto hasn’t fulfilled. Pluto is a fraction of the mass in its orbit, while the other planets are millions of times more massive than everything else in their orbits.

• Pluto may have been downgraded from planet to dwarf planet, but guess what? It’s not the only dwarf planet found in our solar system. Three others have been discovered: Ceres, Eris and Makemake. Dwarf planets are objects that orbit the sun and have enough mass to form a sphere, but they share their orbit with other objects. As telescopes improve, more dwarf planets will probably be discovered. There might eventually be more dwarf planets than planets.

• Unlike Earth, Saturn is made mostly of hydrogen and helium, so its density is

SOLAR SYSTEM (continued):only 0.13 that of Earth. While it has heavier materials in the core, it is the only planet in the solar system that is less dense than water.

• Titan is the largest of Saturn’s moons. It is the second largest moon in the solar system. In fact, it is larger than both Mercury and Pluto.

• Scientists are particularly interested in Titan because it’s one of the few known moons with its own dense atmosphere. Titan’s atmosphere is also thought to be very similar to what Earth’s atmosphere was a long time ago. By learning about Titan, we’ll learn about our own planet.

• Saturn’s moon Hyperion is shaped sort of like a hamburger patty and rotates chaotically, probably due to a recent collision.

• The asteroid belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Sometimes called minor planets, asteroids are rocky objects that are the remnants of the solar system when it formed. Over 90,000 asteroids of various sizes have been found by scientists.

• Often referred to as the “final frontier” of the solar system, the Kuiper Belt, which is a disc-shaped area made up of icy debris, is located at a distance of 7.5- 9.3 billion miles (12 -15 billion kilometers) from the sun.

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3rd Quarter 2010Week 39

Sept 19- 25Page 8

CASTLES (continued):• The famous Tower of London began as a

timber fortress in an earthen enclosure on the north bank of the Thames in London. In 1078, William the Conqueror replaced this timber fortress with a massive stone fortress called the Great Tower. William needed to show his authority and protect his new kingdom.

• In the Middle East, the Crusaders developed great castles with double circuits of curving outer walls and towers to overlook the entire wall. These castles influenced castle building throughout Europe and the British Isles, and the early 13th-century medieval castle was a marriage of Norman, English and Byzantine styles. Two good examples of this are the Château Gaillard on the Seine in France and the Conisbrough Castle in England.

• One of the last tower houses to be built in Scotland was Lethendy Tower, dating back to 1678.

• No two castles are the same. This is due to topography, taste, available materials and the ability of the designer.

• The spiral stairs in castle towers are designed to ascend clockwise in an effort to make the attackers expose more of their body in order to use the sword in their right hand.

• At Exeter Castle in England in 1136, the garrison used wine to extinguish fires from a siege.

• The largest inhabited castle in the world is Windsor Castle in the United Kingdom.

• There were once about 5,000 castles in Japan, but today there are only about a dozen original feudal castles left.

1. Name the event (and the date) where all of these played: Badfinger, Ravi

Shankar and Leon Russell.

2. What was the single of the year for 1982? Who performed it?

3. What song was the first R&B No. 1 hit for fledgling record label Motown?

4. Which now famous rocker once jumped over the wall at Graceland

hoping to see Elvis Presley?

5. What is The Joshua Tree (other than a desert plant)?

6. Who were Tom and Jerry?

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

• Ancient astronomers used to think the Earth was the center of the universe. It wasn’t until the 16th century that Nicolaus Copernicus first presented the idea that the sun was at the center, not the Earth.

• All the objects in the solar system orbit the sun in a counter-clockwise direction. This matches the theory that the solar system formed all at once from a cool cloud of hydrogen. As the gas came together, it began to spin, so that the sun collected in the middle, surrounded by an accretion disk of gas and dust. All the planets and other material in the solar system formed within this rotating disk.

• Our sun is a typical star, middling in size, but big enough to burn steadily for 10 billion years.

• The sun contains 99.8 percent of the mass in the solar system. And the sun is approximately 72 percent hydrogen, so most of the matter in the solar system is hydrogen, with the remaining amount being mostly helium, oxygen and carbon. Everything else, like metals and rocks, is just a tiny fraction of a fraction of the solar system’s mass.

• How big is our sun? It has a diameter of 864,000 miles (1,391,000 kilometers), and more than one million Earths could fit into the sun. It is located 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) from Earth.

• The heat the sun gives us derives from nuclear fusion at its core.

• There are only a few stars within 10 light-years of our sun. The closest Proxima Centauri, 4.2 light-years away. Barnard’s Star is 5.9 light-years away; Wolf 359 is 7.8 light-years away; Lalande 21185 is 8.3 light-years away; Sirius is 8.6 light-years away; Luyten 726-8 is 8.7 light-years away; and finally Ross 154 is 9.7 light-years away.

• The sun is just one star in 200 billion in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Doesn’t that give you perspective? Our world is just one planet orbiting one star in a galaxy of 200 billion stars.

• So, are we alone? Astronomers now estimate that the universe contains roughly trillions of stars organized into billions of galaxies.

• Spacecraft from Earth have visited or orbited every planet in the solar system, and more are on their way to visit some of the dwarf planets. Man has explored the sun, the moon and many asteroids. And now some of the oldest spacecraft still active — NASA’s Voyager spacecrafts — have almost reached the sun’s heliosphere.

SOLAR SYSTEM (continued):

Top 10 Pop Singles1. Far East Movement ft. Cataracs & Dev “Like a G6”2. Bruno Mars “Just the Way You Are”3. Nelly “Just a Dream”4. Rihanna “Only Girl (In the World)”5. Usher ft. Pitbull “DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love”6. Taylor Swift “Back to December”7. Katy Perry “Teenage Dream”8. Taio Cruz “Dynamite”9. Flo Rida ft. David Guetta “Club Can’t Handle Me”10. Trey Songz ft. Nicki Minaj “Bottoms Up”

Top 10 Albums1. Lil Wayne “I Am Not a Human Being”2. Darius Rucker “Charleston, SC 1966”3. Big Time Rush “BTR (Soundtrack)”4. The Band Perry “The Band Perry”5. Eminem “Recovery”6. Kenny Chesney “Hemingway’s Whiskey”7. Sufjan Stevens “Age of Adz”8. Zac Brown Band “You Get What You Give”9. Toby Keith “Bullets in the Gun”10. All That Remains “For We Are Many”

Top 10 Hot Country Singles1. Easton Corbin “Roll With It”2. Darius Rucker “Come Back Song”3. Sugarland “Stuck Like Glue”4. Josh Turner “All Over Me”5. Kenny Chesney “The Boys of Fall”6. Zac Brown Band ft. Alan Jackson “As She’s Walking Away”7. Rodney Atkins No. 8 “Farmer’s Daughter”8. Taylor Swift No. 6 “Mine”9. Brad Paisley No. 9 “Anything Like Me”10. The Band Perry No. 11 “If I Die Young”

Top 10 DVD Rentals1. The Karate Kid (PG) Jaden Smith 2. Get Him to the Greek (R) Jonah Hill3. Iron Man 2 (PG-13) Robert Downey Jr.4. Robin Hood (PG-13) Russell Crowe5. A Nightmare on Elm Street (R) Jackie Earle Haley6. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (PG-13) Jake Gyllenhaal7. Splice (R) Adrien Brody8. Killers (PG-13) Ashton Kutcher9. Letters to Juliet (PG) Amanda Seyfried10. Just Wright (PG) Queen Latifah

Top 10 Movies 1. Paranormal Activity 2 (R) Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat2. Jackass 3D (R) Johnny Knoxville, Ryan Dunn3. Red (PG-13) Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman4. Hereafter (PG-13) Matt Damon, Cecile DeFrance5. The Social Network (PG-13) Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake6. Secretariat (PG) Diane Lane, John Malkovich7. Life As We Know It (PG-13) Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel8. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (PG) animated9. The Town (R) Ben Affleck, Jon Hamm10. Easy A (PG-13) Emma Stone, Penn Badgley

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Music Legend:Tina Turner

Tina Turner (born Anna Mae Bullock on November 26, 1939) is an American singer and actress whose career has spanned more than 50 years. She has won numerous awards, and her achievements in the rock music genre have earned her the title “The Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll.”• Born to a share-cropping family in the

segregated South, Anna Mae Bullock and her elder sister were raised by their grandparents. Anna Mae eventually moved to St. Louis to reunite with her mother.

• In St. Louis, Bullock attended Sumner High School. At this time, Bullock’s sister was taking her to several nightclubs in the city. One night, Bullock met Mississippi-born rhythm and blues musician Ike Turner and later asked him if she could sing for him. Ike was initially skeptical, but after much persistence on Bullock’s part, he decided to let her sing. And the rest is history.

• Going by the name “Little Ann,” Bullock was soon the lead singer in a soul revue led by Ike Turner and his Kings of Rhythm band.

• When the singer that was to record “A Fool In Love” failed to turn up for the session, Ike Turner drafted Bullock to provide the vocal with the intention of removing it later. However, once he heard her spine-tingling performance of the song, he changed his plans. He changed her name to Tina Turner, and when the record became a hit, Tina became a permanent fixture in Ike’s band and his quest for international stardom.

• After they married, Ike and Tina Turner recorded a string of hits in the 1960s, including “A Fool in Love,” “It’s Gonna Work Out Fine,” “I Idolize You” and the groundbreaking “River Deep, Mountain High” with producer Phil Spector.

• By the end of the decade, Ike and Tina incorporated modern rock styles into their act and began including their interpretations of “Come Together,” “Honky Tonk Woman” and “I Want to Take You Higher” in their stage show.

• “Proud Mary,” the duo’s interpretation of the Credence Clearwater Revival hit, was the duo’s greatest commercial success, peaking at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 in March 1971.The single eventually won a Grammy for Best R&B Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group.

• Many believed that after Turner broke with Ike, she would not return to the music scene. Tina proved otherwise, when she, with the help of Roger Davies, her Australian manager, released her multi-platinum and Grammy-winning album in 1984, “Private Dancer,” with her biggest hits “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” and “Better Be Good to Me.”

• Turner in the movies: Following Turner’s success in 1984, she starred in the film, “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome,” and recorded the film’s soundtrack as well, which produced the

Tidbits of Vernon For Advertising Call 866-859-0609Page 6

1. In 2008, J.J. Hardy be-came the third shortstop in Milwaukee Brewers history to hit 20-plus home runs in a season twice. Name the other two.

2. In 1933, Philadelphia’s Chuck Klein won the Triple

Crown in the National League, but did not win the league’s MVP Award. Who did win it?

3. From 2000 through 2009, how many times did a quarterback win the Heisman Trophy?

4. Name the two Chicago Bulls before Derrick Rose in 2009 to win the NBA Rookie of the Year Award.

5. Who was the last Vancouver Canuck before Henrik Sedin in 2009-10 to lead the NHL in scoring for a season?

6. When was the last time before 2010 that Chile’s men’s soccer team won a World Cup game?

7. How many Tour de France bicycle races in a row did Spain’s Miguel Indurain win?

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.


When to call the VetDEAR PAW’S CORNER: My little dog “Gellie” gets fleas quite often. A while ago in your column a reader suggested washing the dog with Dawn dish detergent and soaking her collar in something. Do you know what that something is? Also, how often should you bathe a dog? -- Frances M., Batavia, N.Y.

DEAR FRANCES: Unfortunately I don’t have the original column right at hand, but I did a little research for you on home remedies for getting rid of these pesky biters. The website www.stopthefleas.com is the source of the dish detergent remedy: specifically, bathing your pet in lemon-scented Dawn liquid soap. It sup-posedly both kills and repels fleas.It’s important to note, however, that using dish detergents or hand soaps to bathe your pet will dry out their skin. This can lead to other prob-lems, including rashes and sores, increased allergies, and in general, a lot of discomfort

for your pet -- as well as making its skin more susceptible to future flea infestation. I would recommend not using this method more than once a month, or even once every two or three months. And I’d encourage you to look for pet-friendly, natural flea-repellent soaps, which are available at pet stores.Home remedies are probably not as fast or ef-fective as chemical remedies, and you’ll need to employ other methods to discourage fleas, including vacuuming the house at least week-ly. Sprinkle a little Borax in front of the doors or plant pennyroyal near your home’s entry points. Brush your pet daily, especially if she goes outside at all, to remove dirt or grass that fleas can ride in on and dislodge flea eggs.

Send your pet questions and tips to ask@pawscorner.com.

Find more pet advice and resources at www.pawscorner.com.

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.



The bidding:East South West NorthPass 1 [H] Pass 4 [H]Opening lead -- queen of clubs.

Assume you’re in four hearts and West leads a club, taken by you with the ace. There seems to be nothing much to the play, so let’s say you cash the ace of trumps, ruff a club in dummy and start running your diamonds, hoping to discard a spade on dummy’s fourth diamond. Unfortunately, East ruffs the third diamond and returns the queen of spades, and down you go.

You could attribute the outcome to bad luck -- and your opponents might even sympathize with you. After all, East could have held the ace of spades instead of West, in which case you’d have made 11 tricks. Also, the diamonds might have been divided 3-3 instead of 4-2, or the player with two trumps -- East in the actual deal -- might have held four diamonds. In all of these cases, you’d have gotten home safe and sound.Despite this, the fact remains that if you played the hand as described, you didn’t try hard enough. You should have ruffed a club in dummy at trick two, then led a trump from dummy and played low when East followed with the jack!West would win the trick with his queen, and you could now be sure of making at least 10 tricks. Whatever West returned, you would draw the one missing trump and later discard a spade on dummy’s fourth diamond. The suggested method of play, which gains when West started with the singleton king or queen of trumps, gives you an extra chance to keep East, the dangerous opponent, off lead.It is true that East can frustrate your plan by playing the king instead of the jack on your first trump lead from dummy. Nevertheless, you should give him this chance to distinguish himself instead of making things easy for him. If East is smart enough to play the king, you should arrange to change partners as quickly as possible and start playing with him, not against him.

Page Tidbits of VernonFor Advertising Call 866-859-0609 7

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your honesty continues to impress everyone who needs reassurance about a project. But be careful you don’t lose patience with those who are still not ready to act.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Pushing others too hard to do things your way could cause resentment and raise more doubts. Instead, take more time to explain why your meth-ods will work.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Be more considerate of those close to you before making a decision that could have a serious effect on their lives. Explain your intentions and ask for their advice.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You might have to defend a workplace decision you plan to make. Colleagues might back you up on this, but it’s the facts that will ultimately win the day for you. Good luck.

LEO (July 23 to August 22) The Big Cat’s co-workers might not be doing enough to help get that project finished. Your roars might stir things up, but gentle purrr-suasion will prove to be more effective.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Someone you care for needs help with a problem. Give it lovingly and without judging the situation. Whatever you feel you should know will be re-vealed later.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) While you’re to be admired for how you handled recent workplace problems, be careful not to react the same way to a new situation until all the facts are in.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Rely on your keen instincts as well as the facts at hand when dealing with a troubling situation. Be patient. Take things one step at a time as you work through it.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Your curiosity leads you to ask questions. How-ever, the answers might not be what you hoped to hear. Don’t reject them without checking them out.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Be careful not to tackle a problem without suffi-cient facts. Even sure-footed Goats need to know where they’ll land before leaping off a mountain path.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Appearances can be deceiving. You need to do more investigating before investing your time, let alone your money, in something that might have some hidden flaws.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your recent stand on an issue could make you the focus of more attention than you would like. But you’ll regain your privacy, as well as more time with loved ones, by week’s end.

BORN THIS WEEK: You’re a good friend and a trusted confidante. You would be a wonderful teacher and a respected member of the clergy.

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

On Nov. 12, 1799, Andrew Ellicott Douglass, an early American astronomer born in Vermont, witnesses the Leonids meteor shower from a ship off the Florida Keys. Douglass’ journal en-try is the first known record of a meteor shower in North America.

On Nov. 11, 1885, George Smith Patton, one of the great American generals of World War II, is born in San Gabriel, Calif. Patton was one of the most controversial of the U.S. commanders, known to make eccentric claims that he was a direct descendant of great military leaders of the past through reincarnation.

On Nov. 8, 1895, physicist Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen becomes the first person to observe X-rays. Rontgen’s discovery occurred accidentally in his Wurzburg, Germany, lab, where he was testing whether cathode rays could pass through glass.

On Nov. 10, 1932, Roy Scheider, the actor best known for his role as the police chief of a beach community terrorized by a killer shark in the 1975 movie “Jaws,” is born in Orange, N.J. “Jaws,” directed by Steven Spielberg, became the first movie in history to gross more than $100 million.

On Nov. 14, 1941, “Suspicion,” a romantic thriller starring Cary Grant and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, makes its debut. The film marked the first time that Grant and Hitchcock worked together. The two would later collabo-rate on “Notorious,” “To Catch a Thief” and “North by Northwest.”

On Nov. 13, 1974, 28-year-old Karen Silkwood, a technician at a plutonium plant operated by the Kerr-McGee Corporation, is killed in a suspi-cious car accident near Crescent, Okla. She was on her way to a meeting with a reporter for The New York Times, reportedly with a folder full of documents that proved that Kerr-McGee was acting negligently when it came to worker safety at the plant.

On Nov. 9, 1989, East German officials open the Berlin Wall, allowing travel from East to West Berlin. The following day, celebrating Ger-mans began to tear down the wall, reducing it to rubble that was quickly snatched up by souvenir hunters.

1. MOVIES: In what Disney movie was Earth referred to as “Section 17, Area 51”?

2. MUSIC: What does the musical direction “subito” mean?

3. ACRONYMS: What does B.P.O.E. stand for?

4. SCIENCE: What term describes a plant’s in-voluntary tendency to grow toward light?

5. TELEVISION: What popular 1970s TV show featured a news writer named Murray Slaugh-ter?

6. COMMUNICATION: What is the code word for the letter “V” in international radio alphabet?

7. COMICS: Who was The Green Hornet’s side-kick?

8. U.S. STATES: Which of the United States has the nickname “Old Dominion State”?

9. RELIGION: Who was the founder of the Methodist Church?

10. HUMAN ANATOMY: What is a more com-mon name for the nares?

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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1. Robin Yount (1980, ‘82) and Jose Her-nandez (2001, ‘02).

2. Pitcher Carl Hubbell of the New York Giants.

3. Eight times.4. Michael Jordan (1985) and Elton

Brand (2000).5. No Vancouver Canuck led the NHL in

scoring for a season before Sedin.6. It was 1962.

7. Five, 1991-95.

1. “Lilo and Stitch”2. Suddenly

3. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks

4. Tropism5. “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”

6. Victor7. Kato

8. Virginia9. The Rev. John Wesley

10. Nostrils


1. The Concert for Bangladesh, on Aug. 1, 1971, at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

The concert raised $243 million.2. “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor. The song was used in the film “Rocky III.” The group won a

Grammy for their performance.3. “Shop Around” by the Miracles, along with

Smokey Robinson, in 1960.4. None other than The Boss, Bruce Springsteen,

in April 1976. 5. The name of the fifth studio album by U2. It won two Grammy Awards (Album of the Year

and Best Rock Performance) in 1988.6. The first duo name used by Art Garfunkel and Paul Simon in 1957. Their big success came in

1966 when the “Sounds of Silence” was released and then used in the film “The Graduate.”


Sports QuizAnswers

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international hit, “We Don’t Need Another Hero.”

• Turner was listed on Rolling Stone’s list “The Immortals — The Greatest Artists of All Time.” She is a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, and two of her recordings, “River Deep - Mountain High” (1999) and “Proud Mary” (2003), are in the Grammy Hall of Fame. Turner has won eight Grammy Awards

• Tina Turner is one of the top-selling music artists of all time, with record sales estimated at around 200 million copies.

Television Quiz Shows

Television quiz shows have been around as long as television itself. Actually, quiz shows pre-date TV and were a popular form of entertainment on radio.• “Major Bowes’ Original Amateur Hour” was

one of the first national radio programs to feature contestants competing for prizes. Other early radio quiz shows included “Professor Quiz” (CBS 1936), which awarded $25 cash prizes to anyone who could stump the professor. A large number of quiz shows appeared on

TINA TURNER (continued):

radio in 1937 and 1938. “Pot ‘O Gold” (NBC 1939) gave $1,000 to anyone who answered a telephone call during the show.

• The 1954 Supreme Court ruling in Federal Communications Commission v. American Broadcasting Co., Inc. 347 U.S. 284, said that quiz shows were not a form of gambling. This paved the way for their introduction to television.

• On June 7, 1955. CBS TV premiered “The $64,000 Question,” the biggest jackpot program in radio-TV history up to that time. With host Hal March, the Tuesday night program drew an amazing 84.8 percent share of the TV audience, a feat unheard of these days. Marine Captain Richard S. McCutchen became a national celebrity as an expert on cooking. Joyce Brothers would star as an expert on boxing.

• Herb Stempel’s scripted loss on “Twenty-One” to the more-popular Charles Van Doren occurred on December 5, 1956, and involved his deliberately getting the answer to a question about an Academy Award-winning movie wrong. (The correct answer was “Marty,” one of Stempel’s favorite movies.) After his loss, Stempel blew the whistle on the operation. Initially, he was dismissed as a sore loser. More evidence of the fix came from “Twenty-One” contestant James Snodgrass, who had sent registered letters to himself containing the advance answers. Such evidence was irrefutable.

• Quiz shows all but disappeared from prime time American television for decades. Those that continued to air had substantially reduced prizes, and many shows adopted limits on the number of games a player could win (usually five). Quiz shows became game shows, shifting focus from knowledge to puzzles and word games. A quiz for big money would not return until ABC premiered “100 Grand” in 1963; it went off the air after just three weeks.

• Today, “Jeopardy!” is a popular international television game show, originally devised by Merv Griffin, who also created “Wheel of Fortune.”

• Merv Griffin’s first idea for “Jeopardy!” used a

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board comprising 10 categories with 10 clues each, but after finding that this board could not be filmed easily, he reduced it to two rounds of 30 clues, with five clues each in six categories. Early on, Griffin discarded his original name for the show, “What’s the Question?” after a network executive suggested that the game “need[ed] more jeopardies.”

• “Jeopardy!” first aired on NBC from 1964 to 1975 and again from 1978 to 1979. Its most successful incarnation is the current Alex Trebek-hosted syndicated version, which has aired continuously since September 1984.

• “Wheel of Fortune” first aired in 1975 on daytime network television. The current version has been syndicated in prime time since September 19, 1983. Its 28th season premiered in 2010. It is the longest-running syndicated game show in American television history.