Tibetan Buddhists Celebrate Monlam

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Tibetan Buddhists Celebrate Monlam

Devotees bow to a passingTibetan Buddhist monk on his way to take part in a

special prayer during Monlam or the Great Prayer rituals on March 5, 2015

at the Labrang Monastery, Xiahe County, Amdo, Tibetan Autonomous

Prefecture, Gansu Province, China. Labrang Monastery is one of the six great

monasteries of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism and one of the largest

outside of the Tibetan Autonomous Region. Monlam, the most important

prayer event for many Tibetans was banned during the Cultural Revolution

in China but once again in recent years it is celebrated in many areas.

(Photos by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)