Thyroid disfunction and cognitive deficits research paper

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Thyroid Dysfunction and Cognitive Deficits in the Elderly

Tiffany Sinclair

Columbia College

November 28, 2011



The intention of this paper is to highlight the cognitive deficits associated with thyroid

function in the elderly. Thyroid function research has found connections to cognitive deficits

concerning memory impairment, depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and mood in

connection with even subclinical levels of thyroid hormone imbalance in the elderly affected.

The aging population appears to be impacted negatively at an even greater rate than the younger

population, and left untreated may suffer detrimental deficits including dementia. Medication

therapies concerning thyroid disorders have proven effective in counteracting deficits and may

also show with increased research, promise in slowing or preventing the onset of dementia in the

elderly population. A review of research on thyroid function will look to validate if and how

cognitive function is impaired by thyroid dysfunction, and if treatment can reverse cognitive and

mood deficits found in patients affected at subclinical and clinical levels.


Thyroid Dysfunction and Cognitive Deficits in the Elderly

Extensive research in the medical field has evaluated the impact of thyroid dysfunction

on cognition. The psychology field does not appear to have the expansive research warranted

given many of the findings in recent medical studies. Cognitive psychology may benefit from

further studies that focus on thyroid hormone (TSH) regulation in the body and the cognitive and

mood deficits patients may experience when left untreated. Diagnostics, treatment, and therapy

of affected patients may be compromised if a thyroid imbalance is left undetected, and

particularly in the elderly, may have detrimental effects to health and cognitive function.

Several studies have been reviewed to assess the value of thyroid hormones in cognitive

functioning and mood. The findings indicate that deficits may be found on both spectrums of

thyroid disorder, hyperthyroid and hypothyroid. Detection and treatment are vital to the

prevention and improvement of deficits in cognition and mood experienced, and may serve as an

invaluable resource in the study of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

To understand the importance of thyroid function in cognition, an understanding of

thyroid hormones should first be examined. The thyroid regulating hormone or thyrotropin

(TSH) is secreted by the pituitary gland while 2 other thyroid hormones are produced and

metabolized using iodine and selenium from the body; free thyroxine (FT4), and free

triiodothyronine (FT3) (Triggiani, et al., 2009). Together these elements allow the thyroid gland

to perform functions of “metabolism, growth, physiological processes, and reproductive

function” (Triggiani, et al., 2009). When factors and functions required to produce necessary

synthesis of these hormones are imbalanced, such as an increase or decrease in iodine or

selenium intake, or improper thyroid development or growth occurs, thyroid dysfunction may

result. When the thyroid does not function properly or hormones levels are improperly


distributed, studies have found cognitive and mood impairments in affected subjects compared to

control groups.

Considering the impact of iodine on proper thyroid function, the first study examined will

be the Invecchiare in Chianti study. This cross sectional study took place in the Italian town of

Chianti with almost 1200 volunteer participants ranging in age from 23-102, and categorizing

participants in groups of young and old as well as by severity of thyroid dysfunction (Ceresini, et

al., 2009). Those with dementia were excluded. Thyroid plasma concentration levels of TSH,

FT3, and FT4 were measured in participants, as well administering the Mini Mental State Exam

(MMSE) and adjusting for confounders. Subclinical thyroid dysfunction was found to be more

prevalent among the older population, with hyperthyroidism more prevalent than

hypothyroidism, which is the data of focus (Ceresini, et al., 2009). The research revealed age

correlates with hormones TSH and FT3 decreasing as age increases, while FT4 increased with

age. The subclinical hyperthyroid group scored lower on the MMSE than healthy controls, and

suffered more cognitive deficits. The study took place in an iodine deficient geographical

location; there is a possibility of iodine concentrations being related to the outcome of an

increased subclinical hyperthyroid older population (Ceresini, et al., 2009).

The Chianti study provides interesting data proposing geographical influence in thyroid

function due to iodine concentration. The study concluded that “subclinical hypothyroidism was

the most prevalent thyroid disorder in Italian elderly and is associated with cognitive deficits”

(Ceresini, et al., 2009). While assessing a large sample and providing insight into age and

severity of thyroid dysfunction categorically, did not however utilize an array of cognitive

focused tests to provide evidence of particular function deficits and mood. It is important to note

however cognitive deficits were found in even subclinical hyperthyroid affected subjects,


showing overt dysfunction is not necessary for deficits to arise. The prevalence among the older

population confirms findings in other studies who have found this population to be increasingly

affected by thyroid disorders as age increases.

The second study examined sought to determine if other impacts accompanied by aging

could explain the cognitive deficits found in elderly with thyroid dysfunction. The sample of 82

normal TSH and 15 untreated hypothyroid community elderly subjects volunteered and were all

highly educated (Cook, et al., 2002). This study assessed memory impairment in the elderly

associated with elevated TSH with MRI, cognitive, and depression testing as well as

anticholinergic medication serum measurements including: The MMSE, Rey Auditory Verbal

Learning Test, two measures from the Welscher’s Adult Intelligence Scale-III - The Digit

Symbol Coding Test and backward digital scan, blood TSH levels, geriatric depression scale,

two conditions using the verbal application of the N back test, White Matter Hyperintensiy

(WMH) and FLAIR image atrophy ratings determined by two individual neuroradiologists were

all used to represent and analyze the data (Cook, et al., 2002). Normal and high TSH groups

were compared using the testing data with multivariate analysis of variance, and ANCOVAS

were used to rule out MMSE scores as a result of cognitive impairments showing in the high

TSH group (Cook, et al., 2002).

The MRI and WMH results were compared to assess cardiovascular co-morbid

possibilities, and the geriatric depression scale was compared between groups to assess for co-

morbid depression. Findings indicated the high TSH group performed poorly on the MMSE and

verbal recall compared to the normal TSH group. These deficits may be overcome with hormone

replacement therapy which may be a consideration for those elderly with even mild elevations of

TSH. Subjects showing signs or symptoms of dementia were ruled out, however detection is


complex, and difficult to diagnose in the early stages (Cook, et al., 2002). The sample was

narrow due to the use of a community of highly educated elderly which may not represent the

global elderly population. The findings are significant given the wide array of testing to address

co-morbid possibilities however, and warrant further investigation into the treatment practices of

elderly patients showing even slight elevations of TSH.

Treatment may be crucial in the reversal of cognitive and mood deficits associated with

elevated THS levels. A study seeking to verify reversal of cognitive deficits in affected subjects

with increased thyroid hormone levels to the brain, found that levothyroxine (L-T4) treatment

may be effective in correcting mood and cognitive deficits in those with elevated TSH (Miller, et

al., 2006). With a control group of 14 and an untreated hypothyroid group of 10, verified by

elevated basil TSH levels, the 3 month study examined subjects of both sexes between the ages

of 18-55 pre and post treatment to verify difference. Prior to acceptance into the study, samples

were given medical, physical, neuropsychiatric, and neuropsychological screening. Independent

t test pre treatment, ANOVAS, Two-Tailed, hierarchical multiple regressions, and a HAM-D

scoring tests were applied to stages of the data to determine significance (Miller, et al., 2006).

The study revealed that the hypothyroid group post treatment with L-T4, had reduced

HAM-D depression scores and specific memory retrieval deficits, and increased short and long

delayed recall as well as improved mood. These results showed little change in the control

group, with the hypothyroid group ending in similar scores to the control group post treatment.

The researchers of this study also concluded that treatment and detection may be vital to the

prevention and further deficits that may accompany thyroid dysfunction associated with

hypothyroid and dementia with severe cases (Miller, et al., 2006). Untreated hypothyroid which

with severity may cause or increase the onset and deficits found in dementia, are an important


indication in this study that agrees with previous work by other research with the elderly and

thyroid dysfunction. Although the sample was small in this study, the testing measures may

prove to be a valuable contribution to future studies examining relationships between thyroid and

dementia for treatment outcomes. “Cognitive deficits simulating dementia can be caused by

thyroid dysfunction” (Mafrica & Fodale, 2008), and evidence found supporting thyroid

hormones relationship with the cholinergic system know to be impaired early on in those

suffering from Alzheimer’s disease (Mafrica & Fodale, 2008), suggests data from these studies

may be invaluable in determining early detection, origin, and treatment significance in long term

goals of prevention.

An interesting implication that surgery may cause or influence thyroid dysfunction also

sought to determine correlates of thyroid hormone imbalance to Alzheimer’s disease and

dementia. Euthroid sick syndrome (ESS) found in post operative patients, possibly caused by

psycho-physical stress, showed that reductions in T3 and T4 serum absent of increased TSH

occurred hours after major surgery, and in the elderly results in cognitive deficits which are

reversible (Mafrica & Fodale, 2008). Also important may be the early showing of negatively

regulated amyloid- β protein (AβPP) found in Alzheimer’s disease, which negative regulation of

the protein is also caused by imbalanced thyroid hormones; further suggesting the association of

thyroid hormones relating to the cholinergic system (Mafrica & Fodale, 2008). Thyroid

dysfunction impairs cognitive abilities including “attention, motor speed, memory, and visual-

spatial organization, even more so in the elderly with hypothyroidism, while hyperthyroid and

depression also cause significant cognitive impairment as well (Mafrica & Fodale, 2008).

Treatment of hormone replacement has been found to reverse and normalize these deficits

(Mafrica & Fodale, 2008).


An older study also researched the effect of hypothyroid on timing, activity, and speed

utilizing basic physical tests to track changes with hormone replacement treatment for

comparison with a previous study using a hyperthyroid test group. Test of keyboard tapping,

auditory and visual reaction time, estimation of time, and leg lift persists were used in

determining the cognitive deficits and improvements of thyroid groups compared to a control

group pre and post treatment in terms of arousal-performance (Stern, 1959). Both groups used

32 subjects of both sexes with the hypothyroid group coming from an outpatient endocrinology

clinic with diagnosed hypothyroidism with an age range of 22-67 with retest occurring after 6

months of treatment. While perhaps basic in methodology, the tests revealed that three of these

tests; tapping, audio, and visual reaction time, showed significant improvements from pre-test

measures, in the direction of the control group results. Tapping speed decreased with treatment

which was increased prior compared to the control group, and time estimation and leg lift

persists showed little change in either study between groups, even thought time estimation results

differed significantly in hypo and hyperthyroid groups compared to the normal controls (Stern,


The researcher concluded that the differences observed were due to arousal behavior,

which is described from slow to excited, with hypo at the low end, normal in the middle and

hyper at the high end (Stern, 1959). Similar associations to arousal were made in studies using

rats around the same time frame using motivation to discuss results. The study using three

groups to track and determine extinction, motivation, and rates of acquisition applied a modified

Skinners box with a bar to press for food as reward incentive to create operant response. The

study used a hypothyroid group by inducing hypothyroidism using thiouracil, and a hyperthyroid

group induced with thyroxine, and a control group injected with saline (Denenberg & Meyers,


Learning and hormone activity: I. Effects of thyroid levels upon the acquisition and extinction of

an operant response., 1958). Treatment was administered in three forms: Post weaning, upon

adulthood, or upon mastery of the operant response for each category and tested for motivation

using the learned operant response (Denenberg & Meyers, Learning and hormone activity: I.

Effects of thyroid levels upon the acquisition and extinction of an operant response., 1958).

Similar to the study above defining results in terms of arousal, this study using rats also

found significant correlations to differences in motivation representing the findings. No

differences were observed in extinction or acquisition rate between groups with analysis of

variance, however rate of response showed lower rates for the hypothyroid group and higher for

hyperthyroid group (Denenberg & Meyers, Learning and hormone activity: I. Effects of thyroid

levels upon the acquisition and extinction of an operant response., 1958). The same authors then

performed another study to test thyroid dysfunction in rats on learned operant response retention

using starvation as motivation again with the modified Skinners box and bar press for dispensing

food (Denenberg & Meyers, Learning and hormone activity: II. Effects of thyroid levels upon

retention of an operant response and upon performance under starvation.). The hypothesis was

that the thyroid altered rat groups would experience retention impact. Utilizing the same

methods as above to induce hypo and hyperthyroid states, 5 groups were tested: Staved control,

starved thiouracel, thyroxine, thiouracil, and control with saline groups (Denenberg & Meyers,

Learning and hormone activity: II. Effects of thyroid levels upon retention of an operant

response and upon performance under starvation.).

The findings indicated significant lower mean responses by the thiouracel groups, with

non-starved and starved both performing similarly. This indicated these groups had similar

motivational peaks unassociated with hunger drive in comparison to the other groups. The


authors concluded that thyroid impairment impacted motivation, however did not impact operant

recall (Denenberg & Meyers, Learning and hormone activity: II. Effects of thyroid levels upon

retention of an operant response and upon performance under starvation.). Advanced

technologies developed since these studies such as neuroimaging may prove useful in adaptation

models using similar techniques to induce hypo and hyper thyroid states for study in animals. To

determine brain reactions and changes with thyroid dysfunction over ages and in conjunction

with dementia and Alzheimer’s findings for comparison, may prove valuable for research

regarding the elderly response to thyroid dysfunction and the cognitive deficits associated.

Updated techniques and technology may help to validate or determine the findings in outdated

research, which applied to diseases in the elderly such as dementia and Alzheimer’s may allow

for renewed understanding and new or improved results lending to cognitive ability impacts and

origins associated with thyroid dysfunction.

Thyroid dysfunction not only impacts cognitive functions, but also emotion (Bauer,

Goetz, Glenn, & Whybrow, 2008). Hypothyroidism may impair “general intelligence,

psychomotor speed, visual-spatial skills and memory” unattributed to attention deficit, but

caused by specific retrieval deficits (Bauer, Goetz, Glenn, & Whybrow, 2008), which

specificities have also been indicated and highlighted in studies throughout this paper. Thyroid

metabolism in the adult brain being disrupted can also lead to two common causes of thyroid

dysfunction: Autoimmune disorders such as Graves disease result in hyperthyroidism and

Hashimototo’s thyroiditis result in hypothyroidism. In addition to impairing mood and

intellectual performance, severe forms of hypothyroidism can result in severe depression and

even “mimic dementia” which may result in irreversible dementia when left untreated (Bauer,

Goetz, Glenn, & Whybrow, 2008). Less severe forms affecting patients with treatment will


likely recover normal cognitive function upon return to euthyroid status (Bauer, Goetz, Glenn, &

Whybrow, 2008).


While researching data concerning cognitive deficits associated with thyroid dysfunction,

there was an apparent gap in reference material in the psychology database compared to the

medical database. Given the important and relevant data provided in the medical research on this

topic, it is clear that the field of psychology is lagging in research crucial to diagnostic, etiology,

and treatment data necessary for incorporation. The psychology field exposed to patients with

possible symptoms of thyroid dysfunction may miss-diagnose or delay vital treatment id thyroid

dysfunction remains undetected, particularly in the elderly population exhibiting early signs of

dementia. Many of the studies utilized extensive testing to determine findings, which may be

helpful if data is cross referenced to determine best testing outcomes and measures specifically

for thyroid hormone related studies. Further research should extend the studies in length to

accommodate proper treatment satisfaction to euthyroid levels before or in addition to post

testing as full achievement of normal thyroid levels may take up to two years to acquire.

Important to note in researching thyroid dysfunction and cognitive defects, is a lack of data on

patients having complete thyroidectomies, or removal of the thyroid gland. Studies may benefit

from researching this category of patients with the ability to track average time for full return to

euthyroid status and deficits encountered pre and post surgery.


The studies performed allow for considerable opportunities to further past research using

improved technology and updated knowledge of thyroid dysfunction, and may give insight into


complex and irreversible diseases consuming so many resources for answers. Ultimately the

fields of neuroscience and psychology may provide much needed insight into thyroid metabolism

and cognitive deficits resulting from dysfunction by combining recourses and research focused

on the etiology of dementia and Alzheimer’s from the perspective of thyroid hormone impacts.

There is little doubt given the findings among these studies that thyroid hormones have a

cognitive, physical, and emotional impact in the negative direction when imbalanced, and further

investment in research among age groups and severity is warranted and perhaps even holds the

key too many solutions affecting our elderly population.



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