Through the Years 1942 There are now many memorials honoring the troops in the Bataan Death March.

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Transcript of Through the Years 1942 There are now many memorials honoring the troops in the Bataan Death March.

Through the Years


There are now many memorials honoring the troops in the Bataan Death March

Japanese soldiers are greatly outnumbered. Only one Japanese soldier can oversee every 300 U.S. soldiers.

Why didn’t the U.S. soldiers rebel?

Some of them had to walk for three days straight. They were so weak that a march that would have only taken one day, took three

June 4-7: Battle of Midway, Japan attempts to destroy what’s left of Pacific fleet & US carriers. Pivotal naval battle, US wins and protects Hawaii from invasion. Japan loses 4 carriers and much aircraft in the battle.

February, a Japanese submarine surfaces off of Santa Barbara California and shells an oil storage site

How do you think the United States reacts to having Japanese ships this close?

In September the Japanese Bomb Oregon

Spring: Island hoppingIn the Spring “Island Hopping” becomes an adopted technique. It is a strategy where only certain islands are captured and other were bypassed

Germans begin sending U-Boats to coast of USA (U-869, a Type IXC, was found off coast of southern NJ in 1991)

December 7th 1941December 7th 1941 December 8th, 1941December 8th, 1941

U.S. Marines are deployed. They will continue their training in New Zealand

Marines arrive in New Zealand for a very short stay. They leave for a top secret mission.


This Island Paradise would become home to one of the bloodiest Marine Battles in history

This Island Paradise would become home to one of the bloodiest Marine Battles in history

Guadalcanal is located in the Solomon Islands. What recent geological event occurred near the Solomon Islands? How is it effecting the locals?

Executive Order 9066February 19th, 1942

By Executive Order 9066 the United States begin to move people of Japanese Ancestry into Internment Camps.

Why were Japanese-Americans removed from the West Coast?

Training at Parris Island

Japanese Take over Guadalcanal

Early May- Australians evacuate Tulagi when Japan takes over. This was a staging point.

May- July- Japanese occupy Guadalcanal, and begin to build an airbase.

August 7th and 8th 1942August 7th 1942- American troops land in Guadalcanal

10,000 American troops and 2,000 Japanese troops

August 8th, 1942- American Troops take Henderson fieldPrevents Japanese from landingName it after a fallen soldier in the Battle of Midway

November 12th-15th 1942

Naval Battle of Guadalcanal Naval Battle of Guadalcanal

February 1-7th 1942

•Last push for the Battle of Guadalcanal• Japanese decide to pull out troops•By February 9th, 1943 Japanese decide to evacuate all troops.

1942 five brothers known as the Sullivan brothers are assigned to the same light naval cruiser- the USS Juneau.

In the summer of 1942 in the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, the USS Juneau is sunk by a Japanese submarine.

All five brothers perished.

Jan 20: The Wannsee Conference is held near Berlin; The Holocaust is planned and put into German law and policy.

Jan 26: First group of US troops arrive in the U.K.

Why is it historically significant that the Holocaust was signed into ‘law’?

The gas chambers and crematories were destroyed before liberation. Here are the ruins.

Prisoner blocks were a way to group prisoners. Most of the wooden barracks have deteriorated by now, but the chimneys still stand.

Imagine riding on the train into Auschwitz… What do you think were some emotions running through peoples minds at they made this journey?

Arbeit Macht Frei-Written above the entry way at Auschwitz Prison Camp. What does it mean?

In a few years I’ll be a U.S. President!

Who is this?

June 25: Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander arrives in the U.K. The British wanted an English commander of all forces, but the US said

"We are providing more troops, we are in charge.“

By November Nov 8: Operation Torch: US forces arrive to fight the Germans in North Africa; US troops do not do well.

Dec 2: Major EventDec 2: Professor Enrico Fermi sets up an atomic reactor in Chicago.

After Fermi wins the Nobel Peace Prize, he and his family immigrate Chicago. He later becomes part of the Manhattan Project.

Why is the development of the Atomic Reactor significant?

July: Germans had three major cities to capture: Leningrad in the north, Moscow in the center, and Stalingrad in the south. The push for Stalingrad comes first. Stalin tells his troops “Not one step back”.

WWII Through the Years1943I’m a future U.S.


February 1st- Japanese begin retreat from Guadalcanal, the first major land defeat.

A United States Intelligence Team (codename Magic) intercept and de-code Japanese itineraries for Yamamoto (the guy that thought up Pearl Harbor.)

Roosevelt gives the order to have him ‘taken out’ and as Yamamoto is taking a tour of military facilities in the Solomon Islands, American pilots shoot him down.



The last picture of Yamamoto alive (April 18th, 1943)

The Death of Yamamoto was a major blow to Japanese morale. They greatly mourned his passing

The had a large public funeral.

The Japanese threaten that they will now KILL any captured US Pilots. They do.

Pt’s (Patrol Torpedo) go to patrol the Pacific. A small PT- 109 goes to try and intercept the Tokyo express

PTs were nicknamed the Mosquito fleet. Why do you think that was?

They were unsuccessful and shot down by an enemy ship. The entire crew could have been lost at sea (and 2 were) But their young and skilled captain evacuated them to safety on a nearby island. They were rescued days later.Their captain was John F

Kennedy and he would later be awarded with the Navy Marine Medal for lifesaving.

At the Casablanca Conference the Allies agree that the War can ONLY end with the unconditional surrender of Germany.

Also, Roosevelt is the first US President to fly while in office

US begins to attack Germany. The bombers who go in are known as Memphis Belle. They need to complete 25 missions in order to go home. The journey is dangerous, and pilots are in extreme danger with each mission….

Capt. Morgan

May: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

In 1943 feeling that his SS Officers couldn’t control the situation Hitler gives the order to level the entire area to the ground. Here are the ruins.

June 8th- Allied Forces invade Italy- try to move up ‘the boot’

Troops meet some opposition but by September 8th Italy surrenders! Hitler moves Nazi troops to occupy Northern Italy (above Rome)

November 8th The Big 3 Meet in Terhan to discuss what will happen to Germany at the end of the war.

Soviets encircle the Germans at Stalingrad; the Germans are cut off and slowly destroyed. Germans lose 700,000 and the Russians lose 1.2 million in this battle.

Soviet Soldier marches a German P.O.W. to captivity

A Soviet Soldier waves the flag after Germany surrenders.

Why does the Battle of Stalingrad represent a pivotal point in WWII?







July 5th-8th Kursk LARGEST Tank battle in History! Germans lose and they never regain the offense against Russia.

From here it is all RETREAT! The tide is changing…. Hmmm what will happen in 1944????