Through NEH Landmarks Workshop: Analysis Creator ... · mtj1.055_1135_1136/?sp=1 Jefferson’s...

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Transcript of Through NEH Landmarks Workshop: Analysis Creator ... · mtj1.055_1135_1136/?sp=1 Jefferson’s...

Room 2: Master & Creator

Task: How did planned landscapes define Jefferson and his legacy?

Welcome to the Lobby

Room 1: Expressing

Social Values Through


Classroom application

Room 3: Primary Source


NEH Landmarks Workshop: Jefferson & Community Life at Monticello and UVa

Name of research group: Landscape

Teacher Bios

Intro to Jefferson Click Portrait

Name of MuseumTeacher Bios

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Kimberly Brownlee is a high school English teacher in Liberty, Mo. (top L)

Amie Cox is a certified media specialist in Crawfordsville, Indiana. (mid L)

Joe Hummel is a high school Social Studies teacher in New York City. (lwr L)

Brett Lutz is a Junior High History teacher in Centreville, Michigan (top R)

Michael Miragliuolo is a high school social studies teacher in Cary, NC. (mid R)

Isabel Witkowski is a high school social studies teacher in Newark, NJ. (lower R)

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Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Lindsey Warneka under the direction of Dr. Christy Keeler during a Teaching American History grant module. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.

Name of MuseumHow do Jefferson’s planned landscapes express his

social values?

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Artifact 2

The Evolution of the Planned Landscape for


Artifact 4

The Evolution of Monticello

Jefferson’s Tombstone

Image Courtesy of Thomas Jefferson Foundation

Image Courtesy of Tracy W. McGregor Library of American History, Special Collections Department, UVa Library

Image courtesy of jplouis

Name of MuseumHow does the landscape at Monticello reflect Jefferson as

master and creator?

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Artifact 5

Jefferson's Legacy

Artifact 7

Jefferson as Master Jefferson as


Image courtesy of

Name of MuseumHow does artifact evidence & primary source material inform

scholars’ understanding of Jefferson’s landscape?

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Artifact 8

A Day in the Life

Artifact 10

Analyzing Archaeological


Analyzing Primary


Image courtesy of

Image courtesy of

Name of MuseumHow can your research / resources be used in the classroom?

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Artifact 11

Common Core State Standards

Artifact 13

Document Based Question Resources

Teacher Resources

Image courtesy of

Name of Museum Jefferson’s Landscape

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Name of Museum

Three Phases of Mulberry Row in Comparison to the Evolution of Monticello

Evolution of Landscape at Monticello

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Guiding Question: How does the changing landscape at Monticello convey Jefferson’s

perception of enslaved people?

Image courtesy of

Images courtesy of Louis Nelson

View of the dependencies from the main house. View of the main house from the dependencies.

Name of Museum

Planned Landscape at UVa

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Pic (left) - courtesy of Dave Norris

“There is an unmistakable hierarchy of spaces at work in Jefferson’s original design.” by Jim Cocola, former lecturer, UVa

Guiding Question: What components of Jefferson’s planned landscape of UVa segregated the enslaved from the free?

(Jefferson’s West Range Architectural drawings courtesy of the University of Virginia, )

Name of Museum

Thomas Jefferson’s instructions for his tombstone:

Jefferson’s Tombstone

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Images courtesy of

Guiding Question: What do the words on Jefferson’s tombstone suggest about his view of himself?

Name of Museum


Read TJ, Memorandum to Edmund Bacon, 13 May 1807

Guiding Question: According to Thomas Jefferson in this

memo to his overseer Edmund Bacon, what are TWO

broad areas of responsibility Bacon was expected to


Jefferson as Master

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Name of Museum


-Click HERE

-Click on and read “To Labor for Another”

-At the bottom of the page, click on and read “”Attending to my Farm”

Guiding Question: What are TWO reasons Jefferson maintained and did not free his enslaved people at Monticello?

A Day in the Life

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Picture courtesy of

Name of Museum

How does the Epitaph of Jefferson’s tombstone indicate that he is a creator in his world and not just a participant?

Jefferson as Creator

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Name of Museum


-Click HERE; then Query the Database (single click) to see options.

-Click Object Query > Select Object Query 1 (Basic Object inventory)

-In Step 1, select “North America”

-Under Virginia heading, find Monticello Plantation and select Building S (the dwelling of an enslaved person).

Guiding Question: What does the collection of artifacts tell us about the life and times of the people who made them and used them?

Digital Archaeology Archive of Comparative Slavery

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Name of Museum

John Adams Video Excerpt

Text of Declaration of Independence

Picture & Link to UVA

Virginia Bill of Religious Freedom

Why did Jefferson consider these three to be his greatest accomplishments?

Why is President not listed?

Jefferson’s Legacy

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Engraving by Peter Maverick of the plan of UVA, after Jefferson's drawing, 1826.

Image courtesy of

Name of Museum


Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.


Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.


Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author's point of view or purpose


Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.


Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the same topic.

Common Core Standards

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Name of Museum

Cocola, Jim. The Ideological Spaces of the Academical Village: A Reading of the Central Grounds at the University of Virginia. 16 Dec. 2004. Web. 29 July 2016.

Norris, Dave. Serpentine Wall at UVa, 1952. 28 February 2007. Web. 29 July 2016.


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