Three vital elements of story for speakers. Your Story Matters. Don't Waste it

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Your Story Matters. Don't Waste it. Learn three of the vital elements of storytelling that will make your stories engage, resonate and add power to your presentations.

Transcript of Three vital elements of story for speakers. Your Story Matters. Don't Waste it

Your Story Matters.

Speak Your Story.

Don’t Waste It.

Your Story Matters

Because YOU Matter

And Your Story MattersWH Y

… because for centuries, millennia, we used story

to communicate, to teach, to learn…

… our culture, our laws, our rules for survival

… learned via story

Absolutely vital lessons



As a species, then, we have become, out of necessity,

for story

WIREDListeners enter the Storytelling Trance

Heart rates slow

Resistance is lowered

They enter into the Story

They look for the learning



Story creates an emotional connection


To audiences drowning in information, stories are a lifeline, a funnel, that provides focus

and meaning

Your Story Matters.Don’t Waste It.

Make best use of your story with, at least, these three of the vital

elements of story.

Don’t Waste It.

1. vivid …Listeners in the storytelling trance report feeling that they were in the story, living it.

That happened because the storyteller described it for them ….

… but only enough to support the point of the story. They created the rest for themselves which means they took ownership of the story.

Use vivid description

2. structure

Logical structure = easily followed






Classic, well-known, powerful … The Story Arc

YouOrdinary person (resonates with your audience ) facing increasing challenges

3. “Hero”


… an individual, a “face”


because we suffer from “compassion overload”

The Mercy Corps, fundraising for humanitarian aid, sent two emails

Email One: Listing famine, crop failure and drought

Email Two: Describing a child in Africa who lost her home and village to soldiers.

Email 1 => one donation for every 3000 emails

Email 2 => one donation for every 142 emails

nobody ever marched on Washington because of a pie chart. If you want to connect with your audience, tell them a story.” ~Andy Goodman

“Numbers numb, jargon jar, and

vivid …structure

hero …

Those 3 elements …

Your Story Matters.Don’t Waste It.

Need more help with your story?

Go to: for details of workshops, online courses, free tips and V.I.P. Coaching

Your Story Matters.

Don’t Waste It.