Three Gorges Dam Dan Joyce

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Three Gorges Dam Dan Joyce

What is the Three Gorges Dam?

• The three gorges Dam is the worlds biggest dam, it is two miles long and is the worlds biggest provider of hydro electricity. It is over 2 miles long and will produce up to 22,500 megawatts of electricity.

Where is the Three Gorges Dam?

• The three Gorges dam is located in China near the city of Chongqing on the river Yangtze.

Why was the Three Gorges Dam built?

• To replace the use of coal for providing electricity for parts of China and to make China a cleaner more eco friendly country.

What evidence can you find to argue the Dam was a good idea?

• The three gorges dam was a good idea because it provides good clean eco friendly energy for China, it also lowers the CO2 emissions of China by not making China so reliant on coal burning, it also provides plenty of jobs for local people and will save China a lot of money in the long run.

What evidence can you find to argue against the Dam being built?

• The three gorges was not a good idea because it has made lots of pollution in its making and will take a while to pay it off. Independent scientist have also been saying that the building of the dam and flooding of the valleys is causing landslides and forcing people to move from there homes or be flooded.