three-fishes photography

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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artists - writers - musicians

Transcript of three-fishes photography

three-fishes photographyB U S I N E S S P RO P O S A L

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Career Pathway

portraiture photography from a photojournalism perspectivewedding, events and celebrations of all kinds

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The business is me. The artist behind the camera.

I will build my business up in the following stages:

stage one: Create budget photography packages for weddings. Basic Price: $2000 - 2 hours brief, 6 hours photography, 4 hours post production and delivery of disc with 600-800 images for the client to use in whatever way they choose. Two week turn around. Travel expenses if outside Wollongong/Newcastle. Extra time (ie reception) 7 hours @ $850

stage two: Photography books/slideshows, yet to be priced.


Briefing sheet. Contract and release forms. Working with children checks. To document an event that can never be repeated. Insurance for cameras and public liability for events.


I would like to travel and document remote communities around the world. To find the beauty in the everyday and celebrate community.

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the vision

truth ~ beauty ~ love

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To come from heart to tell the story. The physical story. The emotional story.


To reflect community back on itself in a celebration of humanity. To capture and celebrate the moments within an event and the intimate connections between people and the story they are creating together - more than the individual. Connecting people and alleviating misunderstanding.


In truth there is great beauty. The beauty in the truth of being is that we find love.

With a photo-journalistic approach to capture the moments of intimacy, community and humanity in the connections we make. To make people feel special and to capture the moments between people as they relate to one another.

To show the beauty of the everyday, in the mundane or the taken for granted, the familiar and the overlooked. To really look and to really see.

I want to show people their inner beauty. I want to be able to document something that is more valuable than the picture - the experience and the story. To connect with them on a personal level and make a difference in their lives through simply validating them, listening and observing and showing them their grace and beauty.

Producing a high quality creative product that reflects the truth and integrity of the people involved. Being proud of the final creative effort that I provide in the way of the final photos. Satisfaction in a job well done - a well crafted and beautiful image that is part of a larger story.

To utilise new technologies only when they enhance my current work, not simply as novelty approaches.

To be different, yet telling an age old story of humanity that we all find familiar.

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the mission

to build a profitable photography business

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Work hard.

Be reliable.

Attract work that is based around community. Bringing people together.

Be the photographer that people go to for events, functions, celebrations, documentaries, community work and more. To specialise in photographing community and connections between people. To make people feel good about themselves and their communities. To give hope and confidence in oneself. To empower.

Travel and interact with many people from many different walks of life. To be able to support myself and my children financially and also satisfy my creative needs. To pick and choose the work I want to do and charge accordingly for it.

Aim to book an event a month.

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affordable quality photography

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Basic Price: $2000 - 2 hours brief, 6 hours photography, 4 hours post production and delivery of disc with 600-800 images for the client to use in whatever way they choose. Two week turn around. Travel expenses if outside Wollongong/Newcastle. Extra time (ie reception) 7 hours @ $850

In time I can extend this service to book making and slideshows but these in themselves are another $2000 and use a lot more time with less profit return on my behalf as I have to outsource the printing and materials.

Start with a simple pricing for a simple product and do it well.

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Camera sponsorship. Mentorship through the AIPP. Continued education and master classes to gain more knowledge in the industry.

Networks and research into them is held at: Photography Association Law Centre of Australia

Enter all local competitons and many others. Get a list together of all the photography competitions and awards out there and enter them all.

Be visible, attend conferences relevant to my work, exhibition openings, awards nights and more. Be a visible presence online and market my work in as many ways as I can through other sites.

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website:Build a dedicated photography website to showcase my work. It will have a gallery/portflio, contact, about, pricing, testimonials, blog and a client login for sharing photos.

I will use my three-fishes tumblr blog as the common place to write up my blogs and distribute them onto my facebook page, twitter and website. Everything links.

flyer :create a card or flyer that I can distribute to various local businesses to market myself and gain clients. Look at The Riverboat Postman, HANG, The Edge, Broken Spines, Gosford Regional Gallery and more. Focus on Professional Wedding Photography for events and celebrations of all types.

Use this flyer to market online and look at doing some opening specials of 15% off through the internet and with the flyer.

portfolio:Create a digital booklet that showcases my work and includes prices and testimonials. It would include my best portraiture - divided into weddings, events, music, festivals etc. - or one simply for weddings.

Have an e-book link on my card/flyer with the same booklet uploaded.

Approach wedding function centres with this booklet and cards directing to the link.

database of potential clients:Database of clients/artists/collaborators/suppliers etc..

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social media: When I take photos leave a business card or teaser card with the people I have photographed directing them to my website and social media pages. If I tell them the photos will be up on my FB page they can then log on, like my page and have access to my website, and tag themselves.

When they tag themselves it means that all their friends can can then see my page and they can also like it. I am getting greater exposure and when they are looking for a photographer they will know to contact me as long as I keep the quality of my work high and a professional demeanour and well run business that delivers on time as quoted.

It will be vital to upgrade my business blogs every day - take two hours a week to upload photos and set up blogs for the future. Work from my tumblr blog and ensure that I set up a week’s worth of blogs every week.

Of course they would have to agree to having their image online and althgouh this may not mean a release form, it is a conversation that is necessary to have before I upload any images.

My tumblr bog would be more like a story than a blog. The tale of three fishes. Truth, Beauty, Love. A fable. An allegory. Each believed they were more important than the other but none could survive without the other ... little fish - big fish - swimming in the river...

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competitions, grants and awards

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See my tumblr blog for full listing of competitions and up to date additions.

competitions:Head On The Moran Portrait Prize Sydney Life Photographic Prize Macquarie Photographic Prize

awards:International Loupe Awards

databases of competitions:

grants:The Ian Potter Foundation The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund The Seed Fund The Australia Council for the Arts

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It was really good to think about this. I didn’t realise until I did that I don’t have any direction in life. I have a few things I would like to do but I have never quantified or qualified what they are. Of course I won’t be going anywhere if I don’t know where I want to be. It was confronting to think about where I would like to be at the end of my life. What I wanted to have achieved, what I had done. I realised it is not material goals I am focused on but I can add material goals in and achieve them. The big picture was about relationships however. Family and friends.

lifetime goals:Be happy Learn a language by living in a community that speaks other than English - Spain, France Learn the guitar Learn the piano Learn to sing Sing at Open Mic night Write my own songs Win the Archibald Win the Moran Write one or more books Love and be loved Watch my grandchildren grow up Love my children and show them Make art and live creatively Live from my heart - intuitively, instinctively, tempered by intelligence

ten year goals:Be in a healthy, positive, romantic relationship with a partner, exciting, interesting, work together as a team Have built a career as a photo journalist and artist that enables me to travel around the world working with a variety of communities and people in a team of professionals that inspire and motivate me to create and connect. To make a postive difference to people’s lives Own my house Make enough money to pay for all my needs and have more left over to put into charitable works or for those in need or to run my artist in residence programme for free if I choose. Support my children in their educational, academic, emotional and financial goals Have a manager or manage myself Have a healthy business that includes a PA for me and photography assistants etc as required. Travel regularly for work and pleasure Work with local indigenous communities Develop relationships with as many communities as possible in the time available to me. Have enough money to retire Be teaching as required Learn to love others

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five year goals:Thriving business - fully booked (as much as I choose) - bringing in enough to pay the mortgage (and more) and raise the family. Get Sculpture by the River up and running with international regcognition Regular Arts practise 3 days a week Guitar lessons once a week Piano lessons once a week

one year goalsUnderstand/know what it means to live from my heart - what does this look like? Feel like? start with recognising what I want to do and what feels right. Follow this and trust the process, no matter where it takes me. Hold the feeling and follow. Art exhibitions at Hang and Platform 72 Regular arts practise 3 days a week Two days a week business planning/work Give up drinking for good.

six month goals:Revise business goals Contribute to group shows

three month goals:Finish marketing for my business - website, business cards/flyer, book of work, networks, etc Regular two days a week on my business Regular three days a week arts practice

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GOAL AREASFAMILY AND HOME: A happy family and kids; a partner who loves me for me and who I love and accept for them; a home where I can retire and other places to live when I travel; a home with a vege garden and in a great community; living in nature and close to the earth;

FINANCIAL AND CAREER: Work doing what I love; creating for a living; working with others to bring joy to others; financially well off without working so hard that I sacrifice family and/or friends; earn enough money to own my own house and finance my retirement when I choose to take it;

SPIRITUAL AND ETHICAL: Learn to live from heart; in touch with myself and my needs; living with intuition and insight and instinct; living with integrity; not ruled by my mind.

PHYSICAL AND HEALTH: Not drinking; physically fit and healthy; eating well and right for my body; eating organic and whole foods; good weight for my size; flat stomach; strong; strong bones; meantally healthy and at peace; mentally sharp and stable;

SOCIAL AND CULTURAL: Interacting with communities for my work; large social circle of friends and acquaintences; time for myself and my family; learning and exploring new cultures; meeting new people;

MENTAL AND EDUCATIONAL: always learning; learn the guitar, learn to sing; learn the piano; learn another language; mentally sharp

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self analysis

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to respond with their art to the river and surrounds ... what are your strengthsGraphic Designer for 20 years, technologically competent, perfectionist, good worker, logical, organised, rational thinker, thinker, intellectual, academic, get on well with others, present well, an eye for detail, an eye for recognising good quality art, desire and motivation to succeed, good across a variety of areas and skills,

what are your weaknesses?Get tired when I work too hard, single parent which limits my availability, perfectionist, think too much, shy in unfamiliar situations, take time to observe and relax to create the right picture, sometimes lazy (tired), work in bursts, spread too thin and need to focus on one area of achievement at a time, don’t ever seem to have enough time,

what are your opportunities?Local contacts, local galleries, local business, the riverboat Postman, Hang Gallery, Gosford Regional gallery, The edge, Platform 72, TAFE,

what are your threats?Finding ways to establish myself and gain work, distractions of the social side of what is going on locally.

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BUSINESS GOALS:year one:Set up business website, flyers/cards for advertising Network with local business to advertise my product Blog once a week for two hours (set up seven days of posts) Find and work with a mentor (Sue Bryce?) Work 2 days a week Enter prizes/awards Set up Mailing List Solo Show - locally and at Platform 72 Darlinghurst

year two:all of the above plus ... Aim to book one event/wedding/function a month Apply for a grant Travel with my work and be able to take my kids with me on occasion Work on a documentary (paid)

year three:all of the above plus ... be in demand and sought after for events be able to pick and choose the work I would like Publish a book

year five:all of the above plus ... Have paid off my home Started working in film/sound and cinematography

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skills portfolio

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visual arts:ceramics




exhibitions:see Skills Portfolio e-book

awards/competitions:Semi finalist for the Moran 2012 Short listed for Head On 2011

skills:photoshop indesign illustrator

education:see Skills Portfolio e-book

experience:graphic design other (ie work)

see Skills Portfolio e-book


three-fishes photography

in conjunction with a personal arts practice