Three Examples of Food That Can Help Whiten Teeth

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Three Examples of Food That Can Help Whiten Teeth

Food That Helps Whiten Teeth


Don’t be fooled by their bright red colour, because this fruit actually has what is called malic acid. According to Dr. Irwin Smigel, “malic acid acts as a natural astringent to remove surface tooth discolouration.”

PineapplesPineapples pineapples don’t only help restore the white teeth colour, it also helps fight against cavities and dental infections.

Celery, apples and carrots These crunchy foods also help cleanly scrub the teeth, and kill bad breath-causing bacteria.

Healthily White Teeth

At The Dental Company, we have a number of different teeth whitening treatments available so you can choose which suits you best. You can choose from the Pola whitening procedures, in surgery whitening, or have us prepare a kit so you can do your own teeth whitening at home.