Thomas edison

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Transcript of Thomas edison

Thomas EdisonBy Destiny Maitland

Thomas Edison’s Date Of Birth and Where It Was

Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847.

He was born in Milan, New Jersey in the United States of America


Thomas Edison was the last child ode Samuel Odgen Edison Jr. and Nancy Matthews Elliot.

He started to develop hearing problems at an early age.


He was homeschooled by his mother because he was having problems with the teachers.

He studied the field of science and studied how to telegraph


He didn’t actually invent the light bulb but, made it better that it was before.

The only thing that Thomas Edison actually making the electric chair.

Events From 1867-1931

One thing that happened during the period of time of 1867 to 1931 was World War I

World War I was 1914 to 1919. Thomas Edison develops the first

incandescent light bulb. This happened on October 21st, 1879.

Influence on Society

His influence on society is when he made the electric light bulb

Without the light bulb we can’t see anything when it is dark.

Awards Won By Thomas Edison

Officer of the Legion of Honor

The Matteucci Medal The John Scott Medal The Edward Lognstreth


Quotes By Thomas Edison

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.’


Thomas Edison did a positive thing for the community. He helped us see in rooms in the dark.

Even though Thomas Edison did not make the first light bulb he helped by making it better than it was before