This week Columbus’ brewing history is on tap · 2017. 4. 24. · ence Park, 679 West Spring...

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Transcript of This week Columbus’ brewing history is on tap · 2017. 4. 24. · ence Park, 679 West Spring...

ColumbusMetropolitan Club

– Calendar of Events –



Monday, April 24, 2017

Columbus’ brewing history is on tap

In the last 6 mos, area hospitals have seen an average of 13 overdoses EACH DAY. What?! #cbusforum

@ColsFire Chief Davis:there’s no textbook on how to fi x this; we need to meet people where they are in their recovery.Dr. Teresa Long: It takes a community working together to break heroin’s deadly grip@ADAMHFranklin

Royer: we hope to produce a plan with metrics and accountability that the whole community can embrace. #cbusforum – Kelly Atkinson


CMC forums are held at the Boat House at Confl u-ence Park, 679 West Spring Street, Columbus, OH 43215. Free parking. Check-in for forums is at 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at noon. The program con-cludes at 1:15 p.m. and guests are encouraged to continue the conversation in the lobby with coffee and cookies.

CMC members, the deadline for early-bird registra-tion, $22 is Friday at midnight, prior to the standard Wednesday luncheon forum. Pre-paid reservations are required. The price is $25 for CMC members; $35 for CMC members’ guests; and $45 for the general public.

Reservations can be made online at or by calling (614) 464-3220 ext. 1. Anyone requesting additional information may contact Jane Scott, President and CEO; Andrew Campbell, Vice President of Programming; Debby Rosenthal, Vice President of Member Relations and Marketing, or Lanie Cuthbert, Event Coordinator.

Brewing beer has been so prevalent in our community’s history that it’s been said that alcohol fueled Columbus’ economy by providing jobs and contrib-uting to charitable causes and business enterprises.

From the creation of breweries in the early days of Columbus to today’s popular craft brewers, beer has played a signifi cant role in the history of the city.

The Charles Y. and Frances N. Lazarus legacy forum that celebrates Columbus’ history, features the story of beer and breweries in Columbus.

Panelists Jay Hoster, great-great-grandson of Columbus brewer Louis Hoster, Megan Wood, director of muse-um and library Services for Ohio History Connection and others will tap the rich brewery history in Columbus.

In the 1980s, as part of their efforts to redevelop the area just southwest of downtown, the Edwards Companies coined the term Brewery District to describe the neighborhood of historic breweries that once thrived along Front Street.

German immigrants to Columbus in 19th century settled in that area, because it was less expensive living

“down-stream” and because of a plenti-ful water supply from natural springs for their breweries.

Drive by today and you can see the Hoster and Schlee names on the top of the buildings noting the breweries and families that worked and lived nearby.

On the east side of High Street, many of the German immigrants established their homes creating what would later become the revived historic German Vil-lage. On Front street at the “dip” in the road, Hoster established the L. Hoster Brewing Company in 1836, which be-came the largest brewery in the area.

Other breweries of the early era included Schlee, Schlegel, Blenkner, Gambrinus, Washington, Born, City Park and combinations of these names representing various brewery partner-ships.

Toward the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries, the breweries lost favor in the community. Anti-immigrant and specifi cally anti-German senti-ment grew to a crescendo when the US entered World War I in 1917.

Concurrently, the temperance move-ment was gaining attention in Hillsboro,

Ohio where the Woman’s Christian Tem-perance Union organized in 1873.

Due to overwhelming support of its mission, the Anti-Saloon League moved its headquarters to Westerville in 1909. Even though Ohio had voted 58 of its 88 counties dry in 1917, the fi nal blow for Columbus’ breweries didn’t come until the 18th amendment in 1919 for the prohibition of alcoholic beverages.

Fast forward to 1988, more than 50 years after the repeal of prohibition, the Columbus Brewing Company spurred by the Edwards’ neighborhood restora-tion and under the direction of Scott Francis, began producing beer again in the Brewery District. Ironically, Francis also helped guide the creation of Tem-perance Row Brewing in Westerville in December, 2014.

Forum bonus: taste a sample from Columbus’ craft breweries at the forum.

————CMC forums are frequently aired on

the Ohio Channel via WOSU digital and Columbus Television at channel 3 on Insight and Time Warner and channel 99 on Warner, WOW and AT&T U-Verse. For schedule details, visit

This week

Wednesday, April 26What Columbus Needs, Asks Columbus MonthlyFeaturing Rhonda Johnson, director on education

policy and investments, City of Columbus, Elissa Schneider, Mid-Ohio Foodbank and Transit Columbus, David Brown, Founder, Harmony Project with discussion host Dave Ghose, senior editor, Columbus Monthly

Presented in partnership with Columbus Monthly Magazine

Sponsored by Ulmer & Berne, The Robert Weiler Company, Puffi n Foundation West, Ltd.


Wednesday, May 3Brewing History on TapFeaturing Jay Hoster, great-great-grandson of

Columbus Brewer Louis Hoster, Megan Wood, Director of Museum and Library Services for Ohio History Connection, other speakers TBA.

Charles Y. and Frances N. Lazarus Legacy ForumIn partnership with Ohio History Connection

Wednesday, May 10 Eviction Drives HomelessnessFeaturing Elfi DiBella, president & CEO, YWCA

Columbus, Stephanie Hightower, president & CEO, Columbus Urban League, Brad DeHays, founder, Connect Realty.

Sponsored by The Columbus FoundationIn partnership with Community Shelter Board

May 16 (TUESDAY)Governor John Kasich: Two Paths This Town Hall format forum will feature Ohio’s

Governor John Kasich as he talks about his book “Two Paths: America Divided or United.”

Steven and Vanessa Marks Legacy ForumSponsored by Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Hannah

News Service, OSU Wexner Medical Center, OhioHealth, Mount Carmel Health System

May 17 8:30 am CMC’s BIG Big Table at the Boat House It’s free and open to the public.Please join a CMC and United Way of Central Ohio

hosted table for a Big Table discussion at 8:30 am for about an hour, by registering at and choosing the top location, The Boat House hosted by CMC. It’s free and open to the public.

CMC Big Table sponsored by Improving Enterprises

Wednesday, May 24Senior Employment Addresses Critical NeedsFeaturing Elizabeth Isele, Founder & CEO for The

Global Institute for Experienced Enterpreneurship, Rock Parker, VP Human Resources at Nationwide Insurance, Priscilla Tyson, Council City Council member, moderated by Gail Hogan, television journalist.

Forums on the Horizon (topics & dates subject to change)

June 7 – ACLU: Susan Herman, national president June 14 - Con-ver-sa-tion 2017! with entertaining

futurist & urban expert, Dr. James Johnson June 21 – Lessons from Weinland ParkApril 12 Forum

CMC & OhioHealth present Our Healthy CommunityHeroin’s Deadly

PresenceFeaturing Teresa Long,

health commissioner for City of Columbus, Anahi Ortiz, Franklin County Coroner,

James Davis, assistant chief, Columbus Division of Fire; and David Royer, CEO, Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County (AD-AMH)

Series presented by OhioHealth

Forum sponsored by Mount Carmel Health System, Cardinal Health, The Columbus Founda-tion, WBNS-10TV

Photos by Rick Buchanan

Participating in the forum were from sponsor WBNS-10TV Jerry Revish, from sponsor The Columbus Foundation Dan Sharpe, speaker David Royer, from sponsor Cardinal Health Betsy Walker, from sponsor Mount Carmel Health System Brian Pierson, speakers Anahi Ortiz, James Davis, Teresa Long, from sponsor OhioHealth Curt Gingrich and CMC chair Mo Wright.

Two Paths: American Divided or United

Elfi DeBella read the mission of CMC: To connect people and ideas through community conversation.

In a townhall style format, Gov. John Kasich will be the featured speaker at the CMC forum on May 17 at noon at the Boat House.

It’s the culmination of his book tour, “Two Paths: American Divided or United” that will be released on April 25.

As one of 17 Republican candidates in the 2016 presidential campaign, Kasich reflects on that experience and his faith and his political views in his book.

Reservations are available online at for CMC mem-bers, guests and the general public.

Photos by Jon McKnight

Warren Fishman, Fred Luper and Ken Hale had questions for the panelists.

Photo Courtesy of St. Martin’s Press

Photo credit: Ohio History Connection

In the left photo, a Hoster Brewing delivery truck from around 1910. The photo on the right shows the interior of the Hoster Brewing Company in 1900.

Dr. Teresa Long recommends having non-prescription Narcan on hand to save a life in case of an overdose.