This is a preliminary narrative and should not be regarded · NOTE This is a preliminary narrative...

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Transcript of This is a preliminary narrative and should not be regarded · NOTE This is a preliminary narrative...


This is a preliminary narrative and should not be regardedas authoritative. It has not been checked for accuracy inall aspects. and its interpretations are not necessarilythose of the Historical Section as a whole.

Ce texte est pr~l;m;na;re et n'a aucun caract~re officiel.On n'a pas v~rifi~ son exactitude et les interpretationsqulil contient ne sont pas n~cessairement celles du Servicehistorique.

Directorate of HistoryNational Defence HeadquartersOttawa, CanadaK1A OK2

July 1986

•DroR! io.1o:J

JPat911IO.U. O1J'IClIIl.


"""'~.... 'Ii • ._-

D • C l,A • I 1 '11 r D ~A_OHO:h1

by CO:::; - ., 'f"Ttl8~


• .• B Oot 4;'

1. !he pr..lII1' lI.port at(ord. a 'niy bJ'1.t .ketllh otthe op.rat1ona or C~Il1anc 'oro.. dUJ'1Il& t1i. ~0~111Uloupalll11 or Ju1.y and Augu,lIli, 1.114:5. ,

r • ,II, At 'AP'Ilind~ IIA" .tn b.. totlD4' a "8k.~0!1 ot Op.r-at10na ot Cdtll"" 'l!'clop. iii 5111'11.y". !b1o jlJ>lIpu.d

• tOJ' the Ull. 6t Ilr. Ch&1'le. liIuJ'phy ot the looll -auloo"POJ'tun." who.has b.en 1n'8pulng ... utlolo d.&l1.Dg withth.. Canad1lll1~ 0..1'•••• tor pUblloatlon in th&t p.rlod­10a1. A~ APP ndix "a" ,to a .41'1•• ~ lot.. to thlo ak.tah,1:ak11\& in ~. JI&,1n the to... ot to .0UZ'0.. otlntoraatlo~but attordlng a1ao .rtaln addlttonal t.ot.wh1l>h oould not b. publ1.h.d at the P....lII1t tlIu.. -

3', !b. al\otclh pr.pU'ed to" • Iltil'phy ~i ob."011.1yu:lguo'uo In th& u:tr..o, • .,.n Iben OOl\o1dol'.4, in "0Il­jun"l:1dq wlth tho not.o now pZ'O"ldoll. tt 10 t.l,t, n• .,.r­thol... , that ,!t- ...y b. jl'orthwb1lo to tOJ'WlU'tl th1. brl.t·oUtlSh. or the Canadlan .huo 1Jf 1I1e 8101111111 opol'aUona •

• th& oro 00·... a ".-pleta ~.tol'l"al r.oord "amot b•••d.a"aU.ble tor. oon.ld.rabl t1Jle to 0.... In th& .eantiMo,tho lnt.....t1on now torwud.d -T poeo1bly h&"..... uUl1ty.

4. Throughout the op.ratlon. In 810Uy, hl.torl0.1lntn••ta .'1'. repr...nted ln the ot ••1' by 8••1., R.R.L.I'

L.ho hold. the .ppolntaant ot Bl.t­

01'1".1 Ottl".r .t ••~., 1 Cdn 01". !b1. ottl0.r h&o In 0011.ot1ll& tor hl.torl".l purpo... dooua.nt.r.lot1ll& to Canadlan operaUon. In the,1nCl1ud1nl a veat a&D7 "Ofto.rnlng th& planning .tal.. In

, a44S:Ulln~ h. hO Shter"h.ed aany ottl0.r. In tho th.atr.ot .u, UOU&llJ' .t a perlod only. tow day. attar the..,'.nt. d••"rlbo4, and haG _de wrltten reoord. ot"ld.n".. Rl. end••"oUJ'., .upplem.ntlng tho r."ord.oreeted by .01'. ord1n&J'y pro".dUJ'. - and many ot the WarDlul.. alr.ady r.".l".d troa the u.a u.ot "'ry "onalder.ble "a1u. - h&.,. r ••ult.d In the .."..-l­atlon in LOIDOI ot a .,.ry lUI. oollOClUon or .OUJ'''._hrlal tor th& hl.tory ot the Can.dlan ".-ponenta ot th&C.ntral ••dlt.rran.... 'or".. !b1. ooll.otlan baa .upp1_nhd by a lars. IJ'O\lp ot tU.. taken 0'101' troathe Canadlan Plann1ll&

5. An addltlon.l Bl.torl"al Ottl0.r ( S.R.8. HUgh•• ).a. r.oantly d••p.toh.d to the ••dlt.rrane.n .1th • ,,1•• to.ork1ll& .1th S••1& th.r. and roll."lng h1Jl.It 1. propo••d th&t Capt. S••1& .h&ll in duo "our.. r.turnto Can.dlan I1l1tu7 ••adquut.r. and ...lot In pr.pulngthe nurath. r."ord of the 810ll1an OUIP.len. It 10prob.ble that not auoh "an b. don. towud. the a"tual ooa­poo1tlon or thl. r."ord untU thl. oftl".r '. return. In





, .~~. 1

(C,P, ./It.oe7) Lt.-{OI.B1.torle.~ ott16er,

cana~ JI1Ut&l'l 'IfeadqJllU'tar••,





the. ......1JIe. tbe PI' nnt W1.t outline 01' theoperatlo"", 0 ined l'1tb til. 1use _.e 01' .ourc._tarlal n"'" avaUab1e (tr_"lIb1ch 1nto..-tlcn on a.pecUlc point can uaua1l7 b. _tr••ted wlthout sreatdUtlcult7 11' required) au.t .erve tor s-edlata pur­pO••I.


I. Wlth • view to ..kSns a ..aUable tor p]ann1na andtralnins \'Ib',.... Q,. "1nr_tllOD .....be4-tr Capt.S..ia. or 1nc1uded in 'u Dlul.. Ncdved troil thethe.tra 01' WlU', .tep. have beea t.ken to circul.teputinent extract. troa the.e .ource. UIllfel' • pl'acedure~anged between Bl.tor1C&1 a'ctlon ,and Record.Orflce. '1'Iu'.e .e'l'1.. or luoh extra.t. han a11'.ad7 beantor~uded to ,.D.ij.Q. (~tte tion l D.S.D.) unA... tl1eII_bel' a4/t,JcILY/i. 1IhUe thea. .tl'aot. ue nol:'in~~d to .e'l''fe h1a~orlcal pUl'po•••• t~e7 alOe occa.lon­al17 rete1'1'.-1 to,.' a _ttal' ot o·on1,n1eno., in tha nota.conatltut1q Append1X ·B· to the pre••nt ~epOl't.

,. In' addlUon to tIC. olil'1ttan .00000C•• _non" 1t .a7 be hot,d .in p....1iI& ~t lap."..tant plctorial_berl.1 w11.1 be a..al1&'111, cono.l'n~ Canadlan acU..ltle.1Ji the Jledltel'l'anean thaatl'e. LaPse lluallel'. ot Ottlo1al.111tu7 Phot0ll'aph., tair17 adequatel, captloned.

• ~....e b.en l'eul...,t rroa Canadlan p!>o.t0jP'aphlc otricar.m that aua. lrh14e In addltion to !lalit, ".4. OIlS,hle,~ 'u Anlat' 111>.0 'Proceeded t:hith'l' with r Cdn i7i..(I'~ Repol't "o,1I8l ... lebond 'u ptt.t. Q~t. C.P'. CoatOl't,hal no-r'been .ant there. '!h1a ot1'icer. at lall~ acl,vlce••had reached thI Canllcl.1&l\ lIa" Re1nto~e....t Ilapot )teuPIlIL~1'PIl'(~••or~ Atrlca. .

... . . ,

Die l " I ., 1 I I D'1AutI1onty: 0110 :l-3

by Qt)c.... for DH-. NOHQ~:=....;~~~ Dol« _- _. _

I. DeJlM t. tIM ....ul' _ Ii.U, tmohod •• ... ~ • "UT 10Irp t.... l"nllll t1'Oa

Ue-17 eo. -.. ....._ lie UI<t_JoaUn Ju' HI_ flIlt .nooll. 1' ...•s...,.. 'WI't••, Ib, ........,_ ._ or '1M :toland.tU rip' wJac 01 au ia'lOUaa It........ ronet _, 'b.lplb .1~l.UII7••s .0lI -, GoD~ "'e 1''''

•• _ ...... l ... '" k ",. _'.cho, ,... sa...J.UU, of' .1UAI .CIIlUa lb......rD .u. at

Jl • 11M 101' of 11M .tplb .-,.\lie .......... , •••...".1 .... -, a••awol .......

fl) , oollM.,,........ • .., •• Iv .. &be UlUD,\ _" __:And.. '''' er ._U"'_ 1M 1I1b

..., _lIP••s 7...04 _., ONl_l Al_ODd... lID4.r the.I&JS'SM.' 'nd ot GoD.oJ. lto"",,,,I'. rc••tIIJ. UUo4....oJ. ..4 AU t ....... 0............uppol" •• the laD........

a. Ibo 0 "of • lItehth ..., .0000to"odot. 1.' 0.......... 1..101... ,. b., J..-oeD.l'oJ.............. G...... abo 1.. '7IIlMIISl .-,IOl7Il "lp4••.... ..... ...Ulan' -",.. 1.. Dl..l ..._ l1a4 HOftia ..1.1alD .lM, 1'" .1tbeul _...... 11". 07lJ 1bosM. .t... ,. --:r............. of .,. _~...... loa.o4sa • .".. Ir. -.1" H .......11..1' .UJs4r.wn.Ibo 101 ..., 'fDk" ... w. u... .. _04 f_ttcaaor IlIsa ...... .Al'II7...... '01'...4 In ..U.lD.. 1Hl.a. aana,laD•••U" ,. Ii.Ur.•v ••' t .... Ibo lIII1 nna-._. ODd OIl Sh. D1Ib' b.t.. ,be ••oeult "b.u ..., 1104.u ........_ ..lib Uob ......1_ .on• ...,. 11'_ ...rlD1Ul-.n,__ ba, U,. ,. 'JM. 'JIM O....lon Dl..1010D.., ... t_ tho 17Jl l.n t10alr at Ut. I ..." ODdu. 1a1UoJ. ...k lb....._ ot &be bOmO o1lPt101d •


11M A'H!&U'" !!I. A«!!WI !D1l1Dt.•• " sa _1,. ...... • t 10 ,1u1 th. ,th.1r In.'Ib .1'1 _o~,."" on 11M oo ...., ,Uaht.'lb. .. 111 \lie lol", .1....04 OW' OD'.... on'hod DO' up••'.d on ....ul' at th. poi.Dt 1'."'...Iba bo.e!> d.t.... "'001'•••1'0 11011_ ODd oh....od l1'U.


.'.011 tcfto dgbt1a&__ &1 0QIh on • athl'llo", ot 10 Jul(,' 'N!I'..... 111ft.... aO\lllte...-.U.ok b.aded bJ a_ lIUardL:J.J .....1l'J. ~. town 4 11'tbl4 'T .0 _. In Allled

ban"" au'1J in th. athl'lloGII. tbe tl.1d bu lI..n ..1aads(?>j not wUh",,' ._ aaaualU • ll2 • 1IWJ&1 Oana41an lI.aban~1

and .1thin • abor' t1ae tba .nU PAClIIllO PIlIIIIBUU bad11/.) lI..n ol.....ed. ttl. Candlan I.Ulag ....Ull.l."7 ..hor.\: Wbll. U _ ••Ull ....lJ nlng.

•• ft.. t1l."at ob3"U". 41ft hi tlagth. lI_ob•• he.lag ft ."01140t. • ....... 1Dland" OIl 11 Jill. !be 11'.oU ot C0na41 au

(,) "'. Dnal and Re-OLUI , •• 1\00. Uallaa ...1aOft -.o.ftd. '* 18' • Ul1a

((,) ... daJ C0ft04laa pa_18 _'....od bOllllA. alMl'. a.'••'... -a. with U.S.t...... tb••••4YaJ>ll•• _. _40 1ft(?J 11'''' ba.'. '0 'Ib1ab tho Cand1aaa. n•• to the

aDd h ..h h .. • 1 ••-~..... 11, .. "1'J 11' • ~" a: UaII,.. • tbl., ...... _1Dl, ••d. an toot.

e. At... •• '''.'. tbe ..-. 1I&lIa:.;:;::;'Wo 1ft ••"""1)' l~t14lft. _ ....1.<¥) dooUed to. a_l.ft Dh101 t

_ ......., l • ...,. ••pIA lID" 1>. "~~~.01 U - U 1111. II 0 l • Cu-Ilano 1ft.. • YU: III .......1ft .0...... • t thl. ".u... •• 1aIOfttJPJ ,,1 • IlIar 04tv •......17 tU'7 allo. 1ft -Oft'I-t- ho.... •• C. U.ft•...... ftOW pHtU II, th.U at Iae« blDl1ft ..n.iIl, 011_... _1'lrH t t thl. ot.....tuo th., • 1ft • »paoU ..'uU, 110".... l1"'od

ro., \baa _ battle-baH_ad ........... or • De .....,. lona"'I .oall.'~ 110 aklfta all ua.11' _.. .ft 1.. .

•lb. Ct1,1o ot th. C!I!P!....

7. 11, to thlo po1ft, the Cua.1aaa ba4 NIl lUna 1ftthe ••, ot ••"... t&tlh'1llI. 'b. ~..,. 1ft bo ,.t· 'be.IUi4 b_ lto11..... who .......... ~al Nl•• !l1.. 10.......IlI..... !be "'" Oil the hIll. Ith Oe",.no 1ftbonll ot the., hal hal • bard... 'Wo. •... lID•• ... lIh.COftOllaa Dl.l.lon .an lAta o.raaa uatt. aDd 1.. ...1 ba.t1••"Ian. D.~ it _ t.ool ... MIlIl ell 1."1 ........,"..' aDd 'bo ..' .....1null' ot thololaDll .... bla .".tIIa1U•• at 'Ib1ah be -a. IlIlo t.

e. ftAl tb.t -So .000ton olllll the 00......• , ORA au ,DOIPth....t at Y:mzUl, .. U.J'l&1. JIlno•• 00raan -1\I01'd ••• a.",,'••oI.nA dl'l.0lI _.011. ftlo, ..... woo d.t od It, IIDU. ot 1lIl. IOMIlUUI aoo.lJlg Dld81011,and th u ._ tank tlabUDg. ., th. ftU' ...-D1IIa th.

') CalI04lano 1ft ClUAOlROIm, ._ all•• '0 the ••', aDd,II .... P\lohlna on 1ft tbe pnor.l dlftaUon ot JrIIJIA.

-a. 1000th ot PUZZA AllIIBIIIIIA thor ~1wp04 1ftt. h.U,oppooltlOll. A .1IO••••tIIl ftlaIl' ."'••11 .... 4.U...... ap1ftotthe Oft~ po811110ft01 on4 on 1'1 .J'l&1 nuu ARID r.u

1,.1 1ftto Can&41al1 """'. - tho ad.......on' oa '_d.LIol; yAtOllARDRA.

10. On tho hdp,h 1ft trOllt at thlo toa tho MWIJ apSn.'004 aDd tOQlht, bIIt. o....otullJ pr.parod attaolt at ald-4a,

-a•• hi,.et ...... ooa' h1ll -7&4._,•••000t~U

o 0 aDd O. 11M m,e•• .. ;t, ':r JaW ,_ ..Ina'''~. ole

.,....... !,~I\I. -.1... d1all .n••k Jla4 '0 b.t • 'Ila "lOW 4.."".. to .1IaD4_ ~la...-...,......,n. altJ" 1t ... ..011.1.4 II:r _ ..OD-.. oNl an4 .0... .,.. of • Q&DlI4lan .4IO_la.......

o Pl'1IIoo•• L4Nl,. llH.a_ O~••

11. ,h...' at 80 - 81, .J\tl '.0 c_..... lnt '''7........'k. ~OR9 .... OR •••p••'hol,. lall.. ••s..t. n ••• C za.1IlI

01'1'1." b04 M .. 117 allan,-.. 1U'lIIa~. 40, .• •u.u , 'h 1l1li.. ~ p..UZ'..... t • _til et O ,lIIa lJI'otho b , ot tho 00...... pool'l.... 11.(01'. 'Ila, dl.-oOY d••01... ODd hold ~. high poolr Uplll1 nloh tho tbIrD

(,S) ,~.. onl,.n blttor t\lll'lng.'" tho ._.. ot mleh .. .... ,.la. ,,_tor-II' Ir.., Won\rJ .... 'I to. II..... • Ila.~ .p. rUg••' ~ ..._ o. ,. ~ to , thi. badto •••~. 117 CtJlM~ 111 1'0 1\01' .bln.-

(.-) I\lI1 ....t~ t",.. Thl t tho ••_s,p. In 004.'Ila _ .1'. t'P'"I" _ 1.11' llaoYJ 0'1. 1.)0""111&wi......t dont"- ,,,~,.,a _ "''''V'. alcUt1&l d••11'lon••••\4 11& , ..ti001 rout. _t _w. \b. IlOY t or .uppll•••

1*. "lett· _ • .......... , 4a AQDA. !be,le"", an JlN.\'1:r ClOIOPlt'" lb. taU et ••JlPlIIa

up tho Ita1..... in ~••••,.1'Il "" or ~. bland......•0"'" up on tho 11&bth AN7'. 101". !be r1ght .1n& orthll _ .1. up 1Jl 1'' or Cl4U11~. Oon....1_, 7 .."" plo..." to, D .., out ot 'hi. .U,.

" lin. in tr '.1' 1tIWl'.- .I..,UftlI .p. 1\, ~• __t hia ••• D n•. - 21M 'OUll'" "",UJ2llOd\0 '" _b_1J:,d1tn.uU .lMS ._11U_ ...... D_~'*11, tho 00 4.1'....,. tro.,. ot Jl1&h"':r .t1:rore 0, 1'IIlO\U' 1n&.~ 11' ....... ~".b1ella•• "'••tadOYOl'J JI1lo of ~ .,. • WOO Uoul 17 1lYJ' tlght1n&in .1.~t:r .~ClIt,. _U Y2.11oa. '00. 0111"0119

A ,. 0Jil\ • llI1. lIr ...w;t ad. twpor&l'7• Ia .....u_.... f\&ll-4l'••• 'I'~.k.. .. b:r7 YJ' .0_,..~Uo .of 1'1.14 ... 1_ ""U~.l' ad "& ;1n8t 'laJ.a p,01U... OQ IIt~• ....,. it •••

...-If. tho ne.t' 01lj••111". ot !i.e C.""'UAh.... 0 9•..., at Mm. 1 brill ad '.bU.b 'Jo.illY DIftlIIO ., IIlIOVO r h.. , ..IS. thoCaaallan. In .... .U_ .lth • va 111 IYl.'""wIlleh QeI1ltn1 liS .. b..o\l&h p anA.., lA'otM. ...... tho....., tt....d tio.... wppo 1 1_ _ •...hku1lo 01 ,"""x1U'fO! anA tho dent. an 1'''. ....lUlIh 1'1 0 .....'111& • at. c tanlliYlo1"" b11 ad lIh 1 In ,_ r r ....' "r t too' ~r too'. Ill. _II)' ••• 1U 10,oaJg ••••bU. pUl-~u•• to ..lIar4 lhlt•• ot ...,.lalanvr (tA ,lao.. lib., 0,....h4 ~ I'\InnIJli lnll. h ••..... t1rlll«~ th••1114... ) ...4 0.... ~b... 11 lJito .oUOIi to ... .. 1ft 40allilC .1U1 ... tho00..-. h •••• r.tnt.... b'J tltobaonlo par.'",o,•••••'lnu" " "Wit...-...... iIDol .00 .... ....

(,q) .t _'U • AlIC.

11. lb. C.....4Uno twplt -r ...t... 'owar4otho 1'0&4 rwmlni MO lDllUO. _lob tOlIM4

1.ural •• ml••ll lItlal '0 ..In •• attho .11)'....... llno. IIlor •• , , oY .lJ...l.t_•• boa 0....... Us na1:llr.Ur "1' ltl_ both

(~o) .OPCIl an' ..., at .ir llae t .d_.-. I l , ...,..... 1IItan\17 warJil 111 .1••• oo-.,...nail to\l&h' .ir••r oo ... tho 0 riY.." ,.o1tlOJ1l1 GO tho

(3i) .lds. b.rond. lIh10b _ ....ld~ "NUl ...."'..... !be••o..1Ds. of tho nOIIA .1IIl tho I_to 1'1••1'. _I'. al..t ro... • ... br nOaa • A1I,I -tho C.....UU. 0 01 •t .. lwnfJoed r..... ot lDllAJI .... tho ~ -0"1i1l••

1.. A' till. pe1M 'ho Cana4iaa lliYl.l tilt. po.....,(~) _ U woo "'1I.~1IO.Ur .1tIb4rawn lnt' , •• It thDo

dlt no pardalpa.. 111 tho tlnal ••S. t "0 l/J1l, tho,_uU 'Ot h...t •••t .. II JIIIIr1 uu. •• pI'oe ulah '0 k _ 'on "r.. • 0 I ; Il .•••• ..~1. ° -...1lula"'*uo. .1y.. uplIIl t.all Ibllt thooulltlO1lkr., _ .....In.. · • 001"P1 ou la. opo'r.Uon.lth tho .., 1>lYl.lon on .11'.1 t. had 10"'. on-r...t ot til.. own • roll ••otor'n ~. ot 10 llno.7Ileroat • o1' In'o _SII.l ••• tho_. '.'0,. to hla,- Ao • r.liil' fit ....1..

oat to "" ....,_ p. 1111 • ho .. 'fI ilII f'c••edtel I'Otlro tro. c,(~AlftAi In tnat 0#' *toh t-. ........ I.labt .iDs hod h. 4 up .0 10111' .......1 U boopa

.,\ tho .lt7 II AlIC. tho tla7•• tho Canadianl ~ 11110. •

,1.,."or tb_ ka tho C.....UU In. taro-tron' at ....lab , •• baUl.. on_ \1011 14 aoUon.tlahttn. .ir -7 r_tiir ill t ... fit It I'..lotan..JIJ oltUon' 00...... troope .... lloPrLla hod bo a.,. -erdlnarllr cilttloll1t ani t .1l11a.. 1,;"', !hepa.t_••t I Mllciir 1ft llbtllo .ir ..... •• alI4....U.u1.ar1r 1ft .10. t tho reo'o tho it Iled Y'" bo a_or tir. b ..... and ... ol1r \1lOll..... o. "'1-' elsah. I. • at ••1I1ot. 1 w all..wo...", tm4 1lh. • 11114.......... it t .....t

(;.\-) .~"""eIl OeD8J'al alaoD4. WlII'II17 on n. aohl , ••

la. a.....iaD Ul.. oIlIP!aI • SlaUlaD ...._ '..01 \0 aa ottla 4H o~.. rulaI !dUd or lIl.oI~ 11:1 ottl.o 1M1 .uau raDII••0ua4d. anol10 ottl••r ..... 13' o\beIP ftnIIo 111.._ .. prloolWl'. or

(~S) .ar - a 'o'al or 1'1l orn........ 1IlI1i o\ber .anb.lee OIl OS I.p d a ....la1 00 ..111_ I'r_ A1UeIl Beall·0111........ _eIll

BrUle and a_oIiaD voopo 01' ~.Uldltih Azw:f. INppon" ftoGa aualii! till••_ ••_.ed \be S,"1\. or....lDa eor17 'e4a7 .... lUI4e1l lDu\HpOlUan nal7.


APPlIJII)Il[ "."


OF CA\fAI)IAIf 1'Il00PS IW SICILY, JULY - AllOOS'r, llNa".

(v )

A tllt' 01' "JA tbe



•Yap .000llpaD7JAa CIOll a_ll17 11'0.8, 11 JIll .:5.

til••••_erle. to.. tb. 81.111an _lIP' 18ouetady or Bl.t aeo, C.I.B.Q.

"atOl"J or Op....Uone 1.t Oanadlan D19101on", b7 Lt,-ool.O. JU.tClbJAa, O.S.O.l, 1 C4D Dl,,· (O.I.II.Q. tU. U/axOILY/l).

(1I) boount slnn by 1.3or ':r.I. Pow..... 18 lq .... (••........"...troa A.T. 1I..1.).

(8i "St0l"J 01' ap....Uon. lit Cana4lan Dh1010n".

S•• tM _,..,t 01' Lt.-Oen. air 0119er Leu. (0.0.0. 110 C....p••JA whloh 1 0411 Dl..... lno1ud.d) ln lett... to oen....18laond••• AUS .8 (Ext...ota, a ...l •• 1, O.I.B.Q. 1'11.8./SIOILY/l) •

Ibld. I th1I ft. 8 0411 Int 114••-'!h. 'ria.. (LOIDOI). 8B Aq .SI 'peolal artlole "tro. our

SpeoIal Corrupcm4ent JA Slo11y".

"sto..y 01' Op....Uone lit C....dlan Dl.1Ilon"1 not. bJ Li.ut.J.B. It.JAbuokl. 1ll Cdn ~ (axt..aoto, 1...181 1).

"stOl"J 01' Opa...Uone lat C...dian D1Y101on".


"~ 0'1:50 boun" (010 8" 7l"J 110.').

"StOl"J or ap....tlone 1111 Oana41an Dl.la1on".

Ibld.l .ooount ,h.n by .Jor ':r.I•. Pow.....-






Ibld.l and ••••ooount by C.pll. B.J. "oJAto.b. Extr.ot••-,-...1.. 1. 1 Cdn Int Bd••U.olfe4 ASIORO and 8 C4D tnt

114. Lll:ORPORft.

(lB) "St0l"J 01' Op....Uone 1.t Canadlan Dhlo1on"1 "1I11tOl"J 01'lIrtS 1'181d. coapany. 80711 Oanadlan Bng1ne.... , Slo11y.10 Jul - 7 AUS .:5" (Ext...ot., S.rl•• :5).








(17) "StOl"J 01' Op....Uone let Cana41an Dl.lo1on". Th.•...pul.e4 _. 1 C4D Int Bd.. S.. al.o .ooount 01' Lt.-ool.R.I.. L1D4••y. O.C" P.P.C.L.I., :50 JIll .lI (Extr.ot•• 1 ...1•• 1).

(lS) Aooount. by Ilrlsad.l... C. Vole....0nund.1ng e 04n Int Bd.(29 JIll t:5) and Lt.-ool. B.I(. Hoffaelete... O.C •• leafo..tIlor o. (1l1 Jul t:5). Ibttr.oh. S...l •• 1. Th. s.afortll o~oOllO.rne4 _. "A" OOY. 00 ande4 bI "30" H.P. Bell-IrYJAaIlt .... IUb.equently re1ntoroK:r, o· Ooy.

(19) Sltr.p traa 1 C4n Dl. to 1I0 Oorp•• 21:50 bra. II AUS &:5."REOALBlI'rO 01.... of anllllJ" (Inh1U......a Los O.S •• B.Q•• 1 C4DDb). '!he Brltiah brle.da ..II elll Brlllade (troa bU.). 011tank op....tlone .t HF~LBOTO••a. note by Llaut. StaJAbuokl.Bxtraota, Serl•• 1.

•• -II.-


• aarti.u1Ir~r tho 1,t~.r ot OoDor.l Leo.o (DOl. 7, aboy.).• •

ptgur•• a. at 10 Sop .", tol.aroa 1.0 S171. DBPEHSORto OAIlIlILI'fII1. 111 ., 41 (C.I.H.Il. tUo 1S,,( XOltr/l).!b••• not in ....._nt .ith tho.. r.oo1YlI4tl'QIl OOn....1 Biloabo_ in .l.r.l•• toleeroa PIltlO "OOSdat.d 10 S.p .11 (ibid.) and .... probabl,. not t1na1.

(110) 1 Ccln Dh Int Ih_'." 10.10. 8 Aq .".•• •

(all ,.t 1>7 waut. 8)dllllllOkl,

(1111) 1 Ocln Dh Int S'_erj iro:l0.

(1111} 01 Ay "1'7 1••111•• AU& O •

