Thinking out of the Box - Virginia Association of Soil...

Post on 14-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Thinking out of the Box - Virginia Association of Soil...

A New Perspective on Getting and Keeping VolunteersThinking out of the Box:

What comes to mind when you hear

the term … Earth Team?

• It’s an NRCS program

• I’m too busy to train

a volunteer

• I don’t have the time

for all the paperwork

What should come to mind when

you hear the term…Earth Team?

• Help is on the way … I don’t have to do it all alone!

• I can get more conservation on the ground

• Big benefits, minimal paperwork

Why We Need Volunteers

• Reduced workload on existing staff

• Enhanced outreach capabilities

• More personal service to clients

Why We Need Volunteers

• Training ground for new employees

• Many go on to employment with NRCS

or a SWCD

Who Can Volunteer with Earth Team?

• Anyone 14 years of age

or older

• Citizen of the U.S. or an

allied country

• Performs conservation

activities beyond what they

are paid or elected to do

• Supports the mission

of NRCS and its

conservation partners

What must be accomplished

What isn’t getting done

What we’d like to accomplish

Where a volunteer can help

What’s Involved in Bringing

on a New Volunteer?

1. Know what tasks you

want performed

What’s Involved in Bringing

on a New Volunteer?

2. Match the volunteer to the job

Which Path Do I Take?

Which Path Do I Take?

Individual Volunteers:

✓ Perform duties on

a regular basis

✓ Can track hours

separately for students

needing community

service credit

Which Path Do I Take?

Group Volunteers:

✓ Work on one-time or recurring special projects

✓ One form covers the group

When and Where Can You Use

an Earth Team Volunteer?

Environmental and conservation education,

including outdoor classrooms

When and Where Can You Use

an Earth Team Volunteer?

Water quality testing/monitoring

Planting vegetative material

When and Where Can You Use

an Earth Team Volunteer?

Conservation partnership projects/activities

Tours and demonstrations

When and Where Can You Use

an Earth Team Volunteer?

Administrative and

support functions

Marketing, promotion,

and public information


Where do you find volunteers?

Board Members

Elected to attend board

meetings and set policy

for the District ... not to

help at conservation

events. If they do, count

the hours!

Assistance from:

Family Members

and Landowners

Don’t Forget …


High School and

College Students

Capture what you’re already doing!

More than likely you

have been or are

already using volunteers.

It’s important to keep track

because these folks may

come back when you need

help in the future!

The DREADED Paperwork!

The DREADED Paperwork!

Why Register Your District Volunteer

with Earth Team?

• Associated with a

nationally recognized

service organization

• Authorized to use


vehicles and equipment

Why Register Your District Volunteer

with Earth Team?

• Protected under the

federal Worker’s


Program &Tort

Claims Act

• Recognized during

National Volunteer

Appreciation Week

Why Register Your District Volunteer

with Earth Team?

• Eligible to compete for

state and national Earth

Team awards

• Highlighted in state and

national publications,

giving your District more

recognition for the great

work it is doing

The Biggest Benefit of All!

Strengthening the

partnership between

Conservation Districts and

NRCS to achieve a mutual

goal – the stewardship

and protection of our

natural resources