Thinking in Functions: Functional Programming in Python

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Thinking in Functions: Functional Programming in Python

Thinking in Functions


CTO @ Profoundis Inc.


★ Basics of Functional Programming★ Functional Programming and Python★ Everyday Functional Programming★ Scaling with Functional Programming★ Performance Implications★ Data Explorations

House rules

★ Show of hands please★ Ask anytime - Raise your hands★ Be hands on★ Free to use online resources★ One step at a time★ No-one left out policy

About Functional Programming

About Functional Programming ★ Formal Provability

About Functional Programming ★ Modularity

About Functional Programming

★ Ease of Debugging and Testing

About Functional Programming ★ Composability

Basics of Functional Programming

★ Function as the atomic entity ○ First-class functions ○ Higher-order functions ○ Pure functions

Basics of Functional Programming

★ Side Effects○ Avoid state

○ Immutability

Basics of Functional Programming ★ Lazy Evaluation

Basics of Functional Programming ★ Type Systems

Basics of Functional Programming

★ Recursion, Tail Recursion, Iterators, Currying, Sequences, pattern matching, monads....

Myths of Functional Programming

★ It requires immutability/pureness

★ It requires an advanced type system

★ It is significantly less efficient

★ It makes you learn advanced math

★ You must give up all your imperative

programming notions

★ Object orientation and functional paradigms

are incompatible

★ Functional programs are easier to debug

★ Dynamic types are better than Static types

Functional methodology in Python

★ itertools and functools★ Decorators and Generators★ What python CAN do

○ lazy eval, lambda, map, reduce, filter

★ What python CANNOT do (pragmatically)○ Eg: Tail Recursion, Pure immutability, Pure Functions

Functional Programming:Done everyday

★ map

★ reduce

★ filter

★ enumerate

★ iter

★ list comprehension

★ Generator Expressions

★ Generators

★ itertools

★ functools

★ operator

★ decorator

★ Lambda Functions

List Comprehension

data = [1,2,3,4,5]

[item * 2 for item in data]

Generator Expression

data = [1,2,3,4,5]

generator_exp = (i*i for i in data)


operator module

import operator



data = {'company': 'Acme Corp.'}

getCompany = operator.itemgetter('company')



for item in enumerate(['subject', 'verb', 'object']): print item


def upper(s):

return s.upper()

data = [“pycon”,”india”]

map(upper, data)

Map - Explained

from urllib import urlopen

urls = ['',





result = []

for item in urls:


return result

def fib(n):

a, b = 0, 1

for i in range(n):

a, b = b, a + b


integers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

result = []

for item in integers:


return result ?

Map - Explained

from urllib import urlopen

urls = ['',





result = []

for item in urls:


return result

def fib(n):

a, b = 0, 1

for i in range(n):

a, b = b, a + b


integers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

result = []

for item in integers:


return result

def map(function, sequence):

result = []

for item in sequence:


return result

html_texts = map(urlopen, urls)

fib_integers = map(fib, integers)


count_lambda =lambda w: len(w)

print map(count_lambda, 'It is raining cats and dogs'.split())

#conditions in lambda

lambda x: True if x % 2 == 0 else False


import operator

data = ["PyCon", "India", "2015"]

reduce(operator.concat, data)

Reduce - Explained

# Sum of a list of numbers

def add(x, y):

return x + y

def sum(data):

result = 0

for x in data:

result = add(result, x)

return result sum([5, 2, 3])

# Smallest in a list

def lesser(x, y):

if x < y:

return x


return y

def min(data):

result = 999999999999

for x in data:

result = lesser(result, x)

return result min([5, 2, 3])


Reduce - Explained

# Sum of a list of numbers

def add(x, y):

return x + y

def sum(data):

result = 0

for x in data:

result = add(result, x)

return result sum([5, 2, 3])

# Smallest in a list

def lesser(x, y):

if x < y:

return x


return y

def min(data):

result = 999999999999

for x in data:

result = lesser(result, x)

return result min([5, 2, 3])

# Sum

result = sum(data)

result = reduce(add, data, 0)

# Min

result = min(data)

result = reduce(lesser, data, 9999999999)


def is_even(x): return (x % 2) == 0

filter(is_even, range(10))

#even better

from itertools import ifilter

filter_iterator = ifilter(is_even,data)

iter function

numbers = [1,2,3]

it = iter(numbers)

# using while and StopIteration Exception


while True:


except StopIteration:

print "Complete"

# as iterator in for loop

it = iter(numbers)

for value in it:

print value

import itertools



itertools.repeat("Hello", 5)

itertools - count, cycle, repeat

itertools - chain

it1 = iter([1, 2, 3])

it2 = iter([4, 5, 6])

itertools.chain(it1, it2)

itertools - groupby

city_list = [('Cochin', 'KL'),

('Bengaluru', 'KA'),

('Chennai', 'TN'),

('Mumbai', 'MH'),

('Trivandrum', 'KL'),

('Salem', 'TN'),

('Pune', 'MH')]

for city, city_iterator in groupby(city_list, lambda x: x[0]):

for city_state in city_iterator:

print "%s is in %s." % (city, city_state[1])

itertools - combinations, permutations

import itertools

itertools.permutations([1, 2, 3])

itertools.combinations([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2)

itertools - izip

dict(itertools.izip("ABCD", [1,2,3,4]))


zip("ABCD", [1,2,3,4])

functools - partial

import functools

def log (message, subsystem):

print '%s: %s' % (subsystem, message)

server_log = functools.partial(log,


server_log('Unable to open socket')


def p_decorate(func):

def func_wrapper(name):

return "Super %s" func


return func_wrapper


def get_text(name):

return "Hello %s" % name

print get_text("John")

Yield - creating custom generators

data_list = ["Orange", "Microsoft", "Apple"]

def one_at_a_time(data_list):

for item in data_list:

yield item

Don't do unnecessary Classes

class Greeting(object):

def __init__(self, greeting="hello"):

self.greeting = greeting

def greet(self, name):

return "{greeting} {name}!".format

(greeting=greeting, name=name)

hola = Greeting("hola")

print hola.greet("bob")

or ?

Don't do unnecessary Classes

class Greeting(object):

def __init__(self, greeting="hello"):

self.greeting = greeting

def greet(self, name):

return "{greeting} {name}!".format

(greeting=greeting, name=name)

hola = Greeting("hola")

print hola.greet("bob")

def greet(greeting, name):

return "{greeting} {name}!".format(greeting=greeting,


hello = functools.partial(greet, "Hello")



The Bad Parts

★ Memory Inefficiencies★ Purity★ No Tail Recursion★ Innately imperative (Guido)

★ Class based type system★ Only imperative Error Handling


★ Function Overloading★ Mutable variables

Python vs Functional

Thinking about Scalability with Functions

★ map-reduce-filter - recipe for distributed computing

★ shared states - to be or not to be

★ immutable 'variables'★ independent functions★ Execution Pipelines - chained map-reduce

Performance v/s Scalability

★ Functional Programs vs Object Oriented Programs★ CPU intensive processes vs I/O intensive processes★ The curse of GIL - workarounds

○ multiprocessing

★ Benchmarking○ %timeit


import multiprocessing

def worker(): print 'Execute your function here' return

if __name__ == '__main__': jobs = [] for i in range(5): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker) jobs.append(p) p.start()

// Why should I think in functions?


★ no side effects - no state, no deadlocks, no semaphores

★ automatic parallelization - unlimited scalability

★ composability - break down into smaller functions

★ Testing - independent functions; well defined arguments and return values

★ partial evaluation - pass around half baked functions instead of objects

★ elegant code - forces to write logically correct programs

Hands On: Let’s do some Data Wrangling

Blockbuster Database (

➢ Which genre has most movies?➢ Which movie studio gross the most?➢ Sort by most grossed and Highly rated movies

demo code here

Questionscode samples in this presentation here
