Think and Grow Rich Power Affirmations - Chapter 13 The Brain

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Transcript of Think and Grow Rich Power Affirmations - Chapter 13 The Brain

Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 13: The Brain –A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought

This slideshow published by William Marshall is Copyright © 2016 by William H. Marshall.

All Rights Reserved.

My brain is both a broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of


My brain is capable of picking up the vibrations of thought which are being

released by other brains.

My creative imagination is the receiving set of my brain and receives thoughts released

by the brains of others.

I stimulate my mind to a high rate of vibration with positive emotional energy in

order to tune into vibrations of thought which are in harmony with my thought


As I tune my thought vibrations so that I am in harmony with what I most desire, I am attracting the object of my desire into

my life.

I communicate my positive thought vibrations to other people by stepping up

my thought vibrations with the emotions of faith and enthusiasm.

Because I increase the vibration of my thoughts with enthusiasm, my creative imagination is highly receptive to ideas

picked up from the ether.

I am able to increase my positive thought vibrations at will.

I inject my thoughts with the feeling necessary to pass them on to my

subconscious mind.

My subconscious mind is the sending station of my brain through which my

thought vibrations are broadcast.

My creative imagination is the receiving set which receives the vibrations of thought

picked up by the ether.

I apply the principle of auto-suggestion to transmute my desire for money into its

monetary equivalent.

I use auto-suggestion to step up my thought vibrations with enthusiasm.

I use my subconscious mind to transmit the object of my desire to Infinite Intelligence

and to other people’s brains.

I use my creative imagination to receive the ideas and plans I need from both Infinite

Intelligence and from other people’s brains.

I now understand how to use my physical brain as both a broadcasting and receiving

station for the vibrations of thought.

I intuitively know how to tune into the thoughts of others through the

concentration of positive thought.

I now have the ability to stimulate my mind so that my sixth sense can be made to

function in a practical way.

When I have a problem to solve, I begin by clearly stating the nature of the problem under consideration in writing. I then begin brainstorming solutions with my Master Mind group. As we brainstorm

solutions, we are in direct communication with unknown sources of knowledge

outside of our own experience.

I use the principle of the master mind to blend my thoughts with other likeminded people in order to stimulate my thought vibrations and more easily communicate

with unknown sources of knowledge outside of my own experience.

Using the master mind principle and the other principles for increasing my

vibrations of thought, I am applying the Carnegie formula described in Think and

Grow Rich.

1. Save this PowerPoint to a new file.

2. Copy the Power Affirmations that you want to focus on to that file.

3. Review those slides at least 2-3 times per day—preferably once in the morning when you get up and once in the evening when you go to sleep.

4. For the affirmations that are the most meaningful to you, I recommend you memorizethem. While that can happen automatically as the result of reviewing them regularly, you will accelerate the process with a little extra effort.

The result of memorizing an affirmation, quote, or passage is to pass the information on to your subconscious mind. This is why we are instructed to memorize definitions, multiplication tables, etc., in school.

Review and listen to the affirmations regularly for at least 30 days. The purpose of these slides and other tools is to help you concisely articulate your self-talk for the purpose of conditioning your subconscious mind for taking positive action.

Only action completes the success cycle. Affirmations, visualization, goal setting, by themselves create nothing. To achieve success, you must add efficient and effective action. Faith without deeds is dead.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time at

Recommended Next Steps

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