“Things I Should Study for my Midterm” Quiz! Welcome to the.

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of “Things I Should Study for my Midterm” Quiz! Welcome to the.

“Things I Should Study for my Midterm” Quiz!

Welcome to the

The patient

Which of these isn’t a core concept of nursing frameworks?

Chicken noodle soup

The environment

The Nurse


Which of these isn’t a principle of the Canada Health Act?

Public Administration



The profession, workplace, government, and community.

The sphere of political influence in nursing affects…

Nurses, doctors, hospitals, patients.

Personal frameworks, the profession, community, environment.

Health authorities, governments, boards of directors, managers.

Obscenely expensive.

The Canadian Registered Nurse Exam is…

Administered by the CNA.

Mandatory to become an RN.

All of the above.

By providing a shoulder to cry on.

How do Ethics Committees help healthcare professionals?

By telling them how to act in ethical dilemmas.

By helping them make, accept, and act on difficult decisions.

By being scapegoats.

As an example of a powerful woman.

Why is Angelina Jolie mentioned in our course notes?

Because of her diverse family.

As an icon for global health and public image.

My teacher has the hots for her.


Who governs professional nursing practice in Newfoundland?


Each individual health authority


Their academic and clinical instructors.

Who do students model their professional practice after?

Other students.

Their preceptors.

All of the above.

To let nurses strike.

What is the purpose of a Union (for nurses)?

Make it harder to fire individual nurses.

Strength in numbers when facing employers.

Something to do.

People who care about others.

What kind of people attend nursing school?

Crazy people.

Just women.

Responsible students.