
Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Thfc4

The Hardy Family Chronicles

A Tale of Several SimsA New Beginning – Part 4

Hannah’s relationship with Ben Hargrove got more serious when he told her he wanted to move in with her.

And for a while life seemed great. Ben moved into the Hardye family home with Hannah and was loving and attentive at every turn.

Until one morning, when Hannah got up early to go busking. Ben angrily told her she wasn’t going anywhere, he’d had enough if his girl selling herself on the streets.

When she protested, he got violent, scaring her. She’d always known Ben had a bit of a temper, but she’d never dreamed he’d use it on her.

Weeks went by. Ben would hurt her for doing things wrong, and she would often spend so much time at night crying she had to sleep during the day when he was out.

One day, looking at the fringe she’d grown to cover a bruise in the mirror Hannah snapped. Something had to be done.

She took Ben to the beach where he had told her he was moving in, and told him he was moving out.

In fact, not only were they breaking up, but Hannah was also chucking him out of her family home.

When he got violent, trying to change her mind Hannah ran home and phoned the police. They took Ben away. His excuse of being upset was just not good enough.

Free of Ben’s tyranny, Hannah met up with Jesse. She hadn’t seen him since her birthday because of Ben refusing to let her, he had been competition.

As they chatted, neither noticed Ben, who had followed Hannah to the meeting place.

Ben blamed Jesse for the break-up, and punched him out.

Hannah managed to get him to her car, and drove him home, apologising all the way. But Jesse told her to forget it, that he’d make sure she’d never hear from Ben Hargrove again. Then he went quiet, like he was planning something....

Kathy was now an elder like Lee, and both of them were blissfully unaware of what their daughter was going through.

Kathy wondered why he had left, but didn’t ask. Hannah had never been very forthcoming.

Hannah threw herself back into her music, singing love songs based on Jesse to the public.

The public reacted well to the raw emotion in her voice, and she grew increasingly popular.

But tips would not pay the bills. Her mum and dad Lee and Kathy were now too old to support themselves with their vegetables and fish, and were running up some pretty heavy medical bills too. Hannah had to get a job, forcing her dream into the back seat.

She had hoped that Jake would help her out with paying for their parents care, but he wouldn’t; claiming she ought to as she was the one still living with them.

Hannah could scarcely believe this was the same Jake she’d played with and looked up to so many years ago.

While he worked hard on his dream of becoming an astronaut, Hannah took a job at a garage, cleaning cars.

Meanwhile, Heidi was becoming worried. She’d read that some men in Simerica get too wrapped up in their jobs, ignoring their wives and having affairs with secretaries.

So she resolved to do the one thing that would keep Jake’s attention on her...

... getting pregnant.

Her pregnancy was not an easy one, but she persevered.

Both Heidi and Jake were completely besotted with their son – Bjorn. Jake perhaps more so, because he knew nothing of the reasons for having him, other than love.

Life had settled down for Jake and Heidi, but one night Heidi’s parents arrived from the old country. With no warning.

Before Heidi could explain everything to them, her father was already thanking Jake for marrying they daughter – thereby rescuing her from slavery and getting her citizenship.

Jake was unbelievably upset by what he’d been told. Erin and his family been right, Heidi didn’t love him. She loved his money and position.

He found it difficult to even look at his wife.

Jake asked her angrily why she had married him, why she had given him a son of not for love? Did she even love the baby they’d had together?

Heidi said she knew he was angry, but she had grown to love him. He was nothing like the man she had expected him to be, arrogant and ambitious. She had only acted as she had done to ensure he’d love her back.

She went to their room, changed her clothes and scrubbed off her make-up. She explained that this is who she truly is.

Jake still wasn’t happy, understandably, but he agreed to give her another chance.

But Heidi’s father had other ideas. He didn’t believe that the two of them could make it work. He told Heidi she should return to the old country with them, Simerica was no place for her, and she had responsibilities to her family.

Heidi’s mum agreed. She should leave Jake and make a home in the old country. A local dignitary had agreed to marry Heidi now that she had been educated. When Heidi had left, she hadn’t been able to read or write. Now, she was quite the catch, despite her son.

Heidi decided to go home. To her, family and familial obligations were everything. Bjorn wouldn't have his real father, but he’d have a new one. Jake’s family had never liked her anyway. Returning home would make everything right.

While Heidi contacted the shady people who had got her into the country in the first place...

Jake played with his son, unaware that it would be the last time.

That night, Heidi prepared to leave with Bjorn.

She knew it was the last time she or Bjorn would see Jake, but if she woke him to say goodbye, she might not be able to leave.

She hopped into a taxi, and set off for the docks.

After a long journey she arrived home, not ever planning to return. She never saw Jake Hardy again.

Lee Hardy m Kathy Lawes

Jake Hardy m Heidi Kirsgaard

Hannah Hardy

Bjorn Hardy

Family Tree