They say, I say ch 1

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Transcript of They say, I say ch 1

They Say, I SayIntroduction and Chapter 1

IntroductionEntering the Conversation

State Your Ideas as a Response to Others

Academic writing is argumentative writing.To argue effectively, you need to use the ideas of others as the basis of your own ideas.

In order to make an impact as a writer, we need to identify how our ideas are responding to what “they say.”

Using the “they say, I say” format can help you “to disagree with others, to challenge standard ways of thinking, and thus to stir up controversy” (7).

Ways of Responding

There can be a variety of ways to respond to what others say. For example, you may:

Disagree with what they say

Agree with what they say

Both agree and disagree with what they say

Putting in Your Oar

The purpose of looking at writing from this view is to become a critical thinker who:

Is not passively recounting ideas

Can participate in conversations and debates

Can build informed ideas

Can become an engaged member of society.

Chapter 1“They Say”

Starting with What Others Are Saying

It is often important to “start with what others are saying” in order to explain what you are responding to (18).

Doing this provides a context or frame into which your ideas or arguments can provide a new voice.

It’s a good idea to present “your own position and the one it’s responding to together, and to think of the two as a unit” (19). This presentation should happen at the beginning of your text, preferably in the introduction.

Keep What “They Say” in View

In addition to presenting what “they say” at the beginning of your text, “it is very important to continue to keep those ideas in view” (25).

One way of doing so is to create a return sentence that “keep[s] returning to the motivating ‘they say’” (26).

Return sentences “help to ensure that your argument is a genuine response to other’s views rather than just a set of observations about a given subject” (26).