Thesis writing

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Transcript of Thesis writing



Five chapters of thesis

Chapter I: The Problem: Its Rationale and Background

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

Chapter III: Methodology Chapter IV: Results and discussion

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusions, and recommendations


1.1 Statement of the Problem

1.2 Hypotheses1.3 Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework

1.4 Significance of the Study

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

1.6 Definition of key terms


2.1 Related Legal Basis

2.2 Related Literature

2.3 Related Studies


3.1 Research Design3.2 Determination of Sample Size

3.3 Sampling Design and Technique3.4 The Subject

3.5 The Research Instruments3.6 Validation of the Research

Instruments3.7 Data Gathering procedure3.8 Data Processing Method3.9 Biostatistical treatment


4.1 Each specific question in chapter I be answered in this chapter in textual, tabular and graphical forms


5.1 Summary5.2 Conclusions5.3Recommendations

VI: BibliographyVII: AppendixVIII: Curriculum Vitae


Presents the panoramic view of the problem.

This part gives the foundation of the problem by citing some phrases and sentences from published materials relevant to the study in order to arouse the interest of the reader to read the thesis.

For instance, the researcher wishes to conduct the study on correlation between job related problems and job performance of staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City. Descriptive design is used in this study.


Should be clearly and explicitly expressed in interrogative form and possess the characteristics of SMART, (Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bounded)

ILLUSTRATION: What is the extent of the degree of seriousness of job related problems and job performance by staff nurses in private and government hospital in Iloilo city to (a) administration of top management, (b) administration of middle management, (c) administration of lower management, (d) communication, (e) financial condition, (g) hospital facilities, and (h) job hazards?

What is the mean job performance of staff nurses in the private and government hospitals in Iloilo city for the last three years?

What is the relationship between job-related problems and job performance of staff nurses in private and government hospital in Iloilo City?

Is there a significant difference between job-related problems and job performance of staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City when they are classified as to civil status, age, length of nursing practice?

HYPOTHESES The null hypotheses is commonly used by research writers because it is the denial of the difference of an effect which is easy to reject and accept and the difference of variable is zero.

ILLUSTRATIONBased on the foregoing research questions,

the researcher formulate the following null hypotheses:

The staff nurses in the private and government hospital in Iloilo City are not serious of job-related problems met in relation to administration of top management, administration of middle management, administration of lower management, communication, financial condition, hospital facilities, and job hazards.

There is no relationship between job-related problems and job performance of staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City.

There is a significant difference on job related problems and job performance of the staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City when classified as to civil, age and length of nursing practice.


Provide clear explanation about the relationship of variables.

It s desirable that the researcher uses only one framework, either theoretical or conceptual.

It shape the justification of the research problem which uses abstract concepts, facts or laws, variables and their relations that explain and predict how observed trend occurs and operates.

A researcher is required to formulate existing theory which link on his study because theories are useful devices for interpret, criticizing and unifying established specific laws or facts that guide the discovering new generalizations.

ILLUSTRATIONA theory as framework of this study is the Lawler’s

theory(1973) which deals on the relationship between actual rewards and performance and perceived equitable rewards. If actual rewards are equal to or exceed perceived equitable rewards satisfaction results. If perceived equitable rewards exceed actual rewards dissatisfaction results.(Lawler, 1973)

Actual rewards include salary, promotion, performance incentive, loyalty award for at least ten years of continuous and satisfactory services, bonuses, thirteen month pay, and allowances. Likewise actual rewards are termed as “should received”.


It is important in order to convince the thesis committee that the study has important contribution in relation to (a) solving the problems and needs, (b) bridging the knowledge gap, (c) improving social, economic, technological, and health conditions, (d) enriching research instruments and methods, ad government trusts.

ILLUSTRATIONThe study has significance to the task

to top, middle, lower managers in the hospital because it can guide their role identity in job-related problems met by the staff nurses and solve these problems in order that the staff nurses can perform effectively and efficiently their duty, especially the health of the people is an important factor to have progressive nation or “health is wealth”.


This section includes coverage of the study area, the subjects, the research instruments, the research issues and concerns, the duration of the study, and the constraint that have direct bearing on the result of the study.

ILLUSTRATIONThus study is limited only to correlate job-

related problems and job performance of staff nurses in all private and public hospital in Iloilo City during academic year 200_. All staff nurses employed for at least one year or more in five existing hospitals in Iloilo City, namely: Iloilo Mission Hospital, Saints Paul hospital, Iloilo Doctors Hospital, west Visayan state University Hospital, and Western Visayas Medical Center.

It will involve all staff nurses in private and government hospitals if less 100 per hospital. But if the population per hospital is more that 100, sample survey is applied. Unrestricted random sampling is used to get sample from the population where in each staff nurses is given equal chance of inclusion to the sample. Lottery will be the technique in getting the sample.(Etc.)


There are two ways in defining key terms:


Conceptual definition of key terms- the meaning of the terms is usually taken from the dictionary, encyclopedia, and published books, journals and articles.

Operational definition of key terms- the definition is based on the observed characteristics and how it is used in the study.

Two ways in arranging key terms:

they are arranged as they appear in the text

They are appear in alphabetical order

Note: if there are more than 15 terms defined, they are placed in the glossary.

ILLUSTRATION Job related problems- as used in the study,

this refers to the unpleasant or disagreeable situation met by nurses in performing their duty in the hospital in relation to the administration of top, middle, and lower management, communication, financial condition, hospital facilities, and job hazards.

Private hospitals- as used in this study, this refers to private health institutions governed and subsidized by private individuals or corporation.





Review of related literature is placed in the Chapter 2 of the research paper, thesis and dissertation. An investigator needs to review the literature and studies related to the study to determine the similarities and differences of the previous study and to gain insights into the aspects of the problem that are critical and controversial.

Divided into three parts: Related legal basis Related literature Related studies (foreign or local)

RELATED LEGAL BASIS The sources are laws, constitutions,

department directives, such as circulars, orders, memoranda and many other which have implication to the government thrusts.

For every related legal basis cited, the researcher has to explain of it to the present study. It is unscientific if legal basis is presented without explanation at all.

RELATED LITERATURE Are taken from published articles,

books, journals, magazines, novels, poetry, and many others which have direct bearing to the present study. They are also arranged in chronological order from present to past.

Explanation of the literature to the relevance to the present study is a must. It is unscientific if related literature has no explanation at all.

RELATED STUDIES Related studies published and unpublished which have direct bearing to the present study.

They are segregated into foreign and local studies.



Methodology is chapter heading of chapter 3 of the research paper, thesis and dissertation. The subtopic of the chapter 3 are the research design, determination of the sample size, sampling design and technique, the subject, the research instrument, data gathering procedure, and biostatistical treatment.

The investigator has to choose the most appropriate research design applicable to his present study. In descriptive research there are nine types:

Descriptive survey Descriptive normative Descriptive status Descriptive analysis Descriptive classification Descriptive evaluative Descriptive comparative Correlational survey Longitudinal survey

DETERMINATION OF SAMPLE SIZE Sample survey is used by the researcher

when the total population is 100 or more.

Ss=NV + (Se)2 x (1-p) NSe + (V)2 x p(1-p)Where:

Ss= sample size N= total population V= standard value (2.58) of 1 % level of possibility

and 99% reliabilility Se= sampling error(0.01) P= the largest possible proportion (0.50)


Two kinds of sampling design: Scientific sampling, very member

of the population is given equal chance to be included as a sample

Nonscientific sampling


Restricted random sampling Unrestricted random sampling

Stratifies random sampling Systematic sampling Multi-stage sampling Cluster sampling


Lottery technique Table of random numbers

ILLUSTRATION: Lottery is used as technique in getting the

sample size of the present study. Hospitals with 100 or more staff nurses are subjected to random sampling. Total population used in the hospitals with less that 100 staff nurses. They are not subjected to random sampling in order to give the subjects of the study equal chance of their responses in the categorization as to civil, age, and length of nursing practice.

Distribution of subjects and percent retrieval of questionnaires

Hospitals Frequency Frequency retrieval


Private Iloilo Mission Hospital Iloilo Doctor’s HospitalSaints Paul’s Hospital

GovernmentWestern Visayas Medical

CenterWest Visayan State University








TOTAL 340 310 X=91.28

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT The research instruments, for instance, questionnaire is described on how it is designed by the researcher. Each part of the research instrument is clearly stated and explained.


Suggestions, corrections, refinement of the draft of the questionnaire (research instrument) must be explained thoroughly. The different personnel involved in the refinement of the research instrument must be mentioned. After it is refined, testing the validity and reliability of the research instrument must be done.

For validity, experts in line of the field of study are requested to go over the research instrument. Each item in the instrument has column on retain(3), revise(2), and delete(1). The expert are requested to check the appropriate column for each item. Then the researcher compute the weighted mean for the 3 columns’ results. Items with mean values of 2.5 to 3.0 be retained. Item with mean values of 2.4 to 1.5, revise; and 1.4 to 1.0 delete.

For reliability, the researcher must use either test-retest method, split-half ,parallel form method or internal consistency method.

If he uses the test-retest method, the questionnaire is administered twice to staff nurses in the other hospitals who are not subjects of the study.

The interval of the first and second questionnaire is at least one week and not more than one month.

The spearman rho or spearman rank correlation coefficient is used to determine the reliability of the responses. If the reliability value is high to very high, this means the research instrument is reliable. If the research instrument is both valid and reliable, it is ready to administered to the subjects of the study.


Having found the research instrument valid and reliable, the investigator proceeds to ask permission and approval from the head of agency where the subject is employed. Once permitted the researcher administers the questionnaires to the subject of study. The date of administration of questionnaires, retrieval date, and percentage retrieval of questionnaires must be stated.

DATA PROCESSING METHOD After the retrieval of the

questionnaires, the investigator tabulates, processes, and analyzes the data. The data gathered are organized. The researcher makes the assessment of job related problems met by the staff nurses in private and government hospital in Iloilo City and its relationship with Job performance. The responses are analyzed with the subjects considered as a whole, then as a civil status, age, length and practice.


The biostatistical tools used to answer the specific questions are described and formulae are presented and explained. The level of significance, either 1 percent or 5 percent are stated to determine the significance of the findings.




In this chapter, all specific questions in chapter 1 must be answered in textual, tabular and graphical forms.

The first specific problem is “what is the extent of the degree of seriousness on the problems met by staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City in relation to, (a) administration of top management, (b) administration of middle management, (c) administration of lower management, (d) communication, (e) financial condition, (f) hospital facilities, and (g) job hazards.

ILLUSTRATION:Degree of seriousness of the problems

met bystaff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City in relation to administration of top management, administration of middle management, and administration of lower management, communication, financial condition, hospital facilities and job hazards.


Using the weighted arithmetic mean, the results showed the mean score for job related problems in relation to administration of top management ranged from 1.3 to 3.6 or “not a problem at all” to “very serious problem”. There items were item 2, “incompetence to manage the hospital,” having mean value of 1.3 and item 15, “lack of support to send staff nurses to grow professionally”.

Hence, the degree of the seriousness of the problems met by staff nurses in private and government hospitals in relation to administration of top management ranged from “not a problem at all” to very serious problem”.

Table 10.1 Mean and Degree of seriousness on the problems met by staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City in relation to administration of Top Management (Artificial Data)

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

1. Poor implementation of the hospital’s philosophy, mission, vision, goals and objectives by top managers.

2. Incompetence to manage the hospital

3. Lack of knowledge, skills and abilities to execute discretionary power

4. Poor leadership

5. Poor attitudes toward management.

6. Inefficient to perform one’s job







Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

Not a problem at all

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

7. Autocratic management

8. Abuse of discretionary power

9. Vindictive

10. Not friendly with his colleagues

11. Fault finder

12. Not approachable with his subordinates

13. Not understanding to the problems and needs of staff nurses

14. Poor rapport with his subordinates









Less serious problem

serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

Serious problem

Serious problem

Less serious problem

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

15. Lack of support to staff nurses to grow professionally

16. Lac of support in giving salary differential

17. Lack of support in giving fringe benefits

18. Not concern with the welfare of his subordinates

19. Favoritism usually practice in the hospital

20. Promotion is based on palakasan

21. Lack of support in giving awards and incentives








Very serious problem

serious problem

serious problem

serious problem

serious problem

Very serious problem

serious problem

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

22. Lack of support to send nurses to attend seminars, in-service training, and workshops

23. Lack of support to give overtime services by staff nurses beyond the call of duty

24. Unfair and unjust in dealing with his subordinates

25. Lack of support to provide equipment and apparatus

26. Lack of support to provide medicine and supply

27. Lack of initiative to renovate the dilapidated buildings

28. Lack of support to provide enough beds to patients








serious problem

Very serious problem

Not a problem at all

serious problem

Not a problem at all

Less serious problem

Not a problem at all


5-very very serious problem

4- very serious problem

3- serious problem

2- less serious problem

1- not a problem at all


The result showed that the mean scores of the job-related problems met by staff nurses in private and government hospital in Iloilo City in relation to middle management ranged from 1.2 to 3.8 “or not a problem at all” to “very serious problem”. These items were item 2 “incompetence to perform official duties” and item 6 “lack of support to recommend staff nurses to attend seminar-workshops, training and to grow professionally.

Table 10.2

Mean and Degree of seriousness on the problems met by staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City in relation to administration of Middle Management (Artificial Data)

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

1. Lack of support in the implementation of hospital’s philosophy, mission, vision, goals and objectives.

2. Incompetence to perform official duties

3. Lack of knowledge skills and abilities

4. Lack of leadership

5. Poor attitudes towards work

6. Lack of support to recommend staff nurses to attend seminars- workshops, training and grow professionally.







Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

Not a problem at all

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Very serious problem

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

7. Not understanding to the problems and needs of staff nurses

8. Bias in evaluating the problem of staff nurses

9. Not concern on the welfare of her subordinates

10. Poor rapport with her subordinates

11. Not approachable

12. Not friendly

13. Fault finder








serious problem

Less serious problem

Very serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

14. Lack of assistance to staff nurses in performing nursing care

15. Unfair in giving schedule of duty to staff nurses

16. Lack of supports in giving awards and incentives to efficient staff nurses

17. Favoritism in dealing with staff nurses

18. Frequent tardiness in reporting on duty






Less serious problem

Very serious problem

Very serious problem

Very serious problem

Not a problem at all


Using weighted mean, the results showed that the mean score of job-related problems met by staff nurses of private and government hospitals in Iloilo City in relation to lower management ranged from 1.4 to 3.9 or “not a problem at all” to “very serious problem”. These items are items 2, “Incompetence to perform official duties and item 19, “Lack of support to recommend staff nurses to attend seminars, training and workshops.

Table 10.3Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

1. Lack of support in the implementation of hospital’s philosophy, mission, vision, goals and objectives.

2. Incompetence to perform official duties

3. Lack of knowledge, skills and abilities to manage staff nurses

4. Poor leadership





Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

Less serious problem

serious problem

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

5. Poor attitudes toward work

6. Not approachable

7. Not friendly

8. Not understanding to the problems and needs of staff nurses

9. Bias in evaluating the performance of staff nurses

10. Poor rapport with staff nurses

11. Not concern with the welfare of staff nurses








Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

12. Lack of assistance to staff nurses in performing nursing care

13. Unfair in giving schedule of duty to staff nurses

14. Fault finder

15. Frequent tardiness in reporting to duty

16. Favoritism in dealing with subordinates






serious problem

serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

17. Strict in dealing with staff nurses

18. Lack of support to recommend awards/ incentives to efficient staff nurses

19. Lack of support to recommend to attend seminars, trainings and workshops




Less serious problem

Very serious problem

Very serious problem

COMMUNICATIONUsing weighted mean, the results showed that the mean score of job-related problems met by staff nurses of private and government hospitals in Iloilo City in relation to communication ranged from 1.2 to 3.0 or “not a problem at all” to “ serious problem”. These items are items 17, “intrigues against staff nurses are entertained by superior” and item 11, “Vague instruction from physician who give order”.

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

1. No proper communication channel in the hospital

2. Communication gap between the physician and chief of the hospital

3. Communication gap between physician and chief nurse

4. Communication gap between chief nurse and supervisor

5. Communication gap between supervisor and head nurse






Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

Not a problem at all

Less serious problem

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

6. Communication gap between physician and staff nurses

7. Communication gap between chief nurse and staff nurses

8. Communication gap between supervisor and staff nurses

9. Communication gap between head nurse and staff nurses

10. Communication gap between staff nurses and peers

11. Vague instruction from physicians who give orders







Not a problem at all

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

serious problem

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

12. Vague instruction from chief nurse

13. Vague instruction from supervisor

14. Vague instruction from head nurse

15. Confuse as from whom to take order

16. Gossip is rampant in the hospital

17. Intrigues against staff nurses are entertained by supervisors.







Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

FINANCIAL CONDITIONUsing weighted mean, the results showed that the mean score of job-related problems met by staff nurses of private and government hospitals in Iloilo City in relation with financial condition ranged from 1.3 to 4.8 or “not a problem at all” to “ very very serious problem”. These items are item 2, “delay in giving salary” and item 1, “Low salary”.

TABLE 10.5Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

1. Low salary

2. Delay in giving salary

3. Delay in giving salary deferential

4. No overtime pay

5. No clothing allowance

6. No meal allowance







Very very serious problem

Not a problem at all

Serious problem

Very serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

7. No transportation allowance

8. No productivity pay

9. No length of service pay

10. No midyear bunos

11. No year end bunos

12. No cash gift

13. Delay in giving fringe benefits








serious problem

Very serious problem

Less serious problem

serious problem

serious problem

serious problem

Very serious problem

HOSPITAL FACILITIESUsing weighted mean, the results showed that the mean score of job-related problems met by staff nurses of private and government hospitals in Iloilo City in relation with hospital facilities ranged from 1.3 to 3.4 or “not a problem at all” to “ serious problem”. These items are item 2, “out molded apparatus used in the hospital” and item 12, “lack of nurse’s quarter”.

TABLE 10.6Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

1. Outmoded equipment used in the hospital.

2. Outmoded apparatus used in the hospital

3. Poor sanitation and quarantine in the hospital

4. Lack of supplies and medicine

5. Lack of equipment, apparatus, and instrument.






Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

serious problem

Less serious problem

serious problem

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

6. Dilapidated buildings

7. Lack of rooms for patients

8. Lack of beds for patients

9. Lack of comfort rooms

10. Poor room ventilation

11. Poor water supply

12. Lack of nurse’s quarter

13. No fire escapes in the hospital

14. Lack of vehicles










serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

Less serious problem

serious problem

serious problem

serious problem

serious problem

serious problem

JOB HAZARDSUsing weighted mean, the results showed that the mean score of job-related problems met by staff nurses of private and government hospitals in Iloilo City in relation with job hazards ranged from 1.2 to 4.0 or “not a problem at all” to “ very serious problem”. These items are item 10, “no staffing pattern in the hospital” and item 3, “expose to contagious disease while on duty”.

TABLE 10. 7Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

1. Heavy work load

2. Expose to radiation while on duty

3. Expose to contagious disease while on duty

4. No rest after strenuous work

5. Under staff in the hospital

6. Overlapping of assigned task







serious problem

Less serious problem

Very serious problem

serious problem

Very serious problem

Not a problem at all

Job-related problems Mean Degree of seriousness

7. Perform functions of other category yet neglects functions actually assigned

8. No recognition of outstanding performance of staff nurses

9. Other members of the nursing staff trespass the assigned task of her colleagues

10. No staffing pattern in the hospital

11. Rampant professional jealousy

12. No grievance committee in the hospital

13. No incentive given to staff nurses








Not a problem at all

Very serious problem

Not a problem at all

Not a problem at all

Less serious problem

Not a problem at all

Very serious problem






It recapitulate the results of chapter four. If there are four specific research questions in chapter 1 and answered in chapter 4, hence, there are only four summary of findings.

For instance, the sample research problem on “Correlation between job related problems and job performance of staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City” has four specific research problems in chapter 1 and they are answered in chapter 4, hence there are 4 summary of findings in chapter 5 but no table or graph.

ILLUSTRATION: Based on the result of the study, the

researcher summarized the following findings:

1. The degree of seriousness of job related problems met by the staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City in relation to administration of top management very serious problem was “lack of support to staff nurses to grow professionally”.

Similar with the relation to the middle management very serious problem was “lack of support to recommend staff nurses to attend seminar-workshops, training and grow professionally” as well as in lower management very serious problem was “lack of support to recommend staff nurses to attend seminars, training and workshops.

In relation to communication serious problem was “vague instruction physicians who give order,” financial condition very serious problem was “low salary” hospital facilities very serious problem was “lack of nurse’s quarters” and job hazards very serious problem was “expose to contagious disease while on duty”.

2. The mean performance of the staff nurses in the private and government hospitals in Iloilo City was satisfactory.

3. There was negative high relationship between job related problems and job performance of staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City. This meant the higher the job related problems met the staff nurses, the lower was the performance and the lesser the job related problems met the staff nurses, the higher was the performance.

4. There was significant difference existed on the job related problems met by the staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City when they are classified as to civil status, age, and length of nursing practice. This meant that the job related problems met by staff nurse in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City really differ with each other.

CONCLUSION Conclusions are based on the findings of the study. If there are four summarized findings there are also four conclusions.

Likewise, conclusions are arranged as they appear in the summary of findings. In addition, rejection and acceptance of hypothesis are described in “conclusions”.


1. Staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City met serious problems and very very serious job related problems in relation to administration of top management, administration of middle management, administration of lower management, communication, financial condition, hospital facilities, and job hazards. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.

2. The mean job performance of staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City was satisfactory. Thus the null hypothesis is rejected.

3. There was negative high relationship between job related problems and job performance of staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City. So, the null hypothesis is rejected.

4. significant difference existed on the job-related problems met by the staff nurses in private and government hospitals in Iloilo City when they are classified as to civil status, age, and length of nursing experience because the married staff nurses have more very serious problems than single staff nurses; older staff nurses have also many serious problems than the younger ones; and the longer the nursing practice, the more serious problems met. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.

RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation should dovetail with

the conclusions. Presentation of recommendations is arranged based on the sequence of the conclusions. However, further research is included in the recommendation. In other words, it there are four conclusions and in addition of for further research, hence, there are five recommendation in all.

ILLUSTRATION:1. The top, middle, and lower

managers must support the staff nurses to grow professionally and let them attend seminars, workshops and training to keep track with the current trends and practices in nursing health care.

Physicians who gave order must be clear, brief and concise in order not to mislead the instruction by staff nurses. Salary of staff nurses must be increase in order to retain efficient and effective staff nurses and no way to apply abroad. Adequate nurses’ quarter must be provided and protection on the exposure of contagious diseases while on duty of staff nurses must be given due attention by the top, middle and lower managers.

2. Top, middle, and lower managers must take action on the serious to very serious job related problems met by the staff nurses in order to improve their performance.

3. Top, middle, and lower managers must solve the job related problems met by the staff nurses in order that relationship between job related problems and job performance must be positively low.

4. The married, older and longer in the nursing practice staff nurses must be given due

5. For further research, another study similar to this study must be conducted in other hospital situated in other regions or cities to determine the similarities and differences of the findings.

BIBLIOGRAPHY It is a concluding section of the research paper, thesis and dissertation where listing of source materials are alphabetically arranged. Bibliography is placed after the recommendations, but in the middle heading format presentation to determine that it is a separate section in a research paper, thesis, and dissertation.


To give the reader the scope of research behind the paper.

To determine if particular source material has been used.

To provide reader basis for further research.

To allow the reader to discover easily the full bibliographic information for materials referred to in parenthetical notes where only the username of author and year are given, for example, (Calmorin,2007)

To give necessary descriptive details for the source materials as a whole in order that original statements can be located and consulted by the reader.


this refers to list of source materials actually cited within the text or content of a paper. This is commonly used for paper publication and is placed middle heading of the paper in all capital letters, i.e., LITERATURE CITED. The surname of the principal author are arranged in alphabetical order.

References this refers to list of source

materials cited and not cited in the text and commonly used in natural science paper and experimental research. This is placed in middle heading of the paper in all capital letters, for instance, REFERENCES.

Bibliographythis refers to the list of

source materials cited and not cited in the text. This is commonly used in education, social science, psychology, sociology, and descriptive research.

APPENDIXES An appendix is the second to last section of the research paper, thesis or dissertation. Appendix material include the research instrument, letter of transmittal, verbatim comments of the respondents, original data, summary, tabulations and computations, computer print outs, tables that contains data of lesser importance, supporting legal documents such as department orders, circulars, memoranda and many others. It also includes illustrative materials, and very lengthy quotations.

CURRICULUM VITAE Is the last section of the research paper, thesis or dissertation. This includes all the listing of personal data and achievements of the researcher.

Thank you