(THESIS) Brief Description of the Proposed Project or Business

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of (THESIS) Brief Description of the Proposed Project or Business

Brief Description of the proposed project or business

What it is

Our Product is “FERNDESAL” we called it ferndesal because it is a pandesal that made of Fern. We know that pandesal is most common and the most popular bread in the Philippines. Its name is Spanish for “salt bread.” Unlike the typical loaf of bread, the pandesal dough is rolled and cut to smaller pieces before baking it. Today, it is the most common breakfast bread used by most Filipinos which they stuff with different spreads, sardines, butter, peanut butter, cheese, langonisa, eggs or anything that will suit their taste. Another common way Filipinos eat the pandesal is by dipping it on coffee. Thus, pandesal and coffee is the most common breakfast among Filipinos. For the uniqueness of the pandesal we made it healthier because of the fern. The benefits that we can get from the fern are a good source of vitamin A, which is needed for good vision and a healthy immune system. It also contains vitamin C and niacin, It contains phosphorous, a mineral needed for healthy bones and also fern it can cure coughs and nasal congestion. The texture of our Ferndesal is tender and moderately airy, but not cotton-soft, as they have become in modern times. The crust, soft these days from the increased use of sugar, dairy, and eggs, was formerly hard and the color of Ferndesal is lightly brown in color. And also The Fern was dried ground and added to the pandesal so that consumers can enjoy its nutritious benefits.


Filipinos are known to be a good eater. We love to eat whenever and wherever we want to. When it comes in food, we are always on-the-go. We eat foods to satisfy our cravings. We culturally love eating carbohydrates such as rice and bread. As they say, we are easily tempted by foods of different tastes. It may be expensive or affordable, typical or exotic, and nutritious or not. We are easily pleased no matter how the packaging looks like. We even spend time on cooking our favorite meals for the family and even spare time in baking delicacies that we want to eat if we have time or when we are at home. Indeed, foods are not just a need for us but as well as an interests. Nowadays, people find alternative ways on eating nutritious food. In our daily lives, we need to acquire the kind of nutrients that our body needs in order for us to do things and to execute our works every day. There are many ways in getting nutrients and vitamins. We may eat menus with vegetables and fruits, we may take vitamins or whatever supplement that we want or simply drink a lot of water just to gain and regain nutrients in our body. There are a lot of vegetables out there with different colors, sizes, shapes, taste and nutrients but Do you know? one veggie Has a very nutritious vegetable that is FERN the purpose of the fern As a vegetable, Fern leaves is rich in fiber, which is a perfect healthy diet for people who are losing weight, have heart problems and even those with diabetes. We know the bread is mainly made of simple ingredients such as flour, eggs, yeast, sugar, and salt. Is commonly eaten by Filipinos by dipping them in the hot coffee and had long served as the main

breakfast dish of the common Filipino right? But our ferndesal it has a purpose Because of the importance of breakfast meal in the nutrition of man, Filipino nutritionists thought of reinforcing the common breakfast meal of Filipinos by adding vegetables in its ingredients. And also our Ferndesal is not like that expensive. Ferndesal is made up of Fern was dried ground and added to the pandesal so that consumers can enjoy its nutritious benefits.


I know that my title seems to be a little controversial as most of us think that ferns are merely plants that grow on the mountains and are usually used for landscapes and flower arrangements. Unknown to most of us, there is this one of a kind fern variety that Filipinos love to eat. This indigenous vegetable is commonly called “Fern or paco” (Athyrium esculentum). It is used as an ingredient for the Fern Salad, but aside for the fern salad we can also use it by making bread that is pandesal that made of Fern, so we called it “Ferndesal” The use fern in our pandesal it has a 5 Healthy Nutrients which we can get from fern eating.

1. Calcium – Is a mineral which is responsible for the formation of strong bones and teeth. Aside from that, calcium is also useful for the proper functioning of heart, nerves, muscles, and other body system. For someone who is suffering from pre- menstrual syndrome and high blood, the insufficiency of this mineral in the body aggravates the problem. It is then with this reason where the edible fern (Fern) will be of great use. Researchers indicate that this indigenous vegetable is a good source of calcium that is why an ample serving of this food in your meal would help alleviate calcium related problems.2). Phosphorus – Serves the same function which is similar to calcium. Such mineral makes up 1% in our bodies total body weight. Added to its function to our bones and teeth, this above mentioned mineral also helps in the utilization of carbohydrates and fats and in the synthesis of protein for the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues. With Fern minimal Phosphorus content, eating such vegetable still contributes satisfactory amount on the suggested daily needs of phosphorus in the body.3). Iron – helps in the production of energy in the body. It also serves as an avenue for the proper distribution of oxygen in the body. For someone who usually feels dizzy, and weak, the purchase of supplementary iron capsules is advisable yet costly. With this regard, the consumption of carefully selected fruits, vegetables and herbs (like Fern) would help you go back to life and solve the iron insufficiency problem in your body.4). Vitamin B – Also called Thiamine, this water soluble vitamin helps maintain breakdown of carbohydrates into the simple sugar. It also helps in the proper functioning of the nervous system. Since“Fern“is classified as green leafy vegetable, this fern variety help relieve known Vitamin B deficiencies.

5). Vitamin A – A vitamin that enables the maintenance of healthy eyes, skin and respiratory system. One with Vitamin A deficiency most like suffer from poor eyesight. Thus, including “Fern” as part of your diet helps you have good eye sight, healthy skin and respiratory system.

The Fern ingredient not only enhances the nutritional value of the pandesal but it also improved its taste. Finally, since one can create sandwich variations of the pandesal, one can also enjoy the nutritional benefits of stuff you put in the pandesal while enjoying its great taste.


Because of the many health benefits of Fern, we can innovate of that has help facilitate the eating of Fern is by incorporating the vegetable in pandesal resulting to the Fern pandesal. The Fern pandesal was concocted basically so that the ordinary pandesal which Filipinos love to eat during breakfast and snacks will be fortified with the health nutrients and benefits of Fern. It is simply assumed that putting Fern in the pandesal will allow one to get the nutrients from Fern. However, there is still insufficient study if the nutritional value of Fern is retained when included in the pandesal. Nevertheless, Ferndesal is very much nutritious in our body because all people in general for its more nutritional than an ordinary pandesal.