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Transcript of Thesis



Honours Thesis


Supervisor: DR ALAN WALTON


School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Submitted for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering

in the division of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

October 2001

Bok Eng Law

1/157 Hawken Drive

St Lucia

Queensland 4067

19TH October 2001

The Dean

Faculty of Engineering

University of Queensland

St. Lucia QLD 4072

Dear Sir,

In accordance with the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in the

division of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, I present the following thesis

entitled ” Simulation of the Transient Response of Synchronous Machines„ . This work

was performed under the supervision of Dr. Allan Walton.

I declare that the work submitted in this thesis is my own except as acknowledged in

the text and footnotes, and has not been previously submitted for a degree at the

University of Queensland or any other institution.

Yours sincerely,

Bok Eng Law




I would like to thank first and foremost my thesis supervisor Dr Allan Walton, for his

patience, care and guidance given to me throughout the duration of my thesis. Thank

you for your inspiration at times when I was feeling blue.

To my fellow peers and friends whom I have spent the year with ’ thanks for all the

ideas and support.

To my family for the support and encouragement given to strive for my goals.

To my beloved Grandparents, I have fulfilled your wish.

Special thanks to Mr. Ivan Lim Kian Tiong for lending me your laptop during the


Last but not least, I would like to dedicate my success to my love - Livins Tay, for

your understanding during this period of time. The love you gave has been

tremendous and invaluable. I wouldnδt have succeeded without you as my other half.





1.1 Thesis Outline 2

1.2 Thesis Objective 3

1.3 Limitations of The Simulation Model 4


2.1 Determination of Machine Parameters Using Results from The Frequency

Response Tests 7

2.1.1 Operational Inductance 7

2.1.2 Time Constant Extraction 8

2.1.3 Equivalent Circuit Parameters 10

2.2 Nonlinear Excitation Control 12

2.2.1 Feedback Linearization 13

2.2.2 Nonlinear Controller Design 15

2.2.3 Nominal Response of Excitation System 16

2.3 Turbine - Governor Control 18

2.3.1 Relationship of Governor, Turbine And Generator 20


3.1 The Two-Axis Theorem 22

3.1.1 Direct Axis 24

3.1.2 Quadrature Axis 26

3.2 Inertia Constant and Swing Equation 28

3.3 Power ’ Load Angle 30



3.4 Speed Governor and Excitation System 33

3.4.1 Excitation System Model 33

3.4.2 Prime Mover and Governing System Models 34


4.1 Selection of Simulation Software 38

4.1.1 Power Systems Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) 38

4.1.2 Power Systems Computer-Aided Design (PSCAD) 39

4.1.3 MATLAB ’ Simulink 41

4.2 Concept of Modelling The Synchronous Machine in The Power System 43

4.2.1 Exciter Model 44

4.2.2 Generator Model 46

4.2.3 Sensor Model 47

4.2.4 Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) with PID Controller 48

4.2.5 Turbine Model 49

4.2.6 Governor Model 50

4.2.7 Automatic Generation Control (AGC) 51

4.2.8 Combining AGC and Excitation System 53


5.1 Simulation Inputs 56

5.2 Simulation Procedure And Results 59

5.2.1 PID Controller ’ Change in Kp Only 63

5.2.2 PID Controller ’ Change in Ki Only 64

5.2.3 PID Controller ’ Change in Kd Only 64

5.2.4 Change in KI of the AGC Only 65

5.2.5 Change in Excitation Gain (KE) 66

5.2.6 Lower Order Models 67

5.3 Evaluation 68




6.1 Future Improvements 71

6.2 Conclusion 72






D.2 Second Order Model Simulation 83

D.3 Third Order Model Simulation 84





Figure 2.1 Equivalent circuit of a third order model 7

Figure 2.2 A synchronous generator connected to the infinite bus 12

Figure 2.3 Feedback linearization power system 15

Figure 2.4 System configuration under proposed nonlinear control 15

Figure 2.5 Nominal excitation system response 16

Figure 2.6 Typical arrangement of excitation components 17

Figure 2.7 Steady-state load-control band 19

Figure 2.8 Speed governor and turbine in relationship to generator 20


Figure 3.1 Illustration of the position of d-q axis on a two-pole machine 23

Figure 3.2 Salient-pole rotor with damper windings 23

Figure 3.3 Diagram of windings in the direct axis 24

Figure 3.4 Direct axis equivalent circuit 25

Figure 3.5 Quadrature axis equivalent circuit 26

Figure 3.6 Generator and load block diagram 29

Figure 3.7 Block diagram of a load model derived from the swing equation 29

Figure 3.8 Equal area rule 31

Figure 3.9 Expected dynamic behaviour when α increases 31

Figure 3.10 Expected dynamic behaviour when α decreases 32

Figure 3.11 Governor characteristic 34

Figure 3.12 Speed governing system 35

Figure 3.13 Block diagram of governing system for a hydraulic turbine 36




Figure 4.1 Simulation model for PSCAD 39

Figure 4.2 Output responses of the proposed PSCAD model 40

Figure 4.3 Blockset of a nonlinear control of hydraulic turbine and generator 41

Figure 4.4 Block diagram of a fourth order model synchronous machine 42

Figure 4.5 Schematic diagram of governor and AVR of the synchronous machine 43

Figure 4.6 Block diagram of governor and AVR of the synchronous machine 43

Figure 4.7 Block diagram of an exciter model 44

Figure 4.8 Exciter saturation curves 45

Figure 4.9 Block diagram of a simple generator model 46

Figure 4.10 Block diagram of a simple automatic voltage regulator (AVR) 47

Figure 4.11 Block diagram of the proposed AVR system with PID controller 48

Figure 4.12 Isolated power system load frequency control (LFC) block diagram 50

Figure 4.13 Block diagram of AGC in an isolated power system 51

Figure 4.14 Simulation model for the fourth order machine time constants 54


Figure 5.1 Diagram of a fourth order synchronous machine model in MATLAB

Simulink 59

Figure 5.2 Initial PID controller values for fourth order model 60

Figure 5.3 Simulink parameter settings 61

Figure 5.4 Terminal voltage Vt of the fourth order model 62

Figure 5.5 Frequency deviation step response ∆ω of the fourth order model 62

Figure 5.6 ” Zoom in„ detail of Figure 5.4 62

Figure 5.7 Terminal voltage when Kp = 1 63

Figure 5.8 Terminal voltage when Ki = 0.2 64

Figure 5.9 Terminal voltage when Kd = 0.7 64

Figure 5.10 Frequency deviation step response ∆ω when Kd = 0.7 65

Figure 5.11 Terminal voltage when KI = 7 65



Figure 5.12 Response of ∆ω when KI = 7 65

Figure 5.13 Response of Vt when KE = 10 66

Figure 5.14 Response of ∆ω when KE = 10 66

Figure 5.15 Output voltage response when Kp is set too high 68

Figure 5.16 Output voltage response when Kp is set too low 68

Figure 5.17 ” Zoom in„ response of terminal voltage with the new setting 69

Figure 5.18 New possible feedback loop 69




Figure A.1 Phasor diagram of a synchronous machine in steady state 78


Figure B.1 Synchronous excitation control system 79


Figure C.1 Power system block diagram with governor and voltage regulator 80


Figure D.1 Diagram of first order synchronous machine model in Simulink 82

Figure D.2 Frequency deviation step response ∆ω of the first order model 82

Figure D.3 ” Zoom in„ terminal voltage Vt of the first order model 82

Figure D.4 Diagram of second order synchronous machine model in Simulink 83

Figure D.5 Frequency deviation step response ∆ω of the second order model 83

Figure D.6 ” Zoom in„ terminal voltage Vt of the second order model 83

Figure D.7 Diagram of third order synchronous machine model in Simulink 84

Figure D.8 Frequency deviation step response ∆ω of the third order model 84

Figure D.9 ” Zoom in„ terminal voltage Vt of the third order model 84




Table 4.1 Classification of steam turbine 49

Table 5.1 Optimum time constants 56

Table 5.2 Values of the constants required for turbine and governing system 57

Table 5.3 Values of the constants required for excitation control system 57




Modern power systems are highly complex and non-linear and their operating

conditions can vary over a wide range. The overall accuracy of the system is primarily

decided by how correctly the synchronous machines within the system are modelled.

In most cases, the second order model of synchronous generator is used as it is

assumed to be sufficient to simulate the response of the machine. Yet this is

inadequate for transient study as units of microseconds or milliseconds are crucial to

the performance of the synchronous machine. Hence, there is a need to analyse

exclusively the model of synchronous machine in the power system.

A simulation model of a basic power system is set up to examine the response of the

synchronous machine during transient state. The power system simulation model is

designed to manage lower order (first and second order) machine time constants and

as well as handling higher order (third and fourth order) machine time constants. The

effects of using the PID controllers comprising a higher order model of a synchronous

machine in the power system are investigated and discussed. The other influencing

factors of using different types of turbines and various component parts within the

power system are briefly discussed.

This thesis demonstrates the simulation of the transient response of synchronous

machine connected to an infinite bus. Several improvements on the simulation model

are included. With proper modelling of the synchronous machine in the power system,

a better understanding of how the machine reacts under sudden large disturbances

during transient conditions can be achieved and hence a better controller of the

synchronous machine can be designed.







Modern power systems are highly complex and non-linear. Their operating conditions

can vary over a wide range. In stability studies, the overall accuracy is primarily

decided by how correctly the synchronous machines within the system are modelled.

Power system stability can be defined as the tendency of power system to react to

disturbances by developing restoring forces equal to or greater than the disturbing

forces to maintain the state of equilibrium (synchronism). Stability problems are

therefore concerned with the behaviour of the synchronous machine after they have

been perturbed. The increasing size of generating units, the loading of the

transmission lines and the operation of high-speed excitation systems nearer to their

operating limit are the main causes affecting small signal stability of power systems.

Generally, there are three main categories of stability analysis. They are namely

steady state stability, transient state stability and dynamics stability. Steady state

stability is defined as the capability of the power system to maintain synchronism

after a gradual change in power caused by small disturbances. Transient state stability

refers to as the capability of a power system to maintain synchronism when subjected

to a severe and sudden disturbance. This disturbance in the network connections is

brought about by faults and by sudden large increment of loads. The third category of

stability, which is the dynamic stability, is an extension of steady state stability. It is

concerned with the small disturbances lasting for a long period of time.

This thesis is focused on the transient response and stability of synchronous machine

in a typical power system using higher order models of synchronous machines.




This thesis provides a means of determining the transient response of any

synchronous machine in a power system by computerised simulation. Extensive

studies of various component parts are essential to closely simulate a working model.

Some of these studies include:

• Speed governor control

• Automatic voltage regulator (AVR) control

• Effects of using different types of prime mover (turbine)

• Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control for excitation system

• Direct-quadrature axis theorem

Due to the wide scope of studies in power systems, this thesis will be limited to the

study of the synchronous machine only. The focus will be on designing the power

system that manages lower order (first and second order) machine time constants and

is capable of handling higher order (third and fourth order) machine time constants

accurately. The thesis will also discuss the effects that the PID controllers and

feedback control circuits have when comprising a higher order model of a

synchronous machine in the power system. The use of different AVRs, turbines and

governors will not be included in the scope of this thesis so as to probe into the effects

of the synchronous machine only.

With proper modelling of the synchronous machine in the power system, we can

better understand how the machine reacts under sudden large disturbances during

transient conditions and hence design a better controller of the synchronous machine.

This thesis will be the pioneering study of the simulation of the transient response

using higher order model of synchronous machines and will serve as a basis for

simulation of more comprehensive power systems in the future theses.




Generally, most studies of the power system assume that using second order model of

synchronous generator would be sufficient to simulate the response of the machine.

This, however, is inadequate for transient study as units of microseconds or

milliseconds are crucial to the performance of the synchronous machine. Hence, there

is a need to analyse exclusively the model of synchronous machine in the power

system. A simulation model of a basic power system will be set up to examine the

response of the synchronous machine during transient state.

The inclusion of a power system stabilizer in the power system may not be necessary

if the response of synchronous machine is correctly understood. The effects of using

higher order models of a synchronous machine will be investigated and its possible

responses and effects on the conventional elements in the power system will be


The aim of this thesis is therefore to produce a program that can closely simulate the

operation of the synchronous machine using a range of transfer functions in order to

determine the transient response for any synchronous machine.




There are some assumptions made prior to the design of the simulation model. They

are as follows:

q A single turbine is used and will produce a constant torque with a constant

speed maintained during steady state operation (at synchronous speed).

q The output terminals of the generator are connected to infinite busbar that has

constant load.

q Only basic and linear models of the power system components (i.e. turbines,

feedback sensors, exciter, governor etc) will be used except for the model of

synchronous generator.

q The time constants of the synchronous machine used in this thesis are assumed

to be the optimum time constants extracted based on the values given in

Walton [1].

q The investigations beyond fourth order model are outside the scope for this








Many comprehensive articles, journal and conference papers can be found describing

the investigation of the synchronous machine and its operational parameters. In spite

of this, none of these papers directly analyses the response of higher order models of

the synchronous machine during the transient state. Most authors have simply taken

the second order models as their reference to discuss their investigation. However,

this may be inadequate in some cases when the precision of machine response

matters. Nevertheless, some literatures that are indirectly related to this thesis are used

as a basis in this discussion.

Discussion of a wide range of related issues, generated from the study of these

publications and investigations is required as a foundation for this thesis. The

following sections in this chapter will discuss about some conference papers and






The process for the extraction of the time constants of synchronous machines obtained

from the results of frequency response tests has been developed since the 1950s [2]. It

has become evident that frequency response methods are of major benefit in

determining machine parameters especially over the more traditional methods of

sudden short circuit and open circuit tests that may cause damage to the machines.

The advantage of doing so is that the conventional sudden short circuit tests can only

be used to determine parameters of second order models in direct axis while the

standstill frequency response (SSFR) tests are capable of achieving information on

both the direct and quadrature axis parameters. The paper by Walton [1] on the

method for determining parameters of synchronous machines from the results of

frequency response tests, describes three stages of the test which are:

q The conversion of impedance to an operational inductance,

q The extraction of the time constant of the machine from the operational


q The determination of parameters of the branches of the equivalent circuit for

the machine using these time constants and inductances.

2.1.1 Operational Inductance

Figure 2.1 Equivalent circuit of a third order model [3]



The use of higher order models requires an equivalent circuit of the form shown in

Figure 2.1. The operational inductance Ld(s) can be obtained from the measured

impedance Zd(s) from the equation as follows:

Ld(s) = Zd(s) - Ra

s ----- (2.1)

where Ra is the armature resistance

The asymptotic value of Ld(s), regardless of the order of model used, will be Ld

(which is equal to La + Lm) as the frequency tends to zero. Eventually, the equation for

Ld(s) is just transfer function of the time constants. An example of the transfer

function of Ld(s) for a fourth order equivalent circuit would be:

Ld(s) = Ld (1 + sT1) (1 + sT3) (1 + sT5) (1 + sT7)

(1 + sT2) (1 + sT4) (1 + sT6) (1 + sT8) ----- (2.2)

where T1, T3, T5, T7 and T2, T4, T6, T8 are the time constants of the zeros and poles

respectively that are required to be found. Further discussion in obtaining these time

constants of the poles and zeros using direct axis and quadrature axis can be found in

the section of next chapter on the two-axis theorem.

2.1.2 Time Constant Extraction

Using an analytical approach and applying characteristic of lag circuits rather than

numerical curve-fitting techniques, it is possible to extract the time constants of the

synchronous machine to a better degree of accuracy. The extraction of these time

constants is based on the fact that the circuit must be represented by a series of poles

and zeros in the complex frequency domain along the negative real axis. They are



produced by the individual R-L branches connected in parallel in the circuit shown in

Figure 2.1.

Two characteristics of a lag function are shown as:

(i) the maximum phase lag (φ) at the center frequency (λ m) of the pole-zero pair (Fc)

is determined from

sin φ = (π - 1)

(π + 1) ----- (2.3)

(ii) the overall gain change due to pole-zero pair is given by

∆Gain (dB) = -20 log π ----- (2.4)

The time constant values of the pole (Tp) and zero (Tz) can then be obtained from

Tp = √π

2ω Fc ----- (2.5)

Tz = Tp


----- (2.6)

The values of π and Fc can be obtained directly from the operational inductance data

since it is easy to identify the point in the frequency and the phase domain at which

the peak occurs. Hence, this simplifies the calculation of Tp and Tz from the given

equation (2.5) and (2.6). Measurement errors occur in both the phase and magnitude

which can be used in uniquely different ways to determine the best time constants.

The optimisation process involves varying Fc and π rather than Tp and Tz, and then re-

evaluating the time constants using the equations from (2.2) to (2.6). The process of

varying Fc is to adjust its value by 10% about the initial value. A similar approach is

used to find the optimum value of π, but the variation is much smaller as the change

in π has greater effects than the variation of Fc.



2.1.3 Equivalent Circuit Parameters

Ld(s) is the leakage reactance in series with the parallel combination of the

magnetising reactance and rotor impedance Zr(s). The expression for Zr(s) is therefore

Zr(s) = sLm[Ld(s) - La]

Lm + La - Ld(s) ----- (2.7)

and the rotor impedance can also be interpreted as

Zr = Rp (1 + sTf) (1 + sTj) (1 + sTk)

(1 + sTx) (1 + sTy) ----- (2.8)

where Rp is the parallel combination of the three rotor circuit resistances

suffixes f, j and k refer to the rotor branches in Figure 2.1.

Tx and Ty, are linearly related to the time constants of Ld(s) and the values of

Lm and La.

The relationship between the time constants and the unknown parameters can be

calculated using the matrix given below:

Through developing the variables using the same technique and deriving additional

time constants from the original response, this method can be used to determine for

higher order models of the synchronous machine.


Tx +Ty

Tx * Ty

----- (2.9)



With this information, this thesis is able to probe more in depth by using these

optimum time constants to simulate the operation of the machine closely.

Because this thesis is concerned with the modeling of the generator, it is axiomatic

that the AVR will be most important and that the governor will be of secondary





In the paper by Kennedy [4] on a nonlinear geometric approach to power system

excitation and stabilization, a method of solving dynamic instability by adding a

power system stabilizer to the excitation controller is described. Also, the paper

proposed a nonlinear geometric control by using the input-output feedback

linearization to transform into the state space system model so that the terminal

voltage becomes a linear function of the control input. In addition to these, it can be

tuned to provide optimum damping of power angle oscillations at a particular

setpoint. Consequently, the controller is capable of tracking step changes in reference

voltage exactly without using a high gain as is normally required.

A Parkδs third order, nonlinear, time-invariant, state space model of a synchronous

generator is used in this paper [4]. As illustrated in Figure 2.2, the system is modeled

by a constant voltage source with constant magnitude and frequency that is also

known as infinite bus system.

Figure 2.2 A synchronous generator connected to the infinite bus



2.2.1 Feedback Linearization

The selected state variables of the synchronous generator/infinite bus system model

are the power angle α, the power angle derivative λ , and the field flux linkage º f,

resulting in a system model described by

where the control input is the field voltage vf. The electric power Pe and the field

current if are nonlinear functions of the state shown as

A, B, C, D and B are constant matrices and their values depend on the physical

parameters of the system. The control output is the terminal voltage vt which is shown


Similarly, G and H are constant matrices and their values also depend on the system

parameters. The matrix G is nonzero which is the case in practice. The main purpose

----- 2.10

----- 2.11

----- 2.12

----- 2.13

----- 2.14

----- 2.15



of these equations is to force vt to track a predetermined reference while ensuring the

power angle α is within the desired operating range. However, the nonlinear

characteristic of the system model hinders the process of achieving this purpose.

A more desirable way to overcome this problem is by using the technique of input-

output feedback linearization. The details of this technique will not be included in this

discussion as the main objective is to discover how nonlinearities in the system affect

the excitation control element. When this technique is being applied, it is capable of

holding on to a large part of the state space and no practical limitation on the

operating region is required.

As described in Kennedy [4], the following state space equations are obtained by

applying the input-output feedback linearization technique:

Defining v as new control signal, the control input vf is therefore

The system equations will then become

----- 2.16

----- 2.17

----- 2.18

----- 2.19

----- 2.20

----- 2.21

----- 2.22



2.2.2 Nonlinear Controller Design

The power system can be divided into

(i) a linear electrical subsystem [equation (2.20)] which depends solely on

control input v, and

(ii) the remaining subsystem [equation (2.21) and (2.22)] which represents the

mechanics of motion driving the electrical subsystem.

The process of feedback linearization is illustrated in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 Feedback linearization power system [4]

The proposed control is shown in the block diagram of Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4 System configuration under proposed nonlinear control [4]



The design of the controller should provide a means of asymptotic tracking of the

reference signal vref and damp the power angle oscillations. Under the proposed

control, the feedback voltage (vt - vref) will handle the tracking requirement and the

power angle derivative λ is fed back to damp the power angle oscillations. However,

the power angle α is not required to be fed back because it would interfere with the

tracking component as it has a nonzero value at steady state.

2.2.3 Nominal Response of Excitation System

In the IEEE standard definitions [5] for excitation system for synchronous machines,

the nominal excitation system response is defined as the rate of increase of the

excitation system output voltage determined from the excitation system response

curve, divided by the rated field voltage as illustrated in Figure 2.5. It should be

understood that the ideal excitation response is ac rather than ab. Therefore in most

cases, the output response of the excitation is assumed to be linear which is not the

case in practice as saturation occurs.

Figure 2.5 Nominal excitation system response

Even though the simulation model proposed in this thesis is hoped to be adequate

using linear excitation control without using the power system stabilizer, it is



important to understand the characteristic of other forms of excitation control so as to

know the limitations of the simulation model in this thesis.

The excitation control is one of the important factors in the transient study of power

system analysis. Through understanding the paper by Kennedy [4] and the

ANSI/IEEE Standard [5], it is normally the requirement to have a high gain for the

excitation controller as an effective means of providing transient stability. In this way

when a disturbance occurs, the excitation controller can moderate the control signal

quickly and provide good damping of oscillations in the system. A typical relationship

between the excitation control system and the generator is illustrated in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 Typical arrangement of excitation components


Auxiliary Control

Exciter Voltage Regulator

Input torque from

prime mover

Exciter power source

Output voltage and current

Desired voltage




There is a need to consider the speed/load control transient response of a power

system as specified in ANSI/IEEE Std 122-1985 [6]. An understanding of the

characteristics of typical turbine is essential in power system studies. The prime

mover plays a vital role in contributing to the stability of the whole system. Optimum

transient response of a closed loop control system to an external disturbance depends

not just on the transfer function of the excitation controller, generator and sensors but

also the speed/load controller as well.

Various types of steam turbines have been introduced in this standard and have been

classified according to their functions and characteristics. Several speed regulations

were briefly mentioned and definitions of various terms in the area of

turbine/governor were defined. Instructions towards setting the regulations were given

to handle specified models. This standard gives a good overview of how the detail of

steam turbine is being illustrated in block diagrams.

In terms of speed regulation, different types of turbine have different ways of

calculating the regulation. Taking automatic extraction and mixed pressure turbines

for example, the speed regulation will be

Rs = No ’ Nm


* Pr

Pm * 100% ----- (2.23)

where Rs = steady-state speed regulation

No = speed at zero power output

Nr = rated speed

Nm = speed at Pm

Pm = maximum power output at which zero extraction or induction conditions

are permitted

Pr = rated power output



For all other types of turbine, the speed regulation can be expressed as follows:

Rs = No ’ N


* 100% ----- (2.24)

where Rs = steady-state speed regulation

No = speed at zero power output

Nr = rated speed

N = speed at rated power output

Careful consideration in selecting the turbine model is essential as from the above

examples, it is evident that there are different operating characteristics when using

various turbine models for simulation.

Stability of the turbine depends on the way the speed/load-control system positions

the control valves so that a sustained oscillation of the turbine speed or of the power

output as produced by the speed/load-control system does not exceed a specified

value during operation under steady-state load demand or following a change to a new

steady-state load demand. This steady-state load demand is being expressed in terms

of a range of values in a control band. This band is called steady-state load-control

band ∆Pb, which is shown in Figure 2.7

Figure 2.7 Steady-state load-control band [6]






2.3.1 Relationship of Governor, Turbine And Generator

Figure 2.8 Speed governor and turbine in relationship to generator [7]

The turbine-governor models are designed to give representations of the effects of the

power plants in the power system stability. [7] A functional diagram of the

representation used and its relationship to the generator is exemplified in Figure 2.8.

Various kinds of turbine can be found for different environments. They are ranged

from the commonly used gas turbine, hydro turbines, to steam turbine. Some of the

characteristics of these turbines can be found in the PSS/E User Handbook [7].

Even though in this thesis, the main focus is on the synchronous machine rather than

the prime mover and its control element, it is useful in understanding how different

types of turbines contribute to the stability of the power system.







In power system studies, there are many elements affecting stability of the system.

These factors require to be addressed before proceeding to design any simulation

program for the power system.

For example, when stability analysis involves simulation times longer than about one

second, any effects due to machine controllers such as automatic voltage regulators

(AVR) and speed governor must be incorporated. The AVR has a substantial effect on

transient stability when varying the field voltage to try to maintain the terminal

voltage constant. On the other hand, we should not discard the stability factor

contributed by the turbine in the system as the variation of mechanical power may

occur from time to time.

Given these reasons, we are required to have necessary background knowledge in

order to understand the actual processes that take place in the power system in order

to design a power system simulation as closely as possible. The following sections are

essential in order to commence on the design of simulation model in this thesis.


The electrical characteristic equations describing a three-phase synchronous machine

are commonly defined by a two-dimensional reference frame. This involves in the use

of Parkδs transformations [8] to convert currents and flux linkages into two fictitious

windings located 90η apart. A typical synchronous machine consists of three stator

windings mounted on the stator and one field winding mounted on the rotor. These

axes are fixed with respect to the rotor (d-axis) and the other lies along the magnetic

neutral axis (q-axis), which model the short-circuited paths of the damper windings.



Electrical quantities can then be expressed in terms of d and q-axis parameters. Figure

3.1 presents the diagram of d-q axis in the machine. Phasor diagram [9] of the

synchronous machine for steady state has been included in Appendix A.

Figure 3.1 Illustration of the positions of d-q axis on a two-pole machine [10]

There is the need for damper windings to reduce mechanical oscillations of the rotor

around the synchronous speed. The damper windings act in both the d-axis and q-axis,

however not equally. Illustrated in Figure 3.2 is the general construction of the

damper windings on the poles of the rotor.

Figure 3.2 Salient-pole rotor with damper windings



There have been several methods used to determine the parameters of a synchronous

machine. All of these methods base their analysis on acquiring the operational

inductance - obtaining some time constants from the inductance data and then using

this to determine the parameters of the machine.

3.1.1 Direct Axis

When a synchronous machine is running at synchronous speed with no field current

flowing and with the field winding slip rings short-circuited, the total flux linkages ’ f

with the field windings are:

’ f = ( Lf + Md ) If ’ Md Id ≡ 0 ----- (3.1)

where Lf = leakage inductance of field winding

La = leakage inductance of armature winding

Md = mutual inductance between the field and d-axis winding

If = current in field winding

Id = current in d-axis winding

and Ra = Rf = 0

These windings are illustrated in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3 Diagram of windings in the direct axis



With the aid of the diagram shown in Figure 3.4, the transfer function [11] for the

direct axis operational inductance can be expressed as follows:

Ld(s) = (1 + sTdδ)(1 + sTd„ )

(1 + sTd0δ)(1 + sTd0„ ) Ld ----- (3.2)

The direct axis reactance during transient is not the same as that in the steady state.

The value of Xd to be used during transients is called the direct axis transient

reactance Xdδ.

Xdδ = Xa + Xmd


Xmd + Xf ----- (3.3)

From this equation, it is obvious that the armature leakage reactance is in series with

the parallel combination of Xmd and Xf. Figure 3.4 shows the direct axis equivalent

circuit including the winding resistances.

Figure 3.4 Direct axis equivalent circuit

Since during transients the flux linkages with the field winding change, they will also

change with any closed circuit on the rotor.



The leakage reactance of damper windings is negligible in the steady state but during

sub-transient and transient state, it will be significant as it affects the time constants in

those periods. The equation for direct axis sub-transient reactance is:

Xdδδ = Xa +

Xmd Xf Xkd

Xmd Xf + Xmd Xkd + Xf Xkd

----- (3.4)

3.1.2 Quadrature Axis

The quadrature axis equivalent circuit as shown in Figure 3.5 is similar to direct axis

equivalent circuit but it has no field winding [11].

Figure 3.5 Quadrature axis equivalent circuit

Xqδδ = Xa + Xmq


Xmq + Xkq ----- (3.5)

From Figure 3.5, the quadrature axis sub-transient reactance can be determined as

shown in equation (3.5).

With the diagram shown in Figure 3.5, the transfer function [11] for the quadrature

axis operational inductance can be expressed as:



Lq(s) = (1 + sTq„ )

(1 + sTq0„ ) Lq ----- (3.6)

Consequently, various time constants can be obtained as follows [11]:

Td0δ = 1

λ 0 Rf (Xmd + Xf) ----- (3.7)

Tdδ = 1

λ 0 Rf ( Xf +

Xmd Xa

Xmd + Xa ) ----- (3.8)

Td0δδ = 1

λ 0 Rkd ( Xkd +

Xmd Xf

Xmd + Xf ) ----- (3.9)

Tdδδ = 1

λ 0 Rkd ( Xkd +

Xmd Xa Xf

Xmd Xf + Xmd Xa + Xf Xa

) ----- (3.10)

Tq0δδ = 1

λ 0 Rkq (Xkq + Xmq) ----- (3.11)

Tqδδ = 1

λ 0 Rkq ( Xkq +

Xmq Xa

Xmq + Xa ) ----- (3.12)

Tkd = Xkd

λ 0 Rkd ----- (3.13)




The stability of a synchronous machine depends on the inertia constant and the

angular momentum. The rotational inertia equations describe the effect of unbalance

between electromagnetic torque and mechanical torque of individual machines. By

having small perturbation and small deviation in speed, the swing equation [12]



dt =


2H (∆Pm - ∆Pe) ----- (3.14)

where H = per unit inertia constant

∆Pm = change in per unit mechanical power

∆Pe = change in per unit electrical power

∆λ = change in speed

After Laplace transformation, equation (3.14) will then become

∆λ (s) = 1

2Hs [∆Pm(s)- ∆Pe(s)] ----- (3.15)

A more appropriate way to describe the swing equation is to include a damping factor

that is not accounted for in the calculation of electrical power Pe. Therefore a term

proportional to speed deviation should be included. The speed-load characteristic of a

composite load describing such issue is approximated by

∆Pe = ∆PL + KD∆λ ----- (3.16)

where KD is the damping factor or coefficient in per unit power divided by per unit

frequency. KD∆λ is the frequency-sensitive load change and ∆PL is the nonfrequency-

sensitive load change. Figure 3.7 presents a block diagram representation derived

from the swing equation using equation (3.16).





∆– (s)



∆– (s)

Figure 3.6 Generator and load block diagram

Figure 3.7 Block diagram of a load model derived from the swing equation

∑ 1

2Hs + KD

∑ 1






Generator control is needed to keep the operation of generator stable as soon as

possible after disturbances caused by some unexpected system faults. Two

performance indices are concerned. One is the system transfer capability. The more

power is transferred, the better it is. The other is the oscillating time, or system

damping. The faster, the better it is. To achieve this, consider a single machine

connected to an infinite bus system, the power output of generator can be expressed as

Pe = EgVt

Xs sinα ----- (3.17)

where Eg = generated EMF

Vt = constant terminal voltage of the infinite bus

Xs = constant synchronous reactance of the machine

If there is a fault occurred within the power system, the machine would operate along

Curve II during the fault period as shown in Figure 3.8. When the fault disappears, the

machine would operate along Curve I. Area A is the accelerating energy and Area B

is the decelerating energy. In order to damp system as soon as possible, Area A and B

must be minimized which can be achieved by either reducing the mechanical power

Pm input, or increasing the electrical power Pe output.



Figure 3.8 Equal area rule of generator oscillation in first swing

The expected running curve is Curve IIδ during the fault period and Curve Iδ after

fault. Then the maximum internal angle is decreased from α2 to α2δ. This operation can

be achieved by increase the voltage and decrease Pm. The behavior after the first

swing will follow same argument: increasing the voltage and decreasing the

mechanical power when machine is in acceleration, decreasing the voltage and

increasing the mechanical power when machine is in deceleration. Figure 3.9 and 3.10

describe the processes as mentioned [9].

Figure 3.9 Expected dynamic behavior when α increases



Figure 3.10 Expected dynamic behavior when α decreases




The issue of power system stability is becoming more crucial. The excitation and

governing controls of the generator play an important role in improving the dynamic

and transient stability of the power system. Typically the excitation control and

governing control are designed independently. Changes in the values of these controls

affect the transient response of the machine. Different types of governors and AVRs

would then have different output characteristics that must be considered in this thesis

in order to simulate the response with a set of accurate time constants of the

synchronous machine.

3.4.1 Excitation System Model

Typically the excitation system is a fast response system where the time constant is

small. Its basic function is to provide a direct current to the field winding.

Furthermore, the excitation system performs control and protective functions essential

to secure operation of the system by controlling the field voltage. Hence the field

current is within acceptable levels under a range of different operating conditions.

The protective functions of the excitation system ensure that the limits of the

synchronous machine, excitation system and other controlling equipments are not

exceeded. Its control functions include the monitoring of voltage and reactive power

flow. These contribute as an important factor in power system stability. Appendix B

illustrates typical excitation systems within a control system.

The design of a simulation model based on a single machine connected to infinite bus

system is normally used as shown in Figure 2.2. The regular governing control is a

traditional PID control, which is similar to IEEE type 1 model. The excitation control

in this thesis will assume a linear optimal control.



3.4.2 Prime Mover and Governing System Models

The prime mover governing system provides a means of controlling real power and

frequency. The relationship between the basic elements associated with power

generation and control is shown in Figure 2.7. A basic characteristic of a governor is

shown in Figure 3.11.

Figure 3.11 Governor characteristic

From Figure 3.11, there is a definite relationship between the turbine speed and the

load being carried by the turbine for a given setting. The increase in load will lead to a

decrease in speed. The example given Figure 3.11 shows that if the initial operating

point is at A and the load is dropped to 25%, the speed will increase. In order to

maintain the speed at A, the governor setting by changing the spring tension in the fly-

ball type of governor will be resorted to and the characteristic of the governor will be

indicated by the dotted line as shown in Figure 3.11.

Figure 3.11 illustrates the ideal characteristic of the governor whereas the actual

characteristic departs from the ideal one due to valve openings at different loadings


In contrast to the excitation system, the governing system is a relatively slow response

system because of the slow reaction of mechanic operation of turbine machine.



99% 98%

25% 50%

A ∆ω

Slope = -R where R = speed regulation



Figure 3.12 Speed governing system [14,18]

In Figure 3.12, the schematic diagram of a speed governing system that controls the

real power flow in the power system is shown. As shown, the speed governor is made

up of the following parts:

1. Speed Governor: As shown in Figure 3.12 is a fly-ball type of speed

governor. The mechanism provides upward and

downward vertical movements proportional to the

change in speed.

2. Linkage Mechanism: Provide a movement to the control valve in the

proportion to change in speed.

3. Hydraulic Amplifier: Low power level pilot valve movement is converted

into high power level piston valve movement which is

necessary to open or close the steam valve against high

pressure steam.

4. Speed Changer: Provides a steady-state power output setting for the




Speed Governor

Hydraulic amplifier

To open

To close

To governor -controlled


Speed Changer



When selecting a prime mover to model in the simulation, special considerations are

required as different types of turbine required different operating conditions and

hence the effects on the power system stability will be different.

Using an example of hydraulic turbines, a large transient (temporary) droop with a

long resetting time is needed for stable control performance because of the ” water

hammer„ effect, a change in gate position generates an initial turbine power change

which is opposite that which is desired. The transient droop provides a transient gain

reduction compensation that limits the gate movement until the water flow and power

output have time to catch up. Figure 3.13 describes this process using block diagram.

Figure 3.13 Block diagram of governing system for a hydraulic turbine [9]


1 + sTP Ks




1 + sTG

Dead Band

Pilot Valve and servomotor μ max open

μ max close

max gate position=1

min gate position=0



1 + sTP

Gate servomotor

Gate Position �

Permanent droop

Transient droop X 2

λ ref

λ r







This chapter discusses the selection of simulation software, derivation of the

simulation model and the implementation of the proposed design model. The design

models must be able to meet the thesis objective specified despite having limitations

and assumptions listed under Chapter 1.


Currently, there are many software programs available for analyzing comprehensive

power system simulation. There were three possible choice of simulation software

available for this thesis. They are listed in the following sections.

4.1.1 Power Systems Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E)

There are a wide variety of electromechanical equipment models in PSS/E library. Its

ability to interface with other data formats has gained recognition from the IEEE. The

advantage that PSS/E has is its software package provides comprehensive models of

power system components and details of such models are printed on its operation

manual. The disadvantage is that the ready-made models are tedious to modify.

Complex FORTRAN programming is required before the user can modify any

simulation models in its library. Therefore, it is less user-friendly as compared with

the selected software. Moreover, there are few articles and books that make use of the

new PSS/E as the simulation program. In addition to these, PSS/E is mainly used for

simulation of faults in the transmission lines, transformers or buses.



4.1.2 Power Systems Computer-Aided Design (PSCAD)

PSCAD consists of a set of programs which enable the efficient simulation of a wide

variety of power system networks. With the integration of EMTDC (Electromagnetic

Transient and DC) functions, it is suitable for transient simulation. Figure 4.1 shows a

simulation model of synchronous machine.

Figure 4.1 Simulation model for PSCAD

Using this PSCAD model of synchronous machine, the output responses of several

variables are obtained and shown in Figure 4.2. The synchronous machine model

developed for PSCAD/EMTDC is based on Parkδs equations, with damping windings

and a solid-state exciter [15].



Figure 4.2 Output responses of the proposed PSCAD model.

These output responses are for a second order model being generated by using the

built-in functions of PSCAD. An investigation in a later stage found that the built-in

functions in PSCAD are incapable of handling machine models that are higher than a



second order model. The new creation of a higher order machine model is only

possible through extensive FORTRAN programming. Moreover during the research

of using PSCAD, it has shown signs of program ” bugs„ which sometimes disable the

execution of simulating the model. Under such circumstances, a more stable and

powerful software is required for this thesis.

4.1.3 MATLAB ” Simulink

The final option was to use MATLAB Simulink to design the model. However, there

are two ways in Simulink to design the machine model which are:

1. Using power system blockset [16] which is a set of ready-made machine

models in MATLAB Simulink.

2. Using blocks of transfer functions of the machine to manipulate the design


Figure 4.3 illustrates a power system blockset model of nonlinear control of a

hydraulic turbine and a synchronous generator. The limitation of using blockset is

similar to PSS/E and PSCAD, as most of the ready-made models of the synchronous

machine cannot handle higher order time constant inputs.

Figure 4.3 Blockset of a nonlinear control of hydraulic turbine and generator



VF(s) Vt(s)

First order time constants

Second order time constants

Third order time constants

Fourth order time constants

However, using blocks of the transfer function to represent the components in the

power system is capable of having higher order machine time constants as inputs.

This can be achieved by the illustration shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4 Block diagram representing a fourth order model synchronous machine.

where KG = Gain of the generator

Tz = Time constant of the zero

Tp = Time constant of the pole

VF = Field voltage of the synchronous generator

Vt = Terminal voltage of the synchronous generator

As a result, MATLAB Simulink was chosen for its flexibility in terms of designing

the simulation model and its powerful solvers for solving transfer function equations.

(1 + sTz2)

(1 + sTp2)

(1 + sTz3)

(1 + sTp3)

(1 + sTz1)

(1 + sTp1)

(1 + sTz4)

(1 + sTp4)






Vref Vout



In order to design the simulation program, a schematic diagram of the required

components for the simulation is shown in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5 Schematic diagram of governor and AVR of the synchronous machine

A simplified block diagram of this schematic is shown in Figure 4.6 below.

Figure 4.6 Block diagram of governor and AVR of the synchronous machine

In Figure 4.5 and 4.6, the diagrams give a general view of how the synchronous

machine should be modelled. However in order to incorporate the functions that can

accommodate higher order time constants, the block diagram in Figure 4.6 will need

to be explicitly redefined.


Generator ∑

Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)

Load Frequency Control (LFC)



VR(s) VF(s)

4.2.1 Exciter Model

The most important component other than the synchronous machine in the power

system is the excitation system. The most basic form [12] of expressing the exciter

model can be represented by a gain KE and a single time constant TE as shown in

equation (4.1).


VR(s) =


1 + sTE ----- (4.1)

where VR = the output voltage of the regulator (AVR)

VF = field voltage

Discussion and proof about this type of closed loop equation can be found in any

standard control text such as Phillips [17]. Therefore, in terms of expressing equation

(4.1) in the form of block diagram will be

Figure 4.7 Block diagram of an exciter model

There are many different types of excitation systems available. Some of which uses ac

power source through solid-state rectifiers such as SCR [14]. As a result, the output

voltage of the exciter becomes a nonlinear function of the field voltage due to the

saturation effects which occur in the magnetic circuit shown in Figure 4.8.

Consequently, there is no straightforward relationship between the field voltage and

the terminal voltage of the exciter. However, the modern exciter can be estimated as a

linearised model, taking account for major time constant and ignoring the saturation

and other nonlinearities. Therefore, the simplest form of representing a basic exciter is

expressed as equation (4.1) which will be used to represent the exciter model in the

simulation of this thesis.


1 + sTE



Air gap line No-load saturation

Constant resistance load saturation

Exciter Voltage, VF

Exciter Field Current, i B


SE = f(VF) = A - B

B =


B - 1

Figure 4.8 Exciter saturation curves

The excitation system amplifier may be a rotating amplifier, a magnetic amplifier or

modern electronic amplifier. In any case, a linearized characteristic of the amplifier is

assumed. The amplifier is represented similarly by a gain KA and a time constant TA.

The transfer function of the amplifier is


Ve(s) =


1 + sTA ----- (4.2)

where Ve = reference voltage Vref - output voltage of the sensor VS

Typically, the time constant of the amplifier is very small and is often neglected.

Therefore it is very often the case, as well as in the thesis, to represent the amplifier

(neglecting the time constant) and the exciter as a single block model since the time

constant for the exciter is also very small.



VF(s) Vt(s)

4.2.2 Generator Model

The basic generator model will be similar to the exciter model in terms of its transfer

function. A simple linearized model of generator can be expressed as shown in Figure

4.9 where Vt is the terminal voltage of the synchronous generator. KG and TG are the

generator gain and time constant of the generator. For this simple model, the typical

value of KG varies between 0.7 to 1, and TG between 1 second to 2 seconds from full-

load to no-load since these constants are load dependent. However, taking into the

consideration of higher order models of the synchronous machine, a more defined

model is required.

Figure 4.9 Block diagram of a simple generator model

Given the equation (2.2) in Chapter 2 and also the papers by Walton [3] and Keyhani

[20], a higher order generator model can be defined. As shown in Figure 4.4 a fourth

order model of the synchronous machine consists of a generator gain plus four pairs

of pole-zero time constants derived from the operational inductance equation (2.2). In

terms of expressing it as transfer function, it is shown in equation (4.3) below


VF(s) =

KG (1 + sTz1) (1 + sTz2) (1 + sTz3) (1 + sTz4)

(1 + sTp1) (1 + sTp2) (1 + sTp3) (1 + sTp4) ----- (4.3)

The result of increasing from a fourth order model to a fifth order model is an

additional pole-zero pair time constants being added to equation (4.3) and so on as the

order goes higher. Similarly if a third order model is in place with the fourth one, a

pair of pole-zero time constant will be remove from equation (4.3).


1 + sTG



Vref(s) Vt(s)


Amplifier Exciter Generator

Ve(s) VR(s) VF(s)


4.2.3 Sensor Model

The terminal voltage of the synchronous generator is being fed back by using a

potential transformer that is connected to the bridge rectifiers. The sensor is also being

modelled, likewise as the exciter, by a first order transfer function


Vt(s) =


1 + sTR ----- (4.4)

where VS = output voltage of the sensor, i.e. the output of the bridge rectifiers.

By combining the various models from Section 4.2.1 to 4.2.3, a simple automatic

voltage regulator (AVR) is created with the combination of a first order model of

synchronous generator.

Figure 4.10 Block diagram of a simple automatic voltage regulator (AVR) [12,19] Therefore the closed-loop transfer function relating the generator terminal voltage

Vt(s) to the reference voltage Vref(s) is



= KA KE KG KR (1 + sTR)

(1 + sTA) (1 + sTE) (1 + sTG1) (1 + sTR) + KA KE KG KR

----- (4.5)


1 + sTA


1 + sTE


1 + sTR


1 + sTG



Vref(s) Vt(s)


PID Controller

Exciter Generator

Ve(s) VF(s)


4.2.4 Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) with PID Controller

A three term controllers of proportional-integral-derivative action called the PID

controller, is introduced to the excitation system. It improves the dynamic response

and also reduces or eliminates the steady state error.

However, the use of a high derivative gain will result in excessive oscillation and

instability when the generators are strongly connected to an interconnected system.

Therefore an appropriate control of derivative gain is required. The proportional and

integral gains can be chosen to result in the desired temporary droop and reset time.

The transfer function of a PID controller is

GC(s) = Kp + Ki

s + Kds ----- (4.6)

Therefore, the proposed AVR system block diagram for simulating a fourth order

model of synchronous generator with the rest of the appropriate excitation system

components is shown in Figure 4.11. Note that the amplifier block shown in Figure

4.10 has merged with the exciter block in Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.11 Block diagram of the proposed AVR system with PID controller


1 + sTE

KG (1 + sTz1) (1 + sTz2) (1 + sTz3) (1 + sTz4)

(1 + sTp1) (1 + sTp2) (1 + sTp3) (1 + sTp4)


1 + sTR




4.2.5 Turbine Model

As mentioned in the earlier chapters different types of turbines have different

characteristics. This source of mechanical power can be a hydraulic turbine, steam

turbine and others. Six types of steam turbine models are discussed in an IEEE

transaction report [21]. There are listed in the following table:


A Non-reheat

B Tandem compound, single reheat

C Tandem compound, double reheat

D Cross compound, single reheat

E Same as D but with different shaft arrangement

F Cross compound, double reheat

Table 4.1 Classification of steam turbine

The simplest form of model for a non-reheat steam turbine can be approximated by

using a single time constant TT. The model for turbine associates the changes in

mechanical power ∆Pm with the changes in steam valve position ∆PV. Hence the

transfer function is

GT(s) = ∆Pm(s)

∆PV(s) =


1 + sTT ----- (4.7)





Governor & Turbine Rotating Mass & load


∆– (s) ∆Pg(s) ∆Pm(s)

4.2.6 Governor Model

The speed governor mechanism works as a comparator to determine the difference

between the reference set power ∆Pref and the power (1/R)∆ω shown in Figure 3.11.

The speed governor output ∆Pg is therefore

∆Pg(s) = ∆Pref(s) - 1

R ∆ω(s) ----- (4.8)

where R represents the speed regulation [19]

From the speed governing system illustrated in Figure 3.12, speed governor output

∆Pg is being converted to steam valve position ∆PV through the hydraulic amplifier

[18]. Assuming a linearized model with a single time constant Tg:

∆PV(s) = 1

1 + sTg ∆Pg(s) ----- (4.9)

Consequently from section 4.2.5, 4.2.6 and the load model in Figure 3.7, the proposed

load frequency control (LFC) for this thesis is created which is illustrated in below

Figure 4.12 Isolated power system load frequency control (LFC) block diagram

Note that the governor and turbine have merged to form a single block for simplicity.


(1 + sTg) (1 + sTT)




2Hs + KD





Governor & Turbine Machine Dynamics

∆– (s) ∆Pg(s) ∆Pm(s)



4.2.7 Automatic Generation Control (AGC)

The generic functions [18] of AGC include the following aspects:

1. Load frequency control (LFC)

2. Economic dispatch

In this thesis, only the first aspect is discussed since it is involved in the transient

response of the machine. In the case of a steam turbine, if the load on the system is

increased, the turbine speed decelerates before the speed governor can detect and

adjust the input of the steam to cater for the new load. As the change in the value of

the speed diminishes, the error signal becomes smaller and the position of the

governor flyball moves closer to the point needed to maintain constant speed. Yet this

constant speed is not the set point and an offset occurs.

Figure 4.13 Block diagram of AGC in an isolated power system

By adding an integrator, it can restore the speed or frequency to its apparent value by

monitoring the average error over a period of time to correct the offset. Considering

the AGC in a single area system and in an interconnected system with the primary

LFC loop, any change in the load of the system will cause a steady state frequency


(1 + sTg) (1 + sTT)




2Hs + KD





deviation depending on the governor speed regulation. A reset control is needed to

reduce this frequency deviation to zero by introducing a secondary loop, which

consists of an integral unit, shown in Figure 4.13.

The integral controller gain KI is fine tuned to obtain the optimum transient response

of the system. In order to restore the system to its set point, the integrator is added on

to the load reference setting to change the speed set point. This forces the final

frequency deviation to zero.



4.2.8 Combining AGC and Excitation System

Due to the weak coupling relationship between the AVR and AGC, the voltage and

frequency are regulated separately. The study of coupling effects of the linearized

AVR and AGC can be found in Kundur [12] and Anderson [13].

In [12] and [13], they have mentioned that a small change in the electrical power ∆Pe

is the product of the synchronizing power coefficient PS and the change in the power

angle ∆α. Taking account of the voltage proportional to the main field winding flux

Eδ, the following linearized equation is obtained:

∆Pe = K2∆α + K1Eδ ----- (4.10)

where K1 is the change in electrical power for a change in the direct axis flux linkages

with constant rotor angle and K2 = PS.

By modifying the generator field transfer function (one time constant lag model) and

taking into account the effect of rotor angle α, the equation for stator EMF can be

expressed as

Eδ = KG

1 + sTG (Vf ’ K3∆α ) ----- (4.11)

where K3 = the demagnetizing effect of a change in the rotor angle (at steady state)

The small effect of this rotor angle α upon the generator terminal voltage can be

expressed as

∆Vt = K4∆α + K5Eδ ----- (4.12)

where K4 = change in terminal voltage with the change in rotor angle for constant Eδ

K5 = change in terminal voltage with the change in Eδ for constant rotor angle

More detail discussion on equation (4.10) to (4.12) can be found in [12], [13] and

[14]. A representation of these constants is shown in Appendix C.



Therefore, the simulation model for a fourth order machine time constants is

generated in Figure 4.14. The actual model may vary slightly in presentations due to

some limitations in the MATLAB graphics interface. Nonetheless, the simulation

model in MATLAB follows closely as shown in Figure 4.14.

Figure 4.14 Simulation model for the fourth order machine time constants.

Note that ∆VL and ∆PL are included to simulate the load change in voltage and power

respectively, which are effectively the change in reactive and real power.







This chapter provides the required simulation inputs and produces the simulation

results so as to make evaluations on the models used.


Before commencing the simulation, some data are required to input to the model.

They are the gains of the various controllers, the coupling coefficients, the speed

regulation and a set of synchronous machine time constants.

As mentioned in Section 1.3, the optimum time constants extracted from the result of

Walton [1] are used. These time constant values are shown in Table 5.1 below

Rotor Time Constants

Circuit Poles Zeros

F 3.9517 0.9087

J 0.1481 0.1257

K 0.00838 0.00688

L 0.000937 0.000775

Table 5.1 Optimum time constants

The suffixes of f, j, k and l refer to the rotor branches corresponding to Figure 2.1 with

the additional rotor branch of l. With all these rotor branches being considered, they

represent a fourth order model of the synchronous generator. Therefore, using only

rotor branch of f represents first order model; using f and j represent second order

model; using f, j and k represent third order model and so on.



The gain values of various components as well as other constants required in this

simulation (corresponding to the simulation diagram Figure 4.14) can be found in

Table 5.2 and Table 5.3 below. The values chosen are typically values gathered from

papers, articles and books [1, 5, 6, 12, 14].

∆Pref KD R H Tg TT ∆PL 0 0.8 0.05 10 0.2 0.5 0.2

Table 5.2 Values of the constants required for turbine and governing system (all

values are in per unit).

The only variable term in this part of the control system is KI which is adjusted

accordingly in order to satisfy the transient response of the machine. The speed

regulation is set as 5% which eventually becomes a gain of 20 and the load change in

real power is set at 20%. For a 0.8% in load change, there is a 1% change in

frequency which corresponds to KD = 0.8. The value of the generator inertia constant

is assumed to be 10 seconds and the time constants of the governor and turbine are 0.2

second and 0.5 second respectively

Vref KE KG KR K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 TE TR ∆VL 1 200 1 1 0.2 1.5 1.4 -0.1 0.5 0.05 0.05 0.05

Table 5.3 Values of the constants required for excitation control system (all values are

in per unit).

The variable terms in the excitation control system are the values of the PID controller

(namely Kp for proportional gain, Ki for integral gain and Kd for derivative gain) that

are varied to obtain the optimum output responses of the machine, which are the

terminal voltage Vt and the frequency deviation step response ∆ω. The exciter model

in Figure 4.14 includes an amplifier unit. Due to the small time constants of the

amplifier, it has been ” merged„ with the exciter unit to form a single block. Therefore

the constant values shown for the exciter includes the values of the amplifier. The

typical exciter gain is high as mentioned in Section 2.2.3. In this case, the gain KE is



200 and the time constant TE is 0.05 sec. The gain of the feedback sensor and the

generator is 1 and the step input reference voltage is set to 1.

In simulating a reactive load change, a voltage change in load is assumed to be 5%.

For a stable system, K1, K2 (which is equal to Ps), K3 and K5 are positive and K4 may

be negative.

As a summary, the variables in this simulation are the feedback integrator gain KI of

the AGC, the PID controller values of proportional gain Kp, integral gain Ki and

derivative gain Kp. The rest of the controller gains and their time constants are fixed

unless otherwise stated.




With all the values of the constants given, a fourth order synchronous generator model

corresponds to Figure 4.14 has been set up using MATLAB Simulink as shown in

Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 Diagram of a fourth order synchronous machine model in MATLAB




The values of the PID controller are set as shown below

Figure 5.2 Initial PID controller values for fourth order model

These values for the PID controller are typical values recommended in Kundur [12]. It

is found that the derivative gain, which was being recommended as 0.5, has to be

lower to obtain a better response. The initial value of KI in the governing control loop

can be seen to be 5.2 in Figure 5.1.

In Simulink, the selection of solvers is important as it affects the accuracy and

efficiency of the model. In this simulation, a standardized setting throughout the

whole investigation is set as shown in Figure 5.3.

The solver selected is ode23(Bogacki-Shampine) because it was found to produce a

more efficient response when compared to the other solvers available in Simulink.

Further details of the selection of solver can be found in Appendix A of Saadat [14].

In addition to this, a detail explanation of the usage of these solvers can be found in

the help features within the MATLAB program.

The period of simulation is set as 30 seconds so as to verify that there are no further




Figure 5.3 Simulink parameter settings

The corresponding outputs in terms of the terminal voltage Vt and the frequency

deviation step response ∆ω are generated in Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5 respectively.

Note that due to the limitations in MATLAB of labeling axis on the generated graphs,

all the plots generated using Simulink will have

1. x axis as time scale in seconds, and

2. y axis as per unit scale

From the results shown in Figure 5.4 to 5.6, the primary objective of this thesis is the

correct simulation of the output response of this fourth order model. The PID

controller was adjusted to the values shown in Figure 5.2 to achieve this set of

satisfactory responses.



Figure 5.4 Terminal voltage Vt of the fourth order model

Figure 5.5 Frequency deviation step response ∆ω of the fourth order model

In Figure 5.5, the response for ∆ω oscillates for a period of 12.5 seconds before

settling down to zero deviation. There is an overshoot error occurring at 3.5 seconds.

This overshoot error has to be minimized by adjusting the values of the PID

controllers and KI. The ideal response is to keep the deviation (oscillation) as close to

zero as possible at the minimum period of time.

Figure 5.6 ” Zoom in„ detail of Figure 5.4



Due to the fact that a high excitation gain is used, the compensating effect is fast and

the response of the terminal voltage happens in a split second. Figure 5.4 may not

display this resultant effect vividly. Therefore the ” zoom in„ detail of Figure 5.4 is

shown in Figure 5.6. The model, reacting to the resistive and reactive load changes at

the same time, is able to restore the terminal voltage back to the nominal step input

value of 1 at about 0.2 seconds. After restoring the voltage back to nominal value, the

model remains stable as shown in Figure 5.4.

5.2.1 PID Controller ” Change in Kp Only

Setting the proportional gain Kp to 1 and keeping the rest of the variables at their

initial values, the response of ∆ω is similar to the one in Figure 5.5. The detailed

response of the terminal voltage is then

Figure 5.7 Terminal voltage when Kp = 1

It can found that with a set of values for other variables, the improper setting of Kp

leads to the additional increase or decrease in excitation controlled by the voltage

regulator. In this case the previous value of Kp gave an acceptable response. Now by

decreasing the value of Kp, there is an overshoot from 0.5 second and settling down to

1V after 6 seconds. Even though, it is usually the practice to generate a very small

overshoot in the terminal voltage that gradually settles at the desired set value which

in this case is 1, the response that is theoretically preferred should be the one shown in

Figure 5.4 rather than Figure 5.7. Nevertheless, the setting of Kp = 1, with respect to

the rest of the variable values, does not produce a good overall response.



5.2.2 PID Controller - Change in Ki Only

By decreasing Ki to 0.2 and keeping the rest of the variables the same as their initial

values, the frequency deviation step response ∆ω has similar response to the one

shown in Figure 5.5. The ” zoom in„ detail of the response for terminal voltage is

illustrated in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8 Terminal voltage when Ki = 0.2

After Ki has decreased, the response of the machine is ” slower„ as compared to Figure

5.5 when Ki is at 0.7. The time taken for the terminal voltage to reach the value of 1 is

now 0.5 seconds.

5.2.3 PID Controller - Change in Kd Only

Figure 5.9 Terminal voltage when Kd = 0.7

Similarly, the values of all other variables remain the same and Kd is increased from

0.2 to 0.7, the terminal voltage is shown in Figure 5.9. The frequency deviation step



response ∆ω is also shown in Figure 5.10. From these results, it can be seen that the

time for terminal voltage to reach 1V has increased to 15 seconds. Moreover, there are

small but slow oscillation in ∆ω after 20 seconds. Generally, except for the slight

oscillation, the initial response of ∆ω is the same as the previous few cases. It can be

deduced that the value of Kd was set too high and the optimal value should be smaller.

Figure 5.10 Frequency deviation step response ∆ω when Kd = 0.7

5.2.4 Change in KI of the AGC Only

By changing the gain of the integrator KI from 5.2 to 7 in the AGC feedback loop, the

results are as follows:

Figure 5.11 Terminal voltage when KI = 7 Figure 5.12 Response of ∆ω when KI = 7

The response of the terminal voltage in Figure 5.11 is similar to the one in Figure 5.6.

In contrast, the responses of ∆ω are different in these two cases. Comparing Figure



5.5 and 5.12, the first positive peak is higher for the latter and also small constant

oscillation is identified in Figure 5.12. From these results, the value of KI is obviously

too high and causes the system response to oscillate and not enable to achieve a final

state when ∆ω = 0 is constant.

5.2.5 Change in Excitation Gain (KE)

There is another factor which can be considered for simulation purpose. That is the

excitation gain. It was mentioned in the earlier chapter that it is usual in practice to

have a high excitation gain to correct and adjust the system to the desired level of

output quickly. The initial value that was used in the fourth order model was 200

which is considered high. Assuming that the excitation gain is now 10 and in this

case, since the amplifier unit has formed a single function block with the exciter unit

in this thesis, KE is now decreased to 10. The gain values of the PID controller and KI

remain at their initial values (as in Figure 5.2). The results are as follows:

Figure 5.13 Response of Vt when KE = 10 Figure 5.14 Response of ∆ω when KE = 10

A good response required the voltage regulator to sense the changes in the output

voltage (and current) and correct the difference in voltage as quickly as possible.

Regardless speed of the response of the exciter, it will not alter its response until the

voltage regulator has ” instructed„ it on how much excitation to produce in order to

correct the error occurred.



In this setting, because the gain is low, the excitation control response to changes will

be slow. This means that the time taken for the voltage regulator to restore the output

voltage back to the desired level will be longer. The terminal voltage response in

Figure 5.13 as compared to Figure 5.4 is slower. The latter has a sharp rise time to

attain the final desired output level of 1V. The setting in this model required about 4

seconds to achieve and maintain a constant of 1V in the output voltage. Comparing

this to the 0.2 seconds in Figure 5.6, the delay is significant.

The response of ∆ω for KE = 10 is slightly better than in Figure 5.5. Most of the points

along the two plots (Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.14) are the same other than the first

positive peak. The response in Figure 5.14 is slightly better because its maximum

point at the first positive peak is closer to the one in Figure 5.5. As an overall view,

due to the poor output voltage response, this setting of low gain (KE = 10) is not better

than the initial setting (KE = 200).

5.2.6 Lower Order Models

The output responses of the lower order models are shown in Appendix D. These

results are generated using the same initial setting shown in Figure 5.2. The resultant

plots are almost exactly similar to the fourth order model. Theoretically, if the power

system simulation model is able to handle higher order machine time constants, there

should be no problem handling lower ones except that the accuracy of the machine

response tends to be slightly poorer as lower order models are used.




From the results of varying KI of the AGC, the PID controller values of proportional

gain Kp, integral gain Ki and derivative gain Kp, each of the variables has their role in

contributing to a stable response of a power system.

In the first case of changing Kp only, if excessive proportional gain is applied, it will

result in a ” spike„ response in the output voltage during the transient state shown

below where Kp is set to 30.

Figure 5.15 Output voltage response when Kp is set too high

This causes the machine to be driven to an extremely high voltage during transient

state. In contrast, if Kp is set too low (Kp = 0.3), the resultant response may oscillate

and become unstable. Both effects are undesirable.

Figure 5.16 Output voltage response when Kp is set too low

Therefore by varying Kp, the rest of the variables have to be adjusted to fit the overall

output response. For example, Kp can be set to 20 while Ki, Kd, KI and KE are having

values of 0.7, 1, 5.2 and 10 respectively. This will also give a satisfactory response



though it is not as good as the initial setting. The result of its output voltage response

is shown in Figure 5.17. The response of ∆ω in this case is similar to Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.17 ” Zoom in„ response of terminal voltage with the new setting

Hence, if any of the variables are varied, the rest of the variables have to be adjusted

so as to satisfy the transient and steady state responses of the power system.

With the simulation of the first, second and third order models, they produce identical

responses as those in the fourth order model. This is due to the fact that since this

simulation model is being assumed to connect to an infinite bus, any changes may

have been too fast to be reflected by the Simulink program (since transient responses

are dealing in terms of milliseconds and microseconds). This suggests that a continual

investigation in the future thesis on the transient response of the synchronous machine

taking an additional feedback signal from the actual load (virtually). This chain of

connections is illustrated in Figure 5.18. This can be done by using a current feedback

at the output terminal of the machine, in addition to the existing voltage feedback.

Figure 5.18 New possible feedback loop

With this new suggested feedback, hopefully the simulation model is able to simulate

the machine response of a practical case.



Existing Feedback Loop, Vt

Bus Bus

Transmission lines


New Feedback Loop (virtual)








This chapter describes possible future developments on the existing simulation model

of the thesis. This is followed by some concluding remarks on the value of this thesis.


This thesis serves as a basis for simulation of more comprehensive power systems.

There are some areas in the simulation model that can be improved further on. The

ultimate goal of any power system simulation is to simulate, as closely as possible, the

actual behaviours of the controllers and machines within the system. The responses of

the machine in this thesis have been limited by the assumptions stated in Chapter 1. In

order to improve this model, several areas can be considered:

1. Using a more defined (higher order) turbine model instead of using first order

turbine model

2. Implementing nonlinear excitation control system since there are nonlinear

characteristics between the input and output of the excitation control in


3. Connecting the output terminal of the machine model to an actual load

(virtually) instead of using infinite bus for simulation. The actual load includes

the transformer, the actual bus, the transmission line and the end user loads.

This process can be achieved through monitoring the changes of output

current at the terminal instead of the hard-wired connection to the actual load.

Hopefully in the future theses, the above points being mentioned can be implemented

for a more complete and accurate power system simulation.




The simulation of the transient response of synchronous machine has been successful.

The simulation model in this thesis is able to generate the responses of the first,

second, third and fourth order synchronous machine correctly.

The restriction that the model has when connecting to the infinite bus is that the small

changes in response are not reflected clearly due to the strong grid between the

machine and the infinite bus. The infinite bus forces the machine to run at the

synchronous speed and thus, changes in the transient response are almost impossible

to be detected with this model. The proposed solution to this problem is to connect the

output terminal to an actual load virtually by a mean of connecting an additional

feedback of current at the terminal output. In this way the model is able to reflect the

changes in the transient response of the machine.

Nevertheless, the objective of this thesis has been met as the simulation model is able

to simulate the response of various orders of the machines correctly in the specified


The knowledge that I have gained through the research and implementation of this

thesis has been tremendously valuable. The process involved in the investigation of

this thesis has widened my scope towards power system control. There are many

perspectives in the investigation of the machine responses in the power system. The

work presented in this thesis is considered a small part in power system control. More

developments can be made to the simulation model in order to achieve a higher

accuracy and to have a more complete control.








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Figure A.1 Phasor diagram of a synchronous machine in steady state. [9]





Figure B.1 Synchronous excitation control system [13]

This diagram, which is originated from IEEE Trans., vol. PAS-88, Aug 1969,

illustrates a typical excitation control system for a synchronous generator. It clearly

defines the elements of the various subsystems.





Figure C.1 Power system block diagram with governor and voltage regulator





Using the values of PID controller as stated in Figure 5.2 which are Kp = 3, Ki = 0.7

and Kd = 0.2, the output responses of various lower order models, for example the first

to third order models, are being generated. The following diagrams from Figure D.1

to Figure D.9 are based on these settings with the feedback integrator KI = 5.2.



D.1 First Order Model Simulation

Figure D.1 Diagram of first order synchronous machine model in Simulink

Figure D.2 Frequency deviation step Figure D.3 ” Zoom in„ terminal voltage

response ∆ω of the first order model Vt of the first order model



D.2 Second Order Model Simulation

Figure D.4 Diagram of second order synchronous machine model in Simulink

Figure D.5 Frequency deviation step Figure D.6 ” Zoom in„ terminal voltage

response ∆ω of the second order model Vt of the second order model



D.3 Third Order Model Simulation

Figure D.7 Diagram of third order synchronous machine model in Simulink

Figure D.8 Frequency deviation step Figure D.9 ” Zoom in„ terminal voltage

response ∆ω of the third order model Vt of the third order model