Thermoscreens Air Curtains - ECCO Supply. Ventilation Products... · • Ease of Installation: air...

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Transcript of Thermoscreens Air Curtains - ECCO Supply. Ventilation Products... · • Ease of Installation: air...


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ECCO Supply 12-1

Effective: September 2010

This section contains product and technical information only.For additional information and product pricing please contact your local ECCO Supply Sales Branch.


rECESSEd ................................................................................................................................................................... 12-4 SurFaCE mOuntEd ............................................................................................................................................. 12-4

intrOduCtiOn ............................................................................................................................................................. 12-2JEt rangE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12-6PHV-rangE

rECESSEd ................................................................................................................................................................... 12-5SurFaCE mOuntEd .............................................................................................................................................. 12-5

SElECtiOn guidE ........................................................................................................................................................ 12-3tECHniCal data .......................................................................................................................................... 12-7 – 12-11

– E.&O.E. – May not be in stock at all branches, if so please allow 10 days for delivery. – – All Prices F.O.B. Our Warehouse – Subject to Change Without Notice – All Taxes Extra –

ECCO Supply12-2


Effective: September 2010

INTROdUCTIONPioneers of air curtains in north america, thermoscreens are a market-leading manufacturer of high quality air curtain solutions with an established and well-respected reputation worldwide.thermoscreens produce a comprehensive range of heated, ambient and cold store air curtains, both surface and recess mounted, for many applications including retail, commercial, public sector buildings, architectural, industrial, and refrigerated environments.thermoscreens products are backed by their proven brand reputation, offering outstanding design, service, quality and reliability. this is evidenced by accreditation to the Quality management Systems BS En iSO9001:2008.thermoscreens believe in sustainability and to this end adhere strictly to the Environmental management Systems BS En iSO14001:2004.• EstablishedBrand• AdvancedEngineeringandDesign• ExcellentService• ExcellentQuality• OutstandingReliability• Availability• CompetitiveSolutions

WHY FIT AN AIR CURTAIN?• Comfort: air curtains help promote the perfect environment, whether warm, cool or ambient.• OpenDoorPolicy: air curtains promote open door trading in retail outlets and provide uninterrupted access for passing trade.• EnergySaving:air curtains over open doors promote significant energy savings.• Protection: air curtains help to ensure a clean and healthy environment.• HealthandSafety: in refrigeration applications, thermoscreens cold store air curtains can significantly reduce the ingress

of warm air when doors are required to be left open for access, helping to retain the refrigerated air inside.• EaseofInstallation: air curtains are not only easy to install but also easy to maintain throughout their serviceable life.

a simple and cost effective solution for a comfortable environment.

typically, warm air escapes and cold air enters.

With an air curtain, warm air is retained and cold air

entering is heated.

the Perfect Environment

– E.&O.E. – May not be in stock at all branches, if so please allow 10 days for delivery. – – All Prices F.O.B. Our Warehouse – Subject to Change Without Notice – All Taxes Extra – 12-3ECCO Supply


Effective: September 2010

SElECTION gUIdEToensuremaximumeffectivenessandcomfort,itisimportanttochoosethecorrectaircurtain.Anaircurtain with too little velocity will not be able to stop cold drafts from entering the building, while an air curtain that is too powerful and has been installed at the incorrect door height could be noisy and select the appropriate air curtain, the following factors should be taken into account:• Typeofbuildingandtheinteriordesignofthepremises• Typeofaircurtainrequired

– Surface mounted or recessed – Electrical, Water, or ambient

• Voltageandpowersupply• Installationheight–Ifanaircurtainistooperatetomaximumeffectiveness,itis

essential that the air curtain has sufficient air velocity to discharge over the whole height and width of the doorway.

• Thewidthofthedooropening – the air curtain should be wider than the width of the door. Overlapping the full opening, the air curtain controls the ingress of air and other pollutants, maintaining a comfortable environment.

• Characteristicsofbuildings(i.e.doorwaylocations,throughdrafts).• Ensuretheunitsarepositionedasclosetothedooropeningaspossibleandthatthere

are no obstructions between the air curtain jet of air and the opening of the door.



heightheating Mounting options

suggested applicationselectric water aMbient surface recessed

C Range

Up to 3m – surface mounted

Entrance – Small to medium sized buildings with a moderate pedestrian flow. Restaurants, retail, and commercial buildings.

Up to 2.75m – recessed

PHV Range

Up to 4m – surface mounted

Entrance – Medium to large sized buildings with a high pedestrian flow. Applicable for industrial doors, airports, shopping centres, factories and warehouses

Up to 3.75m – recessed

Jet Range Up to 2.3m Ideal for small openings, i.e. kiosks and drive-through windows

note: This information should be used as a guideline only. If you require more technical information or would like to verify that the unit you have selected suits the application, please contact your local ECCO Supply Sales Branch.

Surface mounted


installation Height

Width of door Opening

– E.&O.E. – May not be in stock at all branches, if so please allow 10 days for delivery. – – All Prices F.O.B. Our Warehouse – Subject to Change Without Notice – All Taxes Extra –

ECCO Supply12-4


Effective: September 2010

C-RANgE — SURfACE MOUNTEd• Allelectricallyheatedunitshaveaselectionoftwofanspeedsandtwoheat

control stages. ambient and water units have a selection of three fan speeds.• Colour:Allmodelsarefinishedinanoff-whitecolour(RAL9010).• Finish:RAL9010casingsaremanufacturedfrompre-finishedsheetsteel.For

other ral colours casing is manufactured from powder coated sheet steel.• Installation:Allunitscomewithasetofstandardmountingbrackets,which

simplifies installation. Certain situations might require special hardware or preparation to mount the brackets on to.

• Deliveryandservice:Allmodelsarestockedandservicedlocally.• TheCompactdesignmakesthisunitidealforcommercialbuildings,

department stores and restaurants.

C-RANgE — RECESSEd• Allelectricallyheatedunitshaveaselectionoftwofanspeedsandtwoheat

control stages. ambient and water units have a selection of three fan speeds.• GrillesuppliedasstandardRAL9010• Installation:Allunitscomewithasetofstandardmountingbrackets,which

simplifies installation. Certain situations might require special hardware or preparation to mount the brackets on to.

• TheCompactdesignmakesthisunitidealforcommercialbuildings,department stores and restaurants.

C1000 C1500 C2000



Door Width (m)

0.8 -1.0 1.0 -1.5 1.5 -2.0

note: For Technical Data see end of section.

note: For Technical Data see end of section.






Door Width (m)

0.8 -1.0 1.0 -1.5 1.5 -2.0

– E.&O.E. – May not be in stock at all branches, if so please allow 10 days for delivery. – – All Prices F.O.B. Our Warehouse – Subject to Change Without Notice – All Taxes Extra – 12-5ECCO Supply


Effective: September 2010



• Allelectricallyheatedunitshaveaselectionoftwofanspeedsandtwoheatcontrol stages. ambient and water units have a selection of three fan speeds.

• Colour:Allmodelsarefinishedinanoff-whitecolour(RAL9010).• Finish:RAL9010casingsaremanufacturedfrompre-finishedsheetsteel.For

other ral colours casing is manufactured from powder coated sheet steel.• Installation:Allunitscomewithasetofstandardmountingbrackets,which

simplifies installation. Certain situations might require special hardware or preparation to mount the brackets on to.

• Perfectforairports,commercialbuildings,civicbuildings,departmentstores,factories and warehouses, food processing plants, high street shops with large openings, shopping malls.

• Allelectricallyheatedunitshaveaselectionoftwofanspeedsandtwoheatcontrol stages. ambient and water units have a selection of three fan speeds.

• Finish:Grillesaresuppliedasstandardanodisedaluminium.Grillescanbesprayed to any ral/BS colour.

• Installation:Allunitscomewithasetofstandardmountingbrackets,whichsimplifies installation. Certain situations might require special hardware or preparation to mount the brackets on to.

• Verypowerfulunit.• Perfectforairports,commercialbuildings,civicbuildings,departmentstores,

factories and warehouses, food processing plants, high street shops with large openings, shopping malls.

note: For Technical Data see end of section.

note: For Technical Data see end of section.






Door Width (m)

0.8 -1.0 1.0 -1.5 1.5 -2.0









Door Width (m)

0.8 -1.0 1.0 -1.5 1.5 -2.0

– E.&O.E. – May not be in stock at all branches, if so please allow 10 days for delivery. – – All Prices F.O.B. Our Warehouse – Subject to Change Without Notice – All Taxes Extra –

ECCO Supply12-6


Effective: September 2010

• Suitablefor‘drive-thruwindows’• Availableintwosizes• AvailablecolourRAl9010(offwhite)• Curvedstyling• Bracketmountingenablesangular

adjustment of heat flow low noise levels• Threesettings:fanonly,halfheatandfull

heat• Builtinergonomicallydesignedintegral

control switches


note: For Technical Data see end of section.

– E.&O.E. – May not be in stock at all branches, if so please allow 10 days for delivery. – – All Prices F.O.B. Our Warehouse – Subject to Change Without Notice – All Taxes Extra – 12-7ECCO Supply


Effective: September 2010



C1000A NT 1137 x 275 x 198 120v~1P&N, 60Hz 1@1/8 1.2 9.0 1250 15 55 45 x 11 x 8 1770 740 35C1500A NT 1669 x 275 x 198 120v~1P&N, 60Hz 1@1/8 1.9 9.0 1800 21 55 66 x 11 x 8 1770 1060 46C 2000A NT 2200 x 275 x 198 120v~1P&N, 60Hz 2@1/8 2.4 9.0 2500 31 56 87 x 11 x 8 1770 1470 68

ElectricC1000E NT 1137 x 275 x 198 208v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/8 4.5/9 *27.0 9.0 1250 18 55 45 x 11 x 8 15,370/30,735 1770 740 39C1500E NT 1669 x 275 x 198 208v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/8 6/12 *36.0 9.0 1800 26 55 66 x 11 x 8 20,490/40,980 1770 1060 57C2000E NT 2200 x 275 x 198 208v~3P&N, 60Hz 2@1/8 9/18 *54.0 9.0 2500 37 56 87 x 11 x 8 30,735/61,470 1770 1470 82

*Units require a “4 wire + ground” electric supply cable to allow for the hook up of N (neutral)

C Range Surface Mounted 120 - 208 volt



Models dimensions Supply # Heat loading Max. Max. Air Weight **dB(A)Metric (l x d x W) Motors Output per (A) velocity volume (kg)/ @3mImperial (mm)/(in) @HP (kW)/(Btu/hr) current (m/s)/ (m3/h)/ (lbs) draw (ft/min) (ft3/min)

Electric C1000E NT 1137 x 275 x 198 600v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/8 4.5/9 *9.3 9.0 1250 22 55 45 x 11 x 8 15,370/30,735 1770 740 48C1500E NT 1669 x 275 x 198 600v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/8 6/12 *12.8 9.0 1800 30 55 66 x 11 x 8 20,490/40,980 1770 1060 66C 2000E NT 2200 x 275 x 198 600v~3P&N, 60Hz 2@1/8 9/18 *18.6 9.0 2500 41 56 87 x 11 x 8 30,735/61,470 1770 1470 91

C Range Surface Mounted 600 volt

lPHWC1000W NT 1137 x 275 x 198 120v~1PN&E,60Hz 1@1/8 6 1.2 8.5 1180 16 55 45 x 11 x 8 20,490 1670 700 35C1500W NT 1669 x 275 x 198 120v~1PN&E,60Hz 1@1/8 9 1.9 8.5 1700 23 55 66 x 11 x 8 30,735 1670 1000 51C2000W NT 2200 x 275 x 198 120v~1PN&E,60Hz 2@1/8 12 2.4 8.5 2360 33 56 87 x 11 x 8 40,980 1670 1400 73

*Units require a “4 wire + ground” electric supply cable to allow for the hook up of N (neutral)

** Sound pressure levels (dBA) at 3m, as given in brochure, are for a single air curtain mounted at its maximum mounting height, operating in a room with average acoustic characteristics as defined inCIBSE Guide B5 (reverberation time 0.7s) and a room size equivalent to 8 air changes per hour (ac/h). Care needs to be taken when selecting air curtains for an installation as noise levels can be severaldB higher if the mounting height is reduced, if the room is more “live” (i.e. hard surfaces, no furnishings or absorbent materials), if the room is smaller than 8 ac/h equivalent or a combination of thesefactors. Noise levels will also increase if more than one air curtain is installed at the same doorway (e.g. + 3dBA for 2 equal point sources: direct field).


– E.&O.E. – May not be in stock at all branches, if so please allow 10 days for delivery. – – All Prices F.O.B. Our Warehouse – Subject to Change Without Notice – All Taxes Extra –

ECCO Supply12-8


Effective: September 2010




Ambient C1000AR 1200 x 347 x 205 1209 x 353 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 1@1/8 1.2 9.0 1250 19 55

47 x 13 x 8 47.6 x 13.9 1770 740 42C1500AR 1600 x 347 x 205 1609 x 353 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 1@1/8 1.9 9.0 1800 25 55

63 x 14 x 8 63.4 x 13.9 1770 1060 55C 2000AR 2100 x 347 x 205 2120 x 353 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 2@1/8 2.4 9.0 2500 35 56

83 x 14 x 8 83.5 x 13.9 1770 1470 77

ElectricC1000ER 1200 x 347 x 205 1209 x 353 208v~3PN&E, 60Hz 1@1/8 4.5/9 *27 9.0 1250 20 55

47 x 13 x 8 47.6 x 13.9 15,370/30,735 1770 740 44C1500ER 1600 x 347 x 205 1609 x 353 208v~3PN&E, 60Hz 1@1/8 6/12 *36 9.0 1800 27 55

63 x 14 x 8 63.4 x 13.9 20,490/40,980 1770 1060 60C2000ER 2100 x 347 x 205 2120 x 353 208v~3PN&E, 60Hz 2@1/8 9/18 *54 9.0 2500 37 56

83 x 14 x 8 83.5 x 13.9 30,735/61,470 1770 1470 82

lPHWC1000WR 1200 x 347 x 205 1209 x 353 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 1@1/8 6 1.2 8.5 1180 22 55

47 x 13 x 8 47.6 x 13.9 20,490 1670 700 49C1500WR 1600 x 347 x 205 1609 x 353 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 1@1/8 9 1.9 8.5 1700 30 55

63 x 14 x 8 63.4 x 13.9 30,735 1670 1000 66C2000WR 2100 x 347 x 205 2120 x 353 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 2@1/8 12 2.4 8.5 2360 41 56

83 x 14 x 8 83.5 x 13.9 40,980 1670 1400 90

C Range Recessed 600 volt

Models dimensions grille Size Supply # Heat loading Max. Max. Air Weight **dB(A)Metric (l x d x W) inc. Flange Motors Output per (A) velocity volume (kg)/ @3mImperial (mm)/(in) (mm)/(in) @HP (kW)/(Btu/hr) Current (m/s)/ (m3/h)/ (lbs)

draw (ft/min) (ft3/min)

Electric C1000ER 1200 x 347 x 205 1209 x 353 600v~3P&N 1@1/8 4.5/9 9.3 9.0 1190 20 55

47 x 13 x 8 47.6 x 13.9 15,370/30,735 1770 700 44C1500ER 1600 x 347 x 205 1609 x 353 600v~3P&N 1@1/8 6/12 12.8 9.0 1730 27 55

63 x 14 x 8 63.4 x 13.9 20,490/40,980 1770 1020 60C 2000ER 2100 x 347 x 205 2120 x 353 600v~3P&N 2@1/8 9/18 18.6 9.0 2380 37 56

83 x 14 x 8 83.5 x 13.9 30,735/61,470 1770 1400 82

** Sound pressure levels (dBA) at 3m, as given in the brochure, are for a single air curtain mounted at its maximum mounting height, operating in a room with average acoustic characteristics as defined inCIBSE Guide B5 (reverberation time 0.7s) and a room size equivalent to 8 air changes per hour (ac/h). Care needs to be taken when selecting air curtains for an installation as noise levels can be severaldB higher if the mounting height is reduced, if the room is more “live” (i.e. hard surfaces, no furnishings or absorbent materials), if the room is smaller than 8 ac/h equivalent or a combination of thesefactors. Noise levels will also increase if more than one air curtain is installed at the same doorway (e.g. + 3dBA for 2 equal point sources: direct field).

C Range Recessed 120 - 208 volt

*Units require a “4 wire + ground” electric supply cable to allow for the hook up of N (neutral)

*Units require a “4 wire + ground” electric supply cable to allow for the hook up of N (neutral)

– E.&O.E. – May not be in stock at all branches, if so please allow 10 days for delivery. – – All Prices F.O.B. Our Warehouse – Subject to Change Without Notice – All Taxes Extra – 12-9ECCO Supply


Effective: September 2010

TECHNICAl dATA (cont’d)PHV-rangE—SurfacEmOunTED


PHv1000A NT 1196 x 377 x 255 120v~1P&N, 60Hz 1@1/3 3.0 12 2880 29 59 47 x 15 x 10 2360 1700 64PHv1500A NT 1746 x 377 x 255 120v~1P&N, 60Hz 1@1/3 4.0 12 4020 43 60 69 x 15 x 10 2360 2370 95PHv 2000A NT 2296 x 377 x 255 120v~1P&N, 60Hz 2@1/3 6.0 12 5760 58 61 90 x 15 x 10 2360 3390 128

ElectricPHv1000E NT 1196 x 377 x 255 208v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/3 5.5/11 *33 12 2880 32 59 47 x 15 x 10 18,750/37,570 2360 1700 71PHv1500E NT 1746 x 377 x 255 208v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/3 9/18 *54 12 4020 45 60 69 x 15 x 10 30,735/61,470 2360 2370 99PHv2000E NT 2296 x 377 x 255 208v~3P&N, 60Hz 2@1/3 11/22 *66 12 5760 62 61 90 x 15 x 10 37,570/75,130 2360 3390 137

*Units require a “4 wire + ground” electric supply cable to allow for the hook up of N (neutral)

PHV Range Surface Mounted 120 - 208 volt


Models dimensions Supply # Heat loading Max. Max. Air Weight **dB(A)Metric (l x d x W) Motors Output per (A) velocity volume (kg)/ @3mImperial (mm)/(in) @HP (kW)/(Btu/hr) current (m/s)/ (m3/h)/ (lbs) draw (ft/min) (ft3/min)

Electric PHv1000E NT 1196 x 377 x 255 600v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/4 6/12 *12.7 11.5 2880 31 59 47 x 15 x 10 20,490/40,980 2260 1700 68PHv1500E NT 1746 x 377 x 255 600v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/3 9/18 *19.5 11.5 4020 48 60 69 x 15 x 10 30,735/61,470 2260 2370 106PHv 2000E NT 2296 x 377 x 255 600v~3P&N, 60Hz 2@1/4 12/24 *25.4 11.5 5760 64 61 90 x 15 x 10 40,980/81,970 2260 3390 140

PHV Range Surface Mounted 600 volt

lPHWPHv1000W NT 1196 x 377 x 255 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 1@1/3 12 3.0 11 2630 32 59 47 x 15 x 10 40,980 2170 1550 70PHv1500W NT 1746 x 377 x 255 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 1@1/3 18 4.0 11 3670 50 60 69 x 15 x 10 61,470 2170 2160 110PHv2000W NT 2296 x 377 x 255 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 2@1/3 24 6.0 11 5260 66 61 90 x 15 x 10 81,970 2170 3095 145

*Units require a “4 wire + ground” electric supply cable to allow for the hook up of N (neutral)


** Sound pressure levels (dBA) at 3m, as given in brochure, are for a single air curtain mounted at its maximum mounting height, operating in a room with average acoustic characteristics as defined inCIBSE Guide B5 (reverberation time 0.7s) and a room size equivalent to 8 air changes per hour (ac/h). Care needs to be taken when selecting air curtains for an installation as noise levels can be severaldB higher if the mounting height is reduced, if the room is more “live” (i.e. hard surfaces, no furnishings or absorbent materials), if the room is smaller than 8 ac/h equivalent or a combination of thesefactors. Noise levels will also increase if more than one air curtain is installed at the same doorway (e.g. + 3dBA for 2 equal point sources: direct field).


– E.&O.E. – May not be in stock at all branches, if so please allow 10 days for delivery. – – All Prices F.O.B. Our Warehouse – Subject to Change Without Notice – All Taxes Extra –

ECCO Supply12-10


Effective: September 2010




PHv1000AR 1150 x 436 x 296 120v~1P&N, 60Hz 1@1/3 3.0 11 2750 38 59 45 x 17 x 12 2170 1620 84PHv1500AR 1650 x 436 x 296 120v~1P&N, 60Hz 1@1/3 4.0 11 3840 51 60 65 x 17 x 12 2170 2260 112PHv 2000AR 2240 x 436 x 296 120v~1P&N, 60Hz 2@1/3 6.0 11 5500 68 61 88 x 17 x 12 2170 3240 150

ElectricPHv1000ER 1150 x 436 x 296 208v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/3 5.5/11 *33 11 2750 42 59 45 x 17 x 12 18,750/37,570 2170 1620 93PHv1500ER 1650 x 436 x 296 208v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/3 9/18 *54 11 3840 57 60 65 x 17 x 12 30,735/61,470 2170 2260 126PHv2000ER 2240 x 436 x 296 208v~3P&N, 60Hz 2@1/3 11/22 *66 11 5500 76 61 88 x 17 x 12 37,570/75,130 2170 3240 168

*Units require a “4 wire + ground” electric supply cable to allow for the hook up of N (neutral)

PHV Range Recessed 120 - 208 volt


Models dimensions Supply # Heat loading Max. Max. Air Weight **dB(A)Metric (l x d x W) Motors Output per (A) velocity volume (kg)/ @3mImperial (mm)/(in) @HP (kW)/(Btu/hr) current (m/s)/ (m3/h)/ (lbs) draw (ft/min) (ft3/min)

Electric PHv1000ER 1150 x 436 x 296 600v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/4 6/12 *12.7 11 2750 42 59 45 x 17 x 12 20,490/40,980 2170 1620 93PHv1500ER 1650 x 436 x 296 600v~3P&N, 60Hz 1@1/3 9/18 *19.5 11 3840 57 60 65 x 17 x 12 30,735/61,470 2170 2260 126PHv 2000ER 2240 x 436 x 296 600v~3P&N, 60Hz 2@1/4 12/24 *25.4 11 5500 76 61 88 x 17 x 12 40,980/81,970 2170 3240 168

PHV Range Recessed 600 volt

lPHWPHv1000WR 1150 x 436 x 296 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 1@1/3 12 3.0 11 2630 32 59 45 x 17 x 12 40,980 2170 1550 70PHv1500WR 1650 x 436 x 296 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 1@1/3 18 4.0 11 3670 50 60 65 x 17 x 12 61,470 2170 2160 110PHv2000WR 2240 x 436 x 296 120v~1PN&E, 60Hz 2@1/3 24 6.0 11 5260 66 61 88 x 17 x 12 81,970 2170 3095 145

*Units require a “4 wire + ground” electric supply cable to allow for the hook up of N (neutral)

** Sound pressure levels (dBA) at 3m, as given in brochure, are for a single air curtain mounted at its maximum mounting height, operating in a room with average acoustic characteristics as defined inCIBSE Guide B5 (reverberation time 0.7s) and a room size equivalent to 8 air changes per hour (ac/h). Care needs to be taken when selecting air curtains for an installation as noise levels can be severaldB higher if the mounting height is reduced, if the room is more “live” (i.e. hard surfaces, no furnishings or absorbent materials), if the room is smaller than 8 ac/h equivalent or a combination of thesefactors. Noise levels will also increase if more than one air curtain is installed at the same doorway (e.g. + 3dBA for 2 equal point sources: direct field).


– E.&O.E. – May not be in stock at all branches, if so please allow 10 days for delivery. – – All Prices F.O.B. Our Warehouse – Subject to Change Without Notice – All Taxes Extra – 12-11ECCO Supply


Effective: September 2010



Jet Range GA Drawing


Models dimensions Supply Heat Output Amp draw Max. Max. Air Weight **dB(A) (l x d x W) (kW) velocity volume (kg) @3m (mm) (m/s) (m3/h)

Electric JET 3 600 x 120 x 201 208v~1Ph, 60Hz 1.13 - 2.25 12 6.0 200 4.5 46.5JET 6 800 x 120 x 201 208v~1Ph, 60Hz 2.46 - 4.91 25 8.0 370 5.5 56.0

Jet Range

1. Use mounting bracket as template and mark two fixing holes on wall or ceiling.2. Drill mounting holes and secure bracket into position.3. Hang the unit and secure fastening hardware.4. Open power connection plate.5. Connect electrical supply.6. Close power connection plate and secure cable gland.

A combination of units joined end to end will provide coverageon greater spans.

Typical Installation - Wall MountingFigure 1: Mounting Bracket Alignment

Access for Screwdriverthrough end cap

Mounting Bracket

Internal Hanging Bracket

Serrated Washer

Figure 2: Cross section view & mounting bracket

Wall or ceiling mounting options

Model A BJet 3 600 425Jet 6 800 625

Electrical Supply unit

Electrical Supply unit

** Sound pressure levels (dBA) at 3m, as given in the brochure, are for a single air curtain mounted at its maximum mounting height, operating in a room with average acoustic characteristics as defined inCIBSE Guide B5 (reverberation time 0.7s) and a room size equivalent to 8 air changes per hour (ac/h). Care needs to be taken when selecting air curtains for an installation as noise levels can be severaldB higher if the mounting height is reduced, if the room is more “live” (i.e. hard surfaces, no furnishings or absorbent materials), if the room is smaller than 8 ac/h equivalent or a combination of thesefactors. Noise levels will also increase if more than one air curtain is installed at the same doorway (e.g. + 3dBA for 2 equal point sources: direct field).