Thermodynamics of computation. it is not making reference to the laws of physics. ... D. Chu...

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Thermodynamics of computation.

Dominique Chu

School of ComputingUniversity of Kent,

C3 Symposium

December 11, 2017


1 Computation and Life itself

2 Living computers

3 Energy usage of computers

4 Digital computers

5 Conclusion


Theoretical computer science is a mathematical theory.

Crucially, it is not making reference to the laws of physics.

Some of its postulates/assumptions are physically implausible.

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Turing machineA standard model in computer science is the idea of a Turing machine. It is believed

that for every computable function there is a Turing machine that computes it.

An input tape

A reading head.◮ Is always in a particular state.◮ Reads a symbol from the input tape◮ Moves to the left or right depending on the internal state and the input it received.◮ Writes to the tape.

The computation is finished when the machine enters the halting state.

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Formal systems

Inference rules

♠§ 7→ ∇

∇ 7→ ♠♯

⋆� 7→ ♦♭

♯♭ 7→ §⋆

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Formal systems

Inference rules

♠§ 7→ ∇

∇ 7→ ♠♯

⋆� 7→ ♦♭

♯♭ 7→ §⋆

Derive theorems

♠§∇∇∇♯♭ · · ·

∇∇∇∇♯♭ · · ·

∇∇∇∇§⋆ · · ·

♠♯∇∇∇§⋆ · · ·

· · ·

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A basic assumption of computer science


Software and hardware are separated.

Specifically, in order to understand what a piece of software is doing, it is not

necessary to understand how the hardware works.

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Aristotelian causes

Efficient cause

Material cause

Formal cause

Final cause (telos)

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Aristotelian causes

Efficient cause (CPU)

Material cause (silicon of which the CPU is made)

Formal cause (the code)

Final cause (the programmer who wrote the software with a purpose in mind)

Causation in electronic computers

The efficient cause of the computation is the hardware only and not connected to the


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Robert Rosen: Efficient causation in organisms

Robert Rosen1 claims that living systems are different from computers because they

are closed with respect to efficient causation.

Assume a metabolite A which is converted by some reaction f into some

component of type B

f : A 7→ B

A and f are the material and efficient cause of B, but what causes f?

Extend the diagram to include: some function Φ that maps B to the mappings from

A to B, i.e. f .

What is then the efficient cause of Φ?

We can now continue with infinite regress or close the system.

1R. Rosen (1991). Life Itself. New York: Columbia University Press.

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Rosen complexity

Rosen’s central argument is that these (M,R) systems are fundamentally different

from computation.

It is not possible to retain the separation between software and hardware, while

also keeping closure with respect to efficient causation.

Rosen complexity: Systems that are closed wrt efficient causation “complex.”

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Don’t trust me though on this topic!

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Are biological systems computers?

Rosen’s point is that biological systems are fundamentally different from


There can be simulations of living systems, but not accurate models.

Artificial life is impossible.

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Example: Dynamical Hierarchies

Assume an artificial physical world consisting of a set of components of types

{A0,B0, . . .}.

Each of the components has certain rules how to interact with other components

and with its environment.

The question now is: How to design this world so that from the individual parts one

gets aggregate components {A1,B1, . . .} formed of the lower level components,

but with their own behaviours.

How to get {A2,B2, . . .}, etc..

This turns out to be very difficult to do, but emerges naturally in the real world.

One could think of simple molecules → proteins → cells → organisms

No need to bother

Higher level components can, however, be simulated.

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What does it mean for a biological/biochemical system to compute?

Inference rules

♠§ 7→ ∇

∇ 7→ ♠♯

⋆� 7→ ♦♭

♯♭ 7→ §⋆

Formally this is similar to enzymatic


E + A ⇀ C ⇀ E + B

Only that the reactions should be


E + A ⇋ C ⇋ E + B

Armchair chemistries

Computer simulations allow me to postulate physically implausible mechanisms.

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Biochemical information processors


Kinetic proofreading




. . .

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A candidate notion of computation in biological systems

How can we recognise a biochemical system that computes (and distinguish it from

one that does not)?

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A candidate notion of computation in biological systems

How can we recognise a biochemical system that computes (and distinguish it from

one that does not)?

Computation (in biochemical systems)

A biochemical system computes iff there is a Turing machine that emulates its


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A simple example

Chemical system

Assume the following chemical system:

A ⇀ B

For simplicity we assume that there is

only a single A at the beginning.

Turing machine

Symbols on tape: {A,B,_}.

Possible states: { 1|0 ,h}.

Initial state of the TM is 1|0.

Tape is


If the symbol A is on tape

overwrite it with B and go into

halting state.

Otherwise step to right.

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Entropy production of biochemical reactions

Assume the following system




Whenever the forward reaction happens, then the heat dissipated to the environment is

given by

∆s ∼ ln





This formula tells us:

1 Unidirectional reactions cannot exist!

2 The state B = 1 is not a halting state in our example above.

This means...

The above example of a chemical system is implausible.

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A simple example extended

Chemical system

Assume the following chemical system:




For simplicity we assume that there is

only a single A at the beginning.

Turing machine

Symbols on tape: {A,B,_}.

Possible states: { 1|0


Initial state of the TM is 1|0.

Tape is


If the symbol A is on tape

overwrite it with B and go into

state 0|1, go to right.

If the symbol B is on tape

overwrite it with B and go into

state 1|0, go to right.

If you encounter symbol _ go to


The computation does not halt.

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About Markov chains

A set of states.

Transition rates between them (CTMC).

Initial state.

Unique steady-state (equilibrium).

Approaching the steady state produces entropy.

Once in equilibrium, the system stays there.

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Take as an example:




Start with 20 A and no B.

k− = k+.

Then the result will be, on average 10A, with some noise around this.

Crucially, at equilibrium there will be ongoing chemical activity with reactions

happening at random time points.

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Computing with biochemical systems


The halting state of a biochemical computer is its steady-state.

Programming the computer means to specify a CTMC.

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Computing with biochemical systems


The halting state of a biochemical computer is its steady-state.

Programming the computer means to specify a CTMC.

Computing procedure

1 Specify your MC and (arbitrary) initial state.

2 Let the system relax to equilibrium.◮ Entropy is produced in the process◮ The relaxation takes technically infinite amounts of time, but is characterised by a

characteristic time-scale τ .

3 Read out the result.

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Understanding the resource cost of computation

Energy cost of the computation −→ ≈ entropy produced.

Time required to compute −→ ≈ τ .

Accuracy −→ ≈ noise.

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van Kampen’s linear noise approximation2

Valid for mesoscopic chemical systems.

Scale the volume to generate an equivalence class of systems.

Deterministic equivalent: V → ∞.

Mean behaviour of finite systems is the same as deterministic equivalent.

Actual systems have Gaussian noise around deterministic equivalent.

The “noise” scales like V−

12 , i.e. inverse with the volume.

2N. van Kampen (2007). Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry. Third edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

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Time to compute

Linear noise approximation implies that system size does not affect the

computation time τ .

τ only depends on the rate constants of the system (which are not constrained in

a relevant way).

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Time to compute

Linear noise approximation implies that system size does not affect the

computation time τ .

τ only depends on the rate constants of the system (which are not constrained in

a relevant way).

No trade-off with time

The computation time of mesoscopic biochemical computers is fixed.

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Entropy production & Noise: “Cost of the computation”

I assume now, for simplicity, that the steady state is an equilibrium state.

Entropy production scales linearly with the system size.

Noise scales like V−

12 .

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Entropy production & Noise: “Cost of the computation”

I assume now, for simplicity, that the steady state is an equilibrium state.

Entropy production scales linearly with the system size.

Noise scales like V−

12 .

Accuracy-cost trade-off

For analogue computations in biochemical systems the cost and accuracy of the

computation are traded off against one another.

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Previous findings

There is a general trade-off in biochemical computers between the accuracy, the time

taken for the computation and the energy usage/energy cost/dissipation rate.3

3N. Zabet and D. Chu (2010). “Computational limits to binary genes.” eng. In: Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7.47, pp. 945–954.

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Measurement process

How can we know the outcome of the computation?

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Measurement process

How can we know the outcome of the computation?

We need to approximate the moments of the probability distribution by repeated

sampling of the system.

Each sampling event comes at a cost (which depends on the speed of the


The sampling frequency is limited by the relaxation period of the system.

The accuracy of the measurement is limited by the number of samples taken.

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Measurement process

How can we know the outcome of the computation?

We need to approximate the moments of the probability distribution by repeated

sampling of the system.

Each sampling event comes at a cost (which depends on the speed of the


The sampling frequency is limited by the relaxation period of the system.

The accuracy of the measurement is limited by the number of samples taken.


There is thus a trade-off between the time required to read the result and the accuracy

of the result.

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Summary: Analogue computation by mesoscopic biochemicalcomputers

Computation proper only leads to a trade-off between accuracy and cost.

Time trade-offs are a result of the need to measure the outcome.

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Improving the scaling: Digital computation

Imagine that we already know that our system can be in one of two possible states.

All we need to do then, is to distinguish between the two possible state.

No more need to determine all moments.

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0 5 10 15 20






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0 5 10 15 20






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Estimating the state

Assume that the states are indicated by value of some Gaussian distributed

random variable X .

In state 1, the variable has a mean of µ1 and in state 2 it has a mean of µ2.

Now draw a sample to obtain a value x .

The likelihood that the sample belongs to state 1 is given by

pµ1(x)(1 − pµ1

(x)) (1)

Equivalently for state 2.

The ratio of the likelihoods ∼ exp(−|µ1 − µ2|).

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Estimating the state

Assume that the states are indicated by value of some Gaussian distributed

random variable X .

In state 1, the variable has a mean of µ1 and in state 2 it has a mean of µ2.

Now draw a sample to obtain a value x .

The likelihood that the sample belongs to state 1 is given by

pµ1(x)(1 − pµ1

(x)) (1)

Equivalently for state 2.

The ratio of the likelihoods ∼ exp(−|µ1 − µ2|).

Deterministic computation

It is therefore possible to determine the state of a stochastic system accurately by

drawing a few samples only.

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A machine that can reliably recognise





0 10


internal statesAccepts input tape with symbols 0 and


Determines the majority of symbols

with probability π.

Machine can be tuned to be arbitrarily


Finite time.

Finite energy required to run the

machine.The machine is heavily inspired by Barato and Seifert4.

4Andre C. Barato and Udo Seifert (2014). “Stochastic thermodynamics with information reservoirs”. In: Physical Review E 90.4.

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Machine reading a 1 from tape






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Machine reading a 0 from tape


0 1




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Machine transitioning to output state 1








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A machine that can reliably recognise input





0 10


internalstatesEntropy production

∆S = − lnπ0 ∼ K ,

where K is the number of internal


Accuracy (in the limit of infinite tapes)

P(error) =



1 − ǫ




where ǫ is the proportion of majority

symbols on tape.

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Logic gates

NOT gate trivial. Just relabel output.

AND/OR gate:◮ Use two machines independently.◮ First machine now has a higher threshold.◮ Disconnect both machines from input.◮ Let the internal states equilibrate.◮ Check whether the first machine has crossed the threshold.

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AND gate


Output: 1 Output: 0




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Writing output

As a last step we also need to write the result of the computation to output.

This restores the machine (logically).

This can be achieved by running the reading machine in reverse.

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Binary Computation

Strict determinism is thermodynamically implausible.

Analogue computation in cells has unfavourable scaling relationship, forcing a

trade-off between accuracy and energy usage.

Digital computation has a favourable scaling, allowing quasi-deterministic

computation at finite (and small) cost.

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Concluding question

Biological computers

Why do biological computers not universally take advantage of this benign scaling

and compute deterministically?

Instead, they seem to waste energy on poor computations. Or don’t they?

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