Thermo Chemistry

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Transcript of Thermo Chemistry

THERMOCHEMISTRYA. Objectives1. Study the heat change through a simple experiment,2. Determine the calorimeter constant,3. Determine the change of entalphy reaction.

B. TheoryThermochemistry is a subject that learn about the change of heat or calor from chemical reaction. The energy which is participated the chemical reaction is organized as calor. Calor or heat is the energy that moved because the differences of temperature. Amount of calor which is extricable or absorbed in a chemical reaction is known as enthalpy, which expressed with (H).

Enthalpy will permanently constant if no energy enter or out of substances. Rate of enthalpy is not able to be determined except the change of enthalpy. Enthalpys change happens because there is an energy movement between the system and the surroundings. The system is a certain part which is became center of attention or center of observation. While the surroundings is all of things that is out of system.

Hn constitutes quarrel between enthalpys product with enthalpis reactant. With formula :Explanation :H = Hp - HrH = The change of enthalpyHp = Enthalpys productHr = Enthalpys reactant

If H product is smaller than H reactant so will happen calor release. Value of H is negative or smaller than zero. If H product is bigger than H reactant so will happen calor absorbance. Value of H is positive or bigger than zero.

The chemical reaction was accompanied with the change in heat between the system and the surroundings was based on this, the reaction of termochemistry was grouped to the reaction eksoterm and the reaction endoterm. the reaction eksoterm was the reaction that release calor from the system to the surroundings, so calor from the system decrease and the change of enthalpy valuable is negative. the reaction endoterm was the reaction that absorb calor from the surroundings to the system, so calor in the system increase and the change of enthalpy valuable is positive.The change of enthalpy depends on the beginning situation and the end situation. This was based on the Hesss law that said, the change of enthalpy reaction only depends on the beginning situation and the end situation and not to depends on the running of reaction. As a result there are possibility: if H2 > H1SoH = H2-H1 > 0 (endoterm process) if H2 > H1SoH = H2-H1 < 0(eksoterm process) if H2 > H1 So H = H2-H1 = 0(adiabatic process) (Ebbing dan Gammon,2009 : 227-229)

The first law of thermodynamics can be captured in the following equation, which states that the energy of the universe is constant. Energy can be transferred from the system to its surroundings, or vice versa, but it can't be created or destroyed.First Law of Thermodynamics:Euniv = Esys + Esurr = 0A more useful form of the first law describes how energy is conserved. It says that the change in the internal energy of a system is equal to the sum of the heat gained or lost by the system and the work done by or on the system.

First Law of Thermodynamics:Esys = q + wThe sign convention for the relationship between the internal energy of a system and the heat gained or lost by the system can be understood by thinking about a concrete example, such as a beaker of water on a hot plate. When the hot plate is turned on, the system gains heat from its surroundings. As a result, both the temperature and the internal energy of the system increase, and E is positive. When the hot plate is turned off, the water loses heat to its surroundings as it cools to room temperature, and E is negative.(Supardi dan Luhandjono,2007 : 12-13)The heat changes as a result of chemical reaction can be measured in a calorimeter (by measuring its temperature). Calorimeter consist of a tube made so that is no exchange or transfer of heat to the surrounding, or there is a heat exchange ,it should be a small as possible. Thus, it can be ignore. As a simple calorimeter can be used bottle wrapped in a sterofoam or plastic bottle. It should be noted that no exchange of heat in the calorimeter and its content, so we need to calibrate the calorimeter by measuring the heat absorbed by the calorimeter expeditiously as possible in accordance with the issues being studied. The amout of heat absorbed by calorimeter to raise its temperature by one degreeis called the callorimeter constant. In this experiment, the calorimeter constant determine by mixing the hot water with cold water in calorimeter. (Lecturer Team of Basic Chemistry,2013 : 6)Dilutionis a reduction in thePhof a chemical (gas, vapor, solution). It is the process of decreasing the concentration of asoluteinsolution, usually simply by mixing with moresolvent. To dilute a solution means to add more solvent without the addition of more solute. The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed so as to ensure that all parts of the solution are identical.The samedirect relationshipapplies togasesandvaporsdiluted in air for example. Although, thorough mixing of gases and vapors may not be as easily accomplished.For example, if there are 10 grams of salt (the solute) dissolved in 1 litre of water (the solvent), this solution has a certain salt concentration/molarity. If one adds 1 litre of water to this solution the salt concentration is reduced. The diluted solution still contains 10 grams of salt/(0.171molesofNaCl).Mathematically this relationship can be shown in theequation:

Where:Initial concentration or molarity.Initial volume.Final concentration or molarity.Final volumeWikipedia (2014, 24 januari) dilution/equation diperoleh 1 maret 2014 dari Apparatus and ReagentCalorimeter1M HCl solutionCold waterBeaker 50 mL1M NaOH solutionHot WaterBeaker 100 mL1M NH4OH solutionEthanolThermometer0,5 M CuSO4 solutionZn powderD. Procedures

E. Observation Data1. Determination of calorimeter constantTemperature of cold water in calorimeter = 23,6C = 296,6 KTempperature of hot water before being put into a calorimeter = 41,3C = 314,3 K

Water temperature after mixing for 10 minutesat intervals of 1 minute

t (min)12345678910

T (C)29,128,828,128,027,827,527,227,027,027,0

Graph 1. Temperature vs Time Interval(Hot water with cold water)

2. Determination of of acid-base neutralization reactionTemperature of HCl = 26CTemperature of CH3COOH = 26CTemperature of NaOH = 26CTemperature of NH4OH = 26C

T(C) t(min)0,51,01,52,02,53,03,54,04,55,0




Graph 2. Temperature vs Time Interval(NaOH 1M with HCl 1M)

Graph 3. Temperature vs Time Interval(NaOH 1M with CH3COOH 1M)

Graph 4. Temperature vs Time Interval(HCl 1M with NH4OH 1M)

3. Determination of heat reaction of Zn + CuSO4 Temperature CuSO4 = 26CTemperature after mixing with Zn powder

t (min)12345678910

T (C)32,232,032,031,031,531,231,031,031,031,0

Graph 5. Temperature vs Time Interval(Zn 3 grams with CuSO4 0,5M)

4. Determination of dillution heat of ethanol in waterTemperature of water = 24,0CTemperature of ethanol = 25CCompositionABCD

Volume of water (mL)2,004,006,008,00

Volume of ethanol (mL)8,006,004,002,00

T (C) t (min)0,51,01,52,02,53,03,54,0

Composition A26,025,825,525,525,425,425,225,2

Composition B26,827,027,026,826,826,226,226,2

Composition C27,627,227,227,027,027,027,027,0

Composition D26,526,826,826,827,527,427,427,4

F. Data Analysis1. Determination of calorimeter constant Density of water = 1g/mLC water = 4,2 j/g KTemperature of cold water in calorimeter = 23,6C = 296,6 KTempperature of hot water before being put into a calorimeter= 41,3C =314,3KTemperature final = 27,0C = 300 Km cold water = V . = 20 mL . 1 g/mL = 20 gm hot water = V . = 20 mL . 1 g/mL = 20 gT1= Th - Tf = 314,3 300 = 14,3 kT2= Tf Tc = 300 296,6 = 3,4 k

Qreleased = QabsorbedQhot water = Qcold water + Qcalorimetermh . cw . T1 = mc . cw . T2 + Ccal . T220 . 4,2 . 14,3 = 20 . 4,2 . 3,4 + Ccal . 3,41.201,2 = 285,6 + Ccal . 3,4915,6 = Ccal . 3,4Ccal = = 269,3 J/K2. Determination of of acid-base neutralization reactiona. Neutralization of NaOH 1M + HCl 1M T NaOH = 26C = 299 KT HCl = 26C = 299 KTfinal = 32,2C = 305,2 KT = 6,2 Kc solution = 3,96 J/g Kn NaOH = MNaOH . V NaOH = 1 . 20 = 20 mmol = 0,02 moln HCl = MHCl . VHCL = 1 . 20 = 20 mmol = 0,02 mol

ReactionNaOH+ HClNaCl+ H2O 0,02 0,02 - -0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 - 0,02 0,02

n NaCl = 0,02 mol, rho solution= 1,03 g/mLmass of solution = Vtotal . = 40 mL . 1.03= 41,2 gramsq1 = m . c . T = 41,2 . 3,96 . 6,2 = 1.011,5 Jq2 = Ccal . T = 269,3 . 6,2 = 1.669,6 Jq3 = q1 + q2 = 1.011,5 + 1.669,6 = 2.681,1 JH = = = 134.055 J/molb. Neutralization of NaOH 1M + CH3COOH 1MN T NaOH = 26C = 299 KT CH3COOH = 26C = 299 KTfinal = 29,0C = 302,0 KT = 3 Kc solution = 4,02 J/g Kn NaOH = MNaOH . V NaOH = 1 . 20 = 20 mmol = 0,02 moln CH3COOH = MCH3COOH . VCH3COOH = 1 . 20 = 20 mmol = 0,02 mol

ReactionNaOH+ CH3COOHCH3COONa+ H2O0,02 0,02 - -0,020,02 0,02 0,02 - 0,02 0,02

n NaCl = 0,02 mol, rho = 1,098 g/mLmass of solution = Vtotal . = 40 mL . 1.098= 43,92 gramsq1 = m . c . T = 43,92 . 4,02 . 3 = 529,7 Jq2 = Ccal . T = 269,3 . 3 = 807,9 Jq3 = q1 + q2 = 529,7 + 807,9 = 1.337,6 J

H = = = 66.880 J/mol

c. Neutralization of HCl1M + NH4OH 1MT NH4OH = 26C = 299 KT HCl = 26C = 299 KTfinal = 29,0C = 302,0 KT = 3 Kc solution = 3,96 J/g Kn NH4OH = MNH4OH . VNH4OH = 1 . 20 = 20 mmol = 0,02 moln HCl = MHCl . VHCL = 1 . 20 = 20 mmol = 0,02 molReactionNH4OH+ HClNH4Cl+ H2O 0,02 0,02 - - 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 - 0,02 0,02

n NH4Cl = 0,02 mol, rho solution= 1,015 g/mLmass of solution = Vtotal . = 40 mL . 1.015 = 40,6 gramsq1 = m . c . T = 40,6 . 3,96 . 3 = 482,3 Jq2 = Ccal . T = 269,3 . 3 = 807,9 Jq3 = q1 + q2 = 482,3 + 807,9 = 1.290,2 JH = = = 64.510 J/mol

3. Determination of heat reaction of Zn + CuSO4 0,5MT CuSO4 = 26C = 299KTfinal = 32,2 C = 305,2 KT = 26,2C = 6 Kc solution = 3,52 J/g KMass of Zn powder = 3,0 g (Ar=65)n Zn = = = 0,046 moln CuSO4 = MCuSO4l . VCuSO4 = 0,5 . 40 = 20 mmol = 0,02 molReactionCuSO4 + ZnZnSO4 0,02 0,04 - 0,02 0,02 0,02 - 0,02 0,02

Mass of CuSO4= 0,02 . 159,5 = 3,2 gramsq1 = C . T = 269,3 . 6,2 = 1.669,7 Jq2 = m . c . T= 3,2 . 3,52 . 6,2= 69,8 Jq3 = q1+q2= 1,739,5 JH = q3/n= 1.739,5/0,02= 86.976,8 J/mol

4. Determination of dillution heat of ethanol in waterT water = 24 C = 297 KT ethanol = 25 C = 298 K water = 1 g/mL ethanol = 0,793 g/mLc water = 4,2 J/g Kc ethanol = 1,92 J/g Ka. Composition ATfinal = 26,0C = 299,0 KT water = 299 - 297 = 2,0 KT ethanol = 299 - 298 = 1,0 KMass of water = V water . water = 2 mL . 1 g/mL = 2 gramsMass of ethanol = V ethanol . ethanol = 8 mL . 0,793 g/mL = 6,344 gramsn water = = 0,11 moln ethanol = = 0,138 moln = = = 0,80q calorimeter = C . T = 269,3 . 2 = 538,6 Jq water = mw . cw . T = 2 . 4,2 . 2 = 16,8 J

q ethanol = me . ce . T = 6,34 . 1,92 . 1 = 12,17 JH = = = 4.112,8 J/molb. Composition BTfinal = 27,0 C = 300,0 KT water = 300 - 297 = 3 KT ethanol = 300 - 298 = 2 KMass of water = V water . water = 4 mL . 1 g/mL = 4 gramsMass of ethanol = V ethanol . ethanol = 6 mL . 0,793 g/mL = 4,758 gramsn water = = 0,22 moln ethanol = = 0,103 moln = = = 2,1

q calorimeter = C . T = 269,3 . 3 = 807,9 Jq water = mw . cw . T = 4 . 4,2 . 3 = 50,4 Jq ethanol = me . ce . T = 4,76 . 1,92 . 2 = 18,28 JH = = = 8.510,7 J/mol

c. Composition CTfinal = 27,6C = 300,6KT water = 300,6 - 297 = 3,3 KT ethanol = 300,6 - 298 = 2,6 KMass of water = V water . water = 6 mL . 1 g/mL = 6 gramsMass of ethanol = V ethanol . ethanol = 4 mL . 0,793 g/mL = 3,172gramsn water = = 0,33 moln ethanol = = 0,0689 moln = = = 4,8

q calorimeter = C . T= 269,3 . 3,3= 888,7 Jq water = mw . cw . T= 6 . 4,2 . 3,3= 83,2 Jq ethanol = me . ce . T= 3,17 . 1,92 . 2,6= 15,8 JH = = = 14.335,3 J/mol

d. Composition DTfinal = 27,5C = 300,5KT water = 300,5 297 = 3,5 KT ethanol = 300,5 - 298 = 2,5 KMass of water = V water . water = 8 mL . 1 g/mL = 8 gramsMass of ethanol = V ethanol ethanol = 2 mL . 0,793 g/mL = 1,586 gramsn water = = 0,44 moln ethanol = = 0,035 moln = = = 12,6

q calorimeter = C . T= 269,3 . 3,5= 942,6 Jq water = mw . cw . T= 8 . 4,2 . 3,5= 117,6 Jq ethanol = me . ce . T= 1,6 . 1,92 . 2,5= 7,7 JH = = = 30.511,4 J/mol

Graph 6. H vs mol ratio of water with ethanol

G. Discussion1. Determination of calorimeter constant In experiments determining the calorimeter constant, cold water (296,6 K) is inserted into the calorimeter is added to the water that has a higher temperature (314,3 K). Measurements carried out at the same time using a stopwatch by pouring water with a higher temperature into the calorimeter. Temperature readings performed every 1 minute for 10 minutes in order to determine heat changes that occur. Stirring the mixture is done to speed up the course of the reaction. In this process (no chemical reaction but a physical process), the increase in cold water temperatur can be calculated by using a constant reduction of the maximum temperature with cold water temperatures (300K-296,6 K = 3,4K). While the reduction in hot water temperature can be calculated by using the hot water temperature reduction with constant maximum temperature (314,3K - 300K = 14,3K). Once acquired cold water and hot water can be obtained constants equal to 269,3 J K-12. Determination of of acid-base neutralization reactiona. Neutralization of NaOH 1M with HCl 1MNaOH+ HClNaCl+ H2OIn the experimental determination of the heat of neutralization, acid and base should have the same temperature, if the temperature is different the heat changes that occur not only from the heat but from the heat of the reaction mixture of the two solutions with different temperatures. After the two solutions is the same temperature (T NaOH = T HCl = 26C), then mixed into the calorimeter to see the temperature changes that occur to determine the change in the heat of neutralization reactions. After its mixed completely, the temperature is increase until 32,2C. This reaction is exothermic. H of this reaction is 134.055 J/mol.b. Neutralization of NaOH 1M with CH3COOH 1MNaOH+ CH3COOHCH3COONa+ H2O

After the two solutions is the same temperature (T NaOH = T HCl = 26C), then mixed into the calorimeter to see the temperature changes that occur to determine the change in the heat of neutralization reactions. After its mixed completely, the temperature is increase until C. This reaction is exothermic. H of this reaction is J/mol.

c. Neutralization of HCl 1M with NH4OHNH4OH+ HClNH4Cl+ H2OAfter the two solutions is the same temperature (T NaOH = T HCl = 26C), then mixed into the calorimeter to see the temperature changes that occur to determine the change in the heat of neutralization reactions. After its mixed completely, the temperature is increase until C. This reaction is exothermic. H of this reaction is J/mol.

3. Determination of heat reaction of Zn + CuSO4 This experiment aimed to determine the calorific value of the reaction of 40 ml of 0.5 M CuSO4 with Zn (s) 3 grams. The time needed to test the solution is 10 minutes. At the beginning, based on the average temperature, CuSO4 have the temperature of 26 C. After the mixing was done with 3 grams of Zn the temperature increase until Zn + CuSO4 ZnSO4 + Cu system with environmental temperature at the time was already experiencing equilibrium so that the temperature of the system remains. From the calculation, the reactions change enthalpy is 86.976,8 J/mol. This reaction an exothermic reaction.4. Determination of dillution heat of ethanol in waterThis experiment aimed to determine the dissolution heat of ethanol with water.. Experiments conducted with a variety of comparisons in which the volume of water the more magnified while the volume of ethanol is getting reduced, as in the following table:Ratio mol water with ethanolH (J/mol)





From the above data we can see that if the ratio of the volume of water greater than the volume of ethanol, the greater the value of H dissolution and if the mole ratio of water: ethanol mole getting bigger, then H reaction was greater.H. ConclusionFrom the experiment that have been done, we can conclude :1. Each chemical reaction will always be accompanied by energy changes. This energy change can be seen in change temperatures occure.2. Heat or enthalpy change can be determined by the magnitude of the difference in enthalpy reactant and product.3. Calorimeter constant is equal to 269,3 J/K4. 5. 6. In the dissolution experiments ethanol - water, there is a proportional relationship between H dissolution with the mole ratio of water / ethanol mole.I. Suggestion1. We must use safety equipment in laboratory,2. Experimental time interval should be shortened,3. We should use a mercury thermometer.

J. BibliographyEbbing, D.D. dan Gammon, D.S.,2009.General Chemistry.Amerika: Houghton Mifflin Company.Supardi, K.I. dan Luhbandjono, G.,2007.Kimia Dasar 1.Semarang:UPT UNNES PressLecturer of Team Basic Chemistry.2013.Manual Labwork Basic Chemistry. Semarang:UNNESWikipedia (2014, 24 januari) dilution/equation dari diperoleh 1 maret 2014(21.00)

Question1. Determine the calorimeter constant by drawing a graph showed relationship between the temperature of the mixture of cold water and hot water vs time interval.2. Calculate the heat of netralization of NaOH-HCl, NaOH-CH3COOH, HCl-NH4OH by drawing a graph showed relationship between the temperature of the mixture of acid-base vs time interval.3. Calculate the heat of reaction Zn+CuSO4 based on the experiment result.4. Calculate the heat of dilution of the ethanol in water based on the experimental.Answer1.

Graph 1. Temperature vs Time Interval(Hot water with cold water)

2. Graph 2. Temperature vs Time Interval(NaOH 1M with HCl 1M)

Graph 3. Temperature vs Time Interval(NaOH 1M with CH3COOH 1M)

Graph 4. Temperature vs Time Interval(HCl 1M with NH4OH 1M)

3. T CuSO4 = 26C = 299KTfinal = 32,2 C = 305,2 KT = 26,2C = 6 Kc solution = 3,52 J/g KMass of Zn powder = 3,0 g (Ar=65)n Zn = = = 0,046 moln CuSO4 = MCuSO4l . VCuSO4 = 0,5 . 40 = 20 mmol = 0,02 molReactionCuSO4 + ZnZnSO4 0,02 0,04 - 0,02 0,02 0,02 - 0,02 0,02

Mass of CuSO4= 0,02 . 159,5 = 3,2 gramsq1 = C . T = 269,3 . 6,2 = 1.669,7 Jq2 = m . c . T= 3,2 . 3,52 . 6,2= 69,8 Jq3 = q1+q2= 1,739,5 JH = q3/n= 1.739,5/0,02= 86.976,8 J/mol4. T water = 24 C = 297 KT ethanol = 25 C = 298 K water = 1 g/mL ethanol = 0,793 g/mLc water = 4,2 J/g Kc ethanol = 1,92 J/g Ka. Composition ATfinal = 26,0C = 299,0 KT water = 299 - 297 = 2,0 KT ethanol = 299 - 298 = 1,0 KMass of water = V water . water = 2 mL . 1 g/mL = 2 gramsMass of ethanol = V ethanol . ethanol = 8 mL . 0,793 g/mL = 6,344 gramsn water = = 0,11 moln ethanol = = 0,138 moln = = = 0,80q calorimeter = C . T = 269,3 . 2 = 538,6 Jq water = mw . cw . T = 2 . 4,2 . 2 = 16,8 J

q ethanol = me . ce . T = 6,34 . 1,92 . 1 = 12,17 JH = = = 4.112,8 J/molb. Composition BTfinal = 27,0 C = 300,0 KT water = 300 - 297 = 3 KT ethanol = 300 - 298 = 2 KMass of water = V water . water = 4 mL . 1 g/mL = 4 gramsMass of ethanol = V ethanol . ethanol = 6 mL . 0,793 g/mL = 4,758 gramsn water = = 0,22 moln ethanol = = 0,103 moln = = = 2,1

q calorimeter = C . T = 269,3 . 3 = 807,9 Jq water = mw . cw . T = 4 . 4,2 . 3 = 50,4 Jq ethanol = me . ce . T = 4,76 . 1,92 . 2 = 18,28 JH = = = 8.510,7 J/mol

c. Composition CTfinal = 27,6C = 300,6KT water = 300,6 - 297 = 3,3 KT ethanol = 300,6 - 298 = 2,6 KMass of water = V water . water = 6 mL . 1 g/mL = 6 gramsMass of ethanol = V ethanol . ethanol = 4 mL . 0,793 g/mL = 3,172gramsn water = = 0,33 moln ethanol = = 0,0689 moln = = = 4,8

q calorimeter = C . T= 269,3 . 3,3= 888,7 Jq water = mw . cw . T= 6 . 4,2 . 3,3= 83,2 Jq ethanol = me . ce . T= 3,17 . 1,92 . 2,6= 15,8 JH = = = 14.335,3 J/mol

d. Composition DTfinal = 27,5C = 300,5KT water = 300,5 297 = 3,5 KT ethanol = 300,5 - 298 = 2,5 KMass of water = V water . water = 8 mL . 1 g/mL = 8 gramsMass of ethanol = V ethanol ethanol = 2 mL . 0,793 g/mL = 1,586 gramsn water = = 0,44 moln ethanol = = 0,035 moln = = = 12,6

q calorimeter = C . T= 269,3 . 3,5= 942,6 Jq water = mw . cw . T= 8 . 4,2 . 3,5= 117,6 Jq ethanol = me . ce . T= 1,6 . 1,92 . 2,5= 7,7 JH = = = 30.511,4 J/mol