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The Primary Update Grade 2 — Grade 5

January 10th, , 2012


Dear parents,

As I offer you this next edition of our Grade 2 to Grade 5 primary update and the first one of 2013, I would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year.

Thank you for reading our primary updates. I trust you share them with your children as a means of encouraging them to tell you even more about what goes on at school on a day to day basis to help further their learning. There's always plenty to report, but someone needs to work very hard to coordinate the production of each update and the teacher who does this so willingly, is Miss Ferrie. Many thanks, Jill. We look forward to future editions throughout 2013!

Best wishes,

Sue Carpenter

Head of Primary


رحلةإلى متحف الّشارقة:

قام قسم اللغة العربّية والّتربية اإلسالمّية في مدرسة جميرا للبكالوريا بتنظيم رحلة إلى متحف الّشارقة وذلك يوم االثنين

ديسمبر وكانت الّرحلة علمية بامتياز تعّرف الطالب على العلماء العرب من كيمائيين وأطباء وعلماء جغرافيا مثل 01الموافق

محمد اإلدريسي وهو أّول من أوجد خطوط الطول والعرض وقد كانت الخريطة بالمقلوب ومن ثّم قام الطالب برسم الخريطة

اإلدريسّية ضمن ورشة عمل أعّدها القيمون على المتحف ، وتعرفوا أيضا على عملية التقطير لماء الورد والّزهر ، حيث كانت

تستخدم هذه الزيوت للعالج ولصناعة العطور ، كما تعّرف الطالب على الخطوط العربّية وجالوا في أرجاء المتحف ، وعاد

الطالب بمجموعة من الهدايا كذكرى لهم من هذا المتحف ، وعدنا إلى المدرسة وكلنا فخر بالعلماء الذين قاموا بكل هذه

باصطحابنا في تلك الّرحلة العلمّية ، فال يسعنا إال أن نتقّدم العريمي االختراعات ، وقد شارك مجلس األهل بممثل الّسيدة وفاء

بالّشكر لها .

GRADE 2 In maths, Grade 2 have been learning how to order numbers. They worked in groups to complete practical activities ordering three digit numbers from smallest to largest.

Just before the winter break, Grade 2 went on a trip to DinoLive. They had lots of fun finding out fascinating facts about dinosaurs and watching an amazing 3D film! Some of the children (and adults) were nearly falling asleep on the giant bean bags! It was a lovely ending to our topic.

Some of the children working well together

The Tigers The Lions The Cheetahs


To begin our new IPC topic “Active Planet” the grade 3 children have been using clay to make volcanos. The children made some great volcanoes and we are looking forward to making them erupt next week. I wonder how we will do that? Watch out for the bang!

GRADE 4 Grade 4 Update

In numeracy we were learning about fractions. We made a fraction mosaic for our classroom. Here is how we made them:

First we planned what shape we wanted to make. Secondly we chose different colours paper. After choosing our coloured paper we drew lines and the square should be 1cm long. Then we started to cut out the squares using scissors but that was taking a long time so our teacher used

the guillotine to help us. Penultimately we arranged our squares on blank paper and glued it on. Finally we wrote the fraction for the mosaic’s different colours and they were out of 100.

By Alia Kazim, Sarah Belazzoug and Sarah Quazi

GRADE 5 Grade 5 entry point for their new IPC unit began with a trip to the Sharjah Science Museum. They looked at forces, energy, light and sound. They attended a workshop about electricity and had the opportunity to complete experiments about how sound travels through different mediums.

The children trying out some of the experiments.