Theory audience pro-forma

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Theory audience pro-forma

Rhiannah Baker


AUDIENCE PROFILE• Primary Audience

Teenage, and adult women. Mainly couples

• Secondary Audience

Older generations, as they could have a nostalgia trip because of the different eras and the idea of growing old together and still being in love.

AUDIENCE PROFILE• Primary Audience

Men aged between 15 – 30 of any race, ethnicity and sexuality as there is such a diverse range of characters, that literally anyone can associate themselves, and relate to the film.

• Secondary Audience

Females aged 15 – 30 again of any race due to the vast range of characters.

AUDIENCE PROFILE• Primary Audience

Children of both genders

• Secondary Audience

Adults, the parents of the children. This is incorporated by using many rude and inappropriate jokes that children will not understand.


Where the producer of something words things in certain ways in order to make the audience believe what they are trying to say

• Example

In 1938 an American newspaper created a story called “War of the Worlds” in which an alien epidemic swept America. Because of that many Americans began to believe that there was an actual Alien invasion in parts of America causing mass hysteria and panic throughout, spreading over the news.

USES AND GRATIFICATIONS INFORMATION We use many websites such as google to find out information about many things, like

news about to world. What is happening in, and around the world today.

If we need to seek advice or need help with either making a decision or just in general, google and the internet as a whole will have enough information to help with more or less any problem.

“Just Google it” has become a commonly used phrase now, if anyone has a question that they want answering, the internet will hold the answer; meaning that google and the internet can, and will satisfy peoples curiosity.

Many people take online learning courses and use the internet to learn. People also use the internet to research, and find out things that they do not know.

USES AND GRATIFICATIONS PERSONAL IDENTITY The internet is also used to help people build, and add to their own personal beliefs and


As people watch televisions shows and films, they get emotionally invested in the characters, often to those who reflect who they are. People often aspire to be like a certain person, whether they’re a real person, or a fictional figure. Online there are many forums for fanbases, here many people identify with others and speak about the person who they aspire to be.

Along with this, people develop and enhance their own behavioural traits, often Based on those around them.

USES AND GRATIFICATIONS INTEGRATION AND SOCIAL INTERACTION Whilst online on Social media people find a sense of belonging, whether that be on an

online forum with people they have never met, like with online gaming, or whether it be on forms of social media such as instagram and facebook with people they (should) know. When people find people who are interested in the same things they are they feel as if they belong there.

When people find people who share the same, or similar interests, it brings up topics for conversations. This can be substituted for real-world companionship. People often find new friends online and that often forms a bond stronger than between those who see each other regularly. This helps people to identify with others. Movies, and TV shows also help people identify with others by creating broken characters with flaws which are found in many people, making it easier for more people to sympathise.

USES AND GRATIFICATIONS ENTERTAINMENT People long for a way to be entertained, the internet provides a means of doing so.

For example, music.

People use music to escape reality, they put on their favourite band/playlist and nothing else matters. It helps them relax and forget any problems that may be worrying them. And they enjoy it.

Another example is TV shows.

When someone puts on their favourite TV show (or movie) they are sucked into the fictional world, helping them escape and distance themselves from their harsh reality. It helps them relax by gripping them to the point where nothing else matters, often causing lack of sleep because people just need to know how that cliffhanger ends.

People enjoy being relaxed and escaping from their lives, and love any means that can help then to do so.


YouTube, Any social media platform (Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr)

• What are the advantages to media producers?

It gives the general public to share their lives for free with anyone that they wish, it gives them freedom and recognition which people crave.

• Why would the audience generate content?

To express both themselves, and their love/passion for a certain thing. For example, fanfiction. Fanfiction is where people create their own stories from either a TV show/movie, or using real life people. It helps people feel more included.

However, there are down sides. Such as there being very few ways of protecting your stuff, and them remaining yours. For example, when you post a photo of something like Instagram, there is nothing ensuring that people will not use that picture as their own, it’s the same with YouTube, as soon as you post a video, it can never truly be deleted.