Theories and genres

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Theories and genres


BUSCOMBES THEORY• Buscombes theory is that genres are differentiated by icons. These come under

four different categories;1. Location2. Appearance3. Tools4. Miscellaneous

SAUSSURE• This is the theory of The Signifier and The Signified• The signifier is the sign e.g a word, colour or image (ie the colour blue)• The signified is the concept/meaning/associations that the sign refers to (ie blue

is often associated with sadness or the sea)


• Neale and Ryan proposed the; audience – producer – text triangle theory

SHREK • Shrek is a hybrid genre which means that it is more than

one – in this case it is fantasy, animation, comedy and adventure.

• As Shrek is a hybrid genre it appeals to a wider target audience including families and children.

• It is easy to spot which genre it is by using Buscombes theory as you can tell by the location that it is a fantasy film – this is because of the use of castles and a swamp.

• Also, you can tell that it is an animation as the characters are either not real, or animals. An example of this is donkey as he is a donkey but is still a main character but can talk.

PINEAPPLE EXPRESS• Pineapple Express is a comedy aimed at people ages 18 to early

30’s due to the topic it is based on and the language used. • The location of an apartment and a barn make it a comedy

because it represents everyday life and the interactions between the two friends.

• The appearance of the two guys also follow the stereotypical ’drug user’ which further adds to the humor because they are older than expected.

• Furthermore the dialogue between the two main characters makes the film funnier as they are

JEEPERS CREEPERS• Jeepers creepers is a horror movie aimed at people aged 18 and

over due to the nature of some scenes. You can tell this is a horror because of the appearance of some characters.

• The animal in this film has taken on the looks of the people it has eaten, therefore the look of it is very abnormal and disturbing.

• Furthermore the location is an abandoned chapel which adds the the uncomfortable atmosphere, as we view the creature pushing dead bodies down a pipe.

• The dialogue in Jeepers Creepers also connotes horror due to the pitch and speed in which they are talking. The shortness of breath and quickly spoken sentences make the audience on edge and aware of their surroundings which further leads to a very dramatic feeling.