Theme of thirst of knowledge in literature and myths

Post on 07-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Theme of thirst of knowledge in literature and myths

Theme Of ‘Thirst Of Knowledge’ In Myths And Literature

Ajit A KaliyaM.A. SEM 2

Roll No 1Enrolment No 2069108420170013

Batch 2016-18Department of English, MKBU


How the theme of thirst of knowledge has used in literature & myths?

What did they get because of that?

How to connect that with contemporary world?

Title slidePrometheus

Paradise lost

Tower of Babel


Doctor Faustus




A Geek mythological figure.

Who stole fire from Mount Olympus and gave to humans for benefits of humankind.

Punishment: Chained with rock, so every day eagle comes to tear open flesh and eat liver. Every night liver grows again to be eaten again.

Fear factor works here.

Paradise lost

Paradise lost

Epic poem written by John Milton in 1667.

Tells the Biblical story of fall of Man.

Adam and Eve eat fruit of knowledge prohibited by God.

Punishment: Lost Eden garden, Death and sorrows came on earth.

Milton added character of Satan, made Adam and Eve rebellion but could not change ending.

Fear factor also worked here.

Tower of Babel

Tower of Babel

A Biblical myth, myth of origins of different languages.

The united generation of mankind were speaking a single language and they decided to build a tower tall enough to reach heaven.

Punishment: God confused their language so that they can not

understand each other and scattered them all over the world.

Here again Gods fears of humankind and so punishs them.



Indian Mythical figure from Mahabharata.

Wanted to get full knowledge of archery and so asks Drona to teach him but because of lower caste denies to teach him.

Though he learns himself considering Drona as Guru but when Drona comes to know about it asks Eklavya for thumb as Gurudakshina so he can not remain greatest archer anymore.

Problem of lower caste Vs. upper caste.

Dr. Faustus

Dr. Faustus

A play by Christopher Marlowe.

German scholar Dr. Faustus wanted to be demigod by learning black magic, so makes deal with Lucifer.

Punishment: Perpetual suffering in hell after ending of twenty four years practice of necromancy.



A novel by Mary Shelly.

Victor Frankenstein from university of Ingolstadt thinks beyond imagination and makes a monster dead people’s parts.

Punishment: Loses all family members and at last he also dies.

Science Vs. Nature

Contemporary issue of unemployment because robots have been taking place of men. Can connect with Frankenstein. Human creation is dangerous.

Can connect with tower of Babel. Authority do not want to raise one voice of people against him. If people gather, they scatter them by tear gas physically or mentally creates fight between them on bases of religion and caste.

Owners get too much but give workers so little. They never let workers know about real profits. They want to enjoy alone like Gods.

How to connect these examples with contemporary time?

Thank You