Theme in painting (11)

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Theme in painting (11)

Jezus w akwarelach J. Tissot'a


Jesus Christ appears on the shore of Lake Tiberias

Peter Jumps into the Water

The Second Miraculous Draft of Fish

Jesus Eats Breakfast with His Disciples

Jesus Heals the Lame in the Temple

Jesus Chases the Merchants and Money Changers from the Temple

The Voice from on High

Chief Priests: By what authority...?

The Pharisees Question Jesus

The Tribute Money

Woe to You, Scribes and Pharisees

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets

The Disciples Admire the Buildings of the Temple

The Widow's Mite

Jesus Fortells the Destruction of the Temple

The Meal in the House of the Pharisee and the Alabaster Box

Judas Goes to the Chief Priests

Jesus Goes to the Mount of Olives at Night

Palm Sunday Procession in the Streets of Jerusalem

Palm Sunday Procession in the Temple

The Chief Priests Take Counsel Together against Jesus

The Jewish Passover, The Last Supper

Last Supper: Judas dipped his hand in the dish

The Washing of the Feet

Last Sermon or Discourse of Our Lord Jesus

St. Peter :Although all shall fall away, yet I will not

Jesus in Agony in the Garden

My Soul Is Exceedingly Sorrowful unto Death

You Could Not Watch One Hour with Me

Judas Betrays Jesus with a Kiss

Peter Cuts Off the Ear of Malchus

Jesus Heals Malchus, the High Priest's Servant

They All Forsook Him and Fled

Saint Peter and Saint John Follow from Afar

The Tribunal of Annas

The False Witnesses

Peter's First Denial of Jesus

Peter's Second Denial of Jesus

Jesus Condemned to Death by the Jews

The Third Denial of Peter. Jesus' Look of Reproach

The Sorrow of St. Peter, He Goes Out Weeping Bitterly

Christ Is Mocked in the House of Caiaphas

Jesus in Prison

The Morning Judgment

Judas Returns the Blood Money

Judas Hangs Himself

Jesus Is Led from Caiaphas to Pilate

Jesus Appears before Pilate for the First Interview

Pilate's Wife Warns Him of a Dream

Jesus Before Herod

Jesus Is Led Back from Herod to Pilate

Jesus Is Scourged

Jesus Is Crowned with Thorns

Behold the Man. Ecce Homo

Jesus Appears before Pilate for the Second Interview

Let Him Be Crucified!

Pilate Washes His Hands

Jesus Falls on the Holy Stairs

Jesus Leaves the Praetorium

Bird's-Eye View of the Forum, Jesus Hears His Death Sentence

The Judgment

They Put His Own Clothes on Him

Jesus Bearing the Cross

Jesus Falls Beneath the Cross

Jesus Meets His Mother

Simon the Cyrenian Compelled to Carry the Cross with Jesus

St. Veronica wipes Jesus' face

The Daughters of Jerusalem

The Procession Nears Calvary

The Holy Women Watch from Afar

The disciples, having left their hiding place, watch from afar

Jesus Is Stripped of His Clothing

Jesus Is Offered Wine Mixed with Myrrh or Gall

The First Nail

The Nail Driven into the Feet

The Raising of the Cross

The Five Wedges of the Cross

Pardon of the Good Thief

They Parted His Raiment and Cast Lots

What Our Savior Saw from the Cross

Woman, Behold Your Son (Stabat Mater)

The Sorrowful Mother (Mater Dolorosa)

My God, why have You forsaken me?

It is finished! (Consummatum est!)

The Death of Jesus


A Soldier Pierces Jesus in His Side with a Spear

Joseph of Arimathea Seeks Pilate

The Descent from the Cross

The Holy Virgin Receives the Body of Jesus

The body of Jesus is carried to the anointing stone

The Holy Virgin kisses the face of Jesus before it is wrapped in the winding-sheet

Jesus Is Carried to the Tomb

Jesus in the Sepulchre

Roman Guards Watch over the Tomb


Mary Magdalene and the Holy Women at the Tomb

The Angel Seated upon the Stone of the Tomb

Saint Peter and Saint John Run to the Sepulchre

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

Do Not Hold on to Me (Noli me tangre

Christ Appears to Peter

Jesus Appears to the Holy Women

Disciples on Their Way to Emmaus

The Appearance of Christ in the Upper Room

The Disbelief or Doubting of St. Thomas

Ascension from the Mount of Olives and he disappeared from their sight

The Ascension

James Jacques Tissot is of autor of all watercolorsBackground sound - the soundtrack from "The Passion Of The Christ" The presentation prepared - Anna