theHBN LIVER REHAB 1 · The liver is the body’s detox powerhouse; it takes the brunt of all the...

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Transcript of theHBN LIVER REHAB 1 · The liver is the body’s detox powerhouse; it takes the brunt of all the...




Disclaimer 2

Here at Heart & Body Naturals, education is a priority. It is in looking for answers that the founders launched

the company in the first place. We believe it is your right, and responsibility, to educate yourself in the arena

of health and medical knowledge, to seek helpful information, and to make use of it for your own benefit

and for that of your family. You are the one responsible for your health. In order to make decisions in all health matters, you must educate yourself and take responsibility for your health decisions.

We do want to be perfectly clear… the statements made on our website or in any Heart & Body Naturals’

literature or presentations have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Heart & Body

Naturals' products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. The information on our

websites, in literature, and in presentations is not intended as medical advice and is not intended to

replace the relationship you have with your primary healthcare provider. Any decisions you make about

your food or supplement choices should be made with the one-on-one help of a qualified healthcare

provider. If you have a medical condition, see your physician of choice before starting this program.

Important: Please Consult Your Physician If You

• Are pregnant or nursing

• Are under the age of 18

• Have active cancer

• Have liver disease or hepatitis

• Have Type 1 Diabetes

• Are on medications for bipolar disorder

• Have an allergy to any food or ingredient listed


Congratulations on your decision to learn more about the

benefits of loving your liver! When you take care of

yourself, inevitably, that radiance will be infused into

every cell of your body and will ooze out of your pores,

shining and visible on the outside for all to see. Radiant

health, normalized body weight, clear skin, sparkling eyes,

abundant joy, and happiness are just some of the

amazing “side-effects” that users have experienced from

venturing down this road.

Our hope is that you will be able to find an easy to follow

guide to help you begin your journey, and that by using

this information you will begin to feel the results and

become more knowledgeable about your body and

health through personal experiences.


Make Today

The First Day

Of The Rest Of Your Life!

Again, congratulations, and we

commend you on making the decision to start building a happier, healthier life!



You probably haven't given much thought to your liver, but its health is the key to your overall health and even your weight.

It’s the largest solid organ and the largest gland in the human body. It carries out over 500 essential tasks that help keep the

body healthy. The liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes in the body. In fat metabolism, the liver cells break down

fats and produce energy. The liver's role is therefore crucial for efficient circulation, metabolism, and fat breakdown.



The liver is your first line of defense against

toxins. It prevents toxins and other substances

from passing into the bloodstream by filtering

the blood that comes from your digestive tract

before transmitting it through the rest of your

body. Because the liver is such a huge part of

the digestive system, a healthy liver benefits

almost every aspect of your health. A healthy,

well-functioning liver can help you


• More Energy

• Clearer Skin

• Regular

Hormone Cycles

• Stronger Immune


• Regular


• Better Oral


• Normal Weight


The liver is the body’s detox powerhouse; it takes the brunt of all the toxins we encounter

in modern life. No matter how hard you try to keep your diet and environment clean, you

just can't avoid all the harmful toxins in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil

in which our food is grown.

The liver is the ultimate multi-tasker. It acts as a filter to remove toxins, it aids in digestion

by producing bile to help break down fat and absorb fat- and water-soluble vitamins

and minerals, and it plays a part in regulating glucose, blood pressure, blood sugar,

insulin, estrogen, testosterone, and immunity.


This quote from American philosopher William James

reminds us that the health of the liver is the key to living a

healthy life. The liver plays several roles in the regulation of

the blood, breaks down insulin, breaks down toxic

substances, and allows them to be excreted. Of the

approximately 500 functions performed by the liver, the

most important include synthesis of amino acids and

cholesterol; metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and

fats; and the production of bile which assists digestion in

the small intestine.

“Is life worth living? It

depends on the liver.”

~ William James

The liver supports almost

every other organ in the

body. If you want to live, you will need a healthy liver.



A ventilator can take over for the lungs. An artificial pump can replace your heart. The liver’s functions are so

complex that its only replacement is a transplanted liver. If liver disease sets in, it affects just about every

organ of the body, including the kidneys, lungs, and heart. Without a healthy liver, it’s nearly impossible to

have a properly functioning metabolism, healthy circulation, balanced hormones, and strong digestion.

Everything you swallow is filtered by the liver. Food, drinks, and medicines are

digested by the stomach and processed by the intestines, then they get absorbed

into the blood and filtered by the liver.


Because of the vital importance

of the liver and its functions,

evolution has ensured that it

can regenerate itself.

With consistent nutritional

supplementation, the liver cannot

only release toxins, but

regenerate cells and rejuvenate

the complete organ.

This Gives You The Power To Take Back Your Health!


Love Your LiverCore Concepts




Restricted Feeding


Liver Care


❑ 32 oz of Soul Water

❑ 32 oz of VitaliTEA❑ 32 oz of Lemon Essential Oil Water

You will eat only during a

12 -hour window to allow

your body to use its energy

on deep cleansing rather than digestion.

❑ Apply HepaDetox to the liver or foot reflexology point

❑ Take Black Seed Extract or CBD

❑ Eat vegetables with

glucosinolate(broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale,

bok choy, arugula, brussels sprouts, collards, watercress, and radishes)


GETTING STARTEDWe know that making big health

changes can often seem

overwhelming. So we will start with the

parts of the Love Your Liver program

that are the easiest to make part of

your daily lifestyle.


❑ 32 oz of Soul Water

❑ 32 oz of VitaliTEA❑ 32 oz of Lemon Essential Oil Water

❑ Apply HepaDetox to the liver or foot reflexology point

❑ Take Black Seed Extract or CBD

❑ Eat vegetables with glucosinolate(broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok choy, arugula, brussels sprouts, collards, watercress, and radishes)


Abundant Health Can Be Yours!

The Love Your Liver program is the perfect starting place for anyone who wants to make a radical shift in

their health in a dramatic yet gentle way. This can give you the power to transform your body so that you

feel more energized, can be more productive, and, overall, feel like the best possible version of you!



6/1 Meal Plan 12-Hour Fast PlanResources:


Ingredients: Organic Turmeric (Root) Powder,

Organic Wheatgrass Powder, Phyllanthus niruri

(Seed) Extract, Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) Extract,

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) Extract, Tephrosia

purpurea (Fabaceae) Extract, Nirgundi (Vitex

negundo) Extract, Bhumyamalaki Powder, Organic

Camu Camu (Berry) Powder, Organic Alfalfa (Grass)

Powder, Organic Astragalus membranaceus (Root)

Powder, Organic Barley (Grass) Powder, Organic

Lemon (Fruit) Powder, Organic Coconut (Fruit)

Powder, Organic Kale (Leaf) Powder, Organic Gotu

Kola Powder, Organic Spirulina Powder, Organic

Karela (Bitter Melon) Powder, Organic Oat (Grass

Powder), Organic Chlorella Powder, Organic

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Root) Powder,

Rhodiola rosea (Root) Powder


For optimal results, add ½ teaspoon SOUL to

32 ounces of water. Can also be taken as a

shot, added to milk, juice, smoothies, etc.

May be sweetened to taste with preferred

sweetener. May be taken before meals to

support digestion. Shake and mix well.


VitaliTea is one of the most powerful detox teas

available for micronutrient delivery and elimination of

undigested waste in your colon and your digestive


VitaliTea is filled with compounds from plants that

gently cleanse your digestive system and support your

health with naturally occurring phytonutrients, high

antioxidants, and known healing herbs. Steeping

creates a phytonutrient-rich cocktail for your cells. The

longer the herbs steep, the more vitamins and

minerals that will be extracted.



The liver is one of the body's primary filtration systems,

helping to eliminate toxins from the body, cleanse the

blood, metabolize nutrients and medications, and

produce proteins. An amazing cleanser and purifier,

Lemon can aid your liver in flushing out unwanted

toxins before they’re absorbed into your body.

Botanical Name: Citrus limon

Country Of Origin: Italy

Extraction Method: Cold Expression

Producing Organ: Peel



HYDRATE & ELIMINATEdrink up, butter cup



“Water before a meal is nectar. It replenishes fluids and encourages juicy digestive organs. Small sips

during a meal is honey. It helps turn the food into a sauce. Water after a meal is poison because it

dilutes stomach acids.” – Dr. Vasant Lad

In case you haven’t heard, getting enough water in our diet is kind of a big deal. There are so many

reasons for, and benefits to, increasing our daily water intake that skipping out on this foundation of

life just doesn’t make sense. Drinking more water, or rather sipping more water, is about preventing

dehydration as much as it is about replenishing and exchanging the fluids in our body, keeping our

cells hydrated, and keeping our blood alkaline.


• Our blood is 96% water; it helps transport nutrients &

oxygen (and components of the immune system) to all

cells of the body (which differ in size and hold differing

amounts of water)

• The brain is 75% water, the heart 75%, the lungs 86%, the

liver 85%, the kidneys 83%, bones 22%, and both saliva

and perspiration are 95% water

• On average, water makes up 60 - 70% of body weight.

Babies have the most water, being born at about 78%.

By one year of age, that amount drops to about 65%.

Adult men’s bodies are about 60% water, and adult

women have about 55% of their bodies made of water


Essential systems throughout the

body can become impaired if

the body does not receive a

continuous, safe, and reliable

supply of water. The vast

majority of people are

chronically dehydrated, and

over time, long-term health

conditions can develop.

Dehydration causes toxins to

build up in the body due to

infrequent urination. With

dehydration, your blood

becomes thicker, resulting in

the liver not being able to

properly filter toxins which can

potentially lead to damage of

other organs.

Dehydration is the result for

many as they select

alternatives like alcohol,

caffeinated drinks, and sugar-

laden water replacements that

worsen dehydration. The

dehydration process is

essentially compounding itself

and resulting inflammation.



One of the simplest and most dramatic ways we can improve how

much water our body absorbs, and increase our overall health at every

level, is to add nutrients that the water molecules can bind to. Then

sipping the enhanced water so that our body and cells absorb the

added nutrients.

Enhance Your Water With

Soul, VitaliTEA & Lemon Essential Oil


"Time-restricted eating didn't just prevent but also reversed

obesity,” says Satchidananda Panda, an associate professor

at the Salk Institute who oversaw the studies. “That was

exciting to see...”

Precisely how a time-based eating pattern staved off weight

gain and illness is not fully understood, but Dr. Panda and his

colleagues believe that the time at which food is eaten

influences a body's internal clock.

“Mealtimes have more effect on circadian rhythm than dark

and light cycles. And circadian rhythm in turn affects the

function of many genes in the body that are known to

involve metabolism,“ Dr. Panda says.

INTERMITTENT FASTdeep cleansing takes [a night’s] time


Your body has only so much energy each day to perform all of

the complicated, behind-the-scenes work that keeps you alive.

That energy is limited, so your body must constantly prioritize

how it’s distributing energy, what functions are being

performed first, and what the priorities are.

Digestion is one of the most energy consuming functions of the

body (we’re all too familiar with food comas). So if your body is

constantly tied up with the process of digestion, it will put

deeper cleansing on hold.

When you limit eating to a 12-hour window, you give your body

a break from digesting food. Since so much of your daily

energy goes to digesting the foods that you eat, your body will

have a lot more freed-up energy when you are fasting,

Your body will use this extra energy to perform functions that it

normally doesn't have enough time to. For instance, like healing

old wounds and removing built-up toxins that have been in your

body for years.

After your evening meal, leave a twelve-hour window before

having your morning meal. If you have your evening meal at 7

pm, you should have your morning meal at 7 am or later.

Contain your eating to 12 hours a day or less. And pay attention

to when you begin. The clock starts, Dr. Panda says, with “that

first cup of coffee with cream and sugar in the morning.”

If you fill your belly late at night and then eat

early again the next day, your body isn’t given

the time or opportunity to clean house.



The twelve-hour window can be a challenge to make happen every day but committing to it will help you get the most

out of your new HBN Cleanse lifestyle. The twelve-hour eating schedule will become your new normal. This is how you will

eat every day so that your body will always have time to divert energy to functions other than digestion.

The body sends the signal to go into deep detox mode approximately eight hours after your last meal.

Then the body needs another four hours to do a deep clean.

(for digestion)



8 4 12+ =(for a deep clean)



“Sleep services all aspects of our body in one way or

another: molecular, energy balance, as well as

intellectual function, alertness, and mood,” says Dr.

Merrill Mitler, a sleep expert and neuroscientist at the

National Institutes of Health (NIH), in a story on the

NIH website.

Provide your body with tools to rehab and support

the liver by applying HepaDetox to your liver and

taking your Black Seed or CBD oil at bedtime.

Eat a diet rich in liver loving cruciferous vegetables,

such as bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts,

cabbage, cauliflower, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi,

mustard, radish, rutabaga, turnip, and watercress.


deep healing takes [a night’s] time


Black Seed (Nigella Sativa), also known as Black

Cumin, Black Caraway, or the "Blessed Seed“ is a

traditional herb that has been used for centuries to

promote health and general well-being.

Millions of people in Asia, the Middle East, Eastern

Europe, and Africa have used Black Seed for

thousands of years to support the body with a variety

of concerns like respiratory health, stomach and

intestinal complaints, circulatory and immune system

support, and skin conditions.

take nightly




Nigella sativa has been cultivated for thousands of years for

its aromatic and flavorful seeds that can be used as both a

spice and herbal medicine. It has long been valued for skin,

cellular, and total body health.

Both Cleopatra and Nefertiti were believed to have used

Black Seed Oil for bathing and skin care in ancient Egypt.

Hippocrates regarded Black Seed as a valuable remedy in

hepatic and digestive disorders.

No home should be without Black Seed Oil. It’s a true herbal

medicine for a wide variety of health concerns.

ancient secret for head-to-toe health

Thymoquinone is a powerful

natural antioxidant that inhibits

the formation of undesirable

prostaglandins and free

radicals. It has powerful anti-

inflammatory and pain-

relieving properties and can

help fight adverse effects

caused by a poor diet, alcohol

consumption, pharmaceutical

drugs, and environmental





Since 1959, over 500 peer-reviewed studies at international

universities and untold journal articles have been published

on this multi-faceted herb.

Thymoquinone, the chief bioactive constituent in Black Seed,

holds promising pharmacological properties against several

diseases, and exhibiting outstanding antioxidant, anti-

inflammatory, anticancer, and other important biological


Black Seed may support metabolism and improve digestion,

and published studies have shown that it may have a healthy

effect on blood sugar levels.

science-backed health

Black Seed has a rich and diverse

chemical composition that

includes the phytochemicals

thymoquinone and crystalline

nigellone, myristic acid, palmitic

acid, stearic acid, palmitoleic

acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid,

arachidonic acid, proteins,

vitamins B1, B2, B3, calcium, folate,

iron, copper, zinc, and

phosphorous. Many of Black

Seed's components are still being

discovered & researched.



Black Seed & Your Liver1. Khan MA. “Chemical composition and medicinal properties of Nigella sativa Linn”. Inflammopharmacology.

1999;7(1):15-35. doi: 10.1007/s10787-999-0023-y. [PubMed: 17657444].

2. Mohamed WS, Mostafa AM, Mohamed KM, Serwah AH. “Effects of fenugreek, Nigella, and termis seeds in

nonalcoholic fatty liver in obese diabetic albino rats”. Arab J Gastroenterol. 2015;16(1):1-9. doi:

10.1016/j.ajg.2014.12.003. [PubMed: 25670619].

3. Samir Bashandy AE. Effect of fixed oil of Nigella sativa on male fertility in normal and hyperlipidemic rats. Int J

Pharmacol. 2007;3(1):27-33. doi: 10.3923/ijp.2007.27.33.

4. Mahdavi R, Heshmati J, Namazi N. Effects of black seeds (Nigella sativa) on male infertility: a systematic review. J

Herb Med. 2015;5(3):133-9. doi: 10.1016/j.hermed.2015.03.002.

5. Asgary S, Sahebkar A, Goli-Malekabadi N. Ameliorative effects of Nigella sativa on dyslipidemia. J Endocrinol Invest.

2015;38(10):1039-46. doi: 10.1007/s40618-015-0337-0. [PubMed: 26134064].

6. Heshmati J, Namazi N. Effects of black seed (Nigella sativa) on metabolic parameters in diabetes mellitus: a

systematic review. Complement Ther Med. 2015;23(2):275-82. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2015.01.013. [PubMed: 25847566].

7. Tembhurne SV, Feroz S, More BH, Sakarkar DM. A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa (kalonji) seeds. J

Med Plants Res. 2014;8(3):167-77. doi: 10.5897/jmpr10.737.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is the main active compound

found in industrial hemp, and it has significant medical

benefits. Unlike THC, it won't get you "high", which

makes it an appealing option. CBD is just one of

hundreds of cannabinoids, terpenes, and

phytonutrients present in industrial hemp and

beneficial to your overall health and wellness.

Our Kentucky-grown, full spectrum hemp derivative oil

is naturally rich in terpenes, Omega-3, Omega-6, and

Omega-9 Essential Fatty Acids. The 500mg Natural has

a deep green color and robust, natural flavor; you can

taste the goodness in every drop.

take nightly




Each drop of full spectrum CBD oil has all the same

cannabinoids, terpenes, essential fatty acids, and

vitamins & minerals present in the industrial hemp plant.

Depending on the condition and what you are looking

to achieve, full spectrum CBD oil can provide a greater

effect than CBD isolates as all the cannabinoids work


Studies have found that when you use a full spectrum

hemp oil, the cannabinoids and terpenes naturally

found in the whole plant create a synergistic effect,

otherwise known as the "entourage effect", and the

interaction between the two create amplified effects as

well as providing added benefits.

why full spectrum matters

Hemp (Cannabis sativa l.) is an

ancient plant that has been

cultivated for millennia by human


In addition to its positive effects on

the endocannabinoid system, CBD

has been the focus of more than

23,000 published studies about

cannabinoids in relation to various

medical indications.




Every human possesses an advanced physiological system,

the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS is a crucial

regulatory system that is already making cannabinoid-like

structures that foster cellular balance throughout nearly

every biological system in the body.

Research seems to indicate that the ECS might function

more properly and efficiently in regulating vital biological

functions like sleep, appetite, pain modulation, mood

enhancement, and libido through the introduction of hemp-

derived cannabinoids like CBD.

The ECS regulates the body's general state of balance,

impacting such functions as mood, sleep, appetite,

hormone regulation, and pain and immune response.

simply hemp simply better

Cannabinoids are chemical

compounds that interact with

the endocannabinoid system

(ECS), our body's central

regulatory system.

Cannabinoids have been

found to have antioxidant and

neuroprotectant properties,

making them useful in a

variety of health and wellness




CBD & Your Liver1. Kogan, N, et al, "Cannabinoids In Health And Disease" Dialogues in Clinical

Neuroscience, December 2007, Volume 9.

2. Lim, M, et al, "Cannabidiol Causes Activated Hepatic Stellate Cell Death Through A

Mechanism Of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Apoptosis" Cell Death & Disease,

June 2011, Volume 2.

3. Avraham, Y, et al, "Cannabidiol Improves Brain And Liver Function In A Fulminant

Hepatic Failure-Induced Model Of Hepatic Encephalopathy In Mice" British Journal of

Pharmacology, April 2011, Volume 162.

4. Wang, Y, et al, "Cannabidiol Attenuates Alcohol-Induced Liver Steatosis, Metabolic

Dysregulation, Inflammation And Neutrophil-Mediated Injury" Scientific Reports, 2017,

Volume 7.









As the metabolic powerhouse of the body, our liver is

responsible for processing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and

other nutrients into forms more easily utilized by the rest of our

body. The liver also plays a vital role in clearing the blood of

drugs, alcohol, and other substances that may be potentially

harmful or toxic.

Many essential oils are hepatic in nature, which means that

they stimulate, strengthen, and tone the liver, thereby helping

increase bile flow and detoxification. Essential oils, combined

with other modalities, can be a great way to support the liver

as it does its important job.

There are thousands of different

kinds of molecules in essential oils,

many of which mimic the

molecules used by our bodies for

support, maintenance, and


The chemical constituents

contained in essential oil

molecules can produce

therapeutic effects through their

interaction with the cells in our




HepaDetox is a blend of essential oils that are known

to help the liver detox and also to regenerate and

rebuild liver cells. It is important to protect the liver

and to help it detox when possible. The liver must deal

with everyday toxins such as drugs and alcohol, food

additives, and any other poisons that find their way

into the digestive system along with toxins that we

breathe in or are exposed to through the skin

Ingredients: Daucus carota (Carrot Seed), Mentha

piperita (Peppermint), Citrus limon (Lemon), Rosa

rubiginosa (Rosehip Seed)




Carrot Seed is a very full essential oil, and therefore a

precious aid in therapy, and able to be assimilated just as

well through the skin as orally. It has the strongest affinity for

the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and skin. It is an anti-

inflammatory agent which may assist the body with

cardiovascular functions.

Carrot Seed is an excellent purifier due to its detoxifying

effect on the liver. It is both diuretic and hepatic, operating

well as both a kidney and liver cleanser.

An animal study suggests that Carrot Seed may be an

effective antioxidant with benefits against liver damage.

daucus carota

Carrot Seed has diuretic and

purifying properties that make

it an excellent detoxifier and

liver support. It is extremely

helpful in fighting both

jaundice and hepatitis.

It aids in liver regeneration by

stimulating the growth of new

cells and tissue.




Peppermint, the most popular member of the mint family, is a

natural hybrid of green mint and water mint. The plant was

first discovered in England in 1696.

Unlike many other herbs and essential oils, numerous health

benefits of Peppermint leaves and Peppermint essential oil

have been studied and proven by the scientific community.

Cooling properties that help ease pain, inflammation, and

muscle cramps and spasms are one of the biggest reasons

Peppermint oil is so popular.

mentha piperita

Peppermint stimulates bile flow

while relaxing bile ducts and

helping to break down fats. It can

be beneficial in the reduction of

“bad” cholesterol, thereby making

the liver’s job of filtering toxins


Peppermint is also helpful for

inhibiting blockages in the kidneys

and gallbladder, as well as

calming the stomach for optimal





Rosehips, also called Rose Hips, are the fruit left behind after

a rose has flowered and dropped its petals. Rosehips begin

to form after the successful pollination of flowers in Spring or

early Summer, and they ripen in late Summer through


Rosehip Oil has been used in aromatherapy for centuries,

and according to a 2009 study, inhaling Rosehip Oil reduces

autonomic responses like systolic blood pressure, blood

oxygen saturation, and breathing rate. Additionally,

participants who inhaled Rosehip Oil were calmer and more

relaxed than those in the control group.

rosa rubiginosa

Rosehip Oil is a good source of

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and

Vitamin F, a fatty acid made of

linoleic acid and alpha-

linoleic acid. Rosehips are

thought to have more Vitamin

C than an orange or lemon.

According to the University of

Maryland, Rosehips can be

used as a Vitamin C

supplement for immune




HepaDetox & Your Liver1. Marjani, Abdoljalal et al. “Effect of peppermint oil on serum lipid peroxidation and hepatic enzymes

after immobility stress in mice.” The Open Biochemistry Journal vol. 6 (2012): 51-5.


2. Ogaly, Hanan A et al. “Antifibrogenic Influence of Mentha piperita L. Essential Oil against CCl4-

Induced Liver Fibrosis in Rats.” Oxidative Medicine And Cellular Longevity vol. 2018 4039753. 19 Apr.

2018, doi:10.1155/2018/4039753

3. Rezaei-Moghadam A, Mohajeri D, Rafiei B, et al. “Effect of turmeric and carrot seed extracts on serum

liver biomarkers and hepatic lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes and total antioxidant status in

rats.” Bioimpacts. 2012;2(3):151–157. doi:10.5681/bi.2012.020.

4. Singh, Kamlesh et al. “In vivo antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extracts of

Daucus carota seeds in experimental animals.” Asian Pacific Journal Of Tropical Biomedicine vol. 2,5

(2012): 385-8. doi:10.1016/S2221-1691(12)60061-6


The link between pH balance, the gut, and

inflammation explains why the first things

customers notice when taking SOUL are an

increase in energy and fewer food cravings.

SOUL is rich in concentrated alkaline superfoods

with naturally occurring phytonutrients, chlorophyll,

live enzymes, and bioavailable vitamins and

minerals to help boost energy and assist with

mineral replenishment.

SOUL ayurvedic pH superfood



According to WebMD, turmeric can be used for arthritis,

heartburn, joint pain, stomach pain, Crohn’s Disease,

ulcerative colitis, bypass surgery, hemorrhage, diarrhea,

intestinal gas, stomach bloating, loss of appetite, jaundice,

liver problems, H. pylori infection, stomach ulcers, irritable

bowel syndrome, gallbladder disorders, high cholesterol, skin

inflammation caused by radiation, and fatigue.

It can also be used for headaches, bronchitis, colds, lung

infections, fibromyalgia, fever, menstrual problems, itchy skin,

depression, Alzheimer’s Disease, diabetes, worms,

tuberculosis, bladder inflammation, and kidney problems.

Turmeric contains the

chemical curcumin.

Curcumin and other

chemicals in turmeric

might decrease swelling


Because of this, turmeric

might be beneficial for

treating conditions that

involve inflammation.




Camu Camu fruit contains 30 times more Vitamin C, 3

times more Niacin, 10 times more Iron, double the

amount of Riboflavin, and 50% more Phosphorous than

any other fruit.

Camu Camu’s wide range of amino acids and minerals

help in the absorption of the Vitamin C. Virtually all

Vitamin C supplements are actually ascorbic acid,

potassium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate and/or

calcium ascorbate. These chemically synthesized

molecules are often made from GMO corn sugar.

Synthetic Vitamin C does have many of the benefits

found in 100% natural Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a powerful

antioxidant that humans do not

have the ability to make, which

means it must be consumed via

our diet.

According to WebMD,

antioxidants help get rid of free

radicals that can damage cells

and tissue, which means fewer

inflammation triggers.




According to WebMD, Alfalfa is used

for kidney conditions, bladder and prostate conditions,

and to increase urine flow. It is also used for high

cholesterol, asthma, osteoarthritis, arthritis, diabetes, upset

stomach, and rheumatoid. Alfalfa is a rich source

of vitamins A, C, E, and K4; and minerals calcium, potassium,

phosphorous, and iron.

Many researchers are surprised that this plant has so many

different types of vitamins present in just one plant. Alfalfa

grass can absorb more vitamins and minerals than the

average plant because it has a root system that can reach

as far as 60 feet into the ground.

Contains over 300 nutrients and

phytonutrients, including being a

plant source of vitamin D, iron,

calcium, vitamin C, chlorophyll,

amino acids, enzymes, and

bioactive plant compounds like

saponins, terpenes, coumarins,

alkaloids, phenolics, phytosterols,

and coumestrol.




According to WebMD, The fiber in barley might lower

cholesterol and blood pressure in people with high

cholesterol. Barley may also reduce blood

sugar and insulin levels. Barley seems to slow stomach

emptying. This could help keep blood sugar stable and

create a sensation of being full, which might help to

control appetite.

Barley is used for lowering blood sugar, blood pressure,

and cholesterol, and for promoting weight loss. It is also

used for digestive complaints

including diarrhea, stomach pain, and inflammatory

bowel conditions.

A rich source of chlorophyll,

amino acids, vitamins, minerals

and phytonutrients like flavonoids,

saponin, beta-sitosterol and beta-

carotene. It is high in dietary fiber

and a very good source of

protein, containing the 9 essential

amino acids, as well as containing

many enzymes, being especially

high in the enzyme superoxide

dismutase (SOD).




According to WebMD, kale is rich in Lutein and

zeaxanthin, nutrients that give kale its deep, dark

green coloring and protect against macular

degeneration and cataracts. Rich in calcium,

phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Kale is a warrior that fights against heart

disease, cancer, inflammation, and toxins. It helps

take a scrub brush to the skin, lungs, liver, kidneys,

and lymph. Flush that, toxins!

Kale is an excellent source of Vitamins C and

K, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, and a

good source of numerous plant compounds

like chlorophyll, carotenoids, flavonoids, and

glucosinolates, which are broken down into

biologically active compounds such as

indoles like indole-3- carbinol, and

isothiocyanates like sulforaphane. It also

contains some alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an

omega-3 essential fatty acid.




According to WebMD, Wheatgrass contains chemicals

that might have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (anti-

swelling) activity. This is why some people think it might

be helpful for conditions such as inflammatory bowel

disease. It also contains a chemical that might fight

bacterial infections.

Those who swear by it say that the potent ingredient in

wheatgrass is chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants

their green color.

They say chlorophyll acts like hemoglobin (the protein in

red blood cells that transports oxygen) and increases

oxygen levels in the body.

Wheatgrass contains up to 70%

chlorophyll, is rich in iron, a very good

source of calcium and a good source

of amino acids and many vitamins

and minerals. It also contains

metabolic enzymes, including

superoxide dismutase (SOD) and

cytochrome oxidase, as well as a

wide array of phytochemicals like

phenolic compounds, terpenoids,

flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins,

tannins, steroids and glycosides.




Sometimes called False Daisy, Bhringaraj has long been used

in Ayurvedic Medicine primarily as a liver tonic. It is also

known for having a beneficial effect on diabetes, eye health,

heart health, and hair growth.

In addition to the liver protection and other benefits,

Bhringaraj offers the potential for reducing inflammation,

lessening anger, reducing pain, lowering blood pressure,

soothing the stomach, acting as a diuretic, and stimulating

the immune system.

“false daisy”

Phytonutrients present in

Bhringaraj include the alkaloid

ecliptinen, wedelolactone,

wedelic acid, apigenin, luteolin,

b-amyrin, volatile oils,

saponineclalbatin, alpha-

amyrin, ursolic acid, and

oleanolic acid.




Also known as Chanca Piedra or Stonebreaker, Phyllanthus

has been used for hundreds of years as an herbal remedy for

kidney stones, viral infections, liver disorders, bacterial

infections, and many other ailments.

Phyllanthus helps promote healthy liver action and kidney

health by preventing the formation of calcium oxalate

crystals which can cause kidney stones.

The lignans in Phyllanthus lower blood levels of uric acid,

helping to prevent crystal formation. It also reduces crystal

clumping and alters the structure and composition of the

crystals. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory activity of the

plant can relax the urethra, aiding in the passage of stones.


Phyllanthin, the most studied

compound in Phyllanthus, has

been shown to have

hepatoprotective, anti-

inflammatory, and antibacterial

properties. In addition, studies

have shown that nirtetralin has

antiviral action, inhibiting

replication of the hepatitis B

virus and suppressing its

antigens, enabling a speedier




Tephrosia Purpurea

Known as Sharpunkha in Hindi, Tephrosia purpurea is a

famous Ayurvedic herb used in the treatment of liver cirrhosis

and splenomegaly.

Tephrosia purpurea is anthelmintic, alexiteric, restorative, and

antipyretic. It has also been used in the treatment of leprosy,

ulcers, asthma, and tumors, as well as diseases of the liver,

spleen, heart, and blood.

A decoction of the roots is sometimes given for dyspepsia,

diarrhea, rheumatism, asthma, and urinary disorders. The root

powder can be used for brushing the teeth, where it is said to

quickly relieve dental pain and stop bleeding.

“wild indigo”

Tephrosia purpurea contains

antioxidants, flavonoids,

glycosides, rotenoids,

isoflavones, flavanones,

alkaloids, carbohydrates,

tannins and phenols, gums and

mucilage, fixed oils and fats,

saponins, and lipids. It supports

a healthy liver, kidneys, blood,

and heart, and may assist the

body with healing wounds.




Also known as Amrit, Guduchi is one of the most valued herbs

in Ayurvedic medicine. It is highly regarded for its

rejuvenating, immune-boosting, detoxifying, and anti-

rheumatic properties.

Guduchi is known for its abilities in supporting the immune

system, promoting joint health, and preventing stress.

Additionally, it was shown in a clinical study to play an

important role in normalizing liver function.

In Hindi, the plant is commonly known as Giloe which is a

Hindu mythological term referring to a heavenly elixir that has

saved celestial beings from old age and kept them eternally


“the one who protects”

Guduchi contains many

different compounds that may

have antioxidant effects

including alkaloids, diterpenoid

lactones, glycosides, steroids,

sisquiterpenoid, phenolics,

aliphatic compounds, and




Nirgundi contains phenol,

dulcitol, alkaloid- vitricine, B-

sitosterol, camphene. It also

contains flavonoids, casticin,

chryso-splenol, and vitexin.

It is known for its antihistamine

and muscle relaxing properties.

It acts as a mild analgesic when

applied topically and may assist

with sound sleep.



Nirgundi, also known as the five-leaved chaste tree is used to

relieve pain and to assist with digestion, liver health, and

respiratory conditions..

It is antipyretic and especially helpful for high fever. Nirgundi

also promotes physical strength and may assist with eye and

nose related problems.

Nirgundi is a rich source of Vitamin C, which gives it both anti-

inflammatory and antibiotic properties. It is a very versatile

herb that can be used externally in the form of oil or

ointment, or taken internally in form of powder, leaf juice

extract, or water decoction.

five-leaved chaste tree


Soul & Your Liver1. Rezaei-Moghadam A, Mohajeri D, Rafiei B, et al. “Effect of turmeric and carrot seed

extracts on serum liver biomarkers and hepatic lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes

and total antioxidant status in rats.” Bioimpacts. 2012;2(3):151–157. doi:10.5681/bi.2012.020.

2. Asai, A., Nakagawa, K., & Miyazawa, T. (1999). “Antioxidative effects of turmeric, rosemary

and capsicum extracts on membrane phospholipid peroxidation and liver lipid

metabolism in mice.” Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 63(12), 2118-2122

3. Langley PC, Pergolizzi JV Jr, Taylor R Jr, Ridgway C. “Antioxidant and associated

capacities of Camu camu (Myrciaria dubia): a systematic review.” J Altern Complement

Med. 2015;21(1):8–14. doi:10.1089/acm.2014.0130

4. Guan, Yong-Song, and Qing He. “Plants Consumption and Liver Health.” Evidence-based

complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM vol. 2015 (2015): 824185.



VitaliTea is one of the most powerful detox teas

available for micronutrient delivery and elimination of

undigested waste in your colon and your digestive


VitaliTea is filled with compounds from plants that

gently cleanse your digestive system and support your

health with naturally occurring phytonutrients, high

antioxidants, and known healing herbs. Steeping

creates a phytonutrient-rich cocktail for your cells. The

longer the herbs steep, the more vitamins and

minerals that will be extracted.




Burdock Root, a vegetable native to northern Asia and

Europe, has been used in holistic medicine for centuries to

treat a variety of concerns. Traditionally used as a diuretic,

digestive aid, and blood purifier, research from 2010 has

shown Burdock Root contains multiple types of powerful

antioxidants including quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic


Many alternative health providers talk about detoxifying the

body or “purifying” the blood, and practitioners of

traditional medicine say Burdock Root may purify the blood.

Both internally and externally, Burdock Root has been

proven to have potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial

effects on the human body.

used in chinese medicine for centuries

Scientific research has found

that Burdock Root has

antibacterial qualities. It

appears to be particularly

useful for killing biofilms, which

are large, sticky colonies of

bacteria that grow throughout

the body. Research published

in 2017 found that Burdock

Root may also kill other types

of bacteria.




Although considered a pesky weed by most, Dandelion Root

has long been used in traditional Chinese and Native

American medicine to treat stomach and liver conditions.

Botanists consider Dandelions to be herbs, and many people

use the leaves, stems, flowers, and root for medicinal


Modern herbalists believe Dandelions can aid in the

treatment of many ailments including acne, eczema, high

cholesterol, heartburn, diabetes, and even cancer. Some

people use Dandelion as a traditional remedy for

constipation and other digestion issues. Some researchers

have proposed that Dandelion could help people achieve

their weight loss goals.

more than just a pesky weed

Studies have shown that

Dandelions display both antiviral

and antibacterial properties.

Additionally, researchers in one

2014 study, found that chemicals

present in Dandelions had a

positive effect on reducing

inflammatory responses in the

human body.

There is also growing evidence to

suggest that Dandelions can help

boost the immune system.




Since the days of early Egypt, Licorice Root has been used

for a variety of concerns including stomach ulcers,

heartburn, and chronic gastritis. It may also be beneficial for

sore throat, bronchitis, cough, and infections caused by

bacteria or viruses.

Glycyrrhizin, the chief constituent of Licorice Root may be

beneficial in the treatment of Hepatitis C, a virus that can

cause inflammation and long-term liver damage. Research

has found that glycyrrhizin demonstrates antimicrobial

activity against Hepatitis C in cell samples, and it may hold

promise as a future treatment for this virus that affects about

2.3 million people in the US.

sweet and powerful

There are more than 300

different compounds in

Licorice, some of which have

antiviral and antimicrobial


The chemicals contained in

Licorice are thought to reduce

inflammation, thin mucus

secretions, decrease cough,

and increase the chemicals in

our body that heal ulcers.




Milk Thistle has been used historically for liver disorders,

including hepatitis and cirrhosis, as well as gallbladder

problems. Milk Thistle is regularly used as a complementary

therapy by people who have liver damage due to conditions

like alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,

hepatitis, and even liver cancer.

Studies have shown liver function improvement in people with

liver diseases who have taken a Milk Thistle supplement. This

suggests that Milk Thistle could help reduce both liver

inflammation and damage. Milk Thistle is thought to reduce

damage caused by free radicals produced when the liver

metabolizes toxic substances .

also known as mary thistle or holy thistle

The active ingredients in Milk

Thistle are a group of plant

compounds collectively known as

silymarin. Studies have shown that

the silymarin extracted from Milk

Thistle has antioxidant, antiviral,

and anti-inflammatory properties.

Silymarin is the most commonly

used herbal supplement in the

United States for liver problems.



VitaliTEA & Your Liver1. El-Kott AF, Bin-Meferij MM. “Use of Arctium lappa Extract Against Acetaminophen-Induced

Hepatotoxicity in Rats.” Curr Ther Res Clin Exp. 2015;77:73–78. Published 2015 May 27.


2. Davaatseren, M., Hur, H. J., Yang, H. J., Hwang, J. T., Park, J. H., Kim, H. J., … & Sung, M. J.

(2013). “Taraxacum official (dandelion) leaf extract alleviates high-fat diet-induced

nonalcoholic fatty liver.” Food and Chemical Toxicology, 58, 30-36

3. Mae, T., Kishida, H., Nishiyama, T., Tsukagawa, M., Konishi, E., Kuroda, M., … & Nakagawa, K.

(2003). “A licorice ethanolic extract with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ ligand-

binding activity affects diabetes in KK-Ay mice, abdominal obesity in diet-induced obese

C57BL mice and hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats.” The Journal of Nutrition,

133(11), 3369-3377

4. Alaca, Nuray et al. “Treatment with milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum), ursodeoxycholic

acid, or their combination attenuates cholestatic liver injury in rats: Role of the hepatic stem

cells.” The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology: The Official Journal of Turkish Society of

Gastroenterology 28 6 (2017): 476-484 .


The liver is one of the body's primary filtration systems,

helping to eliminate toxins from the body, cleanse the

blood, metabolize nutrients and medications, and

produces proteins. An amazing cleanser and purifier,

Lemon can aid your liver in flushing out unwanted

toxins before they’re absorbed into your body.

Botanical Name: Citrus limon

Country Of Origin: Italy

Extraction Method: Cold Expression

Producing Organ: Peel




"In a healthy body, the process of detoxification runs

smoothly," says Dr. Mark Hyman, a functional medicine

doctor and New York Times best-selling author.

"When you become toxic, the mechanism for detoxification

in the liver gets sluggish, and certain toxins can remain

active longer than we want or than our systems can handle.

This makes us sick and impedes normal metabolism. It also

causes fluid retention, bloat, and puffiness.“

Lemon juice helps detox the body by aiding in the removal

of toxins that can build up in the liver.

citrus limon

High in Vitamin C, a natural

antioxidant, Lemons are

known to be a terrific

antiseptic and digestive aid.

Mixed with water, Lemons are

very alkaline and can assist in

restoring the body’s natural pH

balance. The Vitamin C from a

Lemon and water mixture can

also counteract the effects of

free radicals on the body.



Lemon & Your Liver1. Zhou, Tong et al. “Protective Effects of Lemon Juice on Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury in Mice.” BioMed

research international vol. 2017 (2017): 7463571. doi:10.1155/2017/7463571.

2. Chen, Yi Jinn Lillian et al. “Fermented Citrus Lemon Reduces Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in

Rats.” Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM vol. 2018 6546808. 20 May. 2018,


3. Lv, Xinmiao et al. “Citrus fruits as a treasure trove of active natural metabolites that potentially provide

benefits for human health.” Chemistry Central journal vol. 9 68. 24 Dec. 2015, doi:10.1186/s13065-015-0145-9

4. Mandalari, Giuseppina et al. “Effectiveness of Citrus Fruits on Helicobacter pylori.” Evidence-based

complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM vol. 2017 (2017): 8379262. doi:10.1155/2017/8379262