The Word of God - St. James Church, Clovis, NM · The Word of God The Word of God ... Sequence Hymn...

Post on 30-Apr-2018

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Transcript of The Word of God - St. James Church, Clovis, NM · The Word of God The Word of God ... Sequence Hymn...

8:00 a.m. Worship Service—Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:30 a.m. Worship Service—Holy Eucharist Rite II The Word of God The Word of God

Processional: “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” Hymn 207 Processional: “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” Hymn 207

Salutation (stand) BCP 323 Salutation (stand) BCP 299

Gloria in Excelsis Hymn S-280 Collect of the Day (stand or kneel) BCP 222

Collect of the Day (stand or kneel) BCP 170 The Lessons

The Lessons OT: Jeremiah 31: 1-6 Pew Bible 835

OT: Jeremiah 31: 1-6 Pew Bible 835 Psalm: Psalm 118 Pew Bible 649

Psalm: Psalm 118 Pew Bible 649 Epistle : Colossians 3: 1-4 Pew Bible 1253

Epistle : Colossians 3: 1-4 Pew Bible 1253 Sequence Hymn (stand): Lord, Thy Word abideth, And our footsteps guideth; Who its truth believeth Light and joy receiveth.

Sequence Hymn (stand): Lord, Thy Word abideth, And our footsteps guideth; Who its truth believeth Light and joy receiveth.

Gospel: John 20: 1-18 Pew Bible 1153 Gospel: John 20: 1-18 Pew Bible 1153

Homily (sit) Homily (sit)

Nicene Creed (stand) BCP 327 Presentation of the Candidate—Tevis Gilliard BCP 301

Prayers of the People (stand or kneel) BCP 328 Baptismal Covenant BCP 304

Confession of Sin BCP 331 Prayers for the Candidate BCP 305

The Peace / Announcements /Offering /Doxology Thanksgiving over Water and the Baptism BCP 306

Offertory: “Glorious Day” Bambi Hays The Peace / Announcements / Offering / Doxology

The Holy Communion—The Great Thanksgiving Offertory: “Glorious Day” Bambi Hays

Eucharistic Prayer I (stand) BCP 333 The Holy Communion—The Great Thanksgiving

Sanctus (afterwards stand or kneel) Hymn S– 130 Eucharistic Prayer D (stand) BCP 372

Holy Communion (come to altar rail) Sanctus (afterwards stand or kneel) Hymn S– 130

Post Communion Hymn: “ Alleluia” Hymn 178 Holy Communion (come to altar rail)

Post Communion Prayer BCP 339 Post Communion Hymn: “ Alleluia” Hymn 178

Benediction/Blessing (stand or kneel) Post Communion Prayer BCP 366

Recessional: “He Has Risen” Hymn 180 Benediction/Blessing (stand or kneel)

Dismissal Recessional: “He Has Risen” Hymn 180

Please join us for an Easter Pot-luck luncheon and Easter Egg hunt for our youth following the 10:30 service

O that we, discerning, Its most holy learning,

Lord, may love and fear Thee, Evermore be near Thee!

O that we, discerning, Its most holy learning,

Lord, may love and fear Thee, Evermore be near Thee!

St. James Episcopal Church ancient worship...

...timeless faith

In His Service Today: 8:00 service 10:30 service

Thurifer: Brian Chambers Brian Pickard

Acolyte: Matthias Chambers Rowynn Williams

Celebrant/Homilist: Revs. Alan & Suzanne Brockmeier

Lectors: Michael Powers Caron Powers

Jennifer Williams Cindy Lakin Mike Hailey

Prayer Leader: Caron Powers Brian Pickard

Eucharistic Minister: Shirley Thompson

Harold Hall Jennifer Williams

Marie Pickard

St. James’ Church 1117 North Main Street (12th and Main) P.O. Box 249 Clovis, NM 88102-0249


Email: (Office) (Priest)

Website: Office Hours: Mon.—Thurs. 9:30—1:00

The Very Rev. Alan Brockmeier, Rector Rector’s cell: 575-799-2533

Mr. Troy Gilliard, Senior Warden

All baptized Christians are invited to receive the real and living presence of Christ in the Holy Communion. To receive the Bread, extend your hands upward. When receiving the Wine, please guide the chalice from its base. If you prefer, you may leave the Bread on your palm for the person administering the chalice to dip into the Wine and place on your tongue. If you prefer a blessing in lieu of Holy Communion, cross your hands over your chest to signify such.

April 16, 2017 Sunday of the Resurrection

Easter Sunday

Regular Worship Services at St. James 8:00 Rite I Worship

9:30 Adult Formation 10:30 Rite II Worship with Child Care &

Children’s Sunday School

Don’t forget to silence your phone before worship. “Be still and know that I am God.” Ps. 46: 10

Upcoming Events for this Week

Monday, April 17th Office closed

Tuesday, April 18th Vestry 5:00 pm

Thursday, April 20th Tanner Sheets—BD

Emmaus Lay Director Training 6pm

Saturday, February 22nd SE Deanery Meeting here 9:30

Tanner Sheets—20th

Given to the Glory of God and in Honor of

Laverne Hall by Harold Hall

The Rev. David & Peggy Sipes

by Alexandra Sipes-Miller

Breña Linn Blackman by Shirley Thompson

Murray Greene & Marion Williams

by Jacob & Jennifer Williams

Given to the Glory of God and in Thanksgiving for:

50 Plus Years of Marriage

by Artie & Sue McDowell

Shirley Thompson by Aleene Gant

Our St. James’ Family

by Fran Boilore

Our Family by Cindy Lakin & John Burke

Finnley & Rowynn Williams

by Jane & Steve Savage

My children and grandchildren by Anne Barlow

Our children and Godchildren

by Michael and Caron Powers

Given to the Glory of God and in Honor of

Laverne Hall by Harold Hall

The Rev. David & Peggy Sipes

by Alexandra Sipes-Miller

Breña Linn Blackman by Shirley Thompson

Murray Greene & Marion Williams

by Jacob & Jennifer Williams

Given to the Glory of God and in Thanksgiving for:

50 Plus Years of Marriage

by Artie & Sue McDowell

Shirley Thompson by Aleene Gant

Our St. James’ Family

by Fran Boilore

Our Family by Cindy Lakin & John Burke

Finnley & Rowynn Williams

by Jane & Steve Savage

My children and grandchildren by Anne Barlow

Our children and Godchildren

by Michael and Caron Powers

Given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of:

Phillip Cohen

by Andrew & Tayler Gilliard

Arlene Shamp by Troy & Tonia Gilliard

L. E. ‘Gene’ Goodman

by Karen Goodman

Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Hinton by Jacob & Jennifer Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Savage

by Jacob & Jennifer Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Staton by Jacob &Jennifer Williams

Mom & Dad

by Michael Hailey

My Grandparents by Michael Hailey

Our Fathers & Grandparents

by Alan & Suzanne Brockmeier

Given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of: Phillip Cohen

by Andrew & Tayler Gilliard

Arlene Shamp by Troy & Tonia Gilliard

L. E. ‘Gene’ Goodman

by Karen Goodman

Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Hinton by Jacob & Jennifer Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Savage

by Jacob & Jennifer Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Staton by Jacob &Jennifer Williams

Mom & Dad

by Michael Hailey

My Grandparents by Michael Hailey

Our Fathers & Grandparents

by Alan & Suzanne Brockmeier