The Wonderful World of Social Networking Tools

Post on 15-May-2015

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Presented to Ontario Association of Library Technicians, May 8, 2008. Conference theme was "Set Sail!"

Transcript of The Wonderful World of Social Networking Tools

The Wonderful World of

Social Networking Toolspresented to Ontario Association of Library Technicians,

Kingston, May 8, 2008by Connie Crosby

Where are your social networks?

Do any of them look like this?

or this?

Where are your social networks?

book club

photography club

Spanish class




family reunion

night club

Where are your social networks?

book club

photography club

Spanish class

hiking groupchurch



family reunion

night club

parent-teacher groupsupport group

community group

political party

Where are your social networks?

book club

photography club

Spanish class

hiking groupchurch



family reunion

night club

parent-teacher groupsupport group

community group

political partyvolunteer fundraising group

Canadian Cancer Society

Alzheimer Society of Ontario

Run for the Cure

Friends of the Library

neighbourhood yard sale

How do you stay connected?in-person meetingstelephoneemail messageslistservsnewsletterswebsite

Generation i

Join the Conversationby

Joseph Jaffe

Who is Generation i?

Generation i

“This is the generation that has nothing to do with age but is all about mind-set.”

Generation i

“Generation i is not who you think. It’s not just the youngsters anymore, the geeks, the game-playing kids”

Generation i

“anyone young at heart, any person with a zest and zeal for life...any human who gets the social side of media.”

Generation i

“Generation i is not defined by a demographic or by a psychographic.”

Which is Generation i?



everyone contributesphotos ~ reviews ~ recommendations ~ stories

Social Networking Tools?

Web 2.0Social mediaNew mediaSocial networking tools

Are you onFacebook?

Who is on Facebook?

StudentsParentsLibrariesBusinessesPeople you know

Library Technicians of Ontario Schools




“Facebook for business”



“What are you doing?”

140 text characters

Virtual worlds

You purchase the stuffed animal...

...and it comes with a key to its virtual world counterpart

Geared toward younger children

Activities for the one child, unless you have family/friends who share their code with you

Items to “buy” for your pet

Play games to earn points with which to buy the items

Older children sign up for penguin characters (avatars)

Safety and privacy are addressed

Children’s Safety Online

Never give out personal information, such as real name, age, location, phone number or school.

Children’s Safety Online

Never share your password with anyone except your parents. Someone else might use your password and pretend to be you, give out your personal information or do something that may get you into trouble.

Children’s Safety Online

Tell your parents if someone says or does something on the Internet that makes you uncomfortable, or if someone asks you for personal information.

Children’s Safety Online

Choose a username that does not reflect your real identity. Avoid names that are in any way suggestive, even if they seem innocent to you.

Children’s Safety Online

Avoid chat rooms that are not monitored by moderators.


...and Second Life?

Libraries? In virtual world Second Life???

first law library in Second Life

“face-to-face” meetings of people in different geographic locations

Wikinomics book reading by Don Tapscott (in red chair)

Benjamin Noble, Second Life avatar for Davis LLP lawyer

is there more?

Can social networking

save Canadian culture?

bpNichol beta site by ArtMob -

and the BIG question...

Can social networks help you...

Social networking

build & maintain relationships with family, friends, colleagues, clients or patrons

Social networking

transcends geography

Social networking

helps us find others with the same interests, no matter how specific or esoteric

Social networking

helps us see other points of view

Social networking

makes the world a little smaller

Should libraries be in

online social networks?


sign up for a Facebook account & join a groupcomment on a blogsign up for Flickr and comment on a photocomment on another blogsign for LinkIn, connect to me

Privacy Commissioner of Canada:

Where do you find time for social media? Clay Shirky video -

Thank youConnie Crosby

Crosby Group Consulting416-919-6719
