The Western India Mission - Yale

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Transcript of The Western India Mission - Yale

The Western India Mission


Presbyterian Church in the


Minutes of tbfe Executive Committee from November 2, 1936 to October 20, 1937.


^ ^ Minutes of the Central Committee


Minutes of the Mission’s Annual Meeting



The Western India Mission


Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.


Minutes of the Executive Committee from November 2, 1936 to October 20, 1937.


Minutes of the Central Committee


Minutes of the Mission’s Annual Meeting

The Western India MissionO F T H E

Presbyterian Church in



*Miss C. Grace Deen


I. Educational Committee:Chairman.—Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen.

A d Interim Committee.—Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen, Mr. J. C. Kincaid, Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Mr. K. B. Urunkar, Mr. S. S. Chavan.

Indian Members.—Mr. M. C. Gorde, Mr. G. V. Moses, Mr. K. B. Urunkar, Mr. S. S. Chavan, Miss Rachel Mathen (or Indian Principal of the E. P. S.).

Missionary Members.—Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mrs. L. B. Car- ruthers, Mrs. S. S. Fulton, Mrs. J. L. Goheen, Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen, Rev. H. G. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid, Mrs. W.H. Lyon, Mrs. J. E. Napp, Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Strahler, Mrs.D. B. Updegraff, Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Wilson, Rev. and Mrs. Horace K. Wright.

•Continued as Secretary of the Mission until Jan. 1, 1938 in accordance with the provisions of the Field Manual f6 and ^13. Also acted as Chairman of the Executive Committee from Annual Meeting until Jan. 1, 1938.


... Rev. W. H. Lyon, Vengurla.

... J. L. Goheen, LL.D., Sangli, S.M.C.

... Mr. J. C. Kincaid, Sangli, S.M.C.

... Miss B. H. Freeman, Miraj, S.M.C.

Executive Committee

J. L. Goheen, LL.D., Chairman SecretaryRev. W. H. Lyon Rev. M. W . Strahler

R. H. H. Goheen, Esq., M.D. Rev. H. K. Wright.


It. Evangelistic Committee:

Chairman.—John L. Goheen, Esq., LL.D.A d Interim Committee.—J. L. Goheen, LL.D., Miss Vivian Stro­

bridge, Miss Clara Seiler, Rev. V. A. Bedekar, Rev. J. S. Masoji.Indian Members.—Rev. V . A. Bedekar, Rev. J. S. Masoji, Rev. S. R.

Dongre, Rev. P. S. Ranabhise, Rev. M. N. Raste.Missionary Members.—Rev. and Mrs. F. O. Conser, Miss G. L. En­

right, Miss B. H. Freeman, Rev. W. H. Lyon, Dr. J. E. Napp, Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Richardson, Miss C. L. Seiler, Mrs. E. W. Simpson, Miss V. S. Strobridge, Dr. D. B. Updegraff.

III. Medical Committee:

Chairman.—Dr. S. D. Arawattigi.A d Interim Cotnmittee.—Dr. S. D. Arawattigi, Dr. S. Masoji, Miss

Schafer, Dr. W. G. Jones, Dr. Dunning.Indian Members.—Dr. D. P. Gorde, Dr. Arawattigi, Dr. Masoji, Dr.

A. L f Jadhav, Dr. Timothy.Missionary Members.—Miss E. Connelley, Dr. L. B. Carruthers, Miss

M. Craig, Dr. Norma P. Dunning, Dr. S. S. Fulton, Dr. and Mrs. Frank, Miss L. F. Froese, Dr. R. H. H. Goheen, Dr. and Mrs. W. M. G. Jones, Misses Mary M. Krug, A. R. Meuttmann, Mary C. Richardson, F. Schafer.

R O TARY COMMITTEES1. Arrangements:—Miss Vivian Strobridge (1) Chairman, Mrs. J. L.

Goheen (2), Dr. J. Reid Graham (3).2. Audit-.— Mr. J. C. Kincaid (ex-officio) Chairman, Rev. M. W.

Strahler (2), Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen (1).3. Guidance-.—Mrs. W . H. Lyon (1) Chairman, Mr. M. W . Strahler,

Mrs. J. L. Goheen (3).4. Property: —Mr. J. C. Kincaid (ex-officio) Chairman, Dr. R. C.

Richardson (4), Rev. W . H. Lyon (3), Miss Meuttmann (2), Rev. M. W . Strahler (1).

5. Publication:—Mrs. J. C. Kincaid (r) Chairman, Mrs. H. K. Wright(2), Mrs. T. M. Frank (3).

6. Public Morals:—Dr. T . M. Frank (1) Chairman, Miss Meuttmann(2), Mrs. S. S. Fulton (3).

7. Women’s W o r\:—Miss V. S. Strobridge (1) Chairman, Mrs. R. C.Richardson (2), Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen (3).


Examining Committee for men—Bible study courses:—Dr. R. C. Richardson, Rev. S. R. Dongre.

Kathryn Stewart Scholarship F u n d :—Principal of the E.P.S., Miss C.L. Seiler, Mrs. J. Reid Graham.

Kodai\anal School:—J&*s. J* C. Kincaid (1), Mrs. T. M. Frank (2).


Provident F u n d :—Mr. J. C. Kincaid, Rev. M. W. Strahler, Rev. S. R. Dongre, Rev. J. Masoji, Dr. F. Benjamin.

Nominating Committee:—Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen, Chr., Miss Meutt- mann, Rev. M. W . Strahler, Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Dr. R. C. Richardson.

Registrar of the Provident F u n d :—Mr. J. C. Kincaid.Assistant Registrar of the Provident F u n d :—Mr. V. R. Bhalerao. Registrar of Records :—Mrs. R. C. Richardson.Religious Education:—Mrs. H. K. Wright Chr., Mr. W. H. Lyon, Miss

Freeman, Miss Seiler.Satara Welfare Wor\ Committee:—Miss Mary Richardson, Miss V.

Strobridge, Mrs. }. C. Kincaid, Dr. A. L. Jadhav, Rev. R. A . Wilson.

Scholarship Committee:—Rev. M. W. Strahler, Principal of the E.P.S.,Mr. J. C. Kincaid, Mr. J. L. Goheen. __

Selection of Students, Union Training College, Ahmednagar:—Rev. M. W . Strahler, Rev. H. K. Wright, Dr. J. L. Goheen.

Medical Examiners:—Dr. T. M. Frank, Dr. R. H. H. Goheen.Western India Notes:—Mrs. J. L. Goheen, Editor; Rev. W. H. Lyon,

Business Manager.


1. Secretary of the India Council:—Dr. John B. Weir.2. Board of the Dnyanodaya:—Mrs. R. C. Richardson.3. Bombay Representative Christian Council:—Miss B. H. Freeman,

1936-38, Alternate, Rev. W . H. Lyon.4. General Assembly:—Delegate, Rev. H. G. Howard; Alternate,

Rev. D. B. Updegraff.5. Governing Boards of the Miraj Hospital:—Dr. R. H. H. Goheen,

Dr. B. C. Oliver, (Secretary of the Christian Medical Association), Dr. T. M. Frank, Dr. Othniel Devadatta, Dr. Benjamin, Miss Mary Krug, Dr. L. L. Beals, Wai.Dr. Benjamin, Miss Mary Krug, Dr. L. L. Beals, Wai.

6. Governing Board of the Union Training College, Ahmednagar:—Rev. W. H. Lyon.

7. Governing Board of the Union Theological College, Poona: —Rev. R. C. Richardson, Alternate, Rev. J. Reid Graham.

8. Governing Board of the Wanless Tuberculosis Sanatorium:—Rev.M. W. Strahler.

9. The India Council: —1936-38—Principal: Rev. W. H. Lyon.

Alternate: Rev. H. K. Wright.

1937-39—Principal: Rev. M. W. Strahler.Alternate: Dr. T. M. Frank.

0\ VI


MISCELLANEOUS1. Curators of Sanatorium Property: —

Kodaikanal—Mr. J. C. Kincaid.Mahableshwar—Rev. M. W . Strahler.Panhala—Rev. M. W . Strahler.

2. Educational Supervisor, 1936-39:—Rev. Horace K. Wright.3. Associate Educational Supervisor:— Mr. K. B. Urunkar.4. Historian :—Mrs. W . H. Lyon.

. Annual Sermon in English, 19 38 :— Rev. H. K. Wright.

. Annual Sermon in Marathi, 19 38 :—Rev. M. W . Strahler.7. Station Secretaries for 1937-38: —

Ahmednagar—Rev. Horace K. Wright.Islampur, Satara District—Mrs. E. W. Simpson.Kodoli via Kolhapur—S.M.C.—Mrs. R. A. Wilson. Kolhapur, Shahupuri P.O.—Rev. M. W . Strahler. Miraj, Mision Hospital—Dr. R. C. Richardson.Nipani—Miss V. S. Strobridge.Sangli, S.M.C.— Mr. J. L. Goheen.Vengurla, Ratnagiri District—Rev. W. H. Lyon.



Names BeganService


Rev. Horace K. Wright 1915Mrs. Horace K. Wright 1914-1936

IslampurMrs. E. W. Simpson 1905Rev. F. O. Conser 1923Mrs. F. O. Conser 1923

KodoliRev. H. G. Howard 1907Mrs. H. G. Howard 1900Miss M. H. Duke 1927Rev. R. A. Wilson 1932Mrs. R. A. Wilson 1932


Miss C. L. Seiler 1909Rev. M. W. Strahler 1913Mrs. M. W. Strahler 1913Rev. J. E. Napp, D.D. 1916Mrs. J. E. Napp 1916Miss F. E. Schafer 1921Miss C. Grace Deen 1926Miss N. P. Dunning, M.D. 1930 Rev. J. R. Graham 1937Mrs. J. R. Graham 1937

MirajRev. R. C. Richardson, D.D. 1901Mrs. R. C. Richardson 1901Mrs. C. E. Vail 1917Miss B. H. Freeman 1925W . M. G. Jones, M.D. 1926Mrs. W. M. G. Jones 1926Theodore M. Frank, M.D. 1928Mrs. Theodore M. Frank 1928Miss M. C. Richardson 1928Miss A. R. Meuttmann 1928Miss M. Craig 1930L. B. Carruthers, M.D. 1931Mrs. L. B. Carruthers 1931Miss E. E. Connolley 1934Mr. Donald K. Medaris 1934


Rev. D. B. Updegraff, D.D. 1907 Mrs. D. B. Updegraff 1915Miss V. S. Strobridge 1918

Last arrival Furloughin India due

Sept. 1932 Sept. I938June 1935 Sept. 1938

Nov. I93iOn furlough On furlough

Nov. *937

Nov. r93i On furlough On furlough

Nov. *9 37

Sept. 1932 Mar. I938Sept. J932 Mar. 1938

Sept. J932 Sept. J938July 1937

On furlough On furlough On furlough

July 1942

Nov. I934 Nov. 1940May 1933

On furloughMay 1939

Nov. 1937 May 1943Nov. 1937 May 1943

Sept. ^ 36 Sept. 1940Sept. ! 936

On furloughSept. 1940

Jan. 1937 Jan. 1943July 1933 July *939July I933 July 1939June *935 June 1941June J935 June 1941Sept. 1936 Sept. I942Sept. r93^

On furlough On furlough On furlough

Sept. 1942

July 1934 July *939Sept. J 934

On furlough On furlough

Jan. T938

Nov. T932 Nov. 1938


SangliMiss G. L. Enright 1902J. L. Goheen, Esq., LL.D. 1911 Mrs. J. L. Goheen 1911H. W . Brown, Esq. 1916Mrs. H. W . Brown 1916J. C. Kincaid, Esq. ' 1926Mrs. J. C. Kincaid 1925

VengurlaR. H. H. Goheen, M.D. 1905Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen 1905Rev. W . H. Lyon 1918Mrs. W . H. Lyon 1918Miss L. F. Froese 1920Miss Mary M. Krug 1931S. S. Fulton, M.D. 1937Mrs. S. S. Fulton 1937

Member* retired in theMiss A. Adelaide Browne Mrs. J. P. Graham Rev. William H. Hannum Mrs. William H. Hannum Miss Emily T . Minor Miss A. L. Thompson (Retired

in England).Alexander S. Wilson, M.D. Mrs. Alexander S. Wilson

Sept. 1931 Sept. !937June I937 June 1943Nov. *937

On furlough On furloùgh

June 1943

Feb. *933 Feb. I939Feb. 1933 Feb. 1939

Sept. J936 Sept, 1942Dec. ï 936 Sept. 1942June 1935 June 1941June 1935 June 1941Aug. *935 Aug. 1941

On furloughFeb. *937 Aug. 1942Feb. 1937 Aug. 1942

United States of AmericaMiss Amanda M. Jefferson Lady Lillian Wanless Miss V . E. MacArthur Rev. A. W. Marshall Mrs. A. W . Marshall Rev. E. M. Wilson Mrs. E. M. Wilson Rev. A. L. Wilev, Ph.D. Mrs. A. L. Wiley

(For special action regarding furloughs see Executive Committee action 37308.)


MinutesO F T H E

Executive CommitteeFRO M

November 2, 1936 to October 20, 1937A. Action taken at Annual Meeting in Panhala Nov. 2, 1936.

3701. Dr. UpdegrafT was elected Chairman of the Execu­tive Committee for the ensuing year and Miss Deen the Secretary.

B. Actions taken by Circular before Dec. nth.3702. That Mr. Brown’s statement of the Provident Fund

as of April 1, 1936 be included with the Auditing CommitteeV report in the 1936 minutes.

3703. That Dr. UpdegrafT be authorised to draw Rs. 192, additional Medical Allowance for charges incurred in connection with Dicky's illness, the total being Rs. 440.

C. Actions taken at Miraj, Dec. nth and 12th.3704. That the proposed constitution of the Miraj Mission

Hospital and Medical School be amended and adopted as follows: (See Appendix I).

3705. That a committee composed of Dr. Updegraff, Mr. Comer, Mr. Kincaid and Miss Deen have a meeting with the Senatus at the earliest opportunity to present and exp! in the constitution as amended'.

3706. That the votes on the return of Miss Krug and Dr, and Mrs. Carruthers be forwarded to the Board.

3707. That we recommend to the Board that Miss Krug be returned to the field.

3708. That regarding the return to the field of Dr. and Mrs. Carruthers the matter be referred to the Board, their attention being directed to the vote of the Mission, already notified by the President of the Mission.


3709. That Dr. Wiley reports that the P.I.V. missionaries have settled in Dapoli and Chiplun.

3710 . That Rs. 40 advanced! by Dr. Wiley to V. A. Satral- kar for making 20 records on evangelism be refunded to Dr. Wiley •out of unspent Harkness Funds.

3 7 1 1 . That Rs. 100 for the Centennial Celebration be .granted out of unspent Harkness Funds.

3 7 12 . That the matter of the sale of the land at Malkapur be referred to the Property Committee for fixing the price.

3 7 13 . That the question of the probable needs of bungalow room at Kodaikanal and sale of any bungalow not needed, es­pecially the May Villa compound property, be referred to the Property Committee for investigation.

3714 . That in accordance with the provision of the new constitution of the Miraj Hospital and Medical School, the follow­ing appointments be made:

Dr. Frank ... Physician in charge.Dr. Carruthers ... Principal of Medical School until

March 31st.Dr. Richardson ... Chairman of the Board of Governors.Miss Mary Richardson ... Superintendent of Nurses.37 15 . That the Secretary be instructed to inform the banks

that Dr. Frank is hereby authorised to operate the accounts of the Miraj Mission Hospital from Jan. 1, 1937.

3716 . That in regard to a request from Vengurla Station, a year’s leave of absence on full pay be sanctioned for Mr. G. V. Moses, his work to be arranged for by the Konkan Administrative Committee.

37 17 . That Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen be acting Principal from the time Mr. Moses goes on leave.

3718 . That since Mr. Moses in on the eve of his departure for America, we ask the India Council to re-open the question of the Indian representative to be sent from our Mission to America for the Centennial celebration.

3719 . That, in view of the petition addressed to the Board by the leaders of the church in Western India, the Mission be askedi to cast another vote in regard to Dr. and Mrs. Wiley’s re­maining on the field for another year.

3720. That we approve the plan of Mr. J. L. Goheen accept­ing the Secretaryship of the India Council on the condition of residence in Sangli for 6 months, the Council to propose any changes in its constitution it may feel necessary after reviewing the situation.

37 2 1. Insomuch as a letter has been received from Dr. Speer to the effect that we ought not to press the Board's paying


the salaries of Misses Craig and Connelly, that it be understood that the Miraj Hospital should continue their support.

3722. That the matter of the Mission obtaining sales rights for the Satralkar records be taken up with the Rural Propaganda centre by Dr. Wiley.

3723. That in regard to a letter from Mr. Nichol concern­ing his return to the field, we reply that no further action can now be taken in view of the fact that the Mission has not seen its way clear to vote for the return to the field of either Mr. Nichol or Miss Faze.

3724. That, in regard to certain letters on the Islampur reconciliation we report to the India Council that we have read and do certify them and forward them for their consideration.

3725. That, although Dr. Wiley retires, we understand that he is the Board’s Attorney until the power of attorney for Messrs. Kincaid and Napp comes from New York.

3726. That Rs. 240 for Educational Inspector’s expenses be met out of India Council funds for 1937-38.

3727. That the expenses on account of the audit 1937 be met out of the money (Rs. 400) estimated in the General Treasury for the Treasurer’s expenses Class VI, h.

3728. That the Treasurer be authorised to pay for the printing of the Minutes of 1936.

3729. That the Council be asked to add to its preferred list of new missionaries an ordained man evangelist and two single lady evangelists.

3730. That the Secretary be asked to prepare a statement for the Board of the re-enforcement needs to guide both in the appeal and in the selection at the home base, putting special em­phasis on the evangelistic needs in the present crisis.

3 7 3 1. That we offer the Orrs an assignment at Kodaikanal, the arrangements to be made by the curator.

3732. That the Executive Committee present to the Mis­sion the following, together with the remarks by Mr. Howard, that Mission action 36547 be amended by addition of the words, “ fora period of five years, the question of further pension and the question of the amount to be granted in case a further pension i> given to be considered at the end of that period.”

3733* That Mr. Napp be permitted to draw the full ap­propriations for the I.C.H.S. as he needs them.

3734. That, in regard to a recommendation from the Centennial Committee, that a refresher course in Indian music be held at Panhala this summer, we refer to the Church Council

Executive Committee and recommend that it be considered in connection with their proposed refresher course for evangelists and pastors and that we suggest it be held in the rains.

3735. That, in accordance with Mission action 36440, the petitions from the Islampur Church and also the petition from Baburao R. Kale be referred to the Senatus of Miraj Hospital and Medical School.

3736. That the Secretary be requested to reply to the peti­tion of Bandu Waghmare and wife, that, in accordance with Mis­sion action 3 6 18 1, they have been paid two months’ salary dating from the notice of dismissal, May 15 to July 15.

3737 - That the consideration of any possible change in name of the Miraj Hospital be deferred to the March meeting of the Executive Committee.

D. Actions taken by Circular from Dec. 12th to March 22nd.3738. That the Treasurer be instructed to transmit Rs. 500

at once to Dr. Ian M. Orr on account of first month’s salary and expenses of transfer, Neyoor to Miraj, adjustment of the account in detail to be made later.

3739 - That this Committee recommend to the Mission that the Mission understands that Dr. Orr’s service begins from that date on which his service with the London Missionary Society has terminated, the salary to be reckoned from that date.

3740. That Mrs. Richardson be our Mission’s representa­tive on the Committee appointed jointly by the three Missions for the purpose of selecting a suitable gift for Dr. Speer on the occa­sion of his retirement (along with Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Pedersen).

3741. That it be the rule of this Committee that a circular motion having the necessary majority of votes in its favor, may be declared carried after 15 days from its issue by the Chairman even though the other members of the Committee have not voted; also, that in the case of a majority in the negative it be declared lost.

3742. That Mrs. Updegraff be permitted to proceed on furlough on special medical certificate in July 1937. (The letter of Dr. Carruthers is regarded as a special medical certificate.)

3743. That Miss Katherine Wilson be urgently invited to serve in the Esther Patton School from June to October, 1937, the necessary fundis viz. Rs. 150 per month or Rs. 750 to be taken from India Council funds of 1937-38.

3744. That we request the Board through the India Council to appoint Miss Margaret Kees at once for work in the Esther Patton School and that, in view of the urgency of the case, we request the India Council to give Miss Kees first place on their order of preference for new missionaries; and that the Council be



requested to cable the Board and the Board be requested to answer by cable.

3745. Miss Deen having given us her report in accordance with action 36377, moved that Miss Freeman be appointed to remain at Miraj.

E. Actions taken at the Meeting, March 22, 23, 1937.3746. After considering Miss Duke’s request for permis­

sion to return home in the near future, it was decided that Miss Duke be permitted to sail for America as soon as passage can be secured and that the Board be requested to pay her passage home to enable her to visit her family in America in accordance with her plans stated in her letter of March 21st ’37 to the Executive Committee; and that Miss Seiler be loaned to Kodoli for the duration of the Bible Institute; that Mr. Howard write a covering letter to the Board and that the Treasurer be authorised to advance money for travel.

3747. That in view of recent correspondence with MissKees and in view of her departure for America, negotiations re­garding Miss Kees be dropped for the present and that the IndiaCouncil and the Board be so informed.

3748. That the order of preference for new missionaries be as follows:—

1. Physician—Married—Dr. Orr—Miraj.2. Ordained man—Married—Ratnagiri.3. Nurse—Miss Craig—Miraj.4. Educationalist—lady—Kolhapur.5. Ordained man—Married—Kolhapur.6. Nurse.7. Evangelist—lady—Sangli.8. Evangelist—lady.

3749. That the following telegram be sent to the Secretary of the India Council: “ Request Council to cable Board recom­mending appointment Moses representative Centenary with ex­penses and cabled reply.” Mr. Kincaid’s negative vote was re­corded.

3750. That to clear up a misunderstanding regarding Exe­cutive Committee action 3708, we wish to state that at the time action 3708 was passed the Executive Committee did not take a vote on the return of the Carruthers. The present Executive Com­mittee favours their return but considers that the matter has been referred to the Board.

3751. That we request the Mission to delete the words, “ of the Hospital” from action 36186. (See Miss. Min. ’36, page 22). That the Secretary be requested to write a covering letter regarding this whole action to the Board.

3 7 5 2 . In accordance with the recommendation o f the Pro­perty Committee the following action was taken: In view o f the information received in the Inter-Mission Business Office from the Treasurer of the Board that the Board has approved the sale o f the Kolhapur church property at a price not less than Rs. 22 ,000 , the Executive Committee urges the Board to grant the request o f the Mission for permission to use this money towards the W ilder Memorial church building.

3 7 5 3 . That we request the India Council to locate M iss.M . Craig in M iraj.

37 5 4 . That a cupboard, the cost of which should not exceed Rs. 75, be purchased for keeping the historical records of the Mission, the cost of the same to be charged to repairs.

3 7 5 5 . That the order of preference for new property be ?.s follows: (see Miss. M in. ’36 , page 10 ) , (see E x . Com . action 3 7 *0 7 )-

Rs.B. 1. Necessary repairs ... 2,400C. 2. Islampur Dispensary ... 10,000

(This was referred to the Medical Com­mittee for consideration). (Deleted from the list by later action).

3. Vengurla High School Hostel ... 12,0004. Sangli Industrial and Agricultural School ... 15,000

addition to shop 10,000 additional equipment 5,000

5. Miraj, houses for Bible women ... 2,3006. Vengurla High School Principal’s Bungalow 3,0007. Outside Office Islampur Bungalow No. 2 ... 1,0008. Wall around Vengurla High School compound 2,000

37 5 6 . T h at the report o f the Committee on the selection o f candidates for the Union T rain ing College, Ahmednagar, for the scholastic year 19 37-38 be approved as follow s:—


David G. Dhanawade— Kolhapur 1st year.Tatoba K. Avale— Sangli 3rd year.Lagamana Jadhav—Nipani 2nd year.Shiveram K. Chopade—Vengurla 3rd year.Bhiva B. Chopade— Islampur 1st year.

3757. That a committee composed of Mr. Howard, Mr. Lyon, Mr. Urunkar and if possible the Educational Supervisor, be appointed to proceed to Ratnagiri before May 1st for the pur­pose of surveying and evaluating the work of the T.C.M.S. to report to the Executive Committee by May 15 th and that they proceed in like manner with respect to the Esther Patton School.

3758. That after considering Dr. Orr’s letter we grant him Rs. 100 for hot season allowance in lieu of an assignment.


3759. That Mrs. Orr be permitted) to proceed home, July, 1937, the attention of Dr. and Mrs. Orr being called to the Board’s regulations in force in this Mission which will be appli­cable to their case if and when they are permanendy appointed as missionaries of our Board and that Dr. Richardson be requested to explain the Board regulations to Dr. and Mrs. Orr.

3760. That since Mrs. UpdegrafT’s contemplated absence from the field July, 1937'Jan. 1938 is du$ to health reasons we request the Board that Dr. Updegrafi’s term of service be not ex­tended on this account beyond Jan. 1938. This will make it possible for Miss Strobridge, who is associated with the Upde- graffs in their work in Nipani, to proceed on furlough approxi­mately only 3 months after her normal time of departure.

3761. That the request of S. S. Chavan for an advance o£ Rs. 500 to lay in supplies for the T.C.M.S. before the rains be granted, this advance to be repaid by a proportionate deduction from the monthly appropriation from April, 1937.

3762. That we recommend to the Mission that Mrs. Simp­son be the hostess at the Mission’s Annual Meeting, 1937.

3763. Blank.3764. That the following report of the Arrangement Com­

mittee be approved:That the following changes in hot season assignments (1937)

be made:r. Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid—Winsford West instead of Fitzroy.2. Miss A. Meuttmann—Winsford West front bedroom instead

of Annex.3. Miss V. Strobridge—Winsford West back bedroom instead of

Mt. Douglas.4. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Conser—Mission Bungalow—Panhala,

Mar. 15—Apr. 15.5. Miss B. Freeman—Room 4 Mt. Douglas instead of Room 3.6. Mrs. Simpson and Miss Enright—N. Dining Room Mt.

Douglas instead of Chappar No. 2.7. Mr. Medaris—Chappar No. 2 instead of N. Dining Room.8. Miss Deen and Miss Duke—Chappar in woods instead of

Room No. 4 Mt. Douglas.9. Dr. and Mrs. Carruthers— Room No. 3 instead of Chappar

in woods.

3765. That the report of the Agents’ Committee be adopted as amended:—

M iraj:That Miraj Station be permitted to employ Taibai Tanaji

Uphade at a salary of Rs. 26 per mensem in Class IV, G. 3 as from Nov. 1, 1936.

That Miraj Station be permitted to employ Anand Bhivaji Chopade at a salary of Rs. 26 per mensem in Class IV, G . 3, as from Nov. 1, 1936.

That Miraj Station be permitted to employ Dadoba Laxman Chopade at a salary of Rs. 26 per mensem in Class IV, G. 3, as from Nov. 1, 1936.

That Miraj Station be permitted to employ Cheriyan Kurun- thothical Daniel at a salary of Rs. 26 per mensem in Class IV,G . 3, as from Nov. 1, 1936.

Nipani:That Nipani Station be permitted to increase the salary of

Ramchandra Biranje Class II, Grade 3, from Rs. 18 per mensem to Rs. 20 per mensem from April 1, 1937.

That the classification of Jinappa T. Kadam be changed from Class II, Grade 3 to Class I, Grade 3 as from April 1, 1936.

That the recommendation of Nipani Station regarding changes in the salaries of Pandu K . Gujar, Dhondiba T. Kothavale, Subhana N. Kale, Sumatibai K . Gaekwad and Jinappa T . Kadam be referred to the Committee on the equalization ot salaries.

Sangli:That Sangli be permitted to employ Sarabai Dnyanuba

Ghatge as Bible woman in Class III, Grade 4 at a salary of Rs. 7 per mensem, the salary to be paid privately. This employ­ment is to date from Dec. 1, 1936.

That Sangli Station be permitted to employ Dayabai S. Kamble as Bible woman in Class III, Grade 4 at a salary of Rs. 9 per mensem dating from Dec. 1, 1936.

Deccan Administrative Committee:That the salary of Champabai Guruwana Khabade Class II,

Grade I be increased from Rs. 52 to Rs. 60 from June 1, 1937, she having completed her B. T. training during the past year.

That Kodoli Station be permitted to increase the salary of Banubai Gopal Pandhare Class II, Grade 3 from Rs. 1 1 to Rs. 15 per mensem as from June 1, 1937.

We make note of the fact that D. D. Shaligram, Sangli, Hindu teacher, has been dismissed as from Jan. 18, 1937.

We have made note of the fact that one-half of the cut on all salaries of Rs. 30 or under of teachers in the E.P.S. is to be restored, this to take place from June 1, 1937.

3766. The report of the Administrative Committee for Deccan schools be amended and adopted as follows:


1 9 3 7 ]


Irwin Christian High School: That

1. Physical examination of all boys be made in June, 1937.2. All boys be weighed each month and a record kept of

their weights.3. Beginning in June extra Bible classes for Christian boys be

held in the hostel.4. Arrangements for more continuity in the subject matter

of Chapel Services be made.5. More personal work be done with hostel students.6. Follow-up records be kept of all Christian boys who were

in the school.7. Visits to the homes of all students be made regularly and

a record of these visits be kept.8. We dislike the policy of the I.C.H.S. of f ir in g teachers

from South India and recommend that l^arathi speaking graduates be used.

9. That boys in the hostel be instructed in Social Work and be aided in such work in the nearby wada.

10. That the number of free-ships to the non-Christian boys be lessened and a corresponding number be offered to Chris­tian boys.

11. That the over-expenditure for 1936-37 be charged to next year’s accounts.

Esther Patton School:

1. See action Agents’ Committee re Champabai Khabade.2. That poultry, goats, rabbits, and weaving on a small scale

be introduced.3. That home visitation be stressed.4. That the Property Committee be requested to appropriate

approximately Rs. 250 for a bore well and pump at theE.P.S.

5. That Miss Mathen be headmistress of the E.P.S. from April 1. I937-

6. See note on Agents’ Committee’s report on restoration of% cut.

Gram Seva\ Shala :1. That the attention of the Committee on Merging and Co­

ordination of Schools be called to the fact the G.S.S. deficit is usually Rs. 1,000 to 1,300 over the funds received from America and request that they should provide for this defi­cit in the re-organization of the school system.

2. That the school be congratulated on its record of occupa­tions of its past students and recommend that all schools obtain such records to be presented to this Committee in July, 1937.



The following form to be filled out by each school: — No. of graduates, (a) Christian, (b) Non-Christian, Christians—No. in each occupation as teaching, farm­

ing, etc.Non-Christians—No. in each occupation as teaching,

farming, etc.Christians—when became Christians;

a. Born Christians..b. In your school, c. After leaving school.

3. That the Principal of the Gram Sevak Shala correspond with the authorities in the training college in Narayangav and the Mission’s Educational Supervisor regarding train­ing for Pandu K. Gujar and inquire from the Executive Committee of the cost as soon as possible.

4. Recommend to the Committee on Merging and Co-ordinat­ing schools that a vertical cut in Mission work be made so as to restore the cut on salaries and resume the usual increments not only in this school but in all schools.

5. Recommend to the Property Committee that approximately Rs. 250 be appropriated to bore a test well and put in a hand pump in the lower corner of the G.S.S. compound.

Kodoli Community School :1. We refer all principals to I.C. Minutes 1935, page 82 and

request them to make yearly estimates and keep accounts- as far as possible under the heads indicated.

2. That Subhanrao N. Ranabhise, and Shravanrao P. Kadam be sent to the refresher class at Nagar Mar. 1-15, 1937.

3. Recommend the purchase of scales and weighing of children monthly.

4. Recommend the use of smaller chuls for the making of bread.

5. See Agents’ Committee’s report re Banubai Gopal.6. That Sangli Station be requested to send A. B. Phansope-

kar to K.C.M.S. for the months of June and July to help start the club work in agriculture, poultry and goats.

7. That action on the request of the K.C.M.S. that Rs. 1,000 regular appropriations be granted to carry out the orders of the Mission action No. 36304 be postponed pending the findings of the Survey Committee. (See action 3757).

8. That the Principal or the Headmaster of the I.C.H.S. be instructed to examine the 4th standard boys of the K.C.M.S. before March 15th, 1937, to select likely boys for entrance into high school on scholarships.

9. Same as 8 for the E.P.S. re girls in the 4th standard.10. That the consideration of the deficit of this school and of

all schools be postponed until the June meeting of the Executive Committee.

11. That children below the 4th standard from places where the primary standards are taught be not admitted to the K.C.M.S. boarding unless 14 years of age or over, or unless they pay full costs.

Graham Memorial School:1. We call the attention of the Committee on Merging and

Co-ordination of Schools to the need for industrial teaching in this school and the need for a larger appropriation for the same.

2. That Mrs. Brown be asked to draw up a plan for the introduction of industrial work in the G.M.S. with esti­mated costs and report to this Committee.

3. That the bathing arrangements in the hostel be properly made.

4. That Mrs. Kincaid be Principal from July 1, 1937.

Sangli Industrial and Agricultural School:1. That Mr. Kincaid be Principal from July 1, 1937.2. That teachers be required to sign a daily attendance book

and indicate the time of arrival at school.3. Approve the dismissal from service of Mr. D. D. Shaligram

from Jan. 18, 1937.4. If and when Mr. T. K. Avale goes for training, Mr. S. V.

Hazare be housemaster and Mr. D. P. Waghmare be head­master.

5. That a physical examination of students be held in June or July and a record of weights of all boys be made each month.

6. Refer the salaries of teachers of all schools to the Com­mittee on equalization of salaries with the request that they act soon and that the principal of each school send them a list of present salaries and suggested increases or decreases with reasons for the changes, this to be sent on or before March 15, 1937.

3767. The Committee on candidates for theological train­ing recommended the following names:

Dattuba Keruba Dhale— Sangli to be sent to Poona Rs. 24 per mensem.

Bhaskarrao E. Gaikwad— Kolhapur— Poona Rs. 30 per mensem.

Haribhau Ganpat Rukadikar— Kolhapur— Serampore Rs. 30 per mensem.

The Executive Committee was unable to grant these scholar­ships as the Mission set aside no money for this purpose; it re­commend« to the two candidates from Kolhapur that they apply to the Kolhapur 1st and 2nd churches for help and it appoints Dr. Updegraff and Mr. Kincaid as a committee to see whether



Mission funds or other funds may not be available for at least the first candidate and possibly the others.

3768. That we postpone acdon on the future personnel needs of the E.P.S. until the June meeting of the Executive Com­mittee.

3769. That with regard to Mr. Wilson’s request for Us. 1,000 in advance on the appropriations of 1937-38 we regard the practice of granting advances legitimate for all people who are in charge of boarding schools. (See F.M. 284).

3770. That we reply to Nermaddabai Jadhav’s letter that we understand that she is supported privately; that we have examined Mrs. Conser’s accounts and believe that the sum due her at the end of March is Rs. 45-6-3; that we understand this sum is in the hands of her son who will pay her.

3 7 7 1. That Dr. Othniel be Principal of the Medical School from April 1, 1937.

3772. The petition of Ramji master of Mandapadla was re­ferred to Kolhapur Station.

3773 - The petition of Govind Kadam was referred to the Principal of the K.C.M.S.

3774. That having learned that a meeting of the Committee in charge of the Inter-Mission Business Office was held in Bombay a few weeks ago, we are indeed surprised to hear that our repre­sentatives were neither of them informed of this meeting. That since we are a fully co-operating Mission we inform that office that our representatives should be informed of all meetings of the Committee in charge of the Inter-Mission Business Office.

3775. We suggest to this Committee in charge of the Inter- Mission Business Office that a charge be made to the partiality co­operating Missions and that a reduction be made in the charge for the fully co-operating Missions.

3776. That our representatives on the Committee in charge of the Inter-Mission Business Office take up with that Committee the matters referred to in Mission action 3604-2(c), 36356 and 36355.

3777. That each station be asked to take up Board General letter No. 60 and reply to the requests in Group I and Group II page 2 to the Executive Committee, C/o Rev- R. C. Richardson, D.D., Miraj, not later than March 29th. It is further desired that each station express its opinion in these matters concerning Hill Station Property.

3778. That the Executive Committee meet in Miraj, April, 1, 1937 at 8 o’clock.

3779. That we ask each station to express its opinion on India Council actions 36109, 36194 and report to the Executive

Committee in time for them to take up the matter in their Junemeeting.

3780. That the Rev. Isaacrao Ranabhise be asked to be pre­sent at the Executive Committee meeting in Miraj, April i, 1937 at 8 a.m. for consideration of his petition.

F- Actions taken at Miraj, April 1, 1937.3781. That Mr. Lyon be invited to sit as a voting member

of the Executive Committee in the place of Dr. Goheen.3782. That the consideration of the employment of Isaacrao

Ranabhise as a Mission agent be postponed until the June meeting of the Executive Committee.

3783. That we advise Mr. Conser to clear all financial mat­ters with the Islampur Church as far as possible before leaving on furlough.

3784. That in answer to the Board’s request in General letter No. 60 for a classification of properties that could be dis­posed of without vital injury to essential and productive under­takings we make the following classification:—

G*oup I.1. Shukrawar School—Kolhapur—(Board permission already

granted).2. Kolhapur Bazaar Church—(on condition that we be allowed

to use the money for another church for Kolhapur Christian Community).

3. Palus—Miraj—(funds reserved for the hospital as it was bought with hospital funds).

4. Mt. Douglas—strip of wooded land to south-west of main bungalow.

5. Schauffler House—Kodoli—(if proper price is obtainable).6. Math—Ratnagiri—whole property.7. Paritavane school property—Ratnagiri.

Group 11.x. Aditwar School— Kolhapur.2. Panhala Church and adjoining property.3. Faith Cottage—Panhala.

3785. That the selling price of all the land be fixed by the Property Committee.

3786. That with reference to Mrs. Simpson’s letter of Mar. 22nd asking for advice concerning a gift of Rs. 500 to the Islampur Church through Mr. Conser’s hands, which she states was made by her after Dr. Simpson’s death in accordance with his wishes, we would reply that with the facts now at our disposal it is impossible at this time for this Committee to make a direct and satisfactory answer to her question but that we will make an effort to get at the facts relevant thereto.


3787. Blank.3788. That on behalf of the Mission the Secretary be asked

to write a letter of appreciation to Dr. and Mrs. Wiley to be de­livered to them at the time of their departure.

3789. That' the Treasurer make a list of taxes on all pro­perty and give an annual account of all paid and unpaid taxes to the Property Committee at their March Meeting.

3790. That the Committee on Property Holdings (Dr. Napp, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Kincaid) be instructed to check up on all deeds and legal papers of all property. That Dr. Napp be Chairman of this Committee.

3791. That sale of property authorised by the Mission be carried out by Property Holdings Committee.

3792. That the question of a “ sanad” on Kolhapur pro­perty be referred to the Property Holdings Committee to report to the Executive Committee at their June Meeting.

G. Actions taken by circular from April i to June 30th.3793. That we present the following motion to the Mission,

asking the Mission to vote on it: that Mrs. Simpson be elected member of the Executive Committee from Islampur Station.

3794. That in view of the necessity of providing for the Esther Patton School as soon as possible, in view of Miss Deen’s retirement, that the name of Miss Ruth Grierson be inserted in Item No. 4 of the order of preference for new missionaries (action 3750) making it read as follows:—

Educationalist, lady— Kolhapur— Miss Ruth Grierson, and that the Board be urgendy requested, through the India Council, to use every effort to send Miss Grierson to the field before the close of the present year.

H. Actions taken in Session— June 3oth-July 1st.3795. That the Punjab Mission be requested for reasons

stated by Mr. Parker to relinquish to our Mission the 2nd place on the India Council list for the appointment of Miss Ruth Grierson (or substitute in case of her inability to return) and that. the Secretary of the Mission be authorised to cable Miss Grierson as follows: “ Strongly urge your coming Kolhapur this year” .

3796. Blank.3797. That as reported in Board letter 105, p. 6, the

Session of the Ratnagiri Church be informed that the Western India Mission has recognised the need for a missionary family in Ratnagiri and has secured a high place for the same on the India Council Preferred List.


3798. In case the India Council has not already a rule to this effect, that the Western India Mission propose the following amendment to the rules of the India Council:— When an action of the Council which has not received a unanimous vote is reported to the Board or to any Mission the vote also shall be reported, this rule to be strictly followed in telegrams and cablegrams as well as in letters to the Board or to any Mission.

That the following rule be adopted for Executive Committee business and presented to the Mission as a proposed amendment to the rules:—

When an action of the Executive Committee which has not received a unanimous vote is reported to the India Council or to the Board the vote also shall be reported, this rule to be strictly followed in telegrams and cablegrams as well as in letters to the India Council or to the Board.

3799. That the Board be requested to approve Dr. Napp’s request to go home on furlough about Oct. ioth in order to make it possible for him to get an apartment at Princeton Seminary.

37100. That Dr. Richardson be requested to prepare an itinerary for Dr. Cheesman Herrick who is to visit India Jan. 24th- Mar. 15th.

3 7 10 1. The Executive Committee of the Mission expresses its sincere regret to Miss Duke that she has resigned from the Mission where her services were highly prized.

37102. That the consideration of the report of the Special Committee (3759) appointed to evaluate the work of the E.P.S. and T.C.M.S. be postponed until Annual Meeting.

37103. That the India Council be requested to sanction the appropriation of $1,300, already received, to Mr. J. L . Goheen for motorized evangelism (See Board Letter 105, p. 4). This is to be included in the centennial fund.

37104. That we request the India Council to explore the possibilities of all three Missions combining' their Treasurers’ Offices in Bombay in connection with the Inter-Mission Business Office.

37105. That the action of the Property Committee, namely, that the steriliser (Vengurla) (see Board Letter No. 104, p. 8) be placed at the bottom of the Mission’s Order of Preference for New Property (see action 3755), be approved.

37106. That Rs. 120 taken from Col. C, Class V, General Treasury by the Secretary (Mr. Wright) and transferred to Col. C, Class VI, G. T . be restored and that estimate in Col. B, ClassV , receipts from rent, be reduced by Rs. 120 and that in ClassVI, estimate for stationery and postage be reduced by Rs. 120.


37107. That we request the Mission to change the Order of Preference for New Property (see action 3757) as follows:—

a. That the places of Vengurla High School Principal’s Bungalow (6th place) and Vengurla High School Hostel (3rd place) be inter-changed.

b. That Islampur Dispensary have 3rd place and Vengurla High School Principal’s bungalow have 2nd place in the order of preference. (See Executive Committee action 3755).

37108. That as the result of a deliberation with Mr. Moffat representing the Inter-Mission Business Office it was resolved to record that the present understanding with the said office is that our Mission is not yet a fully co-operating Mission as stated in 3604 but a partially co-operating Mission, the Treasurer’s work being done on a contractual basis at Rs. 150 per month which does not much more than pay the office expenses and does not pro­vide our share of the Mission costs. The I.M.B.O. again urges our Mission as soon as possible to enter upon full co-operation either by providing a full-time Treasurer or by contributing lA of the Salary of a missionary plus a sum of at least Rs. 125 per month for office expenses. In the latter eventuality the W.I.M. would benefit from the receipts that accrue to the management, that is, refunds, which will increase in volume as other Missions enter into the fully co-operating arrangement.

3 7 1 09. That the request of Nermaddabai Jadhav for pen­sion be referred to the Provident Fund Committee.

3 7 110 . Word having come from the Board regarding ap­propriations 1937-38 station secretaries are now requested to report at once to the I.M.B.O. the distribution of appropriations for the present year.

3 7 1 1 1 . That the India Council be urged to restate its pre­ferred list of new missionaries with the inclusion of Mr. Graham as the married evangelist for Western India and the addition of Mr. and Mrs. Coapman for the Punjab.

3 7 112 . That the India Council be requested to take up with the Board the question of making changes in the Board Manual without previous consultation with the missions (see Board Letter No. 105, p. 9).

3 7 1 13 . That the members of the W.I.M. desire to express their sincere appreciation of the services of Mr. Russell Carter as Treasurer of the Board and that the Board be assured -of the pleasure felt by the W.I.M. over the appointment of the Rev. Kenneth W. Moore as the new Treasurer of the Board.

3 7 114 . That the matter of pensions for missionaries at the age of retirement be referred to a committee composed of Dr.D. B. UpdegrafT and Dr. R. C. Richardson to report at Annual Meeting.



3 7 115 . That the India Council be requested to sanction the expenditure of India Council funds for 1937-38 as follows:—

Rs. 1,987-8—Inter-Mission Business Office, 36357.„ 240 — Mr. Urunkar's salary, 36392.,, 750 —Salary of Miss Katherine Wilson, 3743.„ 240 —Educational Inspector’s expenses, 3726.„ 225 —Over-expenditure in India Council funds, 1936-37.

3 7 116 . That we ask the Board through the India Council to make Rs. 2,500 for rebuilding the quarters for married students of the Union Theological College, Poona a charge against centen­nial funds.

3 7 117 . That over-expenditures in itineration 1936-37 be charged to the Harkness Funds.

3 7 118 . That we postpone consideration of the matter con­cerning the Margaret Eddy Memorial Chapel until Annual Meeting.

3 7 119 . That Rs. 92-12-11 be allocated from India Council funds to meet the over-expenditure in the Graham Memorial School1 936-37, and that the Council be requested to approve the same.

37120. That Mission Rule No. 280 be suspended in order that the over-expenditure in General Treasury 1105-3-6 (1936-37) may be met out of the balance in rent receipts.

3 7 12 1 . That the following over-expenditures in Kolhapur station be made the first charge on appropriations 1937-38:—

Miss Seiler— Bible woman ... Rs. 12 o oI.C.H.S. ... „ 80 4 6

37122 . That the capital stock of the Sangli Industrial andAgricultural School be reduced from Rs. 7,500 to Rs. 6,000 andthat the deficit of Rs. 1,486-0-5 for 1936-37 be met out of this amount. That any rules preventing such action be suspended.

37 123 . That Mission Rule No. 280 be suspended to permitthe meeting of over-expenditure in K.C.M.S. (1936-37),Rs. 443-11-9 out of the balance of rent receipts.

37124 . That consideration of India Council actions 36109, 36194 be postponed until Annual Meeting.

37 125 . Blank.37126 . That the question of the employment of Rev. Isaac-

rao Ranabhise be repostponed until Annual Meeting.37127 . That the vacancies in committees be filled as fol­

lows :—-Actions 36315 & 36317—Mr. M. C. Gorde in place of Mr. G. B.

Ghatge.Action 36401—Mrs. R. C. Richardson in place of Mrs. Updegraff.Konkan Administrative Committee—Mr. Lyon, Chairman, Mr.

Mathai in place of Mr. Moses.Guidance Committee—Mrs. Lyon in place of Miss Duke.B.R.C.C.—Alternate, Miss Seiler in place of Miss Duke.

37128 . That we refer the letter of Dr. A. L. Wiley regard­ing Ratnagiri property to the Property Committee.

3 7 12 1 . That consideration of action 3792 regarding a ■“ sanad” on Kolhapur property be postponed until Annual Meeting.

37130 . That the question of the course and syllabus of the Gram Sevak Shala, i.e., whether they are to have the Agriculture Bias Course or Vernacular Final Course, be referred to the Deccan Administrative Committee.

3 7 J3 1 . That we refer the question of the syllabus for Mis­sion Primary Schools to the Educational Committee to be taken up at Annual Meeting.

37 132 . That we postpone until Annual Meeting the con­sideration of the question of mid-term furlough not at Board expense.

3 7 I 33* That we request the Mission to rescind action 3763 and that the date of Annual Meeting be the 21st instead of the 14th.

37134 . That Mr. Kincaid be authorised to reply to Mr. Muyskens to the effect that we favour the purchase of Solvik but that no funds are now available.

37 135 . That matters referred to us by the Secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society be referred to the Evangelistic Committee to be taken up at Annual Meeting.

37 136 . That the Board through the India Council be re­quested to clarify their ruling on page 27 of Letter No. 104 that furloughs may be lengthened by foregoing hot season vacations on the field.

37 137 . The Committee gave a rising vote of thanks to Kolhapur station for their kindness and hospitality during the meeting of the Executive Committee.I. Actions passed by Circular July ist-Oct. 20th.

37138 . That Rs. 4 be transferred from Vengurla High School appropriations 1936-37 to other work in Classes VII and VIII, Vengurla Station.

37139 . That Field Manual Rule 280 be suspended in order to permit the use of Rs. 1,200, rent receipts for the purpose of providing stipends for the following students at the United Theo­


logical College, Poona:—Dattoba Keruba Dhale ... ... 288Bhaskarrao E. Gaik wad ... ... 360Haribhau Ganpat Rukadikar ... ... 360Travel and sundries ... ... 192

Total 1,200


MinutesO F T H E

Central CommitteeThe Central Committee convened Tuesday 26th at 4-30 p.m.

37140. Indian members of the Central Committee present were: Messrs. S. S. Chavan, P. K. Gujar, G. K . Ohol, A. B. Phansophkar, K. B. Urunkar, Hirabai Chopade; Revs. Vishwas- rao Bedekar, S. R. Dongre, N. A. Gaikwad, A. N. Khabade, J. S. Masoji, I. A. Ranabhise, Prakashrao Ranabhise, M. N. Raster Drs. W. Airon, S. D. Arawattigi, O. I. Devadatta, D. P. Gorde, Y. S. Salve.

3 7 14 1. That Dr. Frederick Benjamin of Ratnagiri be made a corresponding member of the Central Committee.

T H E EDUCATIO NAL COM M ITTEEThe report of the Educational Committee was amended and

adopted as follows:—37142. The report of the Ad Interim Committee was ap­

proved.37143. That Dr. J. L. Goheen be permitted to transfer his

membership from the Educational Committee to the Evangelistic Committee.

37144. That Mrs. S. S. Fulton be made a member o‘f the Educational Committee.

37145. The report of the Merging and Co-ordinating Com­mittee was amended and adopted as follows:—

a. That the children of pre-school age now in the T.C.M.S boarding department who ordinarily would not enter the T.C.M S. as pupils in June 1938, be sent to the Alice Home Dec. 1, 1937 to be supported by Alice Home funds.

b. That the Ad Interim Committee of the Educational Com­mittee should look into the possibility of making Vengurla High School independent of Board appropriation.


c. That we commend the management of the Vengurla High_ School on increasing the percentage of Christian teachers on the staff this year.

d. Since there is not enough money for other schools, we cannot recommend giving an appropriation to the Gram Savak Shala.

e. That the Survey Committee of the India Council makea study of the educational needs and opportunities of the Missionwith a view to the reassignment of appropriations to meet these needs and opportunities. If this Committee as recommended by the India Council is not appointed that the New Executive Com­mittee take up the matter at once (See I.C. 36194 and m.m. 37278).

37146. The report of the Administrative Committee for the Deccan schools was amended and adopted as follows:—

a. That the Property Committee be again asked for Rs. 250 for a bore well and hand pump for the E.P.S.

b. That fees in the E.P.S. be raised to the following rate:I. A.V. 0-12-0, II. A.V. Re. 1-0-0, III. A.V. Re. 1-0-0.

c. That the E.P.S. be permitted to apply to Kolhapur Statefor grant-in-aid.

d. That permission be given to the Principal of the E.P.S. to purchase, when funds are available, a motor bus to bring girls from town to the school.

e. That the Property Committee be requested to screen against mosquitoes the second floor of both dormitories of theE.P.S.

f. That the stations choose the most promising boys andgirls in the fourth standard vernacular, in March and arrange withthe Principals of the I.C-H.S., E.P.S., K.C.M.S., and S.I.A.S. for selections of students for these schools.

g. That we request the Property Committee to appropriate Rs. 250 tor a test well at the south end of the school compound, G.S.S.

h. That we request the Property Committee to arrange for proper sanitary arrangements on the G.S.S. compound.

i. That the Kindergarten School of Sangli be registered and a grant be asked for from Sangli State.

j. That we recommend to the Property Committee that they provide the necessary funds for screening a portion of the dormitory of the G.M.S. for a sleeping place for the girls.

k. That we approve of the temporary employment in theK.C.M.S. of Shankar Nathaji Chopade, first year trained, at Rs. 10 per month.

1. That we approve of the temporary employment in K.C. M.S. of Sajjanrao Bhau Kale at Rs. 10 per month.

37147. The report of the Administrative Committee for Konkan schools was amended and adopted as follows:—

a. That from April i, 1937, M. P. Mathai, B.Sc., B.T., be given his increment of Rs. 5 thus bringing his real salary from Rs. 120 to Rs. 125 which less 20% cut becomes Rs. 100.

b. That an estimate be secured by the Chairman of theProperty Committee for a godown which may be built in theV.H.S. building and that he submit the same to the Property Committee for approval and action.

c. That we approve the temporary employment of Mr. S.V. Raut, V.F. pass, by the T.C.M.S. at a salary of Rs. 1 1 permonth.

37148. The report of the educational supervisor was heard and approved.

37149. The report of the Nominating Committee was amended and adopted. (For list of officers and committees see list in front of the book).

TH E EVANGELISTIC COMMITTEEThe report of the Evangelistic Committee was amended and

adopted as follows:—37150 . The Chairman reported that the Rev. S. R. Dongre

had been appointed as the representative of this Committee on the Provident Fund Committee, by circular. The Committee voted that Mr. Dongre be reappointed for the year to come.

3 7 15 1 . That it be the sense of this Mission that the term, “ Itineration” should be understood to include salaries of temporary workers for the touring season, and the purchase of equipment for touring; and we request the India Council to accept this definition.

37 152 . That we request the India Council to permit us to retain the unspent balance in Harkness Funds 1936-37 (viz., Rs. 1,673-3-6) to be available to us upon the approval by the India Council of detailed estimates to be submitted by us.

37 153 . That Nipani station be permitted to employ the Rev. Isaacrao Ranabhise as soon as he can be relieved of his pre­sent obligations, for a period of six months, his salary of Rs. 35 per month to be met from savings in Harkness Funds 1936-37.

37154 . The task of preparing suitable certificates to be used at the time new catechumens are received (m.m. 36334) was referred to a committee which it is understood the church council is to appoint.


37155 . That it be our policy to appoint as the Indian members of the Evangelistic Departmental Committee a large proportion of English speaking persons who are not beneficiaries of Mission funds.

37156 . The report of the Nominating Committee was amended and adopted (for Chairman, committees and members see list in the front of die book).

37 157 . Requests were made for the use of money from the Centenary Fund (See Executive Committee action 37320).

37158 . The educational supervisor’s report was heard and accepted.

37159 . That in places where the present system of station Educational Supervisors for village schools is not proving satis­factory the station be given permission to modify it.

37160. In accordance with I.C. action 36232 requesting reports on Projects a report was presented and accepted concern­ing projects in weaving and other handwork which had been carried out by Mrs. Brown.

3 7 16 1. Rev. Subhanrao N. Kale having been called and installed as the pastor of the Nipani district circuit, it was voted to recommend that his salary of Rs. 32 be reduced to Rs. 30 from Mission funds, the circuit having agreed to supplement this by Rs. 5 monthly.

37162. The following were appointed as an Examining Committee for such men as have engaged in Bible Study Courses: Dr. Richardson and Rev. S. R. Dongre.

37163. Regarding, as this Mission does, the sale of Bibles and portions thereof as an integral part of its work, it was re­commended that the terms on which grants may be made by the Bible Society as presented to us by G. Stephen Cox, Esq., whose visit to us was deeply appreciated, be accepted, as follows: that the Bible Society send to the Mission Treasurer the sum of Rs. 80 monthly, on the understanding that quarterly reports of sales and of the expenditure of the funds be forwarded to the British and Foreign Bible Society through the Mission Treasurer.

37164. That the Board, through the India Council, be requested to approve the resolution passed by the Sangli station expressing the willingness of the station, through the Mission, to have the Kolhapur Church Council take over charge of all the men’s work of the station in Class VII; this to include the present appropriations for this work with the exception of funds for iti­neration and may go into eflect not earlier than April 1, 1938.

37165. A meeting of the men, Indian and missionary, with the Rev. D. A. McGavran, on Sat. Oct. 23rd, having been held to consider the situation of the Mission in regard to mass move-



ments, the following findings of this meeting are adopted as our recommendations.

1 . A committee is needed for making a survey of our church council area.

2. This committee should be composed equally of mission­aries and Indians.

3. The committee should assemble certain necessary informa­tion, and afterwards, securing the aid of Bishop Pickett should spend at least three weeks in a survey, including a day or so in each station.

4. The survey should be done on behalf of the Church Council and with the co-operation of the Mission. In the survey the accurate figures as to how many houses there are altogether: how many Christian: and how many non-Christian etc. should be obtained and tabulated.

5. The special suggestions to be kept in mind should be:a. On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Church

Council and with the help of the covering letter or Dr. McGavran, request for financial help should be made to the N.C.C. and to the Mission. In this connection the following things should be kept in mind: 1. Provision for a committee to make the survey,2. Provision for a budget, 3. Provision for co-operation from various stations.

b. Without tarrying until the information from this sur­vey is obtained the Church Council’s Executive Committee through its sub-committee should prepare and print two “ open letters”— one for Mahar people and one for the Mangs— to give witness concerning the Christian religion and encouragement to follow it.

c. The Church Council’s Executive Committee should appoint a committee to arrange for all the matters that will arise in connection with the mass movement. This Committee should provide for such things as instructing elders of churches as to teaching methods; the manners and customs of Christian marriage; the above mentioned letters and their composition and printing; what the Christian festivals are and the manner of observing them; methods of worship; manner of the burial of the dead; and so forth.

6. It is our request that the Church Council’s Executive Committee should as soon as possible give thought to these mat­ters, and start to work.

T H E M EDICAL COMMITTEEThe report of the Medical Committee was amended and

adopted as follows:—37166. The resignation of Dr. Ian Orr was received and

a letter written to the London Missionary Society as follows:—

“ We, the members o£ the Western India Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., desire to express our very great appreciation of the services of Dr. Ian Orr in Miraj Hospital and Medical School during this year.

It is pleasant to reflect that in the past a very large number of students from Neyoor and district have been trained in Miraj, and it has seemed natural and agreeable, therefore, to have one of your missionaries to help in this training at last. We very much wish that Dr. Orr could continue to work with us in Miraj, and it is therefore with deep regret that we find that circumstances do not permit his continuance after January, for reasons that are evidently urgent.

May the London Missionary Society be assured of our deep satisfaction over this present association with us and may we ex­press the hope that this is to be but the harbinger of a continued co-operation and union in the event of the development of the Medical school.”

37167. That the Board be requested to appoint Dr. and Mrs. John Scudder to Miraj as soon as possible in place of Dr. Orr, their names to be inserted in the order of preference for new missionaries.

37168. The report of the Chairman of the Governing Board of Miraj Hospital was received and approved. We com­mend to the Nursing department the provisions of the constitu­tion that the department hold monthly meetings and make a full report of the nursing department to the Governing Board for review at its Annual Meeting.

37169. That certain changes in the constitution of the Miraj Hospital and Medical School be made (See Appendix I, Changes are incorporated in the constitution).

37170 . That a committee composed of Dr. Goheen, Miss Meuttmann and Dr. Frank be appointed to arrange for the divi­sion of work in the nursing department of Miraj Hospital for the coming year— their recommendations for Superintendent of the Nursing School and Superintendent of the Graduate nursing staff to be considered the recommendations of the Medical Committee for these posts.

3 7 17 1 . Reports of the Administrative Committees of the Mary Wanless and St. Luke’s hospitals were received and approved.

37 172 . With reference to I.C. 36 123 we would reply that the Mission has two appointed medical examiners and we believe that they are keeping proper records of all examinations and treat­ments, and of the health of missionaries. Our chief trouble in this Mission has been that missionaries neglect the annual physical examination; or in some cases these examinations and treatments are carried out independently of these examiners at other times.


Reports of all such examinations and treatments should be in the hands of the accredited medical examiners of the Mission, on the Deccan, Dr. T . M. Frank, and for the Konkan, Dr. R. H. H. Goheen. These examiners are instructed to send a summary of these matters to the India Council before Dec. i, each year. With reference to I.C. 36124, we believe our Mission rules are adequate.

C EN T R A L COM M ITTEE37173 . With regard to Mission actions 36457 and 36415

with respect to last year’s requests for appropriations from the Centenary Fund for the medical work of this Mission, the Medical Committee would point out that this was made out in definite ex­pectation of a large sum allocated for medical work; and with the express idea that various forms of work should be jitt-esented for consideration, and not that we should receive all on .H ie list. For the coming year we would stress the importance of item No. 1 on this list namely the need the need for an endowment for the Medical school.

37174 . We are glad to see the fine arrangements for the disposal of garbage and sewage, and the proper care of fruits and vegetables made this year by the Arrangement Com­mittee with the co-operation of Dr. Fulton.

37 175 . With reference to Mission action 36440, the Medi­cal Committee does not approve of the development of a Mission dispensary or other new Medical work in Islampur with Mission funds.

37176 . In place of f 7 on the preferred list of new mission­aries, we would like to see a nurse for Miraj— Mary L. Goheen.

37 177 . We request that a Doctor for Miraj (Harold Wan- less) be placed on the preferred list of new missionaries.

37178. Estimates Class IX, for the following hospitals were approved: Vengurla, Mary Wanless, and Miraj.

37179 . That the Mission inform the compounders of Navli- hal and Kurli (Messrs. Kadam and' Gaikwad) that the offer formerly made by Miraj Hospital is still open to them, namely that if they return to Miraj they will be retained in the employ of the Mission but that the Mission can accept no responsibility for their Provident Fund in case they elect to stay at their present posts.

37180. That Dr. A. O. Airan’s letter about salary increase be referred to the Registrar.

3 7 18 1. We recommend to the Mission that the annual re­port on the Wanless Tuberculosis Sanatorium be made by the Mission’s representative through the Medical Committee.

37182. The report of the Nominating Committee was amended and adopted (For Chairman, committees and members see list in the front of the book).


M ISCELLANEO US3718 3 . That a committee of five, of whom two should be

women, be appointed to visit the welfare work at Satara and Kore- gaon with a view to its possible adaptation for use within our Mission area. (See list of committees in the front of the book).

37184. That the Secretary of the Mission be requested to send the greetings of this Mission, through Dr. Weir, to the repre­sentatives of the United Church of Northern India, assembled in Ludhiana to celebrate their centenary.

37185. The point of order having been raised that in ac­cordance with Sec. 89 of the Lakeville Report the departmental committees are not competent to make recommendations to the Mission concerning the expenditure of funds of some part or of all of which a member or members of the committees are bene­ficiaries, the President ruled that Sec. 89 was not applicable to this case as a Departmental Committee is not “ another body” but is the Mission itself. The Central Committee through the Mission requests the Board to give its interpretation of Sec. 89 and to make a ruling on this point of order.

37186. That the estimates of Class VII and Class VIII be referred to the Executive Committee for scrutiny and approval.

37187 . That certain matters pertaining to increases in salaries of workers in Class VII, Nipani be referred to the Agents’ Com­mittee.

37188. The Registrar of the Provident Fund reported that in accordance with m.m. 36242 the Indian contributors to the Provident Fund who were present elected Mr. B. P. Gorde mem­ber of the Auditing Committee for the auditing of the Provident Fund accounts.

The deliberations of the Central Committee were closed with prayer.



MinutesOF T H E

Sixty-Fifth Annual MeetingO F

The W estern India Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America


37189. The Mission convened at 8-30 p.m., Oct. 21st,. 1937, at the Mission bungalow at Panhala, Kolhapur State for its Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting, the President, the Rev. H. K. Wright, being in the chair. The meeting was opened with prayer by the President. The roll-call showed' that there were 30 missionaries present out of the 51 regularly appointed missionaries. Guests present included Dr. John B. Weir, Secretary of the India Council and Mrs. Weir, Miss Emma Lyon, a retired missionary of the Disciples of Christ in China, and Rev. D. A. McGavran, Ph.D., our guest speaker.

37190. Special appointments by the President.Assistant Secretary—Mr. Lyon.

C o m m it t e e s :

Executive Committee Records—Dr. J. L. Goheen.Property Committee Record—Mr. Strahler.Station Records—

Islampur—Dr. Richardson, Miss Enright.Kodoli—Mrs. Goheen, Miss Meuttmann.Kolhapur—Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Richardson.Miraj—Mr. Kincaid, Miss Seiler.Nipani—Mrs. Lyon, Dr. W.M.G. Jones.Sangli—Mr. Lyon, Miss Strobridge.

Vengurla—Mr. Howard, Miss Schafer.Petitions—Dr. J. L. Goheen, Mrs. Lyon.Resolutions—Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen, Mrs. Richardson.

A G EN TS’ COMMITTEEActions with reference to agents and workers of the Mission

were taken as follows,

Kolhapur.3 7 1 91. That Kolhapur Station be permitted to employ Mr.

S. R. Pandit, B.A., in Class II, Grade I, as from June i, 1937 at a salary of Rs. 55 per mensem, note being made that this salary is subject to cut of 20% and also that Mr. Pandit has been serving in the I.C.H.S. for the past three years as part time teacher at a salary of Rs. 15 per mensem, and also that Mr. Pandit has been receiving an additional salary of Rs. 10 per mensem for acting as athletics instructor now being continued in his new classification, carries with it also the payment of the extra Rs. 10 per mensem.

37192. That Kolhapur Station be permitted' to employ Mr. J. Abraham, B.A., in Class II, Grade I as from July 1936 at a salary of Rs. 55 per mensem, note being made that this is subject to cut of 20%.

37193. That Kolhapur Station be permitted to employ in Class II, Grade I as from June 1, 1937, Jivan N. Kamble at a salary of Rs. 55 per mensem, note being made that this salary is subject to cut of 20%.

37194. That Kolhapur Station be permitted to increase the salary of Mr. A. G. Devere, Hindu teacher in the I.C.H.S. from Rs. 60 to Rs. 66 per mensem as from June 1, 1937, note being made of the fact that this salary is cut 20% and that the raise in salary is merely due to change in qualifications due to his having completed his B.T. training.

37195. That Kolhapur Station be permitted to increase the salary of Malanbai Kodet, Matron in the E.P.S. from Rs. 23-2-0 to Rs. 25-6-0 as from Aug. 1, 1937.

37196. That Kolhapur Station be permitted to increase the salary of Mr, S. V.. Burde, B.A., B.T. Hindu teacher in theI.C.H.S. from Rs. 87-8-0 to Rs. 100 per mensem subject to the cut of 20% as from June 1, 1937.

37197. That Kolhapur Station be permitted to employ in Class II, Grade 3, Kamalabai M. Gaekwad in the E.P.S. as from June 1, 1937 at a salary of Rs. 16 per mensem.

37198. That Kolhapur Station be permitted' to increase the salary of Dr. Timothy from Rs. 73-75 as from Nov. 1, 1937.

Mi raj.37199. That Miraj Station be permitted to pay Shantabai

Santoba Chaugale the pupil’s salary while she is completing the course in midwifery, Poona.


37200. That Miraj Station be permitted to employ Shanta- bai Santoba Chaugale in Class IV, Grade C 3 at a salary of Rs. 26 per mensem as from her return from the midwifery course in Poona.

37201. That Miraj Station be permitted to employ Katta Narisma, Class IV, Sub-Class C, Grade 3 at a salary of Rs. 26 per mensem from April 1, 1937.

37202. That Miraj Station be permitted to increase the salary of Dr. W. O. Airon, Class IV, B Grade 1 from Rs. 100 to Rs. n o as from April 1, 1937.

37203. That Miraj Station be permitted to increase the salary of Dr. Cecil by Rs. 10 from April 1, 1937.

37204. That Miraj Station be permitted to increase the salary of Dr. D. P. Gorde by Rs. 10 as from April 1, 1937.

37205. That Miraj Station be permitted to employ Christa- das Moses in Class IV, Sub-Class C, Grade 3 at a salary of Rs. 26 per mensem as from April 1, 1937.

Nipani.37206. That Nipani Station be permitted to employ Dattu

A. Ghatge, Vernacular Final pass, Agricultural Bias in Class II, Grade 3 at a salary of Rs. 14 as from June 1, 1937.

37207. That Nipani Station be permitted to increase thesalary of Pandu K. Gujar, Class II, Grade 4 from Rs. 25-27 asfrom Nov. 1, 1937.

37208. That Nipani Station be permitted to increase the salary of Dondo T. Kothavale, Class II, Grade 4 from Rs. 25-27 as from Nov. 1, 1937.

37209. That Nipani Station be permitted to increase the salary of Ramchandra S. Biranje, Class II, Grade 4 from Rs. 18-20 as from Nov. 1, 1937.

37210 . That Nipani Station be permitted to increase thesalary of Lagmana B. Jadhav, Class II, Grade 4 from Rs. 15-18 per mensem as from Nov. 1, 1937.

3 7 2 11 . That Nipani Station be permitted to increase the salary of Nana B. Shinde, Class II, Grade 4, from Rs. 15 -17 per mensem as from Nov. 1, 1937.

37212 . That Nipani Station be permitted to increase the salary of Krishna R. Kamble, Class II, Grade 4 from Rs. 12-13 per mensem as from Nov. 1, 1937.

37 2 13 . That Nipani Station be permitted to increase the salary of Krishna T . Kurne, Class II, Grade 4 from Rs. 12 -13 per mensem as from Nov. 1, 1937.

1 9 3 7 ] a g e n t s ’ c o m m it te e 3 7


37214 . That Nipani Station be permitted to increase the salary of Jinappa T. Kadam, Class I, Grade 4 from 25-26 per mensem as from Nov. 1, 1937.

372 15 . That Sangli Station be permitted to increase the salary of Shankar Narayan Ghatge, Class II, Grade 3 from Rs. 14- 15-5 per mensem as from Sept. 1, 1937.

37216 . That Sangli Station be permitted to increase the salary of Dayabai Shidoba Kamble, Class III, Grade 3 from Rs. 9 to Rs. 10 per mensem as from April 1, 1937.

372 17 . That Sangli Station be permitted to employ Sitaram Bandu Avale as tailoring teacher in the Sangli Industrial and Agricultural School from June 1, 1937 at a salary of Rs. 18 per mensem.

37218 . That Sangli Station be permitted to employ tempor­arily as from June 1, 1937, Balakibai G. Kamble as a Bible woman at a salary of Rs. 9 per mensem on funds especially donated for this purpose and not to be used for any other work.

Vengurla.37219 . That record be made of the temporary employment

of Mrs. Rodas Smith at a salary of Rs. 55 per mensem, she being employed in the Vengurla High School.

37220. Record is also made of the temporary employment of Mr. C. C. Gorde in Vengurla High School at a salary of Rs. 20 per mensem.

37221. That the net salary of Mr. G. V. Ohol, employee of the Vengurla High School from July 1, 1937 be Rs. 45 and that it be, recorded that he passed his third' year training from Ahmednagar in April 1937.

37222. That record be made of the temporary employment of the following in the T.C.M.S. Ratnagiri as from June 1, 1937.

37223. That Vengurla Station be permitted to increase the salary of Shaurao S. Chavan, Class II, Grade 2 from Rs. 50 to Rs. 60 per mensem as from July 1, 1937. This is merely by the restoration of the cut.

Amendment to the Field Manual.37224. The report of the Committee on the reorganization

of the Mission was heard, discussed at great length, amended and the actions accepted as amendments to the Field Manual.


Sakharam Shinde Sundar Powar

Rs. 8 per mensem. „ 5 per mensem.


37225. That the actions of the Committee on the reorgani­zation of the Mission be prepared and’ mimeographed by the re­organization Committee.

37226. That the matter of monthly statements and audit (F.M. 289-302 and Committee recommendations 300-314) be referred'to the new Executive Committee to bring in recommenda­tions in time to get final action of the Mission before April 1, 1938.

37227. That Messrs. Howard, Strahler and Wright be a committee to draw up rules to govern the conduct of circular business.

37228. That section on pensions in F.M. f 128 -13 1 be re­ferred to the new Executive Committee (m.m. 36238).

37229. That all items referring to the Provident Fund in the report of this Committee ( f 98-140 also 328, 29 B g, and 32 B Duties) be referred to the new Executive Committee.

37230. That sections 152-199 and F.M. 189 be referred to a committee of three to be appointed by the new Executive Com­mittee. (F.M. 14 2-18 1).

37231. That the Committee on reorganization be given power to slightly change the wording of rules in preparing them in order to bring them all into a working whole.

The report of the Arrangement Committee was adopted as follows:—

37232. That arrangements for Annual Meeting 1937 be as follows:—Thursday, October 21st.


8-30 p.m. The opening prayer by the President, the Rev. H. K. Wright.

The roll-call by the Secretary.Report of the Arrangement Committee. Announcements.Sermon by the Rev. M. W. Strahler.

Friday, October 22nd.8-00 a.m. Dr. Richardson, presiding.

Devotionals—Dr. J. B. Weir.Address—Rev. D. A. McGavran, Ph.D. Discussion.Intermission.Address—Dr. J. L. Goheen.Marathi Prayers in Dining Room in

charge of the Rev. R. A. Wilson. Breakfast.Rev. W . H. Lyon, presiding.

8 — 8-30 a.m.8-30— 9-30 a.m.9-30— io-oo a.m.

10 — 10-15 a-m-10-15— ï 1'00 a-m.11-15— 11-30 a.m.

11-30 a.m.2-30— 5-00 p.m.


2-30— 3'3° P-m-

3-30— 4-00 p.m.4-00— 5-00 p.m. 8-30 p.m.

Saturday, October 23rd.

8-00— 8-30 a.m.8-3°— 9-30 a.m.9-30— 10-00 a.m.

10-00— 10-15 a>m- 10-15— 11-00 a.m.

2-30— 3-30 p.m.3-30— 4-00 p.m.4-00 p.m.

Evening session

Sabbath, October 24th.9-30 a.m.

2-30 p.m.4-30 p.m.

4-30 p.m.8-30 p.m.

Monday, October 25th.7-30 a.m.

10-30 a.m.

2 p.m.8-30 p.m.

Tuesday, October 26th.

10-30 a.m.8-30 p.m.

'Wednesday, October 27th.

10-30 a.m.8-30 pjn.

... “ The Church and Mission Relation­ship,” by Dr. J. B. Weir.

... Tea.

... Address—Dr. McGavran.

... Vengurla and Ratnagiri Station report. (Miss Seiler, presiding).

D. B. Updegraff, D.D., presiding.... Devotionals—Rev. J. B. Weir.... Address—Dr. McGavran.... Discussion.... Intermission.... “Facts about Mission and Board ac­

counts,” by Rev. H. G. Howard. Rev. H. G. Howard, presiding.

... Address—Dr. McGavran.

... Tea.

... Women’s Committee.

... “ Enduring Memories of the Past Cen­tury,” by Mrs. W . H. Lyon, (Dr. R. H. H. Goheen, presiding).

... Holy Communion—Dr. J. E. Napp, Rev. A. N. Khabade.

Elders—Dr. W . M. G. Jones, Mr. A.B. Phansophkar.Bazaar-Preaching—Dr. J. L. Goheen.

... Annual Sermon in Marathi—Dr. R.C. Richardson.

... Children’s service—Mrs. W . H. Lyon.

... Praise service—Dr. T . M. Frank.

... Meetings of departmental committees.

... Devotional service—Dr. R. C. Richard­son.

... Departmental Committees.

... Miraj and Sanatorium Narrative re­ports.(Rev. M. W . Strahler, presiding).

... Devotionals—Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen.

... Nipani and Islampur station narrativereports. (Rev. R. A. Wilson, pre­siding).

... Devotionals—Dr. W . G. Jones.

... Kolhapur and Ahmednagar narrativereports. (Miss G. E. Enright, pre­siding).


Thursday, October 28th.

10-30 a.m.8-30 p.m.

Friday, October 29th.10-30 a.m.

7-30 p.m.

Saturday, October 30th.10-30 a.m.

Sabbath, October 31st.9-30 a.m.

2-00 p.m.

4-00 p.m.5-00 p.m.8-00 p.m.

Monday, November 1st.10-30 a.m.

Tuesday, November 2nd.

"Wednesday, November 3rd.

Devotionals—Mrs. H. K. Wright. Sangli and Kodoli Station reports. (Miss B. L. Freeman, presiding).

Devotionals—Dr. Ian Orr. Fellowship dinner—Motion pictures.

... Devotionals—Dr. S. S. Fulton.

Divine service—The Rev. D. B. Upde- graff, D.D.

Marathi service—The Rev. H. G. Howard.

Children’s service—Mrs. W. H. Lyon. Vesper service—The Rev. W . H. Lyon. Praise service—Miss C. L. Seiler.

Devotionals—Mrs. R. C. Richardson. „ Dr. J. L. Goheen.

Rev. W. H. Lyon.

Special Committees for Annual Meeting

Decoration—Miss G. E. Enright.Marathi Prayers—Rev. R. A. Wilson.Sanitation—Dr. S. S. Fulton.Bazaar-Preaching—Dr. J. L. Goheen.Music—Dr. T . M. Frank.

Theme for Annual Meeting“ And Jehovah said unto Moses, ‘Speak unto My people that they go


37233. That the hot season assignments for 1938 be as follows:—Mahableshwar: Mt. Douglas

South Chappar—Dr. N. P. Dunning.South Room No. 1—Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Graham.South Room No. 2—Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Fulton.South Room No. 3—Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Wilson and family

(to April 30). After April 30, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Goheen.South Room No. 4—Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Richardson.North Dining Room—Misses Strobridge and Krug.Small Chappar—Miss A. R. Meuttmann.Chappar in the woods—Misses Enright and Richardson.

PanhalaMisses Deen and Seiler—Faith Cottage.

KodaikanalMay Villa—Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Jones and family.

Fitzroy—Dr. and Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen.Schauffler—Misses Froese and Schafer.Winsford Cottage—Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Lyon and family.Winsford East—Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Frank and family.Winsford West—Rev. and Mrs. H. K. Wright and family and

Misses Freeman and Craig.Winsford Annex—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kincaid and family.

37234. That the hostesses for Mt. Douglas hot season 1938be as follows:—

March— Mrs. S. S. Fulton.April—Miss A. R. Meuttmann.May—Miss V. S. Strobridge.

37235. That it be the understanding of the Mission that the hot season assignments of Dr. and Mrs. Richardson, Dr, and Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen, Rev. and Mrs. H. K . Wright, Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Dr. and Mrs. Jones, Misses Enright, Freeman, Craig, Connolley and' Richardson be rented by the Property Com­mittee.

37236. That the hostesses for Annual Meeting 1938 be the Ladies of Sangli Station.

37236(a). That the Rev. H. K . Wright preach the annual sermon in English, 1938.

37237. That Rev. M. W. Strahler preach the annual ser­mon in Marathi (Second Sunday), 1938.

A U D IT COM M ITTEEThe report of the Audit Committee was amended and adopted

as follows:—37238. The accounts of the Associate Treasurers of the

Mission in the Inter-Mission Business Office, Bombay, have been audited' in accordance with the instructions of the Board Letter, Jan. 1 1 , 1934, and the summaries, annual statement to the Board and the trial balance checked with these accounts and were found to be correct.

37239. The tables appended to the report show the financial condition of the Mission, indicating the savings and over-expendi­tures in various stations and institutions.



37240. Savings were as follows:—

Alice Home Miraj Hospital*St. Luke’s Hospital Mary Wanless Hospital ...Nipani Hospital (Under auspices of

Nipani Church)




A. P .

i 8

87 8 9

*N ote : Summary of Miraj Hospital savings: Cancer Fund balance was Rs. 7,279-0-5; General Funds including Rs. 5,990 in fixed deposit with the National Bank of India Limited for the Ashta Building Fund amounted to Rs. 8,168-8-10. The expenditures for the fiscal year exceeded the income for the year, excluding balance at the beginning of the year, by Rs. 16,977-10-10. Of this over­expenditure, Rs. 11,947-0-5 was for Medical School.

37241. Over-expenditures were as follows:—Rs. A. P.

Islampur—(Mrs. Simpson) Kodoli—(K.C.M.S.) Kolhapur—(Miss Seiler)

(G.M.S.)Nipani—(Dr. Updegraff) Sangli—(S.I. & A.S.)

„ (G.M.S.)„ (Mr. Kincaid)

General Treasury

129 4 o443 n 9

12 0 o 92 12 11

1,182 i 5 1,486 o 5

92 12 11 98 3 9

1,105 3 6

37242. The Statement of India Council Funds.Rs. A. P. Rs. A. p.

Set aside for Islampur well, April1, 1936

Balance on hand, April 1, 1936384 I 0487 2 9

Dr. A. L. Wiley, for printing 400 O 0For Inter-Mission Business Office 1,800 O 0For bonding Associate Treasurer of

I.M.B.O. 187 8 0Islampur well 249 *5 6U. Th. College scholarships 74 0 0Part of ’35-’36 G. T. over-expenditure 1,061 7 4K.C.M.S. 400 0 0Appropriation, 1936-37 3,210 11 Balance of money set aside for Islampur


wells *34 i 6March 31, 1937 deficit 2 2 5 I 7

Total 4,307 o 4 4,307 o 4


37243. The Statement of the Harkness Fund.Rs. A. P . Rs. A. P .

Balance, April 1, 1936 1,054 13 0Used for itinerating: “ In each case

of expenditure for itinerating the total station appropriation for itinerating was used before Harkness Funds were granted. See action 36350.”Rev. F. O. Conser (accounts

not received) 200 0 0Mrs Simpson 200 0 0Dr. J. E. Napp 336 13 9Mrs. Carruthers 8 I 0Dr. Richardson 108 8 9Miss Strobridge 8 6 9Dr. Wiley 479 15 3Mr. Kincaid 300 0 0Miss Enright 178 0 0Mrs. Brown 42 4 0Rev. W . H. Lyon 330 0 0

Islampur Bible Institute Printing (W. H. Lyon—Marathi—

20 0 0

B.R.C.C.) 20 0 0Printing (W. H. Lyon—Evangelistic

Supplement to Dnyanodaya) 50 0 0Raste—Theological College debt

(W. H. Lyon) 200 0 0Nipani Church School Project—

f 352°3 70 0 0Satralkar records 40 0 0Centennial Celebration 100 0 0Appropriation 1936-37 Balance, March 31, 1937

3,310 8 0!>673 3 6

Total 4,365 5 0 4,365 5 0

37244. Statement showing $ie financial condition of Miraj }ital.

Rs. A. P .Rs. A. p .

Balance, Cancer Fund, April 1, 1936 8,331 2 5Balance, General Funds, April

1, 1936 24,094 I 8Spécial Appropriation Medicine Sales




Fees 74»974 10 9Bank interest 603 8 6Rents 29,986 14 9Contributions, India 7,220 i 0Contributions, Cancer Fund 2,627 3 0Médical School 8,685 15 210% eut in salaries 2,388 i 4

Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P.

Assistants 56,745 5 8Medicine 28,424 7 10Expenses 46,235 12 2Contributions, U.S.A. (For the

Medical School) 3*067 11 8Miscellaneous receipts 3,063 9 3Cancer Fund 3.679 5 oMedical School 20,632 15 7Balance, Cancer Fund, March 31, 1937 7,279 0 5Balance,* General Funds, March

31, 1937 8,168 8 10

1 9 3 7 ] AUDIT COMMITTEE 4 5

Total 1,71,165 7 6 1,71,165 7 6

*Note : Rs. 5,990, Fixed Deposit, Ashta Building Fund includedin “ General Funds.”

37245. Statement showing the financial condition of MirajChristian Medical School.

Report to be received.

37246. Statement showing the financial condition of St.Luke’s Hospital, Vengurla.

Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P.

Balance, April 1, 1936 3,982 1 8Sales 10,572 5 7Fees 3 I>7 10 1 6Rent 16,622 15 6Contributions, India 9>°43 12 10Contributions, U.S.A. 12,685 5 1Assistants 15*640 4 3Medicines 29,831 10 7Expenses 33,334 5 3Balance, March 31, 1937 5,810 6 1

Total 84,616 10 2 84,616 10 2

37247. Statement showing the financial condition of the Mary E. Wanless Hospital, Kolhapur.

Rs. A. P . Rs. A. P.

Balance, April 1, 1936 174 1 8Sales 2,362 12 6Fees 3,866 2 6Rent 1,225 11 0Contributions, India 156 8 3Appropriation 2,353 0 0Assistants 4>322 8 6Medicine 1,715 13 0

Rs. A. P . Rs. A, P .

Expenses 3*982 7 3Balance, March 31, 1937 117 7 2


Total 10,138 3 11 10,138 3 11

37248. Statement showing the financial condition of Nipani Hospital.

Rs. A. P . Rs. A. P.

Balance, April 1, 1936 355 9 0Assistants 2,164 11 0Medicine 893 7 oExpenses 2,817 3 3Sales 1,146 7 9Fees 3,300 13 3Contributions, India 540 0 0Rent 25 o oAppropriation 595 o oBalance on hand, March 31, 1937 87 8 9

Total 5,962 14 0 5,962 14 o

37249. Statement showing the financial condition of theAlice Home.

Rs. A. P . Rs. A. P.

Balance, April I, 1936 363 14 11Sales 340 7 9Special Appropriation 400 2 oRegular Appropriation I>719 0 0Expenditures 2,602 7 oBalance, March 31, 1937 221 1 8

Total 2,823 ̂ ̂ 2,823 ̂ ®

37250. Statement showing the financial condition of theKathryn Stewart Scholarship Fund.

Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P .

Balance, April 1, 1937 164 13 6Appropriation 360 0 oRefund on loan to Sarasvati Kamble 22 4 oFor Ramabai Jadhav 35 0 oFor Sunderabai Naik 136 4 0For Deborah Panhalkar and Tai

Sambhaji (Bible Training) 70 o oFor Manoramabai Gaikwad 31:3 12 oOver-expenditure 7 14 6

Total 555 0 0 555 o o

1 9 3 7 ] AUDIT COMMITTEE 4 7

37251. Statement of Bible Institute, Islampur.

Rs. A. p.

100 0 0372 0 0

20 0 05 6

Rs. A. P .

Appropriation from Kolhapur Church Council

Appropriation from Mission (G.T.)From Harkness Fund Contribution, India Scholarships 336 2 oSupplies 21 11 6Books 66 0 oTravel for staff 14 0 0Allowances for staff 29 o oMedical services 32 o oMovable School 7 8 0

Total 506 5 6 506 5 6

37252. Statement of financial condition of Capital and Stock Account of Sangli Industrial and Agricultural School.

Rs. A. P . Rs. A. P.

Boys’ accounts 14 1 0Ledger account including bank

balance 279 5 5Trades and School deficit 1,486 0 7Stocks inventory March 15, 1937 6,923 6 6Cash Balance, March 15, 1937 50 11 4School bills payable for March 694 14 0Capital stock account 7>5<>° 0 0

Total 8,474 3 5 8,474 3 5

37253. Statement of the financial condition of the Kodai- kanal School Fundi.

Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P.

Balance on hand, New York,April 1, 1936 2,264 12 0

Regular Appropriation 4,000 0 0Fixed Contribution 2,000 o 0Variable contribution 1,071 4 0Balance to credit of fund in Bombay 928 12 0Balance to credit of fund in New York,

March 31, 1937 2,264 12 0

Total 6,264 12 0 6,264 12 0

37254. Statement, Atherstori, Kodaikanal Account.Rs. A. P .

Balance, April 1, 1936 1,477 10 3Paid up during 1936-37 250 0 oAdded by interest to date 22 4 4

Total 1,749 *4 7

37255. Statement, Winsford Lodge, Kodaikanal Account.Rs. A. P .

Balance, April 1, 1936 1,140 o oPaid up during 1936-37 300 o 0


Total 1,440 0 o

37256. Statement of trust funds in hands of the Treasurer.Rs. A. P .

Atherston Fund 1,749 J4 7Estate of Miss M. Gauthey 89 4 9Irwin Scholarship Fund 406 8 oIrwin Memorial Scholarship Fund 5 11 7 4Masoji Memorial Fund J75 12 2Masoji Pension Fund 477 7 7Wilder Memorial Fund 2,701 4 o

Total 6 ,111 10 5

37257. Statement of New Property Funds in hands ofTreasurer.

Rs. A. P.

Bible Institute, Islampur 83 4 oBryn Mawr Bungalow 212 5 oSanitary Equipment 71 o o

Total 366 9

37258. Pension Fund, Statement.Rs. A. P . Rs. A. P.

Balance, April 1, 1936 915 o 0Pension payments 1,252 o 0Contribution from Provident Fund 915 o oSungandhrav M. Batelu, Provident

Fund 131 5 9S. D. Chopade, Provident Fund 41 10 oOver-expenditure 1,079 0 3

Total 2,167 0 0 2,167 0 0

37259. Statement of financial condition of Kolhapur Church Shop.

Rs. A. P . Rs. A. P.

Balance, April 1, 1936 857 7 9Legal expenses 198 3 6Repairs 74 0 oBalance, March 31, 1937 585 4 3

Total 857 7 9 «57 7 9


37260. For Statements of Repair, Building and Compound Accounts as audited by the Property Committee, the report of that Committee.

37261. That the Inter-Mission Business Office, Bombay, be instructed to collect the amount due on income-tax account for the period when the income-tax was pooled by the whole Mission, from all the members of the Mission who were on the field during the months for which the tax was paid.

37262. That Rs. 192-3-0 refunded1 by Dr. Wiley for print­ing be set aside as a special fund for the Women’s Committee to be used for printing.

37263. That the over-expenditures for pensions of the Pen­sion Fund be paid out of the Provident Fund.

37264. That since the additional member of the Auditing Committee to be elected according to f 3 624 2 was not chosen at the Annual Meeting the selection by the Committee of Mr.B. P. Gorde be approved.

37265. That contributions by workers to the Provident Fund should not be included in receipts of Miraj Hospital and that the remittance of such contributions should not be entered as Hospital charges.

37266. Statement of Provident Fund, from the Treasurer’s Books.

Receipts Expenditures

Rs. A. P. Rs. A. V.

Deficit balance, April 1, 1936 712 13 5Charges for remittances 0 1 6Office expenses, postage, etc. Payments to members

2 6 02,048 14 6

Bank interest deposited 2,419 0 7Loans to members 344 0 0Interest on Board’s funds used 5 4 10Deposit in bank 832 0 1Paid to Pension Fund 915 0 0Regular contributions from

5 0

Rs. A. P.


Rs.. A. P .

members 4.782 6 oSpecial contributions from

members 53 6 oNipani Hospital contribution 11 1 14 oBank interest 2,419 0 7Extra from Vengurla High School 34 1 oMember’s contribution transferred

to Pension Fund 131 5 9Over-expenditure, March *31, 1937 10 3 1

Total 7A 10 r4 8 7>4io 14 8

37267. Statement of account of Provident Fund Deposits and) Interest, with the Christian Mutual Insurance Co., Ltd., Lahore, Bankers.

Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P.

Balance on hand in Christian Mutual Insurance Co. Ltd., Lahore 72,309 14 2

Due from Kolhapur Church Council Provident Fund 0 0 6

Due from members on loans made • 344 o oBalance over-expended in Bombay

Office 10 3 1Refund due from Vengurla High

School 34 1 0Net balance 72,609 10 7

Total 72,653 14 8 72,653 14 o

37268. Statement of the Provident Fund as of April iy I 9 3 7 *

Rs. A. P .

Contributions by individuals plus interest 325059 12 2Bonus deposits by the Mission 32,306 14 1

Total liability of Provident Fund 64,366 10 3Excess amount on hand 8,243 0 4

Total amount on hand 72,609 10 7

CIRCULAR BUSINESSThe President reported that circular business had been trans­

acted as follows:—37269. An appeal had been preferred against the action of

the Executive Committee which was as follows: “ That in viewof the petition addressed to the Board by the leaders of the Church


in Western India, the Mission be asked to cast another vote in regard to Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Wiley’s remaining on the field for another year.” The action of the Committee was sustained.

Yeas 1 6, Nays 14.37270. The Mission approved an addition to Mission action

36547 as follows: “ for a period of five years, the question of further pension and the question of the amount to be granted in case further pension is given to be considered at the end of that period.” Yeas 22, Nay o. Feb. 15 , 1937.

37271. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com­mittee the Mission approved the following: “ That the amount of rent to be charged to Dr. G. S. Krishnayya on account of the occupancy of the bungalow of the Principal of the Irwin Christian High School be Rs. 35 per mensem.” Yeas 22, Nay o. Feb. * 5 > 1 9 3 7 -

37272. In the matter of the appeal preferred by Rev. H. G. Howard and Mrs. H. W- Brown against Executive Committee action No. 3716 restoring the salary of the Rev. V. A. Satralkar, — the action of the Committee was not sustained. Yeas 14 ; Nays 23; Not voting 2. Feb. 15 , 1937.

37273. A motion was submitted to the Mission as follows: “ That the Board be requested to permit Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Wiley to remain on the field for another year.” Yeas 19 ; Nays 13 ; Not voting 4. Inasmuch as a 2/3 vote in favour of the request to the Board was required, the request was not made. Feb. 18,1 9 3 7 -

37274. The Mission decided to amend 36262 by substi­tution as follows: “ That Mrs. E. W. Simpson be the hostess at the Annual Meeting of the Mission, 1937.” No votes in the negative were received. May 13 , 1937.

37275. The Mission decided “ to delete the words ‘of the Hospital’ from action No. 36186 (see Minutes, page 22), the Secretary being requested to write a covering letter to the Board.” No votes in the negative were-received. May 13 , 1937.

37276. Under date n August, 1937, the results of the voting on additional motions submitted to the Mission were as follows: Executive Committee action 37105. Yeas 25; Seen 3 ;Not voting 3. Carried. Executive Committee action 37106. Yeas 23; Seen 1 ; Not voting 4; Nay 1. Carried. Executive Committee action 37122 . Yeas 24; Seen 1 ; Not voting 1 ; Nays6. Carried. Executive Committee action 37 133 . Yeas 20; Not voting 4; Opposed 8. Carried.

Co-operation— With Kolhapur Church Council— Committee.37277. The Committee on Co-operation reported that they

reaffirmed action of the Mission 36414, (1).


37278. That we accept the India Council’s recommendation (I.C. 36194), that a comprehensive study of the work of our India Missions be made by an outside committee, there being a general agreement to accept the decisions of the group making the final study.

37279. (a) That in the judgment of this Mission a periodof forty years’ missionary service, whether this be completed1 at age 70 or at a lesser age, should be held to qualify the missionary for die full pension, if he wishes to retire. And further that the requirement that the missionary continue at his post until the age of 70 be reached— the alternative being a proportionate and reduced pension— is neither a just recognition of his 40 years’ service nor advisable in respect of an efficient missionary personnel. (The negative votes of Mr. Wright and Miss Enright were at their request recorded1).

(b) That we believe the time has come when our Board should face anew the question as to whether, with us, as with various other missionary bodies, the optimum age for retirement should not be 65 rather than 70, and whether such retirement should be attended, as now, with financial disadvantages.

(c) And that we request our India Council to consult with the China and other councils with a view to ascertaining whether or not there is any considerable volume of opinion amongst their missionaries along the above lines.

37280. It w*as agreed by common consent that the Board’s attorney should Teply to the Board and India Council regarding India Council request in I.C. 36242 and Board Letter 104, p. 26, Mar. 16, 1937, regarding the sale of Bazaar Property, Kolhapur.

37281. That we defer action on Dr. J. L. Goheen’s request for more adequate provision for the district work of Sangli Sta­tion until a survey of the work of all station needs can be made and until we hear what centennial funds may become available.

37282. (a) That the Board through the India Councilbe requested to provide passage home to Scotland for Dr. I. M. Orr in Jan. 193#.

(b) That we deeply appreciate the services rendered to the Mission by Dr. I. M. Orr, that we regret that his home cir­cumstances make it impossible for him to remain in Miraj and join the permanent staff, and that we earnestly hope that a change of circumstances may make it possible for him to return at some future date.

37283. That the matter of the survey of property asked for by the American Consul be referred to the Property Committee.


37284. That the rules be suspended to permit Rs. 100 hot season allowance (1937) for Dr. Orr to be paid out of rent re­ceipts of 1937-38.

37285. In regard to a request from the Methodist Mission that we assume obligation for repaying part of the money spent for Mr. Elia Balekundri’s theological training we reply: It is our understanding that Mr. Elia’s District Superintendent, the Rev. Job P. Karod!, freely and willingly assented to Mr. Elia’s coming over to the work of our Mission and that no conditions, financial or other attended the transfer for which we are very grateful to the M. E. Mission. In the absence of any such agreement be­tween the parties, at the time, and in view of the undesirable precedent which would be established and more particularly in view of our financial straits, we feel that we cannot perceive the validity of this request or recognize that it is binding upon Mr. Elia S. Balekundri or upon this Mission after the lapse of so much time.

37286. In accordance with a request from the B.R.C.C. Educational Committee: that from May 1-21 the bungalow andbuildings at Panhala, with the exception of Faith Cottage, be put at the disposal of the B.R.C.C. for use during a teachers’ training school, provided' an adjustment with our Mission’s educational supervisor is made.

37287. That the Grahams be located at Kolhapur for lan­guage study.

37288. That in reference to I.C. 36227 and Board Letter 104, p. 24— we heartily approve of the present method of distri­buting- India Council General funds namely on the percentage basis, except in cases of very great emergency. We would1 request the India Council not to change this method.

37289. That the money received in the offerings at the English service at Annual Meeting, Panhala 1936 and 1937 be sent to the Bible Society.

37290. That an evangelistic missionary and wife for Miraj be put on the order of preference.

37291. That we request the India Council to reserve as high a place as possible on its order of preference for new mis­sionaries, for a man to be Treasurer of the three missions to reside in Bombay.

37292. That Dr. Updegraff be a committee of one to ascer­tain facts in regard to probable expenses at Bangalore Theological Seminary and draw up a proposal in regard to a stipend for Haribhau Rukadikar at the said institution to be reported to the new Executive Committee as soon as possible.



37293. That Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid be transferred to Kodbli from June i, 1938.

37294. That Rs. 400, the estimated savings in T.C.M.S., be transferred from the T.C.M.S. to the K.C.M.S. for the fiscal year 1937-38.

37295. That Rs. 5 12 , the savings estimated by the Principal of the T.C.M.S., with the transferring of the orphans to the Alice Home be added to the appropriations of the K.C.M.S. from Apr. 1, 1938 and be entered1 in the estimates for 1938-39.

37296. In regard to a request from Mr. Medaris that we recommend him for scholarship for medical education to our Board of Christian Education that we advise him to apply to the Board of Christian Education of the M. E. Church.

37297. That we request the Treasurer to advise Dr. Frank as to the proper amount of out and out allowance to be given to Mr. Medaris for his return journey.

37298,. That the Secretary be instructed to write an airmail letter to Miss Grierson giving her a cordial invitation to bring her mother out to live with her and assure her that we shall be ance free of charge.happy to provide bungalow accommodation and hot season allow-

37299. That the provision for the work of Ratnagiri Sta­tion be as follows:

1. As in 36384 (1).2. That we advise the Principal of T.C.M.S., Mr. S. S.

Chavan to replace the present matron as soon as possible, at the very latest from the beginning of next fiscal year, April 1, 1938.

3. That Jijabai Ahi supervise the work of the two Bible women and1 only until the new matron be appointed have general oversight of the girls’ dormitory.

4. That Rajasbai Hiraji have oversight of the widows, but that both items 3 and 4 be referred to Vengurla Station for investigation and change if deemed wise.

5. That the Rev. V. A. Satralkar be continued in charge of the evangelistic work of the District, the Gospel Light House, the three evangelists and eight village schools and that Mr. F. O. Conser on his return from furlough, be stationed in Ratnagiri to be associated' with Mr. Satralkar in this work.

6. As in 36384 (6).7. That Ratnagiri be considered part of Vengurla Sta­

tion until next Annual Meeting and that Vengurla Station carry on the work of Ratnagiri Station in accordance with Board Manual1i5 «.

37300. That Muktabai R. Karmarkar be transferred along with the babies to the Alice Home Dec. 1, 1937 and that any


salary or remuneration she has been receiving be transferred with her.

3730 1. That we approve Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Wilson’s ¡plans for furlough study in preparation for evangelistic work and we request the Board through the India Council to sanction the necessary allowance for furlough study.

37302. That the Board be requested through the India Council to grant furlough study allowance to Dr. Napp, Dr. Updegraff, Mrs. Simpson and Mr. Howard if they desire it.

37303. That from April I, 1938 to next Annual Meeting, Islampur be considered part of Sangli Station and that Sangli Station have control of the missionary work in that field in ac­cordance with Board Manual, f 58.

37304. That Mr. J. L . Goheen, LL.D ., be made Treasurer of the S.I. & A.S. and that Banks be notified that he is authorised to operate the accounts of said school.

37305. That Jotiba Mountain be considered1 part of Kolha­pur field instead of Kodoli field.

37306. With reference to Kolhapur Station’s recommenda­tion concerning the arrangement for Kolhapur Station’s work: that Mr. Strahler have charge of Class VIII, B, Village schools and Class VII, Preachers; that Miss Seiler have charge of Class VIII, E, Alice Home and that Class VII, F, itineration be arranged for by Kolhapur Station.

37307. That estimates for Classes I & II and Classes VII & VIII be approved and also estimates for General Treasury.

37308. That the following furloughs for 1937-39 be ap­proved :

Rev. H. K. Wright, Mar. 1939. Dr. W . M. G. Jones, July 1939.Mrs. H. K. Wright, Mar. 1939. Mrs. W . M. G. Jones, July 1939.Mrs. E. W. Simpson, Mar. 1938. Miss Strobridge, Mar. 1939.Rev. R. A. Wilson, Apr. 1938. Miss G. L. Enright, Sept. 1938.Mrs. R. A. Wilson, Apr. 1938. Mr. J. C. Kincaid, Mar. 1939.Rev. H. G. Howard, Mar. 1938. Mrs. J. C. Kincaid, Mar. 1939.Miss C. L. Seiler, Apr. 1939.

37309. On account of the exigencies of the work that thefollowing persons be given special permission to remain on thefield for the extended period indicated1:

Rev. and Mrs. H. K. Wright—Sept. to March 1939.Mrs. E. W. Simpson—Nov. 1937 to March 1938.Rev. and Mrs. Wilson—March 1938 to April 1938.Rev. H. G. Howard—Nov. 1937 to March 1938.Miss C. L. Seiler— Sept. 1938 to April 1939.Miss V. S. Strobridge—Nov. 1938 to March 1939.Miss G. L. Enright—Sept. 1938 to Sept. 1939.Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kincaid—Feb. 1939 to March 1939.


37130 . In case Miss Grierson cannot return that Miss Mercy Cornelius be asked to become Principal of the E.P.S. for at least 2 years from May 1, 1938 and that her salary of Rs. 90 per mensem for one year be met out of India Council General Funds ’38-39, this request to be included in the list of requests for these funds to the India Council.

3 7 3 1 1 . That record be made that Miss Deen has informed the Committee that she is sending her resignation to the Board to take effect June 1, 1938.

37 3 12 . That Dr. Frank be physician in charge of Miraj Hospital for the year 1937-38.

(b) That Dr. Othniel Devadatta be the Principal of the Miraj Medical School for the year 1937-38.

3 7 3 13 . When the order of preference for new missionaries is made out that the 2nd Doctor for Miraj be dropped and an evangelist for Miraj be put in that place.

37314 . That Rs. 650 for associate Educational Supervisor be divided in the estimates as follows:

Rs. 480 Salary „ 77 Entertainment„ 93 Travel

That the appropriations for the work be sent direct to the associate Educational Supervisor from LM.B.O. and that he sub­mit the accounts to I.M.B.O. and be held responsible for their expenditure.

37 3 15 . That we request the India Council to grant out of I.C. General Funds 1938-39, Rs. 240 for Educational Supervisor for travel and general expenses.

37316 . That we state that our estimates are prepared only for guidance as to the probable expenditures under various heads; that the financial responsibility of the Mission is limited to the amounts entered in Col. C; that in no case do we guarantee em­ployment, continued employment, or the specified salary to any worker by entering his name in our estimates. (I.C. 36220).

3 7 3 17 . In regard to Mission action 36530 regarding certain details in the contracts between the Mission and the Rev. M. W. Strahler and the Rev. D. B. Updfegraff that the matter be referred to the new Property Committee.

37318 . That it is the judgment of this Mission that when Mr. Conser returns he should not have the responsibility of ad­ministration of any Mission funds and that a detailed account of all gifts to him for the work must be rendered.


37319 . That we express our appreciation to the Bible Society for their grant of Rs. 80 per month and that these funds be dis­tributed as follows:—


Rs-Nipani 120 Nipani church project.Kolhapur 108 Colporteur.Vengurla 100 Project.Islampur 120 Sales through regular Mission

agents.Sangli 240 2 Colporteurs.Miraj 216 Colporteur.Ratnagiri 56 Tour for sales.

37320. That we make requests for centennial funds in the following order of preference.

1. Rs. 500—Mass Movement Survey.2. Replacement of Harkness Funds—Rs. 4,000 per annum.3. Rs. 2,500—Married students’ quarters at the United Theologi­

cal College, Poona.4. 2 Motor Cars for touring—Rs. 2,000.5. $50,000 Endowment for Miraj Medical School.6. Central Scholarship Fund—$5,000.

37321. That we request the India Council to grant fromI.C . General Funds for 1938-39 the following items:—

Rs. 1,987 8 0 Inter-Mission Business Office.„ 240 0 0 Educational Supervisor (See 37315).„ 1,080 o o Miss Cornelius’ Salary for one year (See 37310).

(Provisional on Miss Grierson’s non-return).

Rs. 3,307 8 0

37322. That the following distribution of Harkness Funds be approved:—

Rs. A. p.Balance on hand, April 1, 1937 3 6Appropriation 1937-38 3,289 4 0

Total 4,962 7 6

For over-expenditure, general itineration 1936-37 :Islampur: Mrs. Simpson ... 76 12 0Sangli: Mr. Kincaid 97 4 3Vengurla: Mr. Lyon 49 9 6

For expenditure, general itineration 1936-37 not reported then

.Nipani: Dr. Updegraff 334 8 0For itineration 1937-38 :

Islampur: Mrs. Simpson 400 0 0Kolhapur: 269 5 9Miraj: Dr. Richardson 150 0 0

Miss Freeman 200 0 0


Ratnagiri: Mr. Satralkar and Mr. LyonSangli: Miss Enright

Dr. J. L. Goheen Vengurla: Mr. LyonNipani: Miss Strobridge

For special projects:Nipani: Church project

Elders’ class Bible Institute

Sangli: Leaders’ classNipani: for evangelist (for 6 months)

For equipment:Kolhapur: Bus for Miss SeilerM iraj: Bicycle for Dr. Richardson for

evangelistTowards Motor car for Miss Freeman

Sangli: Bicycle for worker ...Vengurla: Caravan trailer for Mr. Lyon

Bicycle for pastor of the church to enable him to take part in village evangelistic work

For Mass Movement literature

Rs. A. P

180 0 0n o 0 0450 O 0200 O 0150 0 0

40 O 05° 0 0

100 0 075 0 0

210 0 0

600 0 0

45 0 0600 0 0

35 0 0400 0 0

40 0 0100 0 0

Total 4,962 7 6

37323. That F.M. 23 1 be suspended so that the fees of Christians and1 depressed class day pupils in the K.C.M.S. may be remitted through the 4 th vernacular standard at the discretion of the Principal of the K.C.M.S. until next Annual Meeting.

37324. In reply to a petition from several hundred village Christians from various districts in our Mission area that they re­ceive more help for their children’s education, we reply: that we have chosen a scholarship committee in our Mission which is to choose worthy pupils from 4 th vernacular standard for scholar­ships for further education and that the Principals of our High Schools state that any worthy child approaching them with a re­quest for scholarship for education in our High Schools will get a sympathetic hearing.

37325. That Rs. 400 be granted to the K.C.M.S. out of funds estimated for scholarships for students at the United Theo­logical Seminary at Poona (Executive Committee 37139) because of the fact that only 2 students of the three estimated' for, took advantage of this scholarship.

That the new Executive Committee be requested to finance the K.C.M.S. for the remaining months of this fiscal year, in case of necessity.

The report of the Guidance Committee was adopted as follows:—

37326. That record be made with pleasure that Dr. Stuart Fulton and Mrs. Fulton who came to the Mission in Feb. 1937 have passed thgir first year language examination after eight months of study, they having done very well in the same.

37327. That Dr. and Mrs. Fulton be asked to continue their language studies and attend the language school for the sea­son at Mahableshwar.

37328. That in view of the expected arrival of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Graham, who are to be located in Kolhapur, Mr, Strahler be appointed their language advisor for the first year and1 that they be asked to attend the language school at Mahableshwar for the season.

37329. That with reference to action 36422, the reply of the Language School Board is as follows:—

1. The Board instructs the convener to write the Secretary of the above Mission asking whether it would meet their need if the Language School allowed candidates for the third examination to offer a book along their own special lines to be taken under the heading, Rapid Reading, in place of the books prescribed in the Language School Syllabus.

2. With regard to section 36424, the Board will be glad to allow the examination to be taken in sections, provided that:

a. The examination be divided into two parts only, namely Part I, consisting of Sections I and III of the Syllabus, which may be called the oral part and Part II, consisting of Section II and IV, which may be called the written part.

b. The oral part to be passed before the written part is taken.

c. Not more than nine months elapse between the tak­ing of the two parts.

The Committee recommends that we accept the above sug­gestion as meeting the desires of the Mission satisfactorily.

37330. The Committee would like to call the attention of missionaries to a list of books on Indian thought and culture gotten out by the Language Advisory Committee of the Punjab Mission, which list is available to members of the Mission.

37 33 1. That we urge members of the Mission to take, if at all possible, the third language examination.

TH E HISTORIAN37332. The historian of the Mission, Mrs. W. H. Lyon,

gave a brief oral report. After expressing appreciation for all that Dr. A. L. Wiley, the former historian of the Mission has


done the following action was taken: That we request Dr. A. L. Wiley to publish, if possible, a history of the Western India Mission.

M ISCELLANEO US37333 - The actions of the Central Committee were approved.37334. That Rev. W. H. Lyon be granted a vote in the

Executive Committee representing Vengurla Station in the ab­sence of Dr. R. H. H. Goheen.

37335- A Nominating Committee composed of Mrs. Goheen, chr., Miss Meuttmann, Mr. Strahler, Mrs. Lyon, and Dr. Richardson was appointed by the President to bring in nomina­tions for the elections which were later conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on reorganization, Sections 47 and 48 of the F.M . being suspended. F.M . ^ 7 1 was also suspended to permit members of the Executive Committee to be eligible for membership on any rotary committee.

37336. Miss Enright’s affirmative vote was recorded on the following motion which was lost: That beginning with Dec. 1,1:937, all connection between our Mission and the Dnyanodaya shall be severed.

37337 ' That the Physician in charge of Miraj Hospital be instructed to carry out the suggestions in M.M. 3602: 1, 2 & 5 e (See also m.m. 3639) as soon as possible in accordance with the constitution and rules of Miraj Hospital and Medical School.

37338. That the Auditing Committee of the Mission be instructed to arrange for the audit of the books of Miraj Hospital and Medical School with as little expense to Miraj as possible.

37339- That a request for a grant of funds from the Miraj Bungalow Fund for Miss Meuttmann’s bungalow and the question of the bringing back of the Wanless Tuberculosis Sanatorium under the Mission be referred to the new Executive Committee.

37340. Permission was granted to Miss B. H. Freeman to employ the following wives of agents as Bible women in Miraj:

Namratabai P. Mohite Dayabai S. Tuplelu

3734 1. That since the Auditing Committee’s report has shown a large balance in Rent Receipts and since the new amend­ments to the Board Manual reached the field after actions 37120, 37 12 3 and 37 139 were taken that Mission Rule ^280 be sus­pended to permit of these charges being met out of Rent Receipts.

37342. That it be recorded' that it is the practice of this Mission to require a 2/3 vote either when placing items on the Preferred List of New Property or when arranging or rearrang­


ing those items: but that Executive Committee action 37107 be considered in order on a suspension of the rules, since the action has already gone to the Board.

37343 ' That the item “ Islampur Dispensary” be deleted from the order of preference for new property (see 37 17 5 and 3755 )-

37344. If on investigation it is found that there is a suffi­cient balance in Miss Strobridge’s language study account, that she be granted Rs. 50 for language study.

37345* That the request of Dr. Frank for funds for the third story on Mofatlal Block and the question of funds for scholarships for theological education 1938-39 be referred to the new Executive Committee.

37346. That the matter of effecting economies in the print­ing of the Minutes be referred to a committee consisting of Miss Deen and Mr. H. K . Wright with authority to act.

37347. That Messrs. Lyon and Strahler, the Mission mem­bers on the India Council, be a committee to make the study as requested in I.C. 36167, they to formulate a report to be con­sidered by the I.C.

37348. That a Mission News Sheet be published during the year, the editor to be Miss Schafer.

37349. That with reference to the statement of Miss C. G. Deen of her intention to sever her relations with the Board and the Mission, record be made that it is the understanding of the Mission that this will be as from June 1, 1937.

PETITIO NS3735°. That with regard to the request of Tanibai Nemaji

Dhanawade for either work or a pension we reply that we regret that neither work nor pension can be granted.

3735 1. The request of Dinkar S. Kale for a teaching post in order to help him through college was referred to Mr. M. W. Strahler.

37352. That the request of Keshav Babaji Kale for post of teacher be referred to Kodoli Station; also the request of the Christian Community of Yelur regarding same.

37353. With regard to the request of Shau H. Malekar and his wife Rambhabai for re-employment we reply that we re­gret that no employment is desirable now. We would remind him that he has been given many chances and failed to make good.

37354. That the request of Rao Babaji Kamble for help in building his house be referred to the Kolhapur District Committee.


37355* In reply to the letter of R. M. Chopade, Pleader,Karad, in which he has made a number of suggestions and re­quests regarding -co-operation we state that the Mission has sym­pathy with many of his requests and hopes for hearty co-operation in the spirit of the master on the part of all.

37356. That the request of Tukaram Raoji Gaikwad for a loan be referred to Kodoli Station.

37357* With regard to the requests of N. R. Kambale andB. P. Gorde, Miraj that their names be included in the Senatusof the Miraj Medical School we reply: that the requests weresympathetically considered but found impracticable to grant.

37358. That the request of Abaji Krishnaji Kamble for an increase in pay be referred to Islampur Station.

37359. That the request of Nemaji Appaji Avale, Govern­ment servant, Panhala, that his children’s fees in the K.C.M.S. be remitted, be referred to the K.C.M.S. and his request regard­ing room rent be referred to the Property Committee.

37360. With regard to the request of Banubai Balu Maha- pure, Kodoli we recommend that her deaf and dumb daughter, having had some special education in English be considered for the E.P.S., and that the son be referred to the Kodoli Church Session.

3736 1. That the request of Dadu Kushappa Samudre of Borpale, Kodoli District, concerning the sale of a small bit of land be referred to the Property Committee.

37362. That the request of Yakob Sambu Kurnekar o£ Masur for financial help be referred to Islampur Station.

37363. A petition dealing with subjects (1) better educa­tional facilities for the children and young people of the rural Christian community; (2) the restoration to Mission agents and workers of the cut; (3) and the arrangement for having two non- English speaking Indian delegates on Departmental Committees was received. This petition is signed by numerous individuals from several Deccan Stations and four names are presented as. those of delegates to appear before the Mission, if necessary, as follows: Sughandrao Panhalkar, Jivanrao Tivade, DavidraoWaghmare, and Rev. Subhanrao Kale. The Committee recom­mends that the Secretaries of the several stations concerned be authorised to explain sympathetically to these or other suitable representatives the action regarding the Central Scholarship Fundr also the fact that as funds become available for that purpose the Mission hopes to restore the cut: and that it is not practicable to arrange for non-English speaking Indian delegates to become members of the departmental committees (see 37324).


PRO PERTY COMMITTEEThe report of the Property Committee was amended and

adopted as follows:—37364. The following amounts were sanctioned as the pro­

per rents to be charged for the bungalows at the Hill Stations. These rents may be changed according to greater or less demand:

At Kodai\anal:1. May Villa—Rs. 250 for 2 months, Rs. 400 for 6 months.2. Winsford East—Rs. 250 for 2 months, Rs. 400 for 6

months.3. Winsford West—Rs. 300 for 2 months, Rs. 500 for 6

months.4. Winsford Annex—Rs. 200 for 2 months, Rs. 300 for 6


At Mahableshwar:5. Mt. Douglas, Room No. 4 North, Rs. 50 per mensem.6. „ North Dining Room and Kitchen, Rs. 75

per mensem.7. Mt. Douglas, Chappar No. 2 South of bungalow, Rs. 50

per mensem.

At Panhala:8. Faith Cottage—Rs. 75 per mensem.9. Belfry Cottage and servants’ rooms, as set by curator, the

bungalow and rooms at Panhala to be rented only ifnot needed for institutes.

37365. Permission was granted to Kodoli Station to sub­let a piece of land at Kuralaph near Aiyatawadi at an increase of 300% over what the Mission is paying (Re. I, Mission paying 0-4-0).

37366. Rs. 50 was granted to Kodoli to finish tiling the Kindergarten floor.

37367. Pending the sale of property at Malkapur permis­sion was granted to let it for one year to Dnyanu Mahar at Jelovanakar for Rs. 5, the contract to indicate that the renter must surrender it at any time, that it may be sold.

37368. Permission was granted to Mr. Howard to seek sanction from Kodoli Municipality to build a rahat on a well near fence of Mission property and draw water for drinking purposes.

37369. In answer to request of the Board, revised lists of property of all stations were sent to the Board.

37370. That the request of Ratnagiri Station for the ad­vance of an amount (up to Rs. 100) from the repair fund for building a wall between the Pali bungalow and the master’s house be granted, the Board to be requested for this amount from the proceeds of the bungalow, to reimburse the Repair Fund.


3 737 1. Miraj Station was granted the balance (Rs. 280-8) in the sanitary equipment for the completion of work in Rose- mont bungalow.

37372. As an emergency measure, a grant up to Rs. 150 was made from the Repair Fund for urgent repairs in Miraj No. 1 and No. 2 bungalows especially for restoring ceilings eaten away by white-ants, this not be to considered a precedent.

37373 - reply to a request from Vengurla for Rs. 500for fitting the two camp bungalows for electric lights, the sum of Rs. 250 was granted.

37374 - Rs- 2 5 ° was granted to Sangli Station also for a similar purpose for bungalows 1 and 3.

37375 - In reply to a request of Nipani Station for Rs. 500for plastering Gram Sevak Shala, the sum of Rs. 50 was grantedfor making the walls smooth with two or three coats of Sundila.

37376. The request of Vengurla Station to use Rs. 100, granted for hand-pump on March 3rd, 1936, for purchase of •electric motor, was granted.

37377. This Committee recommends that the rent of Kol­hapur No. 3 bungalow be increased to Rs. 35 per mensem.

37378. With regard to Executive Committee action 3789 it was decided that the Treasurer collect all receipts for payment of taxes and keep them in a separate file.

37379 - answer to Board’s Letter regarding Property sales the following buildings are proposed for sale at the prices indicated:

Panhala— Faith Cottage, Rs 5,000, Church Property, Panhala, Rs. 3,000.

Kolhapur— Aditwar School, Rs. 3,000, Shukrawar School, Rs. 8,000.

Mahableshwar— vacant land, Rs. 200.Kodoli— Schauffler House, Rs. 12,000.

That the Chairman consult the stations concerned and seek their opinion concerning prices.

37380. That Sangli Station be requested to give their Deisal engine to Kodoli Station for their well work and the Rs. 400 be granted to Sangli for the purchase o f electric motor and equip­ment for their well work.

37381 The Committee does not recommend building any more wall at the Kodoli well.

37382. The following grants were made for non-recurring items for the coming year:

For Vengurla:For cleaning well—Rs. 50.For screening back verandah No. 3 bungalow—Rs. 50.


For caves’ gutters at No. 2 bungalow—Rs. 40.For completion of electric wiring for second camp bunga­

low—Rs. 250.

37383. According to action 32170 the items of estimated charges are deleted from Dr. Napp’s accounts ¡and he is requested to enter the actual charges in the 1937-38 accounts after the money has been expended.

37384. That Mr. Conser’s accounts be returned to him to be made out according to Mission rules.

37385. The accounts for the several stations have beenaudited for the year 1936-37. The totals will be found in Audit­ing Committee tables and the details in Property Committee records.

Rs. a . p .Total of repairs expenditures 1936-37 ... 6,761 n 8Balance repair fund Mar. 31, 1937 ... 607 0 1

Total ... 7,368 11 9


Sales Repairs Attendants TaxesRs. a. p. Rs. a . p. Rs. A. p.

Balance on hand 9 0 0 1,392 o o Appr. 979 o o Appr.April 1936, Repair 48 o 0 Receipts

Fund 92 11 9 101 4 o From 764 2 5 FromAppropriations 5,946 0 0 rent rentSpecial 1,321 o 0

Total 7,368 11 9 1,541 4 o 1,743 2 5


Rs. A. p. Rs. A. P.April 1, 1936, Balance 3,108 8 7Receipts 1936-37 1,919 14 oPaid to attendants 101 4 0Paid to taxes 764 2 5Balance, March 1937 4,163 o 2

Total 5,028 6 7 5,028 6 7

37386. That Miraj Hospital be requested to send in account of the Rs. 272 balance of emergency fund of Rs. 600 grantedfor special repairs on Miraj Hospital.

37387. The repairs account from Kolhapur on accountof damage done by storm was received, audited and approved

and the Treasurer was instructed to send to Dr. Napp the balance of the amount spent, namely Rs. 298 (total Rs. 748-11-0).

37388. Mr. Howard was appointed to supervise the repair work at Islampur. The employment of the new gardener, Ackaram at Islampur was confirmed.

37389. The Property Committee calls the attention of the Mission to Mission action No. 36500 and it should be understood that only repairs sanctioned by the Property Committee should be carried out. If other repairs are needed the Property Com­mittee should be consulted before work is commenced. No funds- whatsoever are to be used for repairs without sanction of the Pro­perty Committee being first obtained. Compound receipts and receipts from rent may not be used for repairs without previous sanction of the Property Committee.

37390. Kolhapur Station should submit plans showing location of fuel room for teachers of the E.P.S. The question of screening verandah of Kindergarten building of Kolhapur and also the question of sanitary arrangement for the Kindergarten are referred to the Administrative Committee of the E.P.S.

3739 1. Acdon regarding the cook room at the Mary Wianless Hospital was postponed until Mission meeting.

37392. Several items from Miraj Hospital were referred back for revision. Specifications for charges in Compounders’ dining-room not being clear, the Property Committee would sug­gest to the Senatus Committee that when these specifications are made satisfactory, the Property Committee would approve the alterations.

37393* The Committee would point out to the Senatus the necessity of keeping the bungalows in good repair, Mission rule being that Rs. 40 is to be provided for each bungalow.

37394. Permission was granted to the Curator of Kodai- kanal to close a doorway on the East side, main dining-room, Winsford, in order to make a China cupboard.

37395* Consideration of request of Mr. Urunkar to buy a piece of land on the Islampur Mission compound was postponed until further information is obtained.

37396. Permission was given to Gozrabai and also to Sugundrao Battelelu to rent rooms on the Islampur Mission com­pound until Oct. 3 1 , 1937.

37397* On motion to recommend to Mission to substitute “ Steriliser, Vengurla Hospital” for “ Vengurla Hostel” on the order of preference of New Property which was lost, the affirmative vote of Mr. Howard was recorded.

37398. It was recommended that the item “ Steriliser, Ven­gurla Hospital” be placed at the bottom of the order of Preference of New Property.



37399* ^ was voted that the Rev. V. A. Satralkar shouldpay Rs. 2 monthly for rent of house on Mission compound, Ratnagiri.

37400. After examination of property in all stations of the Mission the following estimates for repairs at all stations were approved as follows:—

IslampurKodoliKolhapurMirajNipaniRatnagiriSangliVengurlaMahableshwarPanhala RepairsKodaikanal Repairs


Recurring non-recurring TotalRs. A. p. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P.

r35 0 0 I35 0 0870 0 0 870 0 0675 0 0 748 0 0 M 23 0 0249 0 0 200 0 0 449 0 0600 0 0 600 0 0400 0 0 400 0 0

1,649 0 0 1,649 0 01,260 13 6 1,260 13 6

300 0 0 300 0 0200 0 0600 0 0

Islampur 120 0 0Kodoli 60 0 0Ratnagiri 96 0 0Pali 0 0Miraj 77 0 0¿angli n o 0 0Vengurla, 2 mos. 20 0 0Water carrier 40 0 0Mahableshwar 192 0 0Panhala 204 0 0Kodaikanal 6.10 0 0

Total 1,644 0 0

Summary: Same as totals under stations except Kolha­pur, Rs. 1,473-11-0.

37401. Plan, location and esimates for a room in Mofatlal Block, Miraj to house the deep X-Ray Therapy plant were ap­proved.

37402. Approval of expenditure of the balance of Rs. 272 on Sanitary Equipment between Mofatlal and the Old Hospital Building; (this being the balance of the Rs. 600 granted the pre­vious year for sanitary equipment).

37403. In reference to request for sunshade on Mofatlal building, the Committee would suggest that very needy repairs and actions already passed, should be first carried out before other

improvements are made, e.g. dining-room for compounders, bath­room etc. for nurses.

37404. The Committee accepts the building of the lean- to on the site at the rear of the bungalow kitchen and store-room block at the Mary Wanless Hospital and would call the attention of those responsible for the building that the work has been done without the sanction of the Property Committee.

37405. With reference to request of Mr. Strahler for per­mission to complete work on floors of High School the Committee would refer Mr. Strahler to action 3533 1 and ask for report on the work done.

37406. That the Board be asked through the India Council for permission to transfer Rs. 212-5-0 from Class IV, Bryn Mawr bungalow funds to Class V, repairs, to be used for repairs on the Bryn Mawr bungalow since the money was given for that bunga­low only.

37407. That the following item be added to the order of preference of New Property:

Addition to Christian School Building, Miraj, Rs. 3,500.Raised on the field, Rs. 1,000. Asked, Rs. 2,500.

37408. In reference to I.C. actions 36189, 36190 and 36 19 1 concerning property titles, the Committee would report that this work is being done and would call attention to action 37379 of 1937 minutes of Property Committee.

37409. In reply to a request of Sugundrao Panhalkar for purchase of land at Panhala, Messrs. Howard and Strahler were appointed a committee to investigate and report to the New Pro­perty Gomnlittee.

37410 . It was decided that the rent of room No. 4, Mt. Douglas bungalow, should be Re. 1 daily for one person or Rs. 25 monthly each for two persons.

3 7 4 11 . Messrs. Strahler and Kincaid were appointed a sub­committee to investigate means for obtaining water on Kolhapur compound1 No. 1.

37412 . That Laxmanrao Sakarpe be informed that he must vacate at once the Mission house that he now occupies.

374 13 . That permission be given to Curator of Kodaikanal property to rent bungalow accommodation to the following per­sons: Dr. Carmen, Dr. New-Baggin, Rev. J. F. Minnis, Rev.A. Cornelius.

37414 . Permission was given to Kodoli Station to build a water-tank 6' x 6' x 8' on the South West corner of main school building for irrigation work, cost to be not more than Rs. 93 and that an extra grant of Rs. 50 from Repair Funds be made to help meet this item.


PRO VIDENT FU ND COMMITTEE37415. The Provident Fund Committee reported that the

only business it had to conduct during the year was requests for loans. Rs. 1 ,3 19 were lent to 19 contributors to the Provident Fund.


37416. The Publishing Committee reports the following publications during the year:—

Published byThe Secret of Adoration— Andrew Murray

A book of devotion, Re. 0-1-6 per copy. Mr. H. G. HowardThe New Light by King and Ryburn— Mr. H. K. Wright

A religious education book for district workers or teachers with suggestions for appropriate Bible stories growing out of the needs of particular situations arising in the village—Re. 0-12-0 per copy of the Nava Shikshak

An order of Worship for village workers— Dr. UpdegraffA phamphlet—Re. 1-6-0 per 50 copies.

Amtse Patre— Dr. UpdegraffLife of Satoba Ranabhise—Pamphlet Mr. Lyon.

News and Views— Issues—Sangli Industrial and Agricultural School. This is the 5th year for this publication—Price Re. 0-10-0 per year. Western India Notes—Issues Gospel of Luke with

questions— Dr. Wiley for Women’s Committee.B.R.C.C.— Evangelistic



37417. The reports of the Special Committees appointed to examine the Minutes of all stations approving same were adopted.

37418. The Annual Narrative reports of all stations were approved.

37419. The reports of the Special Committees appointed to examine the records of the Executive and Property Committees, approving same, were adopted.

37420. Personal labour reports were received from the following:—

Oral: Miss G. L. Enright, Rev. H. G. Howard andMiss B. H. Freeman.

37421. Reports of representatives of the Mission and re­ports of committees were received and approved as follows:—


The Bombay Representative ChristianCouncil • Miss B. H. FreemanThe Kathryn Stewart Scholarship Fund 'Miss Grace Deen Bible Institute Rev. H. G. HowardWestern India Notes Rev. W . H. LyonGoverning Board of the Wanless Tuber­

culosis Sanatorium Rev. M. W . Strahler

37422. The Principal of the Esther Patton School was given permission to draw on the appropriations of the K.S.S.F. for nextyear up to the amount to meet the obligations of the three studentsnow on the fund.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATIO N37423. The Committee on Religious Education recom­

mended that in connection with refresher courses there be provision made for classes in definite guidance in giving religious education, for all who are to teach Religious Education classes.

RESOLUTIONSThe report of the Committee on resolutions was adopted as

follows:— ..37424. That we express our keen sense of appreciation of

Dr. JD. A. McGavran’s services to our Mission in the vision he has given us, the new desires he has created, the old enthusiasms he has revised, and the renewed will and heightened hope with which we face the question of Mass Movements in Western India.

37425. That we again record our deep affection and ad­miration for Dr. Robert E. Speer who has spent many years of his life in service for India. We withhold ourselves from expressions of regret at his retirement because of our thankfulness for all he has meant to us as our adviser, inspiring example and friend, and because of our genuine pleasure in the thought that he may now, with Mrs. Speer enjoy the rest and leisure they have so richly earned. We pray for God’s bountiful blessings upon them both in their beautiful home in Lakeville.

37426. That we extend to John Weir our joy and gratitude for the spirit of friendly co-operation which he has brought into our midst. We pray that the Lord may bless him in his work.

37427. The Mission learns with deep regret that it must now, at length, come to the parting of the ways with a very favorite daughter, Miss Clara Grace Deen.

Coming to India in 1926, Miss Deen speedily demonstrated her determination to make herself mistress of the language *of our area, and proceded to pass with honours, the increasingly difficult examinations. For the last year or two she has been Marathi examiner for the second year candidates.


The most of her service with us has been in connection with the Esther Patton School in Kolhapur, and here she has evidently won the hearts of both staff and students. Her efficiency was enhanced by her study at New York University during her fur­lough in 1932, where she secured her Master’s degree in Psychology and Pedagogy.

Possessed of a keen mind and the ability of an executive, she has long been a member of the Executive Committee and has the past year been an unusually acceptable Secretary to the Mission.

In her work she has been an enthusiast on Indianization as her associates would gladly testify. Her home has also been home to many a student and teacher, and her sympathies have known few barriers or prejudices. The Esther Patton School has pros­pered under her hand.

Only with sadness and reluctance can we bring ourselves to say farewell and God-speed to our beloved co-worker, praying that our Father’s benediction may rest upon her and hers in her future career.

37428. That the Secretary of the Mission be instructed to send special greetings to our former associates who have retired and are now living in America or England.

37429. That the Secretary of the Mission be instructed to send a letter of thanks to His Highness the Maharajah of Kolha­pur State, for his kindness in granting us the use of the State Bungalow at Panhala for the time of our Annual Meeting.

37430. That the Mission extend their gratitude and ap­preciation in a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Simpson for her graciousness in providing for the needs of our Mission family during this Annual Meeting.


37431. The report of the Mission’s statistician was read and approved. See the Appendix for the detailed summary.

37432. It was decided that Mission figures be used for church statistics rather than those handed in by churches.

37433 - That we request the Church Council Treasurer to supply the information required regarding the finances of organized churches, and to forward it to the Secretary of the India Council before Dec. i , 1937. (See I.C. action 36219).

37434. With reference to I.C. action 36187 that we re­quest the Church Council statistician to supply the information required regarding baptized non-communicants and to forward it to the Secretary of the India Council before Dec. 1,19 37 .

1 9 3 7 ^ RESOLUTIONS 7 1



The Dnyanodaya. *37435. The Mission’s representative on the Board of the

Dnyanodaya reported as follows:—1. The Rev. N. Kellock, M.A., served very acceptably as

the English Editor in the absence of the Rev. J. F . Edwards who has now returned to India and is acting as editor of both the English and the Marathi sections of the paper.

2. To the regret of the Governing Board, Mr. D. N. Tilak has severed his connection with the paper. We wish him all suc­cess with ’ ‘ Christian Citizen.” Mr. Tilak’s'

meeting of the Board of the Dnyanodaya this month.3. We recommend that the Mission continue its hearty

support of this influential, 95-year old newspaper in its work of presenting current topics in a helpful manner and that we assure the editor of our appreciation of its finely Christian testimony to the truth.

Kodaikanal School.37436. The Kodaikanal School Committee reported as fol­

lows :—1. The school is in a prosperous condition, Mrs. Powell

having successfully carried on during the absence of Mr. Phelps, the Principal.

2. A chapel in memory of Mrs. Eddy who is regarded as the virtual founder of the school is proposed, in order to provide a suitable place of worship for the school, which the school urgently needs. We recommend that the Mission as well as the mission­aries make a generous contribution for this chapel and request the Board to sanction the use of Rs. 500 from the Kennedy Funds for this purpose.

3. The adjoining property “ Solvik” having been offered for sale the alternative was offered us of buying or of permitting it to go upon the open market. The Executive Council therefore has made an offer and will probably be the purchaser at a price of approximately Rs. 12,000. We recommend that the Board be requested to sanction whatever sum may be our proportionate share out of the Kennedy Funds.

Union Theological College, Poona.37437. The Mission’s representative on the Union Theo­

logical College, Poona, reported as follows:—1. For the year following the completion of the studies

of the class of 1936, the Principal, Rev. J. F. Edwards was ab­

successor presumably be elected at the

sent on leave, returning in June 1937 for the starting of a new class. This has been begun, with some very excellent material, and this Mission has sent two students, Mr. Bhaskar I. Gaikwad and Mr. Dattu K. Dhale. A third student was also sent, pri­vately supported.

2. For the year of the Principal’s absence the usual work of the College was suspended and there were held two special classes or Institutes for different grades of evangelistic workers. These were held for terms of 6 weeks each.

3. It has been found that the physical equipment of the college, both for staff and for students, is far from satisfactory or adequate, and the Governing Board would earnesdy request that the co-operating Missions maintain an open as well as a sympathetic mind with regard to improvements which will be absolutely requisite if the institution is to become as we hope i r will become, the school of the prophets from which most of the pastors of Western India are to come. We are grateful for the sympathy and help of the Mission in the case of the married students’ quarters, and trust that the request made for money from the Centennial Fund may be granted.

Union Training College, Ahmednagar.37438. The Mission’s representative on the Governing

Board of the Union Training College reported as follows:—It was noted that since Rev. H. K . Wright became Principal

in June 1925 the institution has grown from a training school, teaching up through the vernacular final standard into a first class Training College giving first, second and third year training.

The staff has been greatly strengthened, the financial condi­tion of the College is very sound, and the management is carried on efficiently. A substantial reserve fund has been built up through the years.

The enrollment of students is the largest it has ever been.The results in examinations are outstandingly good. Twenty

four of the twenty-five students who took the examination for third year training passed this year, the second year since this class has been started.

The Board of Governors, after careful discussion, took action permitting the Principal to make attendance upon religious wor­ship optional.

It is noteworthy that the Principal of the College is doing a most useful work of publishing, in the Nava Shikshak, of books of abiding value such as ‘ 'The New Light,” and “ How to Teach Religion in Mission Schools.”

An agreement has been drawn up this year between the Board of Governors of the Training College and the American Marathi Mission on the use of the property occupied by the College and

1 9 3 7 1 INSTITUTIONS 73-

owned by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.

W OMEN’S W ORKThe report of the Committee on Women’s Work was adopted

as follows:—37439. The number of students studying Bible Courses the

past year is as follows:—Men 209, Women 645. Number examined: Men 43,

Women 172. Number successful in examinations: Men 23, Women 168.

37440. It was decided that Rs. 192-3 balance in publish­ing account of the Women’s Committee be allowed to remain with the Committee as a sinking fund for future publishing of Bible Courses.

37441. For the members on the Women’s Committee see the list of committees in the front of the book.

T H E CLO SING SESSION37442. The closing session was held Wednesday Nov. 3,

1937 at 4-30 p.m., the President, the Rev. H. K . Wright being in the chair.

37443. The minutes were read, corrected and approved. The roll was called. The President offered the closing prayer and formally declared the Sixty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Western India Mission adjourned.

President; ... Rev. H. K . W rig h t.

Secretary; ... C. G race D e en .





Miraj Mission Hospital and Medical School.

The names of the institutions shall be the Presbyterian Mis­sion Hospital, Miraj, and the Miraj Chrisdan Medical School.

Their objects shall be:—(a) To maintain an atmosphere conducive to the develop­

ment of Christian character.(b) To impart a thorough knowledge of medical science.(c) To offer sympathetic training in the practice of the

medical sciences.(d) To encourage the graduates to labour as medical evan­

gelists in the villages.(e) To build up a faculty and staff of Indian members

who will eventually take over the School and Hospital.(f) To offer facilities for investigative work.(g) To provide the latest and best care and treatment pos­

sible for the sick of all classes and conditions.(h) To spread the Kingdom of God throughout India.

They shall be under the Governing Board which shall:—(a) Appoint annually the heads of departments and when

necessary dismiss them: these appointments and dis­missals ordinarily to be on the recommendation of the Senatus.

(b) Approve a budget annually of the accounts of the Schooland Hospital.

(c) Appoint a Secretary from among its members who shallkeep records of its actions and report the same to the Western India Mission through its Medical Committee.

(d) Have control of the properties which may be placed atthe disposal of the School and Hospital by the Wes­tern India Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. subject to the rules agreed upon by the Mis­sion.

(c) Exercise a general control over the policies of the Insti­tutions."

(f) Create, amalgamate or abolish departments in the Schoolupon the recommendation of the Senatus.

(g) Hold the Annual Meeting within 2 weeks of the closeof the scholastic year, the exact date to be set by the Senatus. Extra meetings shall be called by its Chair­man at the request of 3 of its members.

4. The appointees for posts of Physician in charge and Princi­pal may be proposed to the Nominating Committee of the Mission by the Medical Committee.

5. The Governing Board shall consist of 9 voting members, toinclude chiefly members from outside the Miraj area, elected as follows:—

1 Physician in charge.1 Principal.1 Elected by the Senatus.1 „ „ Mission (not to be an employee of

Miraj).1 „ „ Standing Committee of the Miraj

Church (not to be an employee of Miraj Hospital).

4 „ „ Medical Committee.Of the 4 elected by the Medical Committee, one should be

the Secretary of the Christian Medical Association; one a nurse; one a doctor at large; and one a representative of a neighbouring Mission.

All shall hold office for one year only. The Chairman shall be designated by the Mission.

The Governing Board shall report annually to the Medical Committee.

6. The Senatus shall consist of the Physician in charge, thePrincipal, and the heads of the following departments:—

1. Premedical Sciences. n . Hygiene and Public Health.2. Anatomy, Embryology. 12. Roentgenology and Roentgen3. Physiology and Biochemistry. and Physiotherapy.4. Materia Medica, Pharmacology 13. Malignancy and Radiotherape-

and Therapeutics. utics.5. Bible and Church History. 14. Tuberculosis.6. General and Clinical Surgery. 15. Medical Jurisprudence and7. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Texicology.8. General Medicines including 16. Ophthalmology and Otolaryn-

Pediatrics. gology.9. Tropical Medicine. 17. Superintendent of Nursing.

10. Bacteriology and Pathology.


19 3 7 I ap p en d ix i 7 7

These departments may be changed from time to time at the suggestion of the Senatus by the Board of Governors as occasion necessitates.

7. The Senatus shall be the ruling body of the combined insti­tutions and shall be subject only to the Governing Board. The Physician in charge, the Principal and other officers

of the Senatus shall exercise their respective powers by virtue of and in accordance with the authority vested in them by the Senatus, unless specifically otherwise stated in this constitution.

The Senatus may therefore over-rule any action of its mem­bers or Officers subject to the policies laid down by the Governing Board and the articles of this constitution.

8. (a) The Senatus shall meet periodically at such times as itshall determine, and in addition extra meetings may be called at the request of 5 of its members.

(b) The Senatus shall elect a Secretary and such otherofficers as it may see fit.

(c) Meetings shall be subject to parliamentary rules and pro­cedure and complete record shall be kept of all actions and decisions. The Minutes of its meetings shall be subject to review by the Governing Board.

9. The office of the Physician in charge and Principal shallnot be held by the same person except by vote of the Mis­sion.

10. The Physician in charge:—(a) Shall be the official head of the Hospital.(b) His duties shall be those of general administrator.(c) He shall have general charge of finance, the menial

staff and the maintenance of the plant.(d) He shall arrange the salaries of those in the departments

directly under him, that is those not appointed by the Governing Board, the Senatus or the Nursing De­partment.

(e) He shall prepare an annual report for the Board ofGovernors.

(f) He shall be responsible for the repairs and erection ofnew buildings, subject to the approval of the Property Committee, but these can be done only with the con­sent of the Senatus, when total cost exceeds Rs. 100.

(g) He shall be responsible for the Out-stations, subject tothe decisions of the Senatus.

(h) He shall, at each regular meeting, make a report to theSenatus of the state of finances of the institution.

. Duties of the Senatus.(a) To govern the Hospital and Medical School, subject to

the policies laid down by the Board of Governors and the rules of the W.I.M.

(b) To divide and distribute the work among the membersof the teaching and professional staff.

(c) To appoint and dismiss the members of the teachingand professional staff other than the members of the Senatus.

(d) To apportion the public ward beds in the hospitaLamong the clinical departments.

(e) To make all necessary rules, schedules and regulationsfor the internal management of the School and Hos­pital, including the admission, discipline, expulsion and graduation of the students, the discipline or dis­missal of all who are classed as Mission Agents on the pay-roll of the Hospital, School or Out-stations.

(f) To recommend to the Registrar changes in the scaleof pay of the staff, including both medical and non­medical. (Nursing and Medical Staff exempted).

(g) To recommend annually, and whenever otherwise neces­sary, the names for appointments to the offices and heads of departments enumerated in paragraph 6.

(h) To recommend to the Board of Governors an annualbudget for each of the institutions; this is to include amounts necessary for management, equipment and development of each department.

(i) During the absence of the Principal, the Senatus mayelect a temporary Chairman.

(j) On matters pertaining to hospital business only, the Senatus may meet as a hospital staff, under the Chair­manship of the Physician in charge. Such meetingsneed be attended only by those who have work inthe hospital.

(k) A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.

Hospital staff meetings should be held under the direction of the Physician in charge for dealing with professional

questions only.

The Principal:—(a) He shall be the head of the Medical School.(b) He shall represent the faculty on all student councils

and organizations.(c) He shall be responsible for the religious life of the



(d) He shall represent the School in its relations with theGovernment.

(e) In accordance with the decisions of the Senatus, heshall admit, discipline, expell, or certify the students for the licentiate examination.

(f) He shall prepare an annual report of the School for theBoard of Governors.

(g) He shall be the Chairman of the Senatus except whenit meets as a Hospital staff.

(h) He shall be responsible for the development of theMedical School and the co-operation between the several departments.

(i) He shall have charge of the Medical School finances andmenial staff, subject to the approval of the Senatus.

14. Nursing Department:There shall be a superintendent of the graduate nursing

staff, and a superintendent of the nursing school, both to be elected by the Medical Committee. These and any assistant superintendents also shall be assigned to other specific duties. Those appointed to the posts designated above shall form an Executive Com­mittee which shall meet once a week to correlate the work. Of those present the senior in service shall preside. This Executive Committee shall deal with the appointment and discipline of all nurses. There shall also be a monthly staff meeting composed of all superintending and staff nurses, teachers in the school and the Physician in charge. The presiding officer shall be the senior superintendending nurse present. The purpose of these meetings shall be to discuss professional problems in relation to bedside care, nursing procedure and hospital routine, as well as all educational problems concerning the school and matters of discipline referred to it. There shall be a secretary to keep the records of these staff meetings appointed by this body. An annual report shall be submitted by the Senior Superintending Nurse in residence to the Board of Governors mentioned above. Appeals from either body may be made to the Board of Governors.

15 . Members of the staff may hold appointments in more thanone department.

16. In order to provide adequate teaching materials all publicward patients in the hospital shall be directly under the control of the Senatus.

19371 a p p e n d ix i 791

17 . The duties of .the head of each department shall be:—(a) To organize the teaching staff of that department so

as to provide adequate instruction of the students in the subjects allotted by the Senatus to this department.

(b) In the departments of the clinical subjects, to be res­ponsible for the supervision of the hospital staff in the department and for the care of the public ward patients assigned to him.

(c) To train assistants who can take charge of the depart­ments when necessary.

18. The library of the School and Hospital shall be under thecontrol of the Senatus which shall appoint a Librarian.

19. Appeals from the decisions of the Senatus, the HospitalStaff and the Nursing Department may be made to the Board of Governors. Appeals from their decisions may be made to the Executive Committee of the Mission.

20. By-laws may be made by the Senatus, the Hospital staff andthe Nursing Department.

2.1. This constitution may be reviewed each year by the MedicalCommittee of the Mission which may recommend to the Mission such ¡alternatives as the year’s experience indicates as desirable.



TABLE I, Appropriation!, Receipts, and Expenditures 1936-37.

Regular Appr. Int. on Trust

Funds in Appr. Special Approp. Last year’s bal.

available Hark ness India Council .. Receipts

Total available ..

Audited charges.


Islampur Kodoli Kolhapur Miraj Nipani Ratna-giri San gli, . U Vengurla Gen.

Treas. Totals

Rs. a. P- Rs. a. P- Rs- a. P. Rs. a. P- Rs. a. P. Rs. a, P. Rs. a. P. Rs. a. P- Rs. a. P. Rs. a. P.

2 1 7 7 0 0 8 375 0 0 24092 0 0 4 2 33 0 0 35 6 3 0 0 7706 0 0 9149 0 0 5 2 2 1 0 0 21067 0 0 8 5 5 8 3 0 0

37 1 1 6 1 2 2 1 2 0 252 1 2 0 4 1 3 3 6400 2 0 3855 3 8 12 3 7 1 5 4 43 3 0 2685 0 0 8 2 2 1 8 0

538 0 7 32425 4 1 3982 1 8 36945 6 4400 0 0 336 1 3 9 1 1 6 9 9 8 6 9 479 1 5 3 520 4 0 330 0 0 20 0 0 2 2 1 2 1 6

400 0 0 400 0 o13 9 8 9 2 419 0 3 20274 10 911272841 14 7 1549 8 6 1246 1 4 1 1

l 6557 1 1 1 86755 7 0 t17 2 2 2 1 247949 14 3

2 7 16 8 9 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 4 5 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 6 7 9 1 5 0 1 6358 14 7 9432 14 2 16392 14 1 98973 8 8 2306 1 14 1 3 8 1 7 2 5 1 3

2845 12 9 1 1 6 7 5 7 6 4 5 7 2 1 15 7 1 6 7 9 1 5 0 1 7 5 4 1 0 0 9432 14 2 18069 15 2 99089 4 1 1 2 4 16 7 1 7 386458 7 9

129 4 0 443 1 1 9 !80 4 6 1 1 8 2 1 5 16 7 7 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 3 1 1 0 5 3 6 4 7 3 3 6 6

200 (of 400-0-0) 6 8 - 4 - 6 I C H S J 1 4 8 6 - 0 - 5 Sales 9 - 0 - 0

Mr. Canser 5 - 9 - 5 9 8 - 3 - 9 Repair fund 806-11-81 2 - 0 - 0 Miss Seiler Mr. Kincaid 92 -1 2 -1 1 Rent fund 858-6-5 80 - 4 - 6 I C H S Gr. M. S. '1677 - 1 - 1 Kol. 2nd 1 48-0-0

Church J1 1 7 2 2 -2 - 1

TABLE 2. V II, VIII. IX Expenditures by Station» 1936—37.

Class & Sources Islampur Kodoli Kolhapur Miraj Nipani Ratnagiri Sangli Vengurla Totals

Cl a s s V II RS. A. P. RS. A. P. Rs. A P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. p. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. RS. A. P. Rs. A P.Ordained Evnglst . . . * • « 624 0 0 247 1 ! 0 871 1 1 0Licentiates . • • • • • 1792 0 0 384 0 0 1105 14 0 3281 14 0Men Evangelists. 260 2 0 564 0 0 406 8 0 « • • 463 6 0 892 0 0 1026 0 0 3612 0 0Women E v n g ls t . ?91 0 0 486 0 0 420 0 0 865 8 0 192 0 0 360 0 0 773 14 0 192 0 0 3580 6 0Sunday School ... 41 8 3 • • • • • » . • • • • ♦ 41 8 3Itinerating 720 15 0 337 6 6 885 7 0 509 1 0 408 6 9 840 9 6 1306 9 3 550 9 6 5559 0 6Other Work 33 12 0 61 1 6 590 7 0 307 5 0 297 14 6 . . . 413 9 0 238 14 9 1942 15 9

Totals . 1305 13 0 1448 8 0 2926 6 0 3515 6 3 1745 1 1 3 2092 9 6 3847 9 3 2007 8 3 18889 7 6

CLASS V IIIBal. held over ... . . • 221 1 8 ... 221 1 8Boarding Schools 9Ó37 14 0 26261 5 0 3427 0 9 4732 13 5 11136 2 2 54595 4 4Day 1539 15 9 1185 5 6 3572 8 0 1884 1 6 1306 15 6 2286 1 1 3 3086 3 9 12432 10 6 27294 7 9Other Work 2602 7 0 466 4 6 320 12 0 3389 7 6Rents 3 12 0 36 0 0 . . . ... ... 32 8 0 72 4 0

Totals... 1539 15 9 10226 15 6 32657 5 8 1920 1 6 5200 4 9 7340 4 8 14222 5 1 1 12465 2 6 85572 8 3

Cl a s s IX 1Assistants 4322 8 6 56745 5 8 *595 0 0 15640 4 3 77303 2 5Medicines . •• 1715 13 ]0 28424 7 10 . • il’. 29831 10 7 59971 15 5Expenses • . • . 3982 7 3 46235 12 2 33334 5 3 83552 8 8Medical School . ... 11947 0 5 11947 0 5Cancer Fund ... 3679 5 0 3679 5 0Balance held over 117 7 2 15447 9 3 ... 5810 6 1 21375 6 6

Totals . . . . ‘ ... 10138 3 1 1 162479 8 4*595 0 0 ... . . . . . . 84616 10 2 257829 6 5

Grand Totals 2845 12 9 11675 7 6 45721 15 7 167915 0 17541 0 0 9432 14 2 18069 15 2 99089 4 1 1 362291 6 2* See Audit Committee report


TABLE 3. Expenditures« General

Class Islampur Kodali Kolha­pur Mi raj Nipani

C l a s s V. Repairs Taxes Attendants


































TotalC l a s s VI.

Mission Meeting PrintingStationery and Postage Medical Allowance Sanatorium Committees Transfers Treasuier's Office

... 546 12 0 1244 13 8 2142 12 1 363 0 10 250 14 ...

... 25 0 0 120 6 0 15 8 0 32 4 0 46 0 0
































TotalC l a s s VII.

Bombay Rep. Christian Council


... 289 5 0 406 4 9 596 9 0 342 7 6 522 13 0


TotalC l a s s VIII.

Kodaikanal School United Theological College Islampur Bible Institute Kathryn Stewart Schp. Fun Panhala Teachers Institute Educational Supervisor Union Training College for

Teachers New Teacher (Magazine) Rev. V. A. Satralkar


Total ...

Grand Total ...

1 187 less 32 refund from Vengurla.


Treasury, Classes V, VI, VII and VIII 1936-37

8 5

TABLE 4. Receipts and Contribution», Classes V, VII, VII, Ix. 1936—37

Class Islampur Kodoli Kolhapur Miraj Nipani Ratnagiri Sangli Vengurla Kodaikanal Niwar Panbala Totals

Class V Rs. a. D. Rs. a |P Rs. a. P- Rs. a. P- Rs. a. P- Rs] a. P. Rs a. P. Rs. a. P' Rs. p. Rs r\ P* Ks. a. D. Rs. H . p-Rents 14 8 0 144 12 0 1057 4 0 13 8 0 69 0 0 88 0 0 69 12 0 26 2 0 6 0 0 375 0 0 56 0 0 1919 14 0

Class V l lSales 0 8 9 . . . 267 0 0 112 14 0 27 6 9 160 9 6 29 13 6 598 4 6Contr, India 39 0 0 ... 31 0 3 876 0 0 153 10 6 255 8 0 r 1355 ? 9Contr. U S.A. . . . . . . 63 0 0 ... ... 210 0 0 1038 8 0 ... 1311 8 0

Total .. 39 8 9 63 0 0 298 0 3 988 14 0 391 1 3 1454 9 6 29 13 6 3264 15 3

Class VIII i~Sales 5 10 0 529 1 0 ... ... ... ... 71 0 f: 3816 4 9 65 8 0 4487 7 9Labor ... .. ... ... 67 8 0 ... 67 8 nFees 968 12 9 9893 9 10 • •• 721 8 0 248 8 0 174 1 0 3177 5 0 15208 1? 7Rent of land ... 1551 10 n 1551Grant in aid ... 63 5 0 ... 97 0 0 175 0 0 230 0 0 4359 12 0 4925 1 0Contr. India ... 100 0 0 1115 2 6 25 0 0 50 0 0 70 9 0 9,10 0 1173 8 0 2543 n 6Contr. U .S.A 183 2 0 361 3 5 ... 168 4 8 1103 1 10 ... 1815 1 ! 11

Total ... 100 02

1356 0 3 12365 3 97 0 0 946 8 0 855 13 8 5103 1 7 8776 1 0 30600 0 9

Class IXSales 23'2 12 6 5335 0 0 1057? 5 7 18270 2 1Fees 3 “66 2 6 7-4974 10 9 31710 1 6 110550 14 9Rents 1225 11 0 29986 14 9 16622 15 6 47835 QBank Interest *•. 603 8 6 603 8 6Cancer Fund... . . . 2627 3 0 2627 3 nContr. India 156 8 3 12671 11 7 9043 12 10 21872 n 8Contr. U.S.A. . . . 10000 5 1 10000 5 1

Total ... 7611 2 3 126199 0 7 77949 8 6 211759 li 4

Grand Total 139 8 9 2419 0 3 2027-4 10 9 127284 14 7 946 8 01246 14 11 6557 11 1 867.55 7 0 245624 ii 4

TABLE OF STA T IST IC S for Year Ending March 31, 1937

N ame o f Station

Totals for previous year

Totals for current year






Missio n ary F orce (2)

T3 ' <U5T3gS


10 8








* Members of Vengurla Station but reside at Ahmednagar for work In Union Training College.





d A



d M




0 > riONAL tCE (5) C hurch St a t istic s













, W









































“ O







to M




Cfic4JEaOUrtL>(9) Ch


n Ba



, Dur



2 2 216 300 13 100 • •• 1250 60 10 11 382 774 6 214 70 290 S11 174 . . . 2267 56 6 84 820 128

. . . . . . 8 4 12 18 164 4 2 4 159 5

. . . . . . 17 10 27 3 45 496 1 2 243 23 1••• 3 48 21 72 3 9 339 28 2 25 93 354 52 13 65 . . . 13 . . . 22 5 3 12. . . 14 2 16 . . . 5 • •• 53 7 4 192 7. . . 2 15 4 21 . . . »•» . . .

1 34 11 46 5 84 . . . 1193 11 ” ’5 341 ’*’8026 5 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

1 Incomplete record of church statistics a Inaccurate— record not available. •Also on record of financially indepes, oo

19371 W




TABLE OF STATIST ICS for the Year Ending August 31, !937-(Contd )

Nam e of St a t io n

Totals for previous year.

Totals for current year .

Islam purKodoliKolhapurMi rajNipaniRatnagiriSangliVengurla

C h urch St a t is t ic s

V t í ,

'Sf ö cV _ • «i

IIt « r

•a c•*J s «VI





l-> oV o-2 -aicH




G o

< „ V «3 0£*n «4 C h a gen

S i)




o•S -sa oa ~ (12) «

E ducatio n al St a t is t ic s (15)

C o n tr ibu tio n s (13)

á•Vaat a









•a o ñ. a e Ertf j» a »< o & 8 |„







2 In union work not included in missionary total force as heis recorded on union blank. -

1 Included in Missionary Force Total.

T ea ch in g St a f f (14) L o w er SCHOOLS
























1 Gir













oys </!

13s .

10 7 145 43 7 80 96 77 1554 762

12 8 140 33 i 34 43 73 1551 714

... ... 7 110 271 1 Ï 3 ” *7 *17 14 6 183 1062 2 48 18 • •• 7 16 24 494 256

»6 3 18 2 • •• ... ... 5 124 79... 10 • »« ... ... 7 116 27

... ... 12 *1 • • • ... ... 9 197 442 ... 23 4 10 13 12 219 1341 2 16 1 3 108 41

1 All Kindergartens are departments of schools and should not be recorded here.9 Included in National Force Total.





TABLE OF ST A T IST IC S for the Year Ending August 31. l?37— (Contd)

E d u c a t io n a l S t a t i s t i c s (15)

N ame of S tation

m id d l eSchools

Ot h e rSchools


l Pu


in al

l Sc


s, e


t Un





d wi





m Sc





d In


e fo

r 3






or H









e In



















l Tr



ols . i







s or












1 I



Totals for Previous year • . » 4 S46 156 8 144 688 1 42 1 45 2 34 51 4018 39 Rs. 43852

Totals for Current year . . . 4 603 172 2 s259 *545 1 45 1 49 1 2 34 46 4096 65 Rs. 288111

Islampur 1 41 121s 299Kodoli . . . 1 78 35 ... 67 • •• • •• 500 2073Kolh&pur ... 2 337 129 ... ... 69 ... • •• ... 1308 36 10718Mi raj ... . .. ... • •• 75 166 ... 1 49 1 1 28 34 556 20 28131Nipani . .. . .. ... . .. 1 9 14a • •• 166 2 748Ratnagiri ... . .. 20 7 ... . . . 268 350Sangli .. . .. .. . ... 114 91 1 45 .. . .. 626 " V 4295Vengurla 1 188 8 10 ... .. . 1 "*6 12 373 7814

1 Studying Mission Bible courses. 1 Last year included amount given school from2 1 18 in Bible Institute hospital receipts and therefore counted twice.

* Some of these in Bible institute. Some studying Mission Bible courses,

TABLE OF ST A T IST ICS for thé Year Ending August 31, 1937— (Contd.) too

N ame of Station

Totals for previous year

Totals for current year


Med ic a l St a t is t ic s

M e d i c a l S t a f f ( 17)

13co • to'Ü e « «1 !25'o

... I 1 18 7 1 1

H o s p it a l s , D is p è n s a r ie s and C l in ic s


33 3

36 4













rt erIsp(18)





O VaV a-a nj






;Tan w) ctf Og acn(20)

■5 UT2I)

302 16 868

363 ...



s {Receives subsidy from Miraj Hospital and funds from Nipani appropriations, administered by Nipani Church.

1 Included in Missionary Force Total, * Included in National Force Total.



Rs. 258336

Rs. 224454



I.S i l -S^ n o 'S «a o S.5 *3•5 g £ £ w

Î £ v S äöS c O2 a¡U rií


Rs. 250845

Rs. 225704




8 Bibles 114N. T. 171Portions 13682other books 1869Unclassified 13130

Total .. . 28966







TABLE OF STATISTICS for the Year Ending March 31. 1937 (Contd.)

L it e r a t u r e St a t is t ic s

Production Dist r ib u t io n F inances

N ame o f Station







s Pr


d D


g Y






g Co






e Po









l D










s &




m all








of M







d in



Totals for previous year ... 192000 4 1 5742Rs. Rs.


Totals for current year ... 73200 4 1 28966 776 875

Islampur ...' ■ 1500 ...

Kodoli ... ... 417 73 4

Kolhapur 10200 ... 2154 ... 16

Miraj ... 1 5536 340 340

Nipani 35200 1 2732 ... 120

Ratnagiri ... ... ... ... ...

Sangli ... 2 a 13130 363 395

Vengurla 27800 ... 3497 ... ...

1 Includes 9000 free tracts fl Unclassified and incomplete record

Union and Co-operative W ork Medical W ork

TABLE OF STAT IST ICS For the Year Ending August 31, 1937


NAM E OF STATIO NF oreign N atio nal















l j






















Totals for previous year 1 • •• 1 2 3 8 64 75 1 132 250 1 1 2200Rs.

160000Totalsfor current year 1 1 1 3 4 9 73 86 1 149 240 1 1 2200 '60000

MirajWanless Tuberculosis Sanatorium

1 Estimated




-5 7

Estimates for 1938-39AHMEDNAGAR

ClassI (a) Salaries—

Rev. Horace K. Wright ( i^ ) ••• $1,128

Mrs. Horace K. Wright (1936) ... 756 1,884

(b) Children’s Allowances—Lydia Fairbank Wright

(August 7, 1926) ... 300Theodore Robert Fairbank

Wright (August 10, 1928) 300 600


Total ... $2,484 2,484


II (¿>)Children’s Allowances—Alice Kepler Wright

(August 18, 1920) ... $420Mary Adelaide Wright

(October 25, 1922) ... 360 780(c) Travel and Freight—

Rev. and Mrs. Horace K.Wright ... 900

Lydia Fairbank Wright ... 450Theodore R. F. Wright ... 225 1,575

(d) Travel Allowance—Rev. and Mrs. Horace K.

Wright ... 120 120

Total ... $2,475 2,475

Summary—Ahmedna gar

Class I ... $2,484 2,484Class II ... 2,475 2,475

Total ... $4,959 4>959





II (a) Home Allowance—Mrs. E. W. Simpson

(c) Travel and Freight—Mrs. E. W . Simpson

(d) Allowance during Travel- Mrs. E. W . Simpson


ClassVII (c) Shankarrav J. Tivade

(d) Nanibai RanabhiseBaijabai Povar Estherbai C. Lokhande

(/) Itineration


ClassVIII (b) Village Schools—

Kapuskhed Shankarrav K. Jadhav ..

UrunGovindrav C. Jadhav ..

Karad Bhivaji B. Chopade

Belavadi Bapuji T. Pandhare

Bilashi Abbaji K. Kambale

Kapari Yosephrav R. Ranabhise

Upavala Chandrasen Lokhande ..

Bauchi Jinappa B. Kambale


Class II

Class VII Class VIII



.. $1,200 1,200

450 450

60 60

• • $1,710 1,710

R180 180 180132132120 120 264 120277 277 325

R841 120 721 625



52 68






.. £1,456 M 56 68


.. $1,7x0 1,710


120 721M 56


.. £2,297 120 2, i77 693



DI (a) Salaries—

Mr. J. C. Kincaid (1926) .. Mrs. J. C. Kincaid (1925) Rev. R. A. Wilson (1932) Mrs. R. A. Wilson (1932)

(b) Children’s Allowances— Martha L. Kincaid

(September 7, 1928) David R. Kincaid

(August 13, 1931)Nell Carruthers Kincaid

(September 25, 1936) Robert F. Wilson

(March 11, 1935)John A. Wilson

(July 20, 1937)


ClassII (a) Home Allowances—

Rev. and Mrs. H. G.Howard

Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Wilson

(b) Children’s Allowances— Robert F. WilsonJohn A. Wilson

(c) Freight and Travel—Rev. and Mrs. R. A.

Wilson Robert F. Wilson

(i) Allowance during Travel— Rev. and Mrs. R. A.















Total ... $5,461

VII (a) Sugandhrav B. Panhalkar R384 Chilapa Y. Gaikwad ... 180

(d) Koyanabai V . Gaikwad ... 216Sarjabai Powar ... 96Haranabai G. Selar ... 144Sundrabai B. Ranabhise,

pension ... 36(/) Itinerating ... 572










492572 4OO

Total £ 1,6 28 1,628 400






VIII (a) Instructional Department—

1. Staff:Teacher to be appointed ... £480S. N. Ranabhise ... 336V. R. Bhalerav ... 396Valubai G. Chopade ... 238Ratnamala B. Ranabhise 238Draupadibai T . Samudre 156Shravanrav P. Kadam ... 259Teacher to be appointed ... 204Shamrav A. Kamble ... 238Balavantrav Y. Lokhande 238Shavantibai I. Samudre ... 180Banubai G. Pandhre ... 180Moshe D. Chopade ... 216Chandrikabai S. Chopade 196Agricultural teacher ... 240

2. Supplies ... 5003. Other Expenses ... 2504. Pre-vocational5. Day fees ... 300

Boarding Department—1. Staff ... 6002. Dormitory ... 7503. Diet for 100 children ... 2,5004. Plant ... 1175. Boarding fees ... 5006. Contributions, India ... 1,0007. Contributions, U.S.A. ... 435

Total ... £8 ,512 2,235 6,277


VIII (b) Village Schools (Day)

Aitavada KhurdBhivaji S. Chandane ... £180

KapshiDhondubai A. Kale 180

MandapadlaIshvara D. Vaghrriare ... 180

SarudRamji P. Kale 180

TalasandaSayappa Rukadikar 136

YeiurKrishna) i D. Kale 2x6

School Expenses





1 9 3 7 3

Gran t'in-Aid;: —Aitavada Khurd Yelur



Class I Class II

Class VII Class VIII

Total £1,072


... $2,733

... 5,461






90 982








£ 11 ,2 12 2,325 8,887 1,500


I (a) Miss Clara L. Seiler (1909) $1,036Rev. M. W . Strahler (1913) 1,128Mrs. M. W. Strahler (1913) 756Rev. J. E. Napp (1916) ... 376Mrs. J. E. Napp (1916) ... 252Miss C. Grace Deen (1926)

(2 mos.) 157Miss Norma P. Dunning

(1930) ... 942Miss Florence E. Schaffer

(1921) ... 942Rev. J. R. Graham (1937) 1,128Mrs. J. R. Graham (1937) 756

(<r) Language Study—Rev. and Mrs. J. R.

Graham ... 168


II (a) Home Allowance—Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Napp $1,225

(b) Children’s Allowances—Arthur Strahler (Feb. 20,

1918) ... 350John R. Napp (Jan. 10,

1919) ... 420James M. Napp (Jan. 29,

1921) ... 420Mary Ellen Napp (Jan. 14,

1923) ••• 3307

A B C D(c) Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Napp 900(d) Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Napp 120

Total ... $3,765



VII (a) The Rev. A. N. Khabade £624(c) Anand S. Kurne ... 300

Dadoba Khade ... 216One to be appointed ... 180

(¡d) Vatsalabai Temgiri ... 240.¿■iaaiabai Dhanawade ... 108^Vahibai A. Panhalker ... 60

(f) Itinerating ... 393Other Work :

Tyappa L. Aireker ... 162 108Vadgav Church ... 84Bookroom ... 500 571

Total ... £2,867 679 2,188


VIII. Esther Patton School—Miss Rachel Mathen £ 9 12Champabai Khabade 720Estherbai A. Khabade ... 480Shripati D. Kulkarni Krisnnaji G. Bhagawat ...


Jonathanrao A. Pargaokar 432Angelinabai Adhav 333Nalinbai Kodat 278Ratnamalabai Gaikwad ... 278Tarabai Jadhav 256Hirabai Chopade 300Tanubai Chopade 2 11Narayanrao K. Bhave 192Gracebai Gaikwad 244Kamalabai Gaikwad 192Music Teacher 108Matron to be secured 300

Staff of attendants: Baburao Mithari 216Ramji T. Kamble 168Candharibai S. Bhosale ... 84Two cooks 156Ambiaccabai 48


Other expenses:

PensionsLightsBooksFoodBeddingClothingFuelSoap and oil

Receipts Fees




Total ... £11,046 2,800

Irwin Christian High School—

Madhav C. Gorde ... £ 1 584Kakanath K. Joseph ... 1,152Cherial K. Koshy ... 960Govind H. Dalave ... 816S. V. Burde ... 960Hari G. Rukadikar ... 576J. Abraham ... 528Jaising U. Hivale ... 624J. N. Kamble ... 528Anant G. Devre ... 624S. R. Pandit ... 648J. A. Thorat ... 288M. S. Teacher ... 360M. S. Teacher ... 360Persian Teacher ... 528N. R. Desai ... 216


M. G. Dhanavade ... 360D ’Souza, Clerk ... 180Jinappa Kadam ... 120Dasarath Powar Mali ... ‘ 180

Boarding:Supervision ... 120Food, light, fuel ... 2,106

Supplies ... 611Tech. fees ... 180Compound ... 400Fees





Total £15,009 9,087 5,922




(b) City Schools—Lahu S. Chougle £282Hambira R. Tivade 228Gaurabai Pandit 162Tarabai Lokhare 120Sundrabai K. Lokhande ... 162Chandrikabai Helper ... / ~ J,026

Herle District—Vishram Borde 264Anand A. Kurbe 60Shrisundher Solomon 180Maruti N. Tondale 174Ramakant Y. Dhanawade 192Valavde Teacher 60 930

Vadgav District—Daduba K. Bhosle i /4Krishna Dhanawade 234Anand Sa vaia 60Desharath Vadekar 72Sidram B. Shinde 156Yemaji Name 156 852

Porla-Mazgaon District—Shamu S. Kurne 144Pandu G. Misal 84Krishna S. Gaekwad 144Andna K. Samudre 84Bapu N. Jadhav 144Kundulik N . Samudre ... 180 800

Travel and supplies 56 56

Total *3,664

e) Alice Home £2,150 431



IX (a) Assistant PhysicianDr. M. Timothy £900

(b) CompounderMalan B. Thomas 300

(c) Laboratory Technician 300(d) Supervising Nurse 498

Prabhawathi Gaekwad 420Graduate Nurse 3602 Practical Nurses 480

(d) Other workersClark 204Gardener 192


AMechanic 240Nurses’ Cook 183Ward ayah i 144Ward ayah 2 132Ward Ayahs 3 and 4 240Tailor 120Sweeper 180

Medicines 2,000Electricity 480Water n oLaundry 600Motor 350Sundries 200Repairs 200Food for poor patients . 150Freight and Customs 300

'Iota! • r 7>353

Summary—KolhapurClass I ... $7,641 $7.641Class II ... 3,765 3.765

Total ... $11,406 11,406

Class VII ... £2,867 679 M 00 00

Class VIII ... 31,869 12,318 19.551Class IX - 7»353 5,000 2.353

Total ... £42,089 17.997 24,092


I (a) Rév. R. C. Richardson, D.D.(1901) $1,128

Mrs. R. C. Richardson(1901) 756

Miss B. H. Freeman (1925) 942W . M. G. Jones, M.D.,

(1926) 1,128Mrs. W. M. G. Jones

(1926) 756T . M. Frank, M.D. (1928) 1,128Mrs. T . M. Frank (1928) ... 756Miss A. R. Meuttmann

(1928) 942Miss M. C. Richardson

(1928) 942Miss M. Craig (1930) ... 942


AL. B. Carruthers, M.D.

(1931) (6 mos.) ... 564Mrs. L. B. Carruthers

(1931) (6 mos.) ... 378Substitute for Dr. and 1,128Mrs. Orr to be appointed 756

(b) Children’s Allowances—Nancy Jones, Nov. 5, 1928 242Patsy Jones, Oct. 27, 1930 200Judith A. Jones, Apr. 18,

1932 ... 200Sara P. Jones, Mar. 18, 1936 200David Frank, Oct. 17, 1933 200Mary Louise Frank, July

2i, 1935 ... 200V. F. Carruthers, Oct. 25,

1930. (6 mos). ... 100Bruce Carruthers, May 7,

1933. (6 mos.) ... 100

Total ... $13,688






II (a) Dr. and Mrs. L. B.Carruthers (5 mos.) $875 875

(b) V. F. Carruthers(5 mos.) 100

Bruce Carruthers(5 mos.) 100 200

(c) Dr. and Mrs. L. B.Carruthers 900

V. F. Carruthers 225Bruce Carruthers 225 r»35o

(1d) Dr. and Mrs. Carruthers .. 120 120

Total • $ 2,545 2,545

ClassVII (c) S. M. Tupelelu

P. J. Mohite V. A. Hivale

(d) Sundrabai Pachame Tarabai Gaikwad Dayabai S. Tupelelu Numretabai Mohite To be appointed Sodaba Dhala




360 696



A B CKrishnaji Satvekar 216 216Virappa Chikopa 204 204Itineration 402 164 238Colportage 265 220 45

Total .. £3,260 1,164 2,096

J. K. Uzagare £ 3 12P. A. Hevali 384P. K. Londha 204D. I. Londhe 216W . S. Samudre 204D. B. Thorat 336H. A. Holkar 240J. C. Uzagare 108Sahada Dynanuba 77

School to be ODened u 3Expenses all schools 45Rent 48Grant-in-aid 150 2,137

Total £2,287 150 2.137

Estimates for 1938 of Miraj Hospital and Out-Stations based on actual recurring expenses from September 1936 to August 1937.

N ote-.—These estimates are made with io% cut in salaries of those who get over Rs. 20 p.m.

ClassIX (a) Medical Assistants: —

Miss E. E. Connolly £2,340Dr. O. I. Devadatta 2,700

„ S. D. Aravattigi 1,296„ W. O. Airan 1,188„ D. P. Gorde 918„ W. A. Cecil 918„ V . G. Deshpande 594„ T. Kanti 594„ N. T . Robert 594„ G. Wesly 594„ B. C. Livingston 594„ J. Naku 594„ D. D. Martin 486„ George Bhambal 486„ C. Koshi 378

7 Scholarships to medicalstudents 2,232

Medical School salaries ... 5,232


1 Ö 4 WESTERN INDIA MISSION [1937Office Assistants:— A B C D

Mr. B. P. Gorde ... 864„ D. A. Hivale ... 492 '„ V. L. Mulkwad ... 378


Engineering Assistant:—Mr. S. Smith ... 1,980


Evangelists:—Through Dr. R. C.

Richardson ... 720Through Miss B. Free­

man ... 281


Laboratory Technician:—Mr. Baburao A. Shinde ... 346



Mr. B. G. Pawar (Pension) 300„ N. R. Kamble ... 551„ S. S. Ranabhise ... 551


Male 0 3 Female Nurses:— Mr. S. T. Herlekar

„ Philip Dhanjibhai „ Madhav Dabhade „ S. R. Gadekar „ P. J. Thomas „ N. V . Ohol „ L. K. Nelson „ C. I. Soans „ David Gohil „ Bhaskar Gaikwad „ Anand Chopade „ K. C. Daniel „ Dadu Chopade „ M. Christdas „ Katta Narasinham „ Baburao Ulse



AMiss Kripabai Chopade ... 389

„ Sunderabai Herlekar 389„ Rebecca Kshirsagar ... 324„ Manjulabai Jadhav ... 281

Mrs. Suwartabai Thomas 281Miss Shantabai Chougule ... 281

„ Sonubai Dhanavde ... 281„ Sarabai Chougule 281„ Lilawadbai Chopade ... 281

n Senior student nursesat Rs. 15 1,980

45 Junior student nursesat Rs. 13 7,020


Servants:—1 Electrician & Engine

Driver 4922 Motor Drivers & Elec­

tricians 7561 Fireman for steam boiler 2044 Sweepers for Hospital ... 6481 Sweeper for Hostel &

Assistants 1441 Sweeper for cottages ... 1442 Mason-Painter & his

helper 456i Water Coolie 1682 Dispensary Orderlies ... 3842 Night Watchmen 2881 Peon I441 Compound Sweeper 1442 Washermen in laundry 4291 Convalescent Home

orderly 1802 Office orderlies 3122 Carpenter and his helper 4441 Marlie (gardener) 1442 Physiotherapy orderlies 2882 Laboratory orderlies 2523 Tailors & a Shimpi girl 7923 Cooks for male nurses ... 2762 Cooks for female nurses 300

20 Warders & Op. RoomOrderlies 3,504

14 Female Warders 2,08820 Coolies and others for

Eng. Dept. 2,880



(b) Medicines ‘(c) Hospital Supplies

DietaryRepair—Upkeep Travel—Motors Laundry Administrative Engineering Provident Fund Nursing School Nursing Care Equipment SundriesHospital contribution to

medical school ... 2,768

4^ 75°


(a) Dr. R. D. Hombal ... 810Mr. V. N. Kamble ... 292Servants ... 228





(b) Medicines (to be purchased by Dr. Gorde)

(c) Expenses ... 350Kodoli—

(a) Dr. Y. S. Salve ... 918Mr. Shahu Panhalkar ... 240Nurse Shewanti Chopde ... 216Servants ... 420

(b) Medicines (to be purchased by Dr. Hombal)

(c) Expenses

Ashta—(a) Dr. S. B. Gorde

Mr. Shankarrao Pagar „ J. B. Gorde „ R. B. Gorde


A B16,0007.0006.0004.0001.5001.000

• 3.500■ 9.500

1.500• 1.750




A B(b) Medicines (to be purchased

by Dr. Salve)(c) Expenses ... 200


to be

paid by

Nipani Church

IVipani—(£)Dr. A. L. Jadhav,

Mr. Laxmanrao Qhopde, Mrs.Sundrabai Hivale,Servants

(c) Medicines „(d) Expenses ... 250

Kurli—(a) Mr. Govindrao Kadam (to

be paid by local supporters)(b) Medicines „ „(c) Expenses „ „

Navlihal—(a) Mr. S. R. Gaikwad (to be

paid by local supporters)(b) Medicines „ „(c) Expenses „ „

Summary, Class IX , Miraj Hospital and Out-stations(a) Salaries, Miraj Hosp. &

Medical School ... 61,147Salaries, Out-stations ... 5,422

(b) Medicines, Miraj Hospital 16,000(c) Expenses, Miraj Hospital ... 42,750

Expenses, Out-stations ... 1,000Hospital contribution to

Medical School ... 2,768

Total ...£1,29,087

Summary—MirajClass I ... $13,688 13,688Class II ... 2,545 2,545

Total ... $16,233 16,233

Class VII ... £3,260 1,164 2,096Class VIII ... 2,287 150 2,137Class IX ... 1,29,087 1,29,087

Total ...£1,34634 1,30,401 4,233




(a) Rev. David B. Updegrafi(1907) (2 mos.) $188

Mrs. D. B. Updegrafi(1915) 126

Miss Vivian S. Strobridge(10 mos.) (1918) 7 8 5 I ,©99

(b) Richard Updegrafi (Oct.4, 1928) (2 mos.) 50 50

(d) Miss V. S. Strobridge 20 20

Total $1,169 1,169

ClassII (a) D. B. Updegrafi, (9 mos.)

& Mrs. D. B. Updegrafi $1,575Miss V. S. Strobridge (1

month) IOO i>675(b) Ann Taylor Updegrafi

(July 14, 1920) 420Elizabeth Atherton Upde-

erafi (March 2, 1924) ... Richard Updegrafi (10


mos.) (Oct. 4, 1928) ... 200 920(c) D. B. Updegrafi & Mrs.

D. B. Updegrafi 900Richard Updegrafi 450Miss V. S. Strobridge ... 450 1,800

(d) D. B. & Mrs. D. B.Updegrafi 120

Miss V . S. Strobridge 60 180

Total ... $4 5 7 5 4,575


VII (a) Rev. Subhanrao N. Kale(b) Elia S. Balekundri(c) Jinappa T. Kadam(d) Debora Panhalkar (/) Itineration

R420 60 360312 312300 300108 22 98400 400



Total ... £ 1 ,5 5 2 82 1,470


ClassVIII (a) Gram Seva\ Shala—

Staff of Teachers—Sripati S. Samudre * 336Dnyanoba H. Dhumale - 264Lagmana B. Jadhav 216Dattoba Ghatge 168

Hostel—Cook for boys 108Sitabai Kamble, matron .. 144

Girls’ Dept.Food for 55 children 2,000

Other Instructional Exp. 776Receipts—

Fees 600Gifts U.S.A. 1,800Govt. Grant 300Receipts in India 1,312

Total £4,012 4,012




ClassVIII (b) Lafayette School


Class I Class II

Pandu K. Gujar *324Dhor Vada

Nana B. Shende 204Shirgaon

Dhondo T. Kothavale 324Valki

Krishna T. Kokate 156Hamidvada

Krishna T. Kurane 156Yadurvadi

Ramchandra S. Biranje ... 240Expenses 6 schools 18 24 1,398

’) Training of personnel 100 100

Total 1,522

1 COfH



Lafayette Hospital $595 595


1,169 1,1694076 4»576

Total $ 5.744 $ 5-744


Class VII Class VIII Class IX


A B CR i,55* 82 1,470

5>534 4,036 1,498595 595

£7,681 4>IlS 3»563





I (a) Salaries—Rev. F. O. Conser (1923)

(10 mos.) ... $940Mrs. F. O. Conser (10 mos.) 630 1,570

(b) Children’s Allowances—Helen B. Conser (Feb. 12,

1924) (10 mos.) ... 250Bowen Bruere Conser (Nov.

9, 1930) (10 mos.) ... 167Forrest Conser, Jr. (Jan.

12, 1933) (10 mos.) ... 167Carrie Jane Conser (10

mos.) ... 167 751

Total ... $2,321 2,321

ClassII (a) Home Allowance—

Rev. & Mrs. F. O. Conser (1 month) ... $17 5 175

(b) Children’s Allowances—(Jan. 4, 1922) ... 300

Helen B. Conser (2 mos.) 50Bowen Bruere Conser (2

mos.) ... 33Forrest Conser, Jr., (2

mos.) ... 33Carrie Jane Conser (2

mos.) • • • 3 3 449(c) Travel and Freight: —

Rev. and Mrs. F. O. Conser 900Helen B. Conser ... 450Bowen Bruere Conser ... 225Forrest Conser, Jr. ... 225Carrie Jane Conser ... 225 2,025

{d) Allowance during travel:—Rev. and Mrs. F. O.

Conser ... 120 120

Total ... $2,769 2,769



VII (c) Men evangelists—Taroba Babaji Saylekar ... Yes want Apaji Kolhapur-

karLazarus Ramji Ahi

(d) Women Evangelists:— Gangabai Raghoba Powar Rajasbai Hiraji Gaikwa^ Janabai Moses Herlekar ...

(/) Itinerating


VIII (a) Theodore Carter Memorial School

Staff of teachers—Shahurao S. Chavan Mrs. M. P. Ranabhise or

successor Mr. A. K. Jadhav Mr. D. Y. Guikwad Miss K. R. Shinde

SuppliesHome Department Receipts—



Pittsburgh Home for Widows Expenses

(b) Day Schools—Harrison School

Shantwanrao G. Malap Paritavane

Baburao C. Saylekar Peth Killa

Samuel C. Powar Ambeshet

Yohanrao R. Pandit Pali

Hariba K. Chopade Dabhola

Piraji M. Satvekar Devrukh

A B C I)

R336 180

288288 288 444

144120120 384270 270

£1,566 468 1,098


300288252156 1,716264 264

2,300 118 2,182


£4,280 468 3,812

R420 120 300


324 324

- 288





A B C DNamaji L. Satvekar ' ... 288

Medhi-Tivra Bhauro M. Satvekar ... 288 44

Total ... £2,352 368 1,984

Summary—RatnagiriClass I ... $2,321 2,321Class II ... 2,769 2,769

Total ... $5,090 5,090

Class VII . £1,566 468 1,098Class VIII 7,052 956 6,096

Total ... £8,618 M 24 7>i94


I. Miss Grace L. Enright (190'i) $>471'Mr. John L. Goheen (19x1) 1,128Mrs. John L. Goheen (1911) 756Mr. Harry W . Brown (19x6) 564Mrs. Harry W . Brown (19*6) 378

Total ... $3,297

II (a) Home Allowances—Miss Grace Enright ... $500Mr. and Mrs. H. W . Brovm 875

(1b) Children’s Allowances—Patricia L. Goheen (Nov.

8, 1919) ... 420Andrew C. Goheen (Sept.

24, 1922) 370Ruth A. Brown (March

20, 1919) . . 420Mary C. Brown (May

26, 1920) .. 420(c) Travel and Freight—

Miss Grace L. Enright ... 450Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brown 900

(d) Allowances during Travel —Miss Grace L. Enright ... 60Mr. and Mrs. H. W . Brown 120

Total ... $4,535

1 9 3 7 ] We s t e r n i n d i a m is s io n

VII (a) Rev. Tatoba T. Pandhare(c) Jivanrao G. Tivade

Narayanrao S. Bhore Dnyanoba P. Ghatge Namaji D. Pandhare Vinayakrao S. Shinde

(d) Estherbai Londhe Phulawantibai Gaikwad

. Jamaribai Natu Dayabai Kamble Sarabai Ghatge Pritibai Malap Palakabai Kamble

(/) Itineration(g) Colporteurs—

Krishnaji B. Ghatge Tatoba B. Bhore


A B... R249

249. . 249

249215162183 1096 96

132 132108 10872 72

168 3«108 108130

120 120120 120

... £2,610 804


I l 3

i, 806



VIII (a) Sangli Industrial and Agri­cultural School—Office:

D. M. Chhatre, clerk £360S. V. Hazare, Business

man and teacher 345E. J. Banijwadkar, Shop

clerk 240

Scholastic D ept.:T. K. Avale, Headmaster 298D. P. Waghmare, teacher 252Gardener— ^ to school ... 90Supplies 100

Trades:Agri. & Poultry i,5° °D. G. Bhosale, Farm

Manager 216A. D. Dhanavade, poultry-

man 270Extension Work 1,000A. B. Phansopkar, exten­

sion worker 540Hari B. Nisal, extension

teacher 178Carpentry Dept. 1,000R. K. Sheik 270Mason Dept. 600B. N. Shirgaonkar 273


Mechanics Dept.N. K. Chopade B. Sanglikar Tailoring Dept.S. B. Avale

Hostel:Food, Fuel, etc.Fees, School & Hostel


A B1,200 1,500

540180600 600240

2,250M 45

£12,642 8,263


Graham Memorial School—Avadibai Baker, Teacher

and Matron Books and clothing Hostel, Food and Supplies Fees





60 849

(b) Sangli ■ Kindergarten and Primary School—

Jayantibai S. Hazare Tarabai E. Banijwadkar Kalappa, Gardener— Teacher to be appointed , Supplies Fees


Total £85

Village Day Schools—Digraz School

Shivaram R. Londhe £183Nimane School

Dnyanoba M. Pandhare ... 194Yedraw School

Govind N. Kurne i83Umalwad School

Vithalrao E. Avale 216Shirol School

Mayappa P. Name I73Kumbhoz School

Shankar N .Ghatge 183Kothali School

Ramchandra T . Tivade ... 150Narande School

Satu A. Ghatge 150


60 25






Sangli Christian Wada A B C DBaburao R. Londhe ( l/2-

time) 15°Kauthe Piran School

Tatoba S. Gaikwad 216Village School Inspector

Ramchandra S. Avale 226Stipend for Inspector 24

Towards re-opening Savalaz *59Teachers’ Travel 25Gifts for schools 42For two new schools 350

Total £2,232 42 2,190 350

Summary for Class VIII

(a) Sangli I & A. S. £12,542 8,263 4,279Graham Memorial School 909 60 849

(b) Sangli Kin. & Pri. School ... 85 60 25 661Sangli Village Schools 2,232 42 2,190 350

Total £15,768 8,425 7.343 1,011

Summary—SangliClass I $3>297 3>297Class II 4.535 4»535

Total $7,832 7,832

Class VII £2,610 804 x,8o6 35°Class VIII 15,768 8,425 7»343 1,011

Total £18,378 9,229 9.149 *>361


I (a) Salaries—it. H. H. Goheen, M.D.

(1905) $1,128Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen

(1905) 756Rev. W . H. Lyon (1918) ... 1,128Mrs. W . H. Lyon .(1918) 756Miss L. Faye Froese (1920) 1,036Miss M. M. Krug (1931) ... 942Stewart Fulton, M.D.

(J937) 1,128Mrs, Stewart Fulton (1937) 756 7,630


(b) Children’s Allowances—Cameron K. Lyon {July

23, 1923)Wilbur H. Lyon, Jr. (Nov

8, 1924)Lois Dinsmore (Nov. 16,

1937)7 mos. @ 200 rate 117 5 mos. @ 300 rate 125

Dorothy Moore Lyon (Sept. 24, 1931)

(d) Language Study—Dr. Stewart Fulton Mrs. Stewart Fulton












II (b) Children’s Allowances— Robert F . Goheen

(Aug. 16, 1919)


$42° 420


VII (c) Men Evangelists—V. L. Ranbhise ... R360To be appointed ... 390

(d) Women Evangelists—Truptibai Waghmare ... 216Second Bible Woman ... 120

(/) Itinerating— 363(g) Any other work—

Colportage ... 150Fellowship House:

Secretary ... 120Caretaker ... 84Expenses ... 40

Total ... *1,843

VIII (b) Day Schools (Primary)—Ansur R. M. Gawde

or successor ... *3 0 0J. I. Samudre ... 252Parab Wada

A. L. Kamble or successor ... 264

S. K. Chopade ... 324




216363 400

40 204

310 x>533 40°


Bhat wadi S. R. Dongre H. K. Dhanawade

Expenses Kindergarten Grants (Govt.)

(/) Rents—AnsurParab wada


VIII (b) Dav School (Middle and High)—

i. Staff—G. V. Moses U. V. Kamat R. N. Pethe

M. P. Mathai Mrs. Rodas Smith C. Gorde V. S. Chitnis V. S. Dhabolkar N. V. Ogale U. Harulekar

G. K. Ohol Servants :

A. D. Parab M. M. D ’Souza


Books Laboratory

Furniture and equipment

Other expenses— Drawing SportsContingencies

Receipts—Contributions FeesFee Grant Govt. Grant-in-aid Other receipts

3° °282




£2,448 1,008

780 1,200

660 28«413346 300336 540

194 152


— 145



818 979



1 1 7


¡818 ; 1,021 360








Total , ..., £9,307 6,640 2,667


IX (a) Assistants—Dr. S. S. MasojiDr. A. M. Ashirvadam ...Dr. Chado CherienM. M. ThahurM. B. D ’SouzaD. C. D ’SouzaJ. B. GhorpadeS. B. PanditB. C. PowarA. C. HiwalcP. V. HazareJ. A. D ’SouzaH. B. ShelteH. S. ZahtyeG. N. PetheV. P. PalkarGraduate Nurses, 6Nurses’ Training School ...Cooks and HelpersEngineers and CarpentersLaundrymenPeons and Sweepers

(5) Medicines (c) Expenses

Food RepairsLight and Power Machines and Apparatus Miscellaneous


119 3 7


£2,280 1,860

930 765 251 324 360 372 348 216384 3485?6 480 420 288

2,3203.200 1.750 2,5001.200 3,000

10,000 20,000

20,0004.0003.0003.000 5,588



Total ... £70,000 70,000

Class I Class II




Class VII ... £1,843 3 10 1,533 400Class VIII ... 11,146 7,458 3,^88 360Class IX ... 70,000 70,000

Total ' . . . £82,989 77,768 5,221 760





V (a) Repairs (6761) ... £5,946(b) Taxes (1711) ... 2,000

1,668(c) Attendants (1566)Kodaikanal 660Kodoli (Schauffler

House) 96Kolhapur Church 180Mahabaleshvar 192Miraj 77Panhala 204Ratnagiri Pali 115

„ station 96Vengurla 48



Receipts from rents (1919) M 17

Total ... £9,614 1,297

ClassV I (a) Mission Meeting (466) ... £400

(b) Printing (Minutes) (359) ... 180(c) Stationery and postage

(561) ... 380(d) Medical allowance (2272) 1,200(e) Sanatorium (830)

Atherston 250Winsford Lodge 300Dr. and Mrs. R. C.

Richardson 200Dr. and Mrs. R.

H. H. Goheen 200------ 950

(/) Committees (492) 411(g) Transfers (150) 5 1(h) Treasurer’s office (338) ... 400


Total ... £ 3 ,9 72 3.972


ClassVII (a) Rev. V. A. Salralkar (1286) £1,286

(g) Bible Institute (372) ... 362Bombay Representative

Christian Council (35) 35Dnyanodaya (inter-mission

newspaper) (300) ... 300Bombay Tract and Book

Society (new) ... 10United Theological Col­

lege of Western India at Poona (1000) ... 1,000


Total ... £2,993 2,993

ClassVIII (a) Kodaikanal School (4000) £4,000

Teachers’ Institute, Pajihala(272) . . - 175

Union Training College for Teachers at Ahmed- nagar (540) ... 540

(g) Educational Supervisor'(411)Salary, Krishnaji

Urunkar 480Visiting, entertain­

ment 77Travel 93

650Kathryn Stewart Scholar­

ship Fund (360) ... 360Nava Shikshak (i.e. “ New

Teacher” magazine) ... 60

Total ... £5,785 5,785

Summary—General Treasury

Class V ... £9,614 i ,297 8,317Class VI ... 3,972 3,972Class VII - 2,993 2,993

Class VIII - . 5,785 5,785

Total ... £22 ,36 4 1,297 21,067

1 * 9 3 7




AhmednagarI slam purKodoliKolhapurMirajNipaniRatnagiriSangliVengurla







Classes I and IIA B C D

Class I Class II Total

$2,484 2,475 4,9591,710 1,710

2,733 5,461 8,1947,641 3,765 11,406

13,688 2,545 16,2331,169 4,575 57442,321 2,769 5,09°3,297 4,535 7,8328,822 420 9,242

$42,155 28,255 7° ,4 10

Classes V , VI, VII, VIII and IX


VII £841 120 721 625VIII 1,456 1,456 68

Total ... £2,297 120 2, i77 693

VII £1,628 1,628 400V ili ... 9,584 2,325 7,259 1,100

Total ... £ 11 ,2 12 2,325 00 00 00 "vi



VII .... £2,867 679 2,188VIII .... 31,869 12,318 19,551IX . 7,353 5,000 2,353

Total .. £42,089 T7,997 24,092

VII . .. £3,260 1,164 2,096 200VIII . 2,287 150 2,i37IX ... 1,29,087 1,29,087

T o t J ...£ 1,34 ,6 34 1,30,401 4,233 200



.. * 1 ,5 5 2 •• 5,534





Total .. *7,681 4,118 3,563 24


.. *1,566 7,052



Total .. *8,618 1,424 7,i94

SangliVII *2,610 804 1,806 350VIII .. 15,768 8,425 7,343 1,011

Total .. *18 ,378 9,229 9,M9 1,361


*1,8 4311,14670,000

3 ™7,458


i ,5333,688


Total .. *82,989 77,768 5,221 760

General TreasuryVVI


.. *9,614 •• 3,972 •• 2,993 •• 5,785

1,297 8,3 173,9722,9935,785

Total ... *22,364 1,297 21,067

Grand Totals ..*3,30,262 2,44,679 85,583 4,538

Distribution of appropriations, Working Classes received from the Boar<Stations Class Class Class Class Class Total

V VI VII VIII IXIslampurKodoliKolhapurMirajNipaniRatnagiriSangliVengurlaGeneral Treasury 8,317 3,972

7211,6282,1882,0961,4701,0981,806i ,5332,993





2,177 8,887

24,092 4,233 3,563 7, *94 9,M9 5,221


R8,3i7 3,972 15,533 54,813 2,948 85,583


A c t io n s P a g e s

Part I. Minutes of the Executive Committee,November 2, 1936 to October20, 1937 .................. 3701-37139 9-26

Part II. Minutes of the Central Committee—i. Educational Committee 37140-37149 27-292. Evangelistic Committee 37150-37165 29,30

3- Medical Committee 37166-37182 31-334- Miscellaneous 37i83'3 7i88 34

Part III. Minutes of the Mission in session atI. The Opening Session ... 37i89 352. Special Appointments by the

President 37*9° 353- Agents’ Committee 37191-37223 36-38

4- Amendments to the Field Manual 37224-37231 38> 395- Arrangement Committee 37232-37237 39-426. Audit Committee 37238'37268 42-507- Circular Business 37269-37276 50» 518. Co-operation with the Church

Council 37277 519- Executive Committee ... 37278' 37325 52-58

10. Guidance Committee 37326-37331 59h . Historian 37332 5912. Miscellaneous 37333-37349 60, 61

*3- Petitions Committee 37350-37363 61,62

M- Property Committee 37364-374M 63-68

*5- Provident Fund Committee 37415 6916. Publishing Committee ... 37416 69i7- Records and Reports ... 37417'37322 69, 7018. Religious Education 37423 7019. Resolutions 37424-37430 70,7120. Statistics 37431-37434 7 121. Union Enterprises and Institutions 37435"37438 72,7322. Women’s Work 37439-37441 7423- The Closing Session 37332-37443 74

Appendix I. Constitution of Mirai Mission Hospitaland Medical School 75

Appendix II. Audit Tables 81-86

Appendix III. Statistics 87-92

Appendix IV. Estimates 93-122

839-37. The Scripture Literature Press, Bangalore.

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