The Weasley Legacy|Chapter 1

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The Weasley Legacy|Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The Weasley Legacy

I’m Ron and this is my wife hermione, last week we’ve been transported here, through a portkey. I’m guessing someone tampered with it, but who could it be? Anyway, Hermione suggested we keep a journal,. It’s a pain in the butt, but she’s usually always right, so it’s no use complaining to her.

We were able to build a small house for us, using the money we have, I made sure we at least have the basics. Plus a bookcase of course, Hermione can’t live without books, even if it’s of the lowest quality, she’d still take it. With all these, coins was all that left, I need to find a way to get some more money.

I was able to get a job at the local law enforcement office. And Hermione got a job in the education career. Anyway living without magic is hard, how do this muggles do it, Thank the heavens, Hermione is an expert. She have always wanted me to learn the muggle ways, but I never started, now she says I’ve got all the time in the world.

At least muggles and wizards have something in common, making love, or woohoo, as they call it here.

As you know we’ve been doing a lot of woohoo, and now we’re expecting our first born. It’s kind of weird having a baby in this world. But exciting at the same time. It reminds of my parents, I wonder where they are, if they’re ok. I better shrug it off, I don’t like feeling the sadness, besides I’ve got Hermione with me, plus a baby’s coming.

Soon, Hermione, gave birth to a healthy baby boy, we gave him the name Hugo.

Meet Hugo, he’s got my eyes and her mothers’ hair. Isn’t he handsome, I’m sure he’ll grow up just like his old man.

We built him a blue room. Hermione likes to match, you know blue for a boy. We also hired a nanny , as we are low on money, and Hermione can’t afford to miss more work.

I remember Harry telling me how hard it was to raise James, I just thought he was being whiny. I can’t believe he was telling the truth. Hugo seemed to enjoy keeping his parent’s up. He’d be sleeping, then crying, and pooping all over the place. I thought babies sleep a lot.

With all the baby stuff going on, I still have to hone my skills, specially my body skill. Everything we’ve learned seemed lost here. They’ve got a set of skills, we have to learn all over again. Hermione doesn’t mind, but this just sucks.

Then suddenly it was Hugo’s birthday, I can’t believe it how time flies by.

There’s little Hugo, he looks just like me, right?right? Hermione won’t accept it, she says it looks like her. But we all know the truth, don’t we?

Hugo seemed to enjoy playing with this musical instrument. I guess my son is a musician.

Along with music, he also plays with these blocks. Hermione says it would exercise his brain.

Thanks to a product called smart milk, teaching Hugo to talk and walk was a breeze. Almost like magic. Ah, magic..I darn miss it.

Thanks to Hugo and all our work, I barely had time alone with Hermione. But then one night, we both had the night off, and Hugo was sound asleep, so we...

...woohood in the couch. That night we unknowingly conceived our second child.

Hermione’s pregnant again. And I got promoted. Life is good...

With Hermione's state, she had to stay home. She hanged out with Hugo, and taught him some nursery rhymes.

A few days later, Hermione went into labour, lucky the nanny was there to support her.

I came home, with a beautiful baby girl added to our family. Hermione named her Rose, an R like me.

Meet Rose, as beautiful as her mother, and like Hugo, she’s got my eyes and her mother’s hair.

We didn’t have enough money to build Rose her own room, so they have to share for now.Anyway, as I see it life is great. I got to stop here for now though. My hand hurts from all this writing, I haven’t written this much. Not since Hogwarts. Till here.

- Ron