The War Ends 1864-1865. Economic Effects North Wartime need for clothing, shoes, and guns helped...

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The War Ends 1864-1865. Economic Effects North Wartime need for clothing, shoes, and guns helped...

The War Ends1864-1865

•Economic Effects•North

•Wartime need for clothing, shoes, and guns helped manufacturing

•South•Couldn’t sell cotton•Inflation occurred-hurt the economy

1864 General U. S. Grant takes command

•2 part plan•1-Gen. Phillip Sheridan destroyed crops and livestock in the Shenandoah Valley (VA)

• The Shenandoah Valley Plan

•2-Gen. W.T. Sherman would destroy the South in a “March to the Sea”-From Chattanooga, TN to Savannah, GA-His army then marched on Columbia and burned the city

Columbia, SC - April, 1865

Hampton-Preston House

Charleston, SC - April, 1865

Charleston, SC - April, 1865

•Sherman’s March to the Sea

• April 9, 1865-Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse, VA

• Lee’s Army did not want to surrender-men in NC kept fighting

• The war was finally over, so was slavery

•The Civil War Ends