The voice of the Blood

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The voice of the Blood

Can we communicate Through Our Blood?


Can we communicate Through Our Blood? Thelton Perkins Ministries Presents

Bishop T Perkins


This a short expose for the advanced believer, the teachers and preachers of the Gospel, and revolutionaries of the end-day ministries to expand our understanding of our existence and domination in this firmament

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This morning - May 22, 2009 God expanded to me the fact of the communication we have with God in our being, which is our blood.

In Genesis 4:9 the word of God says “And the Lord said unto Cain, where is Abel thy brother? And He said, I Know not, am I my brother‟s keeper? 10 And He said, What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother‟s blood crieth unto me from the ground.

This is what I have used to substantiate the fact that I believe this to be more than a bible story. I believe it is a message to us about the relationship God created when He created man in his image, and after His likeness.

I believe our life force is the blood. I believe the thoughts and emotions we have on the individual level stem from the blood. I believe the blood has a life of its own. Leviticus 17:11 says, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: And I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: For it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”

It is also my belief that this reference, that is referencing the law, also signifies the spiritual aspect of our faith in Yahshua in that He came and fulfilled the law and the simulations the law inscribed. Yahshua made the law exemplary of His sacrifice and His life the fulfillment of the promise the law implied. Yahshua fulfilled the law in that He empowered us to operate on the level the law implied. Yahshua was and is the Agape Love of YHVH incarnate in Flesh and sacrificed for our sins. WHne love made that atonement for our separation from YHVH it made it possible for us to be reconciled with YHVH/

In 1 Corinthians 13:9 scripture says, “But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away with.‟

Dakes annotated reference bible notes that the word used in this verse for perfect in the original greek is „teleios‟ which means, that which has reached an end. In referencing verse 8, the author says prophesies shall fail, tongues shall cease, and knowledge shall vanish away. But there is something that supersedes these things, it is the „teleios‟ that which is perfect.

Perfect in the greek signifies completion, the act or state of being complete. Not the common definition of perfection that we employ, which is not making any mistakes, or faultless. Perfection in the scripture signifies a quality or state of being fully equipped or complete in preparation and ability. Therefore that which is in part would indicate incompletion, or not properly equipped.

Teleios in this case indicates that tongues and knowledge will be superseded by a more complete knowledge and means of communication. This further quantifies our opinion and supports our point. We tend to always speak of the bible and the abilities that it interjects as of future use and value, when

My philosophy and the basis of my argument is that God

intended these things to be our conduct now in this life and not

wait until the next

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in fact we are living the future the bible speaks of in many instances. The writer of Corinthians here goes on to say, there comes a time when we should put away childish things, suggesting there comes a time when we should put away speaking like a child, understanding like a child, and thinking like a child.

The greek for put away is „katargeo‟ and means the things that cease are to be

superseded by a more complete life along the same lines, in the same way that adulthood is so far advanced beyond childhood as to be in another plane entirely. There will be no need of prophecies when we shall know as we are known (1 Corinthians 13:12). There will become a time in our lives that we know and exercise things that can take us beyond our present state of being into a more perfect union with God.

My philosophy and the basis of my argument is that God intended these things to be our conduct now in this life and not wait until the next. In the next life we will need instruction, no doubt, but the knowledge we have now is for our activity and our advancement NOW.

This is why I have put together this teaching. Many churches and many ministers depend on the popularity of prophecy and dependence of the body on their leadership to keep people crippled to the past. It is time for the true believer to reach forward to the faith of the day. That old time religion was good in the days of Slavery when we had no united voice of authority. Our ancestors had to make it through the days of oppression and slavery with what they had to work with, and God blessed them to do so. Today we have a different responsibility, and to whom much is given, of them shall much be required. It is our time. Live it The Author – Bishop, Dr. Thelton-Ray-Junior: Perkins