The Village RepoRTeR STaff ShaReS What You are Thankful for? · am thankful to our servicemen and...

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Transcript of The Village RepoRTeR STaff ShaReS What You are Thankful for? · am thankful to our servicemen and...

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010 The Village Reporter 21

Alexis stAmmWest Unity

My Thanksgiving - Every year my siblings, parents, nieces, nephews, and I get together for a day of fellowship and fun. We eat, play games, eat, argue, and eat again. I’m thankful for my big argumentative family. They keep me somewhat sane.

Angi WAlkUppUlAski

Family is what I am thankful for. We've been through so much in the past couple of years, and I'm thankful we have been to-gether through the thick of it. Through cancers, heart surger-ies, and even with the passing of my grandfather this year, we have stuck with our faith that God will take care of us. Family is THE most important gift that is given and it should never be taken for granted. I'm thankful that my children are healthy, the roof over our head and the sta-bility my husband provides. I am thankful for love: both in giving and receiving. I am thankful for being a wife and a mother.

AUstin millerstryker

I’m thankful for the numerous opportunities that going to col-lege has provided for me. In the last six years I have been fortu-nate to live in places like New York City and Columbus. None of these may have been pos-sible without the education. Af-ter years away from home, I am thankful to be home and have the opportunity to spend time with my family on a daily basis. I come from a very small family, but you wouldn’t know it because there is no shortage in the love that is provided by each and ev-ery one of them. I am also thank-ful to have so many friends who have served this country to help preserve our freedoms. Life long friends are hard to come by, I am privileged in saying that most of my best friends to this day, are still the ones I enrolled in pre-school with. Through the years as time has passed, we have re-mained extremely close, creating a strong bond that is unique and will last a lifetime. Most impor-tantly I am thankful for God, who without Him, none of what I have mentioned would even be pos-sible. Happy Holidays!

BrendA goodsonFAyette

I am thankful for my God and my family. He has blessed me with a wonderful husband, Bill, that I can always trust to be there for me and is the stronghold of our family. I am also thankful for my two beautiful daughters, Jessica & Noelle, who continue to always surprise me in ways that bring me joy and precious memo-ries.

JenniFer gUtmAndeFiAnce

I am very thankful this year to have a wonderful husband and family. I was recently married and have great in-laws. Not only did I get married this year, so did both of my brothers, and now I have another little niece on the way. In May, we found a beautiful boxer puppy that had been abused. We adopted and rehabilitated her and now she’s a fun, loving dog, and a great ad-dition to our family. Finally, I am thankful to our servicemen and women who fight for free-dom. We are eternally indebted to you.

kAren kingFAyette

Thanksgiving, other than cel-ebrating the holiday, is really no different than most any other day for me. Every day, I like to find things for which I am thankful. As an American and as a Chris-tian, I am truly blessed. Some of the things I regularly thank God for are my eyesight, hearing, fam-ily, friends, food, clothes, and the many other things that brighten my life. I am most grateful for Jesus laying down His life for me and giving me the promise of be-ing with Him in heaven through-out eternity.

kArin WeldyArchBold

With Thanksgiving so near, this wonderful holiday makes me so very grateful for my family.

It may not mean much to some, it’s just the little things that bring such thankfulness. When my daughter pulls in the driveway safely as she has traveled from Chicago, that windy city she now calls home. When my youngest who is now on his own, yet still only a couple of miles from home, doesn’t hesitate to spend the en-tire holiday at home. He wanders in for breakfast, lunch, stays for dinner and still manages to take plenty of leftovers back to his new abode. I am thankful.

I have a wonderful, caring hus-band that still cheers for the Li-ons and spends every Thanks-giving watching them lose. My in-laws live close, are healthy and sound. We have each other and what more can I want….I am thankful.

kent hUtchisonpioneer

I am thankful for all the bless-ings God has provided in my life. Among these blessings are my family and friends, especially my wife Kim and our children Dylan and Allyson. I am also very for-tunate to have two different pro-fessions that I enjoy very much. My work as a teacher allows me to be surrounded by a great group of students, parents, and staff members. I am especially thankful for all of the children who over the years I have seen grow into successful adults. Working for The Village Reporter allows me the opportunity get to know many different people and share their stories with others.

lUcindA held-FAUlhABeredon

Count your blessings, name them one by one. This Thanks-giving, I give thanks and praise for the many blessings God has bestowed ~ and continues to be-stow ~ upon me. For Allen, Am-ber, Addee and Jordan; for my immediate family; for the lov-ing and faith-filled home I grew up in; for everyone God has put across my path; for my extended family; for each day and whatever it brings; for the community I live in; for beautiful blue skies and bright starry nights; for my mu-sic, even for my cats and dogs. May I always remember to give thanks in all things.

monicA smithWest Unity

This is the time of year that ev-eryone takes a moment to state what they are thankful for. I would like to encourage everyone to do this on a daily basis, not just once a year!

With that being said, I am thankful that God has blessed me with a terrific husband, four beautiful children and that we are all healthy as many are not. I am thankful for my extended family and friends, grateful to have a warm bed in which to sleep, hot water to stay clean and food to give me strength as many are not as fortunate.

I am also grateful to have a steady job that has allowed me to meet many wonderful people along the way. I am also thank-ful to the men and women who serve our country so that I can enjoy these blessings and wish peace and safety for them. Happy Thanksgiving to All!

pAm grABerpettisville

I am thankful for a husband and family that love me and that we are all healthy. I am grateful to God for the many blessings he has provided over the past year and am looking forward to the surprises to come in the next year. Our next year looks to be one of transitions as our young-est son graduates from high school in May and our oldest son and his wife will bring our first grandchild into the world. We will continue to count our bless-ings both now, at Thanksgiving time, and each day throughout the year.

pAUlette pottsWest Unity

“Count Your Blessings” … I’ve loved that song since I first sang it as a child. I have probably al-ways lived my life with the belief in a benevolent God who pro-vides me with the abundance of wonders I experience, even those I may not recognize as wonder-ful at the outset … my bout with cancer one of them. I am so grateful this health alarm has brought me back to a more hum-ble attitude and shown me I don’t walk alone here, and I couldn’t, even if I wanted to. My family, friends and even acquaintances or strangers have rallied to my support. I am so blessed and do count “my many blessings.”

ric richmondmontpelier

I am thankful for my health. I take care of myself, but I also think somebody up there likes me. I am thankful for all the vol-unteers who help the less for-tunate in any way. Also for my family and friends for love and support. For all in the military who serve in any way, and allow us to live in the best country in the world. I'm thankful to have a job in this economy, and thank-ful for the freedom to pray that things get better.

roB roBinsonstryker

I have to say I’m most thankful for my family and friends. I know it’s passé to say such things but it’s always true. I am also thank-ful for having the opportunity to travel across Williams and parts of Fulton County to talk with the amazing citizens of our various coverage communities. The in-terviews and events that I have been able to cover for The Vil-lage Reporter have really shown that despite all the changes and turmoil we’ve faced over the past few years that Northwest Ohio is a great place to live and raise a family.

ron mAtrischWest Unity

Personally I am thankful for God, family and friends, and the best country to ever live in.

terry dAleFAyette

I am very thankful, to have a daughter, and a wife who are healthy, and a great community to live in (Fayette). I am thank-ful, that basketball season is just around the corner, and I have a chance to give back to the kids who play basketball, and officiate some very talented, and respectful kids. I am thankful, for the opportunity to do what I have wanted to do since I was 13 years old, and that is to write for a newspaper, and have a "hob-by/job" that is sports-related. I am thankful to have covered the Edon Bombers this year in foot-ball, and watch them grow, and show great sportsmanship, and improve throughout the season. Happy Thanksgiving from my family to your families.

timothy kAysBryAn

There is much for which I am thankful, not just on Thanks-giving Day, but on a 24/7/365 basis.

I am thankful to live in Amer-ica, “…One nation under God,” with the freedom to praise and worship my God in a manner of my choosing. I am grateful for the gifts given me by my Cre-ator, amongst which are the ability to communicate through music and writing, and for the encouragement, inspiration and abiding love of family and friends.

I am also thankful for the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, and mindful that they have put aside their fami-lies and friends in order to en-sure that I can remain close to mine.

thomAs proctorBryAn

I’m thankful for my girlfriend Miranda, our son Mason and our baby on the way. I love having a family to come home to everyday, it’s the best feeling in the world.

The Village RepoRTeR STaff ShaReS ..."What You are Thankful for?"

cAsey chUrchWest Unity

I am most thankful this time of year for my family and friends. I am very grateful for my husband, who works very hard to support our family and for my son Land-on, who can make me smile in seconds even on the worst days; and for my parents and in-laws. I am also thankful for God and his MANY blessings!

Forrest r. chUrchWest Unity

I am thankful that Christ has forgiven me of my filthy sinful-ness (past, present, future) and that no matter how many times I fail at being the man He wants me to be that He remains right by my side lifting me up. I am thankful that I have the opportu-nity to serve the Lord in this life and am a member of a church that has seen thousands come to the Lord in faith for the first time in their lives. I am thank-ful for being blessed with a great family that loves me – I recognize that so many around us have lost loved ones recently and that they would go to any measure to spend more time with them. I am thankful and recognize the bless-ing that it is to have food to eat and a roof over my head when so many worldwide are without these necessities. I am thank-ful to be an American – even though I have been disgusted by the direction our nation has been heading – I recognize the bless-ing it is to live in a remarkable nation still full of freedoms. I am thankful to the men and women who have served our country, many giving all to provide safety and freedoms that so many in the world are without. I am thank-ful to be able to serve our com-munities through our newspaper … I am thankful for the support of our advertisers who allow us to print a large newspaper each week and for our subscribers for their support.