The Village at Marymount · Continuing Care Unit/ Clare Hall /Palliative Care Unit Lillian Aaron CH...

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Transcript of The Village at Marymount · Continuing Care Unit/ Clare Hall /Palliative Care Unit Lillian Aaron CH...

Daily Mass

Weekdays, 9:30-10 a.m.

& Saturdays, 4:00 p.m. Join us for daily Mass

in Assisi Chapel

Tuesday Holy Hour

10:15-11:15am in Assisi Hall

Bible Study

Sunday’s at 3:30 in the

Reading Room at

Marymount Place (M3)

Rosary Group

Sunday’s at 9:30 in

Assisi Hall

Exercise Programs

Exercise with Bob: 1st Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in Assisi Hall

Julie Balloflex: June 15 at 10:30 a.m. in Assisi


June Family Bingo Saturday, June 16, 2:00 p.m.

MMP Dining Room

Vol. 12 Issue 6 June 2018

For more information or a tour, please call (216) 332-1396 or visit our website at

Community Events

The Village at Marymount Featuring Villa St. Joseph and Marymount Place

Founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis

June Bursts into SUMMER!

Residents celebrated the start of summer by get-ting outside for the annual balloon launch to cele-brate Nursing Home Week. The grounds and courtyards are groomed, and ready for residents to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature, and to ‘celebrate life’! Residents are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new bus with easier access, newer technology and larger windows. Our residents love getting out on the bus to enjoy outings and sightseeing. Other activities they are looking forward to this summer are our annual Father-Son Cookout, which will be held June 11 in the evening, TOPS Swing Band, and of course a ride downtown on Lolley the Trolley!

“When I was with my father, when I was just a child, the world was filled

with wonder and every place was wild. And every day was magic, and Santa Claus was true, and all the things that mattered were things my father knew”

- Marsha Jeffrey Hendrickson

Jane Whittle

Henry Stoudermire

Angela Kent

Sidney Mallory

Continuing Care Unit/ Clare Hall /Palliative Care Unit

Lillian Aaron CH 2-07 June 5, 1935 83 Candles

Dorothy Horne CH 2-16 June 12, 1931 87 Candles

Gertrude Zimo CCU 208 June 28, 1923 95 Candles

Deborah Edgar CCU 217A June 29, 1955 63 Candles

Dorothy Stanford PCU 2-31 June 29, 1931 87 Candles

Memory Care Unit

Angeline Stefanini MCU 22 June 1, 1923 95 Candles

Frank DiSiena MCU 21 June 15, 1924 94 Candles

Leona Smith MCU 5 June 24, 1926 92 Candles

Marymount Place

Sr. Francesca Grzeslo MMP 102 June 1, 1934 84 Candles

Emily Trela MMP 320 June 3, 1926 92 Candles

June Rostocil MMP 333 June 18, 1934 84 Candles

Edward Englehart MMP 301 June 19, 1926 92 Candles

Frank Rudowsky MMP 111 June 23, 1944 74 Candles

Laura Schram MMP 123 June 29, 1921 97 Candles

Fr. Robert Friedel MMP 128 June 30, 1931 87 Candles

Marvette Burnley is all about putting residents first. The Clare Hall state-tested nursing as-sistant holds that belief at the core of her val-ues when at work each day. Marvette’s work ethic, and her devotion to residents and her coworkers alike, helped her to win the April 2018 Franciscan Spirit Award. Marvette was nominated by co-workers Lisa Kotora and Talitha Hickey. “Marvette is always here working a lot of hours and will come in for the supervisor or staffing coordinator if needed,” Talitha said. “She is compassionate and a great worker and team player. She helps anybody who needs it and she loves her residents.” Marvette has been at The Village at Mary-mount for six years. “I really do love the resi-dents,” she said. “They are at the center of all

that I do here and I’m happy to be rewarded with the Spirit Award.” In addition to Marvette, Sherron Brown, Ni-cole Thomas, India Daniel-Dunbar, Ashley Doughty, CinDee Tapaszi, Akila Luke, and Aretha Johnson received nominations for the award.

Marvette Burnley Wins April Franciscan Spirit Award

Marvette Burnley, left, receives congratu-lations from Unit Manager Jessica De-Jesus. -- Photo by Dan Storey

If you are a Type 2 diabetic trying to infuse your diet with helpful foods, then start incorporating these nine items into your daily

meal plan.

Beans: If you're looking for foods that raise blood-sugar levels slowly and gently, choose high-quality carbohydrates instead of low-quality carbs like refined grains and sugary foods. Whenev-er possible, you'll want to couple these carbs with protein and/or healthy fat. Beans (including black, white, navy, lima, pinto, gar-banzo, soy, and kidney) are a winning combination of high-quality carbohydrates, lean protein, and soluble fiber that helps stabilize your body's blood-sugar levels and keeps hunger in


Oatmeal: Studies have shown that eating a diet rich in whole grains and high-fiber foods may reduce the risk of diabetes by between 35 and 42 percent. An excellent source of both is heart-healthy oatmeal: It's packed with soluble fiber, which slows the absorption of glucose from food in the stomach — keeping

blood-sugar levels under control.

Fish: An outstanding source of lean protein is fresh fish. Choose an environmentally friendly variety like catfish, cod, or tilapia; all are mild-flavored, white-fleshed fish that can

be healthfully prepared by baking, grilling, or roasting.

Nonfat Yogurt: Fat-free yogurt naturally contains both high-quality carbohydrates and protein, making it an excellent food

for slowing or preventing an unhealthy rise in blood sugar.

Almonds: Unsalted almonds provide a healthy, low-carb mix of monounsaturated fats plus magnesium, which is believed to be

instrumental in carbohydrate metabolism.

Nonstarchy Vegetables: Chock-full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, nonstarchy vegetables (such as broccoli, spinach, mush-rooms, and peppers) are an ideal source of high-quality carbo-hydrates. Wild Salmon: Omega-3s from food help reduce your risk of heart disease, which is important for those with type 2 diabetes, whose risk of cardiovascular disease is already elevated. Egg Whites: Rich in high-quality lean protein and low in carbs, egg whites are another healthy choice for controlling or prevent-

ing type 2 diabetes.

Avocado: Avocado is high in monounsaturated fats, which are

generally considered among the healthiest of fats.

Nursing Notes:

Nine Foods You Should Be Eating for Type 2 Diabetes

Greetings from the Sisters of St. Joseph, TOSF

Summer has definitely arrived – it’s an absolute must to get outside and enjoy the “greenness” before sun, heat and lack of rain begins to fade the amazing bright colors! We also must remember that we won’t complain about that when it happens because a little “scorched” earth can still look nice among summer’s hardy annuals and perennials!

Writing these words caused me to glance at a picture on my desk – a picture of our resident, Jane Whittle, who passed away in May. She is holding a tea cup, smiling broadly, and our life enrichment staff surrounded her with a border of bright flowers as they created the “In Loving Memory” poster. In so many ways, Jane exemplified all our residents, present and past, and the best of who we are. Jane was loving, kind, simple and direct. She loved people, loved living at The Village at Marymount, and as her cousin shared with us, Jane probably had more friends here than at any other time in her life. Jane embraced everything that was good about life here and quickly overlooked and forgave any thoughtless or unkind actions. When seri-ous illness beset her, Jane tried to overcome her fears, cooperated with what she needed to do. Jane even found a way to enjoy her “road trips” to dialysis and promised to be back as soon as possible when being taken to the hospital.

Jane’s simplicity and directness was both a blessing and a curse for her. Sometimes it caused her to “get on our nerves” in a loving sort of way, but it certainly made clear how much she loved and needed us! On the morning of her last day, before being taken to heaven so suddenly, Jane apologized to nurses and therapists that she “just couldn’t do it” anymore. The end-less stream of staff and residents coming to her room to say their “good-byes” pretty much said it all – the best of who we are here at The Village at Marymount is found in every single one of us. We are as happy and sad, as kind and compassionate as each of us is. We are as much of a loving and caring community as each one of us is. And I boldly presume to add – we are as good as so many people discover us to be because our positive, responsive, loving, simple, do and say the right thing words and actions toward each other far, far outnumber any negativity that tries to sneak in among us once in a while!!

Let’s always celebrate how very good we are, then set out to make ourselves even better! Jane Whittle, God bless her, will be looking down and cheering us on!!

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers! If you’re interested in joining us as a volunteer, please contact

us at 216-332-0000

Marymount Place resident’s celebrate Mother’s Day with Luncheon and Vintage Fashion Show

Joe and Bea Mytro have literally spent every day of the past 65 years together. As residents of Mary-mount Place and The Village at Marymount in Gar-field Heights they continue to spend each day to-gether. Surrounded by friends and staff, the Mytros enjoyed a May 9 anniversary lunch together – and later a special dinner together in the Marymount Place pri-vate dining room. The Mytros were married on that day in 1953 amid a large ceremony attended by fam-ily and friends in Cleveland. When asked what is the key to such a lengthy mar-riage, Mrs. Mytro replied: "Just remember ... you're not always right." The Mytros have made the adjustment to their new home and continue to enjoy each other every day in their new home. Their family encourages friends to send cards and well wishes on their wonderful mar-riage and many years together to: Joe and Bea Mytro The Village at Marymount 5200 Marymount Village Drive Suite 315 Garfield Heights OH 44125

Mytros Celebrate 65th

Anniversary at The Village at Marymount

The Village at Marymount hosted its ninth Mission Day Mass on May 16 in its Assisi Hall Chapel. Bishop Roger Gries, OSB, once again officiated over the Mass, and anointed the hands of all staff members, residents, and caregivers in at-tendance. For the past seven years, the Mass has grown to include all the ministries on the Marymount Intergenerational Health and Education Campus, including Marymount Hospital, Marymount Child Care Center, Trinity High School, the Franciscan Center, and The Village at Marymount. Students from the Marymount Child Care Center sang “One Small Voice” as the opening hymn. Trinity High School pro-vided altar servers and enhance the celebration with one of its choir groups getting everyone singing along with heart and soul. The group concluded the celebration by singing “Shout to The Lord.” In previous years, Marymount Hospital included its own Mis-sion Day celebration during the day with displays depicting the heritage of its healing ministry. Hospital staff who attend-ed the Mass said it was the perfect way to bring to full circle the fact that the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis founded and continue to sponsor and support the campus ministries. The Village at Marymount is the “youngest” ministry on the campus having opened in

February 2007. Sister Mary Alice Jarosz initiated the Mission Day Mass within a year of becoming Director of Mission Integration in 2009. Since most of her religious life and ministry has been focused on the campus, she couldn’t help but go beyond The Village at Marymount and include everyone on campus. “After all, to me that is the true meaning of integration,” she said.

*Photos provided by Liz Pencak

June 1 At Minnesota 8:10 PM

June 2 At Minnesota 2:10 PM

June 3 At Minnesota 2:10 PM

June 5 Vs. Milwaukee 7:10 PM

June 6 Vs. Milwaukee 1:10 PM

June 8 At Detroit 7:10 PM

June 9 At Detroit 4:10 PM

June 10 At Detroit 1:10 PM

June 11 At Chicago Sox 8:10 PM

June 12 At Chicago Sox 8:10 PM

June 13 At Chicago Sox 8:10 PM

June 14 At Chicago Sox 2:10 PM

June 15 Vs. Minnesota 7:10 PM

June 16 Vs. Minnesota 4:10 PM

June 17 Vs. Minnesota 1:10 PM

June 18 Vs. Chicago Sox 7:10 PM

June 19 Vs. Chicago Sox 7:10 PM

Ninth Mission Day Mass Held in Assisi Hall

June 20 Chicago Sox 1:10 PM

June 22 Vs. Detroit 7:10 PM

June 23 Vs. Detroit 6:10 PM

June 24 Vs. Detroit 1:10 PM

June 25 At St. Louis 8:15 PM

June 26 At St. Louis 8:15 PM

June 27 At St. Louis 8:15 PM

June 29 At Oakland 10:05 PM

June 30 At Oakland 4:05 PM

Marymount Hospital President Dr. Dan Napierkowski has his hands blessed by

Bishop Roger Gries.

Children from the Marymount Child Care Center prepare for


6/6/18: Bob’s Song & Dance

6/10/18: Arts Connect

6/11/18: Father’s Day Cookout

6/14/18: TOPS Swing Band

6/15/18: Julie Balloflex

6/16/18: Family Bingo

6/18/18: Sr. Marianne S.

6/24/18: True Freedom

6/28/18: Logan Wells

6/29/18: Dog Show

For More Information: Call: (216) 332-1100 E-mail: Website:

Do you wish to be taken off our mailing list? If so please call 216.332.1070

Marymount Health Care Systems 5200 Marymount Village Dr.

Garfield Hts., OH 44125

We have a calendar full of fun activities but please be flexible. Due to weather, cancela-tions and vacation time the schedule might


Born June 23rd 1944 . He was the first born to his mom and dad. He was born in Cleveland at “Women’s Hospital” on Woodland Ave. He had three brothers and one sister. His mother’s sister is currently 93, and still visits him. Frank has two daughters, his one daughter, Brenda works here in Human Resources. Frank graduated from Benedictine High School, and went to college at Fenn State

(Now called– Cleveland State). He went to college part-time for 10 years and studied accounting, all the while he was holding down a job at Addressograph Multigraph in Euclid. The company made copy and duplicating machines. He worked in the corporate office as junior accountant. The company moved to Chicago and he worked with his dad at his gas station for 20 years. He raised his family in Maple Heights and lived there until he came to Marymount Place.