The Use of Phrases in Writing Recount Text by The Students ...

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The Use of Phrases in Writing Recount Text

by The Students of SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar

in Academic Year of 2013 - 2014


Submitted a partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For the Master Degree in Language Study at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta



(S 200 120 073)






Note of Advisor I

Agus Wijayanto, Ph. D

Lecturer of Language Study of Graduate Program Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS)

Official Note on Hidayati’s Thesis


The Director of Graduate Program Muhammadiyah of Surakarta (UMS) having read, examined, corrected and necessary revised toward the thesis of:

Name : Hidayati

NIM : S200120073

Program : Magister of Language Study

Proposed Research : The use of Phrases in Writing Recount Text by Students of

SMA N 1 Karanganyar in Academic year of 2013 – 2014

I accept that thesis is approved to be examined by the board of examiners in the Magister of Language Study of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS)

Surakarta, June 2015

First Advisor

Agus Wijayanto, Ph. D


Note of Advisor II

Mauly Halwat, M. Hum, Ph. D

Lecturer of Language Study of Graduate Program Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS)

Official Note on Hidayati’s Thesis


The Director of Graduate Program Muhammadiyah of Surakarta (UMS) having read, examined, corrected and necessary revised toward the thesis of:

Name : Hidayati

NIM : S200120073

Program : Magister of Language Study

Proposed Research : The use of Phrases in Writing Recount Text by Students of

SMA N 1 Karanganyar in Academic year of 2013 – 2014

I accept that thesis is approved to be examined by the board of examiners in the Magister of Language Study of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS)

Surakarta, June 2015

Second Advisor

Mauly Halwat, M. Hum, Ph. D NIK 727




By this pronouncement, I state that I write the thesis entitled THE USE OF PHRASES IN


OF 2013 – 2014, I absolutely state that this thesis is not plagiarism or is made by someone

else. The other works related to this thesis have been written in the form of quotation. The

sources of the thesis have been listed in the bibliography. If next this thesis can be proved

as a plagiarism the certificate and the academic can be cancelled to be given.

Karanganyar, June 2015



The Use of Phrases in Writing Recount Text by The Students of SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar in Academic Year of 2013 – 2014

Hidayati S 200 120 073 Hidayati. 2015. The Use of Phrases in Writing Recount Text by The Students of SMA Negeri 1

Karanganyar. Thesis, English Language Education. Graduate Program of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Advisors: (I) Agus Wijayanto, Ph.D (II) Mauly Halwat, M.Hum. Ph.D


This study is mainly aimed at finding: (1) The students’ ability in writing of phrases in recount text, (2) The types of phrases usually used in recount text by each the student, (3) The constructions of phrase used by the students. The study was carried out at SMA N 1 Karanganyar. The method used was a qualitative descriptive study. This research is conducted to analyze the students’ skills in using phrases in writing recount text. The population of this study was tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Karanganyar in the academic year 2013/2014. The writer took 35 students as the sample by using simple random sampling. In collecting the data, the writer used a writing diary test in the form of essay test. They used some phrases in their writing test. Based on the findings, it is concluded that (1)

The ability of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar in academic 2013/2014 in using phrases was good. Their ability was 80%. (2) The tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Karanganyar in academic 2013/2014 used some types of phrases in writing recount text. Namely noun phrase, verb phrase, Adjective phrase, Adverb phrase, and preposition Phrase. The total correctly phrases were 606 and 154 incorrectly. So, we can conclude here that the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Karanganyar used 760 phrases in writing recount text. (3)

The researcher found some constructions of phrases such as the construction of Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase and Preposition Phrase used by the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Karanganyar in writing recount text. They used 7 constructions of noun phrase, two constructions of verb phrase, adverb phrase and preposition phrase, while they used three constructions of adjective phrase.

Keywords: Writing, Genre, Recount text, Phrases.



First and foremost, I would like to express gratitude to Allah SWT, the Almighty God

for the blessing, kindness, and inspiration in lending me to accomplish the final project.

Without Him, I couldn’t stay patient and in control in writing this final project from the first

page to the last page.Second, Shalawat and Salam are always dedicated to our beloved

prophet Muhammad SAW, the last prophet and the prophet who had brought us from the

darkness to the brightness. I realize that I cannot complete this final project without the help

of others. Many people have helped me during the writing of this final project and it would be

impossible to mention all of them. I wish, however, to give my sincerest gratitude and

appreciation to all persons until this thesis can be completely finished. THE USE OF


KARANGANYAR IN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2013 - 2014 is a thesis for readers who want

to know the use of phrases in writing recount text..

Therefore, I would like to extend my appreciation to all of them, especially to:

1. The Director of Graduate Program of Muhammadiyah University, Prof. Dr. H.

Khudzaifah Dimyati, SH, M. Hum for giving the writer permission to write the thesis.

2. Prof.Dr.Markhamah,M.Hum, The head of Graduate Program of the English


3. Agus Wijayanto, Ph. D the first consultant, for the guidance, support, patience and

time in accomplishing this thesis.

4. Mauly Halwat, M. Hum. Ph. D the second consultant, for her advice, guidance, and

patience for the betterment of the writer’s thesis.

5. The students of class X of SMA N 1 Karanganyar who have helped the writer to

finish the research, and given a chance to facilitate them to improve their writing skill.


6. The writer’s beloved husband who is never tired of giving her the spirit ,care ,love

and prayer.

7. The people who cannot be mentioned one by one for helping the writer to complete

the thesis.

Needless to say, the thesis is still far from being perfect .The writer will accept every

comment and suggestion.

Surakarta 19 June 2015


S 200 120 073



In the name of ALLAH

Most gracious, most Merciful

My special thanks for:

ALLOH SWT , Who makes my life meaningful, Who gives me everything I need, and

always shows me to the right way of the destiny life.


My lovely husband ,thanks for your love and your support to me,My lovely Father

and Mother, I hope ALLOH will always love and take care you there ,and I will always pray

for you every time chance and place.

My lovely daughters (Tyas, Lucky and Tsaltsa), you are the light on my life; you are

my spirit to step and face the future.

And all my family and my friends, thanks for your support.



Always be yourself no matter what they say and never be anyone else even if they look better than you

(Selalu jadi diri sendiri tidak masalah apa yang mereka katakan dan jangan pernah menjadi orang lain meskipun mereka tampak lebih baik

dari kamu.)

Nothing is impossible beyond determination (Tidak ada yang tidak mungkin bila dilakukan dengan sungguh-sungguh)

Do your best and the god will take care of the rest (Lakukan yang terbaik dan Tuhan akan memberikan yang terbaik)

Don’t put till tomorow what you can do today (Jangan tunggu sampai besok apa yang bisa kamu lakukan hari ini)




PAGE OF TITLE ............................................................................................................ i

NOTE OF ADVISOR I ................................................................................................... ii

NOTE OF ADVISOR I ................................................................................................... iii

APPROVAL .................................................................................................................. iv

PRONOUNCEMENT .................................................................................................... v

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ vii

DEDICATION .............................................................................................................. ix

MOTTO ....................................................................................................................... x

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................................ 1

B. Limitation of the Problem .............................................................................. 7

C. Research Questions ........................................................................................ 7

D. Objectives of the Study .................................................................................. 7

E. The Benefit of the Study ................................................................................ 7

F. Outline of the Study ....................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER II: UNDERLYING THEORY ........................................................................... 9

A. Previous Study ................................................................................................. 9

B. Related Theories .............................................................................................. 15

1. Teaching Writing ........................................................................................ 15


1.1. The Concept of Teaching Writing ............................................... 16

1.1.1. Brainstorming........................................................................... 16

1.1.2. Free writing .............................................................................. 17

1.1.3. Journalistic Questions .............................................................. 17

1.1.4. Cluster mapping ....................................................................... 18

1.1.5. Flow Charting ........................................................................... 19

1.1.6. Double/Triple Entry.................................................................. 20

1.2. The writing Process ................................................................................. 20

1.3. Types of writing ........................................................................... 21

1.4. Purposes of writing ..................................................................... 22

1. 5. Requirement of Good writing ................................................... 23

2. General Concept of Genre ......................................................................... 25

2.1. Definition of Genre ..................................................................... 25

2.2. Kinds of Genre ............................................................................. 25

3. Recount text ............................................................................................... 27

3.1. Definitions of Recount text ......................................................... 27

3.2. Generic Concept of Recount text ................................................ 28

3.3. Grammatical Features of Recount text ....................................... 28

3. 4. Types of Recount ........................................................................ 29

4. Phrases ....................................................................................................... 30

4.1. Noun Phrase ................................................................................ 30

4. 1.1. The Definition of Noun Phrase ........................................ 30

4. 1. 2. The Construction of English Noun Phrases ..................... 33


4. 1. 3. The Complex Noun Phrase .............................................. 36

4. 2. Verb Phrase ................................................................................ 38

4. 2. 1. The definition of verb phrase ......................................... 38

4. 2. 2. Kinds of verb ................................................................... 38

4. 2. 3. Verbal Phrases and Their Role in Sentence Structure .... 39

4. 2. 4. Verbal phrases include participial phrases, infinitive

phrases, and gerund phrases ......................................... 39

4. 3. Adjective Phrase ........................................................................ 40

4. 3. 1. Definition of Adjective Phrase ......................................... 40

4. 3. 2. Classes of adjective ........................................................... 43

4. 3. 3. Types of adjectives ........................................................... 44

4.4. Adverb Phrase ............................................................................. 45

4. 4. 1. Definition of Adverb Phrase ............................................. 45

4. 4. 2. Adverb phrases made with prepositions .......................... 46

4. 4. 3. Adverb phrases made with infinitives ............................. 46

4. 5. Prepositional Phrases ............................................................... 49

4. 5. 1. Definition of Prepositional Phrase ................................... 49

4. 5. 2. Kinds of Prepositional Phrase .......................................... 51

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................................. 52

A. Types of Research ................................................................................ 52

B. The Setting of Research ....................................................................... 53

C. Object of the Research ......................................................................... 53

D. Subject of the Research ....................................................................... 53


E. Method of Collecting Data.................................................................... 55

1. Observation ...................................................................................... 55

2. Test ................................................................................................... 55

3. Interview ........................................................................................... 56

4. Documentation ................................................................................. 56

F. Data Analysis Technique....................................................................... 57

G. Inspection Techniques Validity of Data ............................................... 57

CHAPTER IV : FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................ 58

A. The Data Analysis of the students’ ability in writing phrases ............. 58

B. The Types of Phrases Usually Use in Writing Recount Text by Each

Students ............................................................................................... 60

C. The Constructions of Phrases Used by The Students .......................... 78

D. Research Findings ............................................................................... 84

E. Discussion of Research Finding ........................................................... 93

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, SUGGESTION.......................................... 109

A. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 109

B. Implication .......................................................................................... 110

C. Suggestions ......................................................................................... 110

1. The students ................................................................................... 110

2. The Teacher .................................................................................... 111

3. The Researcher ............................................................................... 111

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... 112

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 116



1. Table 1.Score from the students’ ability in writing recount text

2. Table 2.Types of phrases used by Adeliana Atriana

3. Table 3. Types of phrases used by Adibah Rasikhah Amanta

4. Table 4. Types of phrases used by Admiral Pratama Putra

5. Table 5. Types of phrases used by Agustina Betri Larasati

6. Table 6. Types of phrases used by Aisya Chrisdiaty Widyas

7. Table 7. Types of phrases used by Akbarul Rizy

8. Table 8. Types of phrases used by Alya Gilang Romadhona

9. Table 9. Types of phrases used by Amelia Rizky Hutami

10. Table 10. Types of phrases used by Anisa Kharismasari

11. Table 11. Types of phrases used by Anisa Swastika Rizky

12. Table 12. Types of phrases used by Aulia Pramestya Sulaksono

13. Table 13. Types of phrases used by Catharina Yudhita puspita

14. Table 14. Types of phrases used by Chiara Azra Cendani putri

15. Table 15. Types of phrases used by Danik Ayunda

16. Table 16. Types of phrases used by Dyah Puspitasari

17. Table 17. Types of phrases used by Eka Fadilla Rahma

18. Table 18. Types of phrases used by Endang Sulastri

19. Table19. Types of phrases used by erinda Arum Novitasari

20. Table 20 .Types of phrases used by Faishal Ammar

21. Table 21. Types of phrases used by Chiara Helda Nur Choirunnisa

22. Table 22. Types of phrases used by Ilyas Akbar Almadani


23. Table 23. Types of phrases used by Khansa Khanan Taufiqah

24. Table 24. Types of phrases used by Krisna Rangga Pradhana

25. Table 25. Types of phrases used by Laila Kusumawardani

26. Table 26. Types of phrases used by Lakshita Alifa Zein

27. Table 27. Types of phrases used by Natalia Ardila Putri

28. Table 28. Types of phrases used by Nisa Arimi Faza

29. Table 29. Types of phrases used by Reika Cahya Mumpuni

30. Table 30. Types of phrases used by Ristita Aritamunsa

31. Table 31. Types of phrases used by Rossi Hayyu Anjani

32. Table 32. Types of phrases used by RR Karina Alviani

33. Table 33. Types of phrases used by Satria Nusantara

34. Table 34. Types of phrases used by Selviana Novita Nugraheni

35. Table 35. Types of phrases used by Syifa Devi Adityas

36. Table 36. Types of phrases used by Yustika Cahyaning Putri

37. Table. 37 The student’s identity


List of figures

1. Figure 1. Adverb Phrase Type

2. Figure 2. Adverb Phrase with infinitive

3. Figure 3. Noun Phrase

4. Figure. 4. The Total Phrases Used by the students

5. Figure 5.The average phrases used by the students in writing recount text

6. Figure 6. The Highest and The Lowest Phrases used by the students

7. Figure 7. AA’s Data in using phrases

8. Figure 8. ARA’s Data in using phrases

9. Figure 9. APP’s Data in using phrases

10. Figure 10. ABL’s Data in using phrases

11. Figure 11. ACWs’ Data in using phrases

12. Figure 12. AR’s Data in using phrases

13. Figure 13. AGR’s Data in using phrases

14. Figure 14. ARH’s Data in using phrases

15. Figure 15. AK’s Data in using phrases

16. Figure 16. ASR’s Data in using phrases

17. Figure 17. APS’s Data in using phrases

18. Figure 18. CYP’s Data in using phrases

19. Figure 19. CACP’s Data in using phrases

20. Figure 20. DAP’s Data in using phrases

21. Figure 21. DP’s Data in using phrases

22. Figure 22. EFR’s Data in using phrases


23. Figure 23. ES’s Data in using phrases

24. Figure 24. EAN’s Data in using phrases

25. Figure 25. FA’s Data in using phrases

26. Figure 26. HNC’s Data in using phrases

27. Figure 27. IAA’s Data in using phrases

28. Figure 28. KHT’s Data in using phrases

29. Figure 29. KRP’s Data in using phrases

30. Figure 30. LK’s Data in using phrases

31. Figure 31. LAZ’s Data in using phrases

32. Figure 32. NAP’s Data in using phrases

33. Figure 33. NAF’s Data in using phrases

34. Figure 34. NAP’s Data in using phrases

35. Figure 35. RAM’s Data in using phrases

36. Figure 36. RHA’s Data in using phrases

37. Figure 37. RKA’s Data in using phrases

38. Figure 38. SN’s Data in using phrases

39. Figure 39. SNN’s Data in using phrases

40. Figure 40. SDA’s Data in using phrases

41. Figure 41. YCP’s Data in using phrases



1. ADJ P : Adjective Phrase

2. ADV P : Adverb Phrase

3. Det : Determiner

4. H : Head

5. M : Modifier

6. N : Noun

7. NP : Noun Phrase

8. Prep. P : Prepositional Phrase

9. VP : Verb Phrase