The use of mathematics in food useful for

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The use of mathematics in food useful for

The Use of Mathematics in Food Useful for Children

Sometimes it is really hard for mothers to buy healthy food for their children. Some knowledge on Mathematics will help mothers to concentrate faster.

For instance, there are different sizes of oranges in a supermarket, what kind of choice should the mother do so that the bulk of the orange peel would be comparatively less.

Let us take an average size of orange.

• It is seen from the outer side that the peel is less than the orange core; but is it really so? Mathematical calculations show that the bulk of the peel is equal to the bulk of the core.

• Hence, it is more useful to buy medium to large oranges, in which nutritiousness is more than the core.

• It is sometimes very hard for mothers to feed their children with nutritious food. The child is easily getting used to the food, which is not healthy, and one of the elements contributing to this fact is the design, so, we suggest modifying the design of some healthy food, in which the use of Mathematics will be of importance. For example, modifying the pack for milk, for which the material will be used but with different and more interesting design of the box/pack.

• Let us take a standard pack of milk.

• It will hardly ever interest the children with its design.

• Let us consider the box, which has four regular triangular. Let’s divide each vertex of the triangle by 4 equal angles as it is shown in the picture.

Then let’s put them together

Then calculate the volume of each part.

As a result, we will get

• The pack we got will be interesting for children, as a result of which they will have milk, which is so important for them!