THE UNIVERSITY OF · 1999-06-22 · corn meal and...

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Transcript of THE UNIVERSITY OF · 1999-06-22 · corn meal and...



Nineteen years ago the Uni-versity of Tennessee MilanExperiment Station opened itsgates for farmers andagribusiness people to viewand discuss timely researchand demonstrations pertain-ing to no-till crop production.Today, adaptation of thistechnology has made no-till a

significant revolution in modern agriculture.The research staff at the Milan Experiment

Station has led the Southeast in no-till researchand educational information. The 1999 researchtours are no exception! The tours have new andupdated material, along with cutting-edge tech-nology, to keep no-till producers abreast ofchanges so they can plan for the future.

Tours are designed for related topics and a“take home message” that should help producersas they make decisions.

More than 5,800 people attended the MilanNo-Till Field Day in 1998 — the result of plan-ning and hard work of many cooperating agen-cies, industries and volunteers. We hope tocontinue to increase in numbers.

Local support is evident by the communityevents and activities. These are described nearthe end of the program. The final pages of theprogram include descriptions of the amenitiesavailable during the activities and a map to thefield day site.

Please let us know if we can assist you. It isour desire that you have an educational andenjoyable visit to the Milan Experiment Station.Thank you for being one of the thousands to visitthe nation’s largest No-Till Field Day!

Blake A. BrownStation Superintendent



Presentations will be made at 7:00, 9:00, and11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Attendees shouldassemble in the designated tent located directlywest of the West Tennessee Agricultural Mu-seum. A tent for shade and bales of straw forseating will be provided. The complete presen-tation requires 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Overview of Agriculture Today andin the FutureDaryll E. Ray, Blasingame Chair of Excellence,

Agricultural Policy Analysis Center,Agricultural Economics and RuralDevelopment

Supply Chain Management: Its Definitionand Effect on Agricultural ProducersGregory K. Pompelli, Professor, Agricultural

Economics and Rural Sociology

Grain and Cotton Marketing Strategies for1999 and 2000Delton C. Gerloff, Professor, Agricultural

Economics and Resource Development

Tune Up Your Machinery ManagementDecisionsTim L. Cross, Professor, Agricultural Economics

and Resource Development

Effects of Implementing Marketing andManagement Strategies on TennesseeProducersStephen P. Slinsky, Research Associate,

Agricultural Policy Analysis Center,Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology


Research Tours

This year 12 research tours, including thepopular No-Till Equipment Demonstration,will be featured. Tours start at 7:00 a.m.CDT, Thursday, July 22. The final tours of theday will start no later than 3:30 p.m. Eachtour stop is approximately 20 minutes longand each tour may be completed in 1 hourand 30 minutes or less, depending on thenumber of stops and travel time betweenstops.

Those desiring to take several tours shouldplan to arrive EARLY . Please turn the pagefor complete descriptions of tours and tourstops.

West TennesseeAgricultural Museum

The West Tennessee AgriculturalMuseum will be open during the No-TillField Day between the hours of 7:00 a.m.and 4:00 p.m. Large displays of antique farmequipment and tools used by early WestTennessee settlers are featured. New exhib-its include a country store and West Tennes-see soil exhibit and history of no-till.Traditional skills will be demonstrated the dayof the Field Day. These include blacksmiths,corn meal and wheat flour grinding, ForkedDeer Herb Society, Henson’s hand-craftedbrooms, Hockaday handcrafted brooms,wildlife paintings and prints, wooden doughbowls and corn shuck dolls, wool spinnersand weavers. The museum is located on thefield day site. Admission is free.

Special Feature:Agriculture Makes Life Possible

“A Journey Toward Ag Literacy,” anexhibition of the Ag In The Classroom re-source materials used in the training ofteacher presenters will be displayed in the

Agricultural Museum auditorium. Sharing inthis event will be various commodity groupsponsors and volunteers of the TennesseeFoundation for Ag In The Classroom. Repre-senting the dairy industry will be an ice creamstation co-sponsored by the Gibson CountyFarm Bureau Women and the West Tennes-see No-Till Farmers Association.

Point Sign-up Recertification forRestricted Use Pesticides

Certified pesticide applicators mustaccumulate at least twenty-eight (28) pointsin categories 1,3,7,10, & 12; twenty (20)points in categories 6 & 8; and twelve (12)points in categories 2,4,5,11 & 13 over aperiod of five (5) years. The TennesseePesticide Coordinator and the Head of theEnvironmental Control Section of the Tennes-see Department of Agriculture has assignedSEVEN (7) RECERTIFICATION POINTS forcategories 1, 10 & 12; and ONE (1) point forall other categories to those attending andparticipating in the RESEARCH TOURS atthe Milan No-Till Field Day.

To qualify, private and commercial pesti-cide applicators MUST SIGN the sign-upsheets located at the Registration Tentsaround the field day site.

Certified Crop Adviser ProgramContinuing Education Units

National Certified Crop Advisor (CCA)points for Continuing Education Units (CEU)have been applied for as follows: 1.5-CEU innutrient management; .5-CEU in soil andwater management; 2.5-CEU in crop man-agement; and 3.0-CEU in integrated pestmanagement. To qualify, Certified CropAdvisors MUST SIGN the sign-up sheetslocated at the Assembly Areas for eachindividual tour.



Attendees participating in this tour should boardcovered trailers near the registration tent.Tours depart every 20 minutes. Complete tourrequires 1 hour and 15 minutes.

UNR Cotton Rotation PossibilitiesOwen Gwathmey, Associate Professor,

Plant and Soil ScienceTim Roberts, Assistant Extension Agent,

Haywood County.

Early Season Insect Control in UNR CottonNancy Van Tol, Research Assistant,

Entomology and Plant PathologyMike Smith, Extension Leader,

Crockett County

Ginning UNR CottonMike Buschermohle, Associate Professor,

Extension Agricultural and BiosystemsEngineering

Bill Mayfield, Cotton Program Leader,USDA, CSREES


Attendees participating in this tour should boardcovered trailers near the registration tent. Toursdepart every 20 minutes. Complete tour re-quires 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Water Quality ResearchJohn Buchanan, Assistant Extension Specialist,

Agricultural and Biosystems EngineeringWesley Wright, Research Associate,

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Animal Waste ResearchMike Mullen, Associate Professor,

Plant and Soil SciencePaula Gale, Assistant Professor,

Plant and Soil Science

Nutrient Management PlanningForbes Walker, Assistant Professor,

Extension Plant and Soil ScienceCharles Goan, Professor and Leader,

Extension Animal Science

Effective Erosion Control PracticesPaul Denton, Professor,

Extension Plant and Soil ScienceDon Tyler, Professor, Plant and Soil Science



Attendees participating in this tour should boarddesignated buses in tent area. Buses departevery 20 minutes. The complete tour requires1 hour and 30 minutes. Tents for shade andbales of straw for seating are provided. Partici-pants may attend Tour D — Weed Control inNo-Till Cotton, Tour E — Beef Cattle Production,Tour F — Soil Sampling in No-Till, and Tour G— No-Till Soybeans without returning to the busloading area.

Corn Weed Control — To PRE or not to PRE?G. Neil Rhodes, Jr., Professor,

Extension Plant and Soil ScienceGreg Breeden, Extension Assistant,

Extension Plant and Soil Science

Soybean Weed Control: PRE, POST or Both?Tom Mueller, Associate Professor,

Plant and Soil ScienceAnthony Ohmes, Weed Scientist,

University of Missouri Delta Center

Herbicide Efficacy and SymptomologyRobert Etheridge, Research Associate,

Plant and Soil ScienceRob Ellis, Research Assistant, Highland

Rim Experiment StationAndy Kendig, Extension Weed

Specialist, Univ. of Missouri Delta CenterTodd Willian, Assistant Professor,

Western Kentucky University

Weed IdentificationJimmy Summerlin, Research Associate,

Plant and Soil ScienceDarrin Robinson, Assistant Professor,

Extension Plant and Soil ScienceCarrie Stiles, Graduate Research Assistant,

Plant and Soil ScienceSusan Matthews, Assistant Extension Agent,

Shelby County



Attendees participating in this tour shouldboard designated buses in tent area. Completetour requires 45 minutes. Buses depart every30 minutes. Tents for shade and bales of strawfor seating are provided. Participants mayattend Tour C — Weed Control in No-Till Cornand Soybeans, Tour E — Beef Cattle Produc-tion, Tour F — Soil Sampling in No-Till, andTour G — No-Till Soybeans without returningto the bus loading area.

Weed Control in No-Till CottonPRE-POST or Total POST?Conventional vs. Technology?Economical vs. Cheap?HERB™: Weed Control Decision AidUltra Narrow Row Weed Control

Bob Hayes, Professor,Plant and Soil Science

Jerry Parker, Extension Leader,Lauderdale County



Attendees participating in this tour should boardbuses near tent area. Buses leave every 20minutes. Presentations are conducted in thenorth tract equipment shed. Tours will beginevery hour, on the hour, and are continuous.Complete tour requires 1 hour. Seating underthe equipment shed is provided. Participantsmay attend Tour C — Weed Control in No-TillCorn and Soybeans, Tour D — Weed Controlin No-Till Cotton, Tour F — Soil Sampling inNo-Till, and Tour G — No-Till Soybeans withoutreturning to the bus loading area.

Nutritional and ManagementImplications of Common Weight/VolumeEstimation Methods in Beef Cow-CalfProduction

Estimated vs. True Forage Availability inLarge Round Bales of HayJim Neel, Professor and Leader,

Extension Animal ScienceLarry Moorehead, Extension Leader,

Moore County

Economic and Production ConsiderationsRelated to Cattle Weighing ConditionsMark Davis, Research Assistant,

Highland Rim Experiment Station,Emmit Rawls, Professor,

Agricultural Economics and ResourceDevelopment

Weight vs. Volume in Feedstuffs —HowNutrition Can Be AffectedWarren Gill, Professor,

Extension Animal ScienceBrian White, Extension Assistant,

Extension Animal ScienceClyde Lane, Professor,

Extension Animal Science



Attendees participating in this tour should boardbuses near tent area. Buses depart every 20minutes. Presentations are conducted in thenorth end of the north tract shop. Tours willbegin every hour, on the hour, and are continu-ous. Complete tour requires 1 hour. Seating inthe shop is provided. Participants may attendTour C — Weed Control in No-Till Corn andSoybeans, Tour D — Weed Control in No-TillCotton, Tour E — Beef Cattle Production, andTour G — No-Till Soybeans without returning tothe bus loading area.

Soil Sampling for Precision Agriculture:An EvaluationMike Essington, Associate Professor,

Plant and Soil ScienceSloane Smith, Graduate Assistant,

Plant and Soil Science

Getting the Most Reliable Informationfrom Soil TestingHugh Savoy, Associate Professor,

Extension Plant and Soil ScienceLaura Franks, Graduate Research

Assistant, Plant and Soil Science

Comparing Soil Test LaboratoryRecommendationsGary Lessman, Professor,

Plant and Soil ScienceJeff Scott, Graduate Research Assistant,

Plant and Soil Science

Soil Testing — Secondary andMicronutrients:Are They Minor Elements?Debbie Joines, Extension Assistant,

UT Soil and Forage Test LabRonnie Barron, Associate Extension Agent,

Cheatham County



Attendees participating in this tour should boarddesignated buses at tent area. Buses departevery 20 minutes. Complete tour requires1 hour. Tents for shade and bales of straw forseating are provided. Participants may attendTour C — Weed Control in No-Till Corn andSoybeans, Tour D — Weed Control in No-TillCotton, Tour E — Beef Cattle Production, andTour F — Soil Sampling in No-Till withoutreturning to the bus loading area.

UT Soybean Breeding ProgramVince Pantalone, Assistant Professor,

Plant and Soil ScienceDebbie Ellis, Research Associate,

Plant and Soil ScienceAngie Chapman, Graduate Research Assistant,

Plant and Soil Science

Soybean Cyst Nematode — Changing RacesLawrence Young, Adjunct Professor,

USDATim Campbell, Extension Agent,

Dyer County

Standardized Soybean TestsBob Williams, Extension Area Specialist,

Agricultural Extension ServiceGreg Allen, Extension Leader, Lake County



Tours begin at 8 a.m. Attendees should boarddesignated buses in tent area. Buses will departevery 20 minutes. No-till planters, drills, fertilizerapplicators and spraying equipment will beoperating in actual field conditions. Continuousdemonstrations will take place until 2:00 p.m.Return buses will run every 20 minutes.

William E. Hart, Associate Professor,Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Joe Sarten, Engineer, UT AgriculturalExperiment Station

AerWay of TexasAerWay aerator

Arizona Drip Systems2-row stalk-puller w/wide row disk

Case Corporation5400 drill (15')

Case DMI, Inc.Ecolo-til 2500 set up for no-till

Chemical Fertilizer SupplyCotton ripper (16’)

Haybuster Agricultural ProductsNo-till drill, Haybuster 107

Holden Industries, Inc.No-till bermuda sprigger, 428 sodmakersprigger

Martin & Company Planter AttachmentsMartin row cleaners & spading closingwheels

Powell Manufacturing Co., Inc.4-row Ro-till® (13’)

Sukup Mfg. Company & Marliss/Div. of SukupMarliss grain drill, air seeder

Sunflower Mfg.No-till drill, Model 9412-15

Tri County EquipmentKinze planter

Wylie Sprayers60’ 3 pt. Boom



This short walking tour assembles behind thebus loading area (east of exhibit tent area) anddeparts every 20 minutes. Complete tourrequires 1 hour. Tents for shade and bales ofstraw for seating are provided at each stop.

Bt CottonGary Lentz, Associate Professor,

Entomology and Plant PathologyLarry Kimery, Extension Leader,

Gibson County

Harvest AidsPaulus Shelby, Professor,

Extension Plant and Soil ScienceCraig Massey, Assistant Extension Agent,

Fayette County

Economics of Roundup Ready™ vs Conven-tional Seed in No-Tillage and ConventionalTillage CottonRoland Roberts, Professor, Agricultural

Economics and Rural SociologyBurton English, Professor, Agricultural

Economics and Rural SociologyJames Larson, Associate Professor,

Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology



This short walking tour assembles behind thebus loading area (east of exhibit tent area) anddeparts every 20 minutes. Complete tourrequires 1 hour. Tents for shade and bales ofstraw for seating are provided at each stop.

Update on Bt Corn and the SouthwesternCorn BorerRuss Patrick, Professor,

Extension Entomology and Plant PathologyCharles Pless, Professor,

Entomology and Plant Pathology

Aflatoxin Management in CornMelvin Newman, Professor,

Extension Entomology and Plant PathologyWayne Flinchum, Professor,

Extension Plant and Soil Science

Nitrogen Fertilization in No-Till Corn:Sources, Starters, and Application TimingDon Howard, Professor,

Plant and Soil ScienceMike Gordon, Extension Leader,

Haywood County



Participants in this tour should assemble in theForestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries tent locatednear the bus loading area. Presentations arecontinuous throughout the day. Complete tourrequires 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Single Strand Fencing to Control DeerDamage to SoybeansCharles Dixon, Extension Associate,

Wildlife Management

Enhancing Small-Game Habitat on theFarmCraig Harper, Assistant Professor,

Wildlife Management

Top Dollar Timber SalesLarry Tankersley, Extension Associate,

Forest Management

Thinning to Increase Future Profitabilityand ProductivityWayne Clatterbuck, Assistant Professor,

Forest Management

Improving Pond Habitat for FishTom Hill, Professor, Fisheries Management



Attendees participating in this tour shouldassemble in the Pesticide Mixing and HandlingFacility located south of the main exhibitor tent.Bales of straw will be provided for seating.Complete tour requires 30 minutes.

Ken Nafe, Coordinator, TennesseeDepartment of Agriculture Ground Water

Walter Bennet, Agriculturalist,Tennessee Valley Authority

Dan Danielson, Administrator of AgInput and Pesticides, TennesseeDepartment of Agriculture



AerWay of TexasAerWay aerator

Arizona Drip Systems2-row 38-40 stalk puller

Case DMI, Inc.Ecolo-till 2500 no-till unit,Technology LearningCenter

Chemical Fertilizer Supply16' cotton ripper

Grady W. Jones CompanyCAT Forklift, E-Z-GoCart

Hiniker Company30’ air drill w/ tandemcart

Holden Industries, Inc.Tractor, 428 sodmakersprigger

Krone NiemeyerRound baler, rake,tedder, disc mower &rotary cutter

Martin and Company PlanterAttachmentsPlanter demo units

Mid-South Ag Equipment, Inc.GPS — AIM NavigationSystem

Monosem Precision Planters15' UNR planter

Powell Manufacturing Co.,Inc. Ro-till® —minimum tillage tool

Quick Cover from WatsonFarms 36' x 27'building

Redball - C.A.P., Inc.Redball sprayers

S & N Sprayer Co., Inc.Spray equipment

Sukup Mfg. & Marliss/Div.of SukupMarliss grain drill

Tennessee Farmers Coop.ATV, precisionagronomy, GPS, soilsampling tool

The KBH CorporationCotton cart, modulebuilder, nurse trailers,coulter toolbar fertilizerapplicator, dry fertilizerspreader, hopper bottomaugering tender trailer

Tri County EquipmentKinze planter


A & L Analytical LabsAdams Fertilizer EquipmentAerWay of TexasAg Leader TechnologyAg-Chem Equipment Co.,

Inc.AgrEvoAgri Gro Marketing, Inc.Agri Business Inter., Inc.Agri-SC/Four Star Serv., Inc.AgriGoldAgripro Seeds — Southern

Business UnitAgro-Tech Communications/

AgriCenter InternationalAlliedSignal, Inc.American Crop Services, Inc.American Cyanamid Co.Arizona Drip SystemsAsgrow Seed Co.BASF CorporationBayer CorporationBruce Martin Construction.

Inc.Carlton Morris MarketingCarquestCase CorporationCase DMICelPrilChandler Equipment Co.Chemical Fertilizer SupplyChilean Nitrate CorporationCircle S Farm SupplyConklin Independent

DistributorConwood Sales Company,

L.P.Cotton Grower MagazineCowco, Inc.DEKALB— A member of the

Monsanto GlobalSeed Group

Delavan Spray TechnologiesDelta Farm Press/Southeast

Farm PressDelta King Seed Co.Deltapine SeedDow AgroSciencesDuPont Chemical Co.Farm Credit ServicesFMC AG Products GroupG & L EquipmentG & W Diesel Services, Inc.Garst Seed Co.Grady W. Jones Co.Greenleaf Technologies, Inc.

Griffin CorporationGTE WirelessGustafson, LLCHagie Manufacturing Co.Hardi Inc.Hartz Seed Co.Haybuster Agricultural ProductsHelena Chemical Co.Hiniker/Perkins SalesHolden Industries, Inc.Hooper’s Welding and Truck Equip.Hornbeck Seed Co., Inc.Jackson Diesel ServiceJohn Deere Co.Krone NiemeyerKubota (Jackson Tractor Co., Inc.)Marliss/Div of SukupMartin & Company Planter

AttachmentsMerialMid-South Ag Equipment, Inc.MidAmerica Farm PublicationsMonosem Precision PlantersMonsantoMycogen SeedsNAPA Auto and Truck of MilanNew Holland N.A.Novartis Crop ProtectionNovartis Seeds Inc.Omni Distribution, Inc.Paymaster CottonseedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.Plato Industries, Inc.Powell Manufacturing Company, Inc.Power Cleaning Equipment, LLCQuick Cover from Watson FarmsRaben TireRedball/C.A.P., Inc.Rhône-Poulenc Ag Co.Riley Trailer SalesRohm and Haas Co.S & N Sprayer Co., Inc.Schaeffer Mfg. Co.Somerville Livestock MarketStoneville Pedigreed Seed Co.Sukup Manufacturing Co.Sunflower Mfg.Sure-Grow Seed, Inc.Swedish Match, Inc.Tennessee CellularTennessee Farmers Coop.Terral Seed, Inc.Texas Refinery Corp.The Great Outdoor StoresThe KBH CorporationThe Spreader, Inc.

Thompson MachineryTrace Chemicals, LLCTri County EquipmentU.S. Borax Inc.Union Planters BankUniroyal Chemical Co., Inc.Valent U.S.A.Vermeer Mfg. Co.Walinga Inc.Wallace Hardware Co. —

Farm Equipment Division

USDA, AMS, Cotton DivisionUSDA/Natural Resources

Conservation ServiceUSDA Rural DevelopmentUT Agricultural Development

CenterUT Agricultural Economics

and Resource Development — Systems Software

UT Agricultural ExperimentStation

UT College of AgriculturalSciences & NaturalResources

UT College of VeterinaryMedicine

UT Dept. of Ag Economicsand Rural Sociology

UT Dept. of Food Scienceand TechnologyExtension Clean WaterPriority Program

UT Martin School ofAgriculture & HumanEnvironment

West Tennessee CottonFestival

West TN No-Till FarmersAssociation—in museum


Farm Service Agency (USDA)Gibson County Farm Bureau

Women— in museumGibson Electric Membership

CorporationJackson Area Chapter American

Red CrossMadison County Farm Bureau

WomenMilan General HospitalNRCS — Soil Quality InstituteNorthwest TN Quail UnlimitedSoil and Water Conservation

SocietyTN/KY AgrAbilityTN Agricultural Statistics

ServiceTN Certified Varieties, Inc.TN Dept. of Agriculture—

Market Development DivisionTN Dept. of Agriculture —

Nonpoint Source ProgramTN Farm Bureau FederationTN Forage and Grassland

CouncilTN Soybean Promotion CouncilTN Tree Farm ProgramTN Vocational Rehabilitation

Westvaco CorporationWilger, Inc.Wolf Creek Oil CompanyWylie SprayersYates & Sons Culvert Co.Yetter Mfg., Co.Zeneca Ag ProductsZimmerman Hybrids, Wilson

Genetics, LLC


The University of Tennessee Agricultural Experi-ment Station appreciates the Milan community’ssupport of the Milan No-Till Crop Production FieldDay. The following community activities are sched-uled to coincide with the field day events.

Milan No-Till Tennis Tournament

The Bank of Milan proudly sponsors the Milan No-Till Tennis Tournament. The 1999 tournament marksthe eighth consecutive year of sponsoring thetournament. Dates are July 16 – July 25 at the MilanCity Park. Categories include: men’s and women’sopen singles; men’s and women’s doubles; openmixed doubles; men and women 19 and over; boy’sand girl’s 15 and under; men’s 49 and above; men’sand women’s age 39 and above; parent/child; andMilan’s Men’s and Women’s. Trophies are presentedfor first place and runner-up for each division.Contact Ronnie Moseley or Debbie Buchner at (901)

686-9522, for additional information.

Milan No-Till 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

The First Annual Milan No-Till 3-on-3 BasketballTournament will be held Saturday, July 17, andSunday, July 18, at the Milan Family YMCA, 5207Industrial Drive, Milan, TN. Entry fee for the tourna-ment is $55 (max roster of 5 players). Age catego-ries are We’ve Still Got Game, 30+ years old; We’veGot Game, 17-29 years old; We’re Getting Game,13-16 years old; and Game or No Game — We’re In,12 and under. There will be separate male andfemale divisions (minimum of 4 teams per division tocompete). Free T-shirt for each player. Awards forfirst place teams. For more information and times,contact Derrick Dohmen at (901) 686-9000.

Ice Cream andWasher “Pitchin” Event

Union Planters Bank of Milan will sponsor an icecream and washer “pitchin” event on Monday, July19, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Location for thisevent is the Union Planters Bank, 4105 S. FirstStreet, Milan, TN. Everyone is invited to come byand join in the fun. Prizes will be given. For moreinformation, contact Chuck Avery at (901) 686-7488.

Junior Mr & MissMilan No-Till Pageant

The Eleventh Annual Junior Mr & Miss MilanNo-Till Pageant will be held Monday, July 19, at 7:00p.m. in the Milan High School Gym. The pageant willbe for ages 0 through 9 years old. For more informa-tion, contact Donna Whitney, P.O. Box 883, Milan,TN, 38358, (901) 686-9297. The pageant is spon-sored by the Junior Miss Milan No-Till PageantCommittee.

Senior High Miss Milan No-TillPageant

The Eleventh Annual Senior High Miss Milan No-Till Pageant will be held Tuesday, July 20, at 7:00p.m. in the Milan High School Gym. The pageant willbe for ages 10 years old through 18 years old. Formore information, contact Donna Whitney, P O Box883, Milan, TN, 38358, (901) 686-9297. The pag-eant is sponsored by the Senior High Miss Milan No-Till Pageant Committee.

No-Till Trap Shoot

The Tenth Annual No-Till Trap Shoot, sponsoredby Tolley and Lowe Paint Center, will be heldTuesday, July 20, at the Southgate Public ShootingCenter and Gun Shop, Lavinia Road, Lavinia,Tennessee. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and

participants are urged to register early so theshooting may begin at 10 a.m. Lunch will be pro-vided. Trophies and prizes will be awarded. ContactTommy or Robert at (901) 723-7518, for moreinformation.

No-Till Golf Tournament

The Twelfth Annual No-Till Golf Tournament willbe held Wednesday morning, July 21, at the MilanCountry Club. The event is sponsored byBancorpSouth of Milan. The Milan Country Club islocated directly across from the No-Till Field DaySite. Tee time is 8:00 a.m., registration and reserva-tions are required in advance . Contact: Jo CarolynTickle, (901)686-3331, or Paul Spain, (901)723-4999 (office), (901)686-8266 (home) for moreinformation and to sign up.

No-Till Gospel Concert

The first annual No-Till Gospel Concert will beheld Wednesday, July 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the MilanHigh School Gym. The concert will feature theSteeles, Fourfold, and Estee. There is no admissionfee. For further information contact Bill Toy at (901)686-7446.

No-Till Antique Tractor and Engine Show

The 1999 Milan No-Till Field Day will host anAntique Tractor and Engine show on the Field Daygrounds Thursday, July 22. All makes of tractors andEngines will be welcome. Trophies will be awardedin the following categories: Best of Show; MostTractors Exhibited by an Individual, and the Exhibitortraveling the Longest Distance. Due to traffic con-gestion on the morning of the Field Day alltractors and engines MUST be in place on theField Day site by 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 21.Those desiring to bring tractors and engines forshow must contact: Charles Grooms, 3902 Salem-Church Road, Union City, TN, 38261, phone (901)885-1953.

Cotton Fashion Showand Luncheon

American Cotton Fashions will be modeled duringthe luncheon program presented by West TennesseeWomen for Cotton at 11:30 a.m., Thursday, July 22,in the Milan Elementary School, located on Hwy 45,Milan, TN. Modeled fashions will be furnished bylocal dress and apparel stores, as well as some ofthe models’ own clothing. The luncheon is co-sponsored by the UT Milan Experiment Station,Union Planters Bank of Milan, John Shoaf CottonCo., and Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co. There is noadmission fee, however reservations are requiredin advance. Reservations should be made by calling(901) 686-7494 or (901) 686-7362 prior to the fieldday.

Milan No-Till Tractor Pull

The Sixth Annual Milan No-Till Tractor Pull will beheld Thursday, July 22, 7:00 p.m. at Milan MotorSports track, 2 miles off 45E on State Route 187.The event is sponsored by West TN Tractor Pullerand Sled Co. Tractors will be weighed before eachclass on the premises. The different classes will beHot Farm Stock, Pro Stock and Super Stock. Formore information contact Joe Wamble, (901) 855-1521 or Kenny Smith, (901) 784-8700.

Milan YMCA No-Till3 Point Shooting Contest

The First Annual 3 Point Shooting Contest will beheld Saturday, July 24, at the Milan YMCA, 5207Industrial Drive, Milan, TN. Entry fee is $5 percontestant. Start time for the contest will be 9:00 a.m.There will be one male and one female division.Award for first place winners. For more information,contact Derrick Dohmen at (901) 686-9000.

No-Till Super Ride andCrank It Up Contest

The Thirteenth Annual No-Till Super Ride andCrank It Up Contest will be held Saturday, July 24, atthe Milan Elementary School, Highway 45, Milan, TN.Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. There will be 1st,2nd and 3rd place awards in the following categories:cars-stock; cars-modified; trucks, full size — modi-fied; and sound systems. There will also be awardsfor best paint, best rims, best installation, and overallsuper ride. Entry fee is $20.00 per contest or $30.00for both contests. For more information call (901)686-0517. The contest is co-sponsored by the MilanQuarterback Club and the Milan Elementary School.

Milan Motor Sports No-TillStock Car Races

The Seventh Annual Milan No-Till Stock Car Raceswill be held at the Milan Motor Sports, Inc., located onState Route 187, Saturday, July 24. Gates open at5:00 p.m. with races starting at 8:00 p.m. There willbe a $15,000 total purse in this special race. The racewill feature a 30 lap Late Model race. We will also beracing Street Stock, Fast Stock, Super Street, MiniStock Cruisers, and IMCA. A full line of concessionswill be available. Come out and enjoy an excitingnight of dirt track racing and watch the dirt fly high.For more information, contact Travis or DiannaBartholomew at (901) 686-3499 or (901) 662-7670.Track phone, (901) 686-2781.

Milan No-Till Horse Show

The Ninth Annual Milan Saddle Club Horse Showwill be held Saturday, July 24. Show time will begin at7:00 p.m., in the riding arena of Milan City Park, onHwy. 104 E., Milan, Tennessee. Negative Cogginswill be required on all horses. Concession stand willbe open. Everyone is welcome. Admission is $2.00per vehicle. For more information, call James “Tank”Nevil, (901)686-3003, Johnny Copous, (901) 686-8853, or David Prince, (901) 787-6613.


Field Day Parking

Two large parking areas will be available to FieldDay attendees and signs will be posted with parkingdirections.

General parking area Number 1 will be located atthe Milan High School, near the Field Day site.Luxury air-conditioned buses will shuttle attendeesdirectly to the Field Day entrance. Buses will run ona constant schedule from 6:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.on Thursday, July 22. This parking will be your “bestbet” for little walking or waiting.

General parking area Number 2 will be at the No-Till Field Day site near the Agricultural Museum. Aspecial covered trailer with seating will continuouslytransport attendees to the Registration area or youmay walk.

Handicapped persons will have a special desig-nated parking area near the Registration Tent tofacilitate needs.

Food and Refreshments

Food and drink will be available throughout theNo-Till Crop Production Field Day. The food tentswill be located directly in front of the West Tennes-see Agricultural Museum. Food items will includeTennessee barbecue, hamburgers, slaw, chips,baked beans, and soft drinks. Lighter food, such asdeli/sub sandwiches, will also be offered. Many ofthe commercial exhibits will have complimentaryitems such as ice cream, lemonade, iced tea, snowcones, popcorn, etc. Local restaurants are also inthe vicinity of Milan.

Water coolers and restrooms will be available atmany locations over the entire North Tract of theMilan Experiment Station.

Medical Assistance

Emergency medical care by trained staff will beavailable near the Registration Tent.


The Milan Chamber of Commerce will providetransportation from Milan to the field day site andreturn. Call (901)686-7494 or (901)686-7362 formore information.

Aviation Information

The Gibson County Airport (Spears Aviation) islocated six miles west of Milan. Asphalt runway 1/19is 4800 ft x 75 ft. Call (901)686-1524 for information.Transportation to the field day site will be availableas described above.

The McKellar-Sipes Regional Airport is located30 miles south of Milan on Airways Blvd/Highway 70.For information call, U.S. Aviation Services - FBO @(901)427-0191, Jackson Control Tower - FAA @(901)425-9430, or Airport Authority @ (901)423-0995.

Memphis International Airport is approximately100 miles southwest of Milan. For more informationcall (901) 398-3900.

Metropolitan-Nashville Airport is located approxi-mately 145 miles east of Milan. For more informationcall (615) 275-1675.

Thanks!We look forward to seeing you

at the 19th Annual MilanNo-Till Field Day!

The University of TennesseeInstitute of Agriculture

Jack H. Britt, Vice PresidentAgricultural Experiment Station

Don O. Richardson, DeanMilan Experiment Station

Blake A. Brown, SuperintendentPhone: (901) 686-3558


Visit us on-line at



Field Day Site






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