The Undercover · 2019. 4....

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Extracted from The Undercover Economist, by Tim Harford –

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Undercover Economist

By Tim Harford

Chapter 6

Rotten Investments and Rotten Eggs

What's this?

This is chapter six of the second edition of my book The Undercover Economist.

When I published the new edition, by far the most substantial change was the

addition of this chapter, which is all about the financial crisis.

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Lots of people wrote to say they'd purchased the first edition and wondered

whether they needed to buy the second edition too. This chapter gives you

most of what’s changed, and that seems only reasonable.

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Rotten Investments and Rotten Eggs

In the first edition of The Undercover Economist, this chapter detailed the

dot-com bubble and bust of the late 1990s and early 2000s: in a wave of

excitement about the internet’s potential to transform business models, shares

in red-hot high-tech start-ups were traded up to absurd levels before inevitably

crashing back to earth again. After that first edition was published, however,

the banking crisis that began in 2007 made the dot-com crash look like a minor


We’ll come back to the dot-com crash in due course, but it would be

impossible to produce this second edition without going undercover again to

see if we can explain just what went so hideously wrong with the banks. And

this is quite a challenge, because as well as being deeply serious, the banking

crisis was also mind-bogglingly complicated. So in an attempt to understand it,

let’s start with something altogether simpler: a carton of eggs.

In Cumbria, in the north of England, early in 2010, a lady named Fiona

Exon bought a carton of six eggs and discovered that all six of them had

double yolks. Newspapers reported this as beating odds of

1,000,000,000,000,000,000 to one. (Some of them also reported this as ‘a

trillion to one’. That’s old school. These days we’d call a number with eighteen

zeroes a ‘quintillion’.) The mathematics seemed straightforward. According to

the egg-watchers to whom the newspapers spoke (the British Egg Information

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Service – who knew?), the chance of any given egg having two yolks is one in a

thousand. The chance of any two given eggs both having double yolks would

therefore appear to be, from multiplying the two probabilities together, one in a

million. Three in a row would be a one in a billion chance; four would be a

trillion, five a quadrillion, and six double-yolked eggs in a row would be a one

in a quintillion chance. If that calculation is right, then if each and every person

in the world bought six eggs each morning, we’d expect to see a carton of

double-yolk eggs being sold somewhere on earth roughly every four centuries.

The trouble is, after Mrs Exon’s apparently astonishing discovery was

reported in the media, lots more people popped up to announce that the same

thing had happened to them. I was invited onto national radio to explain the

mathematics, and a number of listeners phoned in to say they’d also once

bought a carton of eggs that turned out to have six double-yolks. It seemed

they were rare, but not that rare.

What had gone wrong with the calculation? Perhaps double-yolk eggs

are more common than the British Egg Information Service thinks. But let’s be

charitable to the British Egg Information Service and assume that it provides

accurate information about British eggs. (It would be a minor tragedy if it did

not.) The problem is that the newspapers made an insidious assumption: that

double-yolk eggs do not come in clusters. Allowing for the fact that they might,

we get a very different equation. In an extreme case, where double-yolk eggs

always come clustered with other double-yolk eggs, you will either see no

double-yolk eggs in a carton (with probability 999 in 1000) or you will see six

double-yolk eggs. Even though the chance of a single double-yolk egg hasn’t

changed, the chance of seeing six together has increased a million billion fold,

simply because the eggs tend to come in clusters.

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All this would be simply a curiosity unless large amounts of money were

riding on it. So imagine that Fiona Exon’s friendly local egg retailer had come

up with a clever marketing wheeze and offered a million-pound jackpot to any

customer who bought a carton full of double-yolk eggs. Sitting with his

calculator, and working from odds of a thousand to one per egg, he would have

concluded there was effectively no chance that he’d ever have to pay out. If the

offer enticed in a few more egg buyers a week, it was easy money.

Unless his calculations were wrong, of course, and the eggs came in

clusters. Then it would be only a matter of time before the retailer bankrupted


How might double-yolk eggs come in clusters? As it turns out, there’s a

human explanation. A caller to the radio show I was on explained that they

used to work in an egg packing plant. They and their colleagues could easily

identify double-yolk eggs by holding them up to the light. They used to put

several double-yolk eggs in a carton together to take home for breakfast. And if

each of them had all the eggs they could stomach, the double-yolk carton

would be placed back on the production line to be shipped to the likes of Fiona

Exon – to the horror of our imaginary calculator-wielding retailer.

All this is roughly – very roughly – what happened in the financial crisis.

Bear with me, and we’ll discover how.

Rotten eggs and rotten investments

Essentially, the banking crisis came about because banks and other

financial institutions were taking very big bets on the chance of events that, like

Fiona Exon’s discovery, seemed too unlikely to contemplate. They were wrong,

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because they had made the wrong assumptions about the process producing

these events.

The financial egg cartons were called mortgage-backed securities, and

the rotten eggs that filled them were the now-infamous subprime loans. Banks

bought these risky – or ‘subprime’ – mortgages from ‘originators’, companies

who initially made the loans. Then the banks repackaged them into financial

products, which provided the rights to a stream of mortgage repayments and

the risks that mortgage would not be repaid. The repackaging was often

repeated many times. (The first package was called a residential mortgage-

backed security, or RMBS. The repackaged versions were called collateralised

debt obligations, or CDOs, then CDOs-squared and CDOs-cubed.)

These RMBSs, CDOs and the rest were tremendously complex

products, but their aim was simple enough: to create financial assets that

promised a safe and predictable income, rather like the one our fictional egg

retailer thought he’d come up with. This predictable income could then be

traded between banks, pension funds and other financial institutions. If the

underlying risks had been misunderstood, however, the value of these financial

assets would collapse, threatening the companies that owned them with


So how did these strange mortgage-backed products work? Let’s switch

the analogy from double-yolk eggs to rotten ones. Imagine that a bunch of

mortgages is simply a basket full of eggs, some of which are rotten – say 5 per

cent. The bank repackages the eggs into cartons of six, keeping one egg and

selling the rest. The price of those other eggs reflects the risk of who gets the

rotten eggs. It turns out that, assuming the rotten eggs don’t cluster, the chance

that at least one egg will turn out to be rotten is 27 per cent. If the first egg is

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rotten, the bank is first in line and takes the hit. But it’s a risk they’re happy to

take, because they’ve sold the rest of the carton at a profit.

The buyer of the second egg – the ‘junior investor’ – is next in line if

there’s another rotten egg. Do the sums, and the chance of a second bad egg

comes out at just over 3 per cent. The junior investor gets a decent discount on

the price of the egg for taking this fairly small but still meaningful risk. Senior

investors buy the remaining eggs, and as the chance of any further bad eggs is

very low – only about 0.2 per cent – they pay top dollar. They’re expecting a

safe and predictable income; in the very unlikely event that there’s a third

rotten egg, they’ll get a nasty surprise.

The repackaging makes some sense, because some investors prefer to

pay for a guarantee of safety while others would prefer to get a cheap egg and

take a risk. But why repackage two or three or four times, creating CDOs-

squared, CDOs-cubed and so on? There is a reason. The first egg is quite likely

to be rotten – not very interesting for repackaging purposes. The final four

eggs are almost certainly fresh and don’t need any repackaging. But the second

egg is more interesting. It is fairly safe but not that safe. So a bank could take

six ‘second eggs’ and repackage them into another carton. The bank would take

the first rotten egg, new senior investors would queue up for the four

guaranteed-fresh eggs, and there would be another ‘second egg’ which might or

might not be rotten. This process can be – and was – repeated many times. In

each case, it all seemed at the time like a perfectly rational way to ensure that

investors with different preferences could pay a fair price for the different

levels of risk they were taking on.

Now, here comes the catch with this repackaging. If the banks had got

their sums wrong – no prizes at this stage for guessing whether they had – then

each level of repackaging dramatically amplified the effect of that mistake.

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Remember we assumed that the risk of a rotten egg picked at random

from the basket of eggs was 5 per cent,. This turned out to imply that, in the

first carton of eggs, the chance of a second rotten egg is just 3 per cent. The

CDO, then, is made of eggs with a probability of being bad of 3 per cent. The

chance that any one of these eggs is bad turns out to be about 18 per cent, and

the chance that a second egg in the CDO is off is about 1.5 per cent. The

CDO-squared is made of eggs with a probability of being rotten of 1.5 per

cent, and the chance that the second egg in the CDO-squared is bad is less than

one third of one per cent. That’s a very small risk.

What happens if the chance of a rotten egg isn’t 5 per cent at all, but

really 10 per cent? Crunch the numbers and it turns out that the chance the

second egg in the RMBS is rotten hasn’t fallen from 5 to 3 per cent, it’s risen

from 10 to 11.5 per cent. The fact that it’s risen is more important than how

much it’s risen – because now each successive repackaging will further increase

the risk. The second egg in the CDO now has a 15 per cent chance of being

bad, rather than a 1.5 per cent chance. It’s ten times as risky. The second egg in

the CDO-cubed becomes almost 2500 times riskier. The risk seemed laughable;

suddenly, it’s no joke.

Much the same analysis applies if the eggs come in clusters (although the

mathematics are harder). Why did the banks’ mathematicians assume that

mortgage defaults wouldn’t cluster together as much as they did? Well, one

borrower might go through a divorce, another lose her job, and a third fall ill.

But one person’s divorce is nothing to do with a stranger’s health, so mortgage

defaults caused by these problems should come in ones and two, not clusters.

As long as that assumption held true, the re-re-re-packaged loans were

extremely safe, for much the same reason that Fiona Exon apparently faced a

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one in a quintillion chance of picking up a carton with six double-yolk eggs in


But if the mortgage defaults come in clusters, disaster looms. Every egg

could end up stinking; the safest-seeming mortgage products could end up

suffering awful losses. The banks’ mathematicians realised, of course, that some

degree of clustering was possible. But clustering is a difficult thing to measure,*

and they apparently based their estimates on a limited run of data from a time

when house prices were rising across the United States. And they therefore

seem to have missed the scenario in which mortgage defaults would cluster

together ferociously: a national slump in the price of housing.

With hindsight, it is blindingly obvious why such a slump would lead to

mortgage defaults. Subprime mortgages depended – in a way no other

mortgage in history ever had – on the value of houses continuing to rise.

Subprime mortgages were typically offered with generously low introductory

interest rates for a fixed period, after which both borrower and lender assumed

that they would be cancelled and replaced with a new mortgage. The idea was

that, as the house would by then be worth more, lenders would be happy to

* Here’s an example from the financial analyst and commentator, Paul Wilmott. Imagine that you’re

trying to measure the clustering (more formally, the correlation) between the price of shares in two rival

companies, Nike and Adidas. At first they’re not very closely correlated. Then imagine that one of Adidas’s

sponsorship deals goes wrong and the brand is tarnished by association with some wayward celebrity. Adidas

shares would fall and Nike shares would rise as they picked up market share – a negative correlation. Then

imagine there’s a craze for branded sportswear thanks to a great World Cup. The price of shares in both

companies rises. So the correlation could be small or large, positive or negative, depending on what’s

happening in the world. If you looked only at the two share prices moving, you would have very little idea what

to make of it all. And if you looked only at data for a limited period of time, you might leap to entirely the

wrong conclusion.

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offer a range of follow-up mortgages secured against the value of the house.

But if the value of the house was lower by the time the loan came up for

refinancing, no lender would want to take the risk of offering a new mortgage.

The borrower would be stuck with the ballooning repayments on the original

loan. They would likely default, leaving the lender with a house worth less than

they’d loaned for it. And if a few people defaulted on their mortgages because

house prices were falling, it was highly likely that any avalanche of defaults was

on the way.

And the very system of intricate CDO repackaging that was supposed to

protect investors from the small chance of getting a bad egg instead hugely

exaggerated the problem. Because the sums were wrong, each repackaging of

the second egg actually concentrated the risk instead of reducing it. We ended up

in a Looking-Glass world where investments that had been thought to be

preposterously safe turned out to be preposterously dangerous.

The products and the calculations were far more baffling even than I’ve

suggested, so all this is a simplification. But it is not an exaggeration. To give

you a sense of just how badly wrong the sums of the financial mathematicians

became in reality, ponder the words of David Viniar, the Chief Financial

Officer of Goldman Sachs. At the beginning of the credit crunch, he explained

the sudden loss of 30 per cent of the value of a Goldman Sachs spin-off fund

by saying, ‘We were seeing things that were 25-standard deviation moves,

several days in a row.’

Viniar meant that Goldman Sachs had been unlucky. But just how

unlucky, exactly? The financial economist Kevin Dowd has calculated that

(given some reasonable assumptions) we’d expect to see three 25-standard

deviation days in a row roughly once every


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000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years. For

reference, the universe is about 13,000,000,000 years old. Bad luck is not really

an explanation. Somewhere, somehow, Goldman Sachs had got its sums wrong

and then the inexorable complexity of the financial instruments it was dealing

with magnified the error almost beyond comprehension.

Of course, we can always add layers of explanation for the banking crisis.

Why did lenders make those subprime loans? There was a flood of cheap

money they were keen to lend to someone. Why was there a flood of cheap

money? Opinion is divided: some blame western central banks, some blame the

Chinese government, which kept lending money to the US at rock-bottom

rates. Why didn’t regulators spot that subprime loans were storing up trouble?

The regulators were far too confident that the banks knew what they were

doing. Not only that, there was an implicit subsidy of banks by governments –

the banks were sure governments would never let them go bust, which

encouraged them to take on too much risk. Why were the underlying risks

underestimated? Because it was in the interests of many people – some

borrowers, some originators, and some bank analysts – to conceal just how

dubious some of the underlying mortgages were.

Why didn’t the banks take steps to protect themselves from risk? They

did. They devised a clever form of insurance called ‘credit default swaps’, which

essentially involved them covering each other’s liabilities, or unloading them to

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insurers such as AIG, a once-boring insurance company that found itself at the

heart of the crisis after insuring far more bad loans than it could possibly

afford. The credit default swaps made banks even more careless about taking

on too much risk. If catastrophic losses to an individual bank are vanishingly

unlikely, the swaps look like a sensible precaution. If catastrophic losses to

multiple banks are sooner or later inevitable, they are an unwittingly suicidal

way to ensure that apparently separate companies are all bound together and

will all be dragged down together – which is exactly what happened.

Despite all these layers of explanation, if I had to point to one single

innovation that sparked the crisis, it would be those endlessly repackaged

cartons of rotten subprime eggs. It was an accident waiting to happen – indeed,

bound to happen – as soon as the global economic equivalent of Fiona Exon

came along.

Cheap bailout, costly crisis

Soon enough, Lehman Brothers had gone under and more and more

banks were teetering on the edge of collapse. The rest is folklore: although the

banks had been greedy and stupid, governments couldn’t afford to let the

financial system collapse so they began desperately to throw taxpayers’ money

at them. This incurred debts for which ordinary people are even now suffering

through hefty tax rises and painful cuts in public services.

Or did it? There is truth in that analysis, but the story is not quite so


The banking crisis has, indeed, cost citizens and taxpayers dearly. And in

some countries – such as Ireland – the cost of bailing out the banks was

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directly responsible for crippling levels of public debt. No wonder: the banks

were large relative to the size of the economy and made astonishing losses. The

official estimate in late 2010 was that Anglo Irish – ‘probably the world’s worst

bank,’ says the hedge fund manager Theo Phanos – had managed to lose €30bn

despite making only €72bn of loans. This is an almost inconceivable rate of

losses. It is also almost a quarter of Irish national income – from just a single


For comparison, the stricken British bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, lost

similar sums of money: £24bn in 2008 alone, and £3.6bn in 2009. But RBS was

a far bigger bank and the UK economy is well over ten times the size of

Ireland’s. RBS’s losses were a few per cent of its loans; Anglo Irish’s losses

were approaching 50 per cent.

While it’s easy to draw a straight line between the government bailout of

Ireland’s banks and the Irish’s government’s debt problem, in other countries

the story of the bailout is a subtler one.

In the UK, for instance, Gordon Brown’s Labour government ended up

borrowing gigantic sums of money. The budget deficit reached around £150bn

a year, the equivalent of £2500 of yearly borrowing on behalf of every man,

woman and child in the country. But very little of this was to do with the

banking bailout itself. While British taxpayers did indeed bail out British banks,

the taxpayer is likely to get most of the money back. Some of the intervention

took the form of guarantees for the banks, reassuring creditors that they could

continue to lend money to any British bank. This was invaluable, but in the end

the banks did not use the guarantee, so fortunately it turned out to cost

nothing. The Treasury even turned a profit, because the banks paid fees for

these guarantees. Other money was spent injecting capital into the banks; in

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exchange for this, the British government received shares in the banks; this

transaction may also make a profit.

It’s difficult to tell exactly what the UK bailout will end up costing the

taxpayer directly. The budget of June 2010 estimated that the likely cost would

eventually be £2bn. That’s a very uncertain figure. The final outcome could be

a lot more, or taxpayers could make money on the deal: the cost was estimated

at £20bn–£50bn in 2009 and £6bn in March 2010, so it is heading in the right

direction. £2bn sounds a lot – it is a lot – but that is roughly what the

government was borrowing every four days in the tax year 2010–11. ‘The fact is

that in most crises – this one and previous ones – the taxpayer is typically paid

back,’ says Andy Haldane, the Bank of England’s executive director for

financial stability. The bailout itself does not explain the huge government

deficits that were accumulated. What does?

The real cost was the damage done to the British economy. As the banks

teetered on the brink of collapse, they tried to suck up as much cash as possible

to prevent their bankruptcy. That meant that every loan and every overdraft

facility in the country was suddenly under scrutiny. Businesses suddenly found

their access to credit drying up; consumers spent less, feeling the same

pressures. Potentially healthy businesses were crushed by the financial turmoil.

Andy Haldane reckons the crisis could have lowered the UK’s national income

by about 10 per cent – and put it on a permanently lower trajectory. The loss

‘occurs year by year by year. We know from past financial crises that they leave

a permanent scar.’

The total damage? Haldane reckons it could easily be £1700bn – and

plausibly £8000bn–£9000bn. As he concludes, ‘those are big sums’. It’s

because the economy has shrunk so much that taxes must rise and government

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spending must fall if the government’s books are to balance – not because the

government threw money at bailing out the banks.

Indeed, it is worth contemplating how much worse things might have

been if they hadn’t.

When Lehman Brothers went bust, the money that it was holding

immediately froze up. On the small scale it meant that the phone company,

electricity company, and companies employing the cooks, cleaners and security

guards were all suddenly not being paid until the bankruptcy experts figured

out how much money there was to go around and who might get a share. That

happens in any bankruptcy and it can take a long time to sort out, with much

misery all round.

But what was different about Lehman – about any large bank – was the

fact that it was also holding vast sums of money from other financial

institutions, money it was investing on their behalf. And it also had billions of

dollars of financial contracts open with other banks – promises to pay money

(or be paid) depending on what happened to the price of oil, or gold, or the

debt of the government of Japan, or whatever. Suddenly all these bets were off

in a mess of confusion – and in a market where milliseconds can matter,

investors were facing the prospect of not seeing their money for months or

even years.

The clear danger was that other banks failed too, perhaps dragged down

by their connections to Lehman Brothers, or perhaps because they were

suffering similar problems. Given the interconnections between these

institutions, there was a serious risk that if one failed – or maybe not one, but

two, or three, or four – then they would all fail, and with them the

infrastructure that modern everyday life depends on.

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Under normal circumstances, the payment systems in most developed

countries seem very robust. In the UK, for instance, as well as having the usual

back-ups you might expect, additional security comes from the fact that the

system that deposits your salary (BACS), and the system linking cash machines

to banks (LINK) and the various systems that deal with debit and credit cards

at shops, are all separate. Even if the cash machine network went down for a

bit, you’d still be able to get cashback at the supermarket; or if the

supermarket’s system temporarily stopped accepting debit cards, you could

always go to the ATM and buy your groceries with cash instead. But there is

one scenario in which all these systems would fail simultaneously: if the banks

that stood behind them collapsed.

What then? Imagine waiting for your salary to arrive in your bank

account, and it never does – not because your employer is bankrupt, but

because your employer’s bank is. Imagine going to the cash machine and

getting no cash, because the cash machine company doesn’t believe your bank

is good for the money. You go to the supermarket with your debit card and

meet with exactly the same response. It’s not much of an exaggeration to say

we’d be looking at the end of western civilisation.

No wonder so many governments took the view that, although it was

the banks that had got us into this mess, they effectively had no choice but to

dump tens of billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money on the banks to keep

them running. If the banks had collapsed like a row of dominoes, disaster

might just about have been averted – but it would have required some quick

and decisive action. Someone – a regulator, perhaps – would have had to find a

way of parking the unholy mess, all the arguments about who owed what to

whom, somewhere out of the way. And while the mess was being sorted out, all

the basics – the borrowing and the lending, paying salaries and getting cash out

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of the hole in the wall – would have needed to be kept running smoothly


Such a trick would not be impossible – but it would take careful

preparation and a solid legal footing, both of which were lacking in the crisis of

2008. It would make sense to be prepared for next time; whether we will be is

open to question.*

So by all means blame the banks for the behaviour that required a

bailout – but don’t blame governments for the bailouts. Though if it seems

unsatisfying to be giving pats on the back to politicians for decisive action, fear

not – there is still plenty of blame to go around. While governments probably

had to bail out the banks, they didn’t have to be so extraordinarily generous

about the way they did it.

Pietro Veronesi and Luigi Zingales, two economists at the University of

Chicago, studied the effect of the US bailout that saw Treasury Secretary Henry

‘Hank’ Paulson call bank bosses to a meeting on 13 October 2008, shortly after

the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Paulson stumped up $125bn of US taxpayers’

money in exchange for shares in nine US banks. Some banks, such as Citigroup

and JP Morgan, received as much as $25bn each. The Treasury also guaranteed

new issues of bank debt.

Veronesi and Zingales concluded that Paulson’s move cost taxpayers

$20bn–$45bn. That’s a lot – although the US budget deficit that fiscal year was

over $1400bn, so as far as US government overspending or undertaxing was

concerned, it was pretty much an average week. But they also concluded that

shareholders and bondholders in the banks were about $130bn better off as a

* In my book., Adapt: Why Success Always Begins with Failure, I discuss some ways in which governments

might be able to let banks fail while letting all those vital basics continue smoothly.

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result of Paulson’s gift. In short, every tax dollar spent created between $3 and

$5 of wealth. There are very few government policies in history that can claim

such a spectacular return on investment.

Why such a large effect? Veronesi and Zingales believe the gift

prevented runs on the banks, the risk of which was depressing bond and share

prices. A bank run is a situation where a bank can be bankrupted simply on the

strength of the fear that it might happen. If a government guarantee can relieve

such panic, it can create great value at little cost. And, indeed, the banks that

gained most from Paulson’s gift are also the banks that were in imminent

danger of a run.

Sadly, that wealth accrued entirely to investors in banks – galling for

taxpayers who had no desire to write a cheque to bank bondholders. Three

weeks before Paulson’s gift, the world’s most successful investor, Warren

Buffett, had injected capital into Goldman Sachs, and he had secured more

generous terms. Veronesi and Zingales reckon that if Paulson had successfully

demanded Buffett’s terms, the taxpayer would have made more than $40bn, a

roughly even split with the banks’ creditors.

The bailout was well worth doing. It’s just a shame that Mr Paulson

didn’t drive a harder bargain.

The ‘Greenspan doctrine’ and efficient markets

Once commentators took stock of the crisis, two high-profile tenets of

faith in the investment world were widely deemed to be casualties – one

justifiably, the other less so.

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The first was the ‘Greenspan doctrine’, arguably the basic regulatory

mistake that allowed the crisis to happen. This doctrine held that self-interest

was the best guardian of banks’ balance sheets. Consumers would need

protecting from mis-selling, and fraudsters had to be spotted and jailed; but if

there was one thing the regulators didn’t need to lose much sleep over, it was

the possibility that banks would simply make decisions so bad that they

bankrupted themselves. So thought Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal

Reserve for nearly two decades in the build-up to the crisis.

A few weeks after the collapse of Lehman Brothers had become the

defining moment of the crisis, Mr Greenspan admitted that he had been wrong.

He told Congress, ‘Those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending

institutions to protect shareholder's equity -- myself especially -- are in a state of

shocked disbelief.’

It may have been wrong to believe the banks would look after their own

best interests, but it wasn’t absurd. It’s understandable that Greenspan was

surprised by the self-destruction of the bankers. Many people were – it took

months for it to dawn on most commentators that the crisis wasn’t about the

banks selling junk to other people, but hoarding the junk for themselves.

Greenspan’s error was not in overestimating the banks’ self-interest. It was in

overestimating the quality of their management.

Many commentators also hastened to declare the collapse of the

‘efficient markets hypothesis’. David Wighton of The Times commented in

January 2009, ‘The theory was officially declared dead yesterday at the World

Economic Forum in Davos. There were no mourners.’ In June of that year,

Roger Lowenstein wrote in The Washington Post, ‘The upside of the current

Great Recession is that it could drive a stake through the heart of the academic

nostrum known as the efficient-market hypothesis.’

Extracted from The Undercover Economist, by Tim Harford –

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But it’s not at all clear why the efficient markets hypothesis should be

blamed for the crisis – nor that the crisis told us anything we didn’t know about

the flaws in the idea. To see why, let’s first explore what the hypothesis actually


The efficient markets hypothesis essentially states that anything which

can be predicted by rational, well-informed investors will already be reflected in

the price of assets. Rational people would buy shares today if it was obvious

that those shares would go up tomorrow, and sell them if it was obvious that

they would fall. But this means that any forecast that shares will obviously rise

tomorrow will be wrong: shares will rise today instead, because people will buy

them, and keep buying them until they are no longer so cheap that they will

obviously rise tomorrow.*

Paradoxically, this hypothesis predicts that if investors are all rational

and well-informed, the behaviour of asset prices should be completely random

– because when all the predictable trends are anticipated, the only thing left to

drive market moves is unpredictable news. Stock prices should take what

mathematicians call ‘a random walk’ – equally likely on any day to rise as to fall.

(More correctly, the stock market should exhibit a ‘random walk with a trend’,

meaning that it should on average edge up over the long term – even though,

on any given day, this long-term trend will be dwarfed by random movements).

* Strictly speaking, I have described the ‘semi-strong form’ of the efficient markets hypothesis. The

‘weak form’ says that investors cannot predict future share price movements by looking at past share price

movements, but accepts that they might profit from a more fundamental approach, analysing corporate balance

sheets and underlying trends. The ‘strong form’ of the hypothesis says that even insider traders can’t make

money, because their private information will leak out so quickly.

Extracted from The Undercover Economist, by Tim Harford –

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This is a paradox because if the behaviour of asset prices was truly

unpredictable, there would be no incentive for investors to remain well-

informed. They might as well buy shares completely at random. But then, if

everyone bought shares at random, that would open up opportunities for

investors to outperform the randomness by becoming more well-informed.

Somewhere in the middle is a balancing point: a nearly random market with

enough quirks to reward the informed investors who keep it nearly random.

You can see the same phenomenon at work in the more mundane

setting of the supermarket checkout. Which queue is the quickest? The efficient

markets hypothesis suggests it’s not worth worrying about: if it was obvious

which queue was the quickest, people would already have joined it, so you may

as well just stand in the first queue you see. Anyone who has been in a hurry in

a supermarket will know that’s not quite right: some queues will obviously be

slow, as they contain someone with a cart brimful of small items or clutching a

sheaf of money-off coupons. Yet we also know it’s right enough: you don’t

bother to analyse in detail which queue is likely to be fastest, because you’re

never surprised when the queue you stand in turns out to be agonisingly slower

than expected.

There’s plenty of evidence that the same is true of investing in the stock

market. The efficient markets hypothesis says there are no obvious bargains, no

easy forecasts, no get-rich-quick schemes. It tells us to ignore the

blandishments of expert fund managers charging large commissions, ignore the

prognostications of city economists, don’t even bother trying to buy low and

sell high – which in practice has always meant rushing in during booms and

panic selling during busts. We should instead merely gently invest in a wide

variety of shares, with no expectation of making a killing – we should diversify,

keep charges low and avoid trying to be too clever. And in the past, investors

Extracted from The Undercover Economist, by Tim Harford –

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who have done just this have indeed outperformed those who overrated their

own stock-picking skills.

So I do think the pundits who have written off the efficient markets

hypothesis have done so too sweepingly. It remains a useful guide to humble,

practical investing, even if it failed so badly to prevent the banking crisis. (The

egg-carton products were being sold to investors with the claim that they were

both cheap and almost risk-free. Any fan of efficient markets should simply

have asked, ‘What’s the catch?’ It seems that the only investors who did were

the ones betting against the subprime mortgage market. There’s a telling

incident in Michael Lewis’s book, The Big Short, in which Greg Lippmann – a

banker who effectively functions as a bookie, collecting bets for and against the

subprime mortgage market – organises a dinner in which potential investors on

opposite sides of the bet can meet each other. The smart, sceptical minority

who’d been thinking of betting against subprime had held back because they

thought there must be a catch: it was so obvious to them that the subprime egg

cartons stank, they were sure they must have missed something. Then they met

the guys buying the subprime egg cartons, and concluded they really were that


I’m also puzzled by why the banking crisis should have caused anyone to

lose a faith they’d previously held in the efficient markets hypothesis, given that

we’d already had plenty of obvious and fresh evidence of its limitations: recall

the dot-com bubble, a story told in the first edition of The Undercover Economist.

Just as wiser commentators before the banking crisis called a bubble in the

housing market and warned that subprime mortgages were storing up trouble

for the banks, sage investment managers in the late 1990s clearly saw the dot-

com bubble as a bubble. Investment managers such as the late Tony Dye called

Extracted from The Undercover Economist, by Tim Harford –

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it at an early stage and shunned dot-com shares. He was, eventually, proved

absolutely right.

But not before he’d had to find himself a new job. By the time Tony

Dye was proved right, his clients had missed out on handsome profits because

the bubble had gone on inflating much further before it burst. Dye left the

investment firm at which he was working, amid speculation that he’d been

forced out. His problem was that while he was right that the stock market was

overvalued, that wasn’t enough to keep his clients happy while they watched

others ride the dot-com bubble. Even the savviest investors, such as Tony Dye,

cannot predict precisely when a critical mass of other investors will realise that

shares are overvalued and rush to sell them.

Both the hi-tech shares on the Nasdaq stock exchange and the subprime

mortgage-backed securities were badly mispriced. In the dot-com crash it was

all too easy for investors simply to assume that the pioneers of new-fangled

internet business models must have known what they were doing, and the same

overconfidence afflicted investors when it came to the mind-bogglingly

complex CDOs-squared and cubed and so forth. The difference is that the

consequences of the banking crisis were far greater than that of the dot-com

bubble – with a far longer and deeper recession and far greater need for

government assistance. By the time it became clear that the banks’ financial

whizkids had got their sums catastrophically wrong, deep and lasting damage to

the global economy was already inevitable.

Extracted from The Undercover Economist, by Tim Harford –

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Extracted from The Undercover Economist, 2nd Edition, by Tim Harford


There are now too many good books about the crisis to list, but for an accessible

introduction I wholeheartedly recommend John Lanchester, Whoops! , Michael Lewis, The Big

Short, Andrew Ross Sorkin, Too Big to Fail and Gillian Tett, Fool’s Gold. Lewis’s article in the

March 2011 edition of Vanity Fair, ‘When Irish Eyes Are Crying’, is a must-read, as is Tett’s

prescient ‘The Dream Machine’ in the FT Magazine, 24 March 2006. My favourite more

technical source is the Squam Lake Report, which consists of a series of brief notes that are

available online. Readers may also be interested in my book, Adapt: Why Success Always Starts

with Failure, which includes a chapter drawing some unexpected lessons from nuclear

meltdowns and industrial accidents such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and applying

them to the financial system.

Fiona Exon’s Eggs: The Daily Telegraph was among several newspapers to report

‘Woman’s Amazing Trillion to One Find’ – by Andrew Hough, Daily Telegraph, 2 February


amazing-a-trillion-to-one-find-all-eggs-in-box-had-double-yolks.html. My little calculation

about how often double-yolk cartons eggs would turn up assumes (simplistically) that the

world population stays fixed at its current level. I am indebted to Alex Tabarrok for putting

together a quick spreadsheet to perform similar calculations, which I modified for my own

eggy purposes. The key formula in Microsoft Excel is [1-BINOMDIST(x,6,y,TRUE)] where

x is the egg’s position out of six in a carton (usually 2 in my examples) and y is the

probability that the egg is rotten. It’s 0.05 initially and then the formula can be applied

recursively to calculate the probability of default in the RMBS, CDO, CDO-squared and so

on. Tabarrok’s original spreadsheet can be downloaded from:


David Viniar’s bad luck: Viniar was quoted by Peter Thal Larsen in the Financial

Times, 13 August 2007,

0000779fd2ac.html. The short academic paper that calculated just how unfortunate Mr

Viniar was is: K. Dowd, J. Cotter, C. G. Humphrey and M. Woods, ‘How Unlucky is 25-

Extracted from The Undercover Economist, by Tim Harford –

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Sigma?’ Journal of Portfolio Management, Volume 34 (Number 4), 2008, pp.76–80.

The costs of the crisis: I interviewed Andrew Haldane on Monday 20th December

2010 on behalf of BBC Radio 4’s More or Less. The Hank Paulson bailout is discussed in Tim

Harford, ‘Why US Banks and Taxpayers Owe Big Thanks to Hank’, Financial Times, 23

January 2010,

thanks-to-hank/ and Veronesi, Pietro and Zingales, Luigi, ‘Paulson's Gift’ (1 December

2009). Chicago Booth Research Paper No. 09-42. Available at SSRN: The UK government budgets contain estimates of the

direct cost of the various interventions to support the banking system. In June 2010 they

were estimated at £2bn, a figure that has shrunk dramatically over time. In January 2011, I

interviewed Edwin Latter of LINK and Paul Smee of the UK Payments Council about the

robustness of the UK payments system.

Alan Greenspan’s confession is reported by Mark Felsenthal, ‘Greenspan “shocked”

at credit system breakdown’, Reuters, 23 October 2008.