The Ultimate List of 35 Tools For Marketers

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of The Ultimate List of 35 Tools For Marketers

A presentation by Hannah Broaddus

SlideshareA platform for sharing powerpoint, keynote and PDF presentations in a slide show setting. You can also embed slideshare presentations onto your own website or blog.

LatergrammeInstagram is currently the only social media channel that you can’t schedule posts in advance for. Latergramme is a program that allows you to create images and prepare them in a queue. It won’t post the images for you, but they are pushed to your phone where you can be reminded to post them with just a swipe.

BuzzSumoThis tool allows you to analyze what content performs best, how many total shares it’s had and on which platforms. It also allows you to find the key influencers in your industry. This helps you plan for the future if you’re a content creator — you can adjust the content and topics that you cover and focus on sharing on only the platforms that really work.

HootsuiteHootsuite is a social media tool which allows you to view, post and schedule your social messages for all networks, all at once, allowing you to focus on other things throughout your day. Analytics tools are integrated, and free and premium versions are available.

Social InboxVery similar to Hootsuite, the social inbox of Hubspot allows you to follow specific topics, know when people are taking about you and respond quickly to social media conversations with your customers.

Chrome PlugInThis tool allows you to share articles directly from wherever you’re reading them to all social media platforms. Click on the chrome button when you’re done reading and a box will pop up allowing you to share the article, add comments, or schedule posts for later.

WistiaProfessional video hosting with analytics and video marketing tools. The free version allows you to customize the color of your video and see heat maps and viewing trends. The paid version allows you to collect leads, review analytics and has a plethora of other tools.

CanvaCanva is one of the most popular design tools out there right now. It allows you to upload your own photos, has many shapes, styles, fully-designed templates, and allows you to play with different design ideas. If you’re not a designer, this is the design tool for you. You can also purchase stock photos for $1 for use in your image.

PicMonkeyPicMonkey is a mid-level tool — not too basic, not too complex — that allows you to design and and modify your own photos. You can filter images, apply text and change the size of your images. If you don’t have photoshop to make simple image changes, this tool is a must.

PikToChartPikToChart is a tool for creating infographics without hiring a designer. You get simple graphics tools to tell your story in a straightforward way. Templates are ready for you to modify as you need.

Other alternatives: and

OverAn app used to add text to artwork and photos. Want to make Pinterest worthy photos or sharable images? This is a great app for it.

NotegraphyNotegraphy is an app that allows you to style and publish your writing. Type in a quote or something else you want to say, style it using their templates and design tools and publish it.

QuozioAn online tool for making quotes look pretty. Add the quote, who said it, and choose a pretty picture for the background. Presto!

ChiselWrite thoughts on photos. Want to make a photo pretty with text? Or make a quote pretty with photos? Enter chisel.

AsanaAsana is my personal favorite project manager. It allows you to create departments to be shared with multiple users, projects within each department and tasks for each project that can be assigned to specific users. You can even assign dates that the tasks are due, write subtasks or descriptions and make comments. This tool is a great way to organize long term tasks and your daily running to-do list. Another alternative: Trello

HipChatWhether you have a remote team or you’re all just busy, HipChat is a great way for an internal team to keep in touch at all times. You can chat, file share and even search through past convos. Plus, it’s affordable — there’s a free version similar to Google Chat, or there’s a premium version that allows you to screenshare, file share and video chat for $2 per month per user.

EvernoteEvernote is a really comprehensive note taking tool. You can bookmark websites and articles, take notes and a whole host of other tools. If you’re in a meeting, it’s faster and easier to take notes on Evernote than copy them down later. You can ever search through the things you’ve saved (and it searches the text in images).

EventbriteA perfect tool for anyone who puts on community or networking events. This tool allows you to share your event, gives tickets for RSVPing, and is the main coordination and communication channel for any event.

WiFi FinderThis app helps you find WiFi when you need it.

We all work on the go. If you don’t have a hotspot on your phone, you’ll need to find out where nearby WiFi is. It also can help you track down the good coffee shops to work in nearby.

MomentumMomentum is a Google Chrome app that shows a beautiful image along with the time and your name in the browser window each time you open a new tab. You can even write in your main focus for the day to help you stay on track. For me, it helps me feel calm and happy looking at a beautiful image every time I pull up the internet.

CoffivityNeed some background noise to focus? Coffitivity recreates the ambient sounds of a cafe to boost your creativity and help you work better.

TimerThis is as simple as the name. This is a simple countdown clock that beeps when it hits zero. It can be set for however many minutes or hours or days you want — pick a number, any number and enter it into the url. This tool is really helpful if you want to limit yourself to write an article in 30 minute, for example.

Three CentsThree Cents is a free and easy mobile survey app. Need input from your team? Want to do a market survey? Need to ask a few simple questions to your blog subscribers on what they’re interested in? This survey is easy to create and can be shared with a small group of people or be public.

FeedlyFeedly is an app for subscribing to RSS feeds and discovering new content related to your industry. It’s helpful if you explore a set of websites every morning to find new stories— this app brings all the articles together to one place so that you can share and write accordingly.

ZenPenIf you need to focus and minimize your distractions when you’re writing, try using ZenPen. It’s a browser where you can type in your ideas and avoid all other distractions along the way.

BlogAboutBlogAbout is an online tool that helps you come up with blog article ideas when you’ve got writer’s block. This blog title generator allows you to type in a keyword and it generates a bunch of title names that you can pick through to find the one that you want. Inspiration anyone?

CrazyEggThis is a tool that functions as a heat map for website pages. You can see where people are clicking— this will help you lay out the website in a functional way, optimize call to action buttons and find any issues that show your content and layout flow is not clear enough.

Google AnalyticsOne of the most widely used analytics tracking tools to allow you to see how many people have visted your site, which pages they’ve looked at, where they’ve traveled, how long they’ve stayed and where they’re from.

Unless you already work with Hubspot, you should have this tool.

SidekickSidekick is downloadable app from Hubspot that allows you to track who opens your emails. As a salesperson, it gives you insight on when you should check in with your correspondents. It also provides profiles on the people that you’re emailing, and can connect to your Hubspot CRM to pull in information automatically. Plus, you can schedule emails for later.

Hubspot CRMA new CRM that is my absolute favorite. It integrates with Hubspot’s Sidekick and their marketing software, and brings your sales and marketing efforts full circle. If you have Hubspot for a marketing platform and you don’t have a CRM (or maybe even if you do), this is the one! Oh and one last thing… it’s free.

DropboxShare files online that are too big to email. If you are a designer or work with any large graphics files, this sharing tool is a must. You can integrate your dropbox into your Finder if you have a Mac so that it’s easily accessible.

Google DriveLike dropbox, Google Drive allows you to share documents on the cloud with your team, or be able to access them from a remote computer. If you already use Gmail, this tool is really simple to use and access.

GmailThe best email tool of the modern ages. Who uses AOL? Hotmail? Many businesses that are using their own url ( are actually using Gmail. It works great for both businesses and personal. I use it every day and love it.

Google HangoutsIt’s like Skype, but with multiple people. Plus you can screenshare. And it’s free.

Gmail CalendarGmail Calendar is a simple calendar tool that integrates with your email. It has gotten a bit more complex in recent years allowing you to RSVP right from your email inbox and invite guests outside of your company. If you have phone calls or meetings that you regularly schedule, this is a great way to remind yourself (and your meeting-mate) of your daily commitments.

Enjoy the tools!Thanks for coming today.