The Ultimate Abs Workout Collection for Women Over...

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Transcript of The Ultimate Abs Workout Collection for Women Over...

The Ultimate Abs Workout Collection for Women Over 50

From Fun and Fit:

Active Aging Answers for Boom Chicka Boomers

Created by

Kymberly Williams­Evans, MA and Alexandra Williams, MA

Fun and Fit

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Table of Contents MODULE 1 Introduction What You Can and Can’t Expect from this Program Are You Going for the LOOK or FEEL of Activated Abs? Other Myths to Bust

Myth: Transform your fat into muscle. Unused muscles turn into fat. Myth: Get a lean waistline with crunches. Myth: Cardio is the Best Exercise/ Strength Training is the Best Exercise/ Any Single Type of Exercise is Best. Myth: If I train hard enough, I will get back my 20­year­old body. Myth: I’m too old for exercise to make any real difference. Too many years of doing not much has doomed me forever.

MODULE 2 What the Abs Are and Aren’t Behind the Scenes Decision Making Function is the Final and Fifth Focus Functional Fitness is Fit­tastic!

Our Story and Qualifications Alexandra’s Story Kymberly’s Story

House Rules/ What to Expect MODULE 3 How to Take Maximum Advantage of Your New Program Instructions on Creating Your Abs Program

Options Based on Varying Organizing Principles MODULE 4 Video Listing (Table of Video Contents)

In Order of Appearance MODULE 5 Sample Programs By Level Entry Level Exercises Intermediate Exercises

Planks: Interval Rotating Side Plank Seated Obliques Circle version 2

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Rotating Abs/ Core Move By Position From Kneeling to Lying Introductory Seated Exercises

By Type Planks Lower to Upper Fibers

By Equipment MODULE 6 Easy Way to Find Your Abs Test Your Core Strength

Do you have core strength? MODULE 7 Get Fab Abs: Part 1 Get Fab 6­pack Abs: Part 2 Get No­Flab, Fab Abs: Part 3

MODULE 8 Abs and Core Exercises Safe for the Lower Back: Wipe the Windshields

Reverse Curl Exercise Reverse Ab Curls – Wrong and Right Way Reverse Curls: An Unusual Abs Exercise Bug Series: Abs Exercise for Older Adults: No Head or Neck Strain

MODULE 9 Seated Abs Exercise: Obliques Circle “Rotating Abs” Exercise = Stronger Core Kneeling Core Move: Ab­Fab­ulous! Quick Tip to Rotate from the Abs, not Neck Right and Wrong Way to do Oblique Crunches 3 Things That Do NOT Help You To Get Flat Abs Right and Wrong Way to do Crunches on the Stability Ball

MODULE 10 Planks: 4 Options, Beginning to Intermediate 3 Advanced Plank Exercises Interval Planks Will Activate Your Abs Rotating Side Plank: Abs Away Want Washboard Abs? One 6­Pack to Go! From 1 to 10 for your 6­pack Abs, Aging, and the Fountain of Youth Laughing All the Way to the Abs Gender Bias at the Core with Abs and Weight Loss

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Thank you for purchasing “The Ultimate Abs Workout Collection for Women Over 50.” Congrats on your decision to strengthen and add function to your midsection via this program. Our intent is that you achieve life­enhancing results by adding quality core moves to your exercise routine.

We hope you also take advantage of our three bonuses: #1 Midlife, Menopause, and Weight Gain #2 Look Five Pounds Thinner in Under 5 Minutes #3 How Fit Am I?

If you have not yet downloaded these bonuses, please be sure to do so.­you­for­purchasing­the­ultimate­abs­workout­collection­for­women­over­50/ They are not going to disappear or self­destruct in 30 seconds. You can retrieve them pretty much whenever you want. But why wait ­­ unless you are so pumped up to try some ab moves that nothing’s gonna stop you now.

These bonuses are our way to additionally support and thank you. It takes commitment and effort to change habits, especially exercise ones. Remember though, as you ask just that little bit more of yourself, you increase your chances to age actively and attractively.

Actively yours, Alexandra and Kymberly


Introduction Of all the topics women ask us about, one of the most popular is abdominal/ core

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work. We all seem agreed that we want our abdominal area to be leaner and stronger. Especially as menopause hits, the desire to make positive changes to our midlife midsection intensifies. We have seen and directly experienced that added years often means added

weight, more aches and pains, and reduced strength.

But this decline is not inevitable and can be reversed ­­­­ if you take certain, critical actions. Getting this program is a great start! Putting it into action is even better! Whether we’re talking “menopot,” “flab for abs” or abdominal muscles that no longer come to work daily as supportive, star employees, this program will help.

What You Can and Can’t Expect from this Program Let’s be clear from the start. All the abdominal reps in the world won’t zap fat. That’s another way to keep blowing on birthday candles and wishing spot­reducing were possible. The rumors are correct in this case: spot­reducing fat does not exist. KEY TIP: What does exist is the ability to target specific muscles with proven resistance and muscular endurance training. This program is intended to strengthen and activate core muscles, including (but not limited to) the rectus abdominis, transversus, and the inner and outer obliques. In fact, from now on, unless stated otherwise, when we say “abs” we mean all three sets: Rectus abdominis, transversus, and obliques. (You have a diagram of the abs in the “Get Fab Abs: Part 1” section.) Enhancing muscle strength and muscular endurance is totally different from burning stored fat. Spoiler alert ­­ we do offer suggestions throughout the text sections on ways to say sayonara to fat. Mostly it’s related to adding cardio workouts and overall strength training to your weekly program. As well, you’ll find handy dandy suggestions toward the end of this document of complementary workout programs from other, credentialed, trusted sources. Our focus, however, is on high quality, comfortable, age­relevant ab exercises. Whether you have additional belly adipose or not, you are wise to strengthen the underlying musculature.

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This program does NOT emphasize getting a 6 pack; it does prioritize improving strength, posture, and biomechanics so you can embrace life with comfort, energy, and ease. Yes ­ many of the exercises in this program CAN lead to a 6­pack. And Yes ­ you would have to dedicate yourself to an intense diet, exercise, lifestyle change to achieve that goal. However, we will share a fitness pro insider secret ­­ most midlife women we’ve helped over the years tell us they wouldn’t say “no” to looking better. Nor would they mind having a 6­pack. But they just don’t want to work that hard or dramatically change their eating habits. Ultimately, they say they really just want to work hard enough to age as slowly as possible, rather than try to return to the abs of their youth. That’s the beauty of this program and the fact that it’s created with the over­50 woman in mind. It’s flexible and non­dictatorial. The mix and match aspect allows you to put together what’s right for you and your goals.

Action: Are you twitching to get to the exercises right away? To skip the why, how, and how often, and land on the what ­ what to do, what to do? Then navigate to Module 5, which offers Sample Programs. You can always come back later to read all the blah blah blah, (important bits that will help you achieve more, but we don’t want to stand in the way of you taking action now).

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Are You Going for the LOOK or FEEL of Activated Abs? Ask yourself whether you are wanting the LOOK as your primary goal or the FEEL of a lifted, activated core. Or both. No doubt you will LOOK better when your core holds you in better alignment and compresses your belly without having to suck it in. Implementing a fat loss program to complement the “Ultimate Abs” workouts can get you that coveted lean look.

Recommended Additional Resource

A great overall fitness program for women over 50 is Debra Atkinson’s new book, “You Still Got it Girl, The After 50 Fitness Formula.” We don’t make any money off her sales; we simply know her program is a good one offering sound, realistic advice. Oh, and we contributed a chapter on cardio workouts! Look on page 102 for our “Featured Expert” contribution.

Our bias, however, is with how you will FEEL once you move through this program. Over our years of teaching (and moving) we’ve discovered that when you feel stronger and healthier, you become better looking. We haven’t actually consistently seen the reverse. As we age, research has shown that we still want to look good, but it isn’t our strongest motivator. It’s a welcome byproduct. As a result of going through the process of improving our fitness, confidence, and health, we become better looking. Think of the number of times you’ve heard or said, “She looks radiant.” In other words, attractive AND healthy. Now think of YOUR definition of an attractive woman your age. What adjectives do you ascribe to her? What does her posture look like? What is her facial expression? What qualities

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does she exude? What is her energy level? KEY TIP: When you feel good, you look better. That is the goal with the “Ultimate Abs” program.

Other Myths to Bust If you do a computer search for anything to do with the abs, you’ll get millions of results, which makes it nearly impossible to know where to turn for accurate, researched, effective, and realistic advice. So many myths and false promises are out there (not to mention downright dangerous advice), repeated until they are accepted as fact. Knowing that our information meets all the benchmarks just mentioned, let’s quickly separate a few myths from facts. Some may seem obvious, yet we are still asked about these on a regular basis by people perhaps just like you who are skeptical for good reason. Myths that should be put to beddy bye once and for all:

Myth: Transform your fat into muscle. Unused muscles turn into fat. You cannot turn fat into muscle. They are separate parts of your body. You can reduce the fat that surrounds or invades your muscles or organs, which allows your muscles to hog the limelight and glory. Kind of like parting the theatre curtains to let the star of the show be seen.

Myth: Get a lean waistline with crunches. Hundreds of crunches will not whittle your waist or burn fat (part of that spot­ reducing wish). They WILL make you good at doing crunches. They’ll also make you tired, and possibly give you lower back pain. Do you bow or genuflect hundreds of times a day? Then you probably don’t need to practice doing so.

Myth: Cardio is the Best Exercise/ Strength Training is the Best Exercise/ Any Single Type of Exercise is Best. Doing only cardio or ab exercises will not get you to your optimal self. Combine them and you will get all the holiday presents in one hot package ­ you. Think of cardio as the car, and ab exercises as the car key. You need both to drive long distances. And music helps with both, too!

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Myth: If I train hard enough, I will get back my 20­year­old body. No matter how much you exercise, you are probably not going to return to the joints and recovery speed you had as a young adult. Nor to the shape you had prior to giving birth (if you gave birth). Unless of course, you have surgery to move your ribs, hips, and uterus in, up, and around. But isn’t the tradeoff worth it (if you have teenagers, wait a few years to answer this question)? However, this myth has a kernel of truth. It is entirely possible to get fit, lean, and strong regardless of age! Physiologically, active older people can outdo and outperform sedentary younger people. And anyone at any age can dramatically improve their fitness level, health, and body shape. Anatomically, though, we can’t reverse years of joint, ligament, and tendon wear and tear. Reflex time also slows over the decades.

Myth: I’m too old for exercise to make any real difference. Too many years of doing not much has doomed me forever. It’s never too late to improve your shape and health. There is simply no magic date at which you suddenly stop being a work in progress and become frozen in time. Why do we tell our children and friends that it’s never too late for them to chase their dreams, yet we tell our bodies that it is? Chase your dream. Preferably in wick­away clothing. For those of you who prefer a more science­based answer, proof exists demonstrating that even 96­year­olds using walkers can walk unassisted again with moderate strength training. Our bodies respond to the demands we place on them as long as we’re alive. Summary: We laugh now at the miracle cures of yesteryear, yet somehow give credence to the current cures. The tapeworm diet of a hundred years ago is no more effective than the cookie diet of a few years ago. They are all short­term trends designed to get your money. How is a juice cleanse different from the 1960s drinking man’s diet or the vinegar and water diet of the 1820s? Don’t confuse short­term starvation with long­term successful health maintenance.

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What the Abs Are and Aren’t Whew! Glad we got those myths out of the way so we can get to the good stuff! Abs, abs, abs! KEY TIP: Important to note is that the abs are endurance and compression muscles. Contrast them to quadriceps and hamstrings, for example. Those are power muscles. The good news is that because the abdominals are endurance and compression muscles, you can work them daily; you can progress without lifting heavy loads (weight); and you can string together multiple ab exercises in a row and still benefit without taking long, time­consuming breaks. Ever wonder why so many 20­30 minute Core and Abs group fitness classes exist, but not “chest class” or “glutes only class?” Yowzah! Can you imagine doing 30 minutes solid of chest work with little rest or break? Power muscles demand a different approach. Endurance muscles offer more programming flexibility. For the most part, you can work them often and with little risk of injury or overtraining. Uh, not that most women over 50 are in danger of overworked abs, but at least you can rest ..not actually rest ... but rest assured that you won’t strain, sprain, or overtrain your abs.

Behind the Scenes Decision Making As part of our desire to help you become independent with your Ab workouts, you deserve to understand our decision making process. Why did we choose the specific exercises in this program? What was the criteria to make the curated cut? Why aren’t certain moves included? First, this program offers exercises that require no equipment other than a mat and your body. And brain, courage, heart ­ but no ruby slippers. The goal is to make these moves as accessible as possible. Second, and on that theme ­ “there’s no place like home; there’s no place like home” ­­ you can perform all these exercises at home, or in a hotel room, or on your deck if the weather is nice and your mat oh so cushy. That is, you don’t need to head to a gym or club, though we certainly think exercise facilities can be

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spiffi­riffic places to improve one’s fitness. Third, you will not find a single traditional crunch here. Crunches have a place and value ­­ mostly if someone is going solely for the look of a 6­pack. But regular crunches offer little functional benefit and use primarily the rectus abdominis (RA). And they certainly don’t improve posture. Who needs more forward flexion at the neck and curvature of the spine? Decades of hunched posture and rounded shoulders take a toll on the spine. Look for opportunities to strengthen your abs that do not require more forward curvature. No, no, no ­ we focus on BETTER choices that not only give you the (limited) benefit of crunches, but also offer much MORE. Example: Diagonal Bug Fourth, with a yes, yes, yes ­­ many of the exercises we offer focus on two­for­one coupon specials ­­ more than Rectus Abdominis muscles get to party together. We selected moves that minimize forward spinal flexion AND recruit at least two, if not all three ab muscle groups. Ba da bing! More bang for your buck. More in store for your core! Example: Reverse Curl with Oblique Twist­y0Kv94Vw

Function is the Final and Fifth Focus

Fifth, we love and therefore share exercises that translate into daily activities. Think of this as the FUNCTIONAL approach. For example, in real life we twist and turn a lot. So you will find lots of ab exercises with rotation. Example: Seated Obliques Circle

You won’t find many “Power” moves as the abs aren’t power muscles. But you will get oodles of endurance and stabilizing moves, since that’s what the abs are for. Example: Planks: Wrong and Right Way

A strong core should also help with balance. Therefore we added moves that require centering and balancing. Example: Rotating Abs/ Core Move: Wrong and Right Way

So long “old lady” back hump; hello stronger abs and a more comfy neck! Reverse curls, planks, and abs exercises that keep your head on the floor and lower spine

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protected are great options. And you’ll find such options throughout this program.

Functional Fitness is Fit­tastic! Doing the exercises in this program will improve your ability to function. Being super fit is great, yet our focus is on real women, not performance athletes. We specialize in women who want to feel good in, and about, their bodies. This is NOT a “work out and do all these reps with us program.” You don’t need to hear the same cues and see the same move over and over. Instead, you get short videos pared down to the essentials. The goal is for you to be independent and confident you are doing exercises correctly. Stay flexible with the exercise combinations you put together from our collection. While we may offer suggestions on HOW OFTEN and HOW MANY of a given exercise to do, you will always be the best judge. KEY TIP: Consider the following factors as you choose your exercise(s) for the day: Your goals, energy level, fitness level, experience, time available, speed of execution, quality of execution.

Action: Bookmark the Thank You page with the link to this document so you have more than one way to access this program easily and quickly any time. THANK YOU PAGE URL:­you­for­purchasing­the­ultimate­abs­workout­collection­for­women­over­50/

Our Story and Qualifications Who are we to advise you on getting Ultimate Midlife Abs? For starters, feel free to check us out at our Fun and Fit About Us page. More on our philosophy and priorities coming right up!

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So many fitness enthusiasts choose trainers based on the trainer’s looks. But as we mentioned above, looks aren’t necessarily equated with health. And oftentimes, unhealthy behaviors are promoted as the path to so­called good looks, which is really a code phrase for “skinny.” We believe you want to be advised by trainers who “get” that you don’t want to spend hours every day; you simply want to look good, feel good, and be strong. In addition, other experts offer abs packages that flaunt bare bellies that look great, yet are achievable solely for the super fit. Our teaching and presenting careers are built on meeting people where they are with fitness. In addition to being certified (with bi­annual renewals) as fitness professionals since the 1980s (we were among the first to become certified when the test was first created), we both have advanced degrees, which means we know our way around research and professional journals. Using Kymberly’s MA in English, and Alexandra’s in Systemic Counseling, we’ve published thousands of relevant articles, worked with women going through stressful transitions, interviewed the leading scientists and speakers, presented at conventions around the world, been guest experts on radio and TV programs, extensively studied the links between cognition, mental health, physical health and longevity, and taught students of all ages. Whew! Kymberly also became the first person in Santa Barbara County to achieve the Functional Aging Specialist certification. We have put safety, effectiveness, relevance, and yes, FUN, as our teaching priorities for over 30 years.

Alexandra’s Story I could swear that the day I turned 40 my body started laughing at me. I had to move more, eat less and be even more careful about the type of food I ate just to stay the same. But I’m cheap and vain, so I changed my habits, slowly and surely. I want to keep wearing the same clothes and stay the same size. If I don’t have to buy new clothes I can use the money for my boys’ education. If I eat less and avoid expensive junk food (okay, I buy my favorite ice cream every so often), I save that money too. As well, who doesn’t like hearing compliments about still being sexy at *cough cough* age? I’m a non­GMO, organic, cook from scratch, label reading vegetarian. I didn’t become this way suddenly; it was many small choices over time. Instead of focusing on what I gave up (mostly extra calories of poor quality), I focus on what

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I’ve gained ­ a body that works FOR, not AGAINST me, good health, quality time on earth, and confidence. And I’m not special, lucky, or unique. I’m just like you, with possibly one difference ­ I focus on what I’m getting, not what I’m giving up. When I’m tempted to not work out, I ask myself what I gain by either choice. When I’m tempted to eat an entire pint of ice cream, I ask myself if my short or long term goals are more important. And when I choose the short term goal, I do so consciously and rarely. Every single day. I’m a compilation of my habits, just like everyone I know.

Kymberly’s Story Don’t hate me because I have been fit, sporty, and athletic all my life. Until I hit my fifties that is. With menopause and a career change that had me sitting more, WHAM! thirty extra pounds found me. And they haven’t gotten lost again…. yet! So like many of you ­­ and unlike my own identical twin sis ­­ I discovered the menopot. In my mind I am still fit, lean, and a picture of health. In the mirror, in my clothes, and on the scale I can skip the word “lean.” Fortunately I am still strong and quite healthy. But my body no longer does everything as easily or comfortably as it used to. I enjoy being active both in group fitness classes and outdoors. If my knees were better, I’d jog, rather than walk, though I do love walking, especially quickly. One of my biggest fears is having to curtail activities as I age, due to injury or pain. One of my goals is to live long and die short ­­ preferably while moving about.

House Rules/ What to Expect Good news! Most of the rules you’ll get from us relate to achieving fantastic, effective form. You’ll hear and see lots of those in the videos. We call them “cues” or professional pestering. The only other “rule” is really a request ­­ if you have a comment, question, concern, complaint, or compliment ­­ please let us know. Email us: Or send us a direct message via our Fun and Fit Facebook page:

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As for what you can expect to get out of this program ­­ that depends on what you put into it. Yes, you’ll get a lot of great information below that will allow you to understand your abs better. As for RESULTS … this program works only if you do.

Recommended Additional Resource

(Of course we have to mention our own product, TransformAging Summit slides and recordings)

Are you wanting to enter the second half of life a more active, attractive, physically capable you? Then consider adding the recordings and slides from our TransformAging Summit to your collection. Top professionals who specialize in fitness and active aging for women over 50 combined expertise to bring you their best and most accurate strategies. Click this link to find out more and to check out the bonus that comes with the TransformAging package.

For Women Over 50 Who Don’t Want to Just Grow Old But Intend to Age Actively!­fit­products/­summit­sales­page34/

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How to Take Maximum Advantage of Your New Program This program is organized with a few overlapping principles in mind to offer as much flexibility as possible. The nice thing about the abdominals being endurance, not power muscles is that you can make progress with almost any routine you put together.

Instructions on Creating Your Abs Program

Options Based on Varying Organizing Principles KEY TIP: You have lots of ways to put this program to work for you. The BEST way is the approach that works for your body, schedule, preferences, energy level, and goals. And that way may change on any given day. So don’t get stuck or hung up on crafting the “perfect” routine from the many choices we give you. Pfffft, perfection is highly overrated. Just start where it makes sense to you. Stop when your form starts to go the way of spoilt milk ­ bad. With abdominal routines, the key is HOW you execute. Not as significant is when, nor in which order, nor for how long. 1. Go through the videos by exercise TYPE (for example, try all reverse curls together)

2. Select videos according to POSITION (for example, do all sitting exercises as a routine or mix and match one prone, one supine, one kneeling, one standing)

3. Start at the BEGINNING of the program and work your way through to the END. We generally organized the collection from FUNDAMENTALS to more CHALLENGING.

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4. Choose the sections that answer your particular QUESTIONS or address your CONDITIONS or ISSUES. (for example, you have lower back pain so go to “Abs and Core Exercises Safe for the Lower Back”).

5. Choose by MOST to LEAST FAMILIAR or vice versa. You’ll know best what motivates you to actually DO the exercises.

6. READ THROUGH all sections first, then RETURN to the exercises that appeal to you most.

Other tips to work through this program: Read through a few pages at a time, then pick one or two exercises to do Scroll down the list of all videos and try those that catch your interest Think Big and Start small. Plan to change just one thing at a time. Decide how you best like to keep a record ­ written, a phone app, pictures Ask a friend to either join you or help keep you accountable Set realistic goals with incremental steps that will get you there Ask yourself what is the minimum amount you can do, such as 5 minutes three times a week, then record that promise to yourself

Pick a spot that will be YOUR workout place Create a list of rewards you’ll give yourself once you’ve reached short­term goals. Junk foods do not get to go on this list.

Action: Which organizing principle appeals to you today? Let it guide you as you select moves to try.


Video Listing (Table of Video Contents) Below is a list of all videos, in the order they are mentioned within the “Ultimate Abs Workout Collection for Women Over 50.” Simply click on the title of the exercise you which to access or cut and paste the associated URL. You will be taken to an unlisted YouTube video which you can access any time, as many times as you wish. These links and videos are available solely to purchasers of this program, so please keep them handy and private.

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Note that some video titles appear more than once. Some key video links appear multiple times so you can easily access them from all relevant places in this document. For instance, a video may be included in a sample program, then again within the text answer to a reader question.

In Order of Appearance Diagonal Bug Reverse Curl with Oblique Twist­y0Kv94Vw Seated Obliques Circle

Planks: Wrong and Right Way

Rotating Abs/ Core Move: Wrong and Right Way

Abs Exercise for Older Adults: Diagonal Bug

Reverse Ab Curls: Wrong and Right Way

Seated Obliques ­ Version 1

Planks: Beginning and Intermediate

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Sidelying Planks ­ Versions 1 and 2

Planks: Interval

Rotating Side Plank

Seated Obliques Circle ­ version 2

Rotating Abs Core Move

Kneeling Core Move

Planks: Beginning and Intermediate

Sidelying Planks

Reverse Curl with Oblique Twist­y0Kv94Vw

Seated Walking in a Circle

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Seated Toe Touch Downs­yiU Seated with Moving Arms Planks: Wrong and Right Way Sidelying Planks Planks: Beginning and Intermediate Planks: 3 Advanced Plank Exercises Planks: Interval Rotating Side Plank Reverse Curl with Oblique Twist Reverse Ab Curls: Wrong and Right Way Bent Knee Windshield Wipers Simple Abs Move on a Stability Ball

Seated Diagonal Obliques Crunches on the Ball

Crunches on the Ball:Right and Wrong Way

Obliques Side to Side with the Stability Ball Easy Way to Find Your Abs Abs and Core Strength Test Reverse Curl Reverse Curl with Oblique Twist

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Planks: Beginning and Intermediate Supine Dead Bug (American Council on Exercise video) Crunches (American Council on Exercise video) Reverse Ab Curls: Wrong and Right Way Reverse Curl with Oblique Twist Easy Way to Find Your Abs Side­to­Side Obliques Exercise aka Windshield Wipers (Bent Knee) Obliques Exercise Safe for the Lower Back: Windshield Wipers

Reverse Curls: Right and Wrong Way Abs Exercise for Older Adults: No Head or Neck Flexion Easy Ab Exercise for Older Adult: Diagonal Bug Seated Obliques Circle Rotating Abs / Core Move: Exercise for Women Over 50 ­ Wrong and Right Way Kneeling Core and Abs Exercise How to Do Oblique Abs Exercises Correctly Oblique Crunches Wrong and Right Way­WuoivKA&feature=colike Crunches on the Stability Ball: Right and Wrong Way Sidelying Planks ­ 2 Options Planks: Beginner and Intermediate: Exercise for Women Over 50

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3 Advanced Plank Exercises Planks: Interval Abs Exercise ­ For Women Over 50

Rotating Side Plank: Exercise for Women Over 50


Sample Programs

By Level

Entry Level Exercises 1. Abs Exercise for Older Adults: No Head or Neck

2. Easy Abs Exercise for Older Adults: Diagonal Bug

3. Reverse Ab Curls: Wrong and Right Way

4. Seated Obliques Circle, version 1

5. Planks: Beginning and Intermediate (knees version)

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6. Side Lying Planks, version 1 and 2

Intermediate Exercises 1. Planks: Interval

2. Rotating Side Plank

3. Seated Obliques Circle version 2

4. Rotating Abs/ Core Move

By Position

From Kneeling to Lying 1. Kneeling Core Move

2. Planks ­ any prone plank exercises

3. Side Lying Planks

4. Reverse Curl with Oblique Twist­y0Kv94Vw

Introductory Seated Exercises 1. Seated Walking in a Circle

2. Seated Toe Touch Downs­yiU

3. Seated with Moving Arms

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By Type

Planks 1. Planks: Wrong and Right Way

2. Sidelying Planks Options 1 and 2

3. Planks: Beginning and Intermediate

4. 3 Advanced Plank Exercises

5. Planks: Interval

6. Rotating Side Plank

Lower to Upper Fibers 1. Reverse Curls with Oblique Twist­y0Kv94Vw

2. Reverse Ab Curls: Wrong and Right Way

3. Bent Knee Windshield Wipers

By Equipment

1. Simple Abs Move on the Stability Ball

2. Seated Diagonal Obliques Crunch on the Ball

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3. Right and Wrong Way to Do Crunches on the Ball

4. Obliques Side to Side with Stability Ball: Wrong and Right Way



ALREADY ⟸ Easy Way to Find Your Abs Ready to achieve good form? Have you ever wondered if you’re doing your ab

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exercises wrong or right? This first section shows how to determine if you’re contracting your abs properly.

Is Your Ab Contraction Bouncy or Sexy?

Did you even know there’s a “proper” way to contract? Let’s put it this way – did you know that if you “push” on your contraction, you’ll have strong abs, but they’ll stick out? Strong, not cute. But if you follow the tips in the video, your abs will be strong and cute. Just like you! Easy Way to Find Your Abs

Action: Try an abs exercise now. This one is a good place to start, but any exercise will progress you. Take action right away. You can knock out an abs move in under 2 minutes. Then come back to read, watch, and do more.

Test Your Core Strength

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Do you have core strength? Kymberly: If you can do 100 crunches or can hold a hover for 3 minutes, does this mean you are core­some and awesome? For many, a strong core is defined by flaunting a 6 pack (yes, you heard envy in my tone. Sure, I have a 6 pack… under my 12 pack). How can you know whether a certain look or ability translates into true inner strength? Alexandra: Your abs and back work together to keep you strong, braced and upright! Include your entire torso, and you have a good idea of what the “core” defines, besides just “fab­abs.” Many of our students believe they are very strong in their core, sometimes because they have well­developed chests and shoulders. But…..does the ability to bench press your mama really mean you have a strong core? Maybe it just means you have a big chest and a small mama! Let’s find out. Time to try the move shown ”Abs and Core Strength Test” to determine your ability to recruit from your core.

Kymberly: Did you try the move? Tougher than it looks, right? This exercise really tests whether you initiate movement from the center of your body or depend on

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your extremities to get you places. (For those of you who like high techy terms, you want to start movement proximally, then have it translate distally, not the other way around). To use a crunch as an example, if you start the move by lifting your head, cranking on your neck, or throwing your arms to get going, you are depending on the ends or extremities of your body to get some action in the core. Such action means you are working from the outside, in. If you can set up your body in a good position and first engage the midsection, which then moves the shoulders and head off the ground, you are working from the inside, out. Movement stars at the center of the body and radiates out to the hands, feet, and head.

Action: Set up a reminder system to visit this collection on a regular basis. Perhaps also leave this document open on your desktop. Somehow set yourself up to access the videos and tips consistently, easily and quickly so you minimize obstacles to exercising.


Get Fab Abs: Part 1

An orange box with blue dashes around it indicates a reader question. Our answer follows.

Kymberly: One way to determine the “best” ab exercises is to know your goal. We know, we know: “look hot.” Let’s pretend that your goal includes working as many

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ab muscles at once as possible AND enhancing ab function. Then you want to choose exercises that recruit the rectus abdominis (the abs that offer the 6­pack look and flex your spine), the transversus (the abs that remind you of 1980′s cumberbunds that guys wore at weddings–they stabilize and compress you), and the obliques (the diagonal muscles that wrap around your waist like a girdle and rotate, flex, and extend you). It helps to know some ab anatomy, so read this article. Quiz at 11:00.­ab­exercises.html

We recommend exercises that 1) stabilize, 2) rotate, and 3) focus on bringing lower fibers into play. 1) reverse curl (aka “reverse crunch”)

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29 works from the bottom up, requires compression, targets the area most people want to look better (ie, below the navel versus above it), gets lots of oblique and rectus abdominis activity. Watch this video to learn AND TRY reverse curls. You’ll get tips on right and wrong way to execute. 2) reverse curl with oblique twist­y0Kv94Vw 3) plank (aka “hover”): requires compression and stabilization and is most like the way we use our abs to help with posture. An American Council on Exercise study has photos and more info on each of these moves. Ok, ok, so the study was done waaaaay back in 2001. Last I checked, our ab anatomy had not changed since then. Aaaaand, time to hold a plank. This video helps. Alexandra:The Supine Dead Bug" is a strange name, yet a functional exercise. Click this American Council on Exercise link to check it out." Supine Dead Bug. (This link and exercise article provided by the American Council on Exercise, To skip straight to our 4­part Bug Series, go to the end of Module 8. Kymberly: Do you notice what is NOT on my top three list and therefore should not be tops on yours? Yeah baby – stoopid crunches. Crunch, crunch, crunch. How much do you need the ability to flex forward? Not much going on with compression or rotation; not a lot of transversus action; not a move usually performed well; not an action needed a lot in daily life. (More on crunches in the next section, “Get Fab Abs: Part 2”).

Action: Put a pause at the top of the Reverse Curl exercise. Hold the position 2 seconds before lowering your hips to the floor. Can you smooth out the move and slow it down?

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Get Fab 6­pack Abs: Part 2

When a 6­Pack Just Ain't Enough

Kymberly: Can we go with a medium speed?: Reduce overall body fat through healthy eating habits and cardio workouts, while engaging in abs and resistance training. The professional in me has to nag a moment and say, “are you sure your goal is just to gain the look of a defined 6­pack? Are you sure you don’t also want to gain core strength, have great movement ability and function, minimize back pain,

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improve posture and performance?” But if your primary, super duper, “it’s on my holiday list” wish is to make your torso more defined than a dictionary, then you have to focus on the rectus abdominis and reducing calories. Perform crunches and some other, better moves too, such as Crunches on the Stability Ball DONE PROPERLY. You can have the most gorgeous abs in the world, but if they are hidden under a layer of fat, you are depriving the world of their view. The only way you will see your 6­pack is if your body fat is low, low, low. So hit the cardio­o­o. And mix in strength training for all major muscles. Does this advice look familiar? I think so, so, so. Now go rip it up, mistresses of midlife! 6­Pack Abs Photo Credit:

Action: Line up the midline of your body (vertical line down your center) with the midline of your face when you perform abs exercises, especially rotating ones.

Get No­Flab, Fab Abs: Part 3

Kymberly: With red paint and a template of concentric circles. Aim for the middle. When you are done with target practice, get fired up! Aerobically, that is, cuz’s it’s calories burning time.

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This is the ever­tempting question: “Can I spot reduce?” In this case, the “spot” starts at the belly button. See a post we offered on our website, Fun and Fit, Spot Reducing: A Zap­O­Matic Myth. Short answer is “No.” If you want to target ab flab, you have to address overall body fat levels. That comes via strength training for all major muscles and either high intensity or interval cardio training (combined with a healthy diet). In Parts 1 and 2 of our Get Fab Abs series above, you got several great ab exercises. Feel free to try those exercises between your cardio workouts. Do the exercises in these two videos, as they are specifically designed to address lower fibers that help compress and visually lean out the belly. Reverse Ab Curls: Wrong and Right Way Reverse Curl with Oblique Twist­y0Kv94Vw Alexandra: Whenever anyone talks about "belly flab" we know we're being asked about fat that's on top of the muscles. To get rid of that,you need cardio & strength­training.” Get rid of the fat on top so you can display the musculature underneath.

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Abs and Core Exercises Safe for the Lower Back: Wipe the Windshields

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Don’t Go Back in Time to These Old School Exercises. Ouch! If you have lower back issues, we hope you had a chance to test your comfort and ability to engage your abs (not back) using the tip from the video: Easy Way to Find Your Abs. If not, scroll back to Module 6, or simply click that link<­­­­­­­­ .

Next, view our short videos that offer back­safe obliques exercises. We suggest these particular moves because you have very little chance to arch or stress your lumbar region.

Bent Knee Windshield Wipers This version keeps the knees at 90 degrees and is a great place to start.

Obliques Exercise Safe for the Lower Back aka Windshield Wipers This version extends the legs and is a bit more challenging.

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Basically you are seeing the same exercise at two levels with the bent knee version being the most back safe. Windshield wipers require some spinal rotation, but are easy on the lower back as minimal flexion and extension are involved. Exercise Instructions: Lie on your back. Bend your knees and lift your legs in the air above your hips. The knees can be in towards your chest a bit; feet directly above the hips. Keeping both shoulders firmly anchored to the ground or mat and arms outstretched but below the plane of your shoulders, slowly bring your knees to the right then back to center then left. Go only as far as you can still keep your shoulders on the mat. Basically you are dropping the legs side to side in a hinge­like motion without using any momentum.

Reverse Curl Exercise Next do the reverse curls we showed you in ”Get Fab Abs: Part 1.” If you haven’t already done so, then watch this video: Right and Wrong Way to Do Reverse Curls. Or go for the whole kit and kaboodle and skip to the next two sections on reverse curls.

Reverse curls also target the core with little risk to the lower back. For one, the hips are tucked (posterior tilt) throughout this move, so the lumbar spine has little chance to hyperextend or arch (anterior tilt).

Other back safe abs exercises include the Bug Series. Scroll down a bit, staying in Module 8.

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ACTION: Regarding frequency, with abdominal exercises you can do them every day if you want. Remember, the abs are endurance, not power muscles so you don’t really need a day’s rest in between. Go by how your back feels.

Reverse Ab Curls – Wrong and Right Way Reverse ab curls look easy, yet are rarely done correctly to get full strength benefits. Learn a few quick workout tips to do this popular abs exercise effectively!

Hips Lift Toward the Ceiling Swing and a Miss! Exercise Instructions: Hold still at the ankle, knees, and hips joints. No kicking or swinging from any of those joints. Another common error with reverse curls is lifting the hips too high. The only joint moving in this exercise is the spine, specifically the lower few vertebrae. Also, pause at the top of each curl to eliminate all momentum. Compress and contract to lift the hips slightly; hold still for a count or two; then lower your hips slowly to the ground. You will recruit the abs better.

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Relax the upper body as much as possible and bring your lower body towards the ceiling (not towards your face). If you want a super challenge, keep your shins parallel to the ground while curling and uncurling. This video shows the wrong and right way to perform this move. Reverse Curls: Right and Wrong Way

Reverse Curls: An Unusual Abs Exercise How are your abs muscles different from other muscle groups? Did you know that your abs can do something your hamstring, biceps, pecs, quads – heck, any of the other muscles we hope you are tempted to train – can’t?

We’ll give you a hint. But first do a set of reverse curls in order to target your lower fibers and strengthen your entire midsection. No neck flexion required. No crunches or planks involved.

Don’t Swing Your Legs in a Reverse Abs Curl

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Read This Hint

Kymberly: When you train your biceps, your hand moves towards your shoulder. But you don’t bring your shoulder to your hand, right?

When you target the hamstrings, for example, you contract the heel towards the buttocks. But you don’t bring your hiney to your heel.

Picture a crunch and a reverse curl. In the former you lift your upper body in the direction of your lower body. With the reverse curl you … wait for it, wait for it .. you bring your lower body, or hips, towards your upper body.

Work in Both Directions

In other words, you can work the abs from the top down or the bottom up. Given the spine’s joint structure, you can train the abs in both directions.

We know most people prefer to target the lower fibers when doing abs exercises. That means choosing exercises that contract, compress, or lift your hips towards your upper body – whether sitting or lying down. If that is your goal as well, then give the reverse curl a go. You’ll get so toned you’ll want to get out your white boots and fringe vest and go­go.

Bug Series: Abs Exercise for Older Adults: No Head or Neck Strain Work your abs without lifting your head or straining your neck. Finally we get to the Bug series! You get 4 options of increasing challenge, all of which allow you to keep your head comfy and cozy on the mat. First in the series is: Abs Exercise for Older Adults: No Head or Neck Lifting.

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39 Next, you’ll love “The Diagonal Bug” move whether you’re a baby boomer, older adult, person with neck or head soreness, or simply someone who wants a great option to strengthen your abdominals without rounding forward into spinal flexion. And if you are wondering why you should care about rounding into spinal flexion, read “6 Practical Fitness Tips for Older Adults.”

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The Boomer Bug Beats A Crummy Crunch Any Day This core move is easy to do well, and very effective. The hardest part is remembering to keep your head on the floor or mat. And to bend your knees slightly. And to compress.

If a functional approach to fitness works for you and your active aging goals, take a look at this resource. No hype, no gimmicks, no flashy lights. Instead of “Men in Black,” you get women in whatever color you are wearing!

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Seated Abs Exercise: Obliques Circle If you want an abs move that will make your obliques stronger and help you have a leaner look in the waist, then the Seated Obliques Circle is for you.

Whether you have weak abs or strong, this exercise has a version you can do. And the good news is that it might be perfect for people with bad backs or knees, or even for people who want to avoid lying down.

What is the purpose of the obliques? First of all, you have both the external and internal obliques, making something like an X along the sides of your torso. They help flex, rotate and abduct the trunk, support the abdominal wall, assist in forced respiration, and in pulling the chest downward to compress the abdominal cavity.

And of course, the abdominal muscles all help support the spine and good posture. If you are mainly concerned about the aesthetics of the waist, you get your wish

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too, especially if you work on good posture.

Action: Time yourself doing version 1 both clockwise and counterclockwise, once in each direction. Did you complete both revolutions in about the same amount of time?

“Rotating Abs” Exercise = Stronger Core

In this next video, you’ll see the wrong and right way to perform a rotating core move. It’s a great way to work into the Core Strength assessment move from Module 6. After you try this (and watching the video while muttering, “unh hunh, I can do that exercise correctly” doesn’t count as trying), you might still have enough energy to try the Core Strength test again:

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Rotating Abs / Core Move: Exercise for Women Over 50 ­ Wrong and Right Way This exercise will definitely have you rotating, flexing and possibly whimpering! Dare we slam down a pun and suggest that this move will prevent you becoming an alba–core!). Were you able to do the rotating core move without propping up on your elbow or shoulder? What bad habits do you have when it comes to core workouts?

Action: Hold the Rotating Core Move at least 2 seconds per side once you’ve done a test run of the exercise. Work your way to a 5 second hold over a three week period.

Kneeling Core Move: Ab­Fab­ulous!

Are you ready for another core move that will strengthen your abs and is a bit deceptive?

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Kneeling Core Move ­ Lean Waaaaay Back

The kneeling core move has you on your knees. Everywhere a belt would touch is where you’ll have to contract. When you do this move correctly, you will feel your abs engaging and working for sure. Done right, your hips stay pushed forward, glutes tucked under you and contracted throughout. Our short video shows both the right and wrong way to get the most from the Kneeling Core and Abs Exercise: Exercise for Women Over 50 Exercise Instruction: The tricky thing about this core exercise is that it’s easy to do wrong. So we recommend using a mirror the first few times you try it. You will think you are hinging at the floor, yet may be be actually hinging along the spine (bending at waist or hips, tipping at shoulders). If you feel off­balance, you’re probably doing it right. If your behind sticks out, you are doing it wrong and will get zero abs benefit. You will improve your hula hooping though! If the Kneeling Core Move seems too easy, check your form or have someone check it for you. (After you both watch the video of course).

Action: Try this exercise both clockwise and counterclockwise. Did you have the same range of motion in both directions?

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Quick Tip to Rotate from the Abs, not Neck

Ever work out your obliques and have a sore neck afterward? Do you put energy

and effort into your ab exercises without really feeling it in the targeted muscles?

Simply wonder if your technique could use some fine tuning?

We offer a simple tip to help you get the most out of your oblique exercises.

Simple Tip Revealed:

Vertically line up the middle of your face with the middle of your body.

Exercise Instruction: If you want to sound savvy and smarticle, tell yourself to keep your midline in line from head to chest. Draw a vertical mental line down the

center of your face. Do the same for your torso. If your face midline twists in one

direction while your body midline enjoys a vacation on the other coast, you are

working your neck. Or your shoulders. Or both. But not your obliques. Rotation

comes at the space between your ribs and hip.

If you are doing the twist at the neck, you are depriving your abs of the opportunity

to do the work and get the paycheck and payoff. Watch this video to see this tip in

action both standing and lying.

How to Do Oblique Exercises Correctly

Action: Line up the midline of your body with the midline of your face. Get in line, aye aye!

Right and Wrong Way to do Oblique Crunches We are asked all the time about working the sides, “muffin top,” “love handles,” or

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waist. So we shall waste no time and show you the wrong and right way to do an oblique crunch. We just covered the need to line up the midline of your body and face. If they are not lined up then you know you are twisting at the neck and hoping for that work to travel magically down to your obliques. Click to this video to get more tips on achieving proper form.

Oblique Crunches Wrong and Right Way­WuoivKA&feature=colike And now, a message from your sponsor (the obliques):

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X Marks the External & Internal Obliques

Your external obliques run diagonally, forming a V in front. Imagine you’re putting your hands into a vest or front coat pocket – voila! Your internal obliques run at right angles to your external obliques and form an inverted V. Put your hands on your hips with your thumbs in front and fingers behind, pointing down as if putting your hands into back pockets. For those of you who like the nitty­gritty, oblique­y details, here’s an excellent definition by our colleague Dr. Len Kravitz, who teaches at the University of New Mexico. Now you know the official terms for “I want my waist to be fit and trim, but don’t want to copy any of those lame exercises I see people do in the gym that are destined to hurt their back or neck.”

Action: Once you try the oblique crunch, post a comment on our Facebook page mentioning one way you improved your form.

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3 Things That Do NOT Help You To Get Flat Abs

Guest post from Jonathan Dunsky

Jonathan Dunsky writes, runs, and reviews diet and exercise info. He asked to reach you with this guest section. The desire to get a flat stomach is something that’s common to men and women everywhere. This is why you can find a variety of products and services that promise to help you get those coveted, sexy abs you’ve always wanted. It’s a market with money and, as in any such market, you can find a lot of useless products and misinformation that may only serve to waste your time and hard earned cash, not to get rid of your stubborn belly fat. In this section I want to talk about 3 things which DO NOT help you to get flat abs. Once you know about them, you’ll be ready to invest your time and energy into what really works and your chances of getting flat, firm abs will be much greater. First Culprit – Crunches According to an article in Men’s Health Magazine, it takes 250,000 crunches to burn a single pound of fat. Let that number sink in for a moment: 250,000. This means that if you do 500 crunches a day (and I don’t think you should), it will take you 500 days to burn one pound of fat. This is crazy and it goes to show you how ineffective crunches are at burning fat. The notion that you can burn fat by doing targeted exercises is a false one. It’s called the spot reduction myth. You can’t decide where to burn fat from. Your body

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burns fat, some of it from your abs and some from other parts. Your goal is to simply burn more fat in total. The problem with crunches is that they’re not very calorie expensive. This means that you don’t burn a lot of calories (and fat) by doing them. This is why it takes so many crunches to burn so little fat. So, forget about crunches and sit­ups. They don’t really help you get flat abs. Second Culprit – Ab Machines Ab machines are one of the hottest fitness categories that you can find on shopping channels or in sporting goods stores. For instance, the Ab Circle Pro is reported to have sold over 2 million items. Crazy, but it goes to show you how people are desperate to get flat abs. The problem with ab machines is similar to that of crunches: you can’t burn belly fat by doing targeted abs exercises. The bigger problem is that some of the abs machines cost a lot of money and create such big expectations that disappointment is almost certain. The bottom line is that most ab machines don’t provide a more effective workout than bodyweight abdominal exercises (such as many of the better options in this program.) This is why ab machines are usually a waste of money. Third Culprit – Ab Belts These products have long been a mystery to me: I have no idea why anyone would buy them. Back in 2002, the Federal Trade Commission actually charged a few of these companies because their products were promoted with claims that these ab belts can produce the loss of fat or inches or provide the users with well defined abdominal muscles (full report here). Needless to say, these are unsubstantiated claims. Ab belts can’t help you lose belly fat and they can’t help you lose inches. Physical therapists use them to treat people with severe muscle injuries or weakness. They do not provide sufficient resistance to develop your abdominal muscles or to burn belly fat. What To Do Instead If you want to get a flat stomach you need to burn off belly fat. This can only be done with hard work and it does take time. So, stop looking for gimmicks or shortcuts. You need to do total body workouts and intense cardio to get rid of belly fat. It won’t happen overnight, but it’s better to start soon… today even.

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Jonathan Dunsky blogs at World Of Diets where he writes about fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle tips for a healthy and fit body.

Right and Wrong Way to do Crunches on the Stability Ball This video shows 3 tips for doing crunches the right way on a stability ball, and the 3 most common mistakes.

Crunches on the Stability Ball: Right & Wrong Way to do Abs on the Ball

If you have been doing your crunches wrong, that’s okay. You’re still a winner. But if you want to take home the award for “Best Performance by Your Abs in a Leading Role” try the 3 tips shown in the video linked above.


Planks: 4 Options, Beginning to Intermediate

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This first video is a great place to start if you and planks have had a distant or non­existent past relationship. Get to know each other with the versions in this initial video. Sidelying Planks: For Women Over 50 ­ 2 options Planks to strengthen all ab muscles­–who can help but love an exercise that offers so much for the entire core?!

Strong Form Plank ­ Oh Yeah!

Wild hares couldn’t drag Alexandra from having a wild hair to show you more about planks. You get 4 options in this short video, progressing from beginner to intermediate level. Planks: Beginner and Intermediate: Exercise for Women Over 50

Action: Try the option you think you can hold for 15 seconds. Alexandra suggests aiming eventually for 30, but first find success at 15 seconds.

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3 Advanced Plank Exercises

Don't Tank Your Plank!

Ready for a core challenge that involves Advanced Plank variations? Then try these 3 progressions to strengthen your abs and torso even more. 3 Advanced Plank Exercises

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No Tankin’ on your Plankin’! Exercise Instructions: If you find your hips Twistin’ the Night Away, then back up one progression until you can hold fairly steady and level. Remember that you get results where you put tension. So if you can relax your face and push long through your elbows and down with your shoulders, you’ll put the focus into your core and out of the face and neck. Oh, and BREATHE! It’s free and oh so helpful when holding a plank. Photo credit: Creative Commons, Jami Dwyer at Jami Dwyer’s Flickr PhotoStream

Interval Planks Will Activate Your Abs More planks to strengthen your core? For sure! As you’ve noted, we love planks and hope you do too. Aaaand, we just got ahold of some interesting news about a great way to progress your ab strength via planks (Hint: It’s not about going longer).

Plink, plank, plunk, who’d a thunk that holding a plank for a long time might be LESS effective than another approach?! Specifically, you may require your abs to turn on more and more often from interval planks as opposed to holding a plank longer and longer. Well, yippee yi yay as we’d much rather stay in the plank position 20 seconds or so, then drop down for a very short break, then come back into the exercise. Gotta love the options that are not only more accessible, but also more beneficial!

Exercise Instruction: For this interval plank video, we will do the workout with you for two rounds, or intervals. That’s under a minute total so why not try this now.

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Planks: Interval Abs Exercise ­ For Women Over 50

Action: If you are new to planks, start with just one interval of 15­20 seconds on, 5­10 seconds off.

Rotating Side Plank: Abs Away

Good news: We created a video with a super tummy tightening abs exercise that is

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a waistline definer plus all­over core strengthener. Try the Rotating Side Plank Move (version 1 or 2) and feel the challenge right away.

Not so good news: You are going to need to add more mid­ to high­intensity cardio and strength training activity to your routine to burn any fat you have gained. And of course, you will need to examine your eating, sleeping, and stress management habits.

Added belly weight is probably two things: 1) muscles that haven’t paid rent in a long time and 2) extra fat. Muscle endurance can be improved via this Rotating Side Plank as well as the other planks in this module.

As we mention above, you will need to do some intense cardio and resistance training (remember: 2 ­3 x per week for all major muscles) to pull off the extra weight. We have a post on our website Fun and Fit: Active Aging Answers for Boom Chicka Boomers called “Move Your Duff if You Want to Get Buff,” which goes into the “short time frame, big fitness goals.”

You might wish to do your high intensity in the pool if you want a joint friendly environment. Or stick more with moderate­intensity and lose the excess weight a wee bit slower.

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Want Washboard Abs? One 6­Pack to Go!

Do Your Laundry on This

Remember the first section you read about Flab­you­Less Abs? That info all applies here:

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Get Fab Abs: Part 1 Get Fab Abs: Part 2 Get Fab Abs: Part 3 If you are carrying any extra fat, then get busy…with cardio and strength training! You might have the best half dozen pack in the world, but if it’s hidden under a blanket of adipose (fancy name for “fat”) then you need to lose the cover! Then, do what we suggested in the Fab Abs series — often! Let me also add that one of the best ways to define abs is to do upper body strength training with great form. Another great option is Pilates. Both activities require abdominal compression and activation, which will move you closer to your 6­pack goal. Photo credits: Photobucket and Fun & Fit

RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL RESOURCE Looking for a wonderful lower body strength program to complement your Abs workouts? Take a look at the book our friend and qualified colleague, Tamara Grand created, Ultimate Booty Workouts­sale/ We don’t make a dime if you buy her book. But we do get the satisfaction of knowing you will get accurate, helpful, practical information that will enhance your progress to a stronger body. You can also access FREE workout videos via her Resources page at­workouts­at­fitknitchick­com/

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From 1 to 10 for your 6­pack

You are really talking about priorities and tradeoffs. While we are not nutrition experts, we know a self­sabotage when we see one. Why set up a choice as either fast food or ascetic eating? We are not proponents of forcing people to eat food they don’t like just because they think they should. Instead we believe in forcing people to do our exercise bidding. And finding foods you enjoy that are not on one end of the spectrum or another. People in this situation can say “no” – if they want to. Clarify what you really want most: sweets and splurges or abs that have more definition(s) than wikipedia. The other tip is for you to set a goal to find healthy foods you LIKE. Our advice is to ditch the foods you hate but think you should eat for the nutritious foods you like that also taste scrumptious. Those foods are out there. Key Tip: Go from 1 to 2, then move up to 3 after a while….and so on until you reach nutrition improvement. First step, switch out one thing you can live without (processed food product #1) for something that is healthier and that you like (non­processed delicious thing). Until you get away from a bad­babe fitness attitude of “either – or” you will be stuck correlating healthy with “icky, nasty, wilty, lots of prep,” and fast food with “I’m in charge and no­one can make me not enjoy this lump of lard with seasoning.”

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Action: When faced with a tempting non­nutritional food that will undo all your workout efforts, ask yourself out loud (if possible), “does this help me reach my goal? " When you are consciously aware of your choices, you are more likely to choose the thing that is aligned with your long­term goal.

Abs, Aging, and the Fountain of Youth

Kymberly: Tip number one: Do not let age catch up with you. Run faster. Oh wait, with age the knees start to go so running might not be too comfy.

Tip number two: Retire super early from your full time desk job and do something that requires loads of outdoor activity. We do have our fitness priorities after all! Then I woke up….

Alexandra: You may not like this, but you might have to run faster just to stay in place. TAKE YOUR FINGERS OUT OF YOUR EARS. I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! At 54, the rate at which you burn calories has slowed down, especially if you sit on your Bartleby the Buttolomus (lost Latin term meaning “butt”) most of the day. So, you are not burning the kcals quite as quickly — fat goes up, muscle mass goes down — the roller coaster of your BMR and metabolism goes zooming along. You

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have to lift those weights a bit more. If you are currently doing strength training, you need to either do it more often or with heavier weights. Increase the cardio — either go longer or harder. And eat less! Shazaam 1, 2, 3.

Kymberly: Good news: cut back on the 200 sit ups. Remember, you cannot spot reduce. All the ab crunches in the world are not going to nuke any midsection fat. You do need to expend calories to prevent fat and weight gain, so Alexandra is right to recommend the combo of cardio and weight training. Oooh, admitting her rightliness did not hurt as much as I thought. Or as much as 200 ab crunches per day with minimal results.

The short version of our advice is boiled down to three plain potatoes: eat fewer calories, or burn more through increased activity, or do both. Full disclaimer: Fun and Fit fully believe that movement is the Fountain of Youth, yet we must acknowledge that the Fountain is fed by “spring­in­the step pure exercise well waters” that require more pumping (iron) as we age.

The super short version of our advice is to say, “the heck with it. I needed a new wardrobe anyway.” But probably better to pump the Fountain Well.

Action: If you have not yet downloaded your bonuses, do so now. Especially relevant to menopause metabolism is the “Midlife, Menopause,and Weight Gain” interview with hormone and exercise expert, Tamara Grand, PhD. Remember ­ you can retrieve your bonuses anytime from this Thank You page link. Tamara is the same certified fitness professional whose book we recommended above.­you­for­purchasing­the­ultimate­abs­workout­collection­for­women­over­50/

Laughing All the Way to the Abs

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Kymberly: If you read our blog, not only is it possible, but practically inevitable (with fitness comes unwarranted confidence, as you’ll note). Alexandra and I are offering a double calorie burn­off special if you laugh at our blog AND tell all your friends to subscribe to “Fun and Fit:.” Since you are the type who laughs, we assume you have friends…???

And you can get a mini­ab workout in as well. When you laugh – heartily, mind you, not in some simpering little tee hee giggle sort of way – you get the abdominals involved in a big way. The rectus abdominis and transversus muscles contract, which, though not a huge energy expenditure, is a good and easy way to rack up a few extra burned cals. Burn, baby, burn. Disco inferno!

Alexandra: I disagree with Kymberly. I think fitness is no laughing matter. You should suffer and be tormented for hours on end. That is what makes it so fun. You are allowed to laugh when your workout has ended for the day; quietly to yourself and more like a fleeting smile than a guffaw. If you want to laugh, watch your children deal with their children!

Gender Bias at the Core with Abs and Weight Loss

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Alexandra: There is a part of me that just wants to say, “because women are so totally

a. awesome b. super awesome c. totally awesome d. all of the above

but that’s more of a Twitter word than a fitness word so I’ll just have to exhale and move along….

Kymberly: And a part of me wants to agree with Alexandra, but just a rare part, mind you. Some of the seeming ease women have with the equipment you list has to do with coordination. Coordination is learned and adaptable. By college age, women have more experience, on average, than men with these specific types of balance moves and exercises. Certainly by middle age, men and women have lots of learned coordination and ease with particular activities. I am referring not only to specific equipment, but also to general activities like dance and gymnastics that require good balance, and torso and hip coordination.

The good news about coordination is that with practice, men can achieve similar comfort and neuromuscular adaptation (a fancy way to say “coordination”).

Alexandra. I’ll speak from my experience working with thousands and thousands of exercisers over the years. Lots of men, especially the more broad­shouldered ones, tend to work the areas of their body they care most about, which is chest, arms and shoulders. These “mirror muscles” can look “hot” and “buff” fairly quickly, which is exactly why men care so much about them!

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Take a brief moment to yourself and see if you can figure out which area of the body women most care about. Well? I hope you didn’t come up with “booty” because that’s only in the top 5. Number 1 is abs.

So…..while women are getting strong in their core, men can bench­press their best friend (even the burly ones), yet have the strength of 37 butterflies in the mid­section. Stability balls (see the word “stability” there? It is just another way to say “ab strength”) and core boards (“core” is another way to say, “dang, it’s ab strength again, isn’t it?) are all about the midsection (anywhere the belt touches, unless your belly hangs out and causes your belt to be lower in front than in back, but that’s a story for another day).

Kymberly: One more technical point about men and crunch­type exercises in the supine position (lying down on your back): On average, men have more mass distributed waist­up than women. Given men’s heavier and larger heads, wider shoulders and relatively heavier upper body mass, they are lifting slightly more weight than women. Add a destabilizing force, such as balls or boards and men simply have to work harder and get used to it. As for a bias with elastic resistance/ tubing, I have not seen a big gender difference. If there is one, I am tempted to say that women tend to follow directions better than men and tubing use is usually

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taught by a fitness teacher or trainer giving instruction. Let the wild rumpus controversy begin!

Alexandra: I’ll leave you with some heartening information – men tend to lose weight faster than women. Does that cheer you up at all? So to any men reading this, I suggest you do less of this:

Touch, Don’t Look

and more of this:

Not as Easy as It Looks (unless you’re a woman)

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Photo credits: Photobucket

Recommended Additional Resource

What? You didn’t click on the links to more info about the TransformAging Summit in the first listing? How about checking out our program now? Are you wanting to enter the second half of life a more active, attractive, physically capable you? Then consider adding the recordings and slides from our TransformAging Summit to your collection. Top professionals who specialize in fitness and active aging for women over 50 combined expertise to bring you their best and most accurate strategies. Click this link to find out more and to check out the bonus that comes with the TransformAging package. For Women Over 50 Who Don’t Want to Just Grow Old But Intend

to Age Actively!­fit­products/­summit­sales­page34/

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Thank you for committing to a stronger you and for trusting us to help along that journey. We hope this program brings you results in addition to enhanced knowledge about your core. Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

You can find and follow us here:

Kymberly Williams­Evans, MA and Alexandra Williams, MA Fun and Fit (805) 403­4338 Fun and Fit Facebook Page @AlexandraFunFit @KymberlyFunFit

© Copyright 2016 Kymberly Williams­Evans and Alexandra Williams. All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the authors. Every effort has been made to make this workout collection as helpful and accurate as possible. Although the authors have prepared this guide with the greatest of care, and have made every effort to ensure its accuracy and efficacy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, injuries, or lack of results. Before you begin, check with your doctor or medical professionals if you have any concerns about undertaking an exercise program.

While every effort has been made to make this workout collection as accurate as possible there may be mistakes in typography or content. Therefore, this program should be used as a guide – not as an absolute source.

>>>>> THE END <<<<< But just the start of your stronger middle!

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